Town of Skowhegan Application for Parades and Procession $30.Waived by: Town'Clerk (or) Town Manager 1. Person, Corporation, Partnership or Entity seeking permit: - a Name: 5 leggi?? Ebl'?l? - Address: 1% 041mm? 'Qd I I I 2. Nature of Parade or Procession (Road Race, Parade, March, ti. . on. tax! no . .44-: 3. The Para - or Procession is being conducted for or on behalf of: 5K0 wheagan indium pride. 4. Contact Person: Name Jenna-?aw poi rim? . Address ?'18 Cal mar Ra . Swear? Business Phone Home Phone: lrll-l?3183 . 5. Proposed Date and Time of Parade or Procession Illv '4 . 6. Route to be taken CLI?Td?thc: Cal Ob? nes Open; Starting Point I i I I- 8 Travel Route: Termination Point: 7. Description and number of vehicles, animals or persons participating in the parade or procession. l.l_h known 8. identify public ways, lands or parks to be utilized for parade or procession other than travel route; hora-L - 9. Portion of roadway Parade or Procession will utilize one lane, two 0, (?ordele .1 parking) Date: S?lD-rlg Signature(s) of applicantls) I