Memarandum CITY OF BALLAS Jame 2} 26-15 3'3 i ?2 xi 9? Caunciimember Jemifer Siam-bash Gates Deiays Fire Sta?m Na. 27? Repiacement 840% Dauglag Ave. The apehing sf the haw rep?acement fire stating} at 00219433 Avenue am} thwest Highway is estimaied in September 2015. 8913318 were caused ever the past twe years for the foiiow?hg reg-seas: Remaval of existing buried Level 3 communication cable Water main break in Dauglas Avenue, which ?ooded the statian?s be?ow grade parking amnesth madifica?ms k?tchen equipm?nt and of a gas line Requested installatiah of a gas iine to sannect aiternate dryeys Requested insfaiiatiori (31? a gas zine to patio fur grin Coordinatieh 0f the fire a$arm menitoring with the city?s manitoring service? provider Changes t0 the aiuminum etched graphic paneis Rejected sampies of red seating an aiuminum aimed buiidihg panefs Weathw deiaya {Detay in gear; tags and ?nai {zertifi?aie of ocmpancy, case t9 Easpectsr manges i0 bui?ding?s gas sewim and eiechical equipment roam sha?ges 0. These unfereseen igsues and scape changes increased mustmc?on time by a ma? 262 days May 2613, Tha red cm the aSuminum etshed buildihg paneis has hat beef} apprwed; we estimate this aggravai hex: week? The ?rms med :0 compiaie the red coaiihg an the amaan stem-3:13 baiiding paheis is appmximaiely 18 weeks or 112 days to painh sea: and install a3; the bu?ding gahels, @6355 iet me kgaw if yam have gray questicasi at x? 2 f? . Riak Gaia?iahf??, 5 {Eire?i?h gagiic Warks $9931?:me a: Zaigia?asara? FAEA, Assiszant Shaman Pgh?c Whig $3th Chi?f, ?re Beggar:QO Bamigj He?iam?y ?sgistant *3:th ?Ba?aa Tm at? That W?fk?: Bivezgeg Vibrahi: 35d Qragfess?m,?