8.3. Ha. (Flimsy) 1 Special Repnrt SU BJEGT .3.- .511 i: Gf$ensiveaaierence to Papers . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - - - . - . . - - - - - - - A - - r- 11-63-8137112031 W113- 13:. .nn- 4? LITAN POLIGE SPEDIAL ?i?th This regular weekly regort on the preparations for the cf the 2?th??ctaber 195% is in three garts, new intellige?ce, a lis? oi leaders and Bacon ?rank persanalitiea likaly ta ?e praminent an the ?ay, an? details af an? *uadfficial? a?rh?c csmmittees. Raw intelligence? The attitude af the 30mg Liberals to the ?em?natratinn has ?aw been made glaini la a grass statement on 15-40-63 this organisatiog came nut firmly an the si?e of law aha ar?e:, an&.Eoung Liberals were urged non-vialent_tagtics- tha members aha? the'ina?ructic?a?gf the stewar??'th? Enumg Liberal; a'antingaat $111 assemble in k?hitehall Elana at ahaut ?a?gpmicn the-2?th Catcher, and will ?ain_the main bu?y an the Embankment. as aidigciplineiiu?itq . . '?The,??afchi3ts will a??emhle at Clacpatra*s *Heedle at ?9??pm'hn the 2?th Friar"tb'joining the maih'partyi gravipualj reparted_theg will be abou? march.under a.banner rea?ing?F?ni?ga??ih?gtagian Groups"- Eoittifr-?est .Londo?n: a??ho? Camitt?'e {5f the in?en??tq assemble at ?enriettazstreet in Gagent??ag?ea at ?y?ogm.?u.the 2?th. The? are expected?ta'bg'abaut 150 strong- I?fqrmatibn about the Extent o? pravincial garticiyati?n is coming in_b3 aegrges: ta date we knag'the :Gugh figures far?tha?fallowing universit tawns'bagea Ga vehicle capacity: 'Frbm= Qazdif? 6 S?wseatgr smashes I ?1 eeach 2 caaches EE?%mm am.%q ??gqgakes 513-..- 741325.944- J-P From: Leeds 3 Bradford Sheffield 2 -foer&1?? 7 doublewdeeker coaches The erein meetiene? in an earlier report seems to have been cancelled} _et a conservative eetimate_this means that, to ?ate, we have.fire inferma?ien that abeut will be eemi?g in pertieeo' This figure may well have t9 be revised the ?eym_ Eee'hired briegieg??emeestrete?e?frem Eerela'?ill'end Remfor? are ?ne be leave Remferd ?arket at quam an thE I -Eew ?targe?e? in ?ee lg?t ?eek are: ?remh?ebee?ee' . 5_ - ?ee-?rme- - I: .. fejeh?ed by the- enefehiete'eei membere.ef~ _thej$yndieeliet.werker$ 1 ?kderatienli'f-. Gr??k.Teuris$ Egenieh_?euriet Jermyu Street. Ignited.$teteeriineef S?reetu ertre Ehiet? C?hieianeeE?yie?ieffiee_bleak 1" eff .Eheeihe??mae Rea? .15 Emma ?target? - 'the33e?elutienery Seeieliee sentient: Seh?el e? ??rieanJen?h?rien?al?5tu?iee .(ea i =5 'et??ents'?ubing the evening of ea?e 1*ee tee tekeever'by - _Le?dee - 'etu?e??e the eeme ?ay) buildieggthe er ?.I.5,.hes already keen ?at?eeked? with stickers by 1Lembeth w' germ-I; 1e; - -I 1, rim 1?5: {sum . #Jnm; mw a ima_ I 3; .. . .. . muww_om wwa?w Hm Emma aam.um? wawwan w?n Hawamw?. mawwnm mnb?_?wmawmum on Hmuaw awn WQaMmWmewm w?mrwa?ww.?w?w?m wv mamndw Ema awme?am naww.?w wm??m?nw we ww?w EMWW ?wm #me?m? v?w MW :23. wamew.Mm mm?m?u gm a?u naww ma wm? ammum Mm_mo me ?wmeMW?wwmmu an .wwm a1.a mam mm aw wwa wowmaw??a1qw?x??ww ma?a m?zwwma WM ?Wu wmmeumwwm a..an . . umww um? mm?. mmu?m mm 59w gammch . mama ?wm qmwumww?mum. mug?. E, mamm? ?mammth ma?a mm?wm. .mw? ?.mpme?uwm mammWE wmuwmw .: . . . 1.9.4.. . . Mm m?dm.r . . nwm?m avg Gm wm?m mtww.H. Faniaaw?wwn? meH? WHHu?w.m?wm? amwmw mhhbaw mwm? magma gamma w?n? gamma ?m.w* on wmuwn?m 1. run . ??a?mmam $3.3 ?nw?u Mowamm hang A mrwm?im?mm New?Emmimw mermm a w. 43amm me J?mm? m?913'} um f?wuwmumm t?r?gh?wam mnuwm - ?m?n ?#mw mam . .. . . ..mwm.mn..l. .. . b: Ehe Suu?hrEast Imn?an Vietnam ad?haa committee is ?aonist-coutralled-an? not recognised by the The searetary 13 Ear? 3f 1?3 Reigate Eremley, Kea?: his teleyhcae namber 15 KGB-6595. @925 km Shier Inapector.-- 2:41 I -r-u - . - . an. "7qu LL-