Federal Voting Preferences in Manitoba September 201 5 Survey Methodology  This province-wide survey was designed and conducted by Probe Research Inc. via telephone interviews conducted between September 14th and 23rd, 2015 among a random and representative sampling of 1,000 Manitoba adults.  With a sample of 1,000, one can say with 95 percent certainty that the results are within +/3.1 percentage points of what they would have been if the entire adult population of Manitoba had been interviewed. The margin-of-error is higher within each of the survey’s population sub-groups.  Modified random-digit dialing was used to ensure that all Manitoba adults would have an equal opportunity to participate in this Probe Research survey.  Minor statistical weighting by age, gender and previous voting behaviour has been applied to this sample to ensure that it corresponds with the province as a whole. For more information, please contact: Curtis Brown, Vice-President Probe Research Inc. (204) 926-6563 (tel) (204) 250-7410 (cell) curtis@probe-research.com …for what you need to know Federal Party Support in Manitoba “If a federal election were held tomorrow, which party’s candidate would you be most likely to support?” 60% Conservative Liberal NDP Green Party 53% 42% 43% 39% 40% 39% 29% 26% 32% 22% 23% 18% 20% 17% 4% 4% 5% 4% 0% 2011 Election Base: All respondents Sept. 2013 (n=1,000) June 2015 (n=1,000) Sept. 2015 (n=1,000) Federal Party Support -By Region “If a federal election were held tomorrow, which party's candidate would you be most likely to support?” 2011 Election June 2015 (n=600) Sept. 2015 (n=600) 2011 Election June 2015 (n=400) Sept. 2015 (n=400) 80% 80% 64% 60% 60% 47% 53% 49% 42% 40% 36% 33% 40% 34% 23% 33% 27%27% 22% 21% 16% 13% 20% 20% 24% 7% 4% 3% 3% 3% 7% 5% 0% 0% CPC LPC NDP - WINNIPEG - Base: Decided Voters Greens CPC LPC NDP - NON-WINNIPEG - Greens Federal Party Support - By Winnipeg Region Northwest (n=123) CPC: 41% LPC: 35% NDP: 17% Green: 6% Core (n=116): LPC: 41% NDP: 38% CPC: 18% Green: 1% Northeast (n=110): CPC: 39% LPC: 32% NDP: 27% Green: 1% Southwest (n=138): LPC: 46% CPC: 39% NDP: 14% Green: 1% Base: Decided Voters *Caution: Small Base Southeast (n=113): LPC: 53% CPC: 24% NDP: 15% Green: 6% Federal Party Support in Manitoba - Across Socio-Demographic Sub-Groups “If a federal election were held tomorrow, which party's candidate would you be most likely to support?” Total Gender Age (n=1,000) (%) Male (n=485) (%) Female (n=515) (%) 18-34 (n=218) (%) 35-54 (n=363) (%) 55+ (n=382) (%) CPC 39 38 40 22 40 48 LPC 39 39 38 54 38 30 NDP 18 18 18 16 20 18 Greens 4 3 4 7 2 4 Education Income HS or Less (n=284) (%) Some PS (n=188) (%) Univ./College (n=518) (%) <$30K (n=130) (%) $30K-$59K (n=204) (%) $60K-$99K (n=257) (%) $100K+ (n=216) (%) CPC 50 32 37 27 43 38 40 LPC 29 47 40 48 32 38 41 NDP 16 17 19 21 19 17 16 Greens 4 4 4 3 4 7 1 Party Vote Retention, 2011 vs. Today PREFERRED PARTY, 2011 ELECTION Conservative (n=325) Current Party Preference NDP (n=166) Liberal (n=129) (%) Conservative 70 3 3 Liberal 16 39 65 4 44 10 Greens <1 4 4 Undecided/Refused 10 10 17 NDP Party Support Among Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Manitobans “If a federal election were held tomorrow, which party's candidate would you be most likely to support?” CPC LPC NDP Green 100% 80% 60% 44% 42% 37% 40% 31% 22% 16% 20% 4% 2% 0% Indigenous (n=131) Base: Decided Voters Non-Indigenous (n=865) Impact of Long Election on Voting Intentions Q.11 “The current federal election campaign is the longest campaign in several decades, as it was called in early August, with Canadians going to the polls on October 19th. Does the longer campaign period make you…?” (n=1,000) Liberal: 15% NDP: 13% Conservative: 8% More motivated to vote, 10% Unsure, 4% Makes no difference, 72% Less motivated to vote, 13% Attention Paid to the Mike Duffy Trial Q.12. “How closely would you say you have been following the trial of former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy? Would you say very closely, somewhat closely, not very closely or not at all?” (n=1,000) 100% Also higher among older adults aged 55+ (59% vs. 30% among those 18-34) Somewhat closely Very closely 80% 64% 58% 60% 48% 47% 45% 40% 43% 37% 39% 20% 11% 8% 15% 19% 0% Total CPC supporters LPC supporters NDP supporters - % of those who have been following the trial very/somewhat closely Base: All Respondents Duffy Trial’s Impact on Voting Conservative - By Party Supported in 2011 Election Q.11 “Does the information that has been reported from the Mike Duffy trial make you… ?” (n=1,000) Overall CPC LPC NDP 100% 80% 68% 66% 57% 60% 48% 49% 42% 40% 31% 29% 20% 1% 4% 0% 0% 0% Makes no difference Less likely to vote CPC More likely to vote CPC