Sin. ml'l'lVli Federal Bureau of Investigation I) 3(153 December 27. NH 2 California ul'. l300 1 Street Sacramento, CA 95814 us:le RE: Acquisition of Wireless Collection Equipment/Technology and Non- Disclosure Obligations The ltl/m?limllt?m in Him Ll" Nix:- prawn-{y (J ilw Burden: q] (MN) and may (w dislrt?r?mml within the l-mlaml (Suvm'mnwu (and l?mm'm'mm. (?52 'lnu- public- .vry?i?ly m? officials and individual! with it new! in incur 1)I5c?1?lb)lflun it'll/mu! .1911! (llun'an?wml Viaclumlagy [Hill?s?l'?? :mlhm?izuritm pmhlililwl. shun/r! bs' Mum In {My l?lff?ll'rlmliml is ,vlolm/ rma? 'ur dew/mer in a mammr Hm! pwrludvx dams-s blaring (110 L153 it?ll?if?f. may um be mud in lugn?l ,nrm'mzdingx 13er receiving nullmrimu?un Hm agmnza: Ravi/Hm]; rm: pulling Ihz? murken? 111125; ?m wu?bsiw (m m: Minimal/Far! Hawaii: I I Dem?ll: We have been advised by Harris Corporation of the California Department of Justice request for acquisition of certain wireless collection equipment/technology manufactured by Harris Corporation. Consistent with the conditions on the equipment authorization granted to Harris Corporation by the Federal (FCC), state: and local law enforcement agendas must cmrdinme with the Federal Bureau of? (FBI) in complete this prior 10 the acquisition and list: of 1hr: nulhorimd by the FCC I As you are aware, law agencies increasingly rely mi wireless collection equipment/technology in sandman lim'l?iillywuulhorized electronic surveillance. Disclosing ml: existence ml and llic capabilities provided by such lo l?lJi: public would reveal neriSilil/c lecl'mologienl possessed by the law unl?ommnem and may allmv individuals who mat the subjcm of investigation this csquiimicm/leelmnlo3y is used to mnploy ummlenncusmw lo uvnicl detection by 'law enlbi?cemmil. ?l?.his would not only potentially the lives and pliyaicnl mainly Lil" law cl?l'l?nrcemcnl Cll??clurs olhar Page 1 ul? 7 Slat individuals, but also adversely impact criminal and national security investigationn. That disclosure of this inlimmttion could rosult in'thc l?l'?il?tt inability to protect the public from Eltld othnr criminal activity through public this tcahnolugy has been rendered essentially threatens for [inure inventinzttionn. in order to ensure that Such Wireless cquipinetit/technology continuott to he available ("or use by the law enforcumcnt community. the and any information related to its functions, and [[80 shall be protected from potential onmproinisu by precluding disclosure of this in lormntion to the public in including, but not limited to: in press rclcascst in court cloottmonln, during judicial hearings. or during othor public; tin-tints or procucdingn. Accordingly/l tho Cttlil?ornin Department oi? agrees to tho Foilottring conditions in collimation with its and not; ol? the l-inrris Corporation By entering; into this homeroom, the of.lustioe that it has statutory authority to ltt'wfulijy employ this technology will do so only in support oi? public safety operations or crimirml irtvostigutions. The (Kalil?orniu Department of Justice assumes rotaponsihrility for operating the .in treactrtilnnoo with Ft?lttl?til law anti regulation and accepts sole liability for any thorooli irrettpoolirc of the Federal Bureau of approval, it"nny, for the sale oi? the oquipmontltochnology. 34 The of? Justice will onsuro that operators of? the equipment have mot the operator l?l'ttlliil?tg standards it?lontlfiod by the Phi and are certi?ed to conduct oporatiom. vi?. The California of?ontico will coordinate with the: i?lfil'in advance oi" its use of [hit collection cqniptneut/touhnology to .tilt?tstli?c of rospeotivn missions. S. The ('thlit'on'titt Department of Justice will not distribute. dingorninato, or otherwise dioclosc any information concerning the wireless collection or any software, operating; ntanunls? or related toohniottl (.ihc-zluding, its technionta?cnginom?ing cicscriplioMs) and to the. public, including to any non? law mtl?orocrrtont individuals; or agencies, 6. The California Department ol? Justine will not distribute. or otherwise disclose any infonnation concerning; the wircloss uollootion nonlpmontt?tnohnology or any software, oporitting manuals. or related tochnionl documentation its toohnioti'liontgineoring donct'intiortts) and capabilities) provided to it to any other law cntz?oroement or governmont anoint)! without tho prior written approval of? the: FBL Prior to any approved distribution dissemination. or disclosure ol'nny concerning the wireless collection or [my software, manuals, or related toohnicnl reliant-2d to such nouioment/tochno'logy, all shall in: marked- Sensitivoi For Oftioinl Use Only Not to ht: Disclosed Outside oi? the California Dottimflmunt oillustioo.? - .AW PIN lltliRC?liiviiTiN?l? Page 2 of? 7, UN C?l ASS EN FORCEM kilns m?l?l?lVli "l?hc (.?ulii?omiu Department ol'luuticc Shall not. in any civil or criminal pt?ocoeding. uuc or provide any concerning. tilt: Harris Ctitrpm?ation wireless collection its sottwut?c. operating maintain, and any t'clatccl (including its technical/onginuuriug dosoriptionln) and capabilities) beyond the oviclontiury insults ohtoinocl tl'n'ougl'i the use 01? the equipmcut/tedutology including but not limited to, during; pru~trizil muttors. in search warrants; and related ul?litiuvitu in tliucuvory. in .rcuponsie to court orctorucl Liiuolosttru in other nl'l?icitwits? in gnu-adjury .hent'ittgu, in the State?s; misconduct?, rebuttal, or on appeal. or in testimony in any phase ozt~ civil or criminal trinl. this prior written approval oi'thu FBI. the Culilin?nin l')epurtmunt of Justice lnni?ns that [Diul?t'iot Attorncy? prosecutor, or a court is considering or intends to use or provide any inl?omuttiou concurning the Harris wireless collection its usxooiatotl operating manuals, and any related documentation {including its tout-mical/engineering, clestuiiptiouta) tillt?l cupahilitieu?) buyout! the cvitlontiuijy results; obtained through the use of the cquipment/ttechnology in t?nmtt?ior that will cause law sensitive rc-zluting to the technology to be made known to the public, the California ol? Justice will immediately notify the FBI in order to allow sufficient limo for the Fit} to intowoue to protect the and information i'rom clisolouurt: and potominl Noti'lioution shutl he directed to the attention of?: Assistant Director (Llperntiouul Technology Division Federal Bureau of Investigation B?t?tglt?iec?t?lhg Research Facility Building Pod A Quantico, Virginia 3.2135 und ilnit Chitil? Trucking 'tl?zohuology Ll nit Operational 1"uchnolo gy .II'Jivittion Bureau Engineering. Research l?toitity Building 27958A, Pot] l3 Quantico, Virginia 22135 in addition, the California of Justice will, at the re nest ot? the FBI, seek dismissal of the case in lieu of using or providing or ullowing ot ion: to use or provide. any inl?m'nntticm concoming the Harris Corporation wireless collection its nsuonintod software, (inputting manuals. and any related documentation (beyond the: ovitluntiut?y results obtained through the use oi" the equipment/tochnology). il? using or providing sueh would potentially or actually compromise the onuipmont/tculitnolopy, This thut tin-2. agency has some control or over the. process. Whom such is not the cusp. or is limited no on to ho inoonuoquontint. it it: the Will?s expectation that the law onl?m?ccmunt itth itl?NS'l't'thS Page 3: of?lil lilWLA Six. m?l'l?lVli agency idem?), me applicable proaccumg agency or agencies, for inolusion in this A copy of any court order in any proceeding in which the (I?ttli?l'orltin Department of Justice is a party directing disclosure of information concerning the Harris Corporation equipment/technology and any associated soltwurm operating n'tt'tnunln. or related documentation (including its technical/cummeeting doseriptit?mts) and capabilities) will immediately be provided to the PM in order to allow sufficient time for the FBI to intervene to protect the equipment/technology and information from disclosure and potential compromise. Any such court orders shall be directed to the attention of: Assistant [Mentor Operational "leoltnology Divittion Federal lilurettu l" investigation lfingineering Ii?ncil it Building 2.7958A, Pod A Ouantleo. Viriinitt 22i?35 and Unit Chief Technology Unit Operational Technology Division Federal Bureau Engineering Research Facility Building 27958A. Pod l3 Quantico, Virginia 22135 to. The California Dot eminent oi?lustiee will not publicine its; rtetntinltion or use of the Home Corporation equinment/technology or any of the attended by such eqnipment/teelntolorgy to the publiet other law enforcement mummies, or other government rtgenoten. including but not limited to. in any newn or presx winner-:3. interviews, or direct or indirect (statements to the media. . tn the event that the Cutitomin Department of Justice receiver. at request pursuant to the Freedom of lnl'bmmtion Aer (5 552) or an equivalent state or loonl lttw, the civil or criminal dittoover?y process, or other judioitti.., or process. to disclose information concerning lite Corporation wireions collection enuipntrant/technology, its associated operating mnnunls, and any related documentation. (including in; toehnicol/engineering, descriptiornsl and capabilities), the Cnli'fornin Department of Justice will immediately notify the $131 of any such request telephonienlly and in writing; in order to allow stti?l'ioiont time for the F131 to seek to prevent disclosure through appropriate Noti?cation shall be directed to the attention of: SliithiI'i?lVIii Page 4 oi"? Slzmal'l?lVI?i Assismn'l Director Opel?mional lDiyiz?gn Federal Bureau of hwestigauon Remarch Facility Building 27958A, Pad A Quantich Virizinia 19.2135 and Unit Chief '1"rackir\g "Feclmolugy Uni! Operational Technology Division l-?cdeml Bureau. of Investigation Engineering l?lesearoh Facility Building 2.7958A, Pad 13 Quan?lico, Viruinia 2121.35 Page 5 0f 7 .ol'l'lViEI The (il'Juslicc?s ziccepizmuc the above shall be. cvidci?iced by the Signalman; below (if an authorized and wireless thilpmelli operators 1 5 1 - I. oi the licpz?u'in'ienl .lusiicc. Sincerely. Operational 'l?euimulogy Division liuclerul. Bureau 01' am. Acknowledged and in this WW Chief Human oi" inves-Higaiion Ca 1 inmm Department 0f ll usiicc Sacramenm, (3A Special Mimi Supizwism' . Agent Sfuyicrvi 501? Siqg?i?il Agisnt S?uymrvisor if?? ?pecl? Agent Special Agent Special zig?cni putrial/A gam i 7 7 Special A gem Special Agent l} NC ED/r?l l?iNli?ORCZTIfSlx/i iiN'l' Page 6