HI I- 'l HUMP 1E: DEEIHT DEMAND September l?l? By Federsl Express David Meln'msh The Club l'er li'irewth E?tll I. Street. NW. Suite Weshingtee. [ll-L. Ell-036 Re: lr'me' lJef'emeter-y Atreei: .rtd' Dear Mr. Melnlesh: I am {ienerel L'eunsel te Deneld 'l'rump- We recently had the eppenmtity tn view ynu: televisien eemmereisl entitled tegether with yen: senempenying statements in the media eeneerning my elient's views [eulleetiyely. yet-r "htteelt Ad") and. quite frankly. ere dismayed by the depths speeial interest greups like yews will 3e te in an attempt te materially mislead the publie lerthe persensl hertel'tt el yeu. sed yeur fineneiel teeters. Simply stated. yew Ill-[leek Ad is net enly eempletely disingenueus. but replete 1with ee?igl'lt lies. False. tlei?ememry and destruetiye statements and demlight fabrieeLie-ns which yeti fully knew te be untrue. thereby espesing yen and yeur se-eelied ?eluh? te liability I'er damages and. ether tertieus harm. Fer example. while yeur Attnel: Ad blatantly let the public. that Mr. ?supper-ts higher testes?. nething eeuld he further [mm the truth. Te be clear. Mr. Trump's lint plan. whieh is scheduled he he released later this steels. suppe-rtss let-Ming eftstees. Het surprisingly. a eleser leek. st yeur Attack s'td reveals that yeur seppesed ?.tenree? the this statement is -- secerding In the small print en yeLn' website -- nelhing mere than a single article published in the Adi-mete en February LS. MW whieh queteel Mr. Trump as saying he wetlld ?impese a sine-time net weth Ill-I sift-145% en the sup-em'eeltliy te pay eff the netienel ele That's it. While a reputable ergenizetien 1nee-1.1M hays st least had the deemey te diselese its seuree Melee]thetjhejeuiyeertiele is mere then l5 years eld yeur pitiful little greup eent'erliently ehese te have that infennstien en: in detibetete attempt te the peblie inle belies-mg that it is re?ecliye el' Mr. Trump?s current pesitien when. unquestienshl y. it Ls net. Melting matters werse. yet: then ehese te- sppeer en several Hill-1 shews. ineludtng. Hernng in which yeu t?urthered the erreneeus hetien that Mr. Trump- ?slipped; higher taxes? even theugh yeu hey: abselutely ne- leetuel supper: fer the: statement. In ether nerds. yen lied- Mr. ?ees net steppett higher taxes. This is the very de?nitien ef libel. 3'25- FIl-?Tll AVENUE - HEW N't' - ESE-HIDE - Fri-7': tElliJ 535-0141