Rev (3/12) DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS DIVISION OF LOCAL FACILITIES P.O. Box 2400 Frankfort,KY 40602-2400 INSPECTION REPORT FOR FULL SERVICE JAILS Facility: Grant COunty Detention Center Architect: Architecture Plus Inc. Original Opening Date: 1987 Original Occupancy: 55 Current Approved Occupancy: 348 Current Total Population: 277 county Population: 11 State Population: 58 OtherPopulation: Federal Population: 11 Date of Last Population Report: 5-23?13 for Previous Month: 262 Population of Last Population Report: 272 Street/PO. Box 212 Barnes Road City, State, Zip Williamstown, KY 41097 Jailer' . Date of Inspection Shift Inspection Conducted 011 Terry Peep?les May 22, 2013 l? 2nd 3rd El Jailer Absent (Proxy) Date Report Completed Richard Clise May 23, 2013 Local Facilities Staff Desi D. Brooks Local Facilities Staff Signature DOCUMENTATION CODE KEY Compliance . Non?Compliance Not Applicable DISTRIBUTION Written con?rmation Sight con?rmation Verbal con?rmation Hard Copies: Division of Local Facilities (Original ?le) County Judge Executive (Copy) Jailer (Copy) Electronic Copies: Jail Services Specialist or Jail Consultant Corrections. Compliance manual. (0) Personnel; Department. Compliance Compliance 1. The jailer or jail admin organization chart and a po adopted by the governing au Compliance - 5. The jailer shall develop an dissemination of information ab government agencies, and to the media. The public and prisoners shall have access to the procedure. Written Written Security and control; Sanitation and management; Medical services; Food services; Emergency and safety procedures; Classi?cation; G) Prisoner programs; Prisoner services; Written I Written Administration; Mana ement . . istrator shall develop and maintain an licy and procedurepnianual, which has been thority and ?led with the Department of Sight Verbal 2. The written?policy and procedures manual shall be made available to employees. Employees must sign have read-and will 'eomply documentation attesting that they with the jail?s policy and procedure I. Sight Verbal 3. The policy and procedures manual shall include at a minimum the following aspects of the jail?s operation: - - Administration/organizational chart; Fiscal management; (1) Admission and release; and Training Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 4. The policy and procedures manual shall be reviewed, updated, and any changes approved by the governing Sight .Verbal implement a procedure for the out the jail to the public, to Sight Verbal authority at least annually. All revisions shall be marked with the effective date and ?led with the Latest policy and procedure manual has been filed with the DOC and adopted by the Fiscal Court. RevieWed manual Reviewed manual for policy. Latest policy and procedure manual has been ?led with the DOC and adopted by the Fiscal Court. . Reviewed manual for policy. 6. With the prisoner?s written consent on a form authorizing release of information; news media shall be permitted to interview a prisoner as set forth in the jail?s policy and procedure manual except if the safety and security of the jail is affected. Compliance . Written Sight Verbal INFORMATION SYSTEMS . 7. Jail information and prisoner records shall be retained in written form or within computer records. Written Sight Verbal 8. Jail information and prisoner records shall be stored in a secure manner so that they are protected from theft, loss, tampering, and. destruction. Prisoner records shall be maintained as required by the Department of Libraries and Archives pursuant to 725 KAR Chapter 51. Compliance compliance Written . Sight Verbal . . Ff/j Policy allows for the news media to interview prisoners at a time set by the lailer. Reviewed. manual for policy and reviewed ?les and logs. Reviewed policy, prisoner ?les and jail information systems and records. Prisoner records are maintained in accordance with the records and retention schedule. 9. A telephonic report to the department shall be made of all extraordinary or unusual occurrences within twenty?four (24) hours of the occurrence, and a final written report within forty?eight (4 8) hours. This report shall be placed in the jail records. Extraordinary or unusual occurrences shall include but shall not be limited to: Death of a prisoner; . Suicide or attempted suicide that constitutes a serious health Situation; (0) Serious injury, Attempted escape (6) Fire; Riot; . Battery, whether by jail personnel or prisoner; Sexually abusive conduct; Occurrence of contagious or i the facility; . 0) Violent acts or behavior by either. mental inquest detainees held I under KRS Chapter 202A or prisoner known to be or suspected to be mentally ill or mentally retarded. Any serious event that threatens the safety or I facility or jail personnel; whether accidental or self in?icted; escape from confinement; nfecti'ous disease, or illness within ecurity of the Written Sight . Verbal Cempliance 10. All jails Shall keep a log of daily activity within the jail. Compliance - Written Sight Verbal Reviewed manual for policy. Practice indicates that all major incidents are reported via telephone and/or. email. Reviewed logs within the jail. 11. The required by 501 KAR 3:120 and 3:130 for admission and release shall be retained for each prisoner. Other information retained in each prisoner?s jail record shall include but not be limited to: Court orders; Personal property receipts; Infraction reports; Reports of disciplinary actions; Work record and program involvement; (1) Unusual occurrences and in the case of the death of a prisoner, disposition of the prisoner?s property and remains. Compliance Written Sight Verbal Reviewed prisoner files and policies. 12. The jailer shall not release information, other than public informatidn, to individuals other than law enforcement or court of?cials unless the prisoner has signed a form authorizing release of information. A copy of the signed formshall be maintained in the prisoner?s record. The form shall include: - Name of person, agency or organization requesting information; Name of facility releasing information; i Information to be disclosed; Date consent form is signed; and Signature of prisoner Reviewed manual for policy. I Compliance Written El Sight El Verbal 13. No juvenile offenders are housed in the jail. lj Written Sight Verbal Not Applicable 14. All jail records maintained on mental inquest detainees held under KRS Chapter shall be kept separate from any other jail records. Mental inquest records are confidential-and shall be made I available for examination only as provided in Upon an order of expungeinent pursuant to KRS the jailer shall seal the. records and the mental inquest detainee?s stay at the jail shall be deemed never to have occurred. Not Applicable Written [3 Sight [1 Verbal 15. As provided in KRS 441.135, each jailer may establish a canteen to provide prisoners with approved items. The records of income, expenses, and disbursements of the?canteen shall be examined annually. The cost of the examination shall be paid from the canteen fund. If the jail?s canteen fund is insufficient to coverthe expense of the examination, the expense shall be home by the county jail fund. Canteen services were recently contracted by Keefe in July 2012. Compliance Written . Sight Verbal .4 Compliance 501 KAR 3:040 supervision for all All persons Compliance Compliance l6. Each jail shall provi Weekly popu state prisoners, All external moveme electronically and on sent to the Division of Local Facilities. personnel, excluding jail all prisoners by provi jail personnel designated 6:00 am. and 10:00 pm, excep subsection. The jail shall provi designated for communication for the lfthe jails night shift does not coincide am then the jail may request in Writing an to meet the minimum requirements in section during a different time frame. The exception for of this subsection. excluding jail personne remaining hours of the day. with the hours of 10 pm to 6 exception to' allow the jail paragraph of this sub division may approve an comply with paragraph personnel, excluding perSOnne 1.8. When female prisoner in the jail, the jail shall provi awake supervision. 19. Written policy shall de the department: . lation update that shall include the number of federal prisoners and county prisoners. of all state prisoners or a daily basis. This information shall be 7 Written Sight. Verbal Personnel A category II, IV and jail by providing a minimum of (3) jail I designated for communication. A staf?ng analysis may be requested by the jailer or governing authority. who work inside the secure perimeter of the jail shall be at - least twenty?one (21) years of age. prisoners Written 1 are booked, detained or otherwise lodged de a female deputy to perform 24-hour Written exist for every position. Compliance - Written 17. A category I jail with 80 beds or less shall provide 24 hour awake supervision for all prisoners by providing a minimum of (2) jail personnel designated for communication. A category I jail with 80 to 100 beds shall provide awake supervision for ding a minimum of (3) jail persomrel, excluding for communication between the hours of as provided in paragraph of this de a minimum of (2) jail personnel,. a different time frame to shall provide 24 hour awake Sight avatar Sight Verbal specify that equal employment opportunities Sight Verbal 5 Reviewed past reports which indicates the jail is in compliance with this requirement. A review of the jails shift schedule indicates the jail is staffed appropriately. Reviewed policies and visual observations. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with . jail staff. 20.. A written code of ethics shall be incorporated in the jail?s policy Reviewed manual for policy. and procedures manual and shall include the following: An employee shall not: Exchange personal gifts or favors with a prisoner?s family, or priSoner?s friends; Accept any form of bribe or unlawful inducement; Perform duties under the in?uence of i'ntoxicants or consume intoxicants while on duty; Violate or disobey an established rule, regulation, or lawful order from a superior; A Discriminate against prisoners on the basis of race, religion, creed, gender, national origin, or other individual characteristic; Employ corporal punishment or unnecessary physical force; Subject prisoners to physical or ment'al abuse; (11) Intentionally demean or humiliate a prisoner; Bring weapons ?or an item declared'as contraband into the jail Without proper authorization; - Engage in critical discussion of jail employees or a prisoner in the presence of another prisoner; Divulge con?dential infonnation without proper authorization; Withheld information which threatens the security of the jail, jail employees, visitors, or the community; Through negligence or intentionally, endanger the well?being of self or another; Engage in business or profitable enterprise with a prisoner; Inquire about, disclose, or discuss details of an prisoner?s crime other than as may be absolutely necessary in performing of?cial duties. Enter into an intimate relationship with a prisoner while the prisoner is incarcerated at the same jail the . employee is employed by; or Enter into an intimate relationship with a former prisoner of the jail within six (6) months of the prisoner?s release. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 21. Any employee violation of this code of ethics shall be made apart Reviewed manual for policy. of that employee?s personnel ?le. 'Compliance? Written El Sight [1 Verbal 501 KAR 3:050 Physical Plant. 22. Public Entrance: The purpose of this entrance shall be to divert Physical inspection of area to ensure the general public from the security area of the jail and from contact compliance. with incoming prisoners. This area shall be the loCation for the 22. Continued. - I. . general public-to conduct their business at the jail. If the vestibule is used for outside'entrance, at least the outer entry door shall be remotely operated. The following design features shall?be incorporated: l- - Provide a clear view ofthis entrance from the control room by means of direct surveillance or closed circuit Meet the requirements for handicapped persons; Compliance El Written Sight El Verbal- 23. Service Entrance: The purpose of this entrance shall be to Physical inspection of area to ensure provide access to service vehicles and delivery trucks with minimum compliance. security risks. It shall be located in close proximity to storage rooms and the kitchen area..Wh'en the vestibule is used for outside entrance, at least the outer entry door shall be remotely operated. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal- . 24. Prisoner Entrancez' The purpose of this entrance shall be to Physical inspection of area to ensure 4 provide secure and controlled. access to the jail for prisoners. If the compliance. - vestibule is used for outside entrance, at least the outer entry door shall be remotely operated. The entrance shall be serviced by covered drive through sallyport located adjacent to the jail intake area, and made secure by electronically or manually operated doors for entrance and exit, or a secure walk?in vestibule and shall incorporate the following design features: Be located adjacent to the booking area; Be monitored from the control room; (0) Be free of steps or other obstacles; Be protected from inclement weather; Have a security penal type pistol locker in the sall'yport or vestibule; and Hardwareand equipment shall be of approved penal type. Compliance [3 Written Sight Verbal '25. Exits: An opening in the security perimeter shall be secured with Physical inspection of area to ensure ?a penal device. Fireexits, if possible, shall open into controlled, compliance.- secured courts or exercise areas. Compliance [3 Written Sight El Verbal 26. Administrative Areas: Administrative areas shall provide space Physical inspection of area to ensure outside the secured area of the jail for the housing of administrative compliance. of?ces and to accommodate the public. Administrative areas shall contain the following additional areas: 26. Continued. Waiting Area: This area shall provide space for the general Public whicih is protected from inclement weather. This area shall have ADA compliant toilet facilities for both male and female persons and drinking fountains in new jails; Visiting Area, public side: This area shall provide for private communication with prisoners and be located in close proximity to the waiting area. At shall be provided. administrative function of the jail; Entrance to security area: The purpose is to provide secure access to the security area, be penal type, and access shall be controlled from the security area. Sight El Verbal Compliance Written SECURITY AREAS: 27. Booking Area: The purpose is All equipment shall be penal type. This area shall be designed for different classes of prisoners. Design features for this area shall include: Close proximity to a secure area for storage of prisoner personal property; Close proximity to an area for showering, searching a prisoner and which ensures privacy for the prisoner; Close proximity to Located in a manner temporary holding to be monitored by a control room. Compliance [1 Written Sight Verbal 28. Detoxi?cation Area: The purpose shall be to provide an area to separate intoxicated prisoners from the general prisoner population. Design features shall include: . sof?t; (0) One (1) concrete slab thirty (30) inches wide by seventy-two (72) inches long by four prisoner; A penal commode/lavatory and a ?ush ?oor drain controlled least 1 ADA compliant space (0) Of?ce Area: This area shall be of sufficient space to house the to provide a private and separate. area, properly equipped to carry out admission and release procedures. Close proximity to an area for photography and ?ngerprinting; delousing, and strip and detoxi?cation cells; A minimum of no less than (50) square feet per prisoner; A minimum of no less than eight (8) feet deck height including (4) inches high for each . from outside the cell; Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. Physical inspectionof area to ensure compliance. 28. Continued. A bubble? The fixtur Deck, wall light. Compliance Compliance 30. Diversion Detention No less th and door; Each surface inside the Sharp edges and protrusi (11) Each horizontal surface (one fourth of an in The protruding corners (except at deck) shall be coved; approved masonry,- Each detoxification ce fixtures capable of with a nightlight cap ab Twenty-fiv Size of no (15) Eight (8) fe One penal bench per rated capacity; Allequipment shall be penal type; One (1) penal type lavatoiy/commode; f) One (1) penal type light twenty (20) fo ot?c Decks, approved masonry, features and requirements shall. with a minimum size of fifty Total rated capacity One (1) commo (l 1) to twenty (2 rated capacity 0 At least one (1) water fountain shal A phone system shall be available for use by prisoners; Construction shall be fir Furnishings shall net inc type drinking fountain; es and equipment shall be penal type; area shall be smooth, ?ush, an ons; (the bunk and the floor) sh ch to the foot) to the floor drain; 3, surfaces of the wall base and fluors shall be of concrete or steel construction; ll shall have sufficient penal type candles of light roviding twenty (20) foot- candles of le of providing five (5) foot? Written Sight El Verbal 29 Secure Holding Area: The purpos temporaiy detention which shall not exc Design features shall include: of this area shall be for eed eighteen (18) hours. (25) square feet per rated capacity; minimum less than fifty (5 0) square feet; et deck height; ?xture capable of providing andies of light; and - walls, surfaces of wall bases and floor shall be of concrete, or steel construction. D.Written Sight Verbal ding Area: If a diversion holding area is provided, 01 include: in this area shall not exceed eighteen (18) hours; an twenty? (5 0) square feet; not to exceed twenty?four- (24) persons; de and lavatory for a rated capacity of eleven 0), or three (3) commo twenty?one (21) or more; lbe lo?ated in area; e?rated with penal har lude beds but chairs and tables per (1 free of all be sloped ?ve (25) square feet per rated capacity; des and lavatories for a dware, Windows Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. 30. Continued rated capacity and shall be ?re?rated; Unobstructed view into area shall be provided; Areas shall have constant surveillance; If prisoners housed in area during normal meal times, they shall be fed. Meals may be hot or cold. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal 31. Policy and procedure shall set forth criteria for placement of Reviewed manual for policy. - prisoners in the diversion holding area. Compliance Written - Sight Verbal 32. Medical Exam Area: The purpose of this room shall be to - Physical inspection of area to ensure provide a separate and secure area for medical examinations and compliance. . rendering of medical treatment. If medical services are provided outside the jail, the jail shall have a secure area for storage of medication and medical equipment. Design features shall include: Minimum dimension shall be no less than one hundred (100) feet; (13) Minimum deck height that is eight (8) feet including sof?ts; One (1) lavatory or counter sink; One (1) work counter; Secured lockers for medical equipment, medical instruments, medications, bandages, etc., secured to the ?oor or walls, or a secure closet; One (1) or more medical examination tables; Electrical power outlets shall be provided in this room. At least one outlet shall be connected to an emergency power source; . All decks, walls, and ?oors shall be approved masonry, concrete or steel construction. . One (1) bathroom with commercial grade ?xtures. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 33. Visiting Area; prisoner side: The purpose shall be to provide Physical inspection of area to ensure secure and private visitation for the prisoners. All equipment and compliance. furnishings shall be penal type and permanently attached. At least one area shall be ADA compliant. . Compliance Written Sight El Verbal 34. Conference Room: Thepurpose of this room shall be to provide Physical inspection of area to ensure space for con?dential conferences between prisoners and lawyers, counselors, clergy, etc. Design features shall include: - compliance. '10 i 34. Continued - . (3.) Doors, windows, and light ?xtures shall be penal type; Walls, ?oors, and decks, shall be approved masonry, concrete or steel construction; (0) Furnishings shall be non?combustible/nontoxic as approved by the department. Compliance Written Sight [j Verbal 35. Multi?Purpose Room: The purpose of this area shall be? to Physical inspection of area to ensure provide space for assembly of prisdners for specific program compliance. activities. Design features shall include: Doors, windows, and light ?xtures shall be penal type; Walls, ?oors, and deck shall be of approved masonry, concrete Or steel construction; . - - Furnishings shall be non?combustible/nonntoxic as approved by the department; . This area shall allow at least twenty??ve (25) square feet per prisoner in an area with no less than twO hundred finy (250) square feet except as noted in 501 KAR 3:050 The deck shall be of approved construction Compliance El Written Sight El Verbal 36. Outdoor Recreation: The purpose of this area shall be to provide Physical inspection of area to ensure secure outdoor space for recreational activities. This area shall allow compliance. at least thirty??ve (3 5) square feet per prisoner in an area with a minimum of three hundred eighty-five (3 85) square feet. At least part of the area shall be covered. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal 37. Kitchen: The purpose of this area shall be to provide suf?cient Physical inspection of area to ensure space and equipment for- preparing meals for the maximum rated capacity of the jail. Design features shall include: compliance. Commercial type stoves and refrigeration units; Doors and windows will be penal type; Walls, ?oors, decks will be approved ?re rated masonry, concrete or steel?construction. Compliance with the Retail Food Code, 902 KAR 45:005. compliance Written Sight. El Verbal 38. Control Room: The purpose of this area shall be to control all Physical inspection of area andcomponents to movement of prisoners within the jail and trafsecurity area. Also, this area shall be the hub for operations within the ensure compliance. 11 38.. Continued . . Doors and win?doWs shall be of penal type; . Walls, ?oors, and deck shall be approved masonry, concrete or. I steel construction; . (0) Audio and video monitors shall be located in this area; Gauges, indicators, and alarms shall be located inthis area; Central control panels shall be located in this area; and This area shall permit visual observation of all corridors, entrances, and exits under its supervision. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal Physical inspection of components to ensure 39. When jail personnel are not within normal hearing distance of compliance. prisoners, an audio communication system shall be installed to allow jail personnel to communicate with prisoners. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 40. A panic button, jail personnel call station or portable Physical inspection of components to ensure communication device shall be installed or available in corridors and compliance. jail personnel observation areas, which shall sound an alarm in the control center in an emergency situation. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 41. Con?nement Areas: The purpose of these areas shall be to Physical inspection of area to ensure provide suitable living conditions for all types of prisoners lodged in compliance. the jail. Design features for all living. areas shall include: Sufficient natural or arti?cial light to provide twenty (20) foot candles of light with a nightlight capable, of providing ?ve (5) foot candles of light; Ventilation to meet air exchange as required in the Kentucky Department of 'Correction?s I ail Construction, Expansion and Renovation Guidelines. Temperature ranges within comfort zones (65 Degrees 85 Degrees I Approved masonry, concrete or steel construction; All furnishings and equipment shall be penal type and permanently attached; Floor drains that service each living area; . . An approved securable food pass where appropriate and approved by the division jail consultants. Electrical outlets that if provided are ground?faulted or have ground-fault circuit breakers; and . receptacle and switch plate covers shall be penal type. - compliance Written Sight Verbal 12 ?42. All cell and housing area design features shall include: Prisoner living areas shall be equipped with the security hardWare to meet the security requirements of the p?risoner(s) housed in the area; Depending on the size of the jail, at least one living area shall .1 be de?signed as high security and be equipped'with asafety vestibule to enter the living area. Compliance Written Sight I: Verbal ize of the jail, one (1) male, one (1) female, 43. Depending on the 3 provided. and one (1) medical isolation cell shall be. Compliance [3 Written Sight El Verbal I . 44. All cells shall open into a dayroom and no cell shall be less than seventy (70) square feet. No cell shall have more thantwo (2) penal type bunks. When two (2).persons are housed in a cell, they shall not be detained in the cells for longer periods than twelve (12) hours, except in emergency situations. When the vestibule is used at a cell area, at least the inner door shall be remotely operated. - Sight El Verbal Compliance Written 45. Each cell shall contain: A penal type commode, lavatory and drinking fountain, penal Type bunks secured to ?oor and/ or wall, penal type table with I two (2) seats and penal type storage area for personal property. A penal type light ?xture with controls inaccessible to prisoners unless it has staff override. Verbal Compliance Sight Written a 46. The jail shall provide living spacefor low security prisoners including work release and community service workers. This area shall be either cells opening into a dayroom or acombination of this and multiple occupancy dorms. If dorms are used, they shall include: Forty (40) square feet per. prisoner; - One (1) commode/lavatory/ drinking fountain per ten (10) prisoners; one (1) urinal may be substituted for each commode in male areas, but in no instance shall the commodes be reduced to less than one-half the number required. . One (1) shOWer per twenty (20) prisoners; Suf?cient tables and benches to housed in the dorm;- handle the numb er of prisoners Physical inspection of area to ensure 4 compliance. The original design of the jail does not . provide ample space to designate such areas. Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. Physical inspection of area to ensure compliance. 13 46. Continued 1 I One (1) penaltype storage area for personal property per prisoner; . . One (1) penal type bunk to the ?oor or wall per prisoner. Compliance Written Sight Verbal Physical inspection of area to ensure 47. Each day room area shall contain: compliance. Thirty??ve (3 5) square feet per prisoner; One (1) commode per ten (10) prisOners; One (1) urinal may be substituted for each commode in male areas but in no instance shall the com? modes be reduced to less than one?half the number required. One (1) lavatory per ten (10) prisoners;- One (1) drinking fountain per twenty (20) prisoners; One (1) shower per twenty (20) prisoners; Table and benches per rated capacity with space twenty-four (24) inches Wide and twelve (12) 1nches deep per prisoner. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal 591 Security; Control. 48. The jailer shall develop a written policy and procedure governing Reviewed manual for policies. the security aspects of the jail operations. Ifrequested in writing, the department shall provide technical assistance to the jailer in formulating written policy and procedure. These policy and procedures shall include but not be limited to: Prisoner rules; Staf?ng; . (0) Searches of prisoner and of secure areas; Visitation; Key and weapon control; Prisoner head?counts; Surveillance checks; Emergency situations; ail schedule; Administering medication. Compliance i Written Sight El Verbal 49. I ail personnel shall conduct and document direct, in-person Reviewed policies and inspected records. surVeillance of each prisoner on an irregular schedule, at least every sixty (60) minutes. Compliance Written Sight Verbal . . 14 onduct and document direct inupers on 50. ail personnel shall 0 (20) minutes on the following classes of surveillance ever twenty prisoners: Suicidal; Mentally or emotionally disturbed if housed in a single cell;- In detox cells; I Juveniles, if housed in. the jail; Mental inquest detainees. Compliance Written Sight- Verbal 51. There shall be at least three (3) documented prisoner counts every twenty-four (24) hours during which each prisoner?s physical presence, by show of skin or movement, shall be observed. At least one (1) count shall be conducted per shift. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 52. Each jailer shall establish a procedure for inspecting all facility areas accessible to prisoners for contraband and physical security at least weekly: . Isolated security spot checks for contraband shall be conducted daily. I Items considere Shallbe clearly There shall be a written procedure irregularities. Written Sight Verbal as contraband or items permitted in the jail de?ned in the jail rules; for reporting security Compliance chemical agent, related security 4 equipment, or object which may be used as a weapon, shall not be permitted in the security area unless authorizedby the jailer. Firearms shall not be permitted in the security area unless authorized by the jailer, under emergency circumstances. - i . Compliance [3 Written Sight Verbal 54. If a weapon, ammunition, 'chemical agent or related security equipment is not being carried or used, as authorized by the jailer, it shall be stored in an arsenal, vault or other secure room under look. This area shall be inaccessible to all unauthorized persons; There shall be a written procedure for issuing and accounting for all weapons. E1 Written Sight Verbal - 53. A- weapon, ammunition, Compliance Reviewed policies and inspected records. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with Reviewed policies and inspected records. Reviewed policies and spoke with staff regarding searches in the living areas. staff about weapons. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff regarding weapons storage. 15 55. All security devices and safety equipment shall be inspected and documented they are maintained in proper working order. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 56. All tools, toxic, corrosive, and ?ammable substances, and other potentially dangerous supplies and equipment shall be stored in a secure locked area located outside'the security perimeter of the confinement area. - Written Sight Verbal Compliance 57. Tools, supplies, and equipment which are hazardous shall be used direct supervision of ail personnel. El Sight by prisoners only under the Compliance . Written Verbal 58. A prisoner may be assigned the responsibilities of providing prisoner services such as providing meals under the direct supervision of ail personnel; however, at no time shall a prisoner be assigned to a position of authority over other prisoners. Prisoners shall never be permitted to perform or assist in any security duties. Sight Verbal Compliance - Written 59. Trustees: At no time shall a trusty have access to. or control of weapons; At no time shall an unsupervised trusty be permitted in either a program, support, or housing area with prisoners of the opposite sex; (0) At no time shall an prisoner trusty be permitted in either a program, support, or housing area with juvenile prisoners. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 60. Jails with work release or community service programs shall establish special control procedures to minimize contact between prisoners with work release privileges and other prisoners. Compliance Written - Sight Verbal Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff regarding weapons storage. Visual observation revealed potentially dangerous supplies and equipment are stored. outside of security perimeter, and all other items are inaccessible to prisoners. Reviewed manual for policies. Reviewed manual for policies and spoke with staff members. - ff Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff members. Community service and other prisoners are kept separate through housing assignments. 61. A prisoner shall be searched in accordance with the guidelines established in 501 KAR 3: 120, if entering or leaving the'security - perimeter. Compliance Written El Sight El Verbal Reviewed manual for policies. ?16 be developed for transporting outside the 62. Written procedures shall jail, and shall identify training require permitted to transport any prisoner. Written Sight Verbal d'before jail personnel is Compliance licies and procedures 63. Each jailer shall?develop written po including restraint chairs.? governing the use of physical restraints Compliance Written Sight El Verbal unattended. 64. No prisoner placed in physical restraints shall be 1e Compliance Written Sight El Verbal ontrol procedures which shall include: I 65. All jails shall have key?c A key control center which is secure and inaccessible to unauthorized persons at all times An accounting procedure for issuing and returning keys; (0) A procedure for immediate reporting and repairing of any broken or malfunctioning key or lockduplicate keys to be maintaine place; . No prisoner shall be permitted to handle keys used to operate jail security locks. . Keys operating locks to outside doors or gates shall not be permitted in the security area. g) Emergency keys and keys to critical security. areas shall only be issued in 'accordanCe with written procedures established by thejailer; Precautions similar to those outlined above shall be taken to ensure the security of all non?key operated locking devices such . as electrical switches or lever-s. Locks to outside exits shall be in a separate, secure keyed differently from interior locks. Locks to the control room sliall be keyed differently from all other locks. X4 Written Sight Verbal Compliance daily jail log shallbe kept 66. Daily Jail Lo g/ Special Reports: A in the jail. Special current and reflect all _signi?cant occurrences with reports shall include: (1) Use of force; (2) Disciplinary actions; (3) Medical or mental health treatment; (4) Feeding schedule and menus; (5) Extraordinary occurrences; Fires. lL/f/r/I . 17 Reviewed manual for policies. 4 Reviewed manual. for policies.- Reviewed manual for policies. Reviewed manual for policies and inspected . logs. Reviewed manual for policies and inspected . logs. 66. Continued Assaults. Suicide or attempted suicide. - Escape or attempted escape. (6) Prisoner vandalism; Destruction of ail property. Flooding of plumbing ?xtures. (7) Jail personnel roster for each shift (8) Visitors log Compliance Written El Sight El Verbal 501 KAR 3:070 Safety, Emergency Procedures. 67. Each jail shall have Written policies and procedures that specify ?re prevention practices to provide for the safety of prisoners, visitors, and jail employees. The policy shall include: A ?re emergency planning session for jail employees at least quarterly; Maintaining written documentation of ?re planning sesSions including evacuation, ?re drills and other procedures covered during the session; . I a A fire safety inspection by the department at least once a year; Inspection and testing of ?re protection equipment by quali?ed persons at least annually with visual inspections by jail - employees All county jails that house state prisoners shall be tobacco free; (if) An evacuation plan coordinated with local ?re of?cials, and approved by. the department. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 68. Each jail shall have written policy and procedures for emergency situations including: Escapes; Taking of hostages; Riots; Food poisoning; . Civil disturbances in the community; Natural disasters; Suicides; Other deaths and disorder. Mass evacuation disaster plan. Compliance Written [3 Sight Verbal 18 anual for policies and inspected logs. Last emergency planning session was conducted on May 2, 2013. Reviewed 111 Reviewed manual for policies.- 69. Each jail shall have equipment necessary to maintain essential lights, power, HVAC and communications in an emergency situation. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 70. In all areas where a prisoner may be con?ned, each jail shall be provided with an emergency smoke control system activated by smoke detectors and be operated by emergency power. Inspection and testing of the smoke centrol system shall be, conducted by a quali?ed person at least annually. Verbal Compliance Written Sight 71. Fire Alarm System: Approved (manual automatic) ?re alarm system throughout . entire building which meets the Kentucky Building Code; Fire alarm system provides 100% coverage; (0) Standby power for ?re alarm system; Approved (heat smoke) detection devices; Certi?cation available in writing that ?re alarm is in proper working order. (Yearly certi?cation). IZI Written Sight Verbal- Compliance 72. Electrical: Branch circuits are properly fused; ExpoSed wiring in good order; (0) Exposed wiring properly protected; Electrical outlets in good repair; . Extension cords used properly and of proper length. Sight Verbal Compliance Written 73. Exits: Allexit corridors a minimum one hour ?re resistance, including openings into corridors; Approved second means of egress; (0) Exit doors hung in direction of exit travel; 'Fire door assemblies are installed properly; Exit doors are unobstructed; Approved outside stairs; Adequate spacmg in corridors and Stairways other obstructions; with no storage or 19 . . Observed emergency generator which automatically operates weekly. Generator was last serviced in March 2013. Smoke evac system inspected and tested on 5? '21?13. Paperwork will be forwarded upon receipt. Fire alarm inspected on 5?21?13. Paperwork will be forwarded upon receipt. Inspected referenced electrical components in the facility. Inspected referenced components in the facility. 73. Continued Enclose open stairways in accordance with the Kentucky Building Code; Smoke partition and door every 300 feet in exit corridor. [1 Written Sight 7 Verbal . . 74. Exit Signs: Compliance Illuminated exit signs over all required exits; Exit signs in? approved working order; - Directional exit signs indicating direction 'of traVeI to exit. Compliance Written Sight Verbal . 75. Fire Extinguisher: . Facility has adequate fire extinguishers in appropriate area; Fire extinguishers are mounted properly; (0) Fire extinguishers are inspected and/or recharged as required. Documented checks of ?re extinguishers are made Compliance Written 'Sight' [:IVerbal Inspected referenced components in the - facility. Exit sign in the sallyport was inoperable on the day of the inspection. Inspected referenced components in the . facility; Professionally inspected in- March 2013 . Staff inemb ers inspect extinguishers 76. General: Waste material properly stored; . Grounds maintained free of obstruction; (0) Equipment properly vented. Sight Written Compliance Verbal 77. Hazardous Materials: No hazardous (combustible materials) stored in facility; Approved ran ge-hood over kitchen appliance with proper ventilation and approved extinguishing system; Boiler inspected. Current certi?cation available. Sight Verbal Compliance Written Inspected referenced items in the facility. Range-hood inspected on May 21, 2013. Paperv'vork will be forwarded upon receipt. The boiler certi?cation valid until November 20 1 3 . 78.- Sprinkler Systems: Approved sprinkler system in facility; Annual certi?cation available in writing that sprinkler system is in proper working order. Compliance Written Sight El Verbal Sprinkler system scheduled for inspection on 5-23 ?13. Paperwork will be forwarded upon receipt. 20 501 KAR 3:030 Sanitation/Hygiene. Compliance Compliance i Written includes but is not limited to: I A schedule for periodic inspection an mechanical equipment. Compliance Written Compliance optional. Bedding shall include: One (1) mattress. (0) Two (2) sheets. One (1) pillow case if applicable. the following schedule: whichever is sooner; prior to reissue to the next prisoner. Written Sight 7 . 80. The jail shall provide for both solid and liquid waste disposal. Liquid and solid waste disposal is provided. El Sight 81. The jailer shall have a written preventative maintenance plan that Inspected manual for policies. ?it 84., Prisoner bedding shall be cleaned on a re 79. The jailer shall provide for the control of vermin and pests. Pest control is conducted frequently at the Verbal Verbal A cleaning schedule for various locations and items in the jail. A schedule for inspections by the jailer. A schedule for trash and garbage removal; 01 maintenance of speci?c Sight . Verbal 82. The jail shall be clean and in an orderly condition. Written Sight Verbal 83. The jail shall furnish clean sanitized bedding to prisoners except in holding areas and unless it is determined to be detrimental to a particular prisoner. Issuance of bedding in detoxi?cation cells is One (1) blanket, when conditions require. One (1) pillow, if not part of the mattress; and 1 Compliance . Written Sight Verbal Sheets, pillowcaSes, and mattress cover shall be cleaned at least once per week and cleaned prior to reissu Blankets shall be laundered upon re?issue or quarterly, Mattresses and pillows shall be cleaned quarterly and cleaned Compliance Written Sight Verbal 2'1 gular basis according to to the next prisoner; facility. The facility is clean and orderly. All prisoners are provided these items. The facility has a laundry scheduled and items are cleaned at?least twice per week. 85. Eachprisoner shall be issued a clean jail uniform and towel upon admission to a prisoner living area. I ail uniforms and towels shall be laundered at least twice weekly and laundered prior to reissue to the next prisoner. Prisoners shall not be required to be without a clean uniform or towel while laundry is being processed. Compliance [3 Written Sight Verbal 86. All ?oors, toilets and sinks in the jail shall be cleaned daily or more often as necessary. Compliance Written - Sight Verbal 87. All showers shall be cleaned on at least a weekly basis. Sight Verbal Compliance Written 88. All prisoners assigned to prisoner living areas shall be issued or permitted to obtain the following hygiene items: Soap; Toothbrush; Toothpaste; Toilet paper; Female sanitary supplies. (if applicable) indigent prisoners shall be furnished these items by the jail. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 89. All prisoners shall be permitted to shave a minimum of two times per week. No communal razor shall be used. El Sight Verbal Compliance Written 90.. Hair cutting services or sanitized hair cutting equipment shall be available to all prisoners. Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 91. All prisoners shall be provided shower facilities within twenty? four (24) hours of admissions. Prisoners shall be permitted to shower daily. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 92. All prisoners in the jail shall be provided with hot and cold running water in showers and lavatories. Prisoners are provided with a uniform and Prisoners clean the showers daily. Prisoners are permitted to obtain hygiene Prisoners are allowed to shower daily and new towel, which are laundered twice per week. Prisoners clean daily. items from the canteen. Policy and Procedure allows for prisoners to shave daily. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff concerning haircutting procedures. intake prisoners are given the opportunity to shower within 24 hours. . . All living areas have functional showers and lavatories that provide hot and cold running water. Sight Verbal El Written 22 Compliance 501 KAR 3:090 Medical Services. . 93. The jail?s medical services .shall be provided by contracting with a Kentucky licensed health care provider. Compliance I Written Sight Verbal . . 94. The medical authority shall be a licensed practical nurse (LPN), a higher level of licensed'nurse, a licensed medical doctor, or licensed doctor of osteopathy. Telehealth services may be used, except for mental health evaluations for involuntary commitments pursuant to KRS Chapter 202A. Compliance Written El Sight [1 Verbal 95. The healthcare staff shall not be restricted by the jailer in the performance of their duties except to adhere to the jail?s security requirements. Written Sight Verbal 96. All health care staff working inthe jail shall comply with state licensure and certi?cate requirements commensurate with health care personnel working elsewhere in the community. Copies of such licenses and certi?cates for health care staff employed by the jail shall i be maintained on file within the jail. . Compliance Compliance Written Sight [3 Verbal 97. A- daily medical log shall be maintained documenting speci?c medical treatment rendered in the jail. This log shall be kept current to the preceding hour. Sight Verbal Compliance Written . i . . 98. Prisoners shall not perform any medical functions within the jail. Compliance Written [3 Sight Verbal 99. Prisoners shall be informed verbally and in writing at the time of admission the methods of gaining access to medical care within the jail. Compliance Written Sight Verbal The jail employs a full time LPN through their Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with 23 Medical services are contracted with Advanced Health Care.? medical services provider. staff members. Licenses are maintained on ?le at the jail. Medical logs are maintained at the facility. Reviewed manual for policy; All arrestees receive a documented medical screening. procedures shall be performed according to or cal authority. El Sight I I: Verbal 100. All medical issued by the responsiblemedi . Compliance Written 6 performed their admission to the jail and before The findingsof this medical form approved by 1y shall include but a 101. Medical screening shall all prisoners upon their placement in prisoner living areas. 11 be recorded on a printed screening screening sha the medical authority. The medical screening inqui not be limited to: personnel 0 sses and health problems; taken and special health requirements; designated by ,the medical Current illne Medications (0) Screening of other health problems authority; BehaVioral observation, status; Notation of be Jaundice, case 0 characteristics; Condition of skin and infestations; . Disposition and referral of prisoners to quali?ed medical personnel on an emergency basis. Sight Verbal state of consciousness and mental es, markings, bruised, lesions, dy deformiti inguishin movement, and other dist ody orifices, including rashes and Compliance written 102. Sick call conducted by the medical authority shall be available to each prisoner as follows: Facilities with 100 prisoners or less hold sick call one (1) days per week, at a minimum; Facilities with 101 to 200 prisoners hold sick call two (2) days per Week, at a minimum; Facilities with 201 to 300 prisoners A per Week, at a minimum; and Facilities with more than 300 prisoners 5 four (4) days per vveek, at a minimum Sight hold sick call three (3) days hall hold sick call Compliance . Written Verbal er?s medical ?le shall be medical record shall be separate records of the jail. 103. Access to the prison medical authority and the jailer. The from custody and other administrativ Sight Verbal Compliance Written 24- ders the receiving jail controlled by the Reviewed manual for policy. All arr-estees receive a documented medical screening. Sick call is conducted daily at the facility by an LPN. The doctor is at the facility at least once eve1y per week. Reviewed records and policies for compliance and spoke with staff. 104. The jail shall follow informed consent standards in the community for prisoner care. Written Sight Ij Verbal 105. The jailer cii?designee shall notify the Coroner, if a prisoner dies while in the jail? custody, to allow for a post mortem examination pursuant to KRS 72.025. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 106-. In accordance with KRS 71.13 0, the jail shall have a written policy and procedure establishing conditions under which a prisoner will be tested for infectious diseases. Written Sight Verbal 107. The jailer shall have written delousing procedures. Compliance Compliance Compliance Written Sight 108. The jail shall have ?rst-aid kits available at all times. Sight Verbal Compliance Written Verbal 109. Any prisoner who has been prescribed treatment by a recognized medical authority and cannot receive that treatment in the jail shall be moved to another confinement facility which can provide the treatment, or may be moved to a hospital. When emergency care is needed it shall be provided. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 110. .Jailer?s shall report suicides or attempted suicides that constitute a serious health situation to the department within twenty?four (24) hours. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 111. Each jail shall have written policy and procedure outlining jail personnel response to? detainees who are at 1'1le for suicide or have attempted or completed suicide. Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 25 Reviewed. manual for policy. Reviewed manual for policy. I Reviewed manual for policy. 7 Reviewed manual for policy. First aid kits are available and stocked. Reviewed manual for policy. Reviewed manual for policy. Practice indicates all major suicide attempts and completed suicide attempts are reported within 24 hours to the Department. Reviewed manual for policy. 501 KAR 3:100 Food service. 112. Except as provided by paragraph of this Subsection, prisoners shall receive three (3) meals per day, one (1) of which shall be hot. Not more than fourteen (14) hours shall elapse between any two (2) meals.? The jailer may elect to?provide only two (2) meals on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, if both meals still meet the minimum 2,400 caloriesper day. If the jailer elects to serve only two (2) meals, more than sixteen (16) hours shall not elapse between any two (2) meals. Written Sight Verbal 113. The jailer shall provide for religious diets after review and approval of a religious authority. Written 5 [:lSight EVerbal 114. The jailer shall provide for medical diets where prescribed by a medical authority. Compliance Compliance Written Sight Verbal 115. The jailer shall maintain accurate records of all meals served. compliance Compliance Written Sight Verbal 116. Food shall not be used for disciplinary purposes. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 117. A nutritionist or dietitian shall approve the nutritional value of the jail menu on an annual basis. Written Sight Verbal Compliance 118. staff member shall directly supervise the preparation and serving of food within the jail. Written Sight El Verbal 119. The jail shall have suf?cient cold and dry food storage areas. Compliance Compliance, El Written Sight El Verbal Prisoners are served at least one hot meal per day and there are no more than 14 hours between any meals. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with 1 staff. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with - staff. Review ed manual for policy and spoke with staff. - by a dietician in February Menulast approved daily calorie 2013. Meals meet the minimal requirements. Staff members supervise prisoners that assist in preparation and serving of food. Inspected dry and cold storage areas. 26 - 120. The jailer or his designee shall inspect the food service area daily. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 121. Canteen food items purchased by prisoners may be stored or I prepared in reasonable amounts that do not pose a threat to the health or security of the institution. 122. Food: Source, Origina Compliance sound condition, no spoilage; 1 container; properly labeled. Compliance [3 Written Sight Verbal 123. Food Protection: Potentially hazardous food meets temperature requirements during storage, preparation, display, service transportation; Facilities to maintain product temperature; A Thermometers provided and conspicuous; Potentially hazardous food properly thawed; Unwrapped and potentially hazardous food not reserved; (15) Food protection during storage, preparation, display service, transportation; I Handling of food (ice) minimized; In use, food (ice) dispensing utensils properly stored. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 124. Personnel: Personnel with infections restricted; . Hands washed and clean, good hygienic practices; (0) Clean clothes, hair restraints. Compliance I: .Written Sight Verbal 125. Food Equipment Utensils: I Food (ice) contact surfaces designed, constructed, maintained, installed and located properly; Non-food contact, surfaces design installed and located properly; (0) Dishwashing facilities designed, constructed, maintained, installed, located and operated properly; ed, constructed, maintained, a. daily. Staff members inspect the kitchen are Prisoner property, to include canteen items, is limited; . Visually veri?ed condition of foods in storage. Visually veri?ed condition of foods in storage; Temperatures were within range; Thermometers were in appropriate places. Personnel and trustees appeared to be within I compliance. Visually (veri?ed condition of equipment and utensils; test kits are on site and the chemicals are tested by an independent source I frequently. Accurate thermometers, chemical test kits provided, gauge cock IPS value); . A27 125. Continued Pie??ushed, scraped soaked; Wash rinse water clean, proper temperature; time, equipment, utensils sanitized; Wiping clothes clean, use restricted; abrasives, detergents; Storage, handling of clean equipment/utensils; Single?service articles, storage dispensing; (in) No re-use of single service articles. Compliance 126. Water: Water source, safe, hot and cold under pressure. Written Sight Compliance 127 . Sewage: I . Sewage and waste water disposal. Compliance [1 Written Sight 128. Plumbing; Installed, maintained; Cross?connection, back siphonage, back?ow. El 'Written Sight Compliance 129. Toilet and Handwashing Facilities: - devices provided, proper waste receptacles. Compliance Written Sight 130. Garbage and Refuse Disposal: insect/rodent proof, frequency, clean; controlled incineration. Written Sight Sanitizing rinse clean, temperature, concentration, exposure Food-contact surfaces of equipment andute?nsils clean, free of Non-food contact surfaces ,of equipment/utensils clean; Verbal Verbal Verbal Number, convenient, accessible, designed, installed; (13) Toilet rooms enclosed, self~closing doors, ?xtures, good repair, clean, hand cleaners, sanitary towels, tissues, hand drying Verbal Containers or receptacles, covered, adequate number, Outside storage area enclosures properly constructed, clean, compliance Verbal 28 Hot and cold water were both operable with adequate water pressure. Sewage and waste water appear to be properly disposed. Plumbing appears to hem working condition. Toilet and hand washing facilities are well maintained. Garbage and refuse disposal areas are well maintained. Animal Control: I 131. Insect, Rodent, penings prote Presence of insects/rodents - outer turtles, other animals. Written Sight Verbal cted, no birds, Compliance 132. Floors, Walls and Decks: Floors: constructed, drained, clean, good repair, installation, dust-less cleaning methods; Walls, deck, attached equipment: constructed,vgood repair, cleansurfaces, dustless cleaning methods. El Written Sight [3 Verbal . Compliance 133 . Lighting: Lighting provided as required, ?xtures shielded. Compliance El Written . Sight Verbal ited as required. . 134. Ventilation: Rooms and equipment ve1 Verbal Compliance Written Sight .135. Dressing Rooms: Rooms clean, lockers provided, facilities clean, located. . Not Applicable Written Sight El Verbal 136. Other Operations: Toxic items properly Premises maintained free of litter, cleaning maintenance equipment properly store personnel; Complete separation. from living/sleeping quarters, laundry; Clean, soiled linen' properly stored. A [3 Written Sight Verbal stored, labeled, used; unnecessary articles, d. Authorized Compliance 501 KAR 3:110 Classification. 137. Each jail shall develop an appr system, which shall be included in the dure manual. This classi?cation system 'shal ion of the following categories of prisoners: Male and female prisoners (except in diversion! holding); Mental Inquest detainees and other prisoners; facility?s written policy and proce 1 provide for the . separat No rodents, insects or animals were ch in the kitchen during the inspection. ition. Floors, walls and decks are in good cond opriate prisoner classification other prisoners; - served Lighting ?xtures are in good condition and are properly shielded. Rooms and equipment are properly vented. . Other operations in the kitchen area are in compliance. The jails classi?cation system is outlined in the policy and procedure manual. Mentally ill or mentally retarded prisoners an 29 Chemically incapacitated prisoners and other prisoners; 13,9. Continued - a tendency to harm others, be harmed by others, segregation, and other prisoners; and 1e disease and other prisoners. Verbal Prisoners with or requiring administrative Prisoners with communicab Written Sight categories shall be as follows: Seriousness of current offense; Institutional behavioral history; (0) Special needs; Known criminal history; and Trustees. The jailer or his designee shall base selection of prisoners for trustee status on thefollowing criteria: 1. The nature of the prisoner?s offense and sentence; 2. Previous escape attempts; 3. The prisoner?s ?day?to?day? behavior. Compliance Written Sight Verbal all be reevaluated if the prisoner?s 139. A prisoner?s classi?cation sh status changes based on factors to include the following: Results of a court appearance by the prisoner, such as being sentenced; . Disciplinary hearing and action; (0) Re?evaluation of the prisoner?s condition. hysical, emotional, or mental Compliance Written Sight Verbal 140; The prisoner classi?cation system shall prohibit discrimination A or segregation based upon race, color, creed, or national origin. . Compliance Written 1:1 Sight Verbal 501 KAR 3:120 Admission, Release. on, orientation, and 141. Each jail shall develop written admissi release procedures to be included in the jail?s policy and procedure manual. Compliance - Written El Sight [3 Verbal compliance . 13 8. The criteria to be used in the classi?cation of other prisoner The jails classi?cation system is outlined in the policy and procedure manual. Practice indicates a prisoners' classi?cation is changed once a prisoner status has changed, when necessary and appropriate. The facilities classi?cation system is non? discriminatory. Admission, orientation and release procedures are outlined in the jails policy and procedure manual. 30 142.. Any person in need of emergency medical attention shall not be admitted to the jail until a mediCal examination has been conducted. A denial of admission form shall be completed which lists on duty. Compliance - Written Sight Verbal 143. The jail personnel shall ensure that each prisoner under proper legal authority by a duly authorized officer. Sight Verbal Compliance I Written 144. An intake form shall be completed on eveiy newprisoner admission and shall include, but not be limited to the following: Time and date of commitment; Name, alias and nickname; (0) Official charge; Authority ordering commitment; Unit of government to be billed; Signature and title of arresting or committing of?cer; Date of birth; Race; Sex; Height and weight Current or last known address; (1) Telephone number; Marital status; Spouse or next of kin; . . (0) Emergency contact including name, relation, address and telephone number; 4 I Employer, place of employment and telephone number; Social Security number; diet or other special medical needs); The name of any known person in the jail who might be a threat to the an?estee; and - Mental health history (including past hospitalizations, Comprehensive care treatment, current treatment, and medication). Compliance . Written Sight .Verbal 145. The jail personnel shall conduct searc of prisoners and their possessions: personnel reasonably determine is necessary to protect the. afety of fellow risoners, jail personnel, and institutional- 31 the reasons for the denial and shall be signed by the jail staff member is committed Health status (including current medications, known allergies, Each prisoner shall be searched for contraband in a manner jail The jails policy and procedure manual indicates persons in need of medical attention are denied until a medical examination is conducted. Records inspection indicates all prisoners are committed by duly authorized of?cers. Records inspection indicates prisoner intake forms have the aforementioned information. The jails strip search policies are outlined in their policy and procedure manual. 145. Continued security. search shall be conducted in a private area and in a manner which protects the prisoner?s dignity to such extent as possible in that particular jail. When a strip search is conducted, it' shall be performed by jail Personnel of the same sex as the prisoner. A prisoner may be strip searched only on reasonable suspicion, that is based upon the existence of objective information that may predict the likelihopd of the presence of a weapon, drugs, or other item of contraband concealed on a particular prisoner. The probing of body cavities shall not be done unless there is. reasonable suspicion to believe that the prisoner is carrying contraband in a body cavity and be conducted by a licensed medical professional, acting within his statutory scope of practice, in a privatelocation and under sanitary conditions. Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 146. Each jail shall develop written policies and procedures, specifying Personal property policies are outlined in the the personal property that prisoners may retain in their possession. jails policy and procedure manual. Any cash or personal property which is taken from the prisoner Property receipts are maintained in the Upon admission shall be listed by complete description on a prisoners electronic files. receipt form, and. securely stored pending the prisoner?s release. The receipt shall be signed by the receiving jail personnel and the prisoner and kept for the ail record. Ifthe prisoner is in an inebriated state, is a mental inquest detainee, or is mentally ill or mentally retarded, there shall be at least one (1) witness to verify this transaction. As scion as the prisoner is able to understand and account for his actions, he may sign the receipt. Personal preperty released to a third party shall have the prisoner" signature of approval and the signature receipt of the third party. Compliance Written Sight Verbal . . 147. As soon after assignment as possible, an oral or written Prisoners receive orientation upon intake if orientation shall be made available to each prisoner. The orientation not being released soon after arrival. shall provide the prisoner with information regarding his con?nement including but not limited to the following: - Information pertaining to rising and retiring, meals, mail procedures, work assignments, telephone privileges, visitation, correspondence, comrnissary, medical care, and other matters related to the conditions of the prisoner?s con?nement; Rules of prisoner conduct; Disciplinary procedures; - Information regarding pro grams (work, educational and . 32 i 147. Continued vocational training, counseling, and other social services); and Procedures formaking requests or registering complaints with the jail personnel, judiciary, or Department of Corrections personnel. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 148. Written legal authorization shall be required prior to the release Prisoners are released when proper . or removal of any prisoner from con?nement. authorization to do so is received at the jail. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 149. When a prisoner is released or removed for any legal purpose to Reviewed manual for policy. the custody of another, the identity of the receiving authority shall be veri?ed. Compliance A Written Sight El Verbal 150. A written record shall be kept of the time, purpose, date, and Reviewed manual for policy. authority-for release or removal from con?nement, and into whose custody the prisoner is released or removed. Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 151. Prior to the release or removal of a prisoner, the receiving Reviewed manual for policy. authority shall sign an authorized release form. Compliance Written El Sight El Verbal 152. Before the jailer releases a prisoner to an out?of?state Reviewed manual for policy. jurisdiction, he shall consult with the appropriate prosecutorial of?ce in the county. - Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 153. Any property, not legally con?scated or retained, from the Reviewed manual for policy. priSOner upon admission shall be returned to the prisoner when the prisoner is released. Compliance Written [3 Sight Verbal Property is returned to prisoners upon their release from custody. Records indicate prsioners sign for their returned property. 154. Each prisoner shall sign a receipt for property returned at the time of release. - Compliance Written Sight Verbal QR J/X?f?w?v 155. Any complaint regarding property returned must be submitted in Reviewed manual for policy. writing with speci?c details within twenty?four (24) hours; -- Compliance Written Sight Verbal .501 KAR 3:130 PrisonerPrograms; Services. 156. Written policy and procedure shall provide that prisoner . Reviewed manual for policy. programs and services are available and include, but are not limited to, social services, religious services, recreation and leisure time activities and library services. The jailer shall ensure equal access to programs and services for all prisoners provided the security and order of the jail is not jeopardized. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 157. Written policy and procedure shall provide that tin?sentenced Reviewed manual for policy. Unsentenced prisoners are not required to work except to do personal housekeeping. prisoners may volunteer to work._ Compliance Written Sight Verbal 158. Written policy and procedure shall ensure the constitutional Reviewed manual forpolicy. rights of prisoners to voluntarily practice their own religious activities, subject only to those limitations necessary to maintain the order and security of the jail. As outlined in the religious beliefs and practices manual. Compliance ELWritten El Sight l:l Verbal Reviewed manual for policy. 159. Prisoners shall not be required to attend or participate in religious services or discussion. Compliance Written Sight El Verbal Mfr/- dure? shall provide all prisoners with the Reviewed manual for poliCy. and spoke with- l60. Written. policy and proce staff regarding outdoor recreation. opportunity to participate in at least one (1) hour of physical exercise per day with at least three (3) exercise periods per week outside the cell. There shall be available one (1) hour of outdoor recreation two (2) times per week when weather permits. Prisoners who pose a threat to the safety and security of the jail may be denied outdoor recreation. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 161. Leisure time and recreation programs shall be scheduled to permit Prisoners are provided televisions, books, prisoners to participate in, but not be limited to, such activities as board games, etc. to relieve idleness and boredom. games, arts and crafts, radio and television to relieve idleness and boredom. Compliance El Written Sight Verbal QA [162. The jail shall develop a policy and procedure which encourage the implementation of education programs in the jail. The utilization of community resources in these efforts shall also be encouraged to offset the costs of such pro grams. State prisoners shall be provided the opportunity to attend adult basic education programs and pursue a GED. Programs for State Prisoners. 1. OJT work programs. State prisoners shall be provided the opportunity to participate in OJ work programs in accordance with KRS 441.125. State prisoners who have an approved custody level may be allowed to work 'on community service projects outside the jail when authorized by the jailer. Substance abuse programs. State prisoners shall be provided the opportunity to participate in substance abuse programs including AA or NA. State prisoners who have been determined to have substance abuse problems shall be referred to outpatient treatment, which is available in the community. State prisoners, who are in need of extensive substance abuse treatment and have been referred by the Division of Mental Health, shall be allowed to palticipate in the substance abuse program (SAP), when space is available. Written Sight Verbal Compliance 501 3:140 Prisoner Rights. 163. Each jail shall have. a written statement of prisoner rights which shall address: Access to courts. (13) Access to attorney. (0) Mail. Telephone. Grievances. Search and seizure. Disciplinary procedure. (11) Racial segregation. Medical care. Mental health Religion. care (if available); The statement of prisoner rights shall be made available to all inmates being assigned to general housing units. The prisoner rights may be posted in a conspicuous place, provided in hard?copy format, or provided through closed?circuit television. . Reviewed manual for policy. GED classes, Class Work Program, as well as substance abuse classes are provided to both sexes of - prisoners. Reviewed manual for policy. Prisoners receive a handbook that advises them of their rights. Compliance Written Sight El Verbal as 164. The jailer shall ensure the right of prisoners to have confidential access to their attorney and their authorized representative. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 165. The jailer shall have a written policy which de?nes the jail?s visitation rules which shall include: A schedule identifying no feWer than two (2) visiting days each week, one (1) of which must be during the weekend. At least one (1) visit per week per prisoner shall be allowed except when an prisoner has'been assessed a disciplinary penalty for an infraction of rules governing visitation or the prisoner?s current institutional behavior presents an imminent danger or threat of danger to staff 61' other prisoners. (0) Visits shall not be. less than ?fteen (15) minutes. Two (2) or more persons permitted to visit at the same time . shall count as a single visit. Children, when accompanied by an adult, shall be permitted to visit prisoners. Compliance Written Sight 4 Verbal - Reviewed manual for policy; The jail utilizes an attorney conference room where prisoners meet in private with their attorney. . Reviewed manual for policy. 166. Attorneys, clergy, and healthcare staff shall be permitted to visit prisoners at reasonable hours other than during regularly scheduled visiting hours and shall not count as an allotted visit. El Sight El Verbal Compliance Written Reviewed manual for policy. 167. Visitors shall register before admission and may be denied admission for refusal to register, for refusal to consent to search or for any violation. Compliance Written Sight Verbal Reviewed manual for policy. I 16 8. Prisoners shall not be restricted in regard to whom they may have as a visitor unless the jailer determines that a visitor should be excluded due to the existence of one (1) or more of the following conditions: (1) The visitor represents a clear and present danger to security. (2) The visitor has a past history of disruptive conduct at the jail. (3) The visitor'is under the in?uence of alcohol or drugs. (4) The visitor r?e?rses to submit to search or show proper . identi?cation. (5) The prisoner refuses the visit. Compliance Written Sight Verbal Reviewed manual for policy. QR 169. The jail personnel may monitor the visiting area for security reasons. Compliance Written El Sight 170. The jailer and provides for reasonable security operation of the jail. Sight i Compliance Written with court decisions regarding correspondence. [3 Sight Compliance El Written of the prisoner. Compliance Written DSight (1) hour after arrival, until one (1.) call has Compliance Written Sight calls made by a prisoner shall document the date, Compliance El Written- Sight 175. Written policy complete at least. one Compliance Written .Sight 17l. Prisoners shall be allowed to correspond with anyone so long as such correspondence does not violate any state or federal law except that caution shall be taken to protect the prisoner?s rights in accordance 174. The jailer or his designee shall maintain a log of all telephone during the admission procedure unless those calls are made on a telephone available in the housing area. The log- tirne and party contacted. and record visitor and prisoner conversation. Noti?cation shall be posted in a conspicuous location in Verbal shall have a written policy and procedures for receiving and sending mail that protects the prisoner?s personal rights practices consistent with the . El Verbal Verbal 172. Incoming mail may be inspected for contraband items prior to delivery, unless such mail is received from the courts, or public of?cials. Then it may be opened and inspected in the presence attorney of record 1X1 Verbal 173 . Newly admitted prisoners shall be permitted a reasonable number of local or collect long distance telephone calls to an choice, or to a family member, as soon as practical, generally within one been completed. attorney of their Verbal Verbal and procedure shall permit each prisoner to telephone call each week. Any expense - incurred for calls shall be borne by the prisoner or the party called. Verbal 37 Prisoners and visitors are advised that-their visitation is subject to monitoring. Reviewed manual for policy. Reviewed manual for policy. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff. Reviewed manual fer policy and spoke with staff. RevieWed manual for policy. Telephones are provided in the living areas. . 176. A minimum of ?ve (5) minutes shall be allotted for each phone Reviewed manual for policy. Telephones are provided in the living areas. call.? Compliance El Written Sight Verbal I 177. If calls are monitored, the prisoner shall be noti?ed. . Prisoners are noti?ed that telephone Calls may . be monitored. Compliance Written El Sight Verbal 177. Telephone privileges may be suspended for a esignated period Reviewed manual for policy. A . of time if telephone rules are violated. Compliance 7 Written Sight Verbal 178. The jailer shall have a written prisoner grievance procedure. The Reviewed manual for policy and 'spoke with . procedure shall include provisions for: staff concerning grievances. A response to each written grievance within ten (10) days. Equal access to all prisoners. Equal access for each prisoner. A guarantee against reprisal. Resolution of legitimate complaints. Compliance Written Sight Verbal . 180. Each jail shall have a written policy and procedure for-maintaining Reviewed manual for policy. - discipline which is consistent with constitutional requirements for due process. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 181. Each prisoner shall be afforded access to necessary medical care. Reviewed manual for policy and spoke with staff. - Compliance Written Sight Verbal 501 Training- 182. Jail personnel shall receive a minimum of sixteen (16) hours A random reviewof training records in 1 be provided by the Crimcast indicates staff members received service training'in 2012. . annual in?service training. The training shal department or other instruction approved by the jailer. Jail personnel their annual in? who are assigned to duties within a direct supervision area of facility shall receive forty (40) hours of per?service training related to direct supervision. The training shall be approved by the department. Compliance Written Sight Verbal 38 183. A jail shall maintain cumulative records on the types and hours of training completed annually by jail personnel. The records shall be maintained in a manner so that all of the records for a specific employee may be readily retrieved and shall be entered into the department training records management system. If the training is conducted by the department, the department shall enter and maintain records of the training for the jail personnelin the department?s training records management system. If training is conducted by someone other than the department, jail personnel .who have been trained to enter information into the department training records management system shall enter the training information. Training information shall be entered within ten (10) days of the training being Written Sight Verbal Compliance correctional officers shall have current 184. Deputy jailers an equivalent to that de?ned by the American . training in basic first?ai Red Cross. Compliance Written - Sight . Verbal .185; Deputy jailers and correctional officers shall be trained and certi?ed to perform approved CPR (Cardiopuhninary Resuscitation)._ Written Sight El Verbal Compliance 186. All jail staff, or contract staff who administers medications to prisoners shall be trained in the proper procedures as outlined in the Policy and Procedures Manual. Compliance . Written Sight Verbal 187. All jail staff, with the exception of administrative support staff, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours of mental health Within their ?rst year of service and one (1) additional hour of mental health training each year thereafter. Sight Written Compliance Verbal completed. A jail employee shall have access to his individual record. A random review of records in Crimcast indicates records are being entered in a timely manner. Deputies are certi?ed in both CPR and First Aid. Celtificatiens are valid until January - 20.15. . . Deputies are certi?ed in and First Aid. Certi?cations are valid until January 201 5 . Reviewed manual for policy. ff; Reviewed manual for policy. Staff receive no less than four hours of mental health training Within one year of employment, and no less that one hour every year thereafter. Lge 1 of2 Custody Staff . Male: 29 Full Time: 33 Male: - 0 Full Time: 0 A emale: 22 Pm?: Time: 18 Female: 0 Part Time: 0 INMATE ONFINEMENT AREA . Confinement Area Approximate . Number of Number of NOTES Number Square Footage Beds Inmates MM )137 (Holding Cell) 75 0 0 )etox #143 75 0 1 )etox #144 160 0 1 )etox #145 160 . 0 0 )etox #146 . 160 0 1 \fledieal Isolation #vledieal Isolation #67 75 1 1 Vledieal Isolation #68 75 1 1 . vledieal Isolation #69 75 1 1 isolation Cell #82 75 1 1 isolatiOn Cell #83 7 75 1 1 lsolation Cell #84 75 1 1 lsolation Cell #85 75 1 1 Dorm #89 (State) 410 10. 9 Dorm #90 410 10 8 Dorm #96 410 10 8 Dorm #97 410 10 I 4 Dorm #98 . 410 10 10 Dorm #99 410 10 9 Dorm #100 (SAP) 600 15 15 Dorm #101 (SAP) 600 15 15 Dorm #102 (SAP) 410 10 10 Dorm #1 03 410 10 8 Dorm #24 410 10 8 Dorm #23 410 10 8 Dorm #22 410 10 9 Dorm #20 410 10 9 Dorm #28 410 10 11 Dorm #29 410 10 10 TOTAL BEDS: 280 +68 JRC 348 TOTAL INMATES: 239 38 277 COUNTY JAIL: Grant County Detent DATE: May 22, 2013 ion Center Non Costody Staff Unar?or] There In Excess 0f Standard Requirements) Page 2 of 2 [oldng Con?nement Area Approximate Number of Number of NOTES Number Square Footage Beds Inmates Dorm 10 410 10 9 Dorm 1 410 10 8 )ayroom D0008 600 0 Cell 14 75 2 1 Cell 15 75 2 1 Cell 16 75 2 1 Cell Cell 18 75 2 1_ Cell 19 75 2 Dayroom D007 600 0 0 Cell 1 75 2 1 Cell 2 75 2 2 Cell 3 75 2 1 Cell 4 75 2 1 Cell 5 75 2 1 - Cell 6 75 2 1 lemale Living Areas: Dorm X030 160 4 3 Dorm X031 160. 4 1- Dorm X005 508 12 12 Dorm X003 350 8 9' Dorm X006 200 5 4 Dorm X018 (State) 425 10 9 Dorm X019 (State) 245 6 7 X007 (Isolation) 75_ 0 X016 (Isolation) 75 1 1 X126 (Isolation) 410 0 0 X127 (Isolation) 410 1 0 )ayroom X009 300 0 Sell X10 7 5 2 0 Sell X11 75 2 1 Sell X12 75 2 0 RC: Dorm #1 83 5 16 16 Dorm #2 835 16 2 301m #3 835 20 4 Dorm #4 835 16 16 'assive 285 0 2 looking/ Diversion i .i ire or Pat/[a Holden COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY Biz-Iron Dip/(y Commissioner Department of Con-actions Director Division of Local Facilities P. O. Box 2400, 2439 Old Law'renceburg Road Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-2400 Telephone: (502) 564-7290 Fax Number: (502) 564?0401 May 24, 2013 Mr. Terry Peoples, Jailer Grant County Detention Center 212 Barnes Road . Williamstown, Ky 41097 Dear Jailer Peoples: . Enclosed you-Will ?nd the results of the first annual inspection of the Grant County Detention Center conducted on May 22, 0213. . I am pleased to announce that no items of non?compliance Were noted on the day of the inspection . Thank you for your continued cooperation in meeting the standards. Division of Local Facilities A Xc: Honorable Darrell Link, Judge Executive Desi Brooks, Jail Consultant :File . An Equal Opportunity Employer COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY We Barr-?07: Department of Corrections Dir?c?fw' Division of Local Facilities P. O. Box 2400, 2439 Old Lawrenceburg Road Frankfort, Kentucky .40 602?2400 Telephone: (5 02) 564-7290 Fax Number: (502) 5643401 Par/la Holden Bap/{y Cammirrianer September 26, 2013 Mr. Terry Peoples, ailer Grant County Detention Center 212 Barnes R0 ad Willianistown, KY 41097 Dear Jailer Peeples: As mandated by KRS 441.064, the Department of Corrections inspects jails at least twice ayear. The ?rst inspection of the Grant County Detention Center occurred on May 22, 2013, and copies of the reports were mailed to you. During the Jail Consultant?s second inspection conducted on September 24, 2013, no items of non- compliance were noted. Thank you for your continued cooperation in meeting the standards. . girector ivisi01 of Local Facilities JRB/rnd Xe: Honorable Darrell Link, Judge Executive esi Brooks, Jail Consultant File OF KENTUCKY COMMONWEALTH JUSTICE CABINET FRANKFORT KENTUCKY 40 601 PT. OF CORRECTIONS Desi D. Brooks SERVICES FACILITIES I AIL CONSULTANT MEMORANDUM TO: Jeff Burton Director of Local Facilities FROM Desi D. Brooks Jail Consultant DATE September 24, 2013 SUBJECT Grant County Detention-Center a Follow?Up Inspection 20l3 1 Inspection Date: September 24, 2013 2. The following non?compliance items from the first inspection did not receive a waiver and has not been corrected: There were no non?compliance items noted during the ?rst annual inspection of 2013. are the following items current? No 3. Fire Alarm InSpection one Extinguisher Inspection Rangehood Extinguishing System Inspection irst Aid Training Jailer or hi rk site visits designee? visors by the Arc wo being conducted by the ailer of his eceived? 4. Has the staff received the required 16 hours of training for the year? If not, when will training be ed by DOC staff or Via Train?the-Trainer? Was training provrd ear. completing 16 hours of in?service for the Jail staff are in the process 0 Has the annual canteen report been sent to the County Treasurer? If not, when will the repoft be sent? The canteen account has been audited and the report has been sent to the County Treasurer. What Was the total inmate population at the facility? 248 Main Jail 10 RCC Staff person(s) who aCCOmpanied me during the inspection: Lt. F. ernigan Are quaiterly fire planning meetings being conducted? What are the topics discussed in the meetings? Fire planning sessions are conducted with all staff. The last fire planning session was conducted on 9-8?13. Staff members discussed the different fire color codes designated by jail staff. New non?compliance items found during this follow?up inSpection: There were no new non?compliant items noted during this inspection. *Jail sta?? does not administer medications. This function is only completed by the medical department. Cdmments (for internal use only): None' Eykes, Michelle (DOC) From: Brooks, Desi (DOC) Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 2:55 PM To: . Dykes, Michelle (DOC) Subject: . Grant Foiiow Attachments: Follow?Up Full Service Inspection 2013.doc Desi D. Brooks, MSDR Jail Consultant KY Dept. Of Corrections 859. 22 7. 51 70 Mar. 8. 20l3 No.3/34 '14 MIRANDA WARNING. have the right to remain silent Auy??ng you say canend will be used against you in court I You have the right to talk to a lawyer and may haVe him present with you before and during any questioning. If you want to talk to a lawyer but cannot affo represent you at the public expense. If you Waive you? right to remain sileuteod later wish to step answering questions you may do so. . If you Waive your right to have a lawyer present you may do so. rd one, one will be appointed to and later change your mind WAVIER acknowledg?lmt you understood these 512% Time 1. By signing yoxu name below you rights. I 2. By signng your name below you are waiving these rights and are willing lo answer questions. Time Mar. 8. 2013 . No.3l34 '25 Grant County Detention Gen - - 1 Facility Admission Report 212 Barnes KY 41097 P110119: (859) 824?5191 Fax: (859) 824?1285 Ja?ket?l Detainee Name: JONES, VICTORNMN Booking 11?? 298706240 194371 Alias: Maiden Name: Religion: Birth Place: PA Date of Birth: 02/29/1930 Address:? Age: 33 City: LOUISVILLE Marital Status: State: ii of Children: 6 Nationality: American 23113 Code: 1% I - Phone: US Citizen: Ocoupation: Sex: Male Hair Color: ELK Race: 13 Color: BRO Height: 5? 9" Complexion: Build: MEDIUM Weight (lbs): 150 Other Features: JONES. VICTOR NMN Arresting Authority: Telephone Call: NO Arresting Officer: . Nilmber Called: Searching Officer: RODGERS, BOBBY GERALD Cell Assignment: D93 Booking Officer: COOK, PATRICIA Ciaasi?cation: STATE FNMATE 131 CD County of Charge: Book Date/Time: 1113012012 23:01 Last Rebook DatclTime: 02l1212013 14:02 Lo cation(s): 111 .- - a. . -..: - . .1 11:11:15,311: h? Jin?' 1111': -- Ell! . mining: 11.1, State Zip . tug" .1 - ??ingw?-uiI?Jruuh?l'nu Case Case Bond Amount: Citation/Centre! Charge Bond Amount $0.00 999 1 STATE NMATE I certify that the ab ovo information is come: to the has: of my knowledge. Detainee Signature Staff Signature . . a - .: T) an art h?l?inted . . I Page 1 of abdu? 'Mar. 8. 2013 P. 26' MIRANDA WARNING 1. You have the right to remain silent .J?ol Anything you say can and will be used against you in oonxt. 3 Yeti have the tight to talk to a lawyer and may have him present with you befoxe and during any questioning. All 4. If you want to talk to a lawyer but cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you at the public expense. . 5. .If you. Waive you; right to remain silent and later wish to step answering x, questions yoh may do so. . .1145. If you waive your right to have a lawyer present so you may do so. latetf change your mind WAVIER 1. By Signng your nettle below you aoknowledg?lmt you undelstand these rights. 33$! ewe gags-e Name Date Time 2. By signing, your name below you are waiving. these rights and are wi ling to answer questions- on) ?5-1122 gang) Name Date Time Witnesses: Mar. No. 3734 27 8. 2013 :00 .- a 43"- 96" Ten? Peeplw, Ia?er Grant County Detention Center 112 Barnes Rd W?liamstown, KY 41097. 359$l4-5191 - WITNESS INTERVIEW SHEET saw? us DOB: 2/54? Mia? . OELL DATE 3: TIME: ,auzzoga 93 23 LOCATION: 5 6794'- . OFFICER: um: 0 i" \fxbimq? Arm'i?R 339% ?31 mm}: QQXn?ov?k?x? \qugga .oxm?pmm?q TV \Cmm\ Mum?s. ?g k?b \O?k NJ QC) MR9 Sm?kf 1? 'mm} mvo?35r ?ahkg mob RAY \gn WA aha (Lb 5&9, 9M0 Hi. SAME wt ms . \?SIGNATURE OF WSS: HVANX- Mar. 2013 - No. 3734 P. 28 - sf?! Grant County Detention Geri Facility Admission Report 212 Barnes RD--Wiliiamstown. KY 41097 Phone: (859) 824-5191 Fax: (859) 8241-1285 gt Jacket? Detainee Name: MANN, ANDREW WAYNE Booking 293705577 15075 Aims: Maiden Name: SSN: Religion: Date of Birth: 01/22/1987 Birth Place: KY Ad?ress- Ago: 26 . ?5in DRY RIDGE Marital Status: SINGLE State: KY . of Children: 0 Nationality: American Zip Code: 41035 Phone: US Citizen: 3 Hair Color: BRO Sex: Male EL. i R. I 3! Race: . Color: HA2 r? - ll. Height: 5' 10" Complexion: MANN ANDREW WAYNE Weight 190 Build: MEDIUM Other Features: ARM, SCULLS AND SWORDS ON BACK Arresting Authority: 6: Telephone Call: NO Arresting Of?cer: RITCHEE Number Called: Searching Of?cer: MOI-RING, DUSTIN Cell Assignment: DRM3 Booking Of?cer: APRIL MARIE Classi?cation: STATE INMATE i31 CD B001: DatelTime: 07/31/2012 09:23 Coimty of Charge: Campbell . Last Rebook Date/Time: .37: m-u'm: 1. . rage Location(s): 20 ,3 . 2' 6 27': ?rm: :?riil?? *l .i Case Bond Amount: I n5.? 1' Hi (x Case Bond Type: Charge Case Charge Code Counts Cherge Desoription - CitationlControl Charge Bond Amount ll-CR?l?i 02691 1 PROBATION (FOR TECHNICAL VIOLATTON) 341887174- . $0.00 .u In orrecr to the bee: of my Knowledgecertify that the above information is I Staff Signature Detainee Signature . n, 1 rim-11' WAYNE - Pagel ofl Man. 8. 2013 . No.3734 29 MIRANDA WARNING You have the sight to remain silent Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You have the right to allc to lawyer and may have him present with you efore and during any questioning. If you Want to talk to a-lawyer but cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you at public exp ens e. If you .waiye you; right?fco :emaiu silent and later wish to stop answering questions you may do so. If. you Waive your right to have a lawyer preseut and later change you: mind you may do so. WAWER . 1. By signing 370m narne below you aohowledg?hat you understand these rights. I . M?-w MA. Name Date I Time 2. By signing your name below you are waiving These rights and are w?l?lg to answer questions. Mag/m 742 geese. I Name Date Time Witnesses: Mar. 8. 2013 No.3734 P. 30 . I a Terry Peeples, Ja?er Grant County Dehen?on Center 211 Rama Rd . W?liamstown, KY 41097 35943244191 . wn'NEss SHEET 455w gagging DOB: 153-7 Boo?mszz 843 705.577 129m .3 . . [3:3 LOCATION: 6/2 OFFICER: @215 . UNIT JP I: . If?: U?h ably MA 1 I SIGNATURE OF No. 3/34 F. 14 Date: 08/31/2011 00:40 Creator: RODGERS. BOBBY GERALD Ciosed Byategory Lf/I/w A31 INMATB SAFTEY ISSUE Force Used - . Pf 4 Resuaiht Chair i Physical Resmims (Hands and Leggs) W311 Witnesses Em Name Staff KOEBBE, ANITA ?32513? WILSON, CAROLY 12E Subjecis 298703327 MANN, WAYNE Detaiis Creating Of?cer: RODGERS, BOBBY GERALD 03/31/201101:09 ?375 i?i?iT?K?f APPROX 00:3 DEPUTY CHARLES YOUNGJ33 AND 1 CORPORAL BOBB T0 INMATE MN ANDREW WAS HAVING A SEIZURE. mm: 1 CPL RODGERS, 750 WENT IN THE WAS SHAKEN AND HAD BLOOD COMING OUT BIS MOUTH AT APPROX . ARRIVED INMATE MANN WAS comma OUT OF HIS SEXZURE AND HE WAS SWINGING HIS ARMS OPENED HANDED AT MEDICAL AND DEF YOUNG WE THEN HIM AND PLACED HIM 1N SAFETY- CHAIR . Signaer . Page] of} Incident Report On 03/08/2013 at 08:22, .TailTracker TM Report Prime Mar.'8. 2013 NOJIH r. History By Bookingi Name: MANN, ANDREW WAYNE Jackew: 15076 Reason Updated I Booking 298705577 DatelTime Location (Ceil Reaaon For Assignment 07/31/12 14:48 .- 1- [22/1209 "agar 39%. -. . r: 2 .- aa?aaw 13.19 - v. 4? a ll {ll?rag I Him 3}"thin lat; . - ?1.55 n' (Lu?2.'cos 11/21/12. 16:735Cell Assignment Histmy mnnm? Pag?10f1 "No. 3/34. P. if) Mar. 8. 2013 6 Facility Admis?ion Report . Grant County Detention Can?. 212 Barnes RD??Wiliiamstown, KY 41097 (859) 82445191 Fax: (859) 824?1285 . Japket? Detainee Name: MANN, ANDREW WAYNE - 29 3705577 15076 Alias: Maiden Name: -3- SSN: Religion: - - Birth l?lace: KY Date ofBirth: 01/22/1937 Address: Age: 35 4 City: Max'itnl'Stntus: SINGLE Sfate: KY ii. of Children: 0 Zip Code: 41 Nationality: American Phone: US Citizen: Occupation: Sex: Hair Color: BRO Race: Color: HA2 . - Height: 5' 10" Complexion: ANDREW 1W AYNE Weight (1138.): 190 Blind: - Other Features: ARM, SCULLS AND SWORDS ON BACK Arresting Authority: 85.? Tel?phane Cali: N0 . Arresting Of?cer: RITCHIE Number Called: Call Assignment: D35 Classi?cation: STATE INMATB 131 CD. County of Charge: Campbell Searching Of?wrz MOHRWG, DUSTIN Booking Officer: APRIL MARIE Book DateJTime: 07/31/2012 09:23 Last Rebook Date/Time: Counts PROBATION (FOR TE add-?Iniln 0269 I certify that the: above infamation is coma: to the best of my Detaimte Signature Staff signature Mar. 8. 2013 No.3734 P. 17 Detainee Alerts Name: . MANN, ANDREW WAYNE Backing 298705577 Jacket 15076 Location: D85 . Time Recorded .36 ?1 I -L 1t- 10/04/2011 09:11 -. aa - . - "@517. ?Ema-?1 253%: Total Alerts: 3 Activg Alert Category Details wag.- ..w-eam an? .- rm?? E-r?f - 7:7 . . - 335- ?a 2? . a El DIET sodium Detainch - rm: 1) mm Primed On 03/08/2013 at 03:24 Date: 03/08/2013 03:34 Closed DateIhcident#: '8756 Creator: HARDMAN, HEATHER - Closed ByCategory A31 MINOR RULE VIOLATION Force Used PI 4 - No Force, PM Verbal Commands - A Witnesses nge mm; How Involved Staff. HOWE, CWTHIA DARLENE Witness S?bjects 293705577 MANN. ANDREW WAYNE Details Creating HEAD-TERI) Time: 03/08/2013 03:48 Updatipg Of?cu: The: 03/08/2013 "nun-a. "run nu .- 7, 2013. AT THE START 1900: I, DEPUTY HEATHER HARDMAN 111793 WAS CONDUCTING A WATCHIOURIN MAIN HALL ISO MANN, ANDREW. WHO WAS LODGED D25, STATED TO ME THAT mm? HE HAD BEEN LOCKED DOWN, HE HAD NOT BEEN 3mm . HE STATED THAT HE HAD ms CASH STILL ON HIS PERSONS. HE TOLD ME THAT HE WANT To GET IN TROUBLE FOR HAVING IT so HE GAVE IT TO ME THE SUM WAS $13 .00. 1, DE . HEARDMAN 11/793 TOOK THE MONEY AND PLACED IT IN AN TO TURN INTO THE FRONT OFFICE. I, DEP. HARDMAN CAME BACK TO THE BOOKING AREA AND TOLD DEE. SMITH U1768 ABOUT THIS. SHE STATED THAT I COULD PUT THE MONEY INTO THE KIOSK BY BOOKING AND IT WOULD GO DIRECTLY TO HIS ACCOUNT. LATER IN THE SHIFT. I, DEF. HARDMAN ADVISED SERGEANT HOWE- OF THIS ISSUE. SHE ADVISED ME TO PUT THE MONEY IN THE KIOSK AND THAT SHE WOULD SIGN OFF ON THE RECEIPT AS WELL. I, DEF. HARDMAN Ul793 LOOKED UP PIN NUMBERIN THE COMPUTER AND DEPOSITED THE SAID $13.00 I IN HIS ACCOUNT. ARECBIPT WAS PRINTED AND BOTH SGT. HOWE AND MYSELF, DEF. HARDMAN SIGNED OFF ON THE RECEIPT. THE RECEIPT WAS PLACED IN UM BOOKING FILE. NO FURTHER ACTION TAKEN AT THIS TIMEIncident M011 IaiITrackcr TM Report Printed On 03/08/2013 at 08:21 Mar. 8. 2013 N0.313n r. 4? Incident Report i Date: 03l0712013 14-140 Incident 8753 Creator: HANKINS, JASON Status: Closed By: 81035:! Date: I Category A81 BEHAVIOR A81 - MATE SAETEY ISSUE A31 MAJOR RULE VIOLATION Force Used - 7 A31 PF4 Witnesses Type Name Sta? . SKINNER, STEVEN F. Wimcss Subjects 29870557 7 - W, ANDREW WAYNE Details . Cha?ng W5, .. CWO Hankins, Jason 760. n? a - . Signature - maiden-1t Report JailTracker TM Report Printed On 03/08/2013 at 08:21 Page 1 of 1 ?Mar. 8. 2013 ?10-3134 l? . incident Reporl'. lncident 8664 Creator: LEWIS. ELIZABETH Date: 02/12/2013 05:30 Status: Closed By: Closed Date: Category A31 FAILURE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIVE - BEHAVIOR A31 - VERBAL TOWARD STAEF - Force Used I 4 - Verbal Commas Witnesses ?ow Involved Wimc'ss '6 52:. . WE "w :s moss Subjects 298706210 - HALL m, JAMES CLIFFORD . Details Citaties?f?ces LEWIS: BWAB . . On February ii, 31013 at approximately 2015= just after Deputy ChiprnaIi 767 and Howe 751 responded to Inmate James Hall coverirlg his window and kicking an banging on his cell door 1 Deputy Lewis 787 conducted a Wawh tour on the from three when i noticed that insure Hall still had a tray in his cell from lunch I asked him for the tray and insread of just handing it: IO me he tl'u?cw it out of his food ?ap hard enough to hit the wall directly across ?'Om his cell (Dl 43). I had mmee Andrew Mann clean up the mess and dose! Hails food ?ap. Then during breakfast meal pass} was at the booking deal: when Iheard and observed the following: l?mnste Hall complained ?bOUl?, his way and Said that "this shit is fucking water i want a new tray!" when he was {Bid by Deputy Chipman that all the trays were like that and we didn't have another one to give him he threw the tray out of his food flop onto the ?oor. He than Started screaming "Get the mower fucking my You mother fuckers!" loud enough to set off The speaker alarm in the control room. When (2.0. Wiley 754 came across the Speaker and asked "can 1 help you?" Hall reapondcd with "yea i want another flicking my bitch!" Deputy Chipman advised Hal] that he will not only not be getting another tray but he will be on bagged meals until further notice sieoe he wants to throw his trays onto the ?o or. Hall then started yelling at The trusrees to get him "anew morher fucking tray!" and Stated that the trustee Andrew Moon was a "little bitch ?nclc you get me a tray! When we sold Mann and the other trustees (Augustin Perez and Tyler Wilson) to just ignore him and meal to reSpOnd, Hail yelled out "10le You Smid? you ugly bitch!" Deputy Smider was not in the detox area however. it was me and Hardman who told them not to respongl. Hall was marked as a re?isal for broakfas: meal pass. Shi? comand?r Cpl. Hardman 793 has been notified, Nothing ?mh'er to report. End of report. . Time: 02/12/2013 05:41, IUpeae'ng Of?cer: LEWIS, ELIZABETH Time?uni-IntSignaer . . . . Incident Report JailTracker TM Report Printed On 03/08/2013 at 03:22 Page 1 of 1 N0. 3/34 F. Data: 1 {0/22/2072 00:55 Incident #1 8191 Creator: MOHRING, DUSTIN Closed By: Closed Date: status: \tuI-un?lun . - - . . . - . . . . - . . Category A31 MEDICAL INCIDENT NON-EMERGENCY . Force Used Pf 4 No Force Necessaxy Pf 4 - Verbal Gammands I Witnesses 12m Detainee. BLACKBURN, RONNIE-W .. How Invoived Wimess Derainee DAVIS, HAROLD LYNN -.- xi". II Deminea A WAYNE u' Dgtainee IVLANNIN - Detainee HER RYAN -. .- A ?u Mg. Detainee RANKIN, BRANDON SCOTT . - Wyn?Mr s. grip- . Der Wimtss SUbjects 293705577 MANN. ANDREW WAYNE Deta?s 012 01:08 I Tim 9.1293?. Creating O?ich: MOHRNG, DUSTIN Timc: 10/22/522 COMING FROM D11 AREA. 730 WENT TO D11 TO SEE WHAT IS SUE WAS. WHEN DEPUTY COOK 730 ARRIVED SHE STATED GUY NEEDS HELP I DEPUTY MOHRINO 779 WAS EN ROUTE AND ISSUED A CODE BLUE AT 2052. DEPUTY COURTNEY 761 AND MY SELF 779 REMOVED MANN, ANDREW FROM D11 DUE TO A SHOULDER. MANN ANDREW WAS SEEN BY MEDICAL STARE AND HIS SHOULDER WAS BACK IN TO PLACE. ALL SUPERVISORS WERE Noti?ed. MANN, ANDREW WAS Re lodged 1N D-i; WITHOUT FURTHER INCIDENT .n"it-Se. Ln .. . 1 STEVEN COURTNEY 76} WAS WALKING DOWN MAIN HALL AND DEPUTY COOK 730 LOOKED OUT AND CALLED CODE BLUE) MYSELF 761 AND DEPUTY MOHRING 779 ARIVED AT MANN SAID mus GUY NEEDS HELP ICAL AND SET HIS SHOLDER BACK INTO PLACE WITH HAD A DISLOCA. ED LEFT SHOLDER WE THEN TOOK HIM TO MED NO FURTHER. RELODGBD UM MANN BACK u?nu-nr-IIu?u L-k-I?I-vrurvrr - a u?Juumr?PF-r Incident Report I JailTraclcer TM R?port Printed On 03/ 08/2013 at 08:22 Page 1 of 2 No.3,l34 F.12 Mar. 8. 2013 Incide??t #2 3191 . I . ?eator: MOHRING. DUSTIN i Date: 10/221201200155 Sfatus Ciosed By: Closed Date: Signature Incident Report Page 2 of 2 . IailTracker TM Report Printed On 03/08/2013 at 08:22 . Incident 3106 Status: No. 3734 Mair. 8. 2013 Incident Report Category Date: 1010812012 23:00 Closed DateCreator: MOHRING. DUSTIN Closd By: Force Used Witnesses A31 mApPRomea BBHAVIEE - - INMATB ASSAULTBD (NO mm?) ASI - INMATB SAFTBY ISSUE A81 MAJ OR RULE VIOLATION A81 - MINOR RUIE VIOLATIONS PM Verbal Cbmmands pi!) - Physical Rem-aims (Hands and Leggs) mm :3 am Wimess nge- Detainee BLACKBURN. RONNIE NMN a Depainee Detainee; fam-rx-m-?z-x-guns! J: Detainee "wan-aunts: . "mun-nu. 1- -- .. . - MANNIN . . .- ng??ll RYAN . I MILLER, JARED soon? NEAL 11L, Detainee - an. AM W?ness .- Witness staff Staff wm' - Witness StafE Egbjects 298705212 - SMALLWOOD, STEPHEN RANDALL 298705550 - YOUNG, STEVEN RYAN Details . Creating Of?cgr: MOHTEING, DUSTIN Time: 10/06/2012 23 :20 lUpdating Officer: IT?in'xczw! Oh Lh? 6th't'3f 0980-13-5 Moh?ng, Dustin 779 was conducting amain hall watch tour when I came to 0611 13-1 1.1 306qu Mohn'ng 779 saw 11m Young, Steven hi1: UM Smallwood, Stephen in thcback of the head while Smallwood Was on a visix. 1 Deputy Morning 779 issued an all call. 1136qu Mohrixig 779 ordered all inmates to get to their bunks. Carporal Ellis 753, De:qu Courtney 761. Deputy Cook 780, Deputy Hardman 793, Deputy Owcns 753 and myselfwent into D?l I and removed 11M Smallwood in cuffs around 2214. PM Smallwood was esconed to medical and cleared-11M Smallwood was lodged in call 13-68. 11M Young was removed in cuifs around 2216 and escorted to medical a?cr UM Smallwood was no longer in the area. lib/{Young Was cleared and lodged in ecu D445. Both inmates w?rc lodged without further incidmt. Both ofthc inmates was placed in there. comm ro arty bags: in the property room. a Signature - Incident Report JailTraoker TM R?port meted On 03/03/2013 at 08:22 Page 1 ofl a a - ?-anv~nna Mar. 8. 2013 No.3734 P. Terry Peepies Jailer 212 Barnes Rd. Williamstown, KY 41097 ?hone:859-824-1252 ext. 12 Fax: 859?824?1285 March 2013 To: Ms. Lewis From: Terry Pe?eples Re: Termination Ms. Lewis: Effective immediately you are relieved of your duties at the Grant County Detention Center for conduct unbecoming a Deputy Jailer, Policy and Procedure Violation, Code of Ethics Violation, Inappropriate relations with an inmate, unauthorized internet usage, unauthorized ride alongs with a Law Enforcement Of?cer, and promoting contraband. Respectfully, erry Peeples Grant County'Jailer 7 Mar. 8. 2013 7 No.3734 P. Terry Peeples Jaiier Lieutenant SteVen Skinner Director of Special Operations PREA Officer 212 Barnes Rd. Williamstown, KY 41097 Fax: 859-824-1235 CO Lewis and inmate Mann had some inappropriate conversations but that he belieVed it Was done joking and he had no knowledge of Inmate Mann speaking on the phone with her only that he had found a girl that lived in Florence (city CO Lewis resides). We questioned inmate Beagle, Ryan regarding some other things and his interview was complete. At this time C0 LeWis has been tenninated, Inmate Mann has been placed in isolation for his involvement, and a incident report will be sent to Department of Corrections for review of. his leVei and good time. The investigation was closed and forwarded to Department of Corrections and Jailer Terry Peeples. Lie - ant Steven Skinner Director of Special Operations PREA Of?cer Grant County Detention Center I. 1 Term Peeg?es gamer 212 Barnes Read .Wi?iiamemwn, KY 41097 Teiephone: 859-824-5191 Fax: 859-8245? 91 Trwemittal Form To: KJFATQ From: SLM I Name: - Organizatio? NamefDept: CC: . . Phene: 8?9~824~5191 Phone 0% Fax: 859-824?1285? - . Uzgent Date Sent; For Review Time Sent: 4 (7/5 0 Please Comment Number of was including cover: 5 Z. 9 Please Reply Mesa-agar A - ?2 Terry Peepies Jailer 212 Barnes Rd. KY 41097 Phone: 8598245191 Fax: 8598241285 To: Jeff Burton From: Terry Peeples Date: 02/21/2013 Re: SAP issues ?1 a . 84,55 Mr. Burton, i . Sf 2/ I have looked into the situations involving Miss Kathi \se Program. While I cannot con?rm any malicious wrong Silvey a1 0 is extremely passionate about the Substance Abuse Program." However anagram right several areas that we have addressed and made appropriate changes. - Kathi Silvey and SAP employees will not council any inmates once they have left the SAP program for any reason. 2.) No inmate will be permitted to be in the opftiee?cm 1900-0700 for any reason. 3.) SAP hours will be detailed by the Jailer and striCtly enforced. 4.) SAP inmates are allowed" the SAP of?ce from the hours of 0700?1900, if there are two or more staff members present or if audio arid video surveillance is properly. Working. 5.) Staff members will utilize appropriate and professional language at all times. 6.) The SAP program will no longer-utilize Glor spare parts of any kind. They will now use light chores or writing assignments but no timeljrnits will be given. 7.) All cooking materials have been removed from the inmate living areas. 8.) We do not solicit donations, however any donations that the public feels compelled to donate to the facility will go to the front of?ce, it will then be inventoried distributed and tracked. I will continue to monitor my Substance Abuse Program we will continue to seek ways to make improvements in an attempt to make it the finest Substance Abuse Program in Kentucky. If at any time you have any questions or concerns please contact me immediately, I will be happy to look into it and discuss any concerns you may have. Respectfully, Terry Peeples . Grant County ailer Cc: Desi Brooks Mar. 8.. 2013 00.3734 P45 Terry Peeples Jailer Lieutenant Steven Skinner Director of Special Operations PREA Of?cer 212 Barnes Rd. Williamstown, KY 41097 Fax: 859?824?1285 Date: 03/08/2013 . - Re: PREA Investigation - On 03/07/2013 at approximately 1000 I Was made aware by Chief Warrant Of?cer Jason Hankins of a possible PREA allegation inside our facility. I immediately got with CWO Hankins and he eXplained that he had reason to believe that a deputy at our facility was in an inappropriate relationship with an inmate. There Were multiple phene calls ?om our facility to a number believed to be Corrections Officer Elizabeth Lewis. The phone calls in question startion January 5, 2013 with the last call made on 03/06/2013 totaling more than 300 . minutes- CWO Hankins and I advised Jailer Peeples of the issue and were instructed to investigate and ?nd out if anything else had occurred. At approximately 1200 CWO Hankins and myself interviewed inmate Mann, - Andrew about his introlvement with CO Lewis. He advised us at that time that they had in fact been speaking on. the phone but he was unaware that this Was not allowed, he advised that nothing else had occurred and that the eXtent of their relationship was phone calls, letters, and CO Lewis giving him coffee. Inmate Mann, Andrew wrote a statement in reference to this and his interview was complete. At approximately 1915 on 03/07/2013 CO Lewis arrived at work and We began an interview with her we asked about the phone callsand any involvement she may have with an inmate. She denied all allegations . stating that the same thing was happening here that happened to her at her previous employer Boone County Detention Center. CO Lewis then advised that she would like to have her attorney present at that time questioning stopped and CO Lewis was advised that her services were no longerneeded and she Was terminated effective immediately. At approximately 1940 CWO Hankins and myself interviewed Inmate Beagle, Ryan and be con?rmed that Mar. 8. 2013 - Nod/54 r. 4 Definitions: Inmate to Inmate out-consensual? Contact of any person without his or her pron who is unable to consent or refuse Such as contact between the penis and the vagina or the penis and the anus including penetration, bowover slight; Contact between the mouth and the penis, Vagina, or anus; Penetration of the anal or genital opening of another person by hand, ?nger or other object. Inmate to Inmate Abusive Sexual Contacts: Contact of any person without his or her consent, or of a person who is unable to consent or reque; intentional touching, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person. Staff SeXual Misconduct: Any behavior or act of a volunteer, of?cial visitor, or agency representative. Romantic relationships between staff and inmates are included in this. de?nition. Intentional touching of the genitalia, anus, groin, breaSI, inner thigh, or buttocks with the intent to abuse, arouse, 0r gratify sexual desire; Completed, attempted, threatened, or requested sexual acts; Occurrences of indecent enposure, or staff voyeurism for sexual grati?cation. All staff to inmate sexual contact shall be considered NomConsensual. Staff Sexual Harassment: Repeated verbal statements or comments of a Sexual nature to an inmate?by an employee, volunteer, of?cial visitor, or agency representative such as demearung reference to gender or derogatory comments about body or Clothing; Pl'Ofa?e 01? Obscene language 01? gestures. Substantiated Act: inmate or staff issued disciplinary and convicted by AdministratiVe and or outside court. (Attachment #16? page 3) 2. Mar. 8. 2013 Nod/34 Sexual Acts/Contact Allegation Reportiug Form Z049) Date Reported: .7 i . I, of jdm?, a ,4 1) Was the Sexual l?noidenti a. Inmate to Inmate IE. 13. Inmate to Staff e. Staff to Inmate 2) Was Victim: Male 13. Female 3) Was perpe?ator: *Wale . Female 4) Was the Sexual Incident: (*see de?nitions) a. Consensual sexual act b. Non-consensual sexual aet" c. Abusive sexual contact?? . Staff sexual misconduct* e. Staff sexual harassment?? . 5) Was the Sexual heident: Ba. Completed I b. Attempted 6) Where did the Sexual'lneident Occur: EM Victims cellfroom b. Perpetrator?s cell/room e. Common Area Within living unit (shower, dayroom) d. Program area (yard? gym, and library) e. Work area . Multiple areas g. Other exPlain: . i #16 page 1) 5 1 Man 8. 2013 Nod/34 P. '5 7) Were the State Police noti?ed: a. Yes WNO wif no explain why! #9ng cw 715 .5 8) Was a llape Kit completed (if reported within 48 hours): i . No v? ptovide explanation as to Why: 7? a/J - .9) Location of Examination: a. Local hospital Wtimtion Medical Department c. Not done 10) Was the inmate seen by Mental Health Professional within 24 hours: a Yes No?if no explain why: 1 1) Were Victim and Perpetrator separated: Yes b. No if no explain Why: 12) Was the incident a. Substantiated Event determined to have oCcLu-red uf?cient evidence?to make determin b. UnsubStantiated Ins not to have occun?ed c. Unfounded Determined ccnsensual and substantiated, list sanctions taken against perpetrator: ation 13) If the incident was non? 14) If the incident was unfonnded, list sanctions taken against claimant: 15) If the act was consensual, list sanctions taken against inmates: denial? ga/Apm?s ?rms??e . a . 16)F1nal IeV1ew by eputy dult histitutions: (Attachment #15 - page 2) Raisor, Tonya (DOC) From: Brooks, Desi (DOC) Sent: Wednesday. March 06, 2013 11:37 AM To: . - Burton, Jeff Holden, Paula (DOC) Cc: Rai or onya(DOC) Subject: GrantCounty' Above named state inmate is in the hospital. The inmate was taken for gall bladder issues and they believe he is have surgery that will include having part of his pancreas removed. According to Lt Skinner, the inmate never complained of any issues with his gall bladder to medical. However, he complained to his family who in turn contacted medical and medical reacted. 3009 nova Gamaw 00m 0039 OJ. MOVE EUHOH N3 >10 if.? OOSL SEEM 3015ch 9 SEIHOLLS CINV MOO-IE1 EVE SNIEHNHN OZQL 'ClEilleLON 383M SNOEIOHHS CINV 831mm ZL W008 GHNOISSV HOHOHO ELLVINNI ?wudSOH Mn Gamaav 9m WLICISOH >m 01.311108 Na .LNvaa LS _L:lEl?l 90m mnrNI avg OJ. Momma? :10 MISHENNH OJ. STIVO aavw is 301000 33 waoann NEIN Hum (Jam/wad aw 83380 GNV aanzno SEEM s?HonbaO awwm 0m GVEIH SIH sawws 8 NEWS SVM HVOHOHO awwm - 0m VIA uaawnN smnoao awn/um 179a was .LVO NEWS SVM Hanoao awwm - 02m Ammo .LNVHE) HLEIEIVSHEI 1.9- 2m EELS 0110 HLEIMNI 110.1 1 OZ 9 I 1X35 1619?1731398 1911mm 1,6011? A131 ?mozsmuum 5911.193; 31g 191w; seideag sassv xn Mam an: .0291, . Terry ailer 212 Barnes Rd. Williamstown, KY 41097 P110110: 859?824-5 191 Fax: 359-824?1285 - - 16 APRIL 2013 TIMELINE FOR INMETE HOSPITAL STAY AT ST ELISABETH HOSPITAL GRANT COUNTY 1230 INMATE CROUCH WAS GIVEN A CAT SCAN 1254 - INMATE HEAD LACERATION WAS NUMBED VIA A SHOT 1310 INMATE CROUCH WAS GIVEN 8 STAPLES IN HIS HEAD LACERATION 1320 INMATE WOUNDS WERE CLEANED AND DRESS AND PROVIDED WITH A NEW CLEAN UNIFORM ER DOCTOR AT ST ELIZABETHS MADE CALLS TO UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY TO HAVE INMATE EAR INJURY TREATED. 1405 LEFT ST ELIZABETH GRANT COUNTY EN ROUTE TO UK HOSPITAL 1515 AT UK HOSPITAL, INMATE CROUCH ASSIGNED TRAUMA ROOM 72 AND PLASTIC SURGEONS WERE NOTIFIED. 1620 a PLASTICS PERFORMED A NUMBING EAR BLOCK AND STICHES 1715 PLASTICS WERE FINISHED 1800 LEFT UK HOSPITAL EN ROUTE BACK TO GCDC 1900 ARRIVED BACK AT GCDC Terry Peeples Jailer 212 Barnes Rd. Wiiliamstown, KY 41097 Phone: 859-8246 191 Fax: 859?824-1285 16 APRIL 2013 HIS STATEMENT WAS DICTATED BY INMATE CROUCH TO CPL. HOWELL INMATE CROUCH STATED THAT WHEN INMATE PAYTON TO JEFFERSON FOR COURT THAT INMATE PAYTON ORDERED INMATE CROUCH TO SAVE INMATE PAYTONS BUNK FOR HIM SO HE COULD HAVE IT WHEN HE RETURNED. WHEN WMATE PAYTON RETURNED TO THE CEIJL HE WOKE INMATE CROUCH UP YELLING ASKING INMATE CROUCH WHY HE DID NOT SAVE HIS INMATE CROUCH STARTED TO SIT UP AND INIVIATE PAYTON PUNCHED INMATE CROUCH IN THE FACE KNOCKING HIM BACK. INMATE PAYTON THEN GRABBED INMATE CROUCH BY THE BACK OF THE HEAD AND SLAMMED HIS HEAD INTO THE POST OF THE RACK HE WAS LAYING IN CAUSING THE INJURY TO HIS HEAD AND THE SCRATCHES ON HIS NECK. INMATE- CROUCH MANAGED TO GET TO HIS FEET AND INMATE CRABBED INMATE CROUCH UNDER THE CHIN AND SLAMMED HIS HEAD INTO THE POST OF ANOTHER RACK CAUSING THE INJURIES TO HIS EAR. INMATE CROUCH THEN STATED THAT HE COULD NOT SEE ANYT FROM THE BLOOD IN HIS EYES AND THEN KIND OF BLACKED OUT, HE HEARD US ENTER THE a a Incident Report In?ident 8859 CreatOr: HOWELL, ROBERT Date: 0411612013 19:15 Status: Closed By: Closed Date: Category . - A31 - DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY A31 FAILURE To FOLLOW DIRECTIVE A31 - HARASSING COMMUNICATIONS A31 HARASSMENT A31 - INAPPROPIATE BEHAVIOR A31 INMATE ASSAULTED (INIURY) A31 INMATE SAFTEY ISSUE A31 - MAJOR RULE VIOLATION A31 - MEDICAL INCIDENT EMERGENCY A31 - MINOR RULE VIOLATION A31 MULTIPLE MINOR RULE VIOLATIONS A31 - RESPONSE TO RESISTANCE A31 - TERRORISTIC THREATING A31 VERBAL TO INMATE Force Used PE 4 - Verbal Commands pfO - Physioa! Restraints (Hands and Leggs) Witnesses I Em Eggs; . How Involved Staff BEAGLE, TONYA Witness SEE - Witness- Staff MCCARTHY, WILLIAM JOSEPH Witness Subjects .. Details - Creating Of?m HOWELL: I . . . 16 2013 APPROXIMATELY 1150 I, CORPORAL ROBERT HOWELL 799 CALLED AN ALL CALL TO CELL 13-90 FOR AN INMATE ON INMATE ASSAULT-1N PROGRESS. HAND CUFFED AND LOCKED DOWN IN CELL 13?133 . CAPTAIN BEAGLE 755, AND CHIEF WARRANT OF FICEE MCCARTHY 773 RESPONDED TO THE ALL-CALL AND MADEM NURSE CELESTE ARRIVED AT THE CELL AT APPROXIMATELY [152 AND BEGAN ASSESSING AND TREATING INMATE TIMOTHY CROUCH 298706795. NURSE CELESTE ADVISED US THAT INMATE CROUCH NEEDED TO BE TRAN SPORTED TO THE HO SPITAL. THE REMAINING INMATES IN THE CELL WHO WERE NOT INVOLVED IN THE ALTERCATION WERE REMOVED FROM THE CELL AND PLACED IN THE REC YARD. - D-90 WAS THEN SECURED CRIME SCENE. PER CAPTAIN BEAGLE I CHECKED OUT A CRUISER AND TRANSPORTED INMATE CROUCH TO ST ELIZABETH GRANT COUNTY. . I ARRIVED AT ST ELIZABETH GRANT COUNTY AT 1212. . Incident Report IailTracker Report Printed On 04/ 17/2013 at 99:58 Page 1 of 2 Date: 04/16/2013 19:15 Creator: HOWELL. ROBERTJ Closed Date: ln?id?nt?z 8859 ed By: Status: SEE MY STATEMENT ON LETFERHEAD FOR FURTHER UPDATE DUE TO HIPAA LAWS END OF REPORT 4 a Ch}. ?4 A. Signature . . . ..-.V .. mmuuh??n-nmnn-vn a - .4 .Hy?mhhu Incident Report JaiiTrackerTM Report Printed 6n 04/17/2013 at 09:58 Page 2 of 2 -- :1 ?gnaw 1v: w"wl-- nr? Oni?gb b7! {Vii/9% Ma 76%? ?mww (Mg Ciao/C {21% . I ?57 1W {/qumdF/rva?SQ 190?7?3 On 5W - ?fe/I {mi fe?og Incident 8859 Creator: HOWELL, ROBERT Date: 04/16/2013 19:15 - Status: (f $ed By: Closed Date: SEE MY STATEMENT ON LETTERHBAD FOR FURTHER UPDATE DUE HIPAA LAWS END OF REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . Signature - Incident Report IailTracker TM Report Printed On 04/ 1 7/201 3 at 09:58 Page 2 of 2 Incident ReporI I . Incident 8858 Creator: MCCARTHY, WILLIAM JOSEPH Date: 0411612013 13:30 Status: CIosed By: CIosed Date: Category A31 - DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY A31 HARASSING COMMUNICATIONS A31 - INAPPROPIATE BEHAVIOR A31 INMATE ASSAULTED (INJURY) A31 -1NMATE SAFTEY ISSUE A31 - MAJOR RULE VIOLATION A31 MEDICAL INCIDENT EMERGENCY - A31 MULTIPLE MINOR RULE VIOLATIONS A31 VERBAL TO INMATE Force Used I pfO - Physical Restraints (Hands and Leggs) Witnesses 11m: 3331;: How Involved Staff BEAGLE, TONYA 3 Witness Sta?f. . HOWELL, ROBERT-J Witness Staff MORRIS, ERIC . - Witness staff TBETERS, MEGAN Witness 515??" . EHQMES, ENTHOEE Subjects - . . - - - Details Creating Of?cer: MCCARTHY, WILLIAM JOSEPH Time: 04116120131354 I Updating Of?cer: MCCARTHY, WILLIAM JOSEPH Time: 04/16/2013 13:55 ON '16 AEELEL i013 '1 '121 I, UTEOOKED RETURN FROM COURT WITH JEFFERSON COUNTY. INMATE PAYTON WAS PROVIDED WITH HIS LUNCH TRAY AT THE BOOKING BENCH AND THEN WAS GIVEN BACK HIS PROPERTY FROM THE PROPERTY AND RE LODGED BACK IN D-90 AT APPROXIMATELY 1 I41. AT APPROXIMATELY 1150 AN ALL CALL TO D-90 WAS CALLED BY CORPORAL HOWELL 799 DUE TO HIM WITNESSING A - - I RESPONDED TO ALONG WITH CAPTAIN BEAGLE 755, SERGEANT 765, DEPUTY MORRIS 759, CO. BRAMLEY I AND CO. THOMAS. . UPON ENTERING PAYTON WAS HANDCUFFED AND REMOVED FROM THE CELL AND LODGED IND-143. ALL OF THE OTHER INMATES NOT INVOLVED WERE PULLED FROM THE CELL AND LODGED IN THE REC YARD. INMATE CROUCH WAS IN THE BATHROOM WITH VISIBLE INJURIES TO HIS HEAD AND HIS EAR. NURSE CELESTE ARRIVED ON SCENE AND BEGAN ASSESSING AND TREATING INMATE NURSE CELESTE ADVISED THAT INMATE CROUCH NEEDED TO BE RANSPORTED TO THE HOSPITAL. CORPORAL HOWELL SECURED INMATE CROUCH AND TRANSPORTED HIM TO ST GRANT COUNTY. D-9O WAS THEN SECURED AS A CRIME SCENE. .. -5- .. Incident Report . JaiITracker TM Report Printed On 04/17/2013 at 08:07 Page 1 Of2 incident Report Incident 8859 Creator: HOWELL, ROBERTJ Date: 04116120131915 Status: Closed By: Closed Date: Category A31 - DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY A31 FAILURE TO FOLLOW DIRECTIVE A31 - HARASSING COMMUNICATIONS ASI - HARASSMENT A81 - INAPPROPIATE BEHAVIOR A31 - INMATE ASSAULTED (INIURY) INMATE SAPTEY ISSUE A31 MAJOR RULE VIOLATION A31 MEDICAL INCIDENT EMERGENCY A31 - MINOR RULE VIOLATION A31 - MULTIPLE MINOR RULE VIOLATIONS A31 - RESPONSE TO RESISTANCE A31 - TERRORISTIC TEREATING ASI - VEREAL TO INMATE Force Used PE 4 - Verbal Commands pfO - Physical Restraints (Hands and Legs) Witnesses T2123 Name . How Involved Staff BEAGLE, TONYA Witness I "Staff ECWEELEOEERTI I - . WifIICss Staff MCCARTHY, WILLIAM JOSEPH . Witness Subjects Details CAPTATN BEAGLE 755, AND CHIEF WARRANT .QFFICBR.M.CCABTHY 7'13 THE ALL CALL AND WE MADE EN 33190 AT APPROXIMATELY 1 151. UPON ENTRY PAVTON 298706584 AND LOCKED DOWN IN CELL 33-138 - 1 . NURSE CELESTE ARRIVED AT THE CELL AT APPROXIMATELY 1152 AND BEGAN ASSESSING AND TREATING INMATE TIMOTHY CROUCH 29 8706795. NURSE CELESTE ADVISED US THAT TNMATE CROUCH NEEDED TO BE TRANSPO RTED TO THE HOSPITAL. THE REMAINING INMATES IN THE CELL WHO WERE NOT INVOLVED IN THE ALTERCATION WERE REMOVED FROM THE CELL AND PLACED IN THE REC YARD. D-9O WAS THEN SECURED AS CREME SCENE. PER CAPTAIN BEAGLE I CHECKED OUT A CRUISER AND TRANSPORTED INMATE CROUCH TO 3T ELIZABETH GRANT COUNTY. I ARRIVED AT ST ELIZABETH GRANT COUNTY AT 1212. puma" Incident Report JaiiTracker TM Report Printed On 04/17/2013 at 09158 . Page of 2 Head Count by Cell E.- [j 5/ HALL JR, JAMES CLIFFORD-STATE INMATE 122 f; mum 1217 . g] HUNT JR, WILLARD RAY-STATE TNMATE 12 [1 PAYTON, MONTE-STATE 12 ROUCH, TIMOTHY NAME I - Bed acket No'. 1- z: is .2 19467.5 19.4949- 9660 1394677 194673 194554 - 312939-19 Arrest No. 298706795 193705710 298706210 298706-797? 298706793 . 298706584 Race Sex . 2W: . :1 .W. .W m? 23:33 M: . Keep Seperate From BRYAN A BRANHAM, CODY TRIMBLB, DONALD MILBURN, JUSTIN LEAKE, DANIEL STEWART, JAMES MICHAEL EVANS, AARON FOWLER Total In Cell: 8 Total Count Head Count By Cell JailTx-acker TM Report Printed On 04/17/2013 at 09:Page 1 of 1 Grant County Detention Center Facility Admission Report 212 Barnes RD?vWiiliamstown, KY 4? 7 Phone: (859) 824-5191 A Fax: (859) 824-1285 Booking Jacitet# Detainee Name: marrow, OVELL MONTZ Maiden Name: 298706584 194554 Alias: of? SSN1F Reiigion: . ?7 a 1e} 3; Birth Place: Date of Birth: 01/25/1904 rm . Aztec-:1: Address:# Age: 29 e? City: LOUIS ILLE MaritaiStatus:? a I. L: State: KY of Children: 2 Nationality: American Zip Code: 0211 Phone: US Citizen: Li Hair Color: BLK Sex: Male Race: 13 Color: BRW $5514?! . .- Height: 6? 1" Complexion: DRK OVELL MONTZ ?Weight (1135.): 260 Build: NEEDIUM Other Features: WRITING ON BOTH ARMS, HOURGLASS ON ARM, FACE ON ARM Arresting Authority: Telephone Cail: NO Arresting Of?cer: UNKNOWN Number Coiled: Searching Of?cer: HOWELL Cell Assignment: D143 Booking Officer: WILSON, CAROLYN IANESE Classi?cation: STATE INMATE 121 CI County of charge: offerson Book Datel?l?ime: 0313/2013 21:58 Last Rebook DatelTime: 04/16/2013 11:21 Storage Location(sContact Type Address City State Zip Code LOUISVILLE KY 40212 Emergency Contact Case Bond Amount: Case Case Bond Type: Charge Case it Charge Code Counts Charge Description CitationlControi Charge Bond Amount 000000000 1 STATE INMATE $0.00 I certify that the above information is correct to the best of my 1010 I Staff Signature Detainee Signature Facility Admission Report printed for PAYTON, OVELL MONTE. JailTracker TM Report Printed On 04/17/2013 at 08:59 Page i of i Erant County Detention Center Facility Admission Report 212 Barnes RD--Williamstown, 97 Phone: (859) 824?5191 Fax: (859) 824?1285 Booking Jacket# Detainee Name: CROUCH, TIMOTHY ALAN 298706795 194675 Alias: Maiden Name: SSN: Religion: Birth Place: Date of Birth: 08/09/1976 Address: Age: 36 City: ASHLAND Marital Status: State: KY it of Children: 0 Zip Code: Nationality: American Phone: US Citizen: Occupation: Sex: Male 1 Hair Color: GRY Race: Color: BRO Height: 5' ll? Complexion: Weight 210 Build: MEDIUM Other Features: MICHIGAN TAT ON FOOT, TRIBAL SPIDER ON FOOT, DRAGON Arresting Authority: Telephone Call: NO Number Called: Arresting Of?cer: NA Officer: WHITNEY, ADAM Cell Assignment: D66 Booking Of?cer: JUMP, JESSICA DAWN Classification: STATE INMATE 121 CI Book DatefI?ime: 03/28/2013 14:35 County of Charge: Greening Last Rebook DateiTime: 04/ 1 6/20 13 20 :40 . Property Storage Location(s): 311, OLD BOOKING I Name 7 Address City State Zip Code Phone Case if: Case Bond Type. Case Bond Amount: Charge Case it Charge Code Caunts Charge Description CitationIConirol Charge Bond Amount 03017 1 STATE $0.00 rmation is correct to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the above info Detainee Si gnaturo Staff Signature n-s-vnqwanrnr-z-s :lms-u-ouv-xa-x-ar-wr 4 nv-Ihv-unv?vnn?vnvw-an-ru Facility Admission Report printed for CROUCH, ALAN JailTraoker TM Report Printed On 04/17/2013 at 08:59 Page 1 of 1 I After taking the initial information, the investigating officer should: Obtain statements ofall jail staff who responded to location and document what they did or observed. (even if they did nothing) Secure the control room critical incident log (attach with ER) a 21%. Complete Booking File Attached - {user Request Watch Tour and Gate Keeper Records Request review of inmate phone calls and records a; Cheek lnrnatee Mail and any other mail records is; Inmate Visitor Logs as i to Attach Inmate Incompatible List is Check for GrievancesMotesI/Alerts ,5 33:51: Inmate Tracking and Movements i5 - Complete 3' ail Incident Report Of Jail Management System HZ Complete Extraordinaryincident Repert (record EIR Elf Review report with immediate supervisor a; a: Prepare a press release (Administrative Duty) - in) Classi?cation interview Documents/NCIC, InstitutionalHistory as? Debrie?ng or incident with Jail Administration A Send evidence to the crime lab. Contact the county attorney regarding prosecution to: Are search warrants needed? $70101 . Signati of Investigation f?cer/Deputy 7 CONTWUENG ENWSTIGATION SUFERVISOR REVIEW ?gs? All new leads have been thoroughly followed up. All witnesses or possible suSpects have been re?contacte ,4 Review Inmates Phone Calls a! Watch Tour/ Gate Keeper records gig Check inmates Mail if required. 4. .. 'bnature of Supervisor (Captain) WHEN CEARGES HAVE BEEN FIELEB Question the accused about any knowledge of any other offenses in which they may be involved in Provide the prosecutor with all in working relationship. vestigation documents and develop a good File this checklist with the Extraordinary incident Report. Reviewed by: QUALITY CHECKLIST F0 Enter a check if the identi?ed activity has been satisfactorily apply to the case being investigated. Blank lines indicate PRELEMINARY INVESTIGATION REPORT REP Has the reporting of?cer: . Secured Area of Incident (identifyr cell location or area) 7* Do .ot clean or enter the scene until K.S.P. arrives and/or investigation complete Critical incident Log Started (Control Room Deputy) {:29 eerie Facility Security Status (Blue, Red, OrangelYellow or Green) Lo All Individuals Responding To Incident sf Notify Supervisor/ Duty Officer? as i a Security Headcount? {at Contact medical to secure all medical and mental health records In house treatment? (SHP on site) Outsource treatment? (Hospital etc, . .) Was Restraint or Safety Chair used? 5; [as Restraint/ Safety Chair Logs attached Interviewed the victi1n(s)? (written or tape statement if possible) to; an Does victim wish to prosecute? (signed statement if no) 3[ Determine if a crime is committed? a Determine if crime is felony or misdemeanor? Contacted KSP for investigation? {in Escape contact list to notify (Vine, D.O.C., SM. KSP.) Photograph Scene? - a Video Scene? . .. a-l-Egem- Sketched Scene3g: Searched for and identify an}r evidence? Documentation of evidence? (Described evidence thoroughly) Collection of evidence If KS .P. responds let them collect or trained staft) Securing evidence (packaging, chain of custody, lockup Identify Potential Witnesses (give name 85 complete information) Separate Potential Witnesses (jail staff, inmates, Have all witnesses been intervieWed? (written or taped statement) 35: Have all suspects been named and or described in detail? a 3g Have suspects been advised their rights? 5g Have suspected been interviewed? (written statement if possible) s/ Have suspect been searched for physical evidence? (Injuries, prepertv; 2/ Has snapect been photo graphed? i DETENTION CENTER ENVESTIGATEUNS completed or enter if it does not hat activity needs to be conducted. Imna?tezLast Cf?udrx First 3; MI: Race 3% Sex {"53 Date ofBirth . ?ii. I sat . assesses it} RESESTANCE Level of ResiStanee: Intimidated (N onaverbal'elues indicating subjects attitude or physieal readiness ?Verbal Non-Compliance (verbal responses or threats of noncompliance to of?cer?s direction :3 Passive Resistance (Dead weight errigid~ to prevent of?cers from gaining control) 13 Active. Resistant . (Pushing, pulling or running away not attempting to harm of?cers) Active Aggression (Physical action or assault) Aggravated Active Aggression (Deadly Force) Lewis et? Eentrei: :1 Professional Presence Response ype: Yes E. No Restraints Used Yes No Verbal Direction . - Type used: is. a Soft Empty Hand Control? Time Restraints Applied a Idint Lock C3 Motor/Pressure Points Time Reseanrts Remorred 3; Muscling I Safety Chair: 4 Taser/OC Spray/Pepperba? (nonlethal) Leg filled out: es No n; - Hard. Empty Hand Strike Visually check restraints every 15 minutes Time Safety Chair applied: a 7g Impact weapons (Baton, ASP, Time Safety Chair removed: Deadly Force (requires LEN Investigation) Taser Use: - Admin. Warning Yes No a: Probes Retrieved Yes in No . Taser Serial is; i 52,: Cartridge Serial a: has the supervisor been noti?ed for follow up report? Chemicai Agents: ti OC Spray {3 Paperbali Gun Admin. Wanting es No in. Time of Decontamination a. If response to resistance was necessary No If no, then why Type oflncidcet: we ?SS?ekkeperte? Date ofIneideef: Time: at 3 Cheek Appropriate Boxes Inmate Death Suicide A?emp?ced Suicide I3 Serious A'eeident?ai Injury [3 Self In?ieted Injury Attempted Escape 01' Escape Fire Riot 1:1 Inmate on Inmate Assault 4e"; Staff Assaulted Sexual Assault/PRBA El Contagieus er Infectious Disease SRT Incident :3 Response to Resistance Title of Criminal Investigatio? ?fe; W. - Use Additional ferms?) if more than (3) inmates are invelved Name of lime ate?Involved (Hf ?5ka - 1. EM First . Middle . Last Q5 ?Kg SSN -_Bool A??/rf ,5 677%; Treated by Hospital Yes No El Prescription, if applig?jle . I Wmo?mz, cam inn/MM Aitach Copy of ER discharge instructions Ej+uw?5 1 I Documentation ofInjul?ies Jug 4,27: (930 ?mg? QM: Hm: L?zi?i?ig??ifmj {a m; #1130 (96303 Wm? Wigwam? ?33 W3 Hi??rd ?Wa?j C?7r~?oli xt?za. M??m Raisor, Tonya (DOC) From: Brooks, Desi (DOC) Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:28 AM o: '' Cc: . Burton, Jeff Holden, Paula Raiser, Tonya Michelle (DOC) Subject: Re: Thank you From: Steven Skinner Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 09:23 AM To: Brooks, Desi (DOC) Subject: Desi, lam just back in the office today and wanted to make you aware that we had an inmate attempt suicide on 12/9/13. The inmate was inmateuhe attempted to cut his wrist he was taken to an outside hospital and was given 7 staples to the area. The incident is being completed and as soon as have it all together i will forward it to you. if you need anything from me right away please let me know. Thanks, fez/0min 6teven. 8k?nnet Operations Captain Director of Special Operations PREA Coordinator Grant County Detention Center Phone [859] 824?5191 Fax [859) 824? Mar. 8. 2013 No.3734 P. 31 I I . I Bra-45,. . :Nl 63$ Terry Peeplea, alley Grant County Detention. Center 212 Barnes Rd Wi?iamstown, KY 41097 I 85969-46191 wm'ms? SHEET DOB: 4/22.] 1137 I NAME OF Diem 3 . . DATE 3; TIME: 317/2013 #25? LOCATION: 5 (122:. OFFICERSIGNATURE ?aw Mar. 8. 2013 194-7 No.3734 P. 32 MIRANDA WARNING You have the right to remain silent Anyfhing you say can and will be used against you 1'11 some You haw: the right to talk to a lawyer and may has/e him present with you before and during any questioning. -, If you want to talk to a. lawyer but cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you at the public exp 61136. If you Waiy?e' yen; r1 gh?c to remain silent and later Wish to stop answering questions you may do so. - If you waivo your right to have a lawyer preseot and later change your mind you may do so. WAWER By signing your name below you aclmowledg?hat you. ?nderstand rights. - I.-- We? Time By signing your name below you are Waiviug these rights and are willing to answer questions. Tye/g - me Date Time Mm; 737' Kentucky Department of Corrections Certificate of Occupancy is hereby granted Grant County Detention Center 280 Permanent Beds 68 Jail Restricted Beds Rated Capacity Full Service Type of Facility "10? a; L.- ?ufu This Certificate of Occupancy will expire after your next annual inspection.