Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Subject: Timothy William Wiltsey File Number: 7-NK-69423 Federal Bureau of Investigation 0780 MRI @2294 RR RUCNFB \4Ey 9E FBINK #0621 0302349 ZNR 3023482 JAN 92 FM FBI NEWARK (P) TU DIRECTOR 8T UNCLAS CITE: //3510:3478// PASS: INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT UNIT, FBI ACADEMY. 9/ SUBJECT: DO: NEWARK. ?571; RE: NEWARK TELCAL TD SA-IIBOIQZ. FBIHQ TO TRANSMIT THIS COMMUNICATIQN TO THE INVESTIGATIVE QNEEWFBI REQUESTEQ T0 TRAVEL TU NEWARK DIVISIGN TO ATYEND a TASK FGRCE HEETINS RELATIVE T0 MEETING IQ 55 HELD TUESEAY: 2!4!923 920$ a.Mo, AT JERSEY RGLICE HEADQUARTERS?iy?7 PAGE TWG DF FEINK 0021 UNCLAS 1970 r? AT FRANKLIN IGENSHIP RA Ln UV AFTERNQON 8F 2/3192. 9A IS - LGDGING ARRANGEMENTS FOR SAS-AND FOR yaw/92 BEVING MADE BY FTQA. ST 80021 FD436 (R ev. 8-29-85) .x/fr FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATEON: Teletype [3 Immediate [3 TOP SECRET Facsimile Priority SECRET g] AIRTEL E3 Routine CONFIDENTIAL [3 UNCLAS UNCLAS Beie 11/21/91 0, ZEN TO 2 DIRECTOR, FBI ATTN: Laboratory Division Docume Section, by, SAC, NEWARK (P) 2 2 03$ SUBJECT UNSUB Timothy?Wiltsey? Victim (age Kidnapping (00: Newark) Being forwarded to FBIHQ under separate cover are the following: 1. One white "Ninja Turtle" sneaker, size 13 (youth) recovered from a marsh area in Edison, NJ on 10/26/91. 2. One plain black tie~type shoe turned over to authorities by the mother of the victim on 11/18/91. This shoe was purported by the mother to have been worn by the victim. Va 4 I ?21 i REQUEST OF THE BUREAU g; sew; 14 AT THE LABORATORY. Compare the black shoe known to have been worn by the captioned victim to the white Ninje 35 Turtle sneaker found in the marsh area of Edisonwhen . .7 111..? r. lire" ,1 . @Buxf?a . 33 Fingerprint Section 2~Document Section, Shoe i?y ?Awow 19 lmPeekege Copy w3ygi ZwNewerk 20 I Approved: Transmitted Per 7 3 3 (Number) (Time) 7-NK-69423 Analyze both enclosed samples to uncover any class or individual characteristics that would give any indication that the Ninja Turtle sneaker was or.could have been worn by the same child that wore the black shoe. If possible consider analysis of the following; i. wear patterns inside and outside the shoes. 2. hairs and fibers found in or on the shoes. 3. other particles found in or on the shoes. 4. dried perspiration or body oils found inside the shoes. 5. any other characteristics that might be of value. Newark is interested in all conclusions drawn from the analysis. - AT THE IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION. Attempt to develop latent fingerprints on both of the enclosed samples. If any latent fingerprints are developed compare them with the known fingerprints of the victim. The victim?s fingerprints are on file at the Identification Division. The victim is described as Timothy Wiltsey, w/m, DOB 8/6/85, FBI No. 952115MA2. For the information of the Laboratory and the Identification Division: The captioned victim was reported missing by his mother, Michelle Lodzinski, w/f, DOB 11/9/67 at about 8:30 pm on 5/25/91 while at a small carnival in Sayreville, NJ. The victim and mother were last seen at their residence at South Amboy, NJ around 1:00 pm on 5/25/91. The mother failed a polygraph administered by the Newark Division as to her knowledge and involvement in the abduction of her child. The mother has also given authorities three different versions of how her child disappeared from the carnival. No other suspects or witnesses have been developed to date. The viotim at the time of the abduction was described as Timothy Wiltsey, w/m, DOB 50 lbs, brown eyes, brown hairg'slight scar on right cheek and nose. This ease has generated nationwide media coverage including ?America?s Most Wanted" television program. Newark considers this a priority matter and requests that the Laboratory and Identification Divisions handle the above leads as expeditiously as possible. AIRTEL Director, FBI SAC, Newark UNKNOWN TIMOTHY ILTSEY POSSIBLE OO: NK b/lb Deg, Dir. A66 Adm. ADD kw. is?, 0589.: Adm. Sew:= (trim. fem 5; On 2 92, Supervisory Special SA and Special Agent (SA) nves 1ga ive Support Unit (ISU), FBI Aca emy, me With members of the task force investigating the disappearance of Timothy WILTSEY at the Sayreville, New Jersey, Police Department. A thorough review and analysis was conducted of the investigation conducted to date. It was determined that major discrepancies existed in the activities of the victim and his mother, Michelle LODZINSKI, during the day of the victim's disappearance, as reported by Michelle Lodzinski. It was recommended that Michelle LODZINSKI and her closest associates be reinterviewed. Interview and investigative suggestions were provided and the Investigative Support Unit will provide/additional assistance as requested. PAS:chm (5) it} mo. ?gm. Np? M. Lab. Legal Conn. Yech. Sens. Taking Cong. M13. on. of EEG Off. Liaison Int. M13. CH. of Pubik: M13. Yeiephone Rm. Oweclor?s Of?ce 4 - 33? . 1 i FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teietype Immediate TOP SECRET BhFacsimile Priority SECRET AIRTEL Routine CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS UNCLAE Date "11727/91 1 12030 1 I TO DIRECTOR, FBI (ATTN: LABORATORY DIVISION 2 SHOE ANALYSIS, 3 FROM SAC, .4- .1: 3?2? SUBJECT :1 TIMOTHY WILTSEY VICTIM (AGE KIDNAPPING (00: NR) if: 0? 6 3c?gi 7 RE: Newark airtel to Bureau, 11/21/91. 3 Being forwarded to FBIHQ under separate cover are the following: 1. One green shoe box (without the cover) marked "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" marked: size 13, 07582617, $14.99. The box was provided by the victim?s mother to the SAYREVILLE PD on 6/6/91, The box was alleged to have contained the sneakers worn by the missing victim at the time of the abductions 2. One plain black tiemtype shoe turned over to autherities by the mether ef the victim on 11/18/91? Thie shoe was purported by the mether te have been were by the victim. W?x 1 . BWEureau 1 Eye"} {l-Paekage Cepy) i a see 2~Ne?ark e/j ?17?a a (5) 'g Appmved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) 1 1-336 (Rev. 10-2649) FEDEL .l BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIUL Washington, D. C. 2053? REPORT of the FINGERPRINT SECTION DWESQQM YOUR FILE NO. 3 .3 ?3 ?3 FBIFILENO. (FTUH LATENT CASE NO. 0-1452 T0: SAC Newark A RE TIMOTHY ILTSEY VICTIM (AGE: 6): KIDNAPING REFERENCE: Airtels 11/31/91 and 11/37/91 EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: Newark Left and right: 31:088. K1 and K2 The result of the laboratory examinatian amt the disggaition :35 me smecimms will ha furniahed in a aegsxrata regatta The requeste? latent print exami?a?ian wag ?3h&uctea. ?nt n0 iatent print5 of vaiue were ?etecte?. \b Kg]: NJ (4) RUUM THIS REPORT [8 FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fat/Dc? 7-: (Rev. 2-82) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE iAb Recor?ed lQ/h/Ql 0m?Ejm at Received 12/h/91 To: sac-i NEWARK LABNQ. 11203019 QJ TIMOTHY WILTSEY - VICTIM YOUR NO- (AGE D-lh52 KIDNAPPING k97z; OO: NK .. Exammation by. Noted by: Examination requested by: Addressee . :17 memme AIRTEL dated November 27, 1991 Examination requested: Shoe Print - Fingerprint A I yk ?1 Specimens received: Lgp. December 3, 1991 Specimens: K2 Right shoe belonging to TIMOTHY WILTSEY K3 Shoe box bearing Stock Number 0758, for size 13 (youth size) shoes WE our 1 fro/m Name submitted of Victim for comparison purposes: TIMOTHX WILTSEY, 952 115 MA2 1? if Viv?" 5mg}? 5: Exemination Completed ri/J? Dictated L/Lq?z, Time Date Date \Wm Kitm?? -13 miu\xmam \th .n A $3?wawa A, .. nu< \?trb All? 7-2 32:3; 5-12?82) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Recorded lE/h/9l hummquk%w: Received lQ/h/Ql 3&3 Tc: SAC, FMFmeno LABNO. 11122035 QJ Ru UNSUB (S) Timothy Wiltsey - Victim (Age 6) i Kidnapping ., Du'lusg 5?20 00: Newark . . xammauon Noted by: 1 Examination requested by: Addres see (j 0 Reference: AI RTE dated November 2 199 1 En?m?mmwumt Document Fingerprint KL Specimens received: November 2 2 I 19 9 1 Specimens: Q1 One pair of "Ninja Turtle" sneakers, size 13 (youth) Lerf shoe, ~~belonging to TIMOTHY WILTSEY ?526; 952 xix/Examination Completed Licta?ed Time Date Date .v . ,7 . .. f?a?p ~12; ?73 if?) a. ,st Wkly/,6 li/QT/?7/ M433: #5724? we 64L: 57L, x' rif?r'I 3? .. ywzim by, - Ala?m? 7 ??fi?wca? a t? {Ja- - V, C, '36 Va Fs?ra?lf?? ?6 5% f? 0426 MRI 01945 gg?TaEl.? 9E FEIVK 032 120210 33m? -W Off. 0" E?uUw; Tegephane Rm. Derectet's ?aura-r ZNR 2921032 APR 92 FM FBI NEWARK (7-NK-69423) (P) TD DIRECTOR 8T UNCLAS CITE: [/351033478/l PASS: FBIHQ: INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT UNIT: QUANTICD. CD SUBJECT: TIMOTHY KIDNAPPING. AS A RESULT 0? SEARCH CONDUCTED 4/23-24/92, FOR SKELETAL BODY OF CAPTIDNED VICTIM SKULL RECOVERED <;E?ab 4/23/92, ALL RECDVERED 4/24/92. AND 5? E813 STATE AND CDUNTY DFFICE SEARCH PLANNED AFTER DIVISTQN DETERMINED FRDM MQTHER, MICHELLE LODZINSKI HAD "2 GIT a!ng PAGE TNO OE FBINK 0032 UNCLAS NORREO EOR A COMPANY AT RARSTAN NA. CENTER IS LARGE OE BUSINESSES ANO NAREMOOSES. BUILDING AT NHICM MOTMER MAO MORKEO OETERMINEO TO BE EOOR TENTMS OE A MILE EROM SPOT AT NMICH A SNEAKER NAS EOONO FALL DF 1991 BY A PERSON NALRINC IN TME AREA. SNEAKER NAS SAME SIZE BOY NORE ANO NAS SAME MAKE, MODEL AND COLOR AS SNEAKERS HE NAS KNONN TO NEAR. MOTHER NORREO FOR COMPANY AT RARITAN CENTER SEPTEMBER, 1988 - MARCH: 1989. BOY OISAPREAREO 5/25/91. FUR VARIETY OE REASONS, MOTHER HAS BEEN REGARDED AS PRIME SUSPECT. NHEN FACT OE HER PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT NAS LEARNED, RROXIMITY TO NHERE SNEAKER MAS FOUND APPEARED TO BE DRAMATIC COINCIOENCE. AREA RMERE SMEARER NAS EOONO IS ONOEVELOREO SMAMRLANO. NUMEROUS LOCATIONS NOOLO BE AVAILABLE TO DISPOSE OE BGQYA EOR THESE REASONS SEARCH OAS PLANNED AND ALL AGENCIES TN INVESTECATION MERE I VITEB TO PARTICIPATE. MEN AERSET STATE ROLICE SUPPLIEQ CAOANER RAS OTAEAZEO EOEM OAAS OE AETER EOE CONEREO AREA, MANUAL SEARCM MAS CONOOCTEO. ALMOST TMMEOSATEEY A SNEARER MAS EOONO AQPEARED IQ QURANG FALL PAGE THREE DE FDINK 0032 UNCLAS SNEAKER FOUND ?i23i9? HAS AFPROXIDATELY ED YARDS ERDO WHERE OTHER SNEAKER MAS FOUND. 30TH SNEAKERS MADE UP MATCHED PAIR. WHEN SECOND SNEAKER WAS FOUND AREA OF SEARCH HAS GREATLY EXPANDED SINCE THEY APPEARED TO HAVE BEEN THROHN FROM ROADWAY RATHER THAN DROPPED. APPROXIMATELY TWO HOURS LATER SKULL HAS FOUND IN MUDDY CREEK LEADING TO CULVERT THAT GOES UNDER ROADWAY. REMAINING BONES WERE WITHIN A FEW FEET OF SKULL. EDDY NAS OPPOSITE SIDE OF ROADWAY FROM WHERE SNEAKERS FOUND AND APPROXIMATELY 100-150 YARDS AWAY. CRIME SCENE SECURED BY MARKED UNITS OF EDISON PD UNTIL MORNING OF 4/24/92. EDISON FIRE DEPARTMENT USED TO SUPPLY WATER WITH PUMPER TRUCK TO FLUSH DEBRIS AWAY FROM BONES. SIFTING SCREENS HERE USED TO RECOVER BONES FROM MUCK DUG UP BY HAND FROM CREEK NAJORITY OE SKELETON RECOVEREDA EOSITINE IDENTIFICATION MADE BY MIDDLESEX COUNTY MEDICAL EXAMINER HORNING OF PORTIONS OE SHORTS AND UNDERWEAR RECOVERED. VERY LARGE NUMBER OF BONES WERE RECOVERED INSIDE LARGE OLD DISCARDED TRUCK TIRE THAT was IN CREEK ass? BONES FROM LINES FOUND PASE FOUR OE 0052 UNCLAS IMMEDIATELY AOJACENT T3 QUE TO LARGE NUOBER OE BONES IN PROBABILITY IS THAT KILLER PLACED EDDY IN THE TIRE AND ROLLED IT DOWN HILL FROM ROAOWAY AQEA INTO CREEK WHERE IT CAME TU REST. MICHELLE LODZINSKI INTERVIEWEO BY DETECTIVES OE MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE AND SAYREVILLE PD AT REQUEST OF MIDDLESEX COUNTY PROSECUTOP. HER DEMEANOR WAS INCONSISTENT WITH GRIEVING MOTHER. SHE SHOHED REMARKABLY LITTLE INTEREST IN DETAILS OF RECOVEEY. CRIME SCENE RELEASED LATE AFTER NOON 4/24/92. ET #0032 NNVN 0230 V21 0119? RR RUCHFB DE FBINK #3008 1231712 9w?fub?: #31 Y: who? Rm. i 3114183 bx. PASS: CID, VC SUPPORT UNLT, QUANTICO. 2 0717032 MAY '32 FM FBI NEWARK //3310:3475// - UO: NK. RF: NEWARK Tn BUREAU, a/29/92. TEL 4/25/92, Tn SA - INVESTIGATIVE suppw CQNTACT COUNTY @2?3?curakfs IDENTIFIQATLQM 4;2?192? agrsamxwga THAT a: WERE ANIMAL ALL IN ,rw. 3 a TWO BF FETNK 300; JWCLAS .0 TIQE TB Oicgigw?gg gangs Ia TU SKULL: MERE SQV 25L LEG AMJ dihEig APPRUXIHATFLY ENE HALF UP THE PELVIS AND THE JRK. ONE 09 VEQTCEWAE IDENTIFIFD AS POSSIBLY HUMAN AS WELL AS A HEEL BDVE. ALL JTHER AQE ANIMAL IN ORIGIN. THIS INCOQMATTUM BEING DRUVIDZD TU CGQRECT SUPPOSITIUN SET OUT IN REFEKEMCCD TELETYPF THAT BQDY WAS POSSIBLY PLACED IN LARGE TIRF AND 375W EMEAVKVEMT IT CAME TC REST IN CREEK THAT PJSSIETLITY MAS RAISED PRIOR FINAL ANALYSIS OF QEHAIMS FY MEDICAL EXAHINEQ. BASED ON NON AVAILAELEs IT IS LIKELY THAT QUGY DQAGGFD u? DCWN AND INTC CREEK - SM ALL QSTAINFQ CDUNTY ?gglCE EXCEPT ESP VICTIMIS EVIQENC: QILL 8: EQRMAQQED TB F5I $03?3 (Rev. 12.17-88) 77/? FBI TRANSMT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Immediate [3 TOP SECRET Facsimile Priority :3 SECRET Routine CONFEENTIAL DINQASEFTQ ee?w A g, 5: Li 02(5' ..V., Nephew I ?g f; 3; TO DIRECTOR, FBI 51 80415, zen (ATTN: FBI LABORATORY AND DIVISION, LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTIONFROM WM) 0 u} SUBJECT Unsgg; ?~fm oo?: Enclosed for FBI Division, Latent Fin letter beginning "To When It May Concern". Items 1 through 6 - plastic bags. Item #7 1 ninja turtle balloon. Item #8 - 1 plastic bag trash can liner. Item #9 a 1 shovel with orange handle. Item #10 2 waste banas - size 6e Item #11 pillow Item #13 1 blue blankete eweurean (Reels 2) Package eriee) BeNewark (5) Laboratory and Identification gerprint Section (Number Item 12) is one Also enclosed is the envelope in which that letter was nailed Being sent under separate cover are the following: ?ee Twitted U?n? Also forwarded under segarate cover are the following: 1 child?s sneaker (ninja turtle style) recovered fall of 1991? previously examined by FBI Laboratory with results reported in FBI Laboratory report dated 2/4/in lab numbers and 11203019DQJ. (Marked #4 SAYREVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT 91~7861). 1 child?s sneaker recovered 4/23/92. 1 green plastic bag trash can liner, obtained 6/1/91 by SAYREVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT from MICHELE LODZINSKI, victim?s mother. All numbered items were received from MIDDLESEX CQUNTY OFFICE on 4/30/92 and were repackaged and numbered to simplify identification due to the fact that numerous items were obtained that day and had not been numbered. Non-numbered items being submitted were acquired on other days. RE UEST OF FBIH FBI Laboratory is requested to process items 1-8 and items 10, 11, and 13 for hair and fibers. Additionally, both sneakers should be processed for hairs and fibers. The two sneakers plus item number 10 should be processed for any fibers that could?have originated from item number 13. (Mother is suspect and possibility exists that body was carried in that blue blanket). Newark would specifically be interested in any information relative to fibers that could have originated from ??thewieterier?er trank?ef an In additiee te requested hairs and fibers examinatiene, item number a should else be with the green elastic trash sen liner obtained by the SAXREVILLE PQLICE DEPARTMENT from MICHELE LODZINSKI in effort to - determine whether beta can be identified ae having some free a common source. Item number 9 should be examined for any traces of bleed at the point where the handle meets the shovel headw Regarding Item number 10,.in addition to the hair and fiber examination requested above, FBI Laberatory is requested to determine, if feasible the period of time that would be required to allow the fabric involved to decay into its current condition (note: these items may have been immersed in water since 5/25/91). The two sneakers, in addition to requested hair and fiber exam, should be compared with each other in an effort to determine whether they are a matched pair. Regarding item number 12, examine the typed letter to determine the brand and style of typewriter upon which it was typed and suitability of further comparison with any seized typewriter. Conduct the same examination relative to the typing on the address label of the envelope. Examine both the letter and the envelope for indented writing. Provide Newark with whatever information may be available to the laboratory relative to the bar code appearing on the address label of the envelope. Conduct appropriate DNA examination of the gummed back of stamp on the envelope and the gummed sealing ?lap ef the envelope to determine whether sufficient DNA material is present to justify obtaining saliva samples from any person suspeeted ef aetherinq the letter and mailing it. Advise whether the stamp edges are suitable fer Previde Newark with any infernatien available relative to author identifieatien based an the eentent ef the letter. identification Division, Latent Fingerprint Section is requested to precess item number 12 for any latent prints ef valuei For information, FBI Laboratory and Identification Division, Latent Fingerprint Section, captioned victim disappeared 5/25/91. Victim originally reported missing by mother, EICHELE nonsense: from a oarnival in Sayreville! E3. Mother claimed boy disappeared while she was purchasing a . soda. He reportedly was standing nearby and disappeared when she turned to pay for the drink. Approximately ten days to two weeks later, under considerable pressure, mother changed story and alleged boy kidnapped at knife point by two men and a women.who were with a little girl. LODZINSKI claimed to know that the first name of the women involved was ELLEN. She alleged that she knew this women from previous contacts at a bank where LODZINSKI had worked as a teller and were ELLEN (LNU) allegedly cashed welfare checks. All efforts to verify that allegation have been negative. Mother has failed polygraph examination relative to first and second accounts of disappearance, It has been determined that MICHELE LODZINSKI previously worked in very close proximity where remains of victim where found (4/10 of a mile) this information prompted search of 4/23- 24/92. On 4/23-24/92 a search was conducted for skeletal remains of victim. Victim?s skull was found 4/23/92 and other remains 4/24/92. Various items of potential evidentiary value were located both days. Skeletal remains were examined by the Middlesex County and New Jersey State Medical Examiner's offices. Skeletal remains were found in a oreek bed and were probably immersed in water from the time the body was dumped in there. All plastio begs being submitted were found in close proximity to the body. rhe "ninja turtle" halloon was found a distance np stream from the remains. Balloon was torn by FBI personnel to drain water that had aooumalated between the layers of plastioa The shovel was found during March, 1992 by a retired Edison Township; EJ firemen who was walking in the area. The shovel was across the road from where the remains were found. It was approximately 100 yards from the body. No information has been developed that the body was buried in any manner? en the eentrary, it was likely it was simply dumped inte the creek bed. The waist bands recovered were with the skeletal remains and are believed to be the under shorts and shorts worn by the victim. The pillow case was found on the other side of the road from where the body was found. It was approximately 150 vyards from where the remains were located. The blue blanket was found 15-20 feet from the remainsthe embankment that led to the creek bed where the body was found. The two sneakers, 1 found during the fall of 1991 and previously examined at the FBI Laboratory and the other found 4/23/92 during the search for victim?s remains are believed to victim's sneakers. They were across the road from where the remains were found, approximately 100~150 yards from the remains. The green plastic bag trash can liner was obtained by the SAYREVILLE, NJ POLICE DEPARTMENT on 6/1/91 from MICHELE LODZINSKI for the purpose of potentially matching it with similar bags that may subsequently be recovered in the investigation. The letter, item number 12 was received at the SAYREVILLE: ?3 PL 6f items found in the vicinity of skeletal remains, "the?two waist bands are from the victim; portion of the'r~ pelvis was with the waist bands. The sneakers are almost certainly the victim?s shoes. They are his size and same brand and color he wore. They also hear the same ninja turtle logo. All other items found in the vicinity of remains may or may net be related to the crime. The area where the hedy was damped has a great deal of trash in the immediate vicinity. U1 Victim was 5 years of age at the time of his disappearance and wore the same size ehorte as indicated on the recovered items (item number 10). Bay was reperted t0 be wearing red sherts when he aisappeared. 6* F0615 (Rev. 7-19-91) Accomplishment Reoorl (Submit within 30 days from date of accompishmenl) TO: Dire tor, FR NEWARK BJ Bureau File Number investigative Assistance or Technique Used i i Rate each investigative Assistance or Technique used in connection with the accomplishment . ,1 Field G?ice File Number being Claimed, 3 . r. i Used. but did not help 3 Helped. substantially Helped. but only minimally ll 2 Absolutely essential I A I Squad 0' RA Number l, ?lmed Tech Ratrng 8 Eng Sect. Flat 1.. 15 Photograomc Rating 22 Yeleonone Raglan - - - . 7- V. Ta :5 Caverage Recswy I 5 2 Airman 9 Hymos's Panorama 23 UCO Assistance Assistance i 3 Computer to identCiw 17. Search Warren UGO ASSistance Executed Group ii if a pint operation with: . 4 Consensaa' . i i no 5 Monitoring igigxtson 8' 35333 (may (identity ol other agency} 9 writ? SEQXS (1 case involves 5 ELSUR 20 SWAT Team visua! inves a corruption ol 3 public me mm of?cial (Federal. State or 7 Sect. 2.. Tech.Ag! or Local). Supp? Registers Teen Equip A. Preliminary Judicial Process Complaints lnlormations indictments D. Recoveries. Restitutions, or Potential Economic Loss?vaented (PELP) (Explain valuation in remarks) (Number ol subjects) Page?)! Ftec0veries Restitutions fgtingra'fiotggm?c Code' Code. 5 a. Arrests, Locales. Summonses or Subpoenas Served (No. of Subjects) 3 5 5 Subject Priority' A ?lm as 5 FBI Arrests - Locales E. Civil Matters Government Delendant Government Plaintiff Local Arrests a Civil Suits 5 Local Cnm, RICO CNN Amount of Suit Sub}. Resisled Armed Summons Conv'cllons fji C. Release of Hostages or Children Located: (Number of Hostages or Settlement oi Award 5 Children Located) 0? ?Ubil Enter AFA Payment Here F. Administrative Sanctions Hostages Held By Terrorists: All Other Hostage Situations: Sum-ed Sumac; Descnm'on Code: . Nils-sing or Kidnaped Children Localedi I a Suspensmn Debarmenl Time Frame - Years: Months Permanent G. Final Judicial Process: Judicial District No. at District Slate Conviction or Pretrial Div. Date Sentence Date sumac?; Acquitted Dismissed Subject 1 Subject Description Code? - Subiect 2 Subject Description Code? [3 Felony Conviction Cambmed Sentence Felony Conviction Combined Sentence Misde- . ln~Jaii Suspended Probation MlSde- . ln?Jaii Suspended Probation mean? Tm" seam? COUMS Yrs. Mos. Yrs. Mos. Yrs. Mos. mean? Tme 59cm? Yrs. Mos Yrs. Mos. Yrs. Mos. Parole Parole Revocation Revocation Probation {mar Probation Total {3 Revocation HMS 5 Revocation Fines a Plea Add consecutive sentences together. a P193 Add consecutive sentences together, Trial Enter longest single concurrent senienco. Trial Enter longest single concurrent sentence. Freya, 30 not add concurrent sentences together. Do not add concurrent sentences together. indrsicn Senlenco i0 yrs.? 8 susp. 2 yrs. indsii. Diversion Sentence l0 yrs~ 8 suso. 2 yrs. Err-Jail. Alran additional forms if rewiring ?nal judicial crocess on more inan two subjects. and submit a fine! disposition form (Fl-84) for each subject. H. identifying Data: For every subiect reported in Sections A. B. E. F. or 6 above. provide the lollowing; Attach additional lorms {or more than (our subjects. Name 9 Date of Birth Race Sex Place ol birth (if available) Social Security Number (ll avallable) investigationg suspicion developed that case kidnappingg bu: rather a homicide done by the mother. IGS. 3. Quantico is no: a reinforced fact that bodies are dumped in desolate or isolated areas killer is familiar wish. .1 jaureau Field Ollice See codes on reverse side. It was subsequently learned was searched 4/23~24/92. Discovery confirmed suspicion that L. L. tha Victim?s 5 . A 1 mother worked near such an area., It skeletal remains found at that time. case is homicide rather than Kldnapp mg. a (l-Stats in Process Folder) Accomplishment Record) (5) I. 8 19 92, at Quantico, FBI Laboratory, to Enclosed for SSA Investigative C3) Support Unit, Training Divis1on, uan 1C0, VA, is one copy of FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Immediate TOP SECRET Facsimile [3 Priority SECRET AIRTEL Routine CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS 0 UNCLAS Da? 10/14/92 13% TO 3 DIRECTOR, FBI (ATTN: INVESTIGATIVE I TRAINING DIVISION, QUANTICO, VA, SSA FROM SAC, NEWARK- (7-NK-69423) (P) SUBJECT TIMOTHY WILTSEY - Newark ga ive Suppo hone call of Division, with SSA A an anonymous letter received at the SAYREVILLE, NEW JERSEY, POLICE DEPARTMENT, 41/23/92., The letter purports to identify an individual named as the individual who abducted and kil Also enclosed is a copy of the envelope in which the letter was enclosed. La? iiformg Supper trUnit, Wmother _fisaqgearance of ,7 3",7 - Bureau. (Enola ELOSURE (lwInvestigative Support Uni Training Division, Quantico) 2 - Newark RWB/jep (5) A Wei Approved: fizb/ Transmitted Per 0? (Number) (Time) \v 3? NK local police matched te phone with the d. lephone toll LODZINSKI has een living with a UNION COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT officer or approximately one year. Some suspicion exists that he could also be the author of the enclosed letter, however,;that is felt to be far less likely than LODZINSKI being the uthor. It would be helpful, however, Support Unit could give some guidance as a male or female being the author of the if the Investigative to the likelihood of enclosed letter. This issue was discussed with SSA the Advanced Violent Crime In-service held at Quantico, VA, during August, 1992. eferenced telephone call of 10/14/92, the FBI Laboratory advised that analysis of the gumme flap on the envelop in which the anonymous letter was mailed shows that sufficient DNA material is present to conduct a comparison with individuals suspected of being the author of the letter. Newark suspects that MICHELLE LODZINSKI is? ;;M,uiini g; tie letterg however _there isesome suspicion . ?h o;f . :7 may he the aethore euidah?e as to *er e?ai ?or is male or female would assist Newark is making a final determination as to the individual or individuals from whom body fluid exemplars will have to be taken in order to match with the DNA wmaterialwdetected?on the flap of at LEAE INVESTIGATIVE OUANTICO. VIRGINIA Is requested to analyze enclosed letter and envelope relative to authorship identification ans if possible NK provide Newark with guidance as to the author?s sex, race, age, educational level, could aid in aSa' as well as any other variable which th? likelihood of MICHELLE LODZINSKI or the author. i 3* oecauzo (12?3-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET I Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the ?les One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated heiow with no segregahie materiai aveilr?ole for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a (on) '3 (DO) (10(1) [{(bxnm) El (10(2) [3 (10(3) El (10(4) El (10(5) Cl (10(6) (10(7) Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency?es). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageneyt?iesh You wili be advised by the as to the releasability of this information foilowing our consuitation with the other agencyties). Page(s) withheid inasmueh as a final release determination has not been made. You will he advised as to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheid for the following reason(s): m? The following number is! Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page Evtdd?ca? (to be used in lieu of correso?owerjng evidence submissions to the 7:16 cement-$82) i} Phase Fumtsn Compiete information Agency submitting evidence am" . A 4? "riff?gf?i 53?- 359. Tr" Federal C3 Lecet er State Date Labor; r~ 2111733? mm ?e?vered by q, Agency case 5 t} \Oate of hearing, grand jury, trial, or reason why expeditious hand?ng ls necessary Accepted by Same as 4' 5 Ptace and date of offense 43 (.75 UL 5 Prev. exams this case Evid. located Report to be directed j; WYes 0N0 . Room]! flay- or; 067er 5/54 wig/rm Wu .J ?pies to r?l Cu Evidence to be returned to .0 er Matted Back {23? Picked Up by Contributor ta! Facts covering case 2 a 3 we 77471 J/?/f/ff?ff#75 5774/ 7/93, . mo fag/5 1'5 fey/52m? it; aft A'M?xzzj?? 655?)" *599?23 Beecr?ptien of evidence 51 Km are; 9&5? Vf?zig at? ??iw micrf??LLE? ?ygf? agwd? we meg ?g Ma z/Mz?/ Mitre" 3 Emegzj?(Use reverse side if necessary for additionat evidence) Exams reduested I ?m We? [L?fg?f 1 -. . I Heel w. [0 (This space for mocking) I . in? VI x. 5%1 ?:?n?rl?Ill 1d LATENT WORKSHEET FROM: LABORATORY DOCUMENTS UNIT IQ: LATENT SECTION LABORATORY NUMBER .j?tillVOH?7 2% WDate lZSt?ii?F?C? The following items are being delivered to the Latent Fingerprint Section for processing: Specimens: (2321,6134 it is requested that 9111 Ninhyrin and DFO (1.8 wDiazailuoren-Qoone) processes be used on these items. After these processes are completed and any latent fingerprints have been photographed, it is re uested that these items be returned to the Primary Examinm for testing. These items may then be returned to the Latent Fingerprint Section ier further processing it necessary. if there are any Questions with reference te these specimens pieese contact miner or the DNA Analysis Unit 7 . Examiner . (Rev. 11-11-33) FBI TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: Teletype Immediate Facsimile Prierity AIRTEL Rnu?no CLASSIFICATION: [3 TOPSECRET Li ENCLAS 0 3L3 SECRET A VERY CGNFIBEB: assume UNCLAS Bate 1/25/93 T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TTN: Wt FROM Re Newark airtel Newark elephone call of SA dQuantico, 1/12/93 . they were mailed. one on 10/15/92. In refereneed eirtel, received at the SAYREVILLE POLICE euthotehip identification. the letter free April, INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT UNIT INING DIVISION, QUANTICO, VA, SSA- SAC, NEWARK SUBJECT TIMOTHE LTSEY to ed 10/14 92 and ?to @1 Enclosed for Investigative Support Unit, Quantioo, are copies of three separate notes and the envelopes in which Two of these items were mailed 10/7/92 and a fourth letter which was DEPARTMENT during April, 1992 was forwarded to the Investigative Support Unit tor It is suspecte? that the author of 1992 and the three enelesures is the [97? same. 4? Bureau 1 Inveetigetive Support Unit 5 Trailinyw?ivia?ea? Quentieei 2 -- Rewerk 7 4G 5:21, 9a 1 . deer o?ewgenc? (112.21% 1 EU) Appwved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) NK DNA examinations have been done on the letter received during April, 1992. Suffioient DNA was present on the envelope flap in which that letter was mailed to allow for en examination. It has been determined that the victim?s mother, MICHELLE LODZINSKI, is not the individual who utilized that envelope to mail the letter. On 11/17/92 the original envelopes and letters were obtained from the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE. 0n the same day, a blood sample of MICHELLE LODZINSKI was also picked up at the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE. This evidence was driven to the FBI Laboratory on the same date. Examinations have been requested to determine whether sufficient DNA material is on either the stamps or the envelope flaps of the original envelopes in which the most recent three notes were mailed. The laboratory has also been requested to determine, should sufficient DNA material be present, whether it is consistent with the DNA material on the original envelope flap from the note of April, 1992 which would tend to indicate that the author of all four items is the same individual. 7C) The originals of the enclosed notes and envelopes i) all were directed to MICHELLE LODZINSKI erLEAQ INVESTIGATIVE SUPPORT UNIT AT QUANTICO. VIRGINIA Is requested to analyze the enclosed notes in reqerds to aathorehip identification. ?an effort to provide any information which may be possible in Ev?? wee Raouipt (to be used ln lieu of corre lu (Rev. 4-382) Please Furnish Complete information dance covering evidence submissions to the Lab Agency submitting evidence i Fe: ?3 Federal ti Local or State Delivered by Accepted by BuFiie vi '7 ?40? 59%;3 5/3- Victims) [zgdiarj'gs/ 52; Offenefa?x)? Place and date of offense ifs '1 ?36/94 {ey/rawz?zf Agencycase?l . 77144-? 6?Va3 Date of hearing. grand jury. trial, or reason why expeditious handling is necessary b7C {d Prev. exams this case Evid. located Report to be direcle mc/ moi/fa 544 ear voles to C41 Evidence to be returned to Mailed Back Picked Up by Contributor let Facts covering case 537K day? mm 5 areas ilelached Vic: 77477 J/g/f/ff?fg 5% 9/ ?17 C/F?x/xy/fz gal/fly. 5445.4 grey/y 37/93? . We?f/y?f?? 1'5 543/5er Deserimion o: evidence Exams requested 5? a; ?ora/31a? ?64:41.1? ?wm mug: #5145 ?km? A?ffa if 5? {#35227 59:21 we; @5955 w?f? {7:61:51 WC ?Vi/?fr: {5695/ a! [j i {Use reverse side if necessary for additional evidence) (This space for blocking) :9 3mm 3 Ho seiner? B. C. 5 Sate [lily/?244? Time a? 7-1 25 (Rev. 34 9-82) ii}: pg/ may/mt yam/V (Department or Agency) of the Fri-94mg; m/ i? A (Address) 57/ a?(mve? Phone Number) boxles), bag(s), envelopeis), LviausL object(s) of sealed evidence for examination in connection with case number 77146697 7:13 entitled 6M2 97% 77427m?n?y MIL 755:)? V/ccf/mr?; Picked Up By 675 Contributor This evidence will remain in the custody of the FBI Laboratory while the examinations are being conducted. Following completion of the examinations, a report containing the results of the examinations and the disposition of the evidence will be forwarded to your department. If evidence is picked up personally, your representative should identify it with the Laboratory case number(s) assigned in the FBI Laboratory report. Evidence Shouid Be Mailed Back Director Federal Bureau of investigation ?on ?NOtoNiHsv Noweuamio near: W303 1 It in? .0..- mm- -. l- A . {4&3 ,lnnz?l. .1 us ?ag-J . . 4? twat-f" I .78 A {952008, A 9. 13-7 94? Han. 'l 3:4 "mg: ?oahd i' has swept? am; I 4- I mamas?? in" .. uoptam'u?p'j nnba pgnoqs water 1 PM- 5 Q1 i . 0/ 5" 0/ I 161/ 7227 (8-4-92) A: Z: x: BUREAU OF WASHINGTON, D. Ca 20535 YOUR, FILE?353! f) ?33 i} z? 7.35 8 I ?Jr93J?blfl{ RE: UN SUB VICTIM: KTDNAPING . n, EXAMINATION REQUES BY: SPECIMENS: mum"; ?ix p14utic baqn. Q3 thruugh Q7 i 3mm {138 Piantic trash can liner, ems} a?r?iswah?m, mm} 3MHI?e?w?tg a? apecimena all) b9 in a amgavatv Th? rwqu?gtw? i?te?t grint ?xawinatinu was canductud. but ?n iate?t ?rinia of value were ?atewte?, a3? Knbzar (4) tan 1; 6- gr . MML ROOM i THIS REPORT IS FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I 7 ?2 (Rev; 9.21.91) RECORDED .- EDERAL BUREAU OF 5/ 2 2/ 9 2 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF r1 Laboratory Work Sheet Recorded: 6/22/92 mat Received: 6/22/92 Date: 1R Newark FBI File 1? l8 I?bNm 20518046 ZJ QJ LC 14 2 Reference: 7 ., Airtel dated May 12 1992 Noted by: YmuNm 7-NK-69423 Re: TIMOTHY WILTSEY - VICTIM: KIDNAPING 00: Newark 4 22/? Specimens received: May 18 I 1992 Specimens: ff {g ?/ngQ7 Six plastic bags (1 through Bellman (7) 49 Lgr: LN f? . g9 Plastic trash een liner Riew? QlOinl Waist heede (16) gm, 9 12m a? i Q12 @iliewease (11) '75? Q13 Elanket (13) a Ql? Sneaker Xx? Magi: {jwwge/zi?? .- ?a DNA Ivy?: jibe; 615 Garbage bag 916 3 Shevel (9) ?e as? gg? Letter and envelope Page 1 (xmy v.'Qg; {wd 41m We qwe?r?J/ RESUBMITTED ITEMS FROM FBI LABORATQRY NUMBER 11122035 QJ: Q1 SEEAKER Named Suspect: MICHELE LODZINSKI ;f//4s Qua.? C(u? - ,Ju a? ,0 Qt? A?c; 'xJa 442:? ?my. Has6.4.3; I. Vrgy?ymwvu%h5& 3VJ 941;? (3 1* 2 ?g /Tnz7&. ?4 f; %Jij?i /(7b Page 2 20518046 ZJ Examination completed /s/2 a, Dictated Time Date? Date 2/0? ?7 Lxmuuzaen 1 iv FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION if WASHINGTON, D. ca 20535 :hw; March 25? 1993 Tm SAC, Newark 11122035 QJ 11203019 QJ 20518046 ZJ YC QJ UI 22 20825025 5 ZJ WP Reference: SEE REFERENCE BELOW 21117027 5 ZZ QJ Ra MICHELE LODZINSKI - TIMOTHY WILTSEY - KIDNAPING November 17, 1992 Reference: Communications dated September 21, 1992, September 29, 1991, May 27, 1992, August 26? 1992 and communication received November 17, 1992 kiZZ? Specimens personally delivered by;;idei_ E?A;en November 19, 1992, under cover of eommunica ion recelved Nevember 17, 1992 (2i117927 3 22 Q3): Q22 Envelope (10/15/92) .Q23 Eevelepe {16i9j92} Q24 Envelope Knewn bleed sample Erma MICHELE FENCLOSURE Enclosures (2) Pa?e 1 (6) ROOM This Report Is Furnished For Of?cial U36 Only (ever) Result ef examinltion: This report supplements the FBI Laboratory reperts dated September 1, 1992, September 21, 1992 and ?eveeher 23, 1992 that were previously provided in this matter. Please refer te reperte fer a eemplete listing of the previously submitted items, results and evidence dispesitien. The DNA DQ alpha type as listed wae detected for the following specimen: Specimen DNA DQ alpha TVpe K4 4, 4 Q18 1.2, 1.2 Based on the DNA DQ alpha results, the source of K4 is excluded as a potential contributor to the DNA detected in specimen Q18. Insufficient DNA for DNA DQ alpha analysis was detected on specimens 922, Q23 and Q24. No other DNA examinations were conducted. The hand printing on Q22, Q23 and 024 is distorted and intentionally disguised and is of no value for a comparison with known handwriting. No indented writing is present on Q22 through Q24. Specimens Q22, Q23 and Q24 were provided to the Latent Fingerprint Sectien for examination. will he advised 0f the results 0f those examinatiene and the dispeeitien ef the eehmitted items by a separate report. The K4 specimen and the remaining processed DNA free the specimens examined by DNA analyeie are being returned as enelesuree te this report. The processed DNA can be found in a package marked DNA SAMDLES: SHDULD BE it ie recemmended that these samples be etered in a refrigerator/freezer and ieelated from evidenee that has not been examined; Page 2 21117027 22 1&7m4ea FEDEKAL BUREAU OF 10N WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 FBIHLENO. i1-ggaq $3ii, TO: f. RE: WV LIUEK TICTIFU KIDNAPING Sterieeng YECELVEG 1/29/93 REFERENCE: :h%w;rk EXAMINATION 100?, SPECTMENS: 933 through 934 The result(s) of examination?s) the other requested forensic will be furniehed in a separate report. The requested latent grin: exeminatien was een?uete?, but we latent printe of value eere detected gun The epecimene are En . (3) fa ?59? QZEkaf 'l?l/IA7-2 (Sam. 2-21-91) DERAL BUREAU OF INVEST IGATIC RECORDED 1 1/ 2 3/ 9 2 UNI STATES OF emw Laboratory Work Sheet. RECORDED 2/1/93 me RECEIVED 1/29/93 Date: we SAC, Newark (FTRA) FBiFiie Noa ImbNm 21117027 32 received November 17, 1992 Reference: Specmmens received in LFPS 1/29/93 Yew-No. Re: TIMOTHY WILTSEY - Examination by: - KIDNAPING (Re per prev) Noted by: 43 GET 13h0/7Q. 613134294 gluing, Specimensreceived: Navember 17' 1992 why me 3 :90 Specimens personally delivered by-on 2: I November 17, 1992: QM +0 Q22 . Envelepe (10/15/92) Q23 E?velepe (16/7/92) .{33 Q24 Envelope (10/7/92) K4 Known bleed Sample from MICHELLE LODZINSKI NAMED SUSPECT: xw31L; MICHELLE ikf!?fiw ?w Exeminetiee Cempleted #94? Eictate? g??fgi Time Date Date a /i if . A: #7352 57? 432? (Jay 2/7? Ma 4, day)? . JV 9/1393 .Wm:- . ?3/4/22 m; .. a? ?06 NJ 4.4% (M4 (53476 Fi??263 (Rev. 4-30?85) 5? FEM BUREAU OF INVESTEGATION Wanemmiw. a REPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN EATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD Newark Newark 9/24/93 5/28/91?9/23/93 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY: mum We mfi?i??mi?f SEY VICTIM CEAHCTER OF CASE KIDNAPPING ADMINISTRATIVE: period is set out since Newark had agreed to provide MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE with one document setting out FBI investigation in this matter. Newark withdrew from investigation due to lack of jurisdiction after it succeeded in locating victim?s remains. identity protected The individual who asked is AGENT CHARGE no em seems agree! imNewark DISSEMINATIQN OF REPORT Agency Request Reed. Date Fwd. How Fwd. By Ask COVER PAGE (R ev. 3-3?59) Cepy to: Repel?: of: Date: Field Office File Title: Character: Synopsis: This document contains neither? recmndatlons nor conclusions of the FM. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation ROBERT GLUCK Middlesex County Prosecutor a? Septe er 2 l9 Office: Newark Bureau File UNKNOWN TIMOTHY WILTSEY-VICTIM KIDNAPPING On 5/25/91, TIMOTHY WILTSEY was reported missing by his mother, MICHELLE LODZINSKI. LODZINSKI claimed the boy vanished while the two were attending a local carnival. In succeeding months LODZINSKI would provide several conflicting accounts of how her son disappeared. Shortly after the disappearance was reported, the Newark Office began to work in conjunction with local authorities due to the possibility that the child had been kidnappea. Due to the nature ef her explanation of how her son disappeared, LODZINSKI was polygraphed on 5/28/91 by the Newark Division regarding her explanationl She failed that test. LODZINSKI also failed a polygraph exam administered by the MIDDLESEX COUNTY ?liaisoa was maintained with local autherities ans several items sf pessihie evideneiary value were turned over to the Newark foice te be examined by the FBI Lab. 'suppert was also efferea ans receives free the Investigative Suppert Unit as Quantice. In January, 1992, a aecision was made by the Newark foiee ts take a mere active rele in attempting to locate the victimis remains. By that time MICHELLE LQDZINSKI had emerged as the prime suspect in what was It is the property of the FBI and is {cared to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. believed to be the murder of the boy as opposed to a kidnapping. In early February, 1992, a meeting was held hat was attended by all agencies involved in the invesu "igation including representatives of the investigative Support Unit at Quantico. It was agreed that Bureau agents would reinterview MICHELLE LODZINSKI and conduct logical follow?up investigation based on that interview. ?Hv LODZINSKI was subsequently interviewed and explained that her son was abducted from a local carnival by a woman named ELLEN (LNU) and two male companions. A little girl, two to three years of age, was reportedly with the abductors. (This was the last of several versions of the boy?s disappearance provided by LODZINSKI) ELLEN (LNU) allegedly had previously cashed welfare checks at a bank where LODZINSKI had worked as a teller. Appropriate county welfare authorities were contacted and all females with the first name of ELLEN who fit the description provided by LODZINSKI were identified. Photos of all these individuals (18) were obtained with the exception of two for whom no photos were available. The photos were later displayed to LODZINSKI with negative results leading to the conclusion that her story relative to ELLEN (LNU) and the abduction was a lie. A few months after the disappearance a person walking in a remote area of RARITAN CENTER, Edison, New Jersey, an industrial park containing large areas of desolate swampland found a sneaker fitting the descrip? tion of the sneakers on the boy when he disappeared. That sneaker was later sent to the FBI Lab with sneakers belonging to the boy. Results were inconclusive. Newark case agent requested the person who found the sneaker to point out the specific location where the sneaker was fcund. The sneaker had been by itself with no trash in the immediate vicinity. The nearest hemes were close ts ten miles aways had wok at TAN ceases (m Yodation iurned out to be between a quarter and a half mile from where the sneaker was found. To 5e discoveries prompted the Newark Office to organize a search for the boy?s remains in the area where the sneaker had been found on the theory that the mother had killed the boy and dumped the body in a remote area that she was familiar with. On 4/23/93, that search was carried out. A second sneaker matching the first was quickly found to make a pair. The boy?s remains were found later the same day, not far from where the sneakers had been. Evidence recovered during that search was sent to the FBI laboratory. No significant finds resulted. Substantial investigation following the discovery of the boy?s remains did nothing to alter the suspicion that the victim was murdered by his mother. On the other hand, no information or evidence was developed to conclusively prove that hypothesis. On 4/23/92, an anon 5 letter 've at the NJPD in which? 7L was accused 1 ing MOTHY WILTSEY. DNA testing determined that MICHELLE LODZINSKI did not send that letter. Investigation was conducted relative to several tips in the investigation. Results were either inconclue sive or it was determined that the original information, was erroneous. Since the victim?s remains were found in New Jersey, a short distance from where he allegedly disappeared, the investigation became a local murder investigation and the Newark Office ceased active investigation due to lack of jurisdiction. TABLE OF CONTENTS Initial Liaison with Middlesex County Prosecutor?s foice an? Sayreville Police Department Investigation leading to ?iscovery of victim?s remains Investigation regarding MICHELLE LODZINSKI and her various explanations regarding her son's disappearance Interviews of MICHELLE relatives and associates Investigation regarding tips Laboratory reports and evidence matters :15. Initial Liaison with Middlesex County Prosecutor?s Office and Sayreville Felice Department dmARP/rc 57 ?276 L1 The 5?119Vinf. investigation was conducted by Special Agent (SA}aigf, xwg-vi AT NEWARK. NEW JERSEY (telephonic): On May 28, 1991, SA Newark Division Polygrapher was contacted concerning the polygraph examination he administered to MICHELLE LODZINSKI on May 27, 1991. The poly? graph assistance was requested from the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) (lead agency in this investigation). The purpose of the polygraph was to determine if MICHELLE LODZINSKI was being deceptive concerning her knowledge and/or involvement in the May 25, 1991 disappearance of her son, TIMOTHY WILTSEY, white male, date of birth August 6, 1985. SA reported that he followed the standard format for conducting the polygraph examination (pre test interview, actual polygraph, and post test interview). According to the instrument readings, LODZINSKI clearly showed deception in her responses to two control questions: 1. b7C "spent about four to five hours conducting the comple examination. He made the following additional 7 observations; LODZINSKI claimed at the start of the polygraph examination that she had only had two hours sleep in the last 24 hours. However, she appeared well rested and alert. He saw no indications that she was intoxicated or otherwise under the influence of any substance. LODZINSKI had wide mood swings during the process; ehe went from heing ?ovial, to being belligerent, to being teary? eyed. t{76;? - It was 5A5,e -tte,;l opinion that LODZINSKI was clearly being deceptive concerning her knowledge of her son?s 3 abduction; S?eminated the exam (during the post exam interview) when INSKI began talking about obtaining an attorney. The concern was that if she obtained an attorney, law enforcement would lose access to her. AT SAYREVILLE. NEW JERSEY: I On May 28, 1991, Six-attended a meeting at the SAYREVILLE NJPD concerning the status of the investigation to date. In attendance was Lieutenant SAYREVILLE NEW JER STA POLICE (NJSP) Detective i Detec SAYREVILLE and De ective MID OFFICE (MCP). The follow1ng ma ters were mentioned or discussed at the meeting: Actions Considered: 1. Search home and vehicle. Lieutenant searched vehicle on or about May 26, 1991. Detective ?carted that the MCPO, together with the SAYREVILLE NJPD, woul search the house with LODZINSKI's consent. According to Lieutenan nothing of significance was found in the vehicle. However, no inventory was conducted or photographs taken. _f 1 other ?iscussions: ?"Vhit ?ma g, ?an gria?iet? 61 ?the abductiojr? and _77 a a yea ?gaJ?gal?e?a?gy?gne saraavitna yarn ah may 23; ig?i: indicated that WILTSEY would not go willin 1y with a stranger, but would go with someone he knew. ?became upset wit hetectives when it became obvious were trying he: that, he .,le ,tl There was some Saeculation as,. ?J'r *7 777 MN gilt) 3. On Friday afternoon, (May 24, 191) WILTSEY was invited to attend the birthday party of an (phonetic), Sayreville, New Jersey, but never owed up. LODZINSKI was not at work on May 24, 1991, but still left WILTSEY with the school's "latch key kids" program, so she could clean up the house. 4. 0n bet een 12:30 PM 1:00 ?(phonetic) ayreville, New Jersey, observed WILTSEY and is mother, LODZINSKI on their own front porch. was waiting outside her home to be driven to some swimming event in the area. On May 31, 1991, SAYREVILLE NJPD reported that they inte ?ewed HOLMDEL PARK RANGERS (First Name Unknown) (FNU) (phonetic) and ~7v'concerning their observations while on duty at the HOLMDEL PARK on May 25, 1991. Both gave descriptions of a woman with a child which were similar to LODZINSKI, but not identical. LODZINSKI reported to SAYREVILLE NJPD that she was at the HOLMDEL PARK on May 25, 1991 from about 2:00 PM 7:00 M. AT RED BANK, NEW SERSEY (telephonic): HOLEDEL PARK PCLICE reported to special Agents at the Red Bank Resident Agency that HOLMDEL PARK was open all day on May 25, 1991 to the public. It was never closed, even temporarily, due to overcrowdinga AT VIRGINIA {teleeheeielz or abeut May 28,1 1991, Shawweeww?telephoned see i Behavior:? scienees Unit, Investigative Support i this oaset the tests and ed to and advice and ijjr . Chit circumstanc, 7-NK-69423 kj7<;? assistance was solicited. was encouraged to and did make direct rs; regular contact with the SAYREVILLE NJFD (neatly Detective-;rl;l; AT FBI HEADQUARTERS (telephonic): On May 30, 1991, SA-requested that the ISU, NATIONAL CRIME INFORMATION CENTER (NCIC), conduct an off-line search for MICHELLE vehicle during the period May 20, 1991 May 30, 1991. LODZINSKI's vehicle was described as a 1982 silver Dod Jersey licens- On May 31, 1991, w, NCIC - ISU reported that no entries were ocated for vehicle during the search period. This information was passed to the SAYREVILLE NJPD. AT OLD BRIDGE, NEW JERSEY: On May 31, 1991, SAYREVILLE NJPD reported that MICHELLE LODZINSKI had a Card" used for making financial transactions from automatic teller machines. The card was issued on 0 about April from BANK card number On May 31, 1991, SA contacte Bank Officer at AMBOY-MADISON BANK to determine if any ransactions were made on LODZINSKI's MAC Card during the period May 23-28, 1991. reported that no transactions were made during that perio . fglARP/rc MC The following investigation was conducted by Special AT QUANTICG. VIRGINEA {telephonic}: on May 31,, 1991, SA Fcontacted SA ?0f the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIO (FBI) SOARS UNIT, to etermine what capabilities the FBI had to locate dead bodies. He reported that aircraft mounted with Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) equipment had been successful in the past. Decomposing bodies usually are hotter than the surroundings, especially in the early morning. SA?was aware that the NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE (NJSP) had such equipment available for mounting to some of their helicopters. This information was provided to both the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) and NJSP detectives involved in the case. During the period May 29-June 6, 1991, regular daily contact was made with SSA of the Behavioral Sciences Unit at Quantico, Virginia. He directed the SAYREVILLE NJPD to obtain as much background material concerning MICHELLE LODZINSKI as possible. That was necessary so that he could recommend the best possible interogation strategy to elicit a confession or something incriminating from . Both SA and the SAYREVILLE NJPD sent SSA copies of reports, interviews and news a er clippings via facsimile. On or about May 30, 1991, SA ?ent the SAYREVILLE NJPD a personality assessment ques ionnaire (see attached) to be answered in writing (long hand) by LODZINSKI. The SAYREVILLE NJPD administered the questionnaire to LODZINSKI an arded the results (no copy to this file) directlf to SSA at the Behavioral Sciences Unit.. freviewed the written response and found nothing of aring significance or of added value to the information already gathered. l?i b7C The followins investigation was conducted by Special Agent (SA) AT NEW On June 1, 1991, SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) Detective-provided the following information concerning an interview he conducted of the former 'next door neighbor of MICHELLE LODZINSKI (when she resided at 106 South Pine Street, South Amboy, New Jersey). The neighbor still resided at South Pine Street, South Amboy, New Jersey. interviewed the young girl (and her mother) 0 TIMOTHY WILTSEY (see- report, not in . is file; identities of interviewees not recorded here) and reported the following: They recalled that LODZINSKI had many boyfriends. They es ec' lly remembere three Unknown) (mm?mqm an (LNU). LODZINSKI ani broke up over IMOTHY WILTSEY. One boyfriend (name not recalled) seemed to get along well with TIM HY WILTS LODZINSKI broke up with him, sometimes call'n him went out at night: WILTSEY. LODZINSKI frequently On occasion, LODZINSKI would phone them to say she would be out all night. They would put WILTSEY up for the night. MICHELLE dressed fashionably. She held many different jobs. WILTSEY was a very "clingy" child, in that he wanted to be "on top of" whomever was taking care of him. He would never willingly go near or with anyone he did not know. It was their belief that WILTSEY did not like the water which include taking baths. WILTSEY liked to ariis sneakers on. LODZINSKI was closest to? On June 1, 1991. that a neighe borhood investigation at Augusta Street, South Amboy residence at the time of the abduction) revealed that other neighbors observed alive and well during the period 10:00 AM 12 noon on May 25, 1991. All described WILTSEY's crew out style heir, but meet could hot deecribe hie elething. one neighbor thought WILTSEY was wearing a white shirt with red pants (see SAYREVILLE WJPB reports, eot a part of this file). .,,7~aK~69423 thARe/rc The followins investigation was ooadected by Speoial Agent (SA) EEW AT SAYREVTLZE. On June 6, 1991, heteotives {fi-jf7?of the SAYREVILLE NEH JERSEY PGLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPB) in'erviewea MECHELLE LGDZINSKI at the SAYREVILLE NJPD from 12:30 EM to The plan for the interview was discussed with SSA s1. 77 v?e4??of the BehaVioral Sciences Unit. The following was a brief synopsis of the results of that interview: - About midway through the interview LODZINSKI tells the detectives, "Charge me if you can." At about 2:00 PM LODZINSKI began crying and in a low voice told the detectives that someone took her son from the carnival at KENNEDY PARK, Sayreville, New Jersey. She said that she had put WILTSEY on a small ride at the carnival. She turned her back for a minute and when she turned around an older white male was taking WILESEY off the ride. She approached her son, but this older white male told her to stay away or WILTSEY would be hurt. The older man then walked away from the carnival toward the tennis courts were he met up with two other males. LODZINSKI refused to provide any additional details concerning this version of the abduction. Detectives asked additional questions: 1. Was she and WILTSEY at HOLDMEL 2. Why did she park where she did at the carhival? she professed that she was at the HQLEQEL but would not give any details. She would not give an explanation to the second questioa. She professed not to have ahy idea where WILTSEY was or could he found. Near the sad of the interviewy became very epset and angry with the line of questiohihg. At ?zoo PM LODZENSKI grabbed her sures and stormed out of the iaterviee room and the SAYREVILLE REPE. As she stormed out she told the deteot?wa? a I a vase hat stoi zest to set them ofriend of $979 bv 0' c? l, . areMayra-fa 42.3;ch was waiting for her. He offered to go sto- LODZINSKI and convince her to return. At 5:00 LODZINSKI back to the stayed with her. LODZINSKI sat with her legs crossed, arms crossed, and eyes down. The During the interview LODZINSKI displayed swings and maintained little contact. interview terminated. wide mood and emotional Durin the early afternoon of June 7, 1991, white male telephoned the SAYREVILLE NJPD concerning a recent contact with LODZINSKI. LODZINSKI also telephoned the SAYREVILLE NJPD and indicated a desire to provide additional information. -told the SAYREVILLE NJPD that early afternoon on June 7, 1991, LODZINSKI telephoned him and told him the following story about how WILTSEY became missing: LODZINSKI met a female acquaintance at the Sayreville carnival (on May 25, 1991) who was there with her own children. This female acquaintance took WILTSEY on a kiddie ride with her own children while LODZINSKI went off to do something. When LODZINSKI returned the woman, her kids, and WILTSEY were gone. After hearing that story became suspicious of her, did not believe her, and told SAYREVILLE NJPD that he would help them. Later on June 7, 1991, the SAYREVILLE NJPD and provided how WILTSEY became missing: LODZINSKI voluntarily came into the following story concerning While at the carnival (on May 25, 1991) she ran into a female acquaintance. This female acquaintance was not a friend. LGDZINSKI became familiar with her because she was a regular eustomer at an aaserwnaerson BANK branch where LODZINSKI had fereerly worked as a teller. While at the carnival the female commented that WILTSEY had grown up since she laet saw him. LODZINSKI ran out of money on her person while at the carnival. She walked back to her ear to get some more. This female acquaintance accompanied her to the parking lots When they got back to ear the female confronts her with a knife and abducts LQDZINSKI again stated that prior te going to the carnival she spent several hours at PARKW I k57C; She again stated that she was forced to park in the upper most lot (also the farthest away from the park proper) because the lower lots were filled to capacity. Investigation conducted by SAYREVILLE naps oreviously revealed that the lower lots which were usually filled on the weekends were never full at all during May 25, 1991. LODZINSKI never explained how the female acquaintance could comment about WILTSEY getting bigger when they were not friends and only saw each other at the BANK. On June 8, 1991, - car was "wired" and in the early afternoon he drove to pick up LODZINSKI at Lawrence Harbor, New Jersey (she was currently staying with her parents). She got into his car, but would not talk about abduction. He told her that he now had trouble believing her new story and, if he did not believe it, what did she think the 'police would think. Just a ter that she got angry and left the car. telephonedh that evening to apologize for running out of the car, but would not talk about the abduction. (see SAYREVILLE NJPD reports, not made a part of this file) On or about June 1991, NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE (NJSP) Detective reported that select portions of HOLDMEL PARK were searched by an NJSP cadaver dog with no positive results. He also reported that KENNEDY PARK (location of the carnival from which WILTSEY was reported missing) and the surrounding areas were also searche with a cadaver dog with no positive results. Detective lso conducted some preliminary investigation at CHEESEQUAKE STATE PARK since it was considered a likely location for a body to be hidden. QUAKE STATE PARK was nearer to MICHELLE residence than HOLMDEL Pi}; No searches were conducted at CHESSEQUAKE. 7*:obtained a listing of users of the park nae period of the abduction. wow surrounding A The follewing investigation was conducted by Speeial Agent - On June 11, 1991, a meeting was held at the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT NJPD concerning this case with the following in attendance: 8 NEW JERSBX STATE POLICE NJSP) Detective etective NJSP Detective MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE Detective TIGATOR SAYREVILLE NJPD Detective and SAYREVILLE NJPD Lieutenant All were in agreement that LODZINSKI was the primary suspect for the following reasons: 1. First version of story (at concession buying a soda) did not seem to fit. 2. After LODZINSKI reported her son missing her behavior and demeanor was surprising (cold, unemotional, unconcerned) and not expected. 3. LODZINSKI reported going to HOLMDEL PARK prior to the carnival (3:00 PM - 6:30 PM, May 25, 1991). She said that she was forced to park in the parking lot farthest from the park proper (at least 1/2 mile away). Investigation by SAYREVILLE .NJPD at the park revealed that he two lower lots had plenty available spots all day. The fact that space was readily available in the lower lots was unusual on the weekends at the park. 4. LODZINSKI reported arriving at the carnival around 7:06 PM May 25, 1991 and again she was forsed ta park by the High Seheel Bcdy Shep instead ef the let elcsest ts the earnivell lnvestigatien by sexeevrree seen revealed that at the time she reported arriving (and most of the night) there was plenty of parking in the let clcsest ta the earnival. 5. 9n May 279 1991, LOSZIHSKI was given a polygraph i57ep ?nineties where she shcwe ear seine ef_deceaticn I I ?l it}; MN V-NK-69423 6. demeanor during interviews was described as confrontational, wide emotional swings, little or no contact, negative body language, and generally had more concern for herself than for her child. LODZINSKI gave at least three completely different versions aboet hoe became missing. All participants were in agreement that all current efforts should be directed at LODZINSKI. In all the interviews to date, after about three hours LODZINSKI would become angry and leave the interview room} That was where the failure occurred. The interview techniques were not keeping her long enough to become effective. It was decided that a possible technique to keep her in the interview room was to attack her concern about what will happen to her. It was thought that threats of going to the press with police information and threats of being charged with a crime might be more effective hold her in the room. It was decided by Lieutenant ?(lead agency that the interview should be cond ed by NJSP Detective and Lieutenant? thought that LODZINSKI was still 1 angry and upset wi er polygraph examination by the FEDERAL ,g BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI). This did not make sense since that was her reaction to every interview. In any event, it was Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) JEREMIAH W. instruction that the FBI would interview LODZINSKI only if requested to do so and should not actively seek that taskLDDZINSKI was interviewed by NJSP Detective in West Trenton, New Jersey. She was interviewed for about two and a he'? to three hours and the interview room. SAYREVILLE NJPD Detective provided the following information concerning that" interview (See SAYREVILLE NJPD reports, not a part of this file): LQDZINSKI did meet a female acquaintance at the Sayreville carnival on hay 25, 1991. She knew the acquaintance as ELLEN (Last Name Unknown} (ENU), white female who regularly ,came into the AMBOY-HADISON BANK branch where she was formerly a teller. ELLEN was possibly a goego dancer who came to the branch to cash welfare checkse gave a description at ELLEN and the ease produced a composite sketch. At the carnival ELLEN was with a male assooiate unknown to Lootinsxr. male associate threatened LQDZINSKI with a knife and abducts WILTSEY. that efforts to identify or locate this ELLEN (LNG) have been a? 7-NK-69423 (jk?ARP/rc The followin' investigation was conducted by Special Agent (5A),fiti_ AT NEWARK. HEW JERSEV: On June 20, 1991 SA ontacted INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) Investigator concerning this case. If it was assumed that MICHELLE DZINSKI was involved in the abduction of her son and he was not killed, it might be plausible that she sold her son and received some financial gain. It was then thought that locating financial information through tax return (1991) might be fruitful. It was also thought that financial institutions transmitted financial information in real time to the IRS iifncerning taxpayers accounts). IRS Investigator advised that financial institutions (and other third parties) generally did not transmit information to the IRS until the end of the tax year. A taxpayer's tax return and any third party information transmitted to the IRS concerning LODZINSKI would be made available onl court order. This information was provided to Detective? of the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD). AT VIRGINIA (telephonic): On June 25 99 I-contacted FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION SA at the Uni es Treasury Department's Financ1a en er (FINCEN), where it mai tained updated a data base of various financial transactions. was requested to check FINCEN's data base for any transac ns appearing in the name of MICHELLE LODZINSKI, white Mfruale; of birth govember 9, 1967! Social Security number ~checked the data based cn June 25, 1991 n?aneruly 29. 1991 for transactions and feund nene. Thi?nl-r? ation was provided te SAXREVILLE naps Th? ?9;10Wini investigation was conducted by Agent (SA) M: . 1? AT "3w JERSEY: 5 1 On August 13; Detective? ~1w SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) repo LODZINSKI moved out of New Jerse to ten oraril ~w>of the rted that It was op ZINSKI left New Jersey to avoid the constant regular questioning from the police department, newspaper reporters and others. ?w I - ?w 3 FEDERAL BUREAU OF 12/2/91 Date of transcription MC, On November 21, igsi, of the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) turneh over the below listed evidence to Special Agent 1. One white Ninja Turtle Sneaker size 13 (youth) left foot. The sneaker was found in a marsh area near the Raritan Center, Edison, New Jersey on October 26, 1991, and turned over to the SAYREVILLE NJPD. TIMOTHY WILTSEY, who was the victim in this case, was supposedly wearing white Ninja Turtle sneakers at the time he was reported missing. 2. One plain black leather tie-type shoe, youth shoe, size unknown, provided to the SAYREVILLE NJPD by the victim?s mother, MICHELLE LODZINSKI, on November 18, 1991. The shoe was previously worn by the missing child. On November i7i1991 Detective- turned over the below listed evidence to SA 1. One green shoe box (without the cover) marked: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", size 13, 07582617, $14199. The box was provided to the Sayreville NJPD by the victim?s mother, Michelle Lodzinski, on 6/6/91. According to Lodzinski the box contained the sneakers which were supposedly worn by the victim at the time of his abduction. 2, On plain black tie?type shoe turned ever to authorities by the mother of the victim on 11/18/91. This shoe was the mate to the shee provided by Detective Kelly en 11/21/91. I 11/2imz7/91 Sayreville, New Jersey EWes 7wnawse423?n tif lie/2:, by SA rc because 11/21/91 This dacummt tannins neither recommendations no: conciusiom a! the FBI, It is the property cf the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 9 ?3 a Agent (SA) AT NEW On Hevember 21, i newspaper articles that on walking at the RARITAN CENT foot, Ninja Turtle sneaker, shown the sneaker shortly a was not her son's. In addi DEPARTMENT (NJPD) researche concerning her descriptions her previous descriptions sneaker found. As a result of little lead value and ke November 20, 1991, area new and deluged SAYREVILLE NJPD SAYREVILLE NJPD the together with a pai WILTSEY to the FEDE On November 26 NJPD Detective OFFICE Investigator sneakers. Detectiv purchasing the Ninja Turtle the GATEWAY SHOP, U.S. Rout to two months before WILTS 26, 1991, Detectived was found in Edison sneak site where the sneaker (NJSP) helicopter was else reported that a search AT FBI HEADQUARTERS (teleph On December 18, 1 cry, boonment Sectic Lab accuserning the speci i1/27/9l a shoe has, whieh reported to have contained by at the time sf laboratory. On the bar was 07582617. the let number of the shoes October 26, 1991, a local citizen RAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (PB the mannfactnrer reperted b7C The followini investigation was conducted by Special 99i, it was learned through various ER, Edison, New Jersey, found one left size 13. MICHELLE LODZINSKI was fter this discovery and said that it tion, the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE LODZINSKI's previous statements of WILTSEY's sneakers and found that the sneaker did not match the Sayreville PD considered the sneaker pt it in evidence. On or about spapers learned of the found sneaker with requests for information. been worn by I) Laboratory. 1991, SA met with SAYREVILLE IDDLESEX COUNTY concerning the Ninja Turtle in loated that LODZINSKI reported sneakers from the PAYLESS SHOES at 1, Old Bridge, New Jersey about one disappearance. Also on November to the site where the Detective was conducted in the vicinity of was found. A NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE used. Nothing was found. took SA NJ (see attached sketch). I onic}: 991,3.? .7 J1 Analyst at the FBI n, Shoe fia:Y$lS Section, contacted SA sens submitted for analysis. On was previded by MICHELLE LOQZINSKI and the size 13 Ninja Turtle sneakers worn is disappearance, was submitted to the written the following numbers the was The 5753 . 6 9% 0 .mm a. identified PAYLESS SHOES as the receiver (probably shipped to significance of the following information concerning the plain hiss submitted as specimens be obtained: Lalso requested that the pair of shoes 1. When were the black shoes purchased? 2. Where were they purchased? The questions concern? the black shoes were provided to MCPO Investigator who insisted that he would reinterview LODZINSKI and obtain the information. -indicated that there were techniques for locating bodies from the air or at least identify more promising areas to concentrate on. He also reported that there was a chemical (luminal) (phonetic) which when sprayed on dried blood (of even small quantities) would produce a reaction which would be clearly visible. He recommended this technique for possible use on MICHELLE LODZINSKI's vehicle. AT LANGHORNE. (telephonic): On December 19, 1991 SA telephoned the PAYLESS SHOE Regional Manager (phonetic) in Baltimore, 800-638-6415 concerning a ave-described code on the Ninja Turtle shoe box that the "0758" identified the lot number of shoes which were shipped to PAYLESS SHOES. The "2617" is broken down as follows: The "26" is the size of the shoe doubled (in this case the shoe size is 13) and the is a check code. The number 075826 is erated on by some algorithm and a check code (17) is reported that it had no significance other than that. AT NEW NEW On January 8 1992, SA telephoned MCPO determine if LQEZIKSKI had teen interviewed concerning black shoes. He reported that due to his work load he did not oondoct the interview, but would by January 1992@ mo Payless in Feb Mar The manufacturer could not decipher the 2617. requested that how rk attempt to discover the WW--WW 7-NK-69423 The followinebinyestigatien was conducted by Special Agent AT NEW JERSEY (telenhonic): W?s On December 5, 1991, SA-contact MID COU OFFICE (MCPO) Investigatoree~ reported that he interviewed MICHELLE and she reported that she did not have any additional footwear in her possession which was worn by her son. also reported that the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) hah occasionally made drive-bye of LODZINSKI's residence at 362 1/2 Augusta Street, South Amboy, New Jersey. These drive-bye were usually conducted in the eveninis and early mornin hours. Recently the vehicle registered to ?was observed parked at or adjacent to that residence. As a result, SAYREVILLE NJPD concluded that and LODZINSKI had develo ed personal relationship. SAYREVILLE NJPD learned; however, a and MCPO Investigato - SAYREVI and not rea to cooperate. MCPO also asked 0 come to the She was very upset a ou MCPO for an interview. rrived for the in erview, but refused to be interv1ewed on (audio) tape. demeano throughout was generally hostile and confrontational. then told Investigator that he wanted an attorney present during any questioning. The interview was terminated. 32? a W?s-a- The following investigation was conducted by Special ?b Agent (SA) 1,,1,1 72: NEW BRUNSWICK. NEW JERSEE (teleehcnic?z A. On January 17, 199" COUN OFFICE CPO) Investigator 1, s: contacted He reported that on or about January 16, 1992, MICHELLE LODZINSKI (mother of the victim, TIMOTHY WILTSEY) was contacted concerning the plain black tie-type shoes (one pair) which she turned over to the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT (NJPD) on November 18, 1991. At that time LODZINSKI reported that the black shoes were worn by WILTSEY when he attended school. It was hoped that the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) Laboratory could compare the black shoes with Ninja Turtle" sneaker (left shoe) found by a citizen in October, 1991 at the RARITAN CENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK, Edison, New Jersey. On the day of the abduction (5/25/91), LODZINSKI reported that WILTSEY was wearing a pair 0 "Nin'a Turtle" sneakers, size 13. On December 18, 1991, FBI Headquarters Laboratory, Document Section, Shoe Ana ySis requested that LODZINSKI be asked when and where the ac shoes were purchased. 57? On or about January 16, 1991, Investigator learned from LODZINSKI that the pair of WILTSEY's black shoes were purchased at PAYLESS SHOE STORE, Old Bridge, New Jersey on or about September, 1990 for cash. She indicated that WILTSEY wore the shoes to school. AT FBI HEADQUARTERS LABORATORY (telephonic):_ On January 1992, SA contacted Document Section, Shoe Analysis Section concerning the shoe specimens submitted by Newark. as advised that according to MICHELLE the black shoes were purchased from PAYLESS SHOES, Old Bridge, New Jersey in September, 1990 and were worn by WILTSEY to school. He was also advised of the "lgrecommended that Newark obtain the following PAYLESS SHQES: (I 1. How many size 13 "Mutant Ninja Turtle? sneakers, lot number 0758 did PAXLESS purchase? How many were shipped to the Northeast Region? 7-NK-69423 . How many of the size 13 shoes of that lot number were sold in this a a 72?: ?3 point being that if 1000 paire were sold as apposed to 100,000 it might be more likely that the sneaker found was the victim?s. Any investigation which would tend to support (or refute) the need to conduct a search should be conducted. search being conducted, less intrusive methods should be con? sidered. Arm~to~arm searches frequently involve large numbers of untrained people who unknowingly damage a crime scene and potential evidence. recommended that SSA Forensic Science, Training Center, Quantico, Virginia, be con- tacted for assistance and guidance in locating bodies. 3% Investigation leading to discovery of victim?s remains (123.96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET i?l Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. expiaih this deletion. Deletiohs were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated heiow with release to yet:= Section 552 (W1) 5 (W2) (M6) (M6) Cl C) request is listed in the title only? for review and direct response to you. diepositiee at a Eater date, Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the sub Documents originated with another Government ag Pagets) withheid inasmuch as a finai reiease determination has not Pages were not considered for release as they are dupiicative of ?age{s) withheid fer the feiiowing reason(s): OIPA 3? a (MONA) (mom @0in (moxie (me) One or more of the foilowing statements, where indicated, Section 552a 00(1) (10(2) (loo) 00(4) 00(5) (10(6) [j (10(7) ect of your request or the subject of your ency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency?es) Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageney?es). You be advised this informatien foiiowing our consuitation with the other egeney?es). been made. You advised as to the ?The feiiowing number ference regarding thegg pages: my Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page [13'21 l~fll< ?NKRwe/tat 1 The followin investi ation was conducted by Special Agent (Smwran the dates indicated. On February 4, 199 a mee ing was held of all interested departments relative to the dies earanee of WELTSEY. and? of the Investigative Support Unit a BUR AU ESTIGATION ACADEMY attended that meeting. Representatives were at the meeting from the SAYERVILLE, NEW JERSEY, POLICE the NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE and the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE in addition to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI). The details relative to the disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY were reviewed by those in attendance and individual investigators who had had direct contact with mother MICHELLE LODZINSKI presented the results of their interviews with her. Additionally, details relative to interviews of other friends and relatives were also set out. The boys mother is MICHELLE LODZINSKI, white female, date of b' November 9, 19675 Social Security Account Number desidence 362 and a half Augusta Street, South Amboy, New Jersey (NJ), telephone (908) 727-6775, employed at BINSKY AND SNYDER, Route 22, North Plainfield, NJ, telephone (908) 561-9337, reported her son missing_from a carnival in Sayerville, NJ, on May 25, 1991. LODZINSKI was regarded by the attendees as the sus ect in the disap earance of her son. Una/Jun? val/MLM we.? a: UK ewe/tat 2 commented to investigators that she felt that wes a normal situatiena EICHELLE LODZINSKI left high seheol early, went te Iewag ts live with a relative for a peried e: time? met GEORGE w;eesee get pregnant and eventually had her son TIMOTHY. As a teenager, MICHELLE run away from home. During an intemieWIPaCRnowledged that MICHELLE LODZINSKI had a reput as a liar. An interesting episode relatiVe to MICHELLE ability to admit mistakes -. .rr oc~wrred about? is divorced and has been remarr times. MICHELLE LODZINSKI is reported to be close to MICHELLE LODZINSKI obtained a high school equivalence! diploma while she was in Iowa. On August 6, 1985, her son TIMOTHY was born in Iowa. MICEELLE LODZINSKI stayed with her new born son 7 1? i for approxima en re urned with her son t0 New Jersey,f a a 7, She was therefere bed l;ersey, luring the summer of 1986 and maved into the vicinity ef her parents resideneea six .o . The hey, TIMOTHY reportedly saw his grandserents quite regularly. g5 From 1986 through the present MICHELLE had a series sf low paying jobs and bad reputation as a party girl. . u} f\h UK .2 .3 RWB/tat 7 has not been - has indicated that they did not as though MICHELLE LODZINSKI disciplined her sen TIMOTHY properlyc In the ast MICHELL ent her son At the time the boy was ab ge. MIC LOD INSKI has expressed ??7Cyl reat concerniinterviewers about the media makin her look .ar: utilized by b? MICHELLE MICHELLE is a close Relative to the date of the disappearance at approximately noon a playmate of TIMOTHY WILTSEY talked to him at his heuee. This friend was going t0 a sw1m clubg the park and te a eermive MECHELEE ha? explained to interviewers that at abeet 1:89 er 1230 she left her heme with her son and went te Helmdel Park. LODZINSKI expleihed that she parked in let aemher three ?ne te number one and twe being full. rhe park rangers en guty at that time eentteeietmher.allegatieae be that late ene gee tee werelhet full or closed at anytime day. Relative te her polygraph examinatiehg she kept eekiag "?ew em I deieg?? twee ?he kept repeating this inquiry. Ehis line of questioning by an interviewee duriag a pelygraph ie nermally a iedicator of The queetiens to which LGDZENSKI showed deception durinn the yol?gjapgl,e?st? wi7 ?8 93'? 4 I a During the polygraph examinatlon a: eubeegaent interview LGEZINSKI stated several times ifI did not hart my? ll?" and am a good mother." LODZINS str?ck a relationshi Detectivea of the POLICE DEPARTMENT placed the time of the reported disappearance at approximately 7:00 PM, May 25, 1991. An effort was mane to locate ;Wj _f MICHELLE LODZINSKI for the time period 1mm disappearance, the day of the WL le- imme?iately following. relative to the date of the disa ?the frret few Gaye following it, however? there was information relative to the Qay be eVeilable at the avgg?v? ?elephone numberuirivrllee wee regietered to M. at 362 a?d a half Augusta Street, South Amboy, NJ: LODZINSKI is still living at the same location; Her place of employment is BINSKY ANS SNYBER SERVICE, Route 22, North ?lainfield, NJ, telephone (908) 56l~9337. ?Wu/tat ele?hone 77? . MICHELLE LODZINSKI, 7 Aid not have her address or phgne number. 5 was the kwil .. 5/3. Fh~ml I~ uo13i FEDERAL BUREAU 0F 3/19/92 Date of transcription nrcanLE LODZINSKI was interviewed atgthe offices of Attorney RICHARD KRUGER, 924 North Wood Avenue,?Linden, New Jersey (NJ), telephone number 908~486~2600. LODZINSKI was asked to provide a full accounting of her entire experience relative to the reported disappearance of her son WILTSEY on May 25, 1991. a At the time and continuing to the preSentL LODZINSKI resides at 362 LQ Augusta Street, South Amboy, NJ, telephone? npmber 908-727-6775. Relative to the date of the disappearance, May 25, 1991, she explained thatrat approximately 2:00 p.m. she left her home with her son TIMOTHY and went to Holmdel Park at Holmdel, NJ. At the park they played ball for a period of time and then proceeded to a carnival being held in Sayerville, NJ. They 3?1? arrived atlthe carnival at approximately 7:00 p.m. At the cargival LODZINSKI explained that she saw an individual she knew as ELLEN (LAST NAME UNKNOWN) (LNU), two men and a little girl. Initially, all four were together, however before ELLEN and her companions approached her, one of the men walked off and LODZINSKI said that she did not see that individual again. She did explain however that ELLEN (LNU) and one male and a little girl approached her and ELLEN (LNU) commented about not having seen her in some time and that her son EIMOTHY got pretty big and inquiries were also made by ELLEN (LNG) about whether or net MICHELLE LOEZINSKI was married. After a very exchange NICHELLE LGDZINSKI indicated te her son EIMQEHX that she (MICHELLE wanted to go and get a? soda. LODZINSKI explained that hergson responded that he wanted to go on the rides at the carnival. ELLEN (LNU) interjected stating that she wonld watch while MICHELLE went to get a soda. Standing in the immediate vicinity at the time in addition to and her son and ELLEN was one male and the little girl who was with the unknown male and ELLEN Ejr7(;' . .-.. ?g It lavesgigagien en 3 4 l9 2 by Linden NJ He: . Dan dictated 3 1?9 /92 This document contains neither recommendation: no: conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the F31 and i: loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distribuled outside your agency. 6/ 3. Continuation ,of of MICHELLE LODZINSKI 3/4/92 . 0n .Fage 2 Prior to encountering ELLEN (LNU) and the man and little gir LODZINSKI claims not to have seen anyone at the carnival whom she is familiar with or who her son TIMOTHY would have been familiar with. MICHELLE LODZINSKI then departed from the group and proceeded toward a soda stand which,from her pointing out the approximate distance through the window of the law office,came to approximately 75 to 80 yards. She added that between where she had been talking with ELLEN (LNU) and the soda stand was a small bushy area which she had to walk through. When she reached that the male who had been with ELLEN (LNU) came up behind her she wants to keep it that way to keep walking. He added that MICHELLE LODZINSKI might see him in a month or so or get a phone call from him. LODZINSKI indicated that she briefly looked back and saw her son with ELLEN (LNU) and then LODZINSKI continued on to the soda stand where she stated that,on purpose,she got on the shortest line and then bought a soda. After purchasing the soda she then stated that she started looking for her so at that time ran into a and friend 0 named ELLE . we girls are 15 or 16 years 0 age. DANIELLE (LNU) found a police officer and MICHELLE LODZINSKI explained to him that she could not find her son. That police officer and one other then made a search, an announcement was made in an attempt to locate TIMOTHY WILTSEY and after approximately one hour the SAYERVILLE PCLICE DEPARTMENT was notified of the disappearanoe. LODZINSKI provided the following deseriptions of ELLEE (LNU) and her companions: Name; ELLEN (LNU) Race: White Sex: Female Hair: hark brown or black (long and straight with bangs) Height; Approximately E?e? Build: Slender Characteristics: Notioeable tan; no glasses LQDZINSKI stated that she would recognize this individual if she saw her once again. FIB-3023 (Rev. 11-1343) Continuation of of MICHELLE LGDZINSKI 0n 3/ 4/92 . Page The male with ELLEN (LNU) was described as follows: Race: White Sex: Male Age: Early 305 Height; Approximately 6?2" Build: Husky Hair: Brown mixed with gray (combed straight back, length to collar) Characteristics: Bags under eyes; no glasses Complexion: Ruddy; clean shaven LODZINSKI thought she may be able to recognize this individual if she saw him again. Relative to the second male LODZINSKI saw in the company of ELLEN (LNU), she could provide no detailed description and stated that the man walked off moments after she first saw him and could only indicate that basically he looked just like the other male. Relative to the little girl with ELLEN (LNU), LODZINSKI described her as follows: Race: White Sex: Female Age; 2 3 years Height: Approximately 3? Build: Slender Hair: Brown (short) Relative to the male who had walked otf without getting a good look at him, she could recall speci?ically only that he was wearing a coral colored shirti Regarding ELLEN (tho); explained that daring iea? LQDZINSKI was employed as a teller at the AMBOY MADISON NATIONAL BANK on Route 9 and Erneston Road in dayervillei This individual, ELLEN, would come in periodically and cash welfare checks. On occasioni herself waited on ELLEN. LOBZINSKI claimed that she learned that this ELLEN (LNU) owned a red Camaro automobile or possibly a Firehird during l987. She recalled also that a bank customer mentioned that this ELLEN ?73? (Rev. {Tem?ahaaieh of Ell-?02 sf MICHELLE LQSZINSKI . On 3/4/92 ?ag: 4 worked aS?a go~go dancer? When ELLEN (LNU) would come into the bank she had a identification (ID) from a welfare ageney in F??waaz?gx. County with her which had her picture on it. After the disappearance of her son, MICHELLE LODZINSKI telephoned the following individuals from the carnival: mother who is MICHELLE wt 1. 2 . if . ?to determine whether the boy showed up at the reel ence. 3. MICHELLE mother ICHELLE LODZINSKI arrived home at about 3:00 a.m. and :00 a.m. She who reeldence and remained with her until called had also notified showed up at LODZ dawn. father met her at her home at about 6:00 a.m. and took her to the police department at Sayerville and then joined the search for TIMOTHY WILTSEY. MICHELLE LODZINSKI i remained at the police department with her mother About two days after the dieappearaneevLODZINSKI teak her first polygraph examinationw At that time, she did net tell the full stery claiming that she was afraid for her son?s safety eheuld she de that. About a week after the first polygraph which was done by the FEDERAL BUREAU QE she wae polygraphed again by the MIDDLESEX CQUNTY OFFICE. The etfiee indicated te her that ehe had seme problem with same ef the questioner She is aware that.she ehewed derieg the FBI pelygraph exam. She exglained that she was teeted a third time by Middlesex County and gave a full account of the disappearance ef her son at that timer 9?51 (Rev. 11-45-33) MICHELLE LGDZINSKI ,On 3/4/92 ,Pme 5 fl LGDZINSKI alleged that on January 20: 1992, that she received a telephone call on her answering machine which came back to a number 201~539 and she did not recall the last four digits but claimed that the number wagfw??the SAYERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT. '5 number came back to a in She was able to determine the number of the caller Since 5 as a call tracing attachment for her telephone. She called the number back and received a recording saying that the number had been disconnected. The SAYERVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT told her that their inquiry had determined that the number she provided them was disconnected on May 13, 1991. MICHELLE three closest friends are: number is the number at which she can more easily be reached 2. ep on who is a residence nce The relative ta whom LODZINSKI is either Relative te eketches that LODZINSKI aided an artist in compiling of ELLEN (LNU) and her male associate, LODZINSKI called them reasonably accurate portrayals of the individuals she enceantered at the earnival and who abducted her son. She explained that en a scale ef one to ten she would rate the ehetches as an eightt She did add that relative te the woman a gap appears en the sketch between the upper lip and bettom of the nose which is not quite as large as that appearing on the sketch? LQDZINSKI felt that there is petential fer benefit from publicizing the sketches. 5?7? Continuation of FD-BDZ e! MICHELLE LQDZINSKI Gr: 3/4/92 . Page MICHELLE LODZINSKI has disappearance at her son in associate confron Xplained the entire luding the confrontation with ELLEN her w' a knife to her friends She also explained who resides on the story to at telephone Relative to her relatives she to 1d the full star 0 her father and motherl her sister pr RWB/dcw j% A Ejr2C? 0n March 20, 1992, the following investivation was conducted by Speciai Agent {33; 7777 77777777777777777777777 is 77777 7? of the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE, New Brunswick, New Jersey (NJ), was contacted relative to a polygraph examination he performed on MICHELLE LODZINSKI, the mother of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. advised that the polygraph examination of KI was performed by him on July 2, 1991. Relevant questions asked of LODZINSKI by Captain during the examination were the four following questions: 1976 2. 3. 4. The answers of MICHELLE LODZINSKI to those questions were as follows: 570 In each case, her answer indicated a the judgement of examine; E?ar deception in amp?a #99. FEBERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Date of transcription 4/2 8/9 2 a telephones and prowldev ?e 'o ?owing information:3 Relative to the disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY, she was notified the day of the disa pearance at about 10:00 or 10:30 in the evening from eitherh or by? This was as a resul a telephone call. She.was told that the boy was missing and that photographs were needed.. MICHELLE JD .. not have - -. .. was interviewed Within 24 hours of the disappearanceml MICHELLE told her an explanation of how TIMOTHY BY ad . disappeared.? The explanation given was that MICHELLE LODZINSKI was at a soda stand at a carnival in Sayreville and that she was getting a soda there with TIMOTHY waiting nearby. He was fidgeting and while she was turned away he disappeared. recalled that on about June 13, 1991, was going to be interviewed again TIMOTHY. About 9:00 . . that called her in order to advi that was back from the interview. reca ed baits su wrised that the interview had taken so longsi Within days she was aware that relative to the di iaves?iestionea 4/3/93 at me Bridge, NJ wet? 7wNKw69423 Daze dictated 4/13 /9 2 Kl). ?Jl/ This decame Bantams neither recommendations nor conclusion: of the PBXG It is the property of the F81 and is leased to year ageacy; it and its contents are not ?as he distributed ?amide vent noevmv Continuation of 313?302 of . 0a 4/3/92 . Page 2 :f7cj\i?ii} - "to was what really happene a carnival and was given the following explanation: MICHELLE LODZINSKI arrived at the carnival with her son TIMOTHY WILTSEY who went on at least one ride. Tickets were purchased for the rides. At this point MICHELLE LODZINSKI alleged that she encountered a woman with the first name ELLEN (Last Name Unknown) (LNU). LODZINSKI claimed to have known this ELLEN (LNG) from a time when LODZINSKI was working at a bank in Sayreville. ELLEN used to cash checks there. MICHELLE LODZINSKI explained toMthat she wanted to get a soda and her son indicated tha wan ed to go on a ride. ELLEN (LNU) then allegedly said that she will watch the boy. Two men were with this ELLEN (LNU) as was a small girl. MICHELLE LODZINSKI then went for the soda and one of the men confronted her on the way to the soda stand. He put a knife near her stomach and said, "You have a nice looking boy there, you wouldn?t want anything to happen to his face." The individual also allegedly stated that he may be back in 30 days or that MICHELLE LODZINSKI may get a call from him. After this confrontation she continued to the soda stand to get a drink. Within a few days of the disappearance of WILTSEY HI a tne ?5 . e; 05.4 Relative to the capability of TIMOQMY WILTSEY being hi able ts see a teleahone to call his own ether ?9 *ielt this was unlikely. The bay knew his date of birth, his name, address and phone number, however anything more than that was questionable in her judgement. South ff 7 j? MICHELLE neede-?? l?time care for him Since she wor Comparing the cost of sending the boy to public scheol and paying for a babysitter after school as compared to SAINT GRAMMAR 7 Ln 7? .Continuation of F9602 of 7 . On 4/3/92 . Page 3 we;qu 21? scsoot LATCHAKEY FROGRAH, the cost was about the same. SAINT system, howeVer, was much more convenient since they had a latch key program and MICHELLE LODZINSKI would be able to rely on them?having someone to watch the boy after school every day. MICHELLE LODZINSKI paid the tuition for the boy attending SAINT GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Relative to TIMOTHY WILTSEY going to sta with relatives for a period of time in Minnesota, explained that occurred in approximately Janua . boy stayed in Minnesota until mid~Ma had one daughterdetailed lanation as to why the boy went to Minnesota. may have been having problems relative to employment Wl related financial problems. One of the past employments that ?had was for a company named FLORIDA FULFILLMENT, whic was coated in Raritan Center in Edison. FLORIDA FULFILLMENT was possibly some type of shipping company. The building utilized by the company had mirrored windows and was past the second set of railroad tracks on Raritan Center Parkway. MICHELLE LODZINSKI worked there for a period of six to nine months and her job involved use of computers location on various occasions. MICHELLE dais. as an excuse for work absence the fact that avriT? 31 Tin Florida had a child who had died. that from about January l990 to the time of disappearance, MICHELLE had no contact wit After the disappearance, the offered to have ger come ir?V?trti,their home; HIGHELLE DZINSKI told" The veam>wawwshad subsequent domestic problems and new EICHELLE is giving him a glass to stave LOEZINSKI explained to ,N?m a friend and that he is staying ?Or a couple of weeks. 57C Camimmtian of BID-302 of - gm? 7 on 4/3/92 . Pzge 4 account of what hadhappene. lthe caf?ival. 5'3? - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I I 17% November 15, 1990, MICHELLE be late. On November 20, Starting with November 26, 1990, she died. That particular sist nue Somerset, New Jersey (NJ) 08 was contacted and advised I from November 12, 1990 to 4/28/92 Date 01' transcriptian EUROTAINER, 805 Howard 873, telephone number that he had empleyed MICHELLE December 5, 1990. On LODZINSKI called in to say she would advised that she had a virus. 1990, MICHELLE LODZINSKI was out of imately two weeks. xplanation that her sister?s child had er was living in Florida. When she returned (telephonically) investfguian an 4/3/92 Newark. NJ rme: Data dictated 4/13/92 This document contains neither recommendations not wnciusion: of the ?6 oval 36a ma?on?o 6" want 0a kn nude-'1. cu. \5i? BI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 4/28/92 Exit 6! transcripiiaa work telephone numbe' ?by provided the following information. A few months after the stories had appeared in the paper relative the disa earance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY, and an associate were attending a card show a itan Center in Edison. After the she and ?ecided to wal long a nearby roadway which is adjacent an open marsh?s interested in observing wildlife and thought that some oul would be in the area due to the proximit marsh. While walking in the area near Olympic Drive,?observed a boy?s sneaker in the dirt. He observe a he sneaker was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle type sneaker and recalled that articles relative to the disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY indicated that the boy was wearing that type of shoe at the time. Since the sneaker was that of a young boy he picked it up thinking may be a possibility it could be related to the case. ?advised that he eventually left the sneaker with the SAY POLICE DEPARTMENT. science teacher at associate, resides telephone number at work was net sure of the last four digits. accompanied SA to the site where he lccated sneaker and painted it out as specifically as he could. The location was painted cut as the south side cf Olympic Drive, approximately 75 yards beyend utility pole numbered 15207. That utility pole is :1 tie earth side of Olympic Drive. The sneaker was found hyj, a about 45 to 50 yards from the reedway. It was partia ly severed with soil since it was in an area where same eresicn had taken place and soil had apparently washed ever a portion of the sneaker. the when he found xmw?mumnon 4/6/92 Edison. NJ we? 55? This document contains neither recommendations no: conclusions 01th: FBI. It is the property 9111;: F81 and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside ueucv. Date dictated 4 A 5970 antinuuiog of 6! . 0:1 4/6/92 3 Eggs 2 has attended One meeting of THE FRIENDS OF TIMMY ORGANIZATION. He has never spaken with MICHELLE LODZINSKI, the boy's mother. 5?6? . .7 .77 5.2, W4, >16 n?lkn? ?a knee!? as: war as-?M ?1 NK RWB/wlw A 1 On April 8, 1992, the 7' ,7 conducted by Special Agent Property Management Unit, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, Raritan Plaza Number 1, Rarit Center, Edison, New Jersey (NJ) 08818, telephone number 908 was contacted relative to the possibility of the past tenan ritan Center having been FLORIDA FULFILLMENT COMPANY. advised that FLORIDA FULFILLMENT rented space from SUMMIT ASSOCIATES at 375 Raritan Center Parkway. The rental agreement listed ENTERPRISES as the lessee, doing business as FLORIDA FULFILLMENT. The space rented at 375 Raritan Center was rented by M.J.G. ENTERPRISES, doing business as FLORIDA FULFILLMENT from May 1988 through April 1990. Records of SUMMIT ASSOCIATES indicate that FLORIDA FULFILLMENT has a current address of 4250 North West 135th Street Florida 33054, telephone number 305-681-1188. A is listed as the president of the company. b?lL On the same date it was observed that 375 Raritan Center Parkway is just over four tenths of a mile from the loc 'ch a sneaker was found by an individual named Mseveral months after the disappearance of TIMOTHY ILTSEY. Physical properties of the sneaker found by- match those being worn by the boy when he disappeared. n? . ?c FEDERAL. .. - . 19m- mv'rchc.? up Bate of transcription 5/11/92 .A . a. k) A search for the skeletal remains of TIMOTHY WILTSEY was organized to cover the area on Olympic Drive in Raritan Center, Edison, New Jersey. Participation in the search in addition to FEDERAL OF INVES IGATION (FBI) Agents from the Newark Division werehof the NEW JERSEY STATE POLICE (NJSP who an er or a cadaver do . Also accompanying?from the NJSP was Trooper Fro COUNTY OFFICE was present, as well as Lieutenant rom the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY POLICE DEPARTMENT iresent were Detective Sergeant -and Lieutenant Special Agents (SAs) only participated in the se April 24, 1992, Detectiv SAYREVILLE NJPD and also the SAYREVILLE NJPD also participated. In a ition, numerous other law enforcement officers assisted with the routine task of sifting debris for possible remains. and 23 1992 . of the On from the MCPO, Identification Bureau, was present both days and coordinated the search for his department. The Search itself was organized by the Newark Division and officers of the NJSP. The MCPO and SAYREVILLE NJPE were invited and asked to assist. The following items were recovered on April 23, 1992, pursuant to that search: One child size sneaker {right} hearing a teenage Mutant :V?iniarrurtle emblem? This item was recovered by . A section sf fabric which appears ts be a p71: 7 Whearing_a print pattern. This item was located by s; 1 Investigation on ., File 3 4/24/92 rue Ant-"Ml-H? maniac n-ivh-r of the FBI. It is the oroocrtv of the FBI and is loaned to vour mezzo. . 5 .. . a .. .wSEARCH FOR REMAINS ?On Continuation of Till-302 of l?{7C: A blue nd white knitted item which appeared to be a blanket a blanket. This item was foend by SA The sneaker referred to above was found approximately 30 yards from the location at which a similar sneaker was found during October, 1991, by a bird watcher walking in the area. The pillowcase was also found in the general area of where the two sneakers were located. The blanket was recovered approximately 15 to 20 feet from where the skull to TIMOTHY WILTSEY was~located in a creek. The sneaker and pillowcase were both found on the south side of Olympic Drive in the area across the road from where the last utility poll is located. The blanket was found on the north side of Olympic Drive approximately 100 to 150 yards from the location at which the sneakers were located. The blanket-type item was at the top of a slope leading down to the creek in which the skeletal remains of TIMOTHY WILTSEY were eventually located. located on April 23, 1992, by the NJSP Trooper was a skull which was eventually identified as that of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. On April 24, 1992, a search was conducted in the vicinity of the recovery of the skull of TIMOTHY WILTSEY in an effort to located his skeletal remains. In addition, a search was conducted of the immediate area where the skull had been located in an effort to find other items of potential evidentiary value. Recovered that day was a mylar type balloon bearing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle logo. also recovered were several plastic bags in the creek in the immediate vicinity of where the skull of TIMOTHY was recovered. Those items were turned over of the MCPQ Identifieatien Bareana Additiona'l all items recovered an April 23, l992. were turned over to of the MCPO Ident' 'cat?on Bureau with the exception of the sneaker located by SA a Also seized on April 24? 1992, was a black wall tire siae lQ/BeQS?ls LT with logo Grand Trix four wheel RVT located on the tires Numerous bones were located in the tire, however sub? sequent examination by the Medical Examiner?s Office determined that they were animal in origin. The tire was recovered free the creek were the skeletal remains of TIMOTHY were located. Continuation of FIB-302 of a la. wee?em a so 92-3! SEARCH FUR REMAINS 99,; E. The skeletal remains of TIMOTHY WILTSEY were.recovered from a creek bed located on the north side of Olympic Drive where the creek enters a culvert going under Olympic Drive. This creek is approximately 100 to 150 yards beyond where the last utility poll is located on the north side of Olympic Drive? The search conducted for the skeletal remains on April 24, 1992, consisted of attempts to dig the bottom sediment from the creek in which the skull was recovered the previous day and then carry the sediment to a location on Olympic Drive where screens were set up for sifting purposes. The bottom sediment was then screened and water hoses from an EDISON FIRE DEPARTMENT truck were utilized to wash the sediment and dirt away from any items located among the sediment. Numerous bones were recovered in this manner. All skeletal remains recovered through this method includi from the previous day were secured by Investigator from the MCPO Identification Bureau for transport to the Medical Examiner?s Office. 3- an. (?arts-oveer .xfk?7Cation was conducted by SpeCial Agent (SA) on May 18, 1992: (Protect Identity} telephenicall" advised as fellows: She LODZINSKI, the mother of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. at . New Jersey (NJ) telephone Federal Bureau 0! she had on explained that she wished to relay to the Inves 'uation (FBI) the details of a meeting with MICHEL 1970 LODZINSKI. would accompany her, however, MICHELLE LODZINSKI saio at she would never go to that site. At this point, questioned as to how she would find her way to the location where the skeletal remains were found and MICHELLE LODZINSKI advised that she could give her directions to the road off which the remains were located. That road is Olympic Drive and is located in Raritan Center, Edison, NJ. LODZINSKI explained to? that from residence in mthat-should proceed on cute 9 North to Route 514 an ollow the signs for Bonhamton then proceed to Raritan Center, Raritan Center Drive specifically and follow Raritan Center Drive all the way will be crossed by Olympic Drive. LODZINSKI explained that she knew where Olympic Drive was because she had worked previously in Raritan Center at a eempany very elose ta Olympia Drive. LODZINSKE made he meetiee at all of having recently learned of the leeatieh of Olympic Drive due t0 press coverage related te the discevery of the skeletal remains at her son. #1 _hmiT?alse eutlined ether behavier 0f MICHELLE LODZINSKI relative to the week immediately prior to the disappearance of TIMOTHY now regards as being somewhat suspicious. The disappearance of the boy occurred en May 25, 1991, whieh was a Saturday.?iFr??fesfexplained that s~mww** LODZINSKI had planned ts ge ts the carnival where TIMOTHY allegedly disappeared not on Saturday night hat on Thursday night. For some reason the plans MICHELLE LODZINSKI hi? 5 WW3 1 a ?brm ?at 5* agmuu. i . vii" . . - .?t?lsf?hl': had made were changed. day immediately prior to the boy's disappearance, MICHELLE LODZINSKI walked the boy to school which was a highly unusual occurrence. On that same date, Friday, May 24, iasl, MICHELLE LODZINSKI bought some new clothes for her son TEMOTHY: r, a was told by MICHELLE that for the first time that 65y she had let the boy pick out his own clothes which again was unusual since LODZINSKI had always indicated-n??~ to her previously that she was the one who made the decisions relative to such purchases. 0n the Wednesday immediately prior to the boy?s disappearance, TIMOTHY WILTSEY got a special short haircut that he had who is may have seen TIMOTHY WILTSEY uring the mornin of the day he disa red Saturda May 25, 1991. dimes in the? Relative to the investigation into the boy's disappearance, MICHELLE LODZINSKI had tol she took two polygraph examinations and passed both except for one question which was "Did you have anything to do with the boy's disappearance?" LODZINSKI explained that she had answered no and that this showed a deception, however, she explained that she does feel guilty for the boy's disappearance and that would be the reason why she failed that question on the polygraph examination. LODZINSKI als ed to xwthought that a NOT Pom ewe 63. also recalls that on Friday, the i thats-?F that .. . m; ?uz?wu .1 ?gafwri: .. 33?va NK RWB/tat b7C 1 On April 27, 1992, the followin- investigation was a -h be Speoial Agent Detectivg of the aroorasrx cover? orrioa Identification Bureau was contacted. The Identification Bureau is located at the County Annex Building on Georges Road in North Brunswick, New Jersey (NJ). The tele hone number at that location is (908) 745-4161. that after the Medical Examinator?s Office had revie?e he skeletal remains recovered on April 24, 1992, he was advised that most of the bones recovered were animal in origin andspecifically that all the bones recovered in a large black wall tire were animal in? origin. Human leg, arm, and pelvic bones were recovered among the skeletal remains unearthed on April 24, 1992. 6?3? Investigation regarding MICHELLE LODZ INSKI and her various explanations regarding her son?s disappearancei oecezo (12-3-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deietions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated heiow with no segregahie meteriai availaeie for release to you. Section 552 Section 552a 13 (MO) El Cl E1 (10(1) [3 (10(2) Cl (10(3) El (10(4) El (10(5) (19(5) (W9) (10(6) (M03 (10(7) Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency?es). These documents were referred to that agency?es) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Govemment agenoy?es) You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consuitation with the other Page(s) withheld ioesrnooh as ?ood teieese detemieetion has eot made You Wlli he advised as to the disposition at a. later date. 1 Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative off?) r9?) i3/ Pagetfs) withheld for the followng reasoe(s): ill lite followino is te he 13% for register: wgar?ieg these ea es: a i A (vii 0?33qu (06/9 Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page . creme (123%) mm FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE WORMATEON SHEET 7 Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. l3 Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indieated below with no segregable material availahie for release to yon. Section 552 Section 5523 a (no) t] exam) a 0 one) (mom E1 (no) a (no) C1 mom a (no) {omen 00(2) :3 a (no) a (maxi-n (10(4) :1 one one) (no) (bxs) a (we) (Into a one) a Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency?es) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageney?es). You will be advised hy the FRI as to the releasahility of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a finai release determination has not made You willhe advised as to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for mime as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the foiiowing reasonis): EX 5/ 3 l0 Etc @351 tor .gerenee regard?ng these pages: i? Deleted Pageis) No Duplication Fee for this page OPCAQO (12-3-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheid entirety at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Deietions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated hetew with no segregabie materiai avaiiavie for reiease to yeti. Section 552 Section 5523 :1 (WI) exam) :3 tots) a (W2) more) a Ct (me) and) E1 comm) :3 tea) a (mom) a (10(3) a (mom a (10(4) r3 (me) and) (10(5) E1 (we) I3 (10(6) (bxo (10(7) Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency?es) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageney?es). You be advised by the FM as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other ageney?esy Vegas) withheid inasmuch as a finai reiease determination has not been made. You be advised as to the disposition at a tater date. Pages were not considered for release as they are Aduplieative of FD 3-53 Dame 9?3 9d {age .34 Page(s) withheld for the foiiowirtg reason(s): E/T?he foiiowing numher is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ?3 ace Beret? 1935? rate? Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page (12-396) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletiont Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptions indicated below with no segregabie material for release to yet}. Section 552 Section 5523 E1 (mm (W2) Cl (1903(3) [3 (00) (W3) Cl (10(1) Cl (10(2) E1 (10(3) (10(4) Cl (W8) (10(5) Cl (10(5) El (10(6) Cl (10(7) information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. [3 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageney?es) Yon will he advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency?es). Page(s) withheid inasmuch as a finai reiease determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a iater date. 3 Pages were not considered for release as they are kduplicative of FD gig; Paget?s) Withheid for the following reasonfs): Ef?e foilowing number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Fe sum ?3ng ?es-24 east 854;. Deleted Page(s) No Dupiication Fee for this page OPCA-ZO (22-3-96) 4 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. Qne or more of the following statements, Where indicated, explain this deletion. E: beietions were made eursuant to the exemptions indicated b?i?w with no segregeoie materiai avenirloie tor release to you. Section 552 Section 5523 Cl El El (DO) Cl (10(1) El C1 (10(2) [3 (10(3) [1 (10(4) Cl (10(5) 006) (W9) (10(6) (10(7) [3 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government ageney(ies)5 These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency?esl You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasebility of this information foilowing our consultation with the other agency?es). Pagets) withheld inasmtten as a final reieese determination nae not iteen tirade, Yon will ire advised as to the disposition at a iater date. Pages were not considered for release as they are?duplicativc of is Hell Page(s) withheld for the foliowing reason(s): Quantum Th A follow? number is to lo ?seg tor referenw re??dinegthese pagan; i a g; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page 3X ?Alli? 7-NK-69423 BANK, Erns ton Road; Old Bridg?,' Mthe fallkg'Lghinvestigatien wee NATIGNAL ?ee Jeri ??wag bontacted and advised that MICHELLE LODZINSKI was a previous employee of the bank. LODZINSKI worked at the bank from January threugh Qctober, 1987. F7 Alb? IfT?x i (indicated that the velume was extraordinarily large. NK The following investigation was conducted on the dates indicated by Spec an April 13, 1992,77?c17' "??Investigations Section, MIDDLESEX COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENT, 181 How ne, New Brunswick, New Jersey (NJ), telephoneias contacted relative to the possib3W9of identifying all IDDLESEX COUNTY WELFARE recipients with the first name of ELLEN for the year 1987. This individual with the first name of ELLEN would have had a MIDDLESEX COUNTY WELFARE Identification during 1987. She responded that it may be possible to review all canceled checks for Welfare recipients for the year 1987 and manually search for individuals with the first name ELLEN. She was unaware of any computerized method to conduct such a search throu her office. (phonetic) referred SA-to the NEW JERSEY STATE WELFARE BUREAU, Integrity Control Section, telephone number for any information relative to possibly being agle to cond as search through computers available to was subsequently contacted on the same a an exp aine that such a procedure was not possible through the use of computers. was recontacted on the same date and she explained that since a computerized search was not possible she would make arrangements to have all canceled checks for WELFARE recipients for the year 1987 made available on Monday, April 20, 1992, at her office. On April 20, 1992 SAs and- met Senior Investigater, Investigatiens Sectien, MIDDLESEX COUNTY WELFARE at the WELFARE foices located at 181 How Lane, New Brunswick. A review of the canceled checks for the yearilf92871A vindicated that she thought a listing at all WELFARE ?feelplehts was available in the office for the year 1937: and it wehld thereferg e2, single checkei she erg g3; ry te physically ge through each 7 WW W, ?subsequentl?yfeund this list and gas her supervise I;fj;;?kkgland :ndivided up the year 1987 among the feur of them and list for all individuals receiving WELFARE during 1987, with the first name of ELLEN, ELEANOR, or ELENA. (E) That list Of recipients is as follows: Social Securit Account Number (SOC) County Numbei ,ao- .A NV- NK RWB/tat a County Numbeiifm 'ia Caunty - County Number- - SOC County Number- - soc- County Number - - SOC- County Number - county Number? County County Number? - SOC -, County Number - - 8062- County Number- - SOC County Number - - County Number - SQC - Caunty Rumba??- Cuunty Number Photograp 3 far ?;;W9?Mthe above-listed individu "ith the exgeption of 'mur phatagraphs were but available. lcwing identifyin: data wag thained i? last known an effor .addressav her date 0f birth is knuwn address is Apartment st actress,? parentsE names ar: number as of May, 1986 was The Theif t?i?phohem )3 .. . ..- FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 5/8/92 ?ats of transcription MICHELLE LODZINSKI, 36 1/2 Augusta Street, South Amboy, New Jersey (NJ), telephone (908) 727-6775; was interviewed and provided the following information: She was shown three groups of was relative to an photograp appropriate elimination photographs were displayed to LODZINSKI in an effort to determine whether was the individual she allegedly encountered on May 25, 1991, in Sayerville, NJ, and who was reportedly involved in the abduction of her son. LODZINSKI advised that the man she saw on May 25, 1991, in Sayerville who was involved in the abduction of her son was not among the photographs displayed. A second set of photographs were shown to MICH ZI SKI relative to an individual named had been turned in by an anonymous caller as an 1ndiv1dual who was behaving suspiciously in Sayerville and the caller was concerned he may be connec ed w'th the abduction of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. A photograph of? along with elimination photographs was shown to MICHELLE LODZINKSI. She advised the man she saw on May 25, 1991, in Sayerville who was involved in the abduction of her son was not among the individuals depicted in the photographs. A third group of photographs was also displayed to LGEZIESKI. This third group of photos consisted of photographs of 16 different women all of whom were on MIDDLESEX COUNTY WELFARE Rolls during 1987. Each oi them had a MIDDLESEX CQGNEX WELEARE ideatifieation and each of them had firet of either ELLEN, ELEANGR or ELENA. LGEZINSKI reviewed these photographs and advised that the women with the first name of ELLEN who allegedly was involved in the abduction of her son was not among the people depicted in thoee photographed invgs?i?a?on on 4/2 1/92 *2 A. a South Ambov. NJ Wk? 4f21192 E381: diciated This document connins ei er recommendations no: canciusions of the FBI. 1! is the property of the FBI and is Eeaned to your agencyuntoh?. unuv enema? Continuation of Elbe-302 of MICHELLE LQDZINSKI The above groups of photographs have been placed in the 1A Section of the file. Additionally, LODZINSKI was asked to list all of her employments from the time she finished her education from the first employment to her current employment. She provided that list of employments as follows: SOUTH AMBOY ROLLER MAGIC, Stevens Avenue, South Amboy, NJ: PENNEY, Woodbridge Mall, Woodbridge, AMBOY MADISON BANK, Ernston Road and Route 9, Old Bridge, SOUTH AMBOY HOSPITAL, South Amboy, NJ: FLORIDA FULFILLMENT (it should be noted that LODZINSKI indicated FLORIDA FULFILLMENT was a Florida based company and then paused. She was then asked specifically where they were located when she was employed and responded Raritan Center); HARRY STRAUSS AND SON, Jersey Avenue, North Brunswick, SOMERSET MARRIOTT, Davidson Avenue, Somerset, . Cm METHFESSEL ANS WERBAL, Rahway, NJ, across?the UNITED STATES POST OFFICE in Rahway; EUROTAINSR, Somerset, NJ, in the vicinity of Exit from Interstate Highway 287; SABERT OQRRORATION, Main Street, Sayerville, CONSUMERS MERCHANDTSE (Corporate Office), Plainfield Avenue, Edison, BINSKY AND SNYDER SERVICE, Route 22, North Plainfield, NJ. 7" :w ?53.7" .2397?; 9 93?2". v. . etaars?e-?u?se a. NK 1., On April 27, 1992, the followin- investigation waswn? 7 conducted by Special Agent a i has a 1.1, My fibr_ . p, telephone 1?aoo?238~2266, facsimile number 201?56aw6885, was contacted and provided the following information. He runs a direct mail order business and also places magazine advertisements. He became aware of the TIMOTHY WILTSEY case through publicity and thought it was possible that he may help publicize the missing child by including his photographs on items mailed from his business. with that in mind he contacted the local police agencies working on the case in order to try to obtain a photograph of TIMOTHY WILTSEY to place on items mailed from his business. He was unsuccessful in getting a quality photograph and asked police permission to contact MICHELLE LODZINSKI, the mother of the missing ho directly. He did this by telephone on February 10, 1992. i explained his plan to MICHELLE LODZINSKI who seemed interested on the telephone. She promised to send him a photograph which he would be able to utilize to carry out the publicity. The photograph never arrived and he thought that was odd. He has had no further contact with MICHELLE LODZINSKI. My. RWB/dcw Xx the following investigation was ,y :1 rs? of the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE, New New Jersey (NJ), was contacted relative to a polygraph examination he performed on MICHELLE LODZINSKI, the mother of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. advised that the polygraph examination of LODZINSKI was - performed by him on July 2, 1991. Relevant questions asked of LODZINSKI during the examination were the four followxng questions: be. 40 The answers of MICHELLE LODZINSKI to those questions were as follows: 1. 3? 4% In each case, her the judgement of examiner?m leer deception in /Poo WNKH69423 /wlw on March 24, 1992, the following investigation was 62o conducted by Special Agent LIBRARY, nd Street and North Stevens, South Amboy, New Jersey (NJ), telephone number 908~721~6060, was contacted and provided the following information: MICHELLE LODZINSKI does not have a library card for the SOUTH AMBOY LIBRARY SYSTEM. According to the records of the i library, there is no 'cation that LODZINSKI ever had a library card. Additionally,&advised that there is no way the library can trace books charged out by a particular individual. Interview of MICHELLE Relatives and Associates 3pm. ~Le The feilowing investigation was conducted by SA- East Lampeter lvania, stated a ed no reference On 5/27/91, Office Township Pol ice Department, Lancaster, Penney SE M519 vim . wit-mm! ma :mkk, am On 5/27/91, Office accom anied the Fresidence a 0 response was receive a a reel ence. On 5/27/91 is a good problems. icaused any types of? was contacted at his eighbor who has?neverf I was aware of On 5 28 residence. sta disappearance, having learned of it through his mother. stated possessed no information concernin this disappearance. stated for back ound, his brother was introduced to MICHELLE through her and MICHELLE live oge er for a a ered TIMOTHY. MICHELLE subsequently left and moved to New Jersey. OTHY since TIMOTHY was approxxma ely stated he has not seen MICHELLE since rowin? she resides in New Jersey, had he was in town no idea ef her residency. threu hout the weekend whio< could be verified ?s neighbor. stated that after MICHELLE left Iowa,# remained stated to his knowledge, GEOR as had little in . if any contact with MICHELLE or TIMQEMX einee that time. stated he has not seen TIM six months of age. that time and other an Na. OPCAQG (12-3-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 2 Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Section 552 Section 5523 E1 (on) (mom :3 (dxs) (me) (bxmB) (Do) (bxs) E1 (10(1) Memo? :1 (10(2) a one) 5 (10(4) and) (bxs) (10(5) (bxs) E1 oxen :3 (10(6) CI (bxs) :1 (tom Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies)r These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you, Pages contain information furnished by another Government ageney?es). You will he advised this information following our consultation with the other ageney?esh Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release determination has not h%n mode. You willhe advised es to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): E3 The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pagee: Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page stinks: 6H 61! \t (ti Date of transcription 5/4/91 54-west or? ?venue, apartment B, Columbus, 1o. He was adVised of i the identity of the interviewing Agents and the purpose of the interview. He then furnished the following information: carnival. He further went on to say a police search took place with negative results. their parents who live one town away from MICHELLE. The child often stays with the parents as MICHELLE is a single parent. LODZINSKI could 0 1y recall the name of one of MICHELLE's friends, a: LODZINSKI stated that his sister seemed to have trouble eeping jobs due to her caring for the child. He thought she had just quit her last job as a barmaid at FOGETYS EAR, where she worked mostly claimed that his sister is a self-reliant person, however, he noted, she would contact the parents for money. LODZINSKI went on to say that he had heard from the parents that MICHELLE was doing fine with her finances. He stated that MICHELLE was able to handle stressful situations for only a short period of time, then things would begin to bother her. He claimed MICHELLE was definitely an extroverted person. Cincinnati f\ investigation on 5f3 6/91. at Colmabus Ohio File 3 A, $370 by SA sg Date dictated 6/3/91 and SA Pd This docum mmendations nor conclusions of the FBI. it is the stoperty of the FBI and ii foamed to your agency; it and its contents are not to be diaerihuted outside your agency. . V-?FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIGN a: zxansc?miea k?c; birth telephone 3 ac and advised of the identit of the in erviewing and the nature of the interviewh :Agent provided the? following information: It . me! 5117 is a-sin le andvbelieves at sag-cas a coo- relationship with her care 7.. 7 He stated that he: toes not knew ef any drihking or erug ems. that in the Spring bf 1990 MICEELLE was wotkin- for a comsan?rcalle? SERVICE MERCHANDLV it bx? ?mm . ?:33 Investigation This document contains mime: recommenduions no: conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the pa: and a. inn?; ?0 out .011 'Pagg 2 ch?indicated that if she had very severe financial problems 5 could always seek help from her father who has offered to help in the past. bid . "f WC concluded by stating that he would be glad to do anything 0 a1 this investigation and that if he became aware of any pertinent information, r~ would contact the interviewing Agent. ?i On June 3; 1991: Special Agent (SA. Resident A-enc on?. or of i ?mxcsaras 15 em 0 ?0 aware that the purpose of this interview was an effort to obtain information which could lead to the recovery of TIMOTHY WILTSEY, -who disappeared from a carnival in Sa reVille, New Jersey on May 25, 1991. ?most cooperative and offered their comp ete cooperation and assistance in this investigation. bx! MICHELLE LODZINSKI has subsequently struggled to makei a better life fer herseif and and she has worked reiularly, albiit at a variety of different jobs; in the tried to encourage her to seek welfare assistance or obtain food stamps, but LODZINSKI was extremely hardwheaded and wanted to succeed on her own, so she always re?osed. She has supported her son: TIMOTHY quite adequateiy and has sent him to a private pre~schooi program. . my 133:: f; .v 1' *?zyzi?et 2 a, RST:lsb Vi*pointed out that while she has alw ?en the? 'ue i5 extremely close EC) . f?f?f? at l: A*f and some times twice a wee has access tor_ it 7 a pat her employment. i The family last spoke Wit night before his disappearance and indicated that everything was very calm and completely under control. There were no.problems expressed by LODZINSKI and TIMOTHY was his typical friendly, outgoing self to TIMOTHY was especially fond of and extremely attached to his. ICHELLE was quite different. She would generally With 0 any outwardfexpression of her feelings and as such, gave the imiression of beini somewhat cold or indifferent. that after a while, MICHELLE would ultimate give 1n 0 feelings. In the case at hand, dealing with TIMOTHY's disappearance, MICHELLE appeared very stoical and, only in recent days, has she subsequentl broken down and allowed all her emotions to surface. were then questioned about relatienships with male friends. They indicated that while she has had several different boyfriends; and was most seriouslyr involved with an individual named 7??:ith whee she had have erroded or terminated. In the case of it was their understanding that the situation evolved into is ack of desire to become a "father" at this point in time? Other previoae relationships, accerding indiestioes; wete determined by the presence of son, Seme of male friends either did not partioularly get along with or approached the idea of becoming a father to her son, or TIMOTHY himself did not really show strong attachmr=f affection towards these individuals. In this regard; out that TIMOTHY did not easily or quickr. ,a~e a liking to an individual until he felt he could completely trust this individual. Obviously, as pointed out yreviousl?, stronv attachment and . . 1. i i '43?Qty . . - vr pr. alk?sxgi??: ?{?g?jvv?ftq - flag?? -. ?7 ,cm my gm.? n, 1 WV 1 J's? .. ?v3.3a. egg? any? a; . . 7.7 I. 1-35, "tr?BJv.v?t 3 y? '2 rut-t? 4w .y 10/26 .a very level-headed young woman, articu wa at He out iabout"hanging out With the guy and example in TIMOTHY's life. ?ynwy;?rw;r;?re a out that TIMOTHE would never accep. any gi?ts someone unless he especially knew them well. On one occasion, a friend of offered TIMOTHY a dollar bill and the youngster threw it to ince he did speculated und and clung Close to ar to not know this individual. For that reason that TIMOTHY might have been abducted by so him or someone who may have reassured him that he will be taken to his mother. TIMOTHY was further described as a very intelligent boy who knows his address, but sometimes gets confused telephone number. little HELLE KI has never, to the thorough knowledge of utilized any type of drugs or ill . ikewise never been known to use by his alcoholic beverages to excess. She is generally regarded as who, while she has had a somewhat difficult life because of her early pregnancy, and the necessity to support both herself and TIMOTHY for several years, has neverthe- less been an excellent mother and provider for TIMOTHY. ?are at a complete loss to offer any explanation for TIMOTH 1sappearance. They can think of no one who might be responsible for his possible abduction. in all concerned about arding understands that it is standard law enforcement all possibilities and, from his numerous in Northern New Jersey who are police officers, accepts this concept completely. He believes that authorities would be at fault if they did not cover any possible avenue in locating TIMOTHY or seeking the identity of any possible abductor. associates and friends _wy :agreed that father .s somewhat irresponsible and eertainly or marriare to MICHELLE. at. more eoncerned :;an in accepting lifeulong responsibilities ans the permanency of a family. father had maintained absolutely no contact with him or MICHELLE since they returned to New Jersey when was about six months old. Only on the first Christmas. when would have been close to one year of age, did his father send a package to parents house in New Jersey. The gift was opened and presented to TIMQT82. but he was never advised of the donor. Furthermore, the father of TIMOTHY has never offered or provided f?rj. . )??sug?f?wfsj? a . 14th . . ,7 . A- .. . Tr :?u??haw 2" . 33973 a h< 7 .7 1?7 . ma??qo?f?c? ?4 a la.? At ?an . "at" . . .3. RST:lsb and his relationship with MICHELLE 7 when and her son returned to new Jersey. ed any pessihle connection between TIMOTHY and his family in Iowa with his present disappearance. "are unaware of any particular: problems awhich MI LE might be encountering at this time, but certainly do not believe that financial difficulties are any consideration. Although she has always found it difficult to support herself and her son, she has always been hardworking and self-reliant. They speculated that if MICHELLE was having some problems or needed to have some time to herself, apart from TIMOTHY. she could have easily turned to for support or to care for TIMOTHY. any type of support whatsoever ended without an a. In again offered their complete cooperation and ssistance could be afforded. They have both found it almost impossible to converse with MICHELLE on the telephone these da ll of them have a tendency to break down and cry. #feel especially close to the situation because the achment to TIMOTHY and having observed his growth and developmenti 29 SPCA-20 (12-3-96) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. cations were merit: pursueut to the exemptions indicated below with no segregable material available fer Section 552 Section 5523 3 (W0) El (DO) E1 (M6) (10(1) Cl (10(2) (10(3) Cl (10(4) Cl (W4) Cl Cl (10(5) (M60 (10(6) (W6) Cl (10(7) El Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. Documents originated with another Government agency(ies)l These documents were referred to that agency?es) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency?es). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency?es). Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a final release has not been made. Yeti willhe advised as to the disposition at a later date. . 4" Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of VD P: 5o 53 Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s); E3 The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page . mg,? FEDERAL BUREAU or mvesnenxon Due of inase?p?en 4/2 8/9 2 Wof MICHELLE LODZINSKI, the mother of LES . WILTSEY was reported missing by his mother on M. 9' -m a carnival at Sayreville, NJ. The first wor- Iqo - I 0' an, disappearance was fr.m She a. e- -'cu -f the disappearance. MICHELLE about the curing a searc for the boy. At that time MICHELLE LODZINSKI expiained u- that she went with TIMOTHY for a soda and left him momentarll At that time he disa eared. oisappeara? he nex morning raph examinations taken by? ?as the impression from her at she *o po ygtaph examinations and passed them both Inveseiwionon 4/9/92, xt Old Bridge, NJ Fee? This document contains neither recommendation: no: conclusion it me its contents in not to be distri?uto? outside your agency. /Jf7. Due?aud95/13/92 o! the FBI. 1: is the property of the FBI and is leaned to your ngenCY: .- b7c i Continuation of FIB-30: o! a 1 tan ?Pagg 2 TIMOTHY WILTSEY knew his name and date of birth but does not think he would know his phone number or ty7c; grandparent?s number, or if he did would not be able to dial the numbers himself. The boy may know his home address. k) an incident recently perhaps in January during whic explained that a telephone number had appeared on her caller identification (I.D.) equipment at her home. She reported that she called the number and obtained a recording that the telephone number was disconnected. She apparentl th?s suspicious and was asked by eithe as to whether or not MICHELLE had telep one po ice w1 the information. When she responded that she had not done that they suggested she do so and she subsequently did report this to the SAYREVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Relative to was not aware of the curr He was aware tha ad been liv1ng or a perio time with the MICHELLE a ter the disappearance of I returned to her own home, moved in with her but -does no now for sure. (H Date of transcription 5/28/92 7 7? was int rviewed at th office of the EDERAL "i TIGATION (FBI), North Miami Beach, Florida. After 1 ing advised of the official identit the interviewing Agents and the nature of the investigation,&urnished the following information: pdvised that on approximately July 1987, he began emp oyment at the FLORIDA FULFILLMENT COMPANY (FFC located at 4300 Northwest 135th Street, Miami, Florida. stated that he be he Com uter Depa ment at the oppo unity to make telephonic contact with the FFC off located at 375 Raritan Center Parkway, Edison, New Jersey. stated that as an employee in the Computer Department, he was tasked to train an individual ew Jersey office of PFC regarding the computer system?dvised that the individual that he trained in the New Jersey 0 ice was MICHELE IDDZINSKI. advised that he had daily telephonic conta 'th LODZINSKI approximately a three month time period. as able to telephonically train LODZINSKI on the FFC compu er stem. Pstated that although the telephone calls made to and from DZINSKI were of a business nature, the telephone calls also consisted of some personal discussions, and thus a personal friendly t?tionship was developed over the telephone with recalled that maile photograph oi herself, en at a o?fice gathering, so that ould know what LQDZINSKI looked like. Fadvised that during his employment at PFC, he had 989 or early plive in Miami, em: er~?dwised that in late January, 1 February, 1989, LQDZINSKI was scheduleer? . Florida, for a tour of the NFC offioe.?V* LODZINSKI was due to arrive in Miami on 6" ?Tier to her scheduled tour, which was to occur on a Monday. ??m'?73advised that LQDZINSKI instead flew into Miami on a Pride and . N3 investigation on 5/21/92 aNOrth Beach, Florida File ?9 Date dictated Tkie Anonmanf rantaBne neither panammenAaHnne nor legged . . . your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 13/. ?hoe-W? In Continuation of an302 of Teta'79 in Miami for the weekend prier to her scheduled teura ;:jf ::;advised that he and LQDZINSKI had arranged for the two te mee on that particular Friday night, and that he and LODZINSKI we oing to see each other over the course of the weekend. #ecalled that when LODZINSKI arrived in Miami on Friday she stayed at a WELLSLEY INN, located in Miami Lakes, Florida. LODZINSKI was lodged at the WELLSLEY INN, at her own expense, until sometime on the Sunday of that weekend, at which time she changed her lodging the MIAMI LAKES INN, located on Main Street in Miami Lakes. advised that LDDZINSKI changed her lodging to the MIAMI LAKE due to the fact that the FFC had arranged for her lodging at the MIAMI LAKES INN for that particular Sunday. I On 5/2l/92, Page 2 eh onic co 'ac Vii" It! a ?53 :turned to New Jersey after her tour of the FFC in Miami. stated that in March 1989, IODZINSKI returned to th 1ami area, with her son, TIMOTHY WILTSEY. - advised that LODZINSKI and WILTSEY arrived in Miami on a Friday for what was strictly a social visit, remained in the area 0 Saturday, and returned to New Jersey on Sunday of that rweekend. '"eterned te New em has not LODZINSKI or WILTSEY since then. yr"atated that he and LODZINSKI maintained telephonic eontaet ff?? each ether, hewever, the telephone eajlm, occurred appreximately every three to six months. gir- that LQQZINSKI did eccaeionaliy eend him a card, 13:1. .W?anww {us?W I newts-?7?. Wu?" - -r . I-A. gage ?73" 3. m: It?l?? In Continuation of On 5/2l/92, Page 3 7777777777777777777777777 had any farther serious interests with each that at one point, i and Lommser i 6'1 a relationship with each other, however, each individual felt that such a relationship would not work out, due to the distance between Florida and New Jersey. Petated that in his telephone conversations with LODZINSK occurring after March 1989, LODZINSKI indicated that she had been dating other individuals. ecalled that LODZINSKI had told him that she had bee an 18 to 19 year old college student, w?aC body builder, for quite some time. LODZINSKI indicated to hat she was dating this individual (Name Unknown) up to a in uding May, 1991. advised that in he was telephonically contacts ZINSKI, who told .at she was a Him Central Florida.? LOSEINSKI toldmat she a recen aken her son, TIMOTHY WILTSEY, to a al in New Jersey, and that while she (LODZINSKI) went to a concession she placed WILTSEY in a shaded area. LODZINSKI advised SEY disappeared while she was at the concession dvised that LODZINSKI never told him that WILTSEY dyer kidnaped, and that LODZINSKI never provided him ?nal information regarding the disappearance of was ab with any WILTSEY. stated that during this telephone conversation, LODZINSKI eared to be depressed and "removed", however, LODZINSKI was not crying nor did she become emotional in telling of the disappearance of her son. pdvised that LODZINSKI invited him to visit her at her sister residence, and that he and LODZINSKI had telephone convers approximately three to four times during is td that he did not visit LODZINSKI due to the feet that he has another individual, dvised that he has not heard the May I991, visit to her sister?s residence. reiterated that he hae net seen LGDZINSKI since 233? .. Continuation of an302 of? 0n 5/21/92, Page 4 dvisea that dairies i' n. ., res expressed sniy a good reia ?onship with her is conver ations with family, including both parents indicati her family desired to play a role in the care of her son. tated that LODZINSKI never expressed being a victim of any physical, mental, or sexual abuses, including incest. advised that LDDZINSKI appeared to be a very determined parent, and that she freque changed her employments and residences, which in opinion, indicated a desire to pro tter care and 11 ditions for herself and her son. ?advised that LODZINSKI never stated nor indicated the EY a burden on her. During the March, 1989, visit Miami, was able to observe LODZINSKI with WILTSEY, andhre that LODZINSKI appeared to be a protective never allowing SEY to stray away from her ?stated that he never while on their sightseeing trips. observed physically or men a abuse WILTSEY, and only observed LODZINSKI spank WILESEY when necessary for disciplinary purposes. dvised that he never saw LODZINSKI in any place other than Miami, Florida, that he has never traveled to the PFC in Edison, New Jersey. hadvised that he is therefore not familiar with the geograp urrounding the EEC in Edison, sii aid, in particular, is not familiar with Olympic New Jar Drive. advised that LODZINSKI never mentioned Olympic Drive, uld he recall LODZINSKI stating anything about the area surrounding the FFC cffices in Edisen, New dersey. i5 recall that stated ts him that she ioccasionally would take a walk in the immediate area ef the FFC offices in Edison, New Jersey, often walking during her lunch breaki 2317/. ?gun mdva-?Ym Hexada? In Continuation ofEDw302 of? On 5/21/92? Page :3 a?a phygieiegically lit LODZINSKI as bei mg a carrying parent,wkufifIMOTHY WILTSEY as being the ?constant? in life. ?is fully described as follows: Name: Race: Sex: Date of Birth: ,Place of Birth: Height: Weight: Social Security Account Number: Home Address: va Home Telephone: Place of Business: Business Telephone: Miscellaneous Student at: [351 1 Date of transcription 5/28/92 so? A resience. 7 a interviewing Agent and the nature of ofcial ids i the investigation, furnished the following information: and that a girlfrien . ated that she is familiar with son, TIMOTHY WILESEY. LODZINSKI, further advised that she was aware that WILTSEY had been a no in 1991, and stated has not heard from LODZINSKI since th tion. advised that the last known contact that nd LODZ ad was 1991, when residence looking fo At the a DODZINSKI telephone time telephone conversation, LODZINSKY and that her son had been abducted from a carniva in Jersey. gdescribed IDDZINSKY as being a personable individua an a caring mother. dvised that she met LODZINSKY and TIMOTHY WILTSEY in 89, when both individua esidence during a?social visit with her son stated that she has not seen IDDZINSKY or WILTSEY since March, 1989. resides at her residence, aing 1. 4 5/20/92 at Miami, Florida NC, investigation on This document contai to your agency; it and its contents are Date dictated 5/28/92 ns neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned at to be distributed outside your agency. x34". Ht IllAt (H Date of transcription 5/28/92 '2 7 'onica??y ?i 2 After being advised of the ici Agent and the nature of the investigation following information: -advised that as an acquaintance of his, and that he an a ed together at the FLORIDA FULFILIMENT COMP FFC, .. late 19805. advi that he has not seen in several years, and was last known to siding in the Miami Lakes area. while employed withrmat the PFC, he recalled eveloped some type of nal rela shi with a FF employee 'son, New Jersey, known to him mas adv' ed that as he recalled, visited in Miami, whilhwas still employed with PFC. ed that he never per nally met but did he telephonic contact with but only as a business nature. was unable to provide any further information regarding or iigation on 5/20/92 at North Miami Beach, Florida i by 7 I ?7 7 x3? Date dictated This document contains neither recommendations not conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed entgide your agency 137'. Investigation regarding tips wk N. K, OPCA-ZO (12.396) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Qt Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. Section 552 Section 5523 E3 E3 Cl (W2) E1 (DO) (MD (10(1) (10(2) [1 096) El '3 (10(4) Cl (W8) Cl (10(5) E1 (M6) El E1 (10(7) [3 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to the subject of your request or the subject of your request is listed in the title only. [3 Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency?es). You will he advised by the FBI as to the releasahility of this information following our consultation with the other agency?esy Page(s) withheld inasmuch as a ?nal release determination has not been made. You will be advised as to the disposition at a later date. Pages were not considered for release as they are duplicative of Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): {me glowing numbi is to be used for re?ereneet regarding these??es: i ow creating me. i Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee for this page ain- indicated: plinvestigation was conducted by Special "at New Beach, Florida, on dates 0n Januar 7 black female 'a-Vi'ei on December 1991, while working af ?he ISLANDER BEACH RESORT, she noticed a small child standing on a luggage cart inside the elevator. She advised the child was held by the back of his shirt by a white male, approximately 35 to 40 years of age. She advised the boy looked over several times at her during the less than one minute ride in the elevator, and appeared frightened. She advised she believed the man and child got off the elevator at the fifth floor, but could not be sure, and that they were in the process of checking out because of the time of the day, which she believed to be between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM. dvised approximately two weeks prior to sighting, she was in a New Beach Fina gas station, where she saw a picture of the missing child, TIMOTHY She advised she often looks through the pictures of the missing children when visiting the gas station. She stated the day, December 28, that she saw the little boy who resembled victim, she thought it was a little bit strange because the little boy looked frightened or upset. She advised upon returning home that evening, while lying in bed with her boyfriend, she remembered where she had seen that little boy before. Together, she and her boyfriend went to the Fina gas station and reviewed the poster of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. She stated that she took the picture of WILTSEY back to the ISLANDER BEACH RESQRT in New and notified the on duty security guard, who in turn contacted the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children, Arlington, Virginia. She described the boy she sighted in the elevator ae fellows: Sex: Male Race: White Age; Approximately 6 years of age Hair: Black, possibly dyed Clothes; Blue jacket No other information was available. The man accompanying the child was described as follows: i 2 Race: White Sex; Male Height: 5 feet 8 inches to 6 feet Age: 35 to 40 Hair: Black with some grey Complexion: Fair, with a thin moustache Clothing: Navy blue pants, checkered flannel long sleeve shirt, blue, red and gold in color, also wearing wire rimmed glasses She advised the man was similar in appearance to composite which had been prepared on January 15, 1992, however, she described the nose as being bigger in proportion than reflected on composite. b7?DOn Januar date of 9 24, l992_white male, birth? employed as a? for ISLANDER compoSite several times. BEACH RESORT, advised pictures of TIMOTHY WILTSEY and picture of composite of white male were not familiar. -. white male. em 10 ed ISLANDER BEACH RESO date of birt interests, advised he had no recollection of seeing TIMOTHY WILTSEY or individual reflected in composite. white female, date of birth .dVise recalled seeing the man represents: 1n She stated he came to the front desk by himself on more than one occasion. She advised the composite was a good likeness of the individualg She also stated that she had never seen that individual before. She advised she remembers seeing a little boy similar to that of however, she stated she noticed unusual and recalls seeing the hey unaccompanied by any adults. I advised majority of customers at ISLANDER are time share unit owners who have come to spend their one week of the year vacationing. She advised it is not uncommon for owners to rent their week out to friends or relatives, or for these owners to engage in what is known as oondo exchasges, whereby they will use someone else?s time share MAL 3 unit in same other lccatien in She previ?ed registered at the rescrt durin c??tr 9$ve .. On January 27, BEACH RESORT, was telephon picture of TIMOTHY WILTSEY and that she had no recollection ISLANDER BEACH RESORT. 1992, ically con ac a er she reviewed exchange for givih iet Of all guests the time ef the a up their weekg Luna ?9.7an LLU WCLV lleqe? sighting. bx. ISLANDER site of man. She advised ng either individual at the compo see: ill/3? NK :3 1 On March 27! 1992! Special Agent (8A35,r;legp ?l l: of the Cal Squad at Newark advised that an anong'ous ea provided information to the Rewark Office relative to the case. The anonymous caller alleged that a white male approximately 38 years of age approximately 210 pounds with dark hair wearing black and red framed sun glasses was hanging out in the area of a school in Sayreville, New Jersey (NJ). The anonymous caller alleged that this person was acting suspiciously and the caller was concerned that he may be involved disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. The anonymous caller?was driving a vehicle bearing New Jersey License Plat was on a 1968 or 1969 burgundy colored Firebird. This On the same date a DIVISION OF MOTOR VEHICLES check elativ the registered owner of vehicle bearing New Jerse Plate determined the a? a The plate was listed to a 19 2 Maroon Pontiac. . provided a date of and a Soc1a ecurity Account Number 5 a white male approximately 5'7" medium bull rved parked next to his residence was a maroon Firebird bearing New Jersey Plates The nature of the interview was explained to and he explained that a few days ago he was approached by an individual who was concern i about his sisterwinalaw, Someone had bothered that individual?s sister~in~law and this individual r?v> griqu unknown individual told g;r >2 alsthat in fast;apq the individual who had .een hammering or pestering his sisterwin-law that he would get back to him. alleged that he had simply been parked along the road waiting for a female friend who he thought was on her way to work. He never did see the friend that day. She was an wold girl friend with the fi'fi name?; and she resides at i'laimed he had never been arrested and that he had or metal problems. qallowed a polaroid photograph to be taken of him subsequent to interview? MK ENE/tat b?Kw 2. On April 21, 1992! the photographs ef?gyf?jfjj7' with numerous elimination photograph were displayed to MICE LODZINSKI, the mother of TIMOTHY WILTSEY, in an effort to determine it anyone in the photographs could be the male that she alleged she was confronted by and who is involved in the abduction of her son on May 25, 1991. LODZINSKI stated that the man who confronted on May 25, 1991, and abducted her son was not present among the photographs. The photographs displayed to LODZINSKI have been placed in the 1A Section of the file. M?s. g3 RWB/tat MK 7? Deteetive it tr - OFFICE telephene 7 i 7 advised that his office had interviewed a teenage recen? reportedly seeing TIMOTHY WILTSEY with his mother at the carnival in Sayreville on May 25, 1991, the night of his disappearance. From interviews with that teenager and associates it is the conclusion of the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE that the girl was not at the carnival on May 25, 1991i but it was either May 24, 1991 or a date ether than May 25, 1991. M46. n/Ihh 47?) NK RWB/tat vii ?51. The follewing investisation was indicated by Shec?e March COUNTY Somervilje, New Jersey (NJ), telEphonically advised that an inmate at the SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL had stated to him that he had been res onsible for the disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. lleged that the inmate making this admission is a pedophile. That individual is a white male approximately 5'9" with a husky build who is approximately 30 years of age. He has brown hair a neat beard and his hair which contains no grey is combed in a normal manner. Ueclined to provide the name of that individual unless visited in person at the SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL. On the same dateqwas personally visited at the SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL. He advise hat the person making the alleged confession to hi ative to the disappearance of TIMOTHY WILTSEY was ?alleged that? claimed that his wife currently 1ves in he vicinity of WILTSEY residence in South Amboy. On the same date, a photograph as obtained from the Identification Bureau at the SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL. March 10 1992, additional photos were obtained from a Sergean of the Identification Division at the SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL in order to make up a pheto arra including - photo-telephone number i? From contact with '?at the SOMERSET COUNTY it was determined tha7*3? "ihas a date of birth and a Social geruripy ACcount Numbe OF INVESTIGATION Numbers seesaw OF IOENTIFICATIOM Number is; the phetograph ;7wwia ed ts MICHELLE LG??i?gKi 1/2 Augusta ?reet, South Amhoy, LODZINSKI stated that no one in the photograph array was the individual who she encountered on May 25, 1991, who confronted her and was involved in the abduction of her son. ML 2 0371/3: NK RWB/tat 3 uwyhe phatogra?hs used in the array that at %ahave been glaged i? th? 1A Secticn Qf the file. (a ~t 5 14/? e. My?. my?. . recording 5 that the number was disconnected. was (20 . . \1 witeleghone (201) 53883669 NK 7~wa59423' A ?9 a: UU zuu?u??iu uy sprawled; Agent (SA)Flwm777w7?wmwwiwfi7li75n the dates indicated. Relative to a report .y gerc.wr- LODZINSKI that during January of 1992, a telephone number printed out on her caller identification machine at her residence which was totally unfamiliar to her. She explained that she telephoned the number and received the That number NEW JERSEY BELL was Xplained onnected and The last [97cm April 9, 1992,? TELEPHONE COMPANY Security at epione 8 contacted relative to the reported number. that the number is currently identified as that it has been disconnected since May 13, 1991. subscriber to the nu a' at On April 13, 19 as again contacted relative to number (201) an indicated that since the number was disconnecte uring May of 1991 it could not in fact show up on any caller identification equi ment during January of 1992. The only exception Ehgt mllowed for such an egent??%s the possibilityag thong a re was made to disconnectza?d? at it was listed in telephone company computers as disconnected that it may in fact not have physically been disconnected for period of time. On April 14, 1992, a forwarding address was obtained from appropriate personnel at the Morris Plains Post Office, afor' His current address is On April 15 71992; an attemwt was made to reach the Reac ed at apar men was the "at Apartment elephene ~advised the; n~ numberyf rgome is ep one An attempt to reach the current resident atfif?f?e - was negative since no one was in at the time. The Landlord,? ?as contacted and he indicated th' and that 0,111 ?Za i NK 2 eleglgne number ef the department in which5~375la added that between the time-left and the time the current tenant moved in there?was one other tenant a who was a student at DREW UNIVERSITY. staye at the apartment for a period of only a few months during the summer of 1991. From the end of the summer to January, 1992, the apartment was vacant. The current tenant moved in during the first week of January, 1992. was employed by Morris Plains, NJ, his work telephone number is On Ap? ~*as contacted by SA's and was contacted at his owmn, rac.c- 99-82 91 ?9 7 reel-1ng an and has telep one number 'e e.p aine- 7a. re moved into his apartment .. - nay nning of January, 1992. During the first couple of days of his he had some trouble with his telephone. He recalls calling the telephone company requesting telephone service and he was given his telephone number. He requested that a telephone company employee call him back to verify that the number is connected and never received a call. When this went on for two days he recalled the telephone company and explained his problem, a repairman was sent to his apartment, repairs were made and the problem did not recur. He does not recall getting any hills fer any number other than the number he was assigned which is indicated abover a, boss not know MICHELLE and does not know anyone in the i'vv*l NJ area. He is unfamiliar with a a "which was previously assigned to ?5 ?partment and he is also unfamiliar a gear (908) 727~67?5 which is the telephone number of HICHEELE eng with the fact that a DREW STUDENT, a we, had lived at that apartment for a period of several the during the su er It was requested of Director that he contact nd request that she call the FBI office at Scmmerset, NJ. I a '75 . RWB/tat b7c. 2 Sn April telephonically er that sh ided at_ 7 . 77 ocatlon she had telephone number? assigned to her. She recalls getting bills for a number an does not recall any bills arriving for any other telephone number. She recalls no problem with her telephone service. vi .7 Aza- ewr?a?rakvs-a "aim ,J?e'gtvtam 7 I 6 9423 lam/Mme?? .1. On May 1, 1992, the following investigation was conduote a? by Special Agent of the MIDDLESEX COU FICE, telephone'numaer' (908) 745?4265 was contacted. He advised that he had learned that an anonymous caller had telephoned the EDISON POLICE DEPARTMENT on either April 29 or April 30, 1992, at approximately 2:00 am, The caller advised that he had previously worked for FLORIDA FULLFILIMENT. That company is located at Raritan Center. He advised that MICHELLE LDDZINSKI, the mother of TIMOTHY WILTSEY, also worked there. The caller also stated something to the effect that should his information be made known, other employees would know that it came from ho had worked there? He then hung up. flu/A Laboratory reports and evidence matters A53. ?i vex? UNITEQ STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE bbommry Work Shoe! Te: see, {tum?seem} mi 1991 7~21897 'w?n h'u mm. 11122035 QJ 11203019 QJ . Timoth Wiltsey Victim (Age 6 Kidnapping 00: Newark Examination by: Examination requested by: Addressee memmu Communioation dated November 21, 1991 Document - Fingerprint November 22, 1991 Specimens received November 22, 1991 under laboratory number 11122035 QJ: Q1 One ?Ninja Turtle" sneaker, size 13 (youth) K1 Left bleak shoe belonging no TIMQTHE WILTSEY Specimens received December 3, 1991 under laboratory number 11293919 9 Q3: ?Rz? Right black ehoe belonging to TIMOTHY 153*? *?ehee box n1; gotzee; ?misie?e?ie? (yearn size) Shoes, n- "o A of Ehv REPORI if LATENT HNGERPRENT SECTION IDENIIHCATMN YQUR FBIFELE NO. {Mun LATENT CASE NO. no? TO: 9.31"; N?wuagl {"n?f REFERENCE: i?vl r! M, 11/91, #11, mm EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: Naua rL? f?f? Thu thy.) ?ispmgifizn1?*F fhc,x anwimhnc gains?? can?? 3m? 3m n?rh??m HF vn?m THIS REPORT 13 FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 95mm ?fz/Q? Rt? Talu'xn?rehw?x? an? Hw- h? in 4 H?sntudu 1?!??3913? was?: ajc?mr?fxgw? we?! Hf?t?ga?. Jf/g/Wz - MO Te: EXImimtion requested by: Reference: Examination requested: Specimens received: WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 SAC, NEWARK 1992 February 4; 7m21897 memo 11122035 QJ 11203019 QJ Timothy Wiltsey Victim (Age Kidnapping 00: Newark Addressee Communication dated November 21, 1991 Shoe Print - Fingerprint November 22, 1991 Specimens received November 22, 11122035 QJ: 1991 under laboratory number Q1 One "Ninja Turtle" sneaker, size 13 (youth) K1 Left black shoe belonging tr TIMOTHY WILTSEY Specimens received December 3, 1991 under laboratory number 11203019 Q3: 3 K2 Right black shoe belonging to WILTSEY K3 Shoe box bearing Stock Number 0758, for size 13 {youth size) shoes? (over) 2 F81 Resi?ent Agency 1 Executive Drive 7" 44?? (a ?79? 2%on mm Results of examination: Due to the lack of sufficient detail on the inner surfaces of Q1 and K1 which would reflect characteristics of the feet of the wearer of Q1 and it was not determined whether those shoes were worn by the same in?ivieual. Base? on the limite? detail, the possibility souls not be eliminates that the Ql ans K1 shoes were worn by the same individual. The upper portions of the K1 left shoe and the 01 left shoe were removed to allow examination of the interior surfaces of those items. Attempts to photographically enhance the insoles of Q1 and K1 were unsuccessful. Q1 and K1 through K3 are being returned to the FBI Franklin Township Resident Agency, Somerset, N.J. along with copies of this report. The results of the latent fingerprint examination will be furnished separately. Page 2 11122035 QJ To: Re: Examination requested by: Reference: Examination requested: Specimens received: FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 SAC, REWARK February 4, 1992 FMFEENO, 7w21897 {Agmx 11122035 QJ 11203019 QJ Timothy Wiltsey Victim (Age Kidnapping 00: Newark Addressee Communication dated November 21, 1991 Shoe Print - Fingerprint November 22, 1991 Specimens received November 22, 11122035 QJ: 1991 under laboratory number Q1 One "Ninja Turtle" sneaker, size 13 (youth) K1 Left black shoe belonging i, TIMOTHY WILTSEY Specimens reoeived December 3, 1991 under laboratory number 11203019 QJ: K2 Right black shoe belonging to WELTSEY K3 Shoe bearing Stock ?umber 0?53, for size 13 (youth size) shoes (over) FBI Reeident Agency 1 Executive Drive Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Attn: SA . (Enclosures 4) 51' (R Results of examination: of Q1 and K1 which would reflect characteristics of the feet of the wearer of Qi and K1, it was not determine? whether those shoes were worn by the same individual? Based on the limited detail, the possibility ooulo not be eliminated that the Q1 and K1 shoes were worn by the same individual. The upper portions of the K1 left shoe and the Q1 left shoe were removed to allow examination of the interior surfaces of those items. Attempts to photographically enhance the insoles of Q1 and K1 were unsuccessful. Q1 and K1 through K3 are being returned to the FBI Franklin Township Resident Agency, Somerset, N.J. along with copies of this report. The results of the latent fingerprint examination will be furnished separately. Page 2 11122035 QJ i b7? On May 14, 1992, the followino investigation was conducted by Special Aie;;r 74;;4; 7777 and Supervisory Senior Resident a bar code that appears on a letter received at tae POLICE DEPARTMENT April 23, 1992. The letter purports to provide information relative to the killer of TIMOTHY WILTSEY. The bar code is actually on the envelope containing the letter. The address of the SAYREVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT is typed on that envelope. Appropriate personnel of the UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, New Brunswick, New Jersey, advised that the bar code is imprinted on the envelope as a result of automation equipment used by the post office. When an address is typed on a piece of correspondence, postal equipment translates the address into a bar code which is then imprinted on the envelope below the address. The bar code is then utilized by postal equipment to allow automated mail posting. If the address had been hand written, no bar code would appear on the envelope. Relative to the bar code on the envelope described above, represents the address the SAYREVILLE NEW JERSEY was imprinted by United States postal equipment. it merely POLICE and Met 10:3 FROM: (Please print clearly) MLIMISJMS. Address/Apt. I City. State, Zip 77 7 FIRST GLASS MAIL ?i ?744, 0?56 . Case of Timothy Wiltgey Sayreville Poliae Department SayrevillegNew Jersey 988?? ?Inniuhln'ninnlaa?lhitla Your pictures deserve a 2nd 190K Order? prints Qf each picture ta pass amund ta fam?y and friends; :rwm v. i? ?do.438v?x?kgx :13; Wu are mt Sa?s?ed, return your compiete or a we win refund your money. Sen?ag Mm?sns Of Satis?ed Castamer? With Fiim {3 Mg. ac TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. In the case of limothy Wiltsey the man you are looking for Viol who lived a3_,rio? fij in He ha& a goodgo agalnot Hio??l? and wanteo to 18: rack at her. I know this to be a fact because lost ?February 1891 he wanted me to help Eim kill Michele or her little boy. His plan was to use a 2? pistol ano put her body in a steel drum weighted with rocks and filled with holes and Sink in in the Raritao River. I will not under any oiroumstanoes come forward voluntary becauoe i have waitod too long already.. I don't know if he found someone else to help him or he did this terrible thing himselfeBut be ?oertain that he did it? 1 . ., mm mm Na.? 1* ?gym? . . - ?z?oeamv?xapw u' The following investigation was conducted on the dates ndicated by Special Agent (SA) - '??.anuary 12, 1993, Supervisory Special Agent Investigative Support Ui??r :ting Bivi ion, FEE relative to a I relative to a letter received at the SAYREV LLB NEW JERSEY I indicated that d, therefore, is acte POLICE DEPARTMENT on April 23, 1992. SSA Vthe text of the letter is extremely limited an difficult to come to any conclusion relative of the author, however, SSA ad several specific questions relative to facts which b1 would have been known primarily by Detectiv of the MIDDLESEX COUNTY OFFICE. SSA 1cated that he would be in telephonic contact with Detective On January 21, 1993, Detective of the MIDDLESE COUNTY OFFICE was con ac SA ?end advised that interested in aining some further details re a 1 to the receipt of the letter described above. Detective-stated that he had not at been called by SSA and it was suggested to Detective that he contact SSA elephonically. tective was given the direct number of SS-?at the FBI cademy at Quantico, Virginia. a call was placed to the FBI in the DNA Research Unite 7 7 was current on Sick leave and a message was left :or wer??o contact SA upon her return? Gngoing examinations are being done at the FBI Labo . I '2 relative to three tee ehich had been mailed tarr315v1.?14139.3. we? . 3 59.0 0" iufr at? . .V c. ?91. .f . .l o. ?ait5.?01. .1 ..ww?x~vsf40$; 5 . . . a. v.021.. .?is c. . . JO . kf?ln AIL . sir-L" . ?79not?Aw's?d?c?m?v awn-~Ia-"1w g?taMf?ix xnggixwaw a a . TA 5,var!" 7 ?new @4321574*! a 99."kv'??xk'?'t?f'urwu'tw ?I?osk'ui ?Vtt?v? wemmn\I?pl .3- um o_ I . "v1495? 1834'?? a vial}; gaff.? .Jrgr':f? ?M?mx. ?o1..Him4dd?g?rgll? a A 01n?o? .o 9000.. .3th . vow.- .i . .ao. .Ct to. e. F's? ?auu ..HQ cev?guu 1. .5. . .u L. 9.130 . . . ?w4:11., K. . ?hmwh? .xIluww?du?. ?rms.?tgi u? cow . . f. g? .383\quJtavha?fanf?{05.3.0sol?\.4. (UKlunaro'a. .6 I ???11.11341 3. 3 I . .Ci?.cu?.im {ova at; ?useaw?obnl.u..?rw~ A a . ..Q an ?.Q.Wuaad . . a? no a . .. . .aw.{pkg-1.3.! ?tifho.?s??aew of? .993. a, a an . . iv.Vn.s?laulil} ?1,111 in2., ?he. earn A av ?a 3mm: 3 . Kw mm?? .AA .A .Wiw??ew 5 ohm, A39, on ?9 .A ?wax .H w; Lazar! "vb. Ian-3a. 3:3? .44 an,? 1; tn. x;n?.7..P. .. I: list: a A A . W11alw?iuiIJ-akpadFAuv . f1v..atFeiony vehicies wi? remain in me for ?36 after entry. Stden parts (VIN plates, h?rrows. o: boat motors) which contain an DAN or SER will remain in me for the year of entry pius four years. Hunted Parson Fiia Ga?ainnd un?t an?nn Ec ?n?hon ?if: ?an? dear the. WASHINGTON, D. 20535 FELE N0. efg?/?3 FBEFILENU. LATENTCASENOY ?1 T0: SAC. Newark. RE: UNSUB: VICTIM: HIDNAPING A?fmr me - Sne31mens received 1/29/93 . . - SPECIMENS: a - Three envelopes, '22 through Q24 The resu1t(s) of the other requested forensic examination{s) will be furnished in a separate report. The requested latent print examination was conducted, but me latent prints of value were detected. The specimens are encioeed. Eng? ?3?6 xi?a l5 L'Slz' ONLY FE. JRAL BUREAU OF INVESTR WASHINGTON, D. C. 20535 the: August 2, 1994 Tm SAC, Newark 7MNKW69423 ubNm Dal452 Ream? Communications dated February 10, 1994 and February 15, 1994 meNm (P) Re TIMOTHY WILTSEY KIDNAPING July 8, 1994 in Latent Fingerprint Section Specimens: Piece of business card, Q25 bl FBI business card, Q26 Greyhound bus ticket is Fineer?rints MICHELLE MARIE 7 7 3 This report ooefitms ate supplemehts i?formation furnished telephonically on 7/28/94. rhe listed are tuttuex in a seyerate retort. a The requested latent print examination was conducted, but no latent prints of value were detected. 1 Ple Specialist (202) if you have any questions concerning the result of the atent print examinationMAIL This Report Es Fumished For Of?cial Use Only The specimens are enclosed. leear QW :m C. U4. Mk.? 13,. mazev. ?21.91) i FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I {Abomwry Work Sheet . Recorded 7/11/3334 jaj Received 7/8/91; Date: To: SAC, NEWARK memo. bend 40222029 QJ Reference: ., AIBTEL. dated February 15, 1994 YourNo. 12-1162 Examinerz~- Re: Noted bye? TIMOTHY WILTSEY KIDNAPPING 00: NEWARK 4" z. qt av Specimens received: February 2 2 19 9 4 Examination requested: Document Fingerprint Specimens: bu313?$e card in the name Ihearlng the message its 'ne; eVer ALse SU MITTED: Fingerprint card of EWARD PATRICK ?1 i: ?7/1 if kg gag? W, 5 p3 Twp? ?3 Eye? If?; 1 .4 G?s-j? ?j?fo. Q36: wi?ag? Wv ?som? Ma Cd? Ne?? LEFT 3535723. we?ve gCWm?f?stibm MW a {x get/9V :5 :2 ace A 64?. . Examination Completed Dictated Ba 7 2 {2cv. 2-2:-92) EDERALBUREAUCKUNVESUGA HQ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Laborazery Werk Shea a Recorded 7/11/93 jaj Recelved ;/a/9u Date: Tm SAC, NEWARK UbNm 40217018 QJ Reference: AIRTEL dated February 10, 1994 3-1h52 Your No' Examiner: - Re: by: TIMOTHY WILTSEY - KIDNAPPING QO: NEWARK at? x) I A 1 Specimens received: February 17, 1994 Examination requested: Document - Fingerprint Specimens: Piece 9f bueiness card bearing the words "Federal Bureau of Investigatien" K5 Business cara belenginj? "ff"5T? with phene no.3? K6 Business card belenging tofii witheut a @hene neg ALSQ SUBMITTED: GREYHOUND bus ticket Fingerprint card ef MICHELLE LQDZINSKI Named for comnarison purposes: 5 2'3. SA SA v7? ,7 I Pic? 5135}. 2'3? ?pl- G. phonc?, reguldg?g Q29 6 13/5 - vvumfz- jacket? Dre 7?33? (?no ?ed? FROM (5M {argug??s WNW 3N [ismmw In gectc?iwg 942% En?Qorwahcn No 5035 {Nb pram 0f? dew. SA- 576 MICHELLE LODZINSKI ?w J?fon?vr 5J6. 6J4 Examination Complete? Time Dictated If}; Date F1136 (Rev. Ila-1188) FBI 5 TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: Teletype Inunediaie TOP SECRET E3 Facsimile Priority SECRET AIRTEL [j Routine [j C3 UNCLAS 'r moms Date 3/13/95 TO . WECTOR, FBI FRO?kjylay SAC, Newark (P) (FTwl) SUBJECT ff" - EY - VICTIM KIDNAPPIN MICHELLE ODZINSKI OOJ (CO: NK) MICHELLE LODZINSKI sentenced before District Court Judge NICHOLAS POLITAN, 3/10/95. LODZINSKI was sentenced to three years probation and six months of house arrest, monitored by an electronic monitoring system administered by the U. S. PROBATION OFFICE, Newark, NJ. Exceptions to the six months house arrest are for work, medical care, and religious services, as well as other specified special circumstances. LODZINSKI also required to undergo mental evaluation/treatment. A $50 assessment was . charged against her on each count of the two count indictment.wg being submitted. Liaisen with MIDDLESEX COUNTY relative to death of victim TIMOTHY WILTSEY continuing. 3 - .1 {vi r" ya?" (ngureau EmNewark 1* Approved: Transmitted Per (Number) (Time) (Rev. 11-17?88) REQUEST OF BUREAU 3 ?t 5 Bureau 2 Newark RWB/jep 2 - FBI Laboratory Package Copy (Enol. 2) Transmitted Assure no agent with the namegffg?rj appears on the rolls of the FBI. TRANSMIT VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATXON: Teieiype Immediate TOP SECRET D?Fassimile Priority SECRET .., Routine CONFIDENTIAL pr .r?v [3 . ?3 UNCLAS