In the G1'9en'd.l:la CL ty Court Gmen'd. lle Ci. ty, SLnoe Count;y Republic of Li bel:i.a c8unty of Sinoe Sti.pencll.ary Mast.stmte search and. sa:l..sure warmnt Jal'.! lfll!>ublic of 14.bene., To: -���X:�Y°Esq. Acting sheriff or the Ii.bel:i.a Natlonal Police -��nooC�t:r- · � · G r e e ti n gs: You aw hexeby canallded. to proceed to tb.ehmes of Bataw Distn ct to S-.rch and sel.ze for Golden Veroleum Libel:i.a prq,, Bice, Caaputers, lifters daXtai. tes Power saws, motor-Qi.kBs inoludl.ngother valUftbl• prq, belcmg!.ng to GVI, c� and ill other incWlbanta alngle be.rmck gans long and short uaed � tbe lioters in -the conflict. You aw :tu:r'lher ccmie.ndecl to sene cq,,- of the search and SGL zure wari-ant to the