New York State Division of Housing and Con-unity Renewal Office of Rent Administration Registration Rent Roll Report for Registration Id Number: 205 9TH ST BROOKLYN. NEH YORK 112i! Information on this report is as of Heron 05. 2013 The attached Registration Rent Roll report shows information on file with the NYS Division of Housing and Con-unity Renewal (DHCR) for the above referenced building and has had it's Certification of Copy of Record signed by certifying officer on the first and last pages of this report. The DHCR considers the entire report as having certified status. This report was printed at the Brooklyn BRO of DHCR. The apartment status section of the report indicates the reported nature of the occupancy of the eperteent. The following designations are used: R5 Rent Stabilized TE I Temporarily Exempt - Vacant RC I Rent Controlled VD - Vacancy.0econtrolled PE - Permanently Exempt The effective date is the date that the apartment became subject to rent regulation as required by the Oenibue Housing Act of 1983 and is Only visible on the Initial Registration Rent Roll Report. A appended to the end of the rent amount indicates that the rent amount is paid weekly instead of an amendment to the annual apart-ent registration filed by the An prefixing the apartment number indicates that owner has been recorded. The filing date is the date when the registration for the apartment was received by DHCR. A in this coluen indicates that the filing date was not recorded on the camputer file. ADVISORY NOTE: This document merely reports the statements made by the owner in the registration(s) filed by such ounQr and does not reflect changes in rent occurring after April 1 of each year. OHCR does not attest to the truthfulness of the owner?s statements or the legality of the rents reported in this document. Furthermore, this docuugng not necessarily reflect modifications to the lawful rent or other registration inforeetion as a result of orders issued by DHCR. or a finding that a registration has not been filed. 3M3 . 7 151v; OFFICER Print Location: Brooklyn 320 Den: 1 n: ma . Dwumn a! mm" Ind mm:- an Inn Aummnnuan min-v a. Inn-Hon am am her mmamsn xa MW mus a sr anunmN, vnaa mu "Warn-Hon an am. mm 1- lurch as, 201: (rrEcnvz mm mm mm: Lust ms: auaasa smus one am am am am am You"! 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Office of Rent Administration 2012 Registration Rent Roii Report Effective 04/01/2012 for Registration Id Number: 383845 205 9TH ST BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11211 Information on this report is as of March 05. 2013 FILING LEASE LEASE BEGAN ENDS APT LEGAL PREFERENTIAL ACTUAL STATUS REG RENT RENT RENT PAID DATE TENANT NAME APARTMENT N0 INFORMATION FOUND FOR THIS REGISTRATION YEAR. CERTIFICATION OF COPY OF RECORD I am an empioyee of the New York State Division -f Housing and Cammunity Renewal (DHCR) and I am duly authorized by DHCR to make this certification. I certify to foregoin- 5 a true copy of the owner?s statements made in such owner's 2012 p.955 rati on file with DHCR. ed in the cemputer records of DHCR. with the exception that certain infer a 0 contained in such regi modified by OHCR for identification purposes oniy. I Print Location: Brookiyn 8R0 .