Mr Burden entered the facility directly from court at which time I was called up (by dep Howell) to do an intake on all inmates in booking (which were 3 men, including Mr Burden). 'I'he transporting of?cer was not in the booking at this time, and believed to be gone. Mr Burden was coherent and informed me of his medications, name, history of diabetes, why he took his meds and date of birth. He stated he was prescribed xanax 10 mg twice a day, elevil, and Percocet 30 twice a day, along with lantus 65 units every morning and regular insulin at 10 unit intervals when needed. I asked why he appeared sleepy and he stated that he thought his sugar was up and ?maybe could be my medications?. He was placed in detox on watch at this time. He then walked to medical, where I took his blood sugar (336), got his Vitals (b/p 104/70, hr 88, 97.2, 16 )and his weio at 157. He was alert and oriented, enough to tell me that he didn?t want me to contact his pharmacy about his medications, that he was a business man with a good reputation (dep Howell and Dep Greene witnesses) At this time he stated he felt ?woozy?, when I asked why, he said he thought it was his blood sugar. I asked if he had eaten today which he stated ?a little.? A little while later I was asked to come and assess Mr Burden while sitting on the bench at which time Dep Howell stated he said he suffers from COPD and was coughing. I went out and assessed him and found him coughing. The oximeter red 93% with a b/p of 131/84, hr 82 and 16 (after coughing). Lungs were clear in all lobes. I was on the phone when Dep Howell came to medical and stated that Mr Burden was snoring but would not wake up, could you come assess him. At that time Nurse Edna went to the cell. After my phone call I went out to see what was going on and was met by dep Howell at the booking desk at which time was told that they cant wake him up and we are not sure if he is breathing. When I arrived at the cell, I saw Nurse Edna bent over the inmate and I proceeded to assist with noxious stimuli. At this time he had a pulse felt via carotid artery and taking shallow breaths while Nurse Edna attempted to get Vitals. As the events happened, and noticing the breathing stopped and hr slowed to 13, I started CPR chest compressions with nurse Edna using ambu bag and getting oxygen ready for the non?rebreather. At this time I told the deputies to call 911, we continued CPR until paramedics arrived. Nurse Celeste 3/27/ 13 EURO-000037