Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione: A critical analysis of the literature as it pertains to electronic nicotine delivery systems and personal vaporizers. Abstract: A critical review of the most recent toxicological and epidemiological information available for Diacetyl (DA) and 2,3-pentanedione (PD) was undertaken in an attempt to quantify the associated risk level of incorporating DA and/or PD into electronic nicotine delivery devices (e-cigs) and personal vaporizers (vaporizers). Data gathered for recommended exposure levels (REL) determined by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and occupational exposure levels (OEL) determined by the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure Limits for diacetyl (SCOEL) were critically evaluated. Additional literature review on the associated risks of DA and PD from cigarette smoking and correlations to exposure from e-cigs and vaporizers were included. Based on the current understanding of the risks associated with DA and PD inhalation, as well as the inhalation characteristics of humans utilizing e-cig and/or vaporizer devices, it is not recommended to include DA or PD into the flavoring solution of e-cig and/or vaporizer devices. This recommendation is carried further to include volatile organic carbonyls as a chemical class in general until a more thorough review of the individual components can be ascertained. Introduction: Diacetyl is a natural flavoring substance found in a number of food products; e.g. beer, butter, coffee and others. Diacetyl is also a metabolite of acetaldehyde in mammals. Synthetic diacetyl is also used as an artificial flavoring in a wide range of snack foods (microwave popcorn, potato/corn chips, processed cheese, sour cream, salad dressing, icing, sauces, marinades and other processed foodstuffs). [1, 2] Diacetyl imparts a creamy, buttery flavor to these products and is included on the FDA’s generally regarded as safe (GRAS) list of food ingredients for ingestion. In 2000 NIOSH evaluated 135 workers at a microwave popcorn production plant. Air sampling of the microwave production areas of the facility was performed and a qualitative evaluation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found over 100 different compounds present in the air of the facility. The predominant compounds identified included the ketones diacetyl, methyl ethyl ketone, acetoin, 2nonanone and acetic acid. Diacetyl was identified as the predominant ketone in the facility. NIOSH reported that these workers had 2.6 times the expected rate of chronic cough and shortness of breath, when compared to national data and twice the expected rate of physician diagnosed asthma and chronic bronchitis. Overall the workers had 3.3 times the expected rate of airway obstruction, with “never-smokers” having 10.8 times the expected rate. Further investigations by NIOSH showed that workers who were employed longer (i.e. longer exposure) and those exposed to higher concentrations of the flavoring agents (near isolated tanks of oils and flavorings), had a higher frequency of airway obstruction and respiratory symptoms. These NIOSH investigations included cases where workers mixing butter flavors with heated oil were diagnosed with bronchiolitis obliterans. [2] References [2] and [3] describe additional studies performed in the workplace since 2000. 1 Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 Bronchiolitis obliterans (also named constrictive bronchiolitis or obliterative bronchiolitis) is a condition characterized by the irreversible fixed airways obstruction caused by the narrowing of the bronchiolar lumen by submucosal fibrosis or fibrous tissue in the adventia or adjacent alveolar septa. Essentially bronchiolitis obliterans is a deep lung disease that significantly restricts breathing due to the formation of fibrous tissue around the alveoli. The symptoms can be described from mild to severe and in some cases it has proven fatal. It is a rare, permanent disease and as such can be potentially mis-diagnosed by physicians as, bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia. In this regard, it is important to consider the possibility of some number of workers exposed to diacetyl and diagnosed with airway obstruction of some form (emphysema, COPD, asthma etc.) could in fact have bronchiolitis obliterans. [2] In 2011, based on the epidemiology and available toxicology data, NIOSH provided a draft document on exposure to diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione. NIOSH proposed a 5 ppb recommended exposure level (REL) based on an 8 hour time weighted average. And a 25 ppb short-term exposure level (STEL) for fifteen minute acute exposures. [3] That same year, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) published its most recent findings from animal inhalation studies of diacetyl and based on the data collected arrived at a 60 ppb REL. [4] NIOSH reviewed the NTP data and arrived at the conclusion that since the animal data was within an order of magnitude of the epidemiology data and due to the severity of risk associated with the inhalation of diacetyl, the original determination of the REL and STEL of 5ppb and 25 ppb respectively for diacetyl exposure was appropriate. [5] OSHA has yet to define an occupational exposure level (OEL) for diacetyl, but a thorough review of the available toxicology and epidemiology data was performed by the European Commission, which published in 2014 an OEL of 20 ppb and a STEL of 100 ppb. [2] 2,3,-pentanedione is currently being used as an alternative to diacetyl in the food and flavoring industry as well as other compounds that provide the buttery flavor characteristics in food. [6] However quantitative risk assessments described by NIOSH, determined that preliminary evidence from animal based inhalation toxicological studies suggest that the relative toxic potency of 2,3-pentanedione may be of equal or greater magnitude than diacetyl with regard to respiratory disease. [5] Further discussion within this document relating to diacetyl specifically, should also be interpreted to include 2,3pentanedione. Discussion: OELs and RELs: What they mean and how they correlate to e-cigs/vaporizers From a toxicology standpoint, an OEL or REL is based on an 8 hour time weighted average, 5 days a week for a total of 40 hours of exposure. This means that while exposure levels can spike to above 5 ppb (but not above 25 ppb), there must be periods throughout the day where exposure is less than 5 ppb such that, over the course of 8 hours, the average exposure is 5 ppb or less. 2 Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 One could argue that for an e-cig/vaporizer device, the consumer will not be exposed continuously over the course of 8 hours and therefore exposures of up to 25 ppb over the course of fifteen minutes may be acceptable. This argument is flawed for several reasons as described in the following paragraphs. Time frames for OELs and RELs were developed to determine the potential risk of employees to toxic substances in the workplace. What is embedded within the OEL or REL, but may not be readily apparent, is clearance time associated upon removal of the exposure. Clearance times are essential to the understanding of OELs and RELs because they essentially provide 1/3 of a day to exposure considerations and 2/3 of the day for the person to clear the toxin from the body through a variety of mechanisms including clean air exchange within the lungs (exhalation) or metabolism of the substance with eventual excretion. There are also an additional two days a week (the weekend for instance), where it is assumed the exposure to the toxin is absent, thus providing additional clearance time prior to re-exposure. It becomes quickly apparent that the limited exposure times and extended clearance times assumed within the OEL and REL do not readily translate to the uncontrolled use and potential abuse by the public of e-cigs and/or vaporizers. In fact the exposure and clearance times could easily be reversed with potentially more exposure to the toxic substance for 2/3 of the day and most likely higher frequency exposures over the course of the weekend. Assuming an e-cig/vaporizer user is also exposed during the course of their work day (the remaining 1/3 of the day), there is minimal clearance time for the body to rid itself of the toxic substance. Another concept of the time weighted average OEL and REL is the fact that they are based on an average of exposure levels, meaning that while in some instances the exposure may be greater than 5 ppb for a given amount of time, over the course of an 8 hour day there will be periods of time that the exposure will be less than 5 ppb or even no exposure will occur. While it could be argued that an ecig/vaporizer user would conceivably only be exposed to diacetyl for brief, periodic moments within a day, given the uncontrolled exposure characteristics of the device and the severity of the risks associated with diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione inhalation it is impossible to make that argument with any degree of conviction. Due to the uncontrolled exposure capability inherent with using e-cig/vaporizer devices, any attempts at producing a flavor solution containing DA or PD is not recommended. It should be noted that cumulative exposure to inhalation toxicants is the most important metric to consider for respiratory function and as such a consumer may potentially use these products over a significant portion of their lifetime, greatly increasing their risks for developing airway obstructive diseases/syndromes including bronchiolitis obliterans due to repeated, chronic exposure to DA or PD. Confounding Cigarette Smoke Data and Additional Considerations Pertinent to e-cigs/vaporizers A 2014 review article (Pierce et. Al.) describes the comparatively high yields of DA and PD from conventional cigarettes versus what workers in the food and flavoring industry are exposed to in an attempt to moderate the risks and exposure levels put forth by NIOSH concerning exposure to these 3 Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 compounds due to the of lack of bronchiolitis obliterans diagnoses in cigarette smokers and the paucity of epidemiology data associated with PD exposure. [7] The review article states that the authors are unaware of any cases of bronchiolitis obliterans being attributed to cigarette smoking, even though DA and PD in cigarette smoke has been shown to be much higher in concentration than any reported exposures in workplace studies. As noted above, bronchiolitis obliterans is a rare disease that has the potential to be misdiagnosed by physicians as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, COPD and other airway obstruction. Cigarette smoking is strongly associated with many respiratory diseases including the aforementioned, as well as airway obstruction. As described in the previously referenced materials, workers exposed to diacetyl in the workplace also exhibited airway obstruction at multiple times the expected rate based on comparison to national data. Since the use of e-cig/vaporizer devices could be considered to better correlate with cigarette smoking than with occupational exposures, and the Pierce article implies that the high concentrations of DA and PD in cigarette smoke have not produced any documented cases of bronchiolitis obliterans, it is reasonable to attain a better understanding of the inhalation dynamics for both cigarettes and ecigs/vaporizers. Fortunately, there is an abundance of data on the “puffing” patterns of humans with many different types of cigarettes and electronic nicotine delivery systems. Kleinstreuer and Feng have written a very thorough review article, which provides comparative studies concerning the deposition of toxic aerosols in the lung for conventional cigarettes, less harmful cigarettes (LHC), potentially reduced risk products (PREPs) and e-cigs. [8] As described in the Kleinstreuer and Feng review, when it comes to considering how much of any particular substance or even how many types of substances are inhaled from smoking devices, “less mass and species being yielded is not equal to less health harm.” There are a number of factors to be taken into consideration, specifically the problem of compensatory smoking (deeper/longer inhalation) and an increased consumption of cigarettes (or in the case of e-cigs/vaporizers – increased number of puffs). It has been shown that LHC smokers developed lung cancer further down into the lung than conventional cigarette smokers. [9] Considering that on average, puff duration for conventional cigarettes vs. e-cigs was found to be 2.4 s and 4.3 s respectively it becomes readily apparent that vapors transferred from an e-cig device will be pulled deeper into the lung than smoke/vapor from conventional cigarettes. [10] This is in fact supported through Computational Fluid-Particle Dynamics (CF-PD) simulation models of airflow within the human respiratory system. [8] From the same CF-PD modeling study of highly concentrated/dense smoke-aerosol particles from conventional cigarettes contributes to enhanced deposition of the smoke components (including DA and PD) in the upper airway region of the respiratory tract. [11] The data concerning the vapor generated from an e-cig/vaporizer device is sparse, but one must assume based on the CF-PD modeling of conventional cigarette smoke that the less concentrated/less dense aerosol will travel further into the airway region and into the deeper lung where exposure to the bronchioles and alveoli to DA or PD is significantly enhanced. This enhanced exposure may very well lead to increased risk of bronchiolitis obliterans. 4 Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 The aerosol deposition dynamics within the lung, as modeled by CF-PD simulations, provide a reasonable basis as to why according to Pierce et al. deeper lung diseases such as bronchiolitis obliterans have not been reported in cigarette smokers even given the high concentrations of DA and PD in cigarette smoke. The deposition of the aerosol particles in cigarette smoke occurs primarily in the upper respiratory tract, whereas bronchiolitis obliterans is a deep lung disease. Concomitantly, with longer puffing and less dense vapor from e-cigs, it is likely that the deeper part of the lung (bronchioles and alveoli) will be exposed to the compounds within the vapor. If DA and PD are components of the vapor then the risk of developing serious deep lung diseases such as bronchiolitis obliterans becomes of critical concern. Conclusion: Upon critical evaluation of the available toxicology and epidemiology data described within this monograph and more thoroughly within the associated references, along with the smoking behavior data collected on both human subjects and CF-PD simulations describing compensatory smoking behaviors and more deep lung exposures from e-cigs/vaporizers, it is concluded that diacetyl and 2,3pentanedione should not be considered as candidates for flavoring in the e-cig/vaporizer solution. Furthermore, any consideration of reactive volatile organic carbonyl compounds for inclusion into the ecig/vaporizer solution should be thoroughly evaluated based upon the most recent toxicological and epidemiological data. R. Patrick Rainey, Ph.D., DABT Technical Toxicology Consultant Creative Process Solutions, LLC. Raleigh, NC 27613 5 Executive Summary Toxicology of Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione August 3rd 2014 References 1. International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations. Flavouring Ingredient Diacetyl Linked to Deadly LungDisease. http://www.iuf.org/cgibin/dbman/db.cgi?db=default&ww=1&uid=default&ID=4675&view_records=1&en=1 2. Recommendation from the Scientific Committee on Occupational Exposure limits for Diacetyl. SCOEL/SUM/149. June 2014. ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=6511&langId=en 3. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docket/archive/docket245.html 4. National Toxicology Program (2011). Short-term bioassay data for 2,3-butanedione (diacetyl). 5. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Occupational exposure to Diacetyl and 2,3- pentanedione. Review #2 Follow up review of new content. Chapter 6: Quantitative Risk assessment Based on Animal Data. Dec 2013. http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docket/review/docket245A/pdfs/245-A-Draft_Chapter6.pdf 6. Potera C. (2012). Still searching for better butter flavoring. Environ. Health Persp, 120, A457. 7. Pierce, J.S. Abelmann, A. Spicer, L. Adams, R. Finley, B. Diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione exposures associated with cigarette smoking: implications for risk assessment of food and flavoring workers. Crit Rev Toxicol, 2014, p.1-16. 8. Kleinstreuer, C. Feng, Y. Lung Deposition Analysis of Inhaled Toxic Aerosols in Conventional and Less Harmful Cigarette Smoke: A Review, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2013, 10, 4454-4485. 9. Brooks, D.R.; Austin, J.H.; Heelan, R.T.; Ginsberg, M.S.; Shin, V.; Olson, S.H.; Muscat, J.E.; Stellman, S.D. Influence of type of cigarette on peripheral versus central lung cancer. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 2005, 14, 576–581. 10. Alfi, M.; Talbot, P. Health-related effects reported by electronic cigarette users in online forums.J. Med. Internet Res. 2013, 15, doi:10.2196/jmir.2324. 11. Robinson, R.J.; Yu, C. Deposition of cigarette smoke particles in the human respiratory tract. Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2001, 34, 202–215. 6