CANDIDATE OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM COVER SHEET PG 1 The CIOH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 2 Total pages tiledFIRST M, OFFICEHOLDER TAL I 6 OFFICE USEONLY NAME . . . Date Received NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX - A A l: 4 ADDRESS PO BOX: API I SUITE II: CITY: STATE: ZIP COD OFFIOEHOLDER MAILING 77/0 DR #324 . CI Change of Address 7 5 AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION OFFICEHOLDER . Hand-delivered or Dale 83 2 7 0 3 0 PHONE A. elf ?1 OCT 0 5 2015 6 CAMPAIGN MS 1' MR FIRST Ml pl AmoUnt TREASURER A a 0 NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procs NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX a?y a Date Imagad 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (NO PO BOX PLEASE): APT STATE: ZIP CODE TREASURER . ,r . ADDRESS I 7 BRA 0121) Cleo/SE, Sue/m LAM) xx 774L761 (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN TREASURER PHONE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION 82635- 7?57 9 REPORT TYPE 15th day alter campaign treasurer appointment (Olficeholder Only) IE 30m day betore electIon January 15 Runott July IS [j am day before election Exceeded $500 limit Final Report (Attach VFR) 1O PERIOD Month Day Year Month Day Year COVERED . 1/ 11 ELECTION ELECTION DATE ELECTION TYPE Month Day Year P'm'ary O?he" ll." General Special 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (ifanyt 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (it known) 3 (35/9365 I31) Err/001.3 oerJ) GO TO PAGE 2 Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 9/8/2015 OFFICEHOLDER FORM cm? CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT COVER SHEET PG 2 14 NAME Kean/V Bmsm??m? 15 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 16 NOTICE FROM THIS Dox Is FOR NOTICE OF POUTTCAL CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED on POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE av POLITICAL COMMITTEES To POLITICAL SUPPORT THE CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER. THESE EXPENDITURES MAY HAVE BEEN MADE WITHOUT THE OR COMMITTEES) KNOWLEDGE on CONSENT. CANDIDATES AND OFFICEHOLDERS ARE REOUIRED To REPORT THIS INFORMATTON IF RECEIVE NOTICE OF SUCH EXPENDITURES. COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME DGENERAL COMMITTEE ADDRESS BSPECIFIC COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME Additional Pages COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS ?7 1. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN A . TOTALS PLEDGES. LOANS. 0R GUARANTEES OF LOANS). UNLESS ITEMIZED L3 .25 00 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES. LOANS. OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) 300. I E?girsDn-URE 3. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 0F $100 OR LESS, z} a UNLESS 2 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 2 Q, SSEJNCEBEUTION 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF REPORTING PERIOD 1/0 7. 7 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS AS OF THE LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD C) 18 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the accompanying report is true and correct and includes all information required to be reported by me under Title 15, Election Code. Till/(WC mm 2W) a DONNA L. BLOW I Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires JANUARY 18. 2019 Signat Candidate Or 0 ice Iolder AFFIX NOTAFIY STAMP SEAL ABOVE . - VI Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said L, this the 5 day 20 I A to certify which, witness my hand and seg Of office. moddsz wind 770% Signature of Officer administering Printed name of Officer administering oa Title Of officer adlgistering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 918/201 5 SUBTOTALS - FORM COVER SHEET PG 3 19 FILER NAME 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 0 DR. LASINCHME 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1- E) SCHEDULE A1 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2 2 300 0 2- El SCHEDULE A2: (IN-KIN D) POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS /917? 0 6H5 3- SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS 4. SCHEDULE E: LOANS 5- {3 SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 2,89 26 6- SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 7- SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 0 8? SCHEDULE F4: EXPENDITURES MADE BY CREDIT CARD 0 9- [3 SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS 38 00 10. SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO A BUSINESS OF 0 11- '3 SCHEDULE l: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 0 12 [j SCHEDULE K: INTEREST. CREDITS, GAINS, REFUNDS, AND CONTRIBUTIONS - RETURNED TO FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 9/8/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 ?l?he intuctlon Guide expiains In complete form. ZFILERNAIE 7734?? Ems/Mama 3 Piano (BBConmissionFM) 3 1 i073 5 out-of-state PAC on. HAD TEN 7 Fullnatmdm :6 Cly: Slate: 211600: 1 ?527 5F TX 7700?!( 7 mammbn (S) $700 8 DI. Feade I: man-um m: mm 7/ f7 (Mlirmiz 7 til/5 air an?: [avenue :2 83/ Lum'omcr Mime/L, 7x 77mm at (5) $100. 00 Employer (See IW) Du: Ful me am ,3 mot-m PAC an: . 57EPHHA 1k, Volta/:5 comm mess; Ciar. Slate: Zn Code 7750 ST/x?mi?. warm mans, IN 4 6:934: Ful name of mm Luf?f ,4 LH 0* sums?we 9/52 Noam/d 7x 770w? Madam P/Zzo'fc LN. L. VSee ;See COPES OF 11-83 IEEDED If is out?01m PAC, please an instruction guide for additional ?porting minimums. ?.mslahnns 021271201 5 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 . 1 Total mm Sundae A1. 11:: mailman Guido explains Inc- complete this form. 2 (o F: 3 2 FILER MARE 3 Fiat ID tam Cornmissnon Fliers; -DA 8m 5 Fmde oumf-state PAC an: 7 malan (S) Scarf MAI BECK $100 00 5 Conth awn-ass. City; State; 21900012 #403 .DIQ Housrcw Tx 71077 Fk?mdm u-wvm 0' CWW 5910 5 777-, ?i Job (See immin? my? Insjt?mmu? A i; Zlo Code 6.. Kwewoop, TX ?1')34l I [It 03"! 0'60!? Amount of wmiauh'on (S) H?ans i (Vb/?5 mess: Cay. sum Zn Code g/oo. 00 390": Pkwy 7x may; vamm?mm See my Ewa?See 41; 1' I 12-: 17': 3.27% Due Ful name 91mm 3 . Am a! contribution 9 8/ G/saWet waves: Cay. Shae 29 Code 19-70q FMYD 5T, TX ?7 7007 9mm: xx: :85 See rat-4351's 'ir?acyav - "i "u i 1 is out-01ml: PAC. please an instruction guide for additional repor?ug tequim'nents. memeE?-ssm MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS A1 1 T?mSmedthM. The instruction Guide explain how to canth this fonn. . 3 3 2 DR Bmsr??nm? =5 Falde om-oe-stam memes -. 7 mummies? (S) 5/Inmcn?5 $5100. 00 8 is mess. Cw: Stave; 2pm 3112 HOUSTOM 7x 77005 8 .9 Saw-Seem} . at Futde ham743000.00 cm add-e53? car Sale 20606: I505 ?i?l?H 7, Nu} fan! Dc 5 EIGHTH FLuch Roan! mmiwuxmmw I'm-mam! in ?mam :mz-or-mmc.a 000 7C [inches/41;) x?o/Q ?4017)! 73/16 i Wm; GIN. Slate; Z?DCode 7115-500. ('70 I 1805 7711 .g-r-xe??fj Nw' w??Hr/v?ran/ Dc . . ?3000 3 Wmumuz?um: mummy f, 0.2 dedmmr u: . .3 of mm amusetm Gav. 290008 "7 ?2.23; 1:39.:an *u a --..A. I "Whom-01m MC. 5110an Hughes 532nm NON-MONETARY (IN-KIND) POLITICAL A2 CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE 1 Total a es Schedule A2: The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 9 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) DA Norm/E 4 TOTAL OF UNITEMIZED POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 5 Date 6 Full name of contributor out-oI-state PAC ?Drizm?, 8 2.110193?! 9 Lmkinq gontribution I 9 LEHDERSHIP Fore EDI/carioan .. 7134953 /30/ .7 Contributbr-address; . City: State: Zip Code 7 Emmi MTE Mom/(6 ?80; 7TH W?SHidG?r?cd be 9.000! L060 haste,? Check if travel outside of exas. Complete edule T. EIGHTH I: 10 Principal occupation Job title (FOR Instructions) 11 Employer (FOR Instructions) 12 Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUDICIAL) 13 Contributor's job title (FOR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) 14 Contributor's employer/law firm (FOR JUDICIAL) 15 Law firm of contributor's spouse (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) 16 If contributor is a child. law firm oI parent(s) (if any) (FOR JUDICIAL) Date Full name of centributor [j 0tit-ot~state PAC Amount Of In-kind contribution Contribution description Contributor address; City; State: Zip Code [3 Check il travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Principal occupation Job titie (FOR NON-JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) Employer (FOR Instructions) Contributor's principal occupation (FOR JUDICIAL) Contributor's job title (FOR JUDICIAL) (See Instructions) Contributor's employer/law firm (FOR JUDICIAL) Law firm of contributor's spouse (ii any) (FOR JUDICIAL) If contributor is a child. law firm of parent(s) (it any) (FOR JUDICIAL) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED If contributor is out-oI-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 WCAWFGIMXHI) _'uEm-c mm mm map-n- Inn-nuns: Inna; Ewan-e Mum ?functionalist-1 men?? ug-Sau'us Wm 1Toupagu8dla?eF11E2FlERNAIE lop? Ir JDQ NnmuE BLAS lA/uAmE 4 on ?5 Payeem . i DUI?Ibm?bm 6mm Payeeaddlass: City: State: zoom L60 0c:- 63you.?sz MIMI-II: 0mm? O?iceheld WNWCIOH PE/fog '3 mm mm,- sue; Zipcme /5c.uo 5/5 Lani/chA gramme.) 77477 magnum-5? headhunting-um Desawon? PURPOSE OF mmim WIWW OII'icesoq?It Of?ceheu Manama?! Dm- Payeennme Cw: TC (WE 3P 577/:ch Amen-1(8) Payee?: City: ZpCode 30 hie-$?ADleus/mgj Cara-1m? onions-aunt O?whe? Muhammad PEDED Fans by Tans "museum POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 LL (in-mm - GR Ewan: 315mm Tmmam Con-mm: mm Wm mwmmuumPayoename 9/23/Ig . V1579 5 Amount Payee address: City; sum; ZDCode . Adel LEXINGTON Mr] (1344/ a (MW 23:32:: fm?mudTw mmsm? OF ,4 .. I . summing? WIWM O?oasought Of?cehekj Dag Payeename 9 A WA 38/15 L- mm 1 Manure.? Cay Sit? 2.156062 70. 20 56755? I?m 524 Kb. Housz TX 7-1045 Wt?eWWunmue-um - . OF WIWW 01'me Of?ceheld Du Payeename CASKEV 3 7 City.? Sta-a: ZipCode 350000 .2520 5579'410 H931: my an- rum may amen 5cm area?s-?IE EXITXENSE -wcn-ulAa-nn Mm!? WIWW Ollioesought O?ceheu ATTACH Am OOPES OF THIS SCHEDILE AS NEEDED Fonns by has Ell: Calm msiisslaemm POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPEHJTURE CATEMES Fm BOX 8(a) mm mm 1! mm mm Fees (Immense-Ia TWWAWEWM Mm mm mm Tut-diam 4 ?WE-undue Tanya?s-aim Cum Laws-nus Wm 1TaxpagusamueF1-22F NAME 13FIIerlDIBIicsCamissimF?ers) 3? OF - 35% NATALIE Id 40m 5 Payeename A Q/gcp/Ib many mm?ra 6 Amount *7 Payee address: City; Stab; zapCode 4075/ ,?slo Kama/22> 71084 a .. (MW a, I amum?ame' a: 1 I I, I ?xP?N>g WIWW O?ioasought onioeheu Wmhene?tCIOH L) 51/349115 I Maud-res: any sue mm 7500.00 1.13/0 Havana/x! 7x 770841, 1 mg?? I m. mmum WIWW 0503mm Of?ceheId Du - Payeename Amen-1(5) 3 City: Seder. Z'pCode ?3 447.0! 6940: BINGLE M) #llb, TX 17 0572, ram-7*? Gwy?ummaugadmm; 7? I Luca r1113 ?warm zmu wm' OF .. [xr'35N3tf mguxgm OIIicesought Of?ceheld WHWCIOH ATTACH AWL ODPES OF THIS SCHEDULE A3 NEEDED Forms mum Elam melt-csslahhus POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 WCAMFORBOXBII) WWI mm Fees Chums-cane TWEW anal-mam mm Pan-gm - . mam Two-mam 6mm: mum Wm (rum-Immunisation) 1Taupqessamuer=132HLERMME I 5 40a..- sPlyeer-a-m ?T/as/Ig uz 6 Amount. (8) 7 37 Payee address: City: Stab: 296069 3085/ .040! RD Haas/?m 7x 770/12 3 f?cauuyks-emmxumoumm. a (NW fme'amulzf?m ammsque? 0" ADVEICIISING EXPENSL: sur?ng? WIWM OI?oeheId Dan Payeename Wu? Mm City Sm? 21pm mMmmunmde-vsms Descrian me gmummuum.mmsawn 0F - 7x. man-am- Chargem mm'm WIWM Of?caheid Du: Payeename Amount (3) Payeeaddraas: City.- Slm: Z?pCode km Gauge-y Desorption a: -LCMIW ?.mmam ?my? WIMM Ohm Of?ceheu WNWCIOH NEEDED Forms MTexas Eli; Con-lissim "immune; POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM PERSONAL FUNDS SCHEDULE EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense Expense Loan Repaymem/Reinmsement Solicitation/Fundraising Expense Accounting/Bantam Fees Office Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment 8. Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Contritmtions/thnations Made By Gl?waardsNemnals Expense Printing Expense Travel Out Of District Committee Legal Services Salaries/WageS/Contract Labor Other (enter a category not listed above) Credit Card Payment . . . . The instruction Gurde explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule G: 2 FILER NAME A 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Fliers) - I I Dr; NATALH: )4 builbim Gnm? 4 Date 5 Payee name ,i I - A .36 is Agile/lemma 6 Amount 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code boo 50am Helmsememtrom 3 1 .. - political contributions ELEE 0 7/ intended 8 Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description Checkil travel outside of Texas. Complete Scheduler EXPENDITURE A A Vt- T75 LN I:i Check if Austin, TX. olficeholder living expense 9 Complete ONLY if direct Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit Ala IVA-mull #4 Date Payee name Amount Payee address; City: State; Zp Code I . Cl 0 SQ. 0 L301. '71] (girl/VD #3 Reimbursementfrom . . political contributions LL, 5 NC 51.115 f/ 0 7 I intended Category (See Categories listed at the top ol this schedule) Description I I I: Checkil travei outside of Texas. Complete ScheduleT. EXPENDITURE IQ T, SIN (J pt? I: Check if Austin. TX. Officeholder living expense Complete if direct Candidate Officeholder name Office sought Office held d- - . expen lture to benefit BL f) f] ?qt Date Payee name Amount (3) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code Helmsement from political contributions derided Category (See Categories listed at the top of this schedule) "0 Description PURPOSE . . OF Check if travel outSlde of Texas. Complete Schedule T. EXPENDITURE I:i Check it Austin, TX, Officeholder living expense Complete ONLY it direct Candidate Officeholder name Office sought Office held expenditure to benefit ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 9/8/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM CIOH COVER SHEET PG 1 1 War to (5mm Fans) 2 Tot! pages ?led: The CIOH Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 7 3 CANDIDATE 1 uSIuRst FIRST Ml OFFICEUSEONLY OFFICEHOLDER J) NA L, NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. oat-am NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX 51.445: ?m 4 ADDRESS BOX: APT I SUITE it. CITY: ZIP CODE OCT 2 6 OFFICEHOLDER . MAILING 77'0 PHIQM 346 #3Q?f ADDRESS 1 7" By '3 Change of Address HO I 5 AREA OODE PHONE EXTENSION OFF ICEHOLDER Date Hutu-delivered or Data Postmarked PHONE (832) 6247- 0230 6 CAMPAIGN MR FIRST MI . Receipt a TREASURER NAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0mm NICKNAME LAST SUFFIX KROHN. Date lmaged 7 CAMPAIGN STREET ADDRESS (N0 PO BOX AFT I SUITE cmr. up CODE TREASURER I . I ADDRESS ?7 ?l IRCLEI SUGAIC. mall), 7 7Lf?7 9 (Residence or Business) 8 CAMPAIGN AREA ODDE PHONE NUMBER EXTENSION TREASURER . PHONE (119! lbs-7857 9 REPORT TYPE 15 15 30thdayhefore lection Ruoff Ihda ?campaign anuary I: I: ?mm (0W JuIy15 g] Bmdaybeforeelec?on ExceedstSOO?niI 10 EERIOD Nonm Day Year Month Day Year OVERED l0 THROUGH IO /Q(o 11 ELECTION suscnou we mam TYPE Month Day Year [3 Pmary Rum? Other Descdp?on 3 8612mm! SpeciaI 12 OFFICE OFFICE HELD (If any) 13 OFFICE SOUGHT (if kmwn) eprEb'S FAIRBANKS 3'51) 5mm. BM POSITION 3 GO TO PAGE 2 24) Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission ww.ethics.state.b<.us Revised 02/27/2015 CANDIDATE I OFFICEHOLDER CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORT FORM CIOH COVER SHEET PG 2 14 CIOH NAME 3R 15 Filer ID (Ethics Commission FiierS) 16 NOTICE FROM POLITICAL COMMII THIS BOX Is FOR NOTICE OF PomeAL ACCEPTED OR POLITICAL EXPENDITURES IIADE BY POLITICAL To WORCOINIENT: OFSUCH EXPENDITURES. JANUARY 18 AFFIX NOTARYSTAMPISEALABOVE day of @9774, [6021/ Signature of of?cer administering a x" 3? DONNA L. BLOWEY Notary Public, State of Texas - My Commission ExpireI O1 COMMITTEE TYPE COMMITTEE NAME COMMITTEE ADDRESS 1 COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER NAME Additional Pages COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN TREASURER ADDRESS 17 CONTRIBUTION 1. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS OF $50 OR LESS (OTHER THAN 50 0 TOTALS PLEDGES, LOANS. 0R GUARANTEES OF LOANS). UNLESS ITEMIZED 1} - 2. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS (OTHER THAN PLEDGES. LOANS. OR GUARANTEES OF LOANS) 5? 50 ng?rg'TURE 3. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 0F $100 OR LESS. [2 5 . 7 2 UNLESS ITEMIZED 4. TOTAL POLITICAL EXPENDITURES 5 jg 77_ 5?3 5. TOTAL POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS MAINTAINED As OF THE LAST DAY 5 58.0 a ?71 OF REPORTING PERIOD 1 OUTSTANDING 6. TOTAL PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF ALL OUTSTANDING LOANS As OF THE LOAN TOTALS LAST DAY OF THE REPORTING PERIOD 5 18 AFFIDAVIT Iswear. orai?rrn. mderpenaityofperjury?mtthe accompanying reportis und I Sworn to and subscribed before me. by the said I1 I 4 a this the . 20 I . to certify which. witness my hand and seal 0 Of?ce. Mama [Mtg/L4 Printed name of of?cer administering ?lth 11116 of of?waministering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission ww.ethics.state. Revised 02/27/2015 SUBTOTALS COH FORM CIOH COVER SHEET PG 3 1 9 FILER NAME 20 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) 21 SCHEDULE SUBTOTALS SUBTOTAL NAME OF SCHEDULE AMOUNT 1 . SCHEDULE A1: MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 57 50 . 2- SCHEDULEA2: POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 0 3. SCHEDULE B: PLEDGED CONTRIBUTIONS 0 4. [3 SCHEDULE E: LOANS 0 5. SCHEDULE F1: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 7 . 50 6. SCHEDULE F2: UNPAID INCURRED OBLIGATIONS 0 7- [1 SCHEDULE F3: PURCHASE OF INVESTMENTS FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 3 0 8- SCHEDULE G: POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM PERSONAL FUNDS 0 9. SCHEDULE H: PAYMENT FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TOA BUSINESS OF CIOH 10- SCHEDULE I: NON-POLITICAL EXPENDITURES MADE FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 0 1 1. SCHEDULE K: INTEREST. GAINS. REFUNDS. AND CONTRIBUTIONS RETURNED To FILER Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission mu.ethics.stale.b<.us Revised 02/27/2015 MONETARY POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE A1 The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Schedule A1: or!) 2 FILER NAME ?g Mn?muz?. 3 Filer in (Ethics Commission Filers) 4Data IO [lg/20:5 [j out-of-state PAC 5 Full name of contributor ARTHUR Pm.on 6 Contributor address; City: State: Zip Code 19704 may Tee/z. Roczvu?LE MD 20552 7 Amount of contribution (S) #91001) I 8 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) REc?wrez/?f?roknl? 75 9 Employer (See instructions) PWMEJE ALL Date 513015 out-of?state PAC (IDI: Full name of contributor PHMDA j?oiwsonl - . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributor address: 4400 577) Housroni TX 7707,; Amount of contribution (5) #500300 SCHOOL Principal occupation I Job title (See instructions) Employer (See Instructions) DdsToN ISA Date Full name ofcontn?bumr out-oi-stale PAC (IDIFoe abucn-na-rmt. aqua-r)! - Texas Contributor address; City; State; Zip Code 1805? 77'" Nu) Amount of contribution (3) 7444.000 . 00 Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) Date Full name of contributor out-oi-state PAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Contributor address; Amount of contribution Principal occupation I Job title (See Instructions) Employer (See Instructions) ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED if contributor is out-of-state PAC, please see instruction guide for additional reporting requirements. Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 02/27/2015 POLITICAL FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Amain? Expense Loan Expense Accounting/Baano Fees Of?ce OverheadIRentat Expense Transportation Equipment 3. Rotated Expense Consulting Expense FoodIBeverage Expense Polth Expense Travel In Mach By GWA Pr'nfng Expense Travel Out OfDish?Id Carmine Legal Services SalarieleageeIContaetLabor 003:1?: ?may not ma move) The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this form. 1 Total pages Sci 'ule F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) J32 NATALIE BLA?m/Gnmz? 4 Date 7/,20/ Aime; rat/hay]; 5 Payee name WELLS FARGU 6 Amount (5) 7 Payee address; City; State; Zip Code #90390 b9qv Hwy [9 NORTH Haas-rod TX "/7039. 3 Category (See allocates listed atthetopottlis schedule) Description . Check It travel outside of Texas. complete Schedule PURPOSE 1 OF A Lo UNTMIG A Check if Austin. TX. Of?ceholder living expense EXPENDITURE 9 Complete if direct expenditure to bene?t CIOH Candidate I Ol?ceholder name Of?ce sought Of?ce held Date Payee name OFFICE Amount Payee address; City; State: Zip Code 35.12 70/8 H/emmy nip/eff], Hodswd TX "77093 Category (See categories listed at the top of this schedule) Description punposs OF Chad: It Austin. TX. Of?ceholder living EXPENDITURE Complete mu it direct expenditure to bene?t CIOH Candidate I Of?ceholder name Of?ce sought Of?ce held Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Date Payee name . UZ Amount (8) Payee address: City; State: Zip Code $359.31 621m! RD la, Haas-ran! Tx 77062. Category (See categories listed at the top at this schedule) Description WESSTURE fl Check lfAustln. TX. Of?ceholder living expense Complete if direct Candidate I Officeholder name O??ioe sought Of?ce held expenditure to bene?t CIOH ATTACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Revised 0212712015 POLITICAL FROM POL EXPENDITURES MADE ITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITURE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) Advertising Expense EventExpense LomFtepayrnentfRa?mhursanent Fees Otfioe Overhead/Rental Expense Transportation Equipment at Related Expense Consulting Expense Food/Beverage Expense Polling Expense Travel In District Cantribulionleonatims Made By Gitt/Awards/Memon'als Expense Priming Expense Travel Out 0! District IPoilicalCarIn'ttee LegalSeMcas Salaries/Wages/Conh'actLabor . . The Instruction Guide explains how to complete this term. 1 Total pages Schedule Fl: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (Ethics Commission Filers) a 3_ 3,2 mam?; Id 4 Date 5 Payee name I Io/gs/m? 6 Amount (S) 7 Payee address; City; State: Zip Code gabrgg Tito P3214 cos-rad TX '17 4 3 Category (See Categories tisted at the top or this schedule) Description EXP. R?lfngik-?m 5 OF - I I: Check it Austin, 1x. ol?ceholder living expense EXPENDITURE 5 33 we PM a: meo SIMS $200493 9 Complete it direct expenditure to benefit Candidate Of?ceholder name Office sought Office held $4031.51, Date Payee name WILDFIIQE comma- AL Amount Payee address; City; State; 25p Code 818 Comma-rice? AVE, SurrE .1200 DC 30001: PURPOSE OF EXPENDITURE Category (See Categories listed at the top at this schedule) Desa-iption Check it travel outside of Texas. Complete Schedule T. Exagusf DCheckilAustin. rx. Of?ceholder living expense Complete ONLY it direct expenditure to bene?t CIOH Candidate I Officeholder name Office sought Office held Date Payee name 10/; 5 IN Amount (3) Payee address; City; State; Zip Code $980 (.0550 Fido. LAKEUDOJ), co 6 23125 - 4/ b8 Category (See Categories listed at the top at this schedule) Description PURPOSE I: EXPESSWHE ADVE R71 5, 6. 800231.541: I: Check it Austin. TX. Of?ceholder living expense Complete it direct expenditure to benefit Candidate Officeholder name Office sought Of?ce held ATTACH COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 9/8/2015 POLITICAL EXPENDITURES FROM POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS SCHEDULE F1 EXPENDITLRE CATEGORIES FOR BOX 8(a) mm mm Lam mm mm F335 TWWG-Rohhdm mm mam?m- Poquxpqu Tuvalu-Inuit: Winks?; WW Memento Tmmam Wm WM Liar ?(w-Mum? The Instruction Guide explains how to complete form. 1 Total pages Sdloduo F1: 2 FILER NAME 3 Filer ID (an Commission Flats) 3 0173 .DR NATALIE 14 4 on 5 Payeename Io/lb/l5 LEnomus Fora Ebom?onmt. vacry 6Am0unt (3) cum Slab; ZiaGode - STREET Nu: 35/0. 00 . M?s! 7m wasnm'gmu?, be 3590' 3 In) Caugmy MMWII-atupdwm) Wu OFWRE Codgub-nxe EXDEIJSE 9 CandidateIOl?oehoIdernm Of?cesought Of?cehold Date Payooname Amount (8) Payee address: City; State; ZipCode Category (See Description OF EXPENDITURE I Candidate/Wm O?iuasought 0115mm exponlemtobend?ClOl-I . Dab Payouna'ne mm (5) Payaeaddtm: City: State: Z'pcode cm?ummahnpuuM) Desul?bn PURPOSE anus:an emu-r mamas 'Tx? mm Completa gum if direct axpom?tura In bene?t CIOH Candidate I Ot?oeholder name Ot?ce sought Of?ce held NITACH ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS SCHEDULE AS NEEDED Fonns provided by Texas Ethics Commission Revised 02/271201 5