Pottsrownctusterv OF RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES \ 57 North Franklin stree Pottstown, PA 19462 pottstowncluster.orE 610.97().599€ Nourlahln9 Llvo6. st16n!Jth{!^tnq FamtIes I Septernber 30,2015 Ms. Maria Bleile Zoning and Planning Administrator c/o The Borough of Pottstown 100 East ll igh Street Pottstown, PA '19464 . I ,: lVir Re: 6l N. Franklin Street, Pottstown, pA Dear Ms. Bleile, As requested,.we are sending youthis letteras a.general-description ofthe Pottstown Cluster of Religious ComrnLrrr ities' ( PCRC) plans for the^use of the above referenced property, acquired by the pCRC on July 16, 20 5. we apologizc fior the lardy nature of tltis letter, but our board meijust last week ancl we wanted to be clear about our intentions before responding to your request. knol, this property has a long hislory ofrnixed uses, but has not been occupied or used since 20t l, and is in nced ofsignificant capital improvcments. Initially we have been taking sorne baiic steps to stabilize and preserye the prope(y from ftuther deterioration,.including tuming the power back on, repairing broken windorvs, making.sure that tlle hcating systern is funclional and instiiling aid reiairing guners aniao*n".poui, ,o *op ."ut", As you infiltration. Our iong term intentions are to use th^c. build.ing for our rvork as parl of Montgomery County,s your Way Hom€ prograln and to operate classrooms. Please let us be clearthatwe do not inteid to ,i"" ,r,ri. 6uirjiig to provide any son ofshelter or housing on a temporaty or pennanent basis. This is not the mission ofthe PCRCI The actual naturc and extent ofthe needed renovations is under consideration and the guidance ofexperienced professionals, and tnay be for some time to come. We believe that ahrost all ofthe interior architectural elements ofthe building can bc preserved and enhanced. we recognize and appreciate the architectuJ u"."iy.rtrr" property such that we inteDd to ultinately rerurn the propirty to its former elegatrce. ofcourse' it is our hope and goal that this acquisition and the intelded renovations and use ofthe property will be a positive force in our comrnunity, and rvill e-nhance the stability and aesthetics ofour neighborhood. We are sensitive to th€ concerns ofthe membersof the local community and hope to work withihen iri a sLrpportive and c_ollaboralive way dLrring this process and thereafter, Please feei free to contact Barbara Wilhelmy, our Executive Direclor, directly to discuss this project funher as you deem necessary. Best Regards, The Board of Directors Pottslown Cluster of Religious Cornmunities