?etImageapr (JPEG Image, 512 659 pixelsmeamumsm . muw.hutl . l? a mu. S??inf?n?l STATE ma an? was tr ?mum. "amend-2317.13 ?uuonWEwnmN? fm??i hamum??mnmn?uwnsin-ramaOn?rim B: 2.3 HAWIST CHURCH, INC. marinara a: In: Indiana Newest? Ac: ul 1951 {Mar rot-nod :a .1: cm am the than; Attic?? at mm Manual rum vauumm: '01:.th Church. Inc. ma?a. Final-cumu- Cay .2le Hana Siluronkvilln Rd. ndiananolis IX 46219 'Sae Attached :3 034K1333'd H. mum 3mm ans 9'12! Rd 6183395 Allf'ICLt nl Jf.\.yI mwm?t - Wham: manquu?m . J. Jr. ?among-Imam El?m Ind?; 5136 Broakviun Pd ?manning-mun in mm?: I I 1 2m Duo Emma-mm lofl 9/16/201510235 AM GetImage.aspx (JPEG Image, 508 657 pixels) :?lTCt ?u'a Wynn-gar. Ava-I1 4i Fir-n1 sag arraucuao '59] ?le. . Alan L. Crago. Attorney at Law tun ink a?mm Indianapolia I IN 46211 4040 S. ?aridian Street 1 ofl 9/16/2015 10:37 AM GetTmage.aspx (IPEG Image, 512 659 pixels) lofl ARTICLE hum Th: purpose far is formed an: 1. To tvugeliz?'in? sgrcad :h?o Gospel of Jesus Cat-m: by 3.3.1 availablc can: "including but not limited to preaching, ?aching and 11.1 forms of and t28cts throughout: the meld. 2. To nut-:2 funds {ran whaceve: snout-ca in only: ta 9.1.1: agptOVId . 3. To canaucc. transact, superntse. and pct-50:: business and manage the affaits a: :ht?llqatpontian. a. :o lease, hold and to uthe?rdse acquixe. amuse. use. enjoy and aaiatzin all mane: of property, n31 and presuual, including :adia and television facilities. indicate. far: the cs:ab1?3h:unt. growth; tainteaante and pupetuatien of; lgid corporation. 5. 1?0'5111. hug, barter. and cachet-miss dispose 05 and. canny an? and all of its anal and {12:56:11. whathe: the same shall have been received bxput'chase. gift or devise a: in any watt. -- 9/16/2015 10:36 AM GetImage.aspx (JPEG Image, 516 662 pixels) lofl 9 Insert 'uczac 11' Purposes - :pncinucd 6. Tb collect ftudx, receive gifts and legacies. and mat: any and :11 con::ac:s for survices and :upplins nacnssary for carzying on: [mucus of the Corporation. 7. To nuke. adapt. and establish lay?Laws 5o:- guidance of the officnts and agencs or the cornoration. and to nmaud the ssua in the mac: ptavidcd in the by-Lm. and to mic: any and .11 rules and ragulacions deemed proper. necessary and ewedzen: for the management of its nffain. 3. All the income and prepare? 0" this ccmc:acion shall be aanliez?. saintly carry out: the ransom: The connotation may accumulate. and. Invest in surplus funds which icfmy use in its ?guration Eartha caution. proceccion. preservation and or anlargamn: 051.13, objects and purposes. 9. 13.1 ?than? am. nag-yonder. dull. to mm to ?12m aloud by Station 5310:} a! ?u Infant; Rom Coda. 9/16/2015 10:35 AM