Hame Abauttli? Pragrams NiCFaundatian Spansars Press Recognition YDUR messes: Is aun Misslau l: Sec?an Hesaurces actvacate educate Safe Campus Act I Fair Campus Act BTHINGS Mtat da ether higher educa?an, student graups and fail-llr enfarcement I sayahaut MUST KNOW The public statements af rnanyI ather higher educatian graups. lainr enfarcement arganizatians and ather interested parties are in cangruence with MIC pasitianing an This issue- Far this very.t reasan. we are cantin uing ta salicit additianal suppart far Safe Campus. Same examples include: Ir Pasilim at H?TeAmerican Cauncl at Trustees [Ind Alumni - "Rape and sexual assault are felanies and thew,r are matters far The palice and criminal justice system?net universities. The higher educatian camrnunih.t sirnpli.t is nat equipped Tc- pla'; judge. jury and exec uTianer in matters that require The careful at palice and jurists. Bath accusers and The accused arr given shan shy-HT when due aracess and The lEarsrirutianal saleguarcls at The crirrinal justice system are swapped far ama'eur investiga'ars and ad hac caiege Tribunals." it Arnerican Camth an Elm-patina - "We beiieve tha? current federal requirements That may undermine an insTiTuTian's ability in wank wilh lacal lav.- eniarcemert agencies?such as The r'eguirement That campuses inves'f'gate and resalve sexual assaut?s in 450' days ar less?naught Ta be carefullv recanstdered. When law eniarcen'ten? specificallv regues?s That an inst-'Tutian suspend iTs ca rap-us investigatian. in siitut'ans snaulci be permitted ta campli.r with that request withaut fear at Title repercussians." HIE Letter Ta Eanaresa Lime "Because calieaes and universities may lac-t The expertise and resaurces needed in These areas. we lael'eve it is essential Ta warlr. clasel'y' with tacal ehiarcen'uent agencies whea sexual assault cases arise. Unlartuaatetv. current federal palletr can undermine aur ala'l'tv fa da This Bill! reg uires. that camszes resalve sexual assault repa?s within clays. But such a hard and fast deadline isaiten inc-urn palible with ?he timetable used av lacal law en?arcement agencies." It ATEE Letter l'a Cangrass [June 2i] "Far exam ale. in ane recent case. hig relevant farensic evidence will not be avaitaale in tire Ta intarm campus discia'irarv praceedings. In an ether. a prasecutar 'nstructed an institutian nat ta sawI ar a'a anvthing alaaut a reps-"ted sexual assault. lest iT urclernfne The are-secutar's angainq investigatian. This put the ?ns?rutiar. in an untenable sz'TuaTEan?anxiaus ta campli.I vvi?'l a request fratr The lacal prasecutar but at r?s-T af vialating The deadlines impased pvt-DER. I .ITEE Letter Ta Car-aress Uunne 2am - "The Current regal-slaw tram-art: class rat adequater recancile the real that exist beiweer federal requirements far prampt and eauituh-le resaarses and aparapriate detererce Ta law enter-:errent. Parallel sch-eat and criminal investigatians alsa h'ghlight the differences in The resaurcae available Ta lav-T en?arcement investigati ans campared Ta campus praceedings" ACE Letter ta?angress magnet-Thar Hit-ti, signed by numerst higher emcalian graaps inch-cling HAS-PA - "We reiterate aur strang desire fa." lacal law eriarcErr'er-T Ia assist cam auses 'n addressing sexual assault. We believe thatcurrent federal reguirerrents *hat may undermine an insTitutien's a'lzlilitgl.r Ia wart. with lacal law enfa-rcement agencies such as The requirement tnat campuses invest'gate and resalve sexual assaults ?n as day's ar less au-g nT Ta he careiullv recansidered. Wnen law eaten-cement specifically requests Theta-'1 inst'tutian suspend its campus investigatian, irsTiTuTEans stusuld la-e Ta carnpl'yI Illvith That request 1l'lT'ThaLthear at Title Di repercussians. Praceeding with a Title investigatian against an express request tram IaweriarcetrenT cauld nat alth ieaparciize The invesTigatlan ard prasecutian af The criminal case. but cauld a'sa vialate state laws prahihiting interference with. an angaing criminal investigaliah." I Assadatian far Student Can-mm Adminiarutian - "it it appearstnat pursuing ?ne campus investiga?an Tt-e cri'rin-al investigarian. ASCA Tin alignment with guidance fram The United States Department af Educatian's lefice far I[Evil Rights] r'ecarrmends an ?nterirn hatcl an The catnpus Envesliclatian while The fact ?nding accurs in The criminal investigat'an- Du?ng ?'lis Temparar'v time. The carr-pus may; put inter'm Treasures in piace Ta ara?ecr its students at carnrruntv. which may ?nclude sectarian he the accused stud eat them The campus ca'nrnanity.? 1* Facndatian at Individml Rights in Educarian [FlFtEt - believes That cantiming Ta entrust campusjudiciaries mm The respansi'ail'nt Ta determire The guilt ar 'r nacence at students accused af ane af saciel?yr's mas? heinaus crimes ensures cantin ued failure. The current svstem is brakes- Greater precedurai prateclians wau Id certainly; be an impravemeht. but they will nat salve The prahlem-" believes that Ta best serve laath efficacy arcl fairress. law enforcement and 'he criminal justice svsten'n must investigate and adjudicate allegatians at cr'm'nal m'scanduct- We maintain That The "safety at our nat'a-n's callege students demands The facuseci attentian at well-trained law en?arcetnent praiessianals. hat carnaus adninish-atars faTlawing risi-T management practices. We: {I'Twent Busters a MEMBERS LOGIN