Case 1:15-cv-23810-JEM Document 14 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/15/2015 Page 1 of 3 UN ITED STA TES D ISTRICT CO URT FOR THE SOU TH ERN DISTRICT OF FLOR IDA M iam iD ivision C ase N um ber:15-23810-ClV -M A RT lN EZ-G O O D M A N ATLAN TIC R ECOR DIN G CORPO R ATION , W ARN ER BR O S.RECO RD S lN C.,U M G RECORDW GS,fNC.,SONY M USIC EN TERTA W M EN T,and CA PITO L RECORD S, LLC, Plaintiffs, V S. AN DREW SA M PSON ,A UR OU S G ROU P,IN C. and DO ES 1-10, Defendants. TE M PO M R Y R EST R M N IN G O R D ER THIS M ATTER isbeforethe CourtonPlaintiffs'M otion foraTemporary Restraining OrderandPreliminarylnjunction (D.E.No.12),filedOctober14,2015.OnOctober13,2015, PlaintiffsfiledtheirComplaintforDnmagesandforDeclaratory andInjunctiveReliefagainst DefendantsLD.E.No.1).Thesameday,Plaintiffs'cotmselaversthattheyprovidedbothwritten and oralnoticeto DefendantsAndrew Sam pson and AurousGroup,Inc.ofPlaintiffs'intention tomovethisCourtforaTemporaryRestrainingOrder(çeeDecl.ofThomasG.Hentoff,D.E. No.12-11.Plaintiffs'counselhavealsoservedacopyofPlaintiffs'motionpaperson DefendantsgD.E.No.121. The Court,having reviewed Plaintiffs'M otion and supporting m aterials,and being fully advised in thepremises,hereby ORDERS and ADJUD GES asfollows: Case 1:15-cv-23810-JEM Document 14 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/15/2015 Page 2 of 3 Plaintiffs'm otion fora Tem porary R estraining OrderisG R AN TED in partas setforth herein. The m otion is othenvise denied. Accordingly,IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that,pursuantto 17U.S.C.j502andFederal RuleofCivilProcedure65(b),Defendantsandtheirofficers,agents,servants,employees, attorneys,and a11personswho in activeconcertorparticipation with each orany ofthem ,orwho are aidingand abetting theirconduct,arehereby RESTRAINED and ENJOINED untilfurther OrderofthisCourtfrom infringing,orcausing,enabling,facilitating,encouraging,promoting and inducing orpartieipating in the infringem entof,any ofPlaintiffs'copyrights protected by theCopyrightAct,whethernow in existenceorhereaftercreated,including butnotlimited to,by (a)makingtheSûAurous''softwareapplication,whetherin desktopormobileversions,including applicationsrunning on the iOS orAndroid operating system s,available fordownload oruse; and(b)allowingthetransfertoanypersonofanyora11domainnamesorURLSthrough which DefendantsinfringePlaintiffs'copyrights(including,withoutlimitation, IT ISFURTHER ORDERED that,pursuanttoFed.R.Civ.P.65(c),Plaintiffsshall postabondintheamountofFiveThousand DollarsandZeroCents($5,000.00),assecurityto pay thecostsand damagessustainedby aDefendantin theeventitisfound thata Defendanthas beenwrongfullyenjoinedorrestrained,duringthependencyofthisaction,oruntilfurtherorder ofthe Court. Theterm softhisOrdershalltake effectim mediately,and shallremain in effectuntil furtherOrderofthisCourt. A hearingonPlaintiffs'MotionforaPreliminary lnjunctionissetbeforethisCourtin the W ilkie D .Ferguson,Jr.United StatesCourthouse located at400 N orth M iam iAvenue,M iam i, Florida 33128,Courtroom 10-1 on O ctober 28,2015 at2:B0 p.m . This hearing shallnot 2 Case 1:15-cv-23810-JEM Document 14 Entered on FLSD Docket 10/15/2015 Page 3 of 3 exceedthirty(30)minutes.Thepartiesshallconferpriortothehearingtodeterminehow tosplit theallotted time. lfthepartiesareunableto agreeon how to splittheallotted tim e,the Court willdecidehow to splittheallotted time.Any responseoropposition to Plaintiffs'M otion fora PreliminarylnjunctionmustbefiledandservedonPlaintiffs'onorbeforeOctober26,2015 at 2:00 p.m . Any reply in supportofPlaintiffs'M otion mustbefiled and served on Defendantson orbefore O ctober 27,2015 at2:00 p.m . The above dates m ay be revised upon stipulation by all partiesand approvalofthisCourt.Defendantsare hereby on noticethatfailure to appearatthe hearingmayresultin theimpositionofapreliminaryinjunctionagainstthem. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thatPlaintiffsshallim mediately serve acopy ofthis Orderon Defendantsand filea certificateofservice on therecord. DON E and ORDERED in Chmnbersin M iam i,Floridathis day ofOctober,2015 at $,:2. 1 p.m. r JO SE .M AR TIN EZ UNIT STATES DISTRI T JUDGE Copiesprovided to) M agistrateJudge Goodman Al1CounselofRecord