HIGHWAY PATROL COLLISION REPORT ammam? I I will: I??wm :3nd I .mmcw. bla?ritlur LNAL rmer Human mum? mom- mm VENTURA Bum-mm: 13-07-099 NW datum? :3an MPOWNO min-um um um mr emu mama! 1 EATURIMY vm no ma?a? munnmm. I I me: am WNI mum?; Hit-m! umnmm, LYNN ROAD 2255 ?ll-?8 CWRDIMW momawm [m wrruou 31.15647" Immune - 118331947" 0022 WITH: up.? m? m, DEGMUBSCHER #14454 Mt: ~15! (W VIA mu no wm'r'ur Dmvmo mam mumum I'rm mas Am mm uni-cw mum. ?IE-??un?t ?0135a Ll?m?g RumDWHIWI m: 3mm Ail new? mfn?m umn?r'nm?wus ?mam ?mrl; 31?. VALLEY a? - uN manna um arr-mun mum; Drum ?Ear m? mm? mom; mwma ?mm-1.2399 II - I Palm mm". lama-m noun new: mam-m mm mum UNKNOWN ?mm umcmau ammo?! manna ?aw?ma?m mum? mm mm mm Dunn; mum UNKNOWN UNKNOWN ?2 mu MW ?aw-wan WM #331: LJHIT mum LYNN ROAD mum: mman m-MDIJELIUJJLUH unmet mum? HATE 2 Damn mum. mu} a 0mm NAME El um: Ma 1mm - I own human time AB Dawn GITYIETATEIEP . MN:did? an mm mm! nmanl' mn?nlmu - mu was: .. 9mm mama no?: up. 'm w-ma Hm": cum: minimum wow Human?: mum; DEBGMIW. mun-m GHADII mmaun mum Imamu mama LINK [3m 13 mm mm Emma grammar: nm-nrmm alumna"! on 5mm 0A GAL-T rammo MK mm mwuu'w l-Iunlvn? maul-mu, mm mm: M: IA: Minn mum. mum: uemxumn?? m? 3 1' mama . will?!? . ADDEEBEI ?mun mm rm [3 nwammn man: an mama cm amen mm?: mum 31339,. mm mm ma Mum mam" W?i?g??g?m WM Mae mun mum ml. [?31 111mm: 10 omen mun PIIDNI uunmmn ?Imus Human: .nmmnu VEHIBLE mum; Miami Imums mama ?31.1w ?mum um Danna um? I [3 man Elm-mum! mu.va mil METREETDR HIGHWAY ?Wm? GA m1; m-?r mm: I Harm: I mm mam-rm Momma mm: mu [j HGT. 13256 0811232013 I c-n? -5 .44. Ul-h-E?i?-J- EMF-J composers-cows; Gam-b-mM??i-GED we: BEIKI MADE arena or CALIFORNIA .. . on: NCIC NUMBER 07f27/2013 2255 . PAGE 11 ca at I i.o. NUMEER . 13-07-099 On Saturday July 27. 2018. at approximately 2252 hours, CHP unit (Officer #18885 and Officer Wilson At approximately 2285 hours they advised the was involved in a traffic collision on Road north ofVia Acosta, and requested an ambulance to respond. I responded from Madera Road south of the 88418, and arrived on scene at approximately 2315 hours. Upon my arrival. I determined this was a collision involving fatal injuries. All times, speeds, and measurements in this report are approximate. All measurements were obtained by Rolatape, engineering scale nylon tape. and visual estimation. This incident was documented by CHP Dispatch in Venture Dad Leg #404. ON SCENE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL PERESQNNEL: Department of California Highway Patrol 810 Spring Road Moorpark. California 83021 (sos) Sereant S. Carley #18723 On-scene Supervisor Officer A. Aldrete I #20040 investigating Officer Sergeant M. Curtin #13258 Scene Diagram and Measurements Officer D. Laubscher #14454 Scene Diagram and Measurements Officer .1. Gray #17882 Measurements and Traffic Control Officer J. Clements #20022 Photographs and Traffic Control Officer 8.. Lyanity #18885 Witnessing Officer and Traffic Control Officer M. Wilson #1838?? Witnessing Officer and Vehicle Storage Report Officer R. Alcantar #18024 Traffic Dontrol Officer Wren #18858 Traffic Control Officer D. Wood #18880 Traffic Control Officer d. Johnston #20841 Traffic Control enemas or 1.0. stillness DATE nevraw?ria's NAME DATE AALDRETE I 020040 03/03f20?l3 SGT. CURTIN 13256 03/132013 ulna-L - - .-. 4 Colorado State Patrol Troop 5B Case Number Connecting Case Report Type 513131176 Pursu'itiFatal Date Time Location 10/22/2013 23:39 Colorado Highway 285 Mile Marker 28 OPSIS: 0n ?etober :22, at 23:35, Officer Adam Jennings with the Alamosa Police Department was on patrol within the City and County of Alamosa Colorado. ??icer Jennings was parked at the intersection of Main Street and West Avenue when he witnessed a vehicle trawl. through the intersection southbound on West Avenue, driving in a reckless manuen Thouvehiclc continued southbound on West Avenue, which turns into Colorado Highway 285. Officer Jennings attempted Islate,contactingvehicle by utilizing emergency lights and siren. The vehicle did not stop and a pursuit continued southbound on Colorado Highway 235 ,to mile marker 28, within Alainosa County where the vehicle collided with an Alamosa County Sheriff?s Dodge pickup and the driver of the pursued vehicle was killed. -. Susnects: DOB: 04l15?989 525 Street Alamosa, Colorado 81101 04v~364~0632 (Revolocd) I Date of Reme Trooper/IBM# Supervisor?BMit Page Technician Garth. Crowdicr 1636 Page 1 of 38 13-17417 FORT POLICE SERVICES I I I 2221 masseuse so 11/18/2013 ?l'yrr FORT COLLINS, CO 30525 DUI Of?cer?! I lz'h?r?flr 970*221-6520 1?s 4'1? I. r1512 "Ir-r I . Mil-Hi970-231-6284 i I - Willi I I eIirI?i?. I 1 my?? Agency RepellNo 1' superman:th Halls-Jim .13?17417. - . 9.3193 .l1/13/3013 0.1 33 . . I Disno' spsLoe .DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (CARIDR BOAT) I 1939 IMACKINRC ET I II I COLLINE use? I .I 115071;: so 111 - 11/12/2013 ,Io1I2sI11/1sI/2o1a. 01:UNIT IFcl ?mm? Ass'imunor?ri' TRAFFIC UNIT $uoee aful :Sucoessful FCC79 01/14/2014 16:11:04 IWIIW I I HPUIZDWAIWALGDHOL GRI A I211 Artiole: oxso/mxoxev/ sodas osvxoss 2:21:11 as some means I . .. SFK Article: GTHER (NONE DF THE ABOVE) DRIVER TRAVIS ACKERMAN LICENSE ll - -- I On 111813 at about 0123 soled in the 400 block of north Timberline Road on I.. an ATV (All-Terrain .VehioIleIJIIe?er' ff'oereII" a on a noise def Iei't' AC HERMAN 5 Boulevard and Bannook Street and rolled the vsh'l'ol?i. ACKERMAN suffered serious Injuries and was taken to Medical Center of Rockies where a felony blood draw series was completed. ACKERMAN's passenger. Lindsay DAVIS, suffered serious injuries and was pronounced dead at Poudre XII/alley HospitaII.I . gleam Case status is open: AoriveICase (AC3?was I i I A I Iplr. "Ir ?ammun- -u.au.n.uu.n.unm--v r-u-v?I-u-I-nm IRERORT FORM maximum Latitude}! 11133046000402 I ?i'lmn: 013:0!) I Longitude: mm MierAamME . 955E 0,841 {711.3 I1 15-134 my!? [31111]?ij I I 2 I I ?ah; I on my NAM Tow?: coma or; mummy-Ia m; m'r?n?ecmm I New-Mayan T?Oil'jQ 3 I Rama NEAREST mwmrimwc; Linem?lm'm?i?l?i? 1. mansun?nmmca .5 133mm Marin Q'Eam Exit "?wmQ Wm? D?n P'r'rva'w Pmny EIkaan Lat-i I .TRAFFKWWII1 IIVanthgia [j mgum a II vamId-a mewian .QNawmwum? I .I (LastIHm-Mzdma-Irimu I QREII NAME {mama NWoerINamn) . . '1'324ICa1varth. I Elva? ..Ean' 1'1115l3gk?yen?r' I II 'sm- mean; I :a?xe' 'Imm. :Iraax-t'; -I PA I meta Middl?t?w? 1 ?5-45? [335' .. .D?aa?rmub?-Ma?n' ETATEI . m'apmw 'jmn I 3311mm: PA: "Wis-io??lfs?? Iowr?vsam - (3T 0% - m: '1 TEAMEEMEWE WW I m" I . "7?iAPDF?m?mwrN?w-hhawm; I I :?z??rmariaimmj7m? mam 'Hbm?vm? :erM'l-l awn: laun?r?'s. I - cmm?mwu . SAME IRS-ABOVE I . I II . InemaTmnuw STATE v?mnmm?mm um; I Ingam?bmi-Q? 51m: MASH - I E2931 I - SIGN .I. 20-00 TQYQ IVE'HIGLEIi?mr?m??lmi?hwm I910 3.1-6 12.17 memm 31-34Emma; . I imam-?junIa: m?wmw - HI mg" I m, I II Im-m- Igta?mwgt -. - i .: I PIE: .II -I ?mum Hm" Ii y. 3453133! -I ..-. I m??'npu?'cmgja?f? - W??g?aidm??b: I I gamma?- Bv?-Inng I'ro??tamgm?jw Um? I STAWTE CIR 3.3qu ?im?wam??g I ?ArWE?R-m?i?mw? mam II mum I - BMW ?Pm'mn .. I 2mg?: mm: mu?df?m - 1-3.2 - - -- - . memtaim?mmaw 'Imwap warm [12c] Tuww I Motom I .- M?mtaslTRAFFICZUMIW 1 I 2 c: I - 03147-2 I ..I Jaimud. R?bc-nrt' I am'aouuj: mix-whet Dpuan INT-11 mm; a . - I Hawaii 089' 1- I - 1 I. Inca-tin; Ivy 'Vear- I I I I mm. mmmare-rang?; m= q-daf'im' ?951: a 3.1 xi?w? ml .. u- 1 I most-r 15mm Pallet; Equ?eNun'lggr 1300517399 inameimm . Pa?g 2 of 4 aI DIAGRAM. . I I - . qulue I1Nm?1hipn-R?ute15. I - Rgptei?? ly 6m ta?ih? ??fga' mile. Vehicle arid Ve?i?ia??lw?ga nt??h I - Vehicle-#23 atbpp?d folluwing th?gmllismn, and than leftth . - - Euuth of. am 59. in tha Town (hf-Maw Haven. V?hlolw?and gin ?ue-?ght 'Ijangaraim. when Vahldla #2 mliided With the-mar Tandy df. Vary-Idem, a Operator #1 a-u??yred ?igni?qahf injjurii?deceaa?'d once at Yale New Hakim in?ap'ital. While #?iwaaitnw??jfmw the sc?nerby?m?y-?Mmr?a a Em'nm -Wimt3$$' Maria 441961-JrfollaWE-?d Vehiclia maintaihin'gaya ?gmt'ac?t' I I 'tn Fir?at?las?g??ar?hingakl #1 . Traqpar Firs?tzcm'ss :her ?majfgandg??ghia. simnp?n?i?k a?p?iQ-stqp anagram-#2 fallad'm' First plgs'gi??lemhlinski #1367? "33" V?h?iclem Tmnper FiirSf-QilgsajaParchinski #1 36711158. #zr'vapngadmm me roadway-um mli,i?jedI?withz savaral-lrea? . I in-tha ar?a'ftb? Eiditiaa, . .3 injuri'a?land -'Was. pro-mu nced da?aa?s?d atthteigceh?; (gee '1 3Q?5117923far5p6?i?? 3' I I. CASE STATUE: Thia case remains; pp'en for-further invagti?gatipn. GE - OF OTHER THAN . IthowEIn MEHICLES mt; I ITHE Narunemp as or: I HRH-111W rm oamr?mf 'PR~1(npari) 0962- 3mm OF CONNECTICUT, DEPARTMENT ee Pueme SAFETY- mveenemen REPORT (Revue-eez-mme); Page 1- me Repert Type: manque; I Inftielil?epon: C3 Report: aquplement: Rempen: Attachments: SteteMente: EJTeletype: El Phetee: Other: emeezue- I I are He DATE ?ri?e . TYNE I . wee- 'MAecpuee I I 3 deer, Imeleem - geese-e1. 15 N- 05515 - - - - Ae?en Taken: en erQrey-Teyete regieue?en- erenee: - . . - ?Gm-mm Eduta- ?15 to: eeteh He? feet the-vemee. he'd etwels-e Reete whee-ewes. - .59 enemmp end fe?iebeut' heir} esm'iiez-iep' IgeeteppeeIpriepte the-exit :eIed ebeewed the beaming {with5336??.t?a1?neqe.le. nee-tee; {hie I 3 heed The operater negate? metala?gam anagram WWII-I3 then eeme up te me=:running etetlng juet lee I the group-?97 '3ae1eetene A white ?nale -lnfom'1ed31me :ItIhet ghe Wee e-deetor end weuld- etey Until EMS e'rrlved.- (?eefFete?MEtm Vehiclejnveeti'getive Repert??FS:I 3 for deemte-eeteh up-te the etheNehieIe. Igeiepeteh there-wasHeller-behind ?fje vehleIethth'JtS ?ame Eli'ejhte en.- Beef-id eew'the meek 1e; aheI'eerd- lighte en. The epemter ef metiveh'iele-ene-thg'e 'd?v?et?e- eide dewn'end Were. pointingetIihe-yehiele. I '{hIev'ehie'Ie (e-T 13mm priorte -- I . I-IMy-ughtenend Ielrenewere etm- eemjtedee Noumea-me vehicle-emit di'enetetep. '1 e150 -eetl?{atewwgelr' Iz?em eeverel time. The epereter wee dif?cuIlItIyieig-einteieleg I ?th eheulder. The vehicle behind? mygeruieer. I U?llmdef?y EA eyeteth eeverel times. end directed theepereter te: Theivehiele-elewee Dammit ee'ee woman-meg emmee-(nwreemmu meme! MYSELF a? Manual: I meme eAMMeUme-a?wmem $0 3V tweew'em'ee 1e? SIGNATURE: L'Dje: I JEFFREY-SHUBHW me unni?me?m HAWNaIn't-zm new ewenu Mn were 9F mum REEQRT-PERTMHINGW "rm" '43" La" "ma-3m 1. 2:13-va - .u ., I I 13006-17899 Gm- sm?e momma-new, 0F . 213mm - Pm aim Ii." to. 15 bdfdi-e canning to a stop Wm mam EL Thawmc?e um.? berm? . to ml! backwards. beford its Gama on. quendd my door and and I thew?hicl? hdading again disregarding my Whlid made me. The vehicle. sped up it: m-mdh' hum tmvep and bath shdu'lddm-of-me highway. The awe? 01" appm?matdly'?o ithd roadway than - in? a m? 53*" dav?d iladn?'iltim?d m?sqemd'serdn'the night sthd?w nadir Where 'th? vehid'd'ldft the,? We dth'er mam . Trudy I digp'atch that the? vdhi'cld had and. ai?i?gf With ware-nataddtl for; dadridd?on, I chidemaid tha'white I . v??icrld. The-cap?ramr war-?wtiag?l?jtorsawydi II: vehi?la dfitha Which Wadfacingldownhm . See Invadtlgal?wd?d?mt 0E3 . uud?amiadnp. mu n'uw mam nrs?dd?d m: Mwl'i'I-mn um rm; wrme'd m: mum; law egmm'lm turbid-Em 111.19th Mn?dinp'dd?md? Tittme Wm adc'ua (IF (1 9? WWme um?? ?Mazm-m?; .. 'on an ANOTHER 901305 36mm: 0575mm ram THE an Iggy-150m: - jqus'ridATdn SIGNATURE: dam-aims: 3 ?rm EILEEN. PER-CHINEKH 1367 93m ram-4 dads pm sunanvas'on riser JEFFREYE HUBUCI 0146 .., .. . I . I, - HSMV CRASH new??f'i?i?men mam . . II I. I $13.qu I Drwar nut-men .I II IQ 2 Han. MnIorIiI I 3 I Slmm) ?nmsme ZIP com: 13255 I I I II BROOKSVILLE. FL 34613 or- - inIven'Likzefii'srsuumam 5mm QEVIIRIWIIHJI Wm? ?'m?fm?mo m, I. a . 10/29/1987 . I. . Raqulrm Endum?manu Amen: Tim Crash Gunlrnuhnu Antiun Han 0" Hanme sandman npurulnu MU In Curalau or 27 D-iriunrdn? Olhnr Trim": ,7 Tim? arm? I) I Empamw 3 No I'qu Endorsement I Slun #5 I Nurmm 7 a mud II: led 0er Road 3 AI: at F?ll?u?d one Impmpur guckmg I I0 . (In: Inf; I Dlhar Intidu ma mm ?In 5 urn v?f- Gmand mama In, em?, 51mm I I 2 Emm?nm c?mmuntmm" mall-mm? Han JD Bwuwnd or Audldud DmtlI a (da rullan Duncan call prime an: I (culmdo Inn unhIcIa. ?plain I 7 gm; TWSI an 19! Canadian! MV an n-30th ?gram [EJgul Immwy.n1n 7 "mum I7 ?gwwgu Speed 31 I: urnmd MV In Errahc, 77 DIMI. In Narmlwo an 21 onn 5m Wrong way Ruck mm MAD mama manner BB Unknown Driver Oanructlunu ma In Honor Lana 77 Diner Cantu ullnu Acuon 1 VIMM Na! DDIGUNIH 5 Land an Vuluttn 9 Smuku - - - I Mall,th I E- Hunld?n?IIF-?mud Unmet 190mm I I 4! TfJogIcrogefgumgu'? 333?? "mm $353" Hclmot um (HUI Eva Protection It") ?vatomn DRIVER DR 1 I I MDer?ulePm 3 an; A picnbm I Nut Amy won: I 5 2 Omar a mu I MDIDT VEMCIO Sealing ?638110? Flow 3 ND Helm? 2 ?one UNIShoutdur and LIP Hull ?and I (.031! 1 [?mnl 1 . I- Air Han D?pl?vw Deployed-Omar Ehulgd?r?lra? BritaUWd 2 Middle: 2 Emma 22 human or Tde Cal: m" MED) Imam 5 ?311qu mid 9 Unknown 3 RI I 3 1mm 3 Other Enmoaau Car 0 NH ?own" (EJECH I-?ourlh 4 Unoncmad Cargo on 1 Ell??um 1 NM Amman? command," 81 Sivale - Roma; ?mg (Implaun In How 5 -, Elaclnd. golalle 3 {Ignapggam?c?mm 9 vi um - unr amng . - - 33mm? Unkmw? wm?? ?rm? mm? m" 4 Mg. ?mum 4 nuplpyumlda unknown In chad RoutraInI Type: WIan 77 Ulnar. Eupmn an Mon-mmorlat Da?cripllun Locauan AI Time: at Crash I - I Inlurmamn Crouwmh Sidnwni?. 5 will?, IE on 5 ?we? 3 In 2 Unmurknd lelwalh 9 IHWIU a In Rm way.? I other I nualamq. s?wmr ma} 3 Intuit-mum Other ?0 E?v?w? WWI I a?IcI-clum . 4 Mudulauh un?md' am ur Trn-l Adlawm H?qu gI 5 . {Una I cmnmu naauw 4' Olhnr II I 5 Cum: [Int 0! Motor Wm:ch Not In Tmnanun 6 QICWIO UM 77 DIME 2 Wamnn In g??gm SEMD- "(-121 ganar anwarmng In Ll - '1 WII I I'll of Nan-Motorist response) 7 Unknown Typu nI NmIIMulnrist mum-I a mm." 2 DH huh Rnudwny A Tram: {In ar an Saluty Equipment In . Failum In YmId aqucum la rivil Fullum In Dbuy ?I?m?lu 319M. I 2 Huimm I3 N01 Applmula SI null. [If 10 In!me LIqu 5 Runway Impropmiv Manama. Vahlula 1} Fatima (mm; II-urm, am} In 2nd .. Bung. .pmwnu' Inutlonllm aallnu. hid) 0" Rullupmu Cloth (Ian:an m3 . uhlclu Flu aim: Iw?fHI?u 9 No! Vuslbin (dark no 77 Ulnar Fun In? In unpack. ale; I on. pushlnu. I Linkn?w? 5 cm: ALCOHOL TESTED mm 3 BPEUTE DRUG NESTED UG TEE Argo?m 115;; 1 'Insmm [3mm I blow km" :0 U6 USE I Tu! Na! Ewan 3 I 1 Nu m? 2 Tan Raiumd 3 213mm (swan Unnu 0.23 2 Ya: :1 Tu! Swan 77 Omar. 2 Manama I uIImcmn Ina UnhnawnI ?Imam? Ogl?f Flap In? In rm Unknan nun-?um a Unknuwn BB Unhn?wn. IT Emma? anp?ngg?gm m. all -u SQUHCE 0? TRANSPORT T0 MEQICM. FACILITY 5M5 AGENCY NAME OR ID EMS RUN NUMBER 1an Tl??ipu??Law Enlumumunl El lam I BB Unkn?w? ADDITIONAL IFERSOH - VEHICLE - NAME I 2 PATRICK 08/0l/I974 . - 3 II CURRENT ADDRESS (Number and Blrom) CITY 8. STATE HIP CODE 10525 MAIRTYIIS I II I TAMPA. FL 33612 ms AGENCY NAME on ID EMS RUN NUMBER MEDICAL FACILITY IRANSPWIWED I1 mnnpunna I TAMPA 3563 NAME ., -, -. .- - mm: QFIBIRTHI .I . .. - NJ 55;; A .I-II II II mm HU Ann 125CURRENT ADDRESS {Number and Hum} CITY 3. STATE anon SOURCE OF TRANSPORT TD MEDICAL FACILITY EMS AGENCY NAME cm ID EMS mm NUMBER m" MEUIGAL FAGILIW Not Tmnwonud :1 EMS ?3 Law h? ?lather In Harralwu I'm du- I HSMV 900m In? Page I REPORTING OASE CRASH WOW NUMBER -- NARRATIVE - - I . 2m ANN AND WAS SOIITHEOUNO IN THE LANE OF NEBRASKA AV AT- APPROXIMATELY 95 MPH. VEHICLE ONE THEN RAN THE REID TRAFFIC ISIONAL AT TI IE INTERSECTION OF AV E. AS VEHICLE ONE WENT THROUGH THE INTERSECTION. IT AIRBORNE DUE TO THE SFEEO IN WHICH IT STRIICR THE CREST IN THE ROAOWAV. VEHICLE ONE THEN EOITOMEO OUT IN THE ROADWAV. WHICH CAUSED DRIVER ONE TO LOSE CONTROL. VEI IICLE ONE THEN EEOAN TO ENTER A CLOCEWISE VAW. VEHICLE ONE LEFT TIIE ROADWAY AND STRUCR A CONCRETE SION IN THE LOT OF 5202 NEBRASKA AV LEFT SIDE. THIS IMPACT CAUSED THE POLE TD FRACTURE AND SFLIT VEHICLE ONE INTO TWO FIECES. DRIVER ON E. WHO WAS UNRESTRAINED. WAS EIECTEO FROM THE VEHICLE AND SIJSTAINEO FATAL INJURIES. VEHICLE ONE THEN CAME TO FINAI. REST AFTER STRIRINO A ISUS EENCII. - - . i VEHICLE TWO WAS PROPERLY PARKED IN THE PARKING LOT OF 5202 NEBRASKA AV N. VEHICLE REAR WAS STRUCK BY THE CONCRETE. POLE THAT WAS BY ONE AND ADDITIONAL. FASSHNOEHS PEHEDM VEHICLE NAME DATE OF 5E3 EJECTHU El" CURRENT ADDRESS (NumIm Imu Emu . I A STATE I SIR COOS '1 ENS AOSNOV NAME OR ID I I EMS SUN NUMBER MEDICAL TRANSPORTED "3 9 EMS '3 Eni?fcl?m?m I 77 0mm SEX LacETME CODE I SOOHCE OF TRANSPORT TO MEDICAL FACILITV EMS AGENCY NAME EMS RUN HUMMER MEDICAL FACILITY TRANSPORTED TO I 2 EMS 3 Law Entorcumnnl I 77 EH Orr ADDITIONAL VIOLATIONS I . PERSON It NAME OF FL STATUTE NUMEEFI -: CHARGE CITATIDN NUMBER II NAME Or Fl. STATUTE NUMBER Im? I II I I I CITATION NUMEEN REPORTING IOISAOCE NUMIIEN ANNA NAME FHP SO FD OTHER 47304 DST. F. R. MESSMER TAMFA POLICE DEPARTMENT [3 HSMVEIDOWEWIDHFEVIOMOJ - I I I Faun Amer: 0- IRS: mi lJr-Jle el Green Dete el Flenen lnveet. Agency l-?teperl Number Green l-"tepert Number. :3 12:20 AM 01(0012?2013 12:20 AM 674559 3363-3-55 Meme e1 Vehicle Owner (Chuck Butt It "3t" Gerrenl Andree-tr {Nulnl'rer and 51mm} and Slain Zip Cede U-HAUL Di? L?l p0 Bax 21503 DENIX AZ 350364503 Reiler Lieenee Number Stete liteg. Etiplree Permanent Flee. VIN Year Metre Length Airloe I . :IIfraiier licence Number Slate Fleg. Expiree Permanent l'leg. Veer Melte Length Axles WDI Vehicle Direction On Street Road. i-ligl'IWHy Al Eel, Speed Fueled ?nned Teiel Let-lee EM1 2700 ewe UHAUL PLOT CMV Gentigurelien Curiae Body Type Aree et lnltiel lmpect Moel Damaged Area . - - - 7 ??rearm. Comm 'l reiler 'l ype (trailer one) lrttilt?il' Type (trailer MO) 6 20.thdeltlelrl 'i-lez. Met. Hei: Mai. Number . 21,1?in . 313mm '1 Ne Genlrele it Gellieien with NennFixed Dialect 14 Meter Vehiele In Traneperl Meter Carrier Name US Number Motor Carrier Adrienne City and Slele Zip Corie Phone Number eeinnirrveit-Cernrnereiei Vehiele Body Type Vehicle Delecte (one) Vehicle Deiecla {Mel Emergency Vuhiuln UHB Seminal Function 01 19 Either Li ht Treette 1 ?mm 1 Me 1 Ne Epeeiat Funatien (10,000 Ihe( .636 kg) er teen) Vehicle Maneuver Action 'l'reiliewey Headway Grade Heerjwey Alignment Meet i-lermtul Evm?tl Merit i- rerlul Event eteil Parked rt Twe-Wey Div elect. - 1 Level 1 Blruigh?l a celtlelen with Nen~Fittecl 14 Meter Vehlele in Transport Peeltive Median errier Dbl?: 'l'reltie Gentrel lJevlee Fer lite Vehieie Finn (1) Sequence of Emerita 5660M (3) 01 EVOMS Third l3) SHill-"3WJill Dl Willi?? (4) SMJEIWG ?l PERSON RECORD ilereenrt Vehicle it Nt-ltlt?tt?Jl I I I. Dete el lilirllr Sex Phone Number Flo-Exam 1 1 Driver 1 '1 eatDeene'i'a '1 Male I Ne - City State Zip Me 3026 REDMOND AVE JAC-KBONVILLE FL .3230? Driver Lieertee Number tel-late httpirett Di- Type Fleq. L-?ne. Injury Severity Eieetlon uaiDee?B?BS ti- Ez??peretar Ene?yteaglre?qam 5 Fetal (within 30 dew) ?4 Net Appllaeble l-?loetreinl Syelorn l-Ieleiel [lee 3 Ne Helmel Air lilting Deployed Protection 3 Net Applleeble Beating Seat 77 Other (explain in narrative) Sealing Flow 1 Freni Settling Loeelien Other 1 Not Applicable Drivere Aellene at Time of Green (iiret) 2 ?pnmted MV in er Negligent Manner Drivere Aetiene at ?t irrte et Green Improper Turn Driver [Distracted Ely ee Unknawn Vision Dbelruetien All Diner, Explain in Narrative Drivere Aetiene at Time 01 Green (third) 12 Dreve tee Feet tar Drivers Aeliene at Time at Greell 17 Exceeded Fueled Speed Drivere Condition at Time ei Cites?ill - it Under the In?uence at Medleatlenemrugemleenal Suepeeted Alcohol Alcohol Teelod . Aieertei 'l'eel Type Aleciim ?l'eet BAG Suspected Dme Drug "leaned Dme Teal Typo Drug Test Flow" 86 Unknown 13 Teal Given 1 Bleed 2 Gemle EB Unkt?lewrl 3 TQM 1 Bland 'l eeume et Tranepen te Medieel Facility EMS Agency Name er ID EMt-i Finn Number Medlcal Facility T0 2 EMS UF HEALTH NARRATIVE . I. Page 2 el 5 viz; .. .. ?with-ti . trawl it ii Line?in i. [Jalch at Email Data at hoped lnveet. Agency ?epert Number HSMV Credit Report Number eti?etizota 12:20 AM 01!Dotl201312:20 AM 674650 63860355 . It) Number Hank Name Troopz?i?oet Otlloer A enoy Phone Number Date Created 6977? GFFICER 6.0. HEMHACH JACKSD Oat D1. 2013 v1 wae traveling eastbound on Atlantie (tilt-to) at a high rate ot epeed. The vehicle toiled to negotiate a tut" ?ltt? Splint] F?htk Rd It?? control at the moteroyele and eraehed into the rear at V2. Engine and 20 arrived on to treat the viotim. The viotlln wee traneported to UP Health With litouth?atehth? intuil??. HE WEB eooattod ahonly atter arriving at the hospital. . rattle Homicide arrived on aoene at approximately 0200 houra and toelt oontrol ol the investigation. Ft nit Tree moat Gtt?oer it one en ti Data 0 reaeum rrelnn?c'nxn eFHola 'aaelteolt'wLLE eatentt gimme nee-Elastic? Got 21, 2013 "51m aupplement he being Initiated to document the veri'lioatian at the vietimttapoaw Identity. The Identity woe vertiin by the Medical I?xelttinortilepaaia ?ttiae via Rapid . Rank Name Tree Iti'oat (J?leerh eno Phone Number Date Created DFFICER J. .GREGDHV JAG $0 VILLE SHEHIFFEDFFIGBM eao-oeeo little 11.2013 Inroahanoh SECTIUN .. Data at Gifeeh October at. 2015i into at Craeh 12:20 AM Looation ot catch 2700 Atlantic ol Vehicle #1 aim at Blunt .Jr, momma (Deceased 3025 Redmond Avo,doolteol1ville,, Fl. Vehlole #1 teen Kawasakl Ninio Mic, White, FL Tag 2749.th Dwner Vehlole #1 her it Madiaon s?roe Gonzalez Eittitt. Ponaaoele. Fl. 32505 2207 I. T. Callahan F3257 Evidence Teohnlolon ELK. James #61113 Detective J. D. titretlorlrs woe: Detootive .113. Huret it 30? at the Scene Deeoriptlon ol the Scene Thin amen in the 27m block at anemia Blvd- Tale te alae at the intereeotion at Spring Park Rd and Beach Blvd. Eastbound Attentio Hollie Into-t lanes . gwd+ortee become eaetbourtd Atlantic whlle two lanee leeoomo eaelaeond Boaeh Blvd. the hit two lanes remain Atlantic Blvd- The speed limit tor hie area to tilt H. he roadway to eorrlpoeed at were aepheit paving, and the road is bordered by raiaod oenerete curbing- I'll a a nveatlgation Dn DctoborI 1at 20.13, at AM, I vivatt demented b3 the Doteotive Die+tatoher and told to call JP. Morgan, to It ?ftieth thV?lfl?Q l'tltittlria? niuriee. lwae'told that'a?elng e'motoroyo e'hed attern to to he rider teat oontrol ot the matareyete, an dropped the a turn. he Watt rana orted to UF Health with ia'uriea that were aonat ared to he lite threatonlnp. I melt Det Huret and ask that he rear end to UP Health to on the otlIn. responded the eoono. pon arrival on the eoenel epeke wIith organ, He eaid that was on ea:e when a ebeerved a motoreyele trout behind a eat at an Weetmont 5t. He eald he reooanrzed the motorevele an one operate lay a portion known to Maroon. That Portion. John h?d 599? ?l?fe?t?d tor operating a vehicle on a liceneet at had been analgended -- that an said the, meterfolrele .turnedIrIlerth trout San Dleigo d, and to about To MPH. I I I I I helntent ot lnltietine'e-tra eaterp 'aleo eat on the red and noti?ed a to at hie the dlreetion at travel. that no he Pa urn eata'AtIantle Blvd. ho aotiva ed in emer?eno equipment. t-le eald the mo arayele than too ott anal on Atl?htt? at a the? mitt '01 TM ?Whit eoelerated at await a high rate of epeed. that al- organ held-hemmed mtety-oanaeied the 'trettie'elotl. I I I Morgan rotated that within a quarter at a mile he new the victim attera to turn right onto Rd. Aa he did the wallet lent normal at the Ihotoroyele and it led the southeast eerner at the irrtereaotion. 3 I Met all held he now he motoloyoloeapoaw tit; tti home on. but did not EBB ?19 5i?? Whittle" Wit-t ht! immediately notitied diapateh ot the oraeh and on ed tor "Ire During n1 were interment that an e?ieer at UF Health had learned that the viotlnt had died oelled De Huret to make euro he were aware ot thin. Dot Huret dvleed him he had iuet arrived at the hospital and had neon tntormed. I naked Del Huret to obtain a not at tineorpr nta tram the victim so I ooutd will! the viatim?o ea: identity. He then roll ended to the aaene and aaeleted ate in mappin?it My Investigation revealed that the Viotil'n tt?d "ltd the hit It?mp?itt hit? an" Git ?'19 the roadway. Ho an the then alld into the rear at a arlte Lt-Haul truek. [During my nveetigation Dot Huret arrived on aoene. Hitl notaa allow: an ?rueeda 10431-13 at ten AM, Detective Gregory ealled and advised that we were needed to respond to lite threatening iniury nineta araah at Boone Park and At antlo BI . Deteetlve Gregor?! requeated that I reapond to i-leaith to oheoit on the walletarrived at U.F. Healt . went rate the Trauma Unit and woe edyleed by Ottieer Mayor that the Vietln?l had died ital? hl? Inlurt??- 99100.1th Groom tho" he death. He requested that I ha the vlotlm ee they have not been able to oeltlvew Identity htm- t3"th Var dviedd that they think the victi le .lIehn Arthur Blunt, one, ode 12432-73. I then the vietim. Dieter Mayer gave me viotimhapoam clothing and money that watt recovered in his clothes, waa $360.91 In colon and ohange. At 2:1 AM. i lett U.F. Health on route to the eoene. A1313 A I arrived on tho ecene. I met Deteottve Gregory who showed me the eoene. I then him With mapping the ?t 3:32? . we eloared the aoene. 'itwent with Deteotlve Gregory to 3025 Redmond Ave. looking ter next at kin. Page 3 ol 5 .. . .. ..-..-- - .-- .- nu. -- -- . .--.I .- 3.. . in I. Dale oi Craah Dale ol i-?tapcn Inveel. Agency Report Number Crash Fiech Number '1 Passenger car 1 None 02:44 PM 02:44 PM NEIITIB cl VBl?tilclc Clinical? Check Rex ll Business) C, Current Acitireea and Sireei) Gii and Sittie Zip Code eerie evaua AVENU FGH MVEHB FL 331101-6415 Eager License Number Slate Rag. Explicit Perritartonl Reg. VIN Year Make Lettglit Axles Rattler Licence Number ?taie Reg. Eltt?rea Permanent Reg. VIN Year Matte Length Axles Vettipr Direction On Street, Road. Highway A1 Eat. Speed Pcaiaci Speed ?total Lattea TraVelIrtg. North ea 41 arena none 45 93 4? 5 GMV Con?guration Cargo Rody Type Area at initial impact Mesi Damage-(i Area Comm GVW Trailer Type (irailer ene) Trailer Type (lrailer iwe) ?v Oil-ma mm l-lae. Mat. Relaaee Haz Mat. Record Nuttlber Glass Matcr Carrier Noliic US DOT Number Motor Carrier Address 3in and titan-t zip Code Phone GemmiNnn-Cnmmercial Vehicle Body Type Vehicle Delecla (one) Vehicle Delecia (two) Emergency Vehicle Use Speciual Function oi MV 1 Na 1 No Special Function Kellogg Malettvelt'l?c?cn Traich'tlgay Di Headway Grace Roadway Alignment Mesi Harmlul Event Meet l-ant?tiul Event Dela]! er mg ??eeing war ay a I '1 Laval . Foam? Madhn mm!" I I 1 Slralghi 2 cotliaiaragiigtgiNon Fitted 14 Motor Vehlela ln?i?rantpa? Trollic: Control Devth For' his Vehicle Firm (1) Sequence cl Events Second (2) Sequence et Evente Sequence el Inmate Fourth ("il'Requence at Evenia 1 Na centralit- 3 Collision with Fixed Dialect 34 Traille Olga cupped 1 OverturniRoliovor 14 Motor Vehicle in Transport 24 Curb PERRON RECORD I'itarenntt Delimitation Vehicle}? Name Date bl iI-iinh Sex Phone Number Fla-Exam 2 1 Driver 1 SHANNON OMAR MITCHELL tritium-ace 1 Male Ne Addtcaa city State Trip Code 4049 5 ORANGE etceecm Tilt. 21.13 ORLANDO FL cease Driver License Number State Expirae Di. Type Ree. that. iniut'y {severity Election FL 15Mult2012 ti ElOparator .1 Ne Hart 4 Ineapattitatina 1 Nat Elected Endorsement I Restraint System Air liter; Oriel eyed Helmet Protection Seating Location Seat Beating Location New Seating Location Other 3 Banal Lap 2 Not Deployed 3 N01 Applicable 1 Leii 1 Front 5 Drivers Actima at Time at Graeh (tire!) 31 Operated ll-W in Errelie. Reckless or Aggressive Drivers Aclierts al Time at Crash {second} Vittitm Obelructi on 1 Violent NM Dbseured Driver Distracted By 1 Net Dietraoleci annor of Green (third) Drivers Actions at Time of Creelt (tourth) Drivera Condition at Time of crash - ea Unknown U80 Alcohol Tented Alcohol Teet Type Alcohol Teal Hoaull EAC- Suapeciod Drug Drug 'i'ealod Teal Type Drug Tent Reeull ea Unknown 1 Test Nat ea Unknown 1 Teal Not Given Given . . Source Lit 'I'rattaburt to Medical Facility EMS Agency Name or Ii?) Ftun Number Medical Facilily Tranapened Tn LEE COUNTY EMS LEE MEMORIAL PERSON RECORD Peraenii' Deacripiien I I I. Vehicle Name Data at Eilrii?t East injury Severity Ejection 3 3 Passenger KVLA Ola? Odi?ep??'? 2 Faulan 5 Fatal (within 3O 1 Nat - . - daya) Address City Rtatn Zip Code 2650 EVANS AVENUE FORT MYERS 33901 Restraint System Air Bag Deployed i-ieintel Protection Seating Location Real Seating Location itew Seating .ccatien other a chuckled not? Lap Hall 2 Nat Deployed :3 Not Applicable 3 1 a Source at Tranltpott to Medical Facility ?Mt-i Agency Name or ii) We Run Number Medical Facility 't'ranapertee To 1 Not ?transported PERSON RECORD Pcr?ot?lt?t? Dottcripliot'l Vehicle 11 Nollie .. . Date e1 Etinh Sex Phone Number RurExum 1 Driver 2 t? 27lFabi1971 1 Male geese-teem No ledl'EiHH City State Zip Code 511 NW ROTH AVENUE CAPE Oct-1A1. FL Slate Expires DL Type Ree. Eno. Injury covertly Election Fl. a ElOperetor a No Rec 3 1 Nat Elected Enderserneni Restraint Ryetem Air Flag Deployed Helmet Ltee Protection Sealing Location Seal Scaling Location Row Sealing Location other 3 Submitted 31;! Lap Belt 3 3 Not Applicable 1 Latt 1 Front Drivera Aetiona ell Tittle ct Crash (?rst) 1 Ne Centribuiing Action Drivers Actions at Tittle el Craah {second} Driver Disireclecl [3y 1 Nat Distracted Viaien Obstruction 1 Viaian Nat Obeeured Drivora Actiena at Time at Crash (third) Drivera Aciiena el Time el Graeh (leurih) Drivers al Tinte e1 Carth 1 Apparently Normal Page ci Ul'l?it?liifil tinting! (l . .t at cool i lethal/tn?; an: act. Date nt'Orneh Data at l-?lepnrl lnveel. Agency Fleporl Number HSMV Crash Flam? D2144 FM 02:44 PM 33693643 Suepecled Alcohol Una Aleel'lpl Tested Aleelml Test Type Alenhpl Teal l?leeull BAG Suepeelud 13mg 13mg Tested [ng TERI Twit! Drug TERI Result 1 Na 1 Teei Net 1 Na 1 Test Not Given Given Semen el Tranetmrl In Medieel Feeility EMS Agency Name er ll] Hun Number Medical Facility T0 2 EMS CUUNTY LGD'i'iitliiti GULF COAST WITNESSES Name Address City State Hip Cede BRIAN 5 HARVEY 14502 DOLGE VISTA none APT 102 mm WERE FL 3390B WITNESSES Name City State 21in Cede DEAN DAGLIERI 19455 LA 5595".? DRWE FDHT MYERS FL 33957 WITNESSES Name City State Zip Code DEPUTY CHARLENE PALMESE 147m MILE cyp??ss PARKWAY FSHT MYERS FL 33912 WITNESSES Neran City Stale 2h?) Cede VIRGINIA DAGLIERI 19455 SERENA DRIVE FORT MYE R3 Fl. 33967 WITNESSES Name City State dip Cede DEPUTY GEGHGE VENTURI 14730 51x MILE PARKWAY WE '15 FL 33912 WITNESSES Name City 51313 SIP MARK FATTEHSON 1am DRIVE NAPLES- FL 34103 WITNESSES Narne City Stale (lode MAFIID JESUS BAHRIENTOE 1mm RAGEDALE BONITA FL 34135 WITNESSES Name Address Guy State ?Elp Cede KE LLV PHWELL 19293 View enwe FORT wane Fl. 33967 NISN VEHICLE PRQPEHTV DAMAGE Vehicle? Perennli Prnperly Darnwe Ulher Than Vehicle l'i?el. Anteunl Business ()wner'e Nantn Address City Bx Slate Ell? ELD SIGN 200 Vee STATE NT 2031 HMS ISLAND RQAD FORT MYERS FL NUN VEHICLE PROPERTY DAMAGE Vehicle? Perennti ert Dame - Other Than Vehicle Eel. Ameunt mnei?e Name Address City State Zip Code 610 OT EN EH I ONE WAY SIGN SUD Vee STATE DDT 2031 PINE ISLAND ROAD FDFIT MYERS FL 33990 NARRATIVE 1D Number Rank Name Tregp 2 Peat O?ieer??enm Phone Number Date Created 251?5 S. RUNGISH I FLORID IS MY PATROL. 2-19-3444?? New 08, 2013 weetre In nun tell h.rete.ot nod inth Ineldo enhhound term at US 41 Ma Hand 45 a fumble the '01 Elm Carl? v' I a 'I'n 0: 1302 wee tr (a )Ih pp In evellng south in ineldo we heund lane of US 41 (State Hand 45). e, mm?en'n am ted-trail fillet-rule praemonizof?uar.? e1:SeniceI'Ioe'Souleverd. 00 'nverteek another Vehicle'thet was traveling no Inst 0 nannbound Inna (lit US 41. D01 Hwarvad 1a the tend enteredth center northbound lane. am ever corrected to the Ian and last control mentor-e eekwlee while traveling northwest eurose the Inelde lune nd enteringvihe Inedian. V01 the median with the {rent ri ht eide etri inn severe treliie central el nu. V01 ?nwr?d in?ida IBM 0? ti?l-ltl?lb?und HS 41 and overturned. 01 was upside-down an it elid the path 01 V02 thin the inside eeuthbound lane at US . The in: 1 meter partlun Di V02 struck the left rear side nation at V01, eeuelng Ve1 to piece clockwise amend 11m mum at V02, V01 name In tinel reet Inning non west (ups de-dewn) within the meter and outside southbound enee at US 41. V02 came in ?nal reet, facing eeulh, within the inelde eeuthbeund lane at US 1. Name at Denndent: In Dian Ne?mlth 8216 at Birth; 01907-1 "if I la at nth: 1436-20 3 lime at Death: 3:17 pm. Whe prenauneod: Peretnedle Stan Bell THI number: FHP71 11-13-023 THI Investigator: Cerpnrel Joti Ron ten Photogrep etelwn lay: Corpuret do 1 Hengleh 1D Number Rank Name Tretl'?p Peel Ot?eer A?ene Phone Number Date Granted 2675 TROOPER 5. RONOISH FLORIDA ?3 AV PATROL 230-314-1730 Nov 15. 2013 An update In ?this report was dam to add i warrant the tallewlnq: Added 4 additional witnonee Changed We a: media 10 mg? I Garreated the Hi num "Ham: ?Smith'me Date Created 2579. TROOPER e. RONGISH i-P FLORIDA nA?reeL 23941444730 00:06.2013 Pending THI Inveetigetien. ID Number Rank Name Tree [Peat O?ieerh ene Phe eNuInber Date Created 2575 TROOPER S. RONOIEH l-P FLORIDA PATRO 23034-14730 2013 On 12(0Ett?2013 an update to title repert wee dene 1e eltew D01 and P01 in V01 were both ween'ng their belie eteng with showing this GIMM- REPORTING Page :3 01 ii . a {minimal .t.ltI :wm 1. I ?may; i . INFORMATION FROM THE INVESTIGATING OFFICERS REPORT OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT coon Number: 2013009220 Legui iniunmnuun: YES iniorsoCIIon with: Dale of Am: 0mm: Privoio Properly: no Div HWoy TM Dir: Timo of Am: 03:10 Hm. County: WARREN . 91 Distance 1: Ni: mo of Agency: Loo City: minimum . aw) airmen 1: ?mm ?'37 ?3 Aoc Dir From City: "Hm" Distance 2: Of?cer: Rluour Cioaosi City: "um" ?3qu" 2: ?30000 ii: 331 Miioa From City: "um" 00454055 Report Date: 02i10i2010 Road.5imoi.HWoy: "Hm" YwC-uordinatai 04575625 Di?cor 00:10 Hm. Coiinoblo Location: "Mm" Location Liiomi STATE ME MD AVE AND Ci?cor Arrived: 03:22 Hrs. Mliopool Nnmlioi: Domiptlmi: 151'" 51' 3mm: invosugoiod: YEB Unit 001 CilvorNom - 1.000530% I Timing: iriiwy Stain: 1 .- FATAL Firm: iniimi om 4 .. was-r to: STATE MEDICAL Emma? Middle: i 9.000601% . Vision Db5curad: D1 - Ho'r Tmnopannd by: FMIZER AMBULANCE Addmo: .. Emergency Vein 1 NCT APPLICAHLE City: Tro?io Controls: 0: - TRAFFIC CICNALE Emergency 5 NCT APPLICABLE Cioio: - Com. Gloom? Dwr: WAY ohm FROAD 53m {mg "m I - 12 - VEHICLE A. '5'!an Moot Damaged 0? 3:12: 1:33:55 1100: 33 . - Slow: m: Undriidf?vrid: 'i -.NONE mm? mg. Lioonso Claim: 0 Emma: Com: 516500.00 Cam? mp: I I . Lioonao Lndommnu NONE Ex: oi Damage: 5 mm?. VEHIDLE TCTALED Cam my WW I- um. APPUGMLE LICENSE I - I omadiimu: 48 Hr? EVW I CENTERLINEMECIAN ?oating Position: in - mom: LEFT SIDE-I om: Evom: - PARKED moron VEHICLE a? DRIVER I Plannid ii. Ciivor Condiilon: Third Event: . Cit Chi-0 (soda 1. Toni Civon: vaa citation Guam 1. Drug Toot Ghmn: ?(Es Founh Event: Toiol Cooupania: 2 CHEW CWHZI Whmo WM 2003 23 VEHICLE Chum GIMME a: Voliicio Mam: - voLii Aha mm at? c" cm 3 Which Modal: miss? I I ?ii .0 I Vohioio Stylo: PC ?pmm- 1 - citation Charon 3: . A. MFANH Vehicle Con?g. PAHBEHGEH CAR Elam?; 1 . 34015450159 or an $er Coda 4: Vehicia oi Hm? Pat?: 1513:3335: mum oimuonoiiaraa 4: vohioio Mum: -MCVEMENT Essimmw $532?an MP Unit no: Limo: Home Loni: ?rowing: Iiilury 5mm: Firm: initial 'i?ivl Bin 1 NORTH ta: Middio: Vision Cbscurod: . tionnmitod by: - City: TRAFFIC aloNALo omaronnor Siam: 1 YES. IN EMERGENW Siam: Cont. Cm: 20 - NO ACTION zip: Point of inii I In a I I Hum: m1Film?? Carrier Homo: Gander: M051 Downed ?3 mm Coi?omddrooa: Mu: Corrior CW: Llconiio Elmo: U?d?idfm?di 1 ?0?45 came; 3mm; lensa Claw: Rpi??'ip?l?: 0M1: cumm- 21p: Lloo'nso NONE [ii-ii 01 0001000: 5 - WWI-E Cargo Body Woo: - NOT APPLICABLE Liooniio Rooi?o?ona: NONE . . 2" TMFFIO Numbcroimoa: Firm Evan!- Spced Um?: 36 Honoi Released? Coming Position: 3000M Event: Gm: Dn'voi' Condition: 'i?lilnii Evonl: c? code, 1: Noohol Given: (jaguar. Chum 1; Drug Tool Clvon: Mil-""1 Toloi Companion: 0 31 II VEHMLE Cli Chin Coiio 2: I vohioio Your: 2011 Effr?n?jmm' CREW 3" [do Mom: - - . Vah I FORD roan ?witch oiai, micth Coda 3: Vohioio Modal. CROWN W3 . I Aim Citation Chomo 3: Which Style. in Conii 01- PAMENCER CAR ii Ejection. cm (3th Codo 4: mm: . PM: Guillan Charm: 4: Vohloio Action: 12 LEGALLY PARKED ?mm mm? Ai: IOWA 5mm: DIST oz 933mm 2:1? PM 1 ?f 2 mm gunman Property Damage Ubiocl DDmattGdi erase? LIGHT PGLE Company Ovmer Nitrite: I 13F II OLA Estimate OfDan?tautt: 5200,00 Street or rtFD: . a; Ciiwnet?s Nettie Lest: City: First: State: . I Middle: zip Coder Suiitit: Accident Environment "?rst iiomttul Event Lee: 1 . ou??nenwnv Roadway Characteristics Manner of attenuates Environment: 1 - NONE APPARENT Light Conditions: at - DARK, ROADWAY Roadway? 0" - NONE Weather Conditions: 02 a PARTLY Type of Reed Junoiiteet: 't'i - FOUR-WAY Soriooe Conditions: 1 i. DRY Woriotono Related: ND Location: First HarmfuiEvl T?m? - 23 - MOTOR VEHICLE Workers Present: injured Person No me - Lest: Dominant Protection: 1 - NONE useo First: . Airbag Deployment: a Middle: ELUGN Airbag switch States: a - HO SWITGH Suf?x: . Ejection: 1 a HOT EJEDTED Address: Eisstten Path: 1 - NOT EJEOTEDMOT APPLICABLE City: Trapped: 1- NOT TRAPPED State: Zip Code: I tron~ltitsteiist Ago: ti Type: Sort: MALE Location: Unit Non 1 Action: Healing OB - REAR: RIGHT HIDE Condition: injury Etetua: 2 - teetety Equipment: Tmnsoonsd to: BLANK CHILDREHB HDHPITAL contributing Transported by: INDIANDLA REWUE Unit No. oi Striking: Narrative I is. ad]; I 0 ares tensity parties facing NorHHn the Eastbound lenesloi U3 an Unit #1 was westbound on US Highway Highway in. Unit #2 was sloshing the set: e?s? s?ny raster vehicle's-to st or: 11$ Highway as due to the pursuit that was westbound on US Highway 92. Unit #2 was tinooeupieti and had all of its emergency lighting equipment in operation. Unit #1 intentionan crossed over into the eastbound lanes ooiliding into Unit passenger door. Unit #2 was irevoiinu Welt shove the posted speed Hm? at the time of the oetiielen. Unit #1 oerne to rest inning south in the eastbound lanes. Unit #2 oeme to rest facing to the southeast in the eastbound tunes. The driver of Unit #1 was killed in the oetiisien and a passenger in Unit #1 sustained senses Injuries in the oettlsion. Unit #1 anti Unit #2 were totaled in the oetitston. Unit #1 and Unit #2 were towed from the soene by Albert's Timing. Tits remains under investigation. Diagram 'l'leiier Perk 1601 Sheet I Business Driveway I U5 Highway 92 IE at: as ?it. Wt? "its: 5 ett?th 't Elli Street Printed At: [owe 5mm .0151: 02 81277201 2:17 PM Page 3 oi 2 3: 2013009220 INFORMATION FROM THE INVESTIGATING OFFICERS REFORT DF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT Gene Nun'tber; 2010005210 Legal Intervanlinn: V5.0 AI Wiihl Dela efAee: meme Ptivete Property: tic: Div HWev TM Time of Am: 12:25 Hre. County: EHELHY it: Disle?m 1: Heme emeenev: Ace Lee City: Dlteetien 1: "we" (Juicer: Dammit City: "ems." Directien 2: 133000 0: 100 Mliee Free: City: "Hm" 00304932 Report Date: 1305:2013 "mitt" 04637010 Officer Noti?ed: 12:26 Hie. Oeilneble Litetei FOENSTREET F50 AND US ?55 Di?mrmved: 12:26 Hre. Mllepeet Number. Dene-ileum: Scene inveeligeted: YER Unit 001 Dtivnr NBITIE rLa Twang: VEE injury 310100: - First: Initial TM Dir: a .- som?t-t Trensperleei te: ?in?x?h Middle: Vision Obscured: 01 - NOT OBSOUREO Tinnemried hit: Hm: Meme: Emergency Wit: 1 - HST APPLIGAEILE City: Traf?c Contreie: 01 - HO OONTROLS PRESENT melee: a - NOT APPLIGABLE Estate: CenL Omani" Otvr: 21' - OTHER Zip: Peint ei lnil 01 . FRONT Selim: . Impact: . Gender: Male MeetOemegeei men? 33;:ng 09?: I 52 . IOeMer City: License State. tit UnemelOvtiti. 1 - NONE 3mg: Lieenee emote Oeet: 07.00000 ?Wrap: License Endemmtti: NONE Ext ef Oemene: 5 SEVERE, VEHIOLE TOTALED License NONE ?mm? 21 - UEHIOLE IN meme ?1 "07 Limit: :55 . Beeline 01 FRONT: LEFT HIDE i Event: DRIVER Plum?; Dtlver Coedltien: 0 11th Event: 61mm? ?od? 1: ?mm? Gm? ?53 Citation Charge 1: Drug Tee: (elven: WEB Foutiit Event: 'I'etei 1 Olt Oetie Vehicle Year: 2003 g??ram?m 21 VEHICLE citation Charge 2: Vehicle Make: PONTIAG- pete- mm at? an ch- 3 Vehiele Model: e; Vehiee Style: em - Gitetlen Ghereo 3: Vehicle Gonna: oi . PABBENO an em Tim? Etmuon pm; 1 a HOT EJEGTEDIHOT . Vehicle Action: at - MOVEMENT 0000'? 1 "35? Unit 002 Ditver Name - Lest: Tie-Men: YES telnet 0mm: 2 - I 1' NO Firm: KENT InIIleiTrvIDln a meme Trettepertee'iie: - . HRIBTOFHEH Vleien 01 NOT 000001100 Trenltpo?eei by: AVOOA RESOUE - -: .- -. . EmemeneWeit: 2 - Olly: Ttefilt: Commie: 01 v- NO PREGENT Emergency -i - YES. iN. EMERGENCY Stale: . Gent. Grimm. em: ee - TRAVELING WRONG WAY Kip: oedema . . . . .. . .. . .939." gum? "mac Cartier Nitrite: Gender: Male Meet '35 REAR - Cams, mum: Age: at: Center City: Lieettee State: UndettiiOvtie: ?l - NONE Gamer State. License Hermite Ceei: $10,000.00 Cam?. ZIP. Eneereetet: NONE: Ext ememege: - eeveetz. VEHICLE TOTALED Ca a Hm. APFUMBLE Lieenee NONE Fm Emu 2? Nu?mr?ym 5m? 5? 3000M 01 FRONT: LEFT SIDE Seemed E0001: Gm. MOTOROYOLE DRIVER Ham Driver 1 Third Event: cm (3mg 1: NGUIWI GIVWII NO mutton Charm, 1: Oren "feet Olven: NO F0000 Even? I 3 Meg; mm I 21 VEHIOLE let 1mm 0? cm? cm? 2: Vehicle Melee: CHEVROLET - OHEV Nag mm 5M Vehicle Model: TAHOE DB 5 Oil 0th Oede 3: Vehicle Slide: ?enegw? - an mm?w mun-unetan - Citation Charm 3: . - MFANH Vehicle Gentle. 04 HPORT UTILITY VEHIOLE Election: 1 Hm. ??ch mm and? 4: Vehicle Oefeet: 01 NONE Elm!? Pan? EQEETEWNOT Citation Charge 4: Vehlcilil Action: 1e eLowtetetemPema 0?00? BELT Printed N: law}: were PATROL eteret eieizeie 11:22 A 1 et 2 Fem ii: 2013005215 Accident Environment First Event Lee: 1 . cm nmewm Roadway Characteristics Manner . Erwironmenl: 1 - NONE APPARENT Condiuone: 1 - DAYLIOHT Roadway: OI - NONE Weather 03 - OE - MIST Wee at Reed de?cit-?net: 01- NO EPEGIAL FEATURE Surface Comments: 2 - WET ROBIN: H0 Lac-outta: Fire! Harmful an or crash: 2, Tm - ICLE IN TRAFFIC woman; Present: Injured Peteett Namm Laelt RINK Ompent Protection: 1 - NONE LIE-ED Flreu Althea MPIOYMOMI 5 Middle: TODD Airbag Switch Status: 1 OWITGH IN ON POEITIDN Bulfbt: Ejeetlee: 1 - NOT Addmee: I300 LINCOLN WAY .Ejectlen Path: 1 - NOT APPLIOABLE City: Amza ?Trapdei - NOT TRAPPED Btetet IA 2m Outlet anon-I Ann: 41 Tree: Stet: MALE Lace?dn: UnIt No; 002 Action: 3900"? 03 - FRONT: RIGHT SIDE Injury Statue: a - Safety Equlpmant: Trenepetted to: trees - ?neldbullng Museum by: ?ma Striking: Narrative unwound on us Hwy 59. v1 stopped In the southbound lane endwee eonmeted by '33? -WE'Omm?'ree?thIn'h v2 ??ned ahead or the pursuit When V1 slapped. v2 started beetles: towards V1- V1 then accelerated ferwerde end collided rear end of V2. The driver of 1 wee In the martian. Both mpente Of V2 wart! Muted. Diagram P?m?d IOWA - {#312015 11:22 A Page 2 e! 3 Form II: 2015065216 MAIL REPORTS TO: En! I 001': law; Du ??n-Inn: of aw Drum-nun a? um 30030000009010" INVESTIGATING 000105305 REPORT 301325035 Dem Malnaa. Iowa 00000-0204 VB [0 LE ENT Laual Prtvata MOTOR A Data 0:0 Accident ?I'lma 0r Amtdant County Mddant amurmd oorparnla limits 0! (00y) mum ?We. ?impugn 09:1002013 01:13 HIE. - Marion 4775 GOUNTRY CLUB DR it accident warmed autalda at city . 0 ?lm 0009101 11010033 arnaaraat ally On H000. Straat, or Htuhway: N, Intaraacllan whit: A Nata: at an M11001 [0 mmptataly 600000001 0.0000, mm tha balow to am 010 axanl?. I locattan tram a mltaponl or definable lntarmalian. bridga, ar {altruad manning, using two and dTraallona If namaoary. x'cnu'd'mm 003161? 0 Dlalanaa DIracIIan Distance: Dtraaltan ?5556'? and 01 If Highway. Frole R0015 Mllapoat Number Da?nabta bridga, or railroad Ermaan 133mm? Tum mm'm Dr Hm Suf?x Phraan JEPTHA r000" - 0t Strata Zip 1614 AVE NE EEDAR IA 02402 Data 0101th DrMIr'a ?manna Numbar Cltatian Ghama 0000 1 Clinthn Shame: 1 H003 Grand-1r Btata ?lm Endamamanta Raatriatlana 01?5"? Ghana? and? 2 Chum mm" 2 Mala IA 1: NONE l3 an 0000 0 3 Drug 'l'aal ?m mm" mm" 1081mm?: anauon charge Gad? 0000000001004 2 - 011000 3 urIna - Boating P00001101 Injury 00.1100 1 0000000: IAtrtnaa 00pl0ym0m I 10:00:; 00mm Status 1 5.100110" 1 I 5190"? 1 I Tum 3 Tran-1000000 I0: - 'I?mns Mad by: ET HOSPITAL . . ARE AMBULANCE Ownar'a Mama Laat vlra . a 5qu Owner Harm! amass I I Adams: - Git - 00010 21 001 1740 20TH AVE Manon. IIA I ?002 Insurance Ga. Mama Inauranaa Paliay? LIE-0000 P1010 0' ?101? AKM 32-1 IA 2010 VIN No. Your M0100 M000I Starla T011114 Approximate! 10 2000 Mammy - MERC MARINER SUV YES Ram-W Romano [010anme V0hl010 00000 I Point at 00000 00010000 Extent 0f un?t-ride! Pdvata? Dlrac?an 4 #10000 01 Until 20 Inltlal Impacat 01 Am 00:01:00 0 Over?dn 1 015.0011500 Tra?tc: Vahtala .Gnruo Rudy V0100 Contribulinn 00000000 01 0000010 01 00000. 04 M0 01 000.101 01 0000ltlan 0 Dbadurud 01 D?wrtur: to M0 00.12 OF EVENTE Hm Ewnl 01 amnntavunt 10 Third ?wnt 42 Fauth Event M001 Harmful Ewmt (by which) 42 Gommarclal Trattar 011001100 In Blair: Var-Ir to 5100! War 130101000159 511101001110! Ltaanaa I'Iala I0. 0011: Trailar Unit: Vuhlqlu 1 Status 3. Garrlar Namn Adrianna 131.010 ZIP U5 DDT 0? hr MI: 0- Numbnr (If Gran Vahla'lr: Mll?l'l?l? Mas Walght Rating 00011-0011? If PM 0W 001? than Bland namuuad Estimate: of War- HOMEIRESIDENCEIGARAGE Dar-1000 000,000.00 W01 WW7 Yea 00mm Mama - Last Hm Mind?; Company Dwnar Mama WHITEHILL GARELD LAVERNE - $000! 0r RFD Glty 01010 010 code 11130 COUNTRY DR MARION IA 62002 ACCIDENT ENVIRONMENT I I ROADWAY wonazcmE EEQUENCE BF EVENTB 00001" Luh??m Hm Ham-Inn Evan: aIGrth Manner of Craalvcutlisian 1" 01 Roadway o1 Typa (HW 0011? 1142 001:0 34 Ugh! (100001000 4 800000 'l Inf O1 Wark?l't Printad At: Linn County 00000 0001012013 00:00 PM Page 1 Form 0: 201326036 Country Club Dr. not In it:an mm NARRATIVE . what happDnud (reform VDITIDIDD hy nambat?) VEHIDLE 1 WAS TRAVELING WEST ON COUNTRY DLUD 11 DUEEHWTWEHICLE 1 WAR TRAVELTND AT A HIGH RATE OF SPEED. AND WAD TD MAINTAIN CURVE 111 THE RDAD. VEHICLE 1 LEFT THE ROADWAY TD THE 0F COUNTRY DLUD RD. AHD TRAVELLED A YARD. VAULTING DVER THE DRIVEWAY AT 1130 DDUNTRT CLUB DR, THE GROUND WITH THE VEHICLE 1 AND DDUNDIHD OFF OF THE DRDUHD. AND mm THE RESIDENCE DARADE AT 1160 DDUHTRT DLDD DR. DRTVER 1 WAD THE DDEHD. I . Wham v- Lnut Firm MIT-MID I KEARNEY TIERRY 138 Mdrnun . Clty Slam 21p Dad: 2 MARION POLICE DEPT IA 52302 a Humamull 531nm ii - I Wark ?lm-'10 *1 (3'19) 3774511 377-1511 Mama 4.1191 Miriam mem 1 WARD - CHRIS MPD 175 Adams any - . Ema er-r cudd- MARION DEPT MARIDN I 511102 3 Pharm- - Work Phone a - (319) 377-1511 1: . mam ?ttng Ho. 11m Hal??f Accident Wa'mmr mm Sam I 13311133.le - 209 01:11 .Hm. 1:11:55 . Hm. Data DI Inuariioullun TJ. 1'4 - 0931019013 YES 209 Dam Rivth it.ng Emai?n ?fhnr Tatsme Inwallanllon I I I I I Gaunt}; Bhnriff?s pmoo FrintDT! At: Gum-11y Sheriff's. oflIDD 091'101?2013 053:05 PM Page 2 Farm 201326035 J- gr] TECHNICAL COLLISION INVESTIGATION osFIcER'e Ranger FILE 1.3m052 On June 6. 2013. at 'or about 3:30 AM i, Trooper Nathan Miller #366. was contacted by. Sergeant John Skeet #323 with the iowa State Patrol and was informed that there had :.attee-Iaaerease at had ended with a - ei'iti? 'is?idieggsonai cr?i?ion after the struck a stationary piece of heavy. construction equipment. Sergeant Skeet advised that the location of the collision was on 11th Street at the Intersection of Mitchell Avenue within the city limits of Waterloo. iA. At or about 4:07 AM, i arrived at the scene of the motor vehicle collision. [noticed that - . Trooper Macabe Schmidt #336 and Waterloo police officers. were on-the scene. -. I was I . informed by Sergeant A Fannsr with the Waterloo Police Department that' the driver had been transported to Covenant Hospital prior to my arrival. i noticed a yellow Kawasaki displaying an Iowa registration plate of AUG-401 wedged Into a large piece of construction I noticed that the and excavator were located within a construction zone that Was closed to vehicle traffic. The and excavator were located within the intersection of 11'? Street and, Mitchell Avenue. I Mark Nissan with the Waterlco'i?olice Department ldehtli i :91; if; y? - 08-09-89. as the driver of Involved in the his lows issued identification card. Trooper Schmidt and i took measurements of the scene with a State of iowa- issued Leioa Total Station. I noticed that 11 Street was a newly constructed asphalt paved street. I noticed that I the roadway surface was relatively dry but appeared vvet due to high humidity. i; noticed and recorded tire mark evidence from the Kawasaki ZXSODHC. on 11f? Street and on a dirt pile leading up to the final point of rest for the The Waterloo Police ?epartment took digital photographs at the scene. Trooper Schmidt took digital photographs at the scene. A Road Closed to Thru? Traffic sign was observed in the southwest corner of the 11?? Street and Williston Avenue intersection. A Road- Closed Ahead sign was observed and recorded in the southwest corner of 11 Street and Patton Avanue intersection. A Road Closed barricade and orange snow fence was observed and recorded atthe 11?" Street and Mitchell Avenue intersection. Can Am Towing of Waterloo towed the Kawasaki from the scene to their storage facility. [in June 6, 2013. at .or about 1:12 PM. i conducted a vehicle examination on the Kawasaki'ZXSUti-C at the Can Am Automotive and Towing storage facility (see vehicle examination). . - - i (PURSUIT TRACKING NUMBER PURSUIT REPURII. WGIEI992 1-: DIN NAIU CHICAGQ POLICE DEPARTMENT. {9371 0, W579422 I a: IUD TD HIE PSEPMED BY THE 0.57ng 13.0249 DATE GP DCCURRENGE TIMEISTART TIME IEINISR DRIGINATING DISTRICT ZIDEC 13 1226 1230 I309 LOCATION INITIATED ADUIDES) LOCATION FINISHED [Appf??lmnm MdIm) 5000 PRINCETON AVE 5502 HALSTED DISTANCE TRAVELER PURSUSD VEHICLE HIGHEST SPEED PRIMART PGUGE VEHICLEHIGHEST SPEED 3? 3 MILRS 55 MPH . 45MPH . CPERATDR DP DEPARTMENT VEHICLE INITIATING PURSUITI NAMIS RANII: STAR NOI ND. CAHILL BRIAN . 194%! 97367 SEAT ND. USHICIE USED VEHICLS TYPE (Spawn VEHIGLEJ US. I I-v 009 963D MARRIED UNMARRSG IR SGUAD CAR 4462 - 5 NUMDER GE INVGLUED IN PURSUIT TGTAI. DUTSIDE UNITS. Tom, UNIT-s 3 TOTAL CPD CPU SEAT NUS {Spot-?y mama) 5 I 0 . VIDLATIDN AT GEGINNINIG GP PURSUIT VICLATICN GPIDDSERVED DURING PURSUIT EII EELDNT MISDEMEAIIDR SPECIPT CPPENSS I: CRASH: PRDP I: CRASH: INJURY DI ~{Sp?cim TRAFFIC OTHER VEH Ht: DUI. t] WEAPUNS VIOLATION I: MISUEMSANDR -(Spu:lfy) SUSPECPS ACTIDNS DURING PURSUIT (Chad-I all - RI STGP SIGNIUDI-IT (How many?) 3 I ECRGED VEHICLE DEE RGAD SPESDING 1:3 WEAVING RI DRGVE WAT DI DRDVE LIGHTS Cl UTIISR RCAU TTPEICIISSE ?mtapply.) I SURFACE CDNDITIDN R: Two WAT RI CINE WAY I: DIVIDED TIND WAT I: EXPRESSWAY I: DRY Ia In I: MUIDDT a ROAD I: ALLEY CI DIT-IER (Sundry: CI EITHER IMPAIRMENT .- - LIGHT all I.th Rpm.) WEATHER (CITGGII S11 than appfy.) I 1:1 DAWN RI CI SUSS LIGHTED El CLEAR CI CUJIIDT IS FOR I I -. ERRAINING CI BNUWINB IDS that 5991!.) I TRAFFIC CGNDITIGNS -PSUSSTRIAN (Chuck an mummy.) I RUNS RT LIGHT MEDIUM I: a LIGHT I: MEDIUM - II YEAR MARE I MODEL, STATE UCENSS H0. I I ERPIRATIDN DATE 3 - .3 1993- -- GREEN - . (3371553 - .- . - NUMDER- MINI . WAS A TC IMPUUNU VEHICLE ST POLICE FUEEING W?a SISI MALE RACE AGE I DATE OF BIRTH - - . 5, LINE PENAUS APPRUICS [Ll . SI PHTSICAL DESCRIPIIDN GUADED - MALE WHITE APPRDA: 225 DNA II CHARGES: I: FELONY MISDEMEANDR DI TRAPPIC I . 3P GIFT DNA I SUMHER ARRESTED CS NUS - SUMMARIES THE APPLICATIGN UP THE BALANCING TSSTIRATIUNALE AND PURSUIT INITIATIUN AND TSRMINATIDN. .3 - IUD HAD KNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABDVE VEHICLE WAS TAKEN IN AN ARMED THE CHASE DIE)wa- I. . SRCERD DE ISMPR UNTIL APTSR 5] ISMPR AND DRIVE INTD TRAFFIC. IUD TREN-DULLSD BACK. AND STAYED AT A RARE WHILE THE FLEETNG VEHICLE PULLED AWAY. FROM TWU BLOCKS AWAY THE OBSERVED THE VEHICLE CRASH AT 55TH STREET AND GARFIELD BLVD. WHERE SELF PURS UIIT AND REQUESTED EMS. I DEPARTMENT VEHIGLE NAME STAR NDJIIJNIT I - IS GAHILL . imMHU?quW?m PASSENGER OFFICERS NAME IN PRIMARY VEHICLE STAR NDJUNIT . I A. TCEMFS (QM I ?Itf: GPDSENSD (REV. ma) Se]: 16 2915 HP Of 5 6066770668 KYIBRS IE RT OF KENTUCKY mam amuamr? 1 of 1* LIIZSENEEIID ETATE: xv VICITIM NAME mem: NUMBER: a? mw OF 6' 343 lb! MAI-E WHITE VICTIM OFFENDER VICTIM WAR IIEHJI 1 ALIAS: NATE: KY ?11:an 5: NUMBER: am'a: all: warm ?m EEK MALE IND. NUT APPLICABLE AHMED WITH RAGE ETHNII: HISPANIC EEG. 161??! TYPE WARRANT ARREST SEQ. 9f ALIAS: HATE: EMT: HEN EEK LIO ENGIHIIEI HUME-ER: IMP CODE: ETHHIG ORIGIN ?mag mm. mumle mm. ARREST TYPE 61' 1 AR REBTEE ARM-ED WITH 2 a WITNESE MAME 1 a LIGENEEIID STATE: humus IGITY: ELDERBIIAD, BRAD MUMEIER: STATE: [9 2 (if 14 Number: C13G30234 ZIP WEE: CODE: Agency 1 000'] 00 page 3 KSP RECORDS PHCNE WPE: RESIDENT: HISPANIC DFFENDERWIGTIMW NEH ARREST DATE YES minimum HF KY HEEIJEHT: RESIDENT HEIGHT WEIIM-IT ETEWLDR new" TED .1 5 ARREET HATE THE DATE DF BIRT H: PHQNEI RESIDENT: HEIGHT WEIGHT EYE COLOR HAIR comm 4 7 I5 3 9 DATE or: am 33": man at: 32 Sep 16 2015 HP Fertility Of 5 6066770638 page 6 WET: gem spectrogram; KSP RECORDS DRAFT connonwsnuu or someone argument. Arnold advised (of?cer Breech that Litton had thrown some food at her and left the scene in her Nissan car. Arnold advised Officer Dir-each that Litton had threatened suicide by driving head first into a tractor trailer. She advised that Litton has had suicidal thoughts in the past. (officer Creech explained to Arnold how to obtain a Mental illness petition on Litton and how to obtain an Emergency Protection Drder. around 21:53 on O3i16i2013. Deputy Steve Molen was westbound on West KY 30. when he noticed a rehicle parked facing'eastbound in the parking lot of Jonas Brothers Implement. Deputy Molen advised he shined his spotlight on the parked vehicle and noticed someone was inside. Deputy Melon advised he node a U-?I?urn to go back and check on suspicious vehicle. Molen advised as he was turning around the rehiciepuiledfrorn the lot of Jonas Brothers and headed eastbound on KY so. - -- Molen advised'he then noticed Nestbound traffic approaching, and the suspect vehicle drove into the westbound bound lanes. Molen advised the westbound vehicle left the roadway to try and avoid the collision with the suspect vehicle. Violen advised the suspect trehicle collided head on with the westbound vehicle. Melon advised be contacted 911 Dispatch to have dispatched to the scene. a 22:24. I arrived on the scene of the collision. Upon arrive! I noticed a black passenger car facing eastbound in the westbound lane. The black passenger car had severe front and damage. i also noticed a white passenger car, sitting on the north side grassy shoulder. facing southbound. ?the white passager tar had severe front and damage - Jpon Investigation it was learned the black passenger car was a 1998 Nissan 2DOSX bearing lt?r' Registration of 244 33V. The driver of the vehicle was identi?ed as Justin i Litton. This was the same rehicie that an attempt to locate was given on just minutes before. It was also learned the white passenger car was a 2005 Suzuki Forenza bearing KY registration of one ERG. The driver was identi?ed is Levi Stephens. Nhiie Sgt. Greg Martin and were at the scene of the collision. we learnd that Levi Stephens had died if injuries he obtained during the collision. St. Martin and I finished collecting information and evidence teeded to start a reconstruction of the collision. . . "he roadway was opened back up at 06:51 on Tin 03/17i20'13 at: 00:29. Detective Ohris (Bates obtained a Pulaski District Search Warrant from Judge Scott Lawless, for 2 blood samples of Justin Isaiah Litton. Detective Chris Gates executed the Search Warrant at the University of Kentucky Hospital in Lexington, Detective Gates had the hospitai personal draw the blood as required for the Kentucky State Police ilocdiUrine Gollection Kit. Detective Gates had the blood drawn at least 20 minutes apart. Detective Bates signed a receipt for the blood at 02:25 on 03i1'i'i2013. The blood coilectedmas sent to labs for nomination. in 03/131201 2, I received information that Justin Litton was going to be released today from the University if Kentucky Hospital. I then obtained a district court warrant the charge of murder for Justin Litton. )n 03I16I2013 at 17:17. Justin Litton was arrested on a Pulaski District Court Warrant for Murder by the iniversity of Kentucky Police Department. Of?cer Ramsay arrested Justin Litton after he was released by he hospital' and was transported to the Fayette County Detention IDanton 3n 03l18/201 3, (Nicer Justin Crsach and iwent to the Fayette County Detention Center to transport Justin .iiton back to the Pulaski Gounty Detention Center. age 5 of incidentNumber: Agency DRI: 1000100 Badge it: 32 DATA 11. SUSPECTIARRESTEE DATA Page 2 Of 3 KYIBRS REPORT COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY VICTIM NAME RECORDS VICTIM SEQUENCE 1 Of 2 LICENSEIID STATE: #55 . SENT- KY CITY: BCIWLING GREEN DATE OF NINTH saw HEIGHT I 5' GENDER RACE MALE WHITE RELATIONSHIP TO OFFENDER: VICTIM WAO - .. I LIGENEEJIID NUMBER: VICTIM TYPE: INDIVID OTATIE: 42101 EYE COLOR ZIP CDDE: Iw REEIDENT: HAIR COLOR GREEN ETHNIC ORIGIN NDT HISPANIC VICTIM RELATIONSHIP TO OFFENDER: VIC-TIM WAE WEIGHT 154 PEACE YES INJURY TYPE 3130. NAME: of ALIAS: STATE: ADDRESS CITY: ESTE ARREST DATE VEO LIGENSEIID NUMBER: HATE OF BIRTH: PHONE: RESIDENT: ZIP CODE: ETHNIC EJRIGIN HEIGHT EYE WEIGHT HAIR AHREOTEE SEQ. l? MULTIPLE ARREST IND. ARREST TYPE CITATION NUMBERS Of 4 ARRESTEE ARMED WITH 2 5 6 SEEI- of STATE: ADDRESS CITY: ESN NAME: ARREST DATE ALIAS: NUMBER: DATE OF PHONE: KY RESIDENT: STATE: CDEIE: SEX ETHNIC: ORIGIN HEIGHT WEIGHT EYE COLOR - HAIR COLON ARRESTEIE SEQ. II MULTIPLE ARREST IND. ARREST TYPE Of I 4 ARMED WITH 2 5 3 WITNESS NAME RELATED GITATIDN NUMEERE WITNESS SEQUENCE Of ADDRESS: NUMBER: DATE OF BIRTH CITY: 21 GUIDE: Incident Number: 03w13?0246 Aganccy CIRI: KSPOEOD Hadg? 983W 1g as REPORT: um; SUPPI .KSP RECORDS COMMONWEALTH CIF KENTUCKY SYNOPSIS: Timothy "Kirk" Madison and Sandrice Parker was killed in a single vehicle collision. MODUS OPERANDI: on re TIME OF occunnervce: April 29, 2013 between 0200 hours and 0244 hours. ACCUSED: SUSPECTS: STOLEN PROPERTY: OTHER PREFERTY: EVIDENCE a How MARKED: 1) 2007 Suzuki Black VIN: J81 GT77A972102029 2) Black Helmet- 3) Taurus PT111 Serial TEU88200 awoarvce 'lm3 Storage TIGA WON: The Kentucky State Police Post in Bowling Green received a call from the Bowling Green Police Department. They advised that they were on the seen of a single vehicle double fatality collision. Wheel arrived on the scene I wee briefed. point Sgt. Scott terminated the stop. After traveling down Lovers Lane, he noticed a large fire near the entrance of Ewing Place. He pulled up to the fire and realized that it was the that he had just attempted to stop. KSP Post 3 wee notified to conduct an investigation. I was called out to reconstruct the collision. The operator of the was identified as Timothy "Kirk" Madison. He was a 2.3 year. old white male. He is a native of Morgantown. According to all accounts he had been at the Ramada Inn drinking and partying. He had been there for several hours before leaving. The passenger Was identified as Sandrice L. Parker. She was originally from Radcliff and a 24 year old black female. She was also at the Ramada inn with her mother. She met some acquaintance there and was going to meet them to go eat. She decided to ride with Madison. struck a curb causing hirri"to'lo'os'e"control and struck a rock fence and both was ejected from the The continued down the road until it struck the gate and caught on fire. Page 4 of incident Number: sensuous - Li Agency oer: KSP0300 Badge see it?? is" DEVAL PATRICK ?Ztie Commonweaftfi of Massachusetts Deparnnent ofState ?I?o?ce State Police Detective Unit MARY ELIZABETH 10 bederal SareeM salsa, MA 019 all? ALBEN a sups'mrwawoswr Tel i (9 7 7 I?ll Fax: (978) -- To: From: S'uhj ect: Ref: OCME: l. Detective Lieutenant Norman k, #1233991 Com-man cm?? SSW, SPDU I 1 rail in. . am.? I Trooper Peter C. Sher-her, #313 is - a State lice Detec Wigs? tut - a. ?its; sg?. . duff-h .If?gtal Motor 6? km tig? Ave .3, ?its. salowng if Pursuit on orth Au?dovsr on OWZWZOIB. Route 495 South at . a ?lighter . .L I 201 asses ll - ?i ll is 1' la, la: .IJI ll3,31% oopei Elise: - - . ,gsgmig ed to the Massachusetts . Unit, Count ?we, pros. I?ll?) Tours lwas advised by the Troop Duty 0* to Route . South at Massachusetts Ave in North I I I i A II Andovsrwigh?gatal {?aj?f I cl and met the followrng personnel. a ?g antler), Trooper Jay Martin (Airwing), Sergeant Barry Brodet?te II In. I H. Trg,,pf,lagpit)an Don-"ta, ;,,g'e,per Russia ??g??nme ene Semces), Trooper Brian Roderick On Sunday, July State Police Det . (sea 1 ?5ng . . (CARE'?ga?frooper Han'ytt?tm, eti Sergeantt ,th, and Metli1 (gram. i . . waist, I mterwewed magpie Mc approx. 0144 health- .ilk ..- ass i?ilamon who advised me the following: On OWZWZOIB at its r, 'r-?olice Of?cer Larry May observed a grey Honda (MXSZOB) travel Washington Street in Methuen. Of?cer May began following the after ?Lilith: mg no rear lights on the vehicle. Of?cer May followed the motor cycle onto Route 213 East where he attempted to effect a motor vehicle stop. The motor . vehicle then accelerated in speed to approx. .90 and traveled onto Route 495 death. and s?d'Maihidh'Stroet, the greatly accelerated in speed and Officer May terminated the pursuit. Approx. hi south of Route 495 South and Massachusetts Ave, Of?cer May located the on the deck in the lane and the driver was unaccounted for. Methuen' Police and Lawrence Fire Dept. personnel searched the area with negative results. The was towed by Coady?s. State Police arrived. and booked the crash. Detective McMenamon stated the suspect?s ?riends and family contacted Methuen Police and reported Angel Santiago missing. Page 1 of 3 Traf?c was-1i and Jul-m- In?ll? .JI Il'l ,Iu' ll??lil?l?rulr If" . u. . film .a ll ?Will.? .- I .- -. awn-with?: .- a. Is: Il- I. lI-I'I'r'r'. mum-hm.? a .. a. .. - Elam-ll I I. a: n. mlan w. I. I .0 .iIn mm 1le n- .l Iii-LIlhi-rill ua'i'iF-iiI-h'ri'r' rurunou-ng-al- ll1ll":' L'ulh-I' m- m" 12:. . I. .- I gull'ijlly: 1913PAI5IIHDIID. Bun?gglaza manual pg?lw'f'hm an my? (PM ?mm mum?lm 36:14:33?! Inoltlont ll r-Iln Clans mm STATE OF MICHIGAN TRAFFIC CRASH REPDRT Closed WI ?ownmonl Numo IRWIMI MI 0302100 MSP Metro Nani: PAUL HIPIETRD Grinan LiIlnIIl I Grub Tlmo No. oI' Unlln Crush Typo melnl Glroumotnnoou ND I - Sw?m Ghl?kl 13:46 02 Anglo a Sam, 3 - men 6? Nan-Tram Am wranmomw GounIy Tro?o Con rol Rolollon Io Rundwoy Spot-Jul ?luoy - - Arno I 63 - Oakland Slgnal 0n Rand Clear 07' - Inmrsoollon any!an 2m applicable-l - Light Rum: ?l'olnl Lam Urnl't Font-1d 33 - Oak Park TYIH Clam! Daylight Dry 02 25 Yon 13mm: Rollo Nomo Rom Typo OWN Roadway PIRARSON I RD DInIonun Way Annm 01 at physically 01 No access lull-mall" Rand Rand Typo DIvInnd Floodwoy va um: Numbor LInlt Ema Mumnnr Dutoof?Irlh {Agni Type Endorsement0953911 978 (3-1) a a 33m: Fm! 01 15 an ass Mono-o Hoomotlon ?lypn Infon'notlon anury I Renlmlul MV I HI 01 04 WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL OAK PARK. MI 40237 (W) I umr Candi: an Hound Airbag Dun WWI Ambulnnou Yes GENERIC AMBULANCE SERVICE Aloolvol Ewan CilnliunlununRniunm Nm Mam! Ton: Honulln You I No Tull Huardwn I cum.- Tool Typo Flold (I moo-cl Typo 0 Blood CI IJrIno 5 II II I um Fl lulmliun lnnurnnw I Pom: II mm 'I'Mlly we qullier- "vale rnllur' you nhlalo MW MI 0 - VIN Vnhinln Mnko Modal Color Yam- Vohlolo ?rypn I 51.3- madman CHEVROLET noumox BIL 2011 Gar Lmllon of ?rst Inlporll Extent of Drlvonhlu Vihl?Prlval'o 01 - Golng Straight Ahead mumnw of NM mud Fourth vonlo I17 - Molor van In transport (I Inolonlon MOST nvonl) Powwow 0mm of mm (Mn) Elm: Eastman Injury Alma EIle Ejoolod 'I'roppod Ambulnnm Mammal Int-armn?m . Dal-n at {Mal 3m: Hannllul Injury Altman Doplnyun: 'Iroopod Ambulnnm (D ll?IllU?l??I HIE Injury Alma? Doployol; ?oolod 'Iroppod Nobulnm LU ME (Mn) Em: Position Injury man Amlwlonm I Pnlnongor Information D?l? of ?rth (Ago) Son Rulmitll HWPIIHI Injury Alfbn? 51mm Trapped Ambulance Panama;- Data of Elm-I (Ann) Sn: Hal-pull a lldury Airbag Elected Ambulonoo mm? Glamor Baum ICGMG MPSG UIJL Tyno E?nmp CDL Huln'cliono on at! GT ??rm one: on on ow oars II) ?3 3 (I Cllhor Uohlolo Typo Typo 5. halo For IJnll'. Gorgo- llo-dy 'Iyno MMIIMI MnlurIIlI ID II Clan II Final ?owno 1mm Fourth a Maud Gama 3pm Clwnor Pomon M?noo of Tro?'lo ControI Damaged Properly Gonlnul Nnrna: ?mm? ##m?mm Own: a. Human Conlnol Tim: STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY LAT 44:02:31.3896 LON 93:29:48.9011 LDGAL BABE ND. AMENDED . . . 13200153 ACCIDENT REPORT ME 1 0.: 1 rauu plian- VqucLEa KILLED INJURED Ham (PUBLIC DATA) YEAR DAY MILITARY TIME 02 01 2013 FRI 0357 MNTH 13 HWY IEIN 1W1- WOODVILLILTWP 028 00.85!) TWP 330THAV15 UNIT UNIT NON-MD . I 01 51.53 NADA AVE 0515mm. MN 55128 TYPE TD HOE-F Wilt WP EVENT PLATE l' ACCIDENT INVOLVED A COMMERCIAL HUS. OR HEAD HUS REMEMBER TO NOTIFY THE STATE PATROL (roqulrod underMB169.7835nd169.4511). 1 I MOTOR NARRATIVE: ICLE #1 WW DRIVING AT A HIGH FATE OF HEW-ED I IIHWHICLE #1 DROVE. DVER I THE ROAD I TO RIGHT, HIT A DRIVEWAY, HUI-TED AND IN 11 FIELD THEN BUILED. DRIVER VEHICLE #1 ms mm VEHICLE #1 MED on mm or . DRIVER WAS DECEASED scam. mam. DISTRICT 2200 1:1 mm ovum Innesota State Patrol All available for incident number 13300344. 0? 12'2015 Incident Date/Time: 3/23/2013 6:23:00 PM Incident Contra et: MN State Patrol District 2300 - (507) 537-6277 .tneident Narnher: 13300344 Distriet: 2300 Number Individuals?u Number of Vehicles: a Location: COTTONWOOD RD 10} Road Ty pe: Black Top CTY RD Milepost: NONE RECORDED Road Condition: NOT County: Cottonwood Number of Lanes: 2 Crash Type: Head On Divided/Undivided: UNDWIDED ROADWAY Incident Classi?catien:FATAL Hazardous material: NOT PRESENT Assisting Agencies: OF Slayton MN . DRIVER OF VEH 1 Phys. Cond. Deceased Egg-pan 2: Steams, Jeffery 42 OF Marshall MN DRIVER OF VEH 2 Phys. Coed. Minor Injury MI: 1993 Harley-Davidson MODEL UNKNOWN vehicle 2: VEH YR WOW Ford Taurus D1, a suspeet regarding a call to the Cottonwood County Sheriffs Of?ee reporting a IlteidentDeseription: I I I I person armed with a knife, had?sj?e'djj?fon?ij?ottenwood County Sheri?ls Murray County Sheriff?s A short time later a state trooper was traveling east'on OR 10 in Cottonwood. County when he stopped. ahead of the trooper. The trooper stopped his squad ear, V2, The V1 accelerated to a very high speed toward V2 and traveled into the V2's lane. struck V2 head-on as V2 was still stopped with emergency lights aetivated. The D1. was ejeeted from V1 and died on scene. D2 so stained non-life threatenng injuries. Information BELIEVED COMPLETE Last Updated: 3/25/2013 7:33:04 AM 1H MIBEIGURI UNIFORM CRASH PAGE- GILL 1' mean IN FORMATIQN AGENGY {WI-51mm. PDMGE uee?e FOR WWII 9109 I I .L (31:33 ?mm mm THE some, DRIVER ND. CRASH PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY NSJIILLEIJ NUMBER when CLASSIFICATION ?11 I I ?df? 1M I CMBH TIMEIMIL.) TIME NOTIFIED (MILI INVEETIGATIDN DATE INVEETATSGENE - era/e? emu em eel/af?ne" sear 2? ?rm Nu ?gammy mammal,me coLuelunmvewme FGRIMPAGT WITH mun-en VEHICLE FeIINumped Anlmel Railway Vehtele 0 th Igga?w?w Fire; Pecteieycle 1?3 Anlmalurnwn Trend. [If] Frenne Rear Dir.) (EXPIHIHI .IWFE. meleelen E3 Emmi! mm MoterVohlclomTrunepdn I'Ieerwnenr Bldenwlpe (opp. be.) unmwn Off [3 Gm" OlherUmecI Parked MolanehIele Remit: Bide I3 FeIFIneIShi?lnn (EWING) . R??dww Nun-cumniu" Mulor Vahlcla I In GDMMERGIAL MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVEMENT CRITERIA Anewer the Iq'llewihd'llo delermIne II IlIe."demereldl Vehlele" Ilelde In aeetlon 7G Inunt be eempleted. 1. Dem we ereeh {melee any e! Ihe Iellewlng? 2. Exemlne Vehieln In II It In a vahlcte based upon the fellewlnd: 1e. Apnredn MD No W'lh Nu .. Ne ddmmerelel vehicle Ileldn 1b. A. pardon Ireneperted tor medleeI eIIenIIen: 0R Ilelde need completion. 10.000 OR a ?Bad 1c, duete demege, Amotorvehlcle fer etrnereineludlnd Gempimn Samlun In WE an m"an 2' 3' an, A \rehlele IIezerdeue rneIerIeIe placard. [j uppruprlete vehicle. TAKEN BY WHOM . AVAILABI EFRO KI AWHDV ?xed CI Ne EWINH MI I AVAILABLEF 0 CI Agency In I3 1964?: M51 2 LDGATIDN I mum-w mu up . BEATIZQI-Fewer: -- -. -- c-cI .. . -- a 3196 ?rm" M. me I NEU .9 radiing51?% 313w. me. .. .DIBTANGEI-HDM 4?3. ?25.15? v? m. Mar NA (41.: 5 HY Unknown .. 9mm, LIMIT INT. DIH. (3E0 -GCJDE main I3 Ceumy Frlvele Property other . MIlee gm Mm?w TRAN: ALIGNMENT FRDFILE [j (?ne-Way 'IWmWey:0Ivlded;Unpmteeled Median Slit-baht Laval Downhlil {If} Dip Twe-Wny:NeIDluMed:Gundnueue GenlerTumLene MedlenIIerrIer Uphill Hillard!? In TYPE [3 NA ROAD .2. ml [3 Men/1mm Ullknum??xplaln} Dry 'Ij' endw Bluell [j Water aanelaraval Unknown (Expleln) T-Inlereemlen I'th Rnundebdut In WEI CI Mudmln WNW CI new summer:- WEATHER CONDITION Generate El:qu Clear Rein FOQIMIM UlherIExplelnI Amman ?r?vnl [If] Mulli-?u?nud UnknewnIEkpleln) Cloudy Enew FreezlnM'l?empI CI CNUBWIMI cm Dayngm Dnrk-LIghIetl [Jerk-Unknown linknewn (Expleln) a - named re, PROPERTY omen mm VEHIGLEB [j Mm mar ewwee'e NAME ADDRESS. nEecmPTIdN 0F QWERTY. Me emme. '3 Mum-r Mum, a ke??w? A. Emery-?re: WE. ?ea gem. r" ear/w eaevg?? ?kewm ?e I.. 43?? ?xed Menu Identi?ed Aedluenel Witneenne In Nerrmwe NAME \?lily, 5mm, Zip) 16? (3mg Jew/grew ems, were? 1252;; I ?re. A??gw 6 PEDESTHIAH NA Law I?nfumamurll (Dinner other Emergeney Pereennel El Worker Other Tremeweuy Worker CI other Fedeelrlen NC). (Lem. ADDRESS (mmel. Olly. Stale. 21p} NUMBER EEK HY VEHII: INJ LITIGATION PORT on Roadway I3 In Dr'ivuwuy IZI On MedIen I leldnd I On Sidewalk Roadway ELI Unknown ceoeeme ROAID Ne OTHER Acrlone NArNor'm MA I-Ilgnm Gellan [j In Unknewn Game; TnHEmm annual AgnInuI?SIgrml In Marked Groaawmk In TranIdey [j Pleylnu In Treh?iewey CIlhur (Exp?udln) Nu munal I In Unwed-Ind DrIVehIeIe In Tramway Aheue Unknown I Unknown [3 anIeIl?RerRedIEIepped Veh. With Mamet Trurfu: Unknown (Explein) GIDNTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCES 13 None DISTRAGTED I IHATTENTIVE NA [3 Felled?ro?rleld AIeoheI VlelenUhetrueledIExpleIn) ND Drum CI UnknewMExplaim I I -1k CIDPY ORIGINAL MISSOURI HIGHWAY TRAFFIC RECORDS DIVISION BOX 5'38 NW, NW 01(12 I . . REPORT ?3 PAGE 7' OWNERS. 8. OGGUPANTB ND. .mlnn - PMNENUMBER I. I I. . -- ?nia- fin-?. Min: C452) w-?nnw Hen Emma unknown STATUE {j Disqu?lBDL El MG Elml?Nu?NA l/glf?? Unknown LI if] Unllnunkud [j nln?n - sax SEAT INJ Am melon my Notabalmmd {j Tmnl??mh Moving Whirl-(Emma) Hi? I TION MG DEBTRUCTED thd?hmld Bulldan Eloppuanh 1/5143? 1 gig. hf?? I NA [3 Embankment t] Pnrkoanh Ghana PROOF 0F INBUI I E: PHONE. N0. (Opllunul) Hill-m" NU BER NA No El Not?anulmd 1 W15: .. Jar" OWNER NAME (Lani, Flm. 6H) s. (31ml. city. Slnlu. Hjnj; [351' am PHONE NUMBER SAD MAKE MODEL CDLOR VEMWPE 'rm'AL no.0; occ, 93:510. nmev 5mm. . In {lilc?u??ghl?? Mm, 'nfn'rn, YEAR MIN SCENE 1' Duemmaupwmg [Mn Manx; inning-mnml??c.1317 my.? :1 Nu .. El 190%de -- a - a? manna" (3'19 WW NA Burnaglu I 2.1 Other $9 ?y I. I (Explain) .. .. . .. 37-121: . ,fof?f? 45 49,55 VEHIULE Wilma Unnd 1 I amnu Hun {9.15 I WWIGCWV RATING [j Hun-113+ ATVH E3 melon I El Pumnnm'Vm Equlp, Hmwy Mack cargo Van?. All Tm:an mm Von. Anolhanan} . L'l Span Vnhluln ?5 Echml?w (?uda)m Truck ramuruLJ Tmcg?gmr?w?ghor?mz Mat 13 leouulna [j ff] awn Game: Van ?in? ??g?mr?uh? mu? nr y) [j lenunlna {9-15 WlDrIvor} ff] Tmnalucnmmumr 4Wh Plukup Truck Um I equal In 10.0001hu. Bicycle GhnI-lnranur Olhuannw Trunk Trunk Tm?mrwuh Wu um" I 10.1301 4.3mm? Cl Fadnluwlam-n, LII WW Trunk Unlls El Gmm?r?hm 35-9001? 1'0!me School El unm?wn NA MA Police [3 Ambulance l] Run GnnunallnnAllnad If] [j B. Slnliunmry GmnhAhnnd Unknown (Elenln) YUNEHIOLE DF EENTE GDDEB Danna Llama In In annular; n) ALCOHDLUSE I25 1] Unknown lAMIMAugnn?i?m?-PHOHAHLE GIRGUMQTANCEH Nona Vltlon Dbalruclad Fullud Tu In Roadway BpaIdnExcuadud lell: IJrlvarFmIaunIMIonp Tn Una Lighlu Imprupurly Slapan On Roadway Type} Slu??l Tun Clone [w?wl Unknown (Expluln) Elnnall?lan Impmpar?anklnu El Wrong aldanIPnnulnu} thur (Explain) Fallad To Turn (Dun-Way) Ti! Vll?l- EXl?l?iN got-lag) NA Alcohol imprupnrr?uulnu Plnyuluul (Explain) Oman.? Emu? a) [1 Drugs Improperly Furknd Impropnr?lurlIV-?mml?alk In Huntlan i I wildcat-m El Liam..- Maw n1: . J: mam mum. ?1 memes. Wm"! CI 310;) Blun Nu Panaan Zane Turn Rnul?ulnd Omcarf Hag;an 'Dn Burma] Gun a Suva-mm") Van No unknuwn comma: Warning ?lnnl?avlcu Ll RalleyC-rulinlnn Cl man [3 (Explain) H, I DATE. an): BEAT AIR SAFETY PI-IDNENUMBEH I guy'mum? mp) LDC PQHT TIUN BAG UEVIGEB ll" I - unu- 'l I 316? 4/2 nanny 7133M IE: .4 af?x/13% Af?ne? ?2 M. ann??n?mnw VB. NA RquIlI'Hd an Whlu'lu l"Vm "wnn ?l'lle?l'?GMV and olthn three nrltarln ln pnnz. MGTOR [:11an PHONEMUMBER am C?fl'lur Hal In MGIMXIICG NO. UBDDT MD. Barriur Na! In Vahlnla El ?ux Fl?lb?d Cu??mlu Mim? Gurhugnlliofuun Palm Tr?ll?l? Vulilnlu Twins [3 Inl?rmudnl NMND TYPE Cargn Tank [fl Dump Aulo'l'rnnupmlur L69 g?gm'l'i? [fl] Unknown PLACJARID dim?l'l' ND. CLASH HM CARGO PRESENT HM CARGO HAMHIJOUB Hm?? I. REP-3111 rim PAGE Ortiz-.- ~cuDEe mam LOBATIDN FR meurw mmememn EJECTIDN AIR use xerumnewn a; Tc; 1. Fetal (Fer Medical 1. ?anemia. 11. Dapiuyad- 1. None 10. HnneterEem I 2. uleetaling hammer) is. Nq1Dupiriyed Gemhlnatlnn 2- 11- Per-Jan M.Mm?mym 3' Evidwl- 1. NA 4. Rumqu 1o. 3. iiheulcinr BnIiDnly 12. Uhllu Heelelnl-?eaneuing Nominhilng 1- 2- O. Duplnvudwl?f?n! 4' ?1 WW OE ?Gecupenl -Ennieend Land Area Piubebie - 2- EME 3- B. Deployed Bide 14- AIFBHB ?hm'ldamndl'w 14? Rmm?w? autmcoupani-Uuonnlam Land Area an Apparent 1mm" Totally 7. Depimdncunnin Unknown 7. DOT Compllanl 1B. Diher ch?elmrew 1.1. None Apparent U'Ur?kr'nw" B. Deployed ?thnr MC H?li11?1 U. Una Unknown ev-mim (Expieln In Nannie) u.Unimown 14- 3. ND Helium 11- NAnNmApplleeble I N. NA VEHIGLE Ac'nnu i SEQUENCE DP EVENW (Heme with dwihin-uewrlek require eddlliunal ending} 1. Going 811111911! 10, 913nm.? Fame 19. Airborne ea, Geperelinn?fUnIle Cuiliniun 44. ThrowniFeIIinu Want 2. Overleidng 11. emu." an. 29. Rummau?ro Ruadwuy an. 45. Faiilnii. mainecnm?. 3. Making ?mm 12. Stopped In Traf?c mm 011 Roadway - 1.911 :50, Gp?hhn Inv. 39. cmllalen lnu. Bicyclef?'edefnyete 0131:1111 But in Mullen lily ()wn MV 4. High! Tum on Red 13. Parked 22. Ov?rtumi?ullavnr 31. :IwPe?nlwele In r16. RanGirlieedway"OtilertExpieInJ 5, Maltlnu [.1111 Turn 1.11. Lanna 23. Flmnixmanlun 32. Gallium 11w, ReiKeny 1.1911. 40. (human Inv. Drawn Vei?iiciei mm Generator Making UnTurn 1E1. 3-1. Immersion 33. Animal Ridden Fer?l?rennpode?nn 7. EkldulnuiBlidlng 1e. CineHMedI?n Fi?. Jeni-(knife 31. Tr??niwl '11- MV 3. Hinwingiutupping 17. um? 23. Game Lneui?hi? as. Cailininn Ian-?nrked 42. Downhiil?unewny 9, aim-1 In Trellie. 15. Oman Road 27. Equipment Failure :15. ?ieillelen lrw. Fixed Dhjm??) 43. Faliidumnud me MV ANIMAL cones Fun val-I113?; ACTION i BEQUENCE or: EVENW 30. Deer 61. FermAnin-iel 82. Dog 33, am" U. Unlimer FIXEI: GBJEGT GDDES FCIR VEHIGLE i' OF EVENTS an. Tmi?lum??lunding) 23. Culven 32. Building 33. nriduu Reii 4-1. Well 21. Bluff Tiu?in $ 0I1anli?upp?ll 33. Traf?c Slgn?l-?Supp?rl 3'3. Guardrail End ?113. Gable Berna: 22. niuardreil Feet: 28. Bridge 34. impact Altanueioricreeh ?uehlnn 41:. Other Truffle Hauler 411. Bridge trueiure 21$. Ullilw F'nle 1111. Curb 35. Fire Hydrant 41. Overhead Sign Buppon I17. Overhead Lii-ieicmie 2:1. Flame 1m. Muil?nk 31.1. Oiheri?eplein) 42. Ditch U. Unknown 213. SireuiLiuhtSuppen 31. Conereie?rre?lc 11111111? Bridge Fempnl End 43. CODES 1. External ?lntmullnn i5. Device - Hand-held 9: Emilia; 13- GGMFUWEQUIFMWW 13mm? INF-- ii. a. Communication novice- Hands Free 10- ??nding 11- Miuwilhe Whi?l? 51311110? 3. Equipment 7. Communlceilnn DwicmTexllneiE-melline 11- TDDMED 15- WW (EMPIRIM A. Navigatinn Davina a. Demmunlceilen Devlee Web Brewing 19- Gf??i'nln? VEH ICLE TYPE GGDEB 1. Meier Vehicle 1n Tienapen 3. Workan Meter Vehiaie e. Drawn Vehlnla i Animal Hidden For Putnam 2. Parked MolorVehlcle 4. Fudeleyole U. Unmewn OTHER VEHIGLE IGODEB 1. Riding Mewerl ?enden 'I'runier ii. Snowmobile 5- MIMI Drawn Whit-"0 4' WNW FM 3? WW 513111191 Wlild? 2i. Gunman 4. F?erkll? 7. UllmHEXDia-Ih) a; NARRATIVE i ream In nauanaw. Ham auction 11 Narrative I Btm'??nl? -0541.? a we: .. ?Wife: . #555?? . Lannie . .. "?c?wmr? Mme. .w?nm?am Hf.? ma $51.35.. a. I g, p.59 . :5 .. ?sf/u .. .. af?x?) . . - vii/?rm. ?eck) .. m. Jam-2* Je?ixgzemww .. 5% .. .. . .3453 .. .. .. #1 . ?ww?'sem. .a?z?i?w?mgw?ew??. .. .. emf-1. wreak . 52.5.27- . r~ -er?y?mc??n?maf 1* .. m?w? meme/1%- . . . fie-MM metric?. . ?Kw $19.44;? 356.53 W??mme??f. #515 .. #455342?) ??wre?m. emf.??nm-iima?. .5 W?e c?aux 51/345311" ?ea a??ce? War gm? .. f. .49 wait; :rw? dwys?cewa cm?" WE -. Jainitmm . . . -r warm? may; . ?ame, . 4? .3 new -r ef?ng? c?wy? War. 19. RE AND Heweyvma DFFIGER Remn?rm 0? osmm 1ND. mowiDISTm?ijnecmcr - - REVIEWIN OFFIGER-NAMEI DENIBADGEN ?aws" 35: 22 :23 $33. Emma? ?rmware 3. 3522;. 25:. 3 Engine urn?Eggs; 0:255:22. .. ?22.22:.5: Eh?. ?nm w?k?whm E31, Him EE $5th ?mam?wmai. 5v gg?ugwh an Ex? - .. a? Eh hx??aw 33%? a ?g Emu?qu xww?ix 1% gm. mun. h?wmw?x 113.?. [Hui . R. .. ?nth. Avg. . .. ?ght 1 max hui? Ewk?wm?u Emml wm?ww.?i ma?a mania Exam, hum Ami. . Em?? {a .u??aughx?mnm?mml Emma . hum. nu: Prank. Tom From: I Thompson. Kari Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2015 10:21 AM To: Frank, Tom 3 Subject: RE: USA Today query 6, yak?) ?p Good Morning Torn. Please see the narrative of the report you requested. On Friday 08/09f2013, at approximately 012?? hours, the listed witness PO Simbro, a uniformed member of the Kansas City Missouri. Police Department who was on duty in a marked patrol unit observed Vehicle 1 traveling the wrong way on a one way street in the area of 1. 1th and Lydia. Vehicle 1 was traveling eastbound on 11th Street,?which is a one way westbound only street between Broadway and Woodland. of 11th Street and Woodland. stopped the vehicle and as the witness was walking up to the driver's window Driver 1 accelerated and. the vehicle took off at a high rate of speed. Vehicle I. traveled east on 12th Street and then south on Chestnut at a high rate of on. Chestnut. For additional information. see Progressive Investigation Report by P0 Simbro #4567. I At approximately 013 1 hours, the driver loses control of the vehicle on Chestnut, approximately mid-block between 24th Street and 25th Street. The vehicle strikes parked Vehicle #2 and parked Vehicle #3 as it continues sliding towards the south. Debris and parts from Vehicle #1 strike parked Vehicle causing damage to the rear of the vehicle and breaking its windshield. Vehicle #1 brie?y leaves the roadway along the northwest corner of 25th and Chestnut and strikes a stop sign. The stop sign and its support post were broken. and detached from the base in the ground. The stop sign with post attached were found south. of 25th Street in. the front yard of 2500 Chestnut. Vehicle #1 returned. to the roadway and continued to slide towards the south where it struck. parked Vehicle #5 with enough energy to push Vehicle #5 forward into parked Vehicle and parked Vehicle #6 forward into parked Vehicle Vehicle #1 came to rest facing north in the middle of the roadway on Chestnut, south of 25th Street. The unrestrained driver was partially ejected from the vehicle at the driver's door, with the lower portion of his body pinned in the vehicle between the now damaged driver's side door and the center console. The driver's front and side airbags were deployed in the collision. Driver #1 was transported to St. Luke's Hospital by KCFD EMS where he died from injuries sustained in the collision. This report has been redacted to provont the dloolooure of personally Identi?ablo InformationI15 NINTH Of 47 Inluroo Token wow u: 23 1 IJM 1 R-?w 3. El. olo. 4 REHACTED EMS 24 3.0 - WAKE COUNTY MEDIC cos-mg. 40 Name at EM3 (aw. 1m) mio HWT Io For: THE um; on: ma omolou OF mama mum. THE DATA In from FOR 8 ANALYBIB MID 30mm HIGHWAY WEN PROGRAMMING. 0F 0 El 1mm- ME THE numummuw no mum an UP THE mum. 9 "9 Wilma No. or Unite Ilwolrou Form 1o! 1 Hop-on 9 1 Data Raoulvod by ow Dale County Tlmo Loos! UoorPatrol Aron 03/03/2013 WAKE 03:03 P13033409 2 3333333539. 1 rm Mlluu will? munl?ruw 27 Hr In 9 on RD ?mm? W441 .u amp or - 3' ammo Hood 35.31 1 1 HILL. or mo mm? luwmd LnAltitude uurr It EVEHELE Dan I. nun oommcm. mm a! 2 DVIHWLE MIDTQR 20 venom JONATHAN HENRY Como um; . '4 Hm more Last ?rm Hid-?- mama 6713 SIX FORKS RD Auoma 3047 PATRIOT RIDGE CT 2 5 Guy RALEIGH mm? NC mp 2T315 my RALEIGH sum NC 330136459 1 u?ISomo on Drlvor'o (313) 333.3333 Roma Mdrun an 1 3 PH Llonnsn'? Ya: No Ennim Moon?? Von No ?Him? 3 REUACTED Stow NC REDAGTED 5mm NC . awn-mm wLLlom ml. ull-Phyolonl 5 330i. [1 oln?g?m I L?osmmiono 1 am RFDAGTFD Dhuuiz?on 0 3? 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I us now Icon Man on Vohlolo ?l'rutk mm mm. mum at TIE nrlvor FEM <1 Flint m? ?m?gm?fu'? 3 1 Tun-Md Tumy: 1014 WEST WRECKER BERVIEE 1 thaw WM: 3 Tum? unummn mp UNLWIITED AND HEGDVEHY 1 . 3.0 NCJT 47 Injurad Tokon by EMS I0 {Timur-mt Foamy Ind any or Town: Foule and ?u or 1mm) Thle report has been redacted to prevent the dieeloeure of personally Identi?ahIe information. Form 1 1 tom NM: P13033409 49 POINTS CIF IMTIAL 1 1 2 3 INFD. ROADWAY INFD. . RELATED Veh 1 Von II 2 CONTACT (Write In codes) Uh? 37?_ on momma agmo um ?35 35 on Hand r-ontum (I Wish Zeno Mn It GRAN-I ?Enu?EiNcE (mum-tn n1 ?plld 77 53 Itood (Humor 2 Won't thty VIHEII 4 a EctIrnele of Spend at Impact 70 29 71 II WIHIL Mull NI ??I?ft TIN) Ht?om Impact (ILOman Fl Nen-Mnterlot Leentlen Filer to Inlpm Dtmnon umIIod AMI Imam (It) 357 2m 13 Bond 2 Mine-IR mpg. 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Damage I WITHEHHER DENNIS LYDN 5716 SIX FORKS FID, RALEIGH NC 27615 ?mm (919) SHE-3335 Nun! Mdron when. No. mm? Name Norm Dmeu Number Depa?menl Dill GI [moon OFFICER MANUKAS - 2470 - RALEIGH POLICE DEPARTMENT 064'0512013 261374 5mm af ?le-brawn ma lrwaati ator?a Men-tar Vehithm Awidenzt Rampart 5m: H1_uf 2 1; Tami: Humbar HT my?. :15: mm 1 DATE . . I 5 0? mam .3 wig?an 1am My . JR 9mm PLACE 339% mum; 131$ . m??"3?me 03*? R?ad - - can WNW. Whittle-5 2013-4475 31.00 I '5 15? was 5m} Mil-5% m. Em. r? Human ?1 H3 $1.5 an: . mum 0 ?name? 1 {243131593 ?mm m, mammao NW Mg 309 am 31? mm: NE. 65421 camwmaa Jew Wiggle-r . . - Mn Lama PA 446m . gammy Ema ?amt-E- 1990 Buick 4 diner Eadan rad? ?ning-?3? Shaw LIEEMBE WHMR umum 9mm mm mm; vammaz in nu. ?lms! cm [Jamal-m mm warm 5 mr?nua?m um um mm MUDEJTWTI Jerry Wimmr 309 6111 Street, Palm. NE E8421 [12221115969 THE INFORMATIGN IE FOR ALL ACGIHENTE INDIGATE m' WHAT HAPPENED MW 7_ 73'? 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I Am.) :13 (N {(1:21 JPE mIkun'? no (Pd?f Or r" 1/5/5340 L3 3 2013 News Releases October 21, 2013 Update to fatal accident from 10f13X13 The Dutchess County Sheriff?s Office reports updated information in the fatal accident which occurred on Route 9G in the Town of Poughkeepsie during the early morning hours of 10/ 13f 13. The accident is still under investigation, however preliminary information has indicated that excessive speed and reckless driving are significant factors in the crash. Investigation has shown that during the early morning hours of 10X 13! 13 riding his with another person, who has been identified as Anthony Derienzo (age 22. of I?oughkeepsie). The two were riding together but on separate Eyewitness accounts indicate that the two men were riding together in the Poughkeepsie area, and were riding recklessly and extremely excessive speeds. At a point in time after the men were observed. driving in this manner they were approached at a red light by two (2) Sheriff?s Office Deputies, who attempted to identify and stop them they ignored the Deputies? lawful directives to stop by driving away, once again recklessly and at excessive speeds. As they were driving in this manner and failing to comply, Mr. Bohlmami lost control of his and crashed on Route 90?- in the area of Cottage Street. Further investigation has also shown that Mr. Bohlmann was operating the with only a learner?s permit and not a license. Mr. Derienao split offend took another route during the incident, so he wasn?t involved in the crash. Through further investigation he was identified and interviewedwas arrested for his alleged actions during this incident. At this time Mr. Derieneo has been charged with the following: 1. A Misdemeanor 2. Reckless driving: Misdemeanor 3. Excessive speed: Traffic infraction Mr. Derienzo was released on appearance tickets after being processed, and is due to appear before the Town of Poughkeepsie Court on 11/25/13. As with any other criminal case, the charges described above are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The investigation is continuing, and more information may be released as it becomes available. Um