¦. - JS MOTOR MATTERS, BICYCLES, &c J/XUC* E BIPL.OYBIENT .CONTINUED. .{ DO3IEST1CS CONTUXUEPf '" ¦ ¦ . . ¦ ¦ » • : ' iros.omclormcnt. CSu- WAXTED immediaTely, dean, ra spectaWe Prote stnnt RESPECTABIjB Ure Man den acJHirl , about oO, as Coqk General; sciall irasain ?-; mute tii> Plans aaa Worldnc Dn»Kios». riser. . Send references,. vages reauircd, etc, to . ; »pt pratiT. MOT OR CARS. MOTORS CONTINUED . r:teqp ineoufiao in earlr positionss Forem anin i'arto radraaooneov enen. '¦a 3288. Coot General. " thi s offi ce.. ' B . 1 retail: Brine trace and opportunit y ' O "MMSTED, good ;Plain Cook, It .C: «ra p», snYOnriesi in • cffloa, _ ml—s 3io tlfe 19O9 mod H-r- Tsjbot. cood ooadlticm , lour eaatar. AJVinot . 11 _„ 12 ST. AXDKEW S—BEET ul Coot Qeneral: experienced, trust Tro rtJiy: dres s CXTAN^ED. ¦T Superio r Hoosekecper, or oar Fotdtion of¦¦ .•Tmst: WASTBD, -liV riaa Jiood, screen. *peeflonieJeT. able w ira sli' and bc*e;inwe» £22 ; lamHy oi . O TPTVITX it GARAGE. DUBLIN. " Z 3B57. Jfotor. " flii« otllM . i tar hh».ert TefCTea ce.-Oolcan. Oarhnr. 1 ** four.—Mm. Tom Biteema, Barton, Elactburn, Lnnm»hirc SoaJ en jo paunc d • \roVSB Girl desiroi pon o» Mother . Eio: moet "W !«> flj. Borer O». 1903. 4 or 5owner fASTXiD, roan? Oook ueneral: good cost ¦Meet &nai, aB¦ corar , Bathminei . A clocfc iood Office. ( Tuna X> __ P1I E 5. ertras-«peedon«e r in perfect order: . >or.—B 0 653. Irish 'ANTrSD, E«>, lo»«t uriM, £2S0i Address - Z 3300. ^ _3_ i -S_rre _ Wcrtsbop . liE__rt __» Wc inral id pest as Xnree Attendant to desires in?, aad %)iiiwTT tii ___£—» ' ]2— pected; lor Kinsstown. Addr ess " Z 3323, Cook," this thi» otr kia. __ ^ sdr or sgntlemaii; cood appearance and addrora. offlce.__ _ \ / . . B O 10"1^; i i 210. tiam offlig. 8'0'^1"1 61 iqi r MODEL 15-20 n.Ii^ , L^ __ OY___AC__D, ^^! VrXG XOUa CAB a . * torn: XEFOSB 3D, good Cook General ; sWll washing, fowl '; fbctric oarter . .H sbbas,. ajd -LJ 7-LO - Confectioner T17AXTJ T OTJ?«G I^adr desires position Assistant » » girl who has been Kitchenmaid \ detacnab le t o . nignly recomALLOW ME TO ESTIMATE. body: cool:; might snit. Apply tonrins etrc amline Inner water ^» -t- [bfik ehonte }; cxc'cUent to-aar; XOV 1!UL SATE _LOX___ Iwtween 2 and 6 , Xewtomx House , Dodder road , JS ¦anfel-S SS2. j hJM OfflCE. Vnf hcur O r iaaas B G. A T __HJ __?C_ T GABAGE, W- ~r~r STBEE—, DOf aEpTJ CS CONT INUED. WVWVWVUVVWtf ^VlW^ I tiPECIt IC ARTI CLES C0NTD. VUVW beet terms ; Com senmidin SAOES , Bickcorer i, gale or Bire, , Sock Contracto r, SIT TjATIO irWanted o» Coot Geneial otHonAj>p\y and Potato Sacks-cheap.—Cokunan to Protestant family: Dublin pro lened. Waterproof Cover MtmnXActnre r, 2&-26 Chancer y street Sildar e. Oonn ty .May Phillips . Bath riew, Bathnn gan . 26 23 -(form erly Pill lape), Dublin. SETTLED person wants sitnation Plain copR or Oook for the for the. Front—Witting Toilets Goncral! hijthly recommended. -676, Insh Times STATIONERY ; specially varie ty .; in crcot Kotepopen " 0 et" Pockot . OlHoe. Baarot irtre gt Brid ge. . -: . . : Stationery 'Contractors , , ¦tr £BY Good 6oot-ana Parlonr nioid, duens ^Ked. t»i«h low ter ms Jor quantities. —HoJt V, 12.21 V^sitnntioM .to nthit : both nndoHtand their bUBinets Duma street. , \¥il- WOKD and BMbbard . Infantr y Officer 's • motor ¦" Ciorou thly.—S 295..tM s office. idjMon. London: dienp.-S 86. taj« cfiBca. 4 SO t/JiB y Oood Plain COolt, X O., in genttoman 'a lomily; steed,— V . eldorlT poraoa; ncSre; good ma nager; eood reJor- I 1 'i-FEWSlTERS from £2, eTery mLte. gnara \ y. J. Norman " ¦ ence.—S 570, this office. ¦ Typewriters, 6 Upper Ormond Qua 26 10 . ' VOH SG Cook General ; Oon bo s«n at 11 Pembro ie "lalEUPBO OF Cort Cmets. in cdled and cnemic!,!iy J. Cottogea. Donny bTook. . proofed cloths ; Loin, CoTers, Oilsldn CoaU, "V"O1XNG PTSii Cook ditonsoged: pood soudb , «weetj. Capet, and I xg tfn se; price list and samples freo on ¦ .*- _ 8avonrl M, cetoer -paati y, bread; ytotl recommenae o. application. —Felrie Srothen, Watoxproofers , 36 * TJaher 's . Aqoresfl **/i ^_ao , uooif ," this oioce. to. . GENER/M SERVANTS DZSEXGAaBto. GEXEEATi disengaeed : £16 or . £18; exceUent . A papers. Interview a,, 40 Donnybrook . situation where wishes EXPEH IENOED General another maid kept , or General, -firnail fam ily; Dublin prcllfred , Au_ie— " Z 3245, General, " __ omce. NEv S o. AMD WATERPROOFS *\" » ff MBB *^^^ have provided *s •^* quay, Dublin. Tti Imx Curtoia.-2 P»lr, 3 yareU long, -1J X/ »» UtH iride, 6/6, posta ge «ix curtains. —B 0 656. Iri«£ II Times Office , Batnmines. SPECIFIC A R TI C L E S WA N T E D . — ^r * , boivoib, _>ng_ r sementto (irocerx. etc.: Zi _^ AA TI UU- surer , vups, \^-ooic»uc_s V"OUXG i^dy desiresensa alto Diamond O__—_— , Vrecio— E'XP i-UESO-D Ueneral ; good papers; di«_so.oa; J J PlFlS, etc.; M. rears ' «tr«rienoe: ascisf lonaci rort: Incbest Telor> I -16 ai8.—M. G-, Mowih'e, 9 Ofnfton stree t. liflO absolnlelr netr , -irtn dynamo dectnc Mbtonir. Ladj, " tbis and Old Gold ; hi ghest prices given.—Wort and "Z 3309, Stones, Address sala ry. ( mcCT: moderato GENEBAX. SEBTAKTS WAXTED. j-B _ndK_i, 5j _ _-Prand t, 3 Knfield. 2j Letut, Disensasod—For thew will Buy Portion or Contents , Dubli n , _T)_ S A Tj Wanted and Walk 24 Main street , Bluckrock . C_l CHA VT 28 gemlworth rood, aftgr 6. 2 j Sj—rkbroo lu, 2i Tt . 2z Ner Imperial Jap. B of Bcsidenceii. - 'Phone—1066. annonnoem ents see Special Heading under Motor LATEST AXD BEST EC DESIGX, leavine; home, can thoroughly recommend very tt> ~_ 1AMUNDS, Uiu uuld , Antiqu e Silvor. Mi—atares , -^Y_ X_ _ K . / ' _Mia FO B v^ situ-tions Advertisers -are rospectmrock. 25 Nassau street, —¦ between 10 and 4. Purcha sed for Cnsh. —Edmond Johnson , Ltd., - 7 __t_ T-ia C?l—-S Tj nwiyi. etc.. — 53 Bri ght on, road, xaorn-B g . X-' -*-^ bonrhood Itathg ar. _ _ __ o_ ebom: stock. Gear Bra . v-c $—t; r«j__t«d to mention the Count y 94 Gratton street. 3 Sj»_ Car Tn» AL Servant Wanted; small f_nilr. Apply ¦pfiOTESTAXT Girl wishes aitantion (is Genera) 1"ex- ¦ AJ __ T_IfJMl _r. DOCGLAS. _OT _B. __a__ -f. t,c GIEXKH _________ Vy r ^ t n in which tils OEDO _tim.'_t is TOcaat Wan ted in lar go or -mull auantitieis. I 78 Leinster road . MOD ___ pj ^ippiNO . after Bath—in—, 5. AThiowana O.S. X E_O_U_O_. iwriencod. iliaonpr geo:. !., oaioadow place, — JL SL __ Frame. I'oaricm N-W _cw Sa A__) s. 38 Sooth iVJIliflni etTMt. A XJ V). 1'egaa £~. ENKltAL STREET Servant ' AXDB—W 11 ASP 12 ft . family reanired for l-oushrea, Co. Goli U UPia£ lult Usnera l wishes sitnation ; 2 in• family ; i-^cvTt ^ T. _xaa Wa nted immediately lor small co—i> VT 28 j- 5 TOs i Nca__' d Tyre-. to -way ; o in. I_ N_ - ST. GABAGE. DCBIJS . and baby. Send -_erenc _ and < *^> hignly rocommende u.—S 404, -tills offi ce.. 59-inch Whe_t_—. " try Bectory. Apply Bot. Armstrong, Eyrecourt . state galary to Mrs. , Keller, * " combination 118 Qnay, S;«_ _ _«__ Waterford. ntcd; highest prices i——ile—bait, S_ f 3 sp—d Beds Wa iiOrKE. 1 9 1 5 . FEATHEE Cr -_a Type SUPEItlOIfc General, «inall family? good cook; refer paid; rrould send to examine.—Irish S-cnt Sgrr ¦—¦ Spnae Seat PilliX. A practically new, £70; -Over. 1914, 5 speed , p< ESEllAlTsian. indoor , for small place in conntry; LAD1" will train respectabl e, Protestant Girl as Gene. once.—B O 566, Irish rimes Ofll ce. Katiimin g!. Tal: uuges _ 10_jo_corm™ »nrt_ — R 221, —is office. B QMAIt 'l' yonnc dmo . ___ .—w_3t_, Gaia se. tst. Andrew street aad Pe3ther Co., Ltd., Tara street . Dublin. 3ra _es in 793; cub . ___{ and CT able to —ilk. garden , denn motor , and make himGeneral; good plain cook and laun B . ~ ' Original Advorti sois. tc. Trini ty st r_t. DnSilin . HUSH Fopi Control . Trnstwort -y; FI—M. , Ardcarne, KELIABI -E, y kj emas General Wa_ted, idf geaerally usciul; strict T.T.—Cnarlton d reca; highest references. Address " Z 5342, £__ _>_„ ——<_, ^ xjp>? 1 1 for Kingstown ; small cottage house, no basement; General," th is office. teicm sh. _ -pe.>i __ _o__, nfir Conditi on. ____asloa. ~ acd loot <___ & GochI cooking, 's Garage, St. Andrec ttroel , Pnblin_ B all kinds of Featbei s Bought ; washing; and -wages A "Gji SKB Beas Wallen £14-_1 5. —697. Iri— 1 S^n , etc.; tht cm, _A— ST>X> __tIO_. <5er—. Addres s Medals , Watches. Teeth 8ertii_g«, etc , Purchased at -Koc_y -wacc. Apply Gamekeeper , Oak Park, CarANTED, tettlcd P__bn as General , nmt be good J -i- Sidecar, not done 60O miles, eTwjtMn j? periec l; ;¦Li* Prito £80, _ >]_ <_rr _s_ A_ O _ oxu<_io valuo; immedinto cash for country porcels.— '• X, 3515. 0_q-al." this offlce. tn^ W plain cook, small family, for Kingstown; state cbeaj * to immedi—e —irchaser: -wc _d «_c_mge for lighter ¦ OUNt i General; p—in cooking, small wa t___• ; city, Gcrty 's, Jewellers and Silversmiths , 46 Dawson •treet B111T Tra pper—Wanted , experienced Trapper ior wages.-K' 1984. this office. OmDtiisatinn or «^*.»H Car. S 3.14. **-i^ office. 4 ?.O 4 30 Y' T}i_trib _tors fcr __ -—-.— RA good sian ; TftconimeDded.—S olitcc. estate In Ob Coxk; permanency lor suburb *; 308 . this 12 25 at Bicyc!_ „__>,_ ind Motor _„_ in _*cc_— _-V_ lodge ^ISTANjEOiD. xoanp Gen__, small wt_—nff. _ Al»_>lr be- " r ^i 'i lienonil - lair plain coo_. small wa-nln s; well : Harried man Wrotc staut) preferred: Wife care gate Tr fore nrelro nfteT ax . 14 -tat oa f _ »—"c, Vreanre. G_AHOPHOSE ond Eocords Wanted.—a 149, this V rpsoirpsos-s -\roTO2 QiE r*o.. T_ lD-i Wayte Bios.. I_mo- street, _t Grafton ctiect 4 50 . Utdre— "Z S209. Tra pper ." this offlce. X Tciomnicnded.—S 320, this office. t-e0ftiW. _ : cook; littlo washine; WANTED. General: ccod jj lain. new. " 13AMHT Tra ppers Wanted.—SL _nnis, StiBflan . YOUN G General: tvilli nc. oblipi —»-. higllly recoU-- HAIH Combin gs Wanted : valno returned. —Horrock s' early r iser: _ 14.—S 568. —is oflioe. "OL F, 2 stroke. 2 speed, fr ee engine; al—ost mended by In dy.—K 319. this o_ce. owner . O DrUlIS AND _E_FAS_ Stor as. Underdown road , Southwick , Suseex. not ridden 100 mil—: cost _4O, lain —30,_«son yoDDg Geae—J • Tfell recomniended; smaU ' O ATH31IXES—Adtertisements lur this Paper can be WANTED, Upper /*OUNG General; plain _ookin_-; good hounewc rker ; Ti/rrCBOSCOPE Wanted , higa poirer, and in perfect , 110 bar gain.—Reynolds bonirht car: fuimlr. App ly 28 Gr osvenor road, -fcithgiir. . O \ t.c. A X: well recommended. —ri 526. this offlce. _vX condition, state maker, year , and price .—S 175, handed ia at our Blanch Office, Castlewood a^etme, WANTED, General ficrvant ; able to cook, attend &c, street. *¦ > ' s for A UNG General: good cook : very small washin g; this office . V1CK. X5.18 _; -. St« __ {_ . »i_ IMcv HElitin and Gloria Sidecar. ap to 7.50 p_t daily {Snndnys excepted) in time T-ITMPH Mctor CrclBperSect table - mnst be early riser. State aco/wases ex- YXJhighly ^?55. 1Q1 _ ire^ tc B sod star—_". la s_ nc_; i__e_ ate tVtii*^order . £52.— —senioa in following da r*a Pa per. roeoi—nended.—S 32o. thi i office. engine, tines sreed, •¦ _ 3504. IHoraloflsl Wanted , good condition ; -I-—'J -—r this pected , Gener—, PATHEPHON — y. and iefercnecs to Kilijan Co.. " _ ana A5O o_to——StaHum lo letter and orBceI-iia can_.» «* O B state nrio c. ete.—B 258. thin olHM. S 56-___» riac e. RKr l,I_S to Advertise —ents "addressed Offlce must not con__vtc_i.ks5. 3 _t ^- M A.G. ensnae : roaclinumber at "Irish Tunes ANKI.AQH—Advertisnie.-it* (Prepaid) lor^ " Iriah WASTL 'B, smart General; family 7: no_ bedrooim IIOVSU l'ABLOUJtMAXDS DISMXaAGED , bcniit let ol , -iQi/i di_p io prom ia rmcli ascr. tain original papers ur te$ti_oo—1*. Copl_ only should Tp>_lscx.iE 4-S Scoter. 1915 mode! Xtt Irailt Sid<«ar: " can be handed in at Miss Qnina 's NewsIrish Times X— Meet .—y, OF Tra s—n£; mnst be good cook. ' -the <¦<_ ordered to oflu-er B b_ et(dosed. JL > Oito!»«: the pio;«erry of an ageircy HP to 8 p-m. /Sun-aTa exoex>te_l lor insertion Times Bogigtry. to-day,. 5. ee r_ni<__ ars, _ S_20 _, t_s_ oai\e_r —_. __is only <2f_e a linl© ov _ 1.O00 miSes; *a__ t.C. YOUNG Girl , B.O., wishes to be trained as Houeedoy'o Paper. STED, a Man (inelitriWe lor Arm y), wed to 6. de_<__i_.!e and epore wheel. T BTTBT. ASTED, a youn s General Scrvont Apply 408 A rnaid or House Parlourmaid. —M. H., Killnnno, i£ J dlowi ng _25o to r _l__ Q-sicfc. Apply to **2 32£9, Motor ," -Li7-—_ 1 Sid> Car. all acc—porics, -rery liul« WAJrorec e. _rei _ . a_3 to make nimself generall y use- W » TO ATHMINES—Adtortisemcntu for _i» Papor con bo LuXt d. v v Nor th Circular road. A , steward, ltelt his cg.H Knnisco rthy, Co. Wcxford . 4 50 orpe's. Groat Bnmswict ol abo ut a pentlen—n 'ii pl_ca Apply to Castl -wood avenue, jr re_v barsain.—ilan— XV handed in at onr Branch 0—ce, _vd: 4 1 four ftKni S rt re-t. Dublin. 4 5O "ViM^^ ED. General Servant ; plain cook, washin / idd. St111or _Tin ivad. TVi— UACl}. 1914 mod i 12 _p_ . i"TEU , _trdn _n, married , no tamily; strong. and inw ^rtion in follnwinj dqv 's Paper. X* C_-V. lishtinr . aH accessories: m THEE E sreed. conatershaft gear. only: A SO O_ . 1*mSj Cil -*rt GARDEN, ETC., CO £273.—5f—___ aad Co . XilfceimT . _ 7= » naive Stan rHjuired, care pony and trap and inA CjreJe, _ileape 4.000 Office, Clondalkin. Motor , Portable Scales for weighing silver J l:* f^ OUNTI ty IVillttAC.U. tnilk. firing , f nouse, B nf £110.— wnges eznected , PaTk, 4 to 6. jj ra i O K-—ilwOTlh 3£e, w !tc.; stato or deij r B V-* General, BnioJl frvmilr ; use 27: R. C. : good refer- pnrti -qlgr- io S 276. thia offlce. %J —BUXji i a—uaiHXiii i, i>aiciun s xoupicas, ^ «=*-= 5 l«nt *; in rooa imiimis ¦» so silwL ^__ to Join Wunden , Castlo YOUXU 6_,enil or lloure Fatlo unnuid; _ocd ptoin cni(g. 4-t,slr «ith r__ r_a_s. All, 25 I/O , 50 2/1O, 1O0 4/6; other varieties , G R O C E R I E S A N D P R O V I S I O N S, i-ia'Ja a aad Ca, tJ lteimT. Addr ofn " '/ • 3290 . Ma id. " thin olllce. ^ .TIOI.O SOELT.O Wanted inunediately, full size; state -C»« 6, a A 3O -rri-stoa pbce, v —IO Uinaden. Silkcn n . ; %\— ; city. 100 3/9.-MiU». CCOlC; BO c*TTnb-in _ 25 fr rwn. 1/ : DA I R Y, F I S H - ETC "pSitEaS-iAlir J lt ce™« vosVas Under VatlonnnaId or V i.ri~.. »b«« -tan. —a 3SB. thU offlw. 0\ E1IACQ 1910. 1416 , ioai ««€r. TiooS. 1T-_ _n—IX 'ANTED , good General 5lan lor country place ; Tx>wcr Moant street DAr» of Mine PO ULTR Y, fjwioVlT prepared Plants Cf . XJ J a "T-g ia good lamua s cider; S&i. —SfcjtJiaai Usofulmaid , S—oob-oom Maid, in gentleman 's ITnefc Lantern Slides. 31 by B — >7IOI«ETS, AValen PriBC WB a 30 W able ploircn and _itk ; Wife housework _cra _£- : jp n TO Australia. Domestic Servants—Wanted , eipe- family : 21.C, ueo 22: r«eo_laondal by lady. Addre ss "fArAN TED. Secondhand • Louise (Double l^tcndotl. single THIXGS IS SJiASOX-XOYJil UJEB . ¦ir.^e end Co.. KiltKi ar. cheap. Address "Z 3261, Lantern ," TT 3 inches, T.tir pan 4 aO \ Itaushlan perfect order; iSto garde purple ), tl'esfl n.—Pionk . constant Cycle; honse. employment. wages , 5! T.T. -iotor cWX rienoed Girb ; — cood bliiol, Kr ellon Inch einglo gt«i TXT-iXTE D offlce. .. two «oibi. '.Gian t tie tirea best in cultiTation, b 1/6, 12 2.6.— this offic e-. ; A TViJlKAO q. 1O i-lrf x«n«t die. C__ i WANTED , expen em-eii _>iou^n_an: ra _t taoroiigtly McCalla and Co., Gov-rn_en: Agents, 41 Victoria street, " V. 3540, Maid ." this_6o 4 SO FISIL—Brill . c«d, crabs , eeh, haddocks, oysters , t ito, _VV ;girri --3lar5 .-S 3—>. this ofliea. EXPEKIEXCKD lio Parionr —aid seeis situation ; AXrAN TED, Pair of Officer 's Binocnlars, also Pris- beins J LTTr r ^- ?^ .^ -J 85. tbK ogj c 1_3.Q_ solct*, turbct, whiiing. *-c on Motor Cycles, or PnlMills. understand machinery: state wa ^es.ncg, religion. Belfast. hiirbl y reco mmended; suburbs .—55 Pembrok e Cot, 2 S«il*>T, J unr. 1915, Y»- "/i ' to _80 Adva nced Compafts, Mark VII. ; must be cflean. v V "PVt : Dioa BoinnD, 7 iLlLfii<2« matio — ee(l Cronreo, Ashiord, , Major Casement 's. , Fleet street _j.ply, particulars MEAT.—libdt . mutton, veal, doe venison. )o unj ; brook. T> —HTitA\Vl ililtltu % a, strongest two year yi:a-aut B toil lipi^s. ivra ^ri- 3tXU th-K-d for cash , at Kelly tagos , _J . B B J -/^ a.-v^?-:-oe2?«d. efe^OTi-OOO raa=d S 205. this office. , 73 9 i v>--i-t wicklow. 1'OUJ j TB i.—Cluuk ciu , low if, se«e, niseous, pullets, itiuK enormous crops 1915, Roya l SovereiK n iks: nellfta rt.aciTit -n: pman, dis- "IXTEIGHJIBIDGE for Farmyard , S°coDdhand , Cat tle -O« fruFavouritP ^ UZZOUJlJtLAXI>S W A N T E D .T?_ I'EBIENCED nousemai -, good necdlow varieties, 25 1/3, Prote stant Boy, leadin g for Oounty tialway. Hall , nnd other rab blLs , tu rt'.-ys. wild duck. NTED, T_ JCo ntish Fni»ii!:«a Claulej. _\ Upper Gloucester JLJ engayeu.—St. Anthon y's Home, o TT p»>n atw uihwl: lowetJt price. Addrera " z 30'ya, 5O 2/9. 100 4/6.—Mills. —-= tr =r-r-= ^=a=t—P- a 4 30 oblising. Apply, GAiTJ -;.—uuic6. iiaitnu jos. ph«asa ni«, ami*, jr .cJ»V abou t 16: • mint b_ elBnei * and a__ton. ° Btreet. _ offlcc. O c__t!e?Woighbridce. " th is xia'*"Wiii iam . _ _ T> —DEHCI0C& Early Bed Eiubaib , 6 2/6 . 12 cc.k-xp»ri©=oe_. Tonag Housemaid Wanted. tO_ Tl: partlcnlar -, io Sir ivin i: full ilfa r i ?I?J. T Ax Ji srUsS bodr. wi^he* situation 1 923. X^irlo—_aiA __o_ao li VKf J ETAHI. ?:.S.—Beetroot , cabbase s, carrots , telerr, 1j>OEl '. Five =«a«. pood »e_dlewo___u «isontial ; wasli aperies : £1B 'I?_r_ltl_^CKp f i—5D, Old Portraits , Pieture i. Print, . Silver 4 SO Lba acra ^lL -D. 4/6—M ilU. ' £t» a^or ialile wbsds. laisa oaanat r jvjsm; *I>ifnM O T O R L O R R I E S * r.4_VA . , (DiBiiu., in :> t-.-ilkanan -'s fami-ly: hishlr I«om_«ntlod; W_China; private collector.—S 353. tills office. -es, iit-3 *;u«u (iiu«is. oniuu ,s liottilo ya O . Xardinan , married pre- and laundry; send copies, stato age, religion. —S 118. •1-4 LVASTED , ioi OouBt yof_outh ABBAGi;—Por delicioia oazliest irti ito ueornijs, i^ttw Addres s ? LC. ; waKt s £22 £24 ; country preferred did OvOST lir olsAon;: jca*oaaH« tr wU; iiTo H ;SaJ<\ in I*riert xannin s oondifjon.—S Io4, thi s offlM. 4_ 30 Girl ; £1 Q.-~lira. Leech, DaaasfleJd , CJ oniar i, XX 2/5, 1,000 4/-.-aiills. train ing; wishes respectable farmer 's dau ghter, SPORTS A N D P AS T I M ES. JC ra ^it sc crdsr aa d <-«=ditio3 : also 18-22 1.5. . Ireland' s finest NOUKtt 'S ¦ and CO. 'S Xoui/ar eil Teas Ix'it !' ¦: ASTED. General Farm Man . marrie d, I'roteaaat ; Uublia. Address I^KAIJ' IIPTJL Uerbfjceous Plant s, floTerin Ii ishly rocommended ; smull fam ily; K .C . lisira c^, 3=e s?ev-T. ct«.4 irT inisj o?fler :idc ro3dn.oa: 4 ton lorries for Hir -i ApclonTr _tion-T wo Eectcry, Girl , , youn s, t-int ? . plant s, Apply I'rotcs , OTOK pielerred. Wan wl s iioueral Hotuseholrl Ut" collection, superior H OUSK l'arlounnaid A c/o. Miss Coot, Baltingl -ss. -=na!a =s»te a s«d ran. Aprf r P- W. Daalra, iSoxsr ,W B tily 52 Mo— street Telephone. 456/ . / 8 3o jlu . siao I5nrronph _ nnd VTaits' guaranteed, carciuliy packed; descriptive catologao Iree; ijajno stre«t ,_l)utilin. to train; ujupt havti been well, brought up, stead?, M. W., odw. Co. WexfoTd Hill 's—Kill a Bur pess A;a, l^sri ^. , dis&n &aged: exporiAT Wftitross OTKJ *—Houeen—id or _jos_uii1_ ; t tr «y?oi=!c=5. s»t=id»j-. T ADY anxioua to find nice sitiuttion tor Cork. Count? mtli Apply, t. '^ _ tills otRo.. no_«. =u>d -«tj fi>_ ^ ; 11 OJiST Bulbs nt ilackoy '*—St Urisiu Anemone , Lua- chequt:r stree t. Xj lourmaid. whom «li« 1_thl v r(*." ommends: three yearH PKI tlilvic, 6/- and 7/-. Pur so Note , 3/6 timiSi f 2ii. ihj^ t -v BICYCLES. ;Si, [is—c— _es. to " Z Q- Ob . Herd." _» oflioa f a m i ly lirucer. !, liu :.-a oid. J t-C , nea r, vapobie; weii xz- in Pcrrot Sundries. —Kooean. Gunaiaker, Inns quuy, HUL 'Kt! PartourrawiruU -l> dred 6j-, (Joioq lOd, ; iarpo Golden Tellow Cr ocnsoj. TAilKS Weir aad Uoiilpiny. fii'tv teat her servi ce: _.C.: -aBia iB; IilanrocK or jKin gHtown Dnblin. «*end copies, ase: "P>0E Sab. a Oarrir .} Tko Sxiier ilcmi. lamilr: hnnrtrn rt 2/3;* lnr so Fnrole. WTiit^. or Strisod.' 4,'- tba J .jun r , Dui.lia, i--^d ii^m ctra>i. Jlrar. soedalu 'i Ja _L__ this otrlrA . O aStED. General Man , aWo to milk, do sard — ins ; va«oscomnipnd^ddifftricte preferred. —S 371, JC Xil-j -whsdi, 1913 Kedcl: £S5. a bai ?ia. Ao- _ » _ •« t___ GEST stock of high class Cycles: no , Cailcw. B 6 50 Jims up 21*, __h Times Offl oe. _injs_ £18 —MitB F ^rorty. Dublin ctroct Tftas and Cofiet tnu'3 on aBpiluJtion. TJSS— Xcw and Secon_iand, large stock : catn losu— hnndro d-—23 Upper Sacfiiflo sUeot. Dnblin. C <:.vets **Z 3557. Mwor.'' ibis ofiic^ " rt Houso Purlourm:ii «l to su^ull family: S_tbaa _s, _ea F—nds, . aw_ T.T.; K_EEtow_ —G is, t.c no basemeirt. no chil- LAD Y reconunend A ad—nc*- ta prices . O issi at Mucker 's—All sorts Dubli n; lb liruy. HOUSE ^Pa rlcoinuaid Woirted; BEST Dafiodils and Xurc neat, n-jp evtaWe, —ui tliorouirhly good servant . t^'T J ree.—Keogan, Gumnakcr , Inns nuay, Dublin. : ?4 7 nfXUTilOBIU ^ 1915 K Mc4d. lo lj.5., 5 sei^T. ._r_brMi. B.S.A-. Swiftp, B_eich s, Glorias: liberal dren.—il . 25 Dartmou Ui Talk Hill. l_oi_dop , S.W. M rs. very 500 12/6; llarri Conspicuu s, eamlred 3/-, Man to mind pony and q* mi x ed , _ (country. lady ralee. O XTEl i by clonroore. . Hi—catd. ' JJ . mli aU arret so.'Ms. and ia _ Lew rr-3fii1joa_:_ oalr 5"w_o ; tr r<_ in part payment ; deferred paydid WA hundr ed 3:b _ m-e for Narcissus , aU>-w\Vhiw t his ParlourmaK _ , lowest l»n<.w, uvjii Kuiiaiutuhu ndr ed 3/6 : Double ilun ," GirT ~ kindt> " Z 5307, KeDalra. all to train as Houw tra p, garden. Address , AN T ED or Hor xe Parioumiaid: tall (.'tied GUN eint«a 1.000 sniles; oroei at Tie iicnT: £285. no « arr —ircd. Call, vrrite . or 'phone. Wayte jBros., immediate attention.—Keogan, Gutmtaker, IJ oublo Yellow, 7/6: Bir Wattin, hundred 5/6.—Hacker's, O , Wages ex* PAIU/OCEMAID .c ;—eg. lias L>ecQ housemaid. Send discharges erKST Bulb * at ilackey 's—Gladiolus , The Hride, sorts. HcoW this office. r— young u r esrxxtablo Uirl as country Girl, wfco has been GTJN i V T.T. Ad-r ca "Z 3315. r «^d== A A" E^Pi-XTTABLK 'It . eeat«r, «Tti aD artEs s^* . in s«oa ^ AISrA NTl-D , Eaily oy-: mixed lilnshing BrWe Inns quay. Dnblin. 12 21 : r-tir wa Ke ^an. G u aker . . -*-* dred 3/6; WIDOWERS , best flaisiier on ihr, market O_ . t V _ 3 Ui 'p er l\r^wilHaio. &tJ€At. A 50 wishes to bo trained Honso ,rt i>23 23s. - _^cos—_od Ralei chs. _o«ers. Swifte, Hum. \ STAXTKD. ttron? Hoy, lo jean, lo assift >a j_ it_r £I3O .—Staaa si and Co- Rflkecurii Headj, hundred 3/.citfh prices. —Paul and Vincpnt , I.t rt., ~Girl Yor ionsawork to be trained XX u _«al eil month., Frir j llurj (Snake ' make : lowest 2;6: capp * liunilral ' , ia Untbcr . Truloct and Uiirriss Gun "1 O ROSE Vj»?er XCatbmineK. quiet fam ily; n.C; suburbs. . d^livfry.—41 ; small, TT aad yonnf: . Parlour —aid K—ull "\ TrA_NTED/ 6 50 HiHT A=<=ian> T«o Sa.t*r. sptliCaD j E€*. aad UiZ E_i__ . Irom £3 to £6 10s. Opea till 10. Dulilin. . 24_21 lA Kn ^ Houeo stato busine_s highest £45 -farlounnaid. ¦ w aeea^ hotel or ho—e; rnaid Waitrn ss, : Sale—Hoin l^J. : ! A M od—? iGents "'-. oil l_ th onlo p tyje s, three "VXT_a_STKD, ^ood 1 MOTOR CStb i«i unsMiale Orc mixed, hundred 4/6; Dutch Iri3 , splendid mixed, hua- \ If- dowj a, posxai-'« 4d-; o;-, 6. - 100 irc.>; Bronioton ami . riad . £100: Bar- I »-~d «-'<. lirocta B 90 i-cMles W relipion, height ; about 28 : no bicycles ailowed; references.—S 565. this office. . owners join oda—jy. • WASTEDimmedia tel Fotc. £90- Daimler. £300y, WoiHns Gardener, witi two &_A° ! tesz l^oj hiaa Stocks, Sweet William , Canterbur y lUlls. or Double, 4 1 thiB oflice. 4 29 1/j Ttt, £150.—Caatra: Actom oSBs A?«acj. 219 Siei*-= s ~K BOUT 10 Ladie s' standard Fra —rfor t —8 Ss. j iilwwrtb, Conatr Corfc. 5183 Housemaid. " " X Seedfimcn , 100 ?rt >*.—Itams oy, Itoyal Xure en^g. Il uhliii. 't , J,td., £_ 30 ¦ 5/.—Maekev finest mixed, Tulips, 6 50 Qr-^4. youn p Girl dosiros situation as Second NEW Xesfor Boat for Sale (makings in case], 12ft; UPKI t -OK , 'oorted i«d . Vict. -ri ' Mj..-1—ws. return ed Ircm _re, £5 5s. eacli, cash.— vounj, capable Gardcn sr . well tramc -3 WAST ED. l, S VJtSES I ¦• Dnblin. .Finest ICeclra ned WAXTKl 6^° HEAT— A cost £8; what oners? Addr ess Z 3?57 , 'ATiiw SciA. o »»<«. isawdiiK /Miivrr ijom uni t ] l':i_gory] lin Nurse Housemaid; good references. 6 s Housemaid or siandut, white. Siiuit^; ; ixsn—B3 _j s.—ban . __ !. Timas UiU_. lunlroi moderate price— qualit y, J "OUl.l iS at ilacter 's, best " Nestor." this office. A -* Triw £133.—T. J . iieri Viitr. or twmt y-nte . at hundred rutfl ; frc« do- i Iwnd llodM^Kenzio i« _ j »ii«l t5on^ ^ A>' Txidr recommend superior , experienced General wislios ait uation as Houso Sawin^g" iij •ffmts. Co. Co:fc. t..L "VrUUNU 'ITK/ina^ T10I ^ET ST"Mnrie I-uuiae l'l;infs for ftan;e Kilcock. 6 2 J -».- KMR O2 Hcmto Car (1907). 5 seal«. 20-23 h J >. ¦Slcrhen's Gr eca an4 56 Bat——nes road . _ nbH_ XewT owu, «< 6.—Xenia binyth , i Ivv plantin g, , tints , liecs, F A R M , DE ES, liaest named Whites GARDEN, ETC. iS-Hya dnths , TS younc Coth dic Girl OULl M ALE SERVAN L3dy reixniunend nice 4 CjU PolTihM CubaieK er, ict liacl ail?, fnn «t B CANas any _VEEA_ l__ es" and Gems' Secondhand Cycles, in O _ j Dr oelieda. J sJ 1 ilrgt size. 2/6 doaen.—Elooics, Mary borc Tigh. >y. e1!^.: soc^ vocd'i ion: Car is ciu'ldit—J s Maid ; mother baths and'keeps - baby ci 3am?*.- 6i*pa* ' D I S E N G A GE D . Apj"It^rswtoin"VVia. " ¦ : _^_ co«i .-on-ticn. —o cati , cash.—K_ rer_a. 128 i ^ ^ SVJtSES l > I SSy GA.GEl>. 572. this oltl»!e. -^ SocMcrt . Cs2ar. A T.T. eh/mlr! Kuntitif r *hoi r frr»Trt *iT.a_ ^«n«fiTT -r.t rt ^_- -,«.. OI iBS^HrFcinths , Urit " sizedi named, oil colours , 1 at night: North side.—SliLUj F «^e T^ i i ;:ji ' ^ cnia^ :*i_e_"s Green 6 2 for BIo'j ius, ^ Wanted countr y: 100.— dczen , 7/b keep n ain«d rA B , 1/6 ' ;' ' ' 2/ 6; Iteddiob .* groun ds by planting now Dnu omoad's Selected TV UK ^rJ liom«oi—d * _?9 GE00—, single, thorottghly noder stands his bnsiaess, —< O_ "t _ii^'3£ ami help triili older children; do fl Nurse, Protestant; Enfflifh Iniant' ¦Hyacintha. TuliDe. Narcissas . AJ^eoiont'S, Itanuntulus, Mary boroug h. baby a ST7PK7&IO21 Ct>6£B - »Si3, JO ii-p-, ^»o.-mmec Solas lishtmr B I R D S, P O U L T R Y, C A G E A or £u General Man: highly i_con_ui_nde_. A-drcss itai io—eiro rk. iend j elcrciii '— an d state wages to A fira l babr frwa mpnt ':.-S 240. tMs offlce. iced cataiogaes fjee.— B UI.VS—Talips. first siz«'uiro: inistwortiiy; «tr —tu Druanion _^^^ icj«iy_ A :> i'lc-u_ ——in ami Gen_til ^lan , luarned; can ba ~x r i~ii&£. cxivsrier—ed. Wa nted for first baby fruui VJ with infants- Catholic; iocom_ended —S 343, _i« AND for House DocoraOon—Druininoud' s Selected T>CI/BS-Cf tDus 1/0, Anemones 2/6. Iris 3/6," ricaci ! 0 *"*'55. no oga^.—Ssailrara and Cq. Kilkenny. 4 ^0 i luaclitner y _eit—nds aU larm _ ia_me_iatel_r; _ Bicycle TY*S , 1 _. .South eubmb s : Narcissus, > month : offl ro. per 100.—Blonms, XJ Jlamin rulus 2/6, Ixias 2/6 j Q/ Q CflT., Fecdin ir Wifa tmea l; Kihat Feedin; UT£IX1T£ Cii ioi Sal" . 1914 luase. ora c rrae O Tuh'ps, and all othei Bulbs for window boxes. Hover Jluryporougu. v fc-7 irr st; «alr ran 1,000 miles: seen H63I Dublin.— L T>nf\ ••oitditioo, aad inake -—^mythe, Ballinabo y, \-dr< ^=s '• / 582O. PlO -Fi>man." this nrfire. S 574r j_s Place r (Protestant!, sencaged in di Nurse E_rEEIr:NCEI> Poultry Mixiure, 12 6; O 3/9 ; Castalln tf / lle.ll. ded. Apply B. ogi^fr 3* i ^>?i_^ili-ind ^* „.oroughy expexi-nced Nurse , take ontiro BUTI.KK , ra 4aT ~«l_y r *_m__— November; long and satisfactory discharges; *ean beds, borders, etc. : catalo gue free. —Drn aunond 's,tc.57 BU'1/lfej— 150 SyaciHtT Tulips , Anemones , tilled t. C^stalia Poultr y Meal . 11-3: Iiorlev and O.it WANTED, ^ 353- tHc H., 7 Lwer _iu_ins_im ^ree JJ abti p. charge 01 ictant , 2 months ; —-C; age about be well recommended. —663, Irish Timos Office , Bupgot and 58 Dawaon street Q Januar y, in T aT» _"S Hirycle Waul ed, 3 £i»eed. in cood orcier ; Maryborough. . anr lirtpri«s 2,3.—Blooms, Uh yat, lii . 3: ccrria ^a X arcissus. 10 3: Secondary Iris , KC»SIlHAM .' 1914 rnzd Car Sm:,sii, Sl this s. street Brid ge. 4. 30 »¦J perffrt oid«r. -a-th iir ^iti al.1? Trfc^iR. ALEX. Dickron ond Sons, Ltd.. have now received 0 —WATSON S have 53^ acres of nursery "pooUj to j £80.— I J-- rtaTe xc__a, paitimJais , acd stice.—S 396, C ; Gener al: Eood dr iTer: c_-deni?z. milk ; 35; send copies of diicl-rg— and stato wa _ _.—Mr t-^iid , cash with order . AU od. ;»er cwt. l-zss li j ptO ACHi—_X B their usual large sup ply oi llnlbs, and offer Choice B II o£^ l,9»-is_ComTn,_JLlalysiOit , J Julway. T- 3. ^h«j icaii ss^l C<»_ n-TUn TV ilcCT TVcrtf_ __ ^_ ^^ 4 cxts taken in all. PE iUENCED young Protestant Nurae; Rood Tefei- Hyacinths. /•.select ,tioiu. Tliat' s 7;hy jou Iiear tireir planu —' Lar: »iy: alnail __mily; KOod i_e_enofes.—5 7 dare TC' *— Qoicauus Tulips, DaBodils, in great variety; (youne) for one child, X7_N1_D._ csp_riencodNurse :t;€Ot. J_i—eric-. Xli encos: disen pued 15th. —M. H., 9 Grafton street Crocus, various colours ; Snowdrops , Lilies, Anemones, praiaed by yout friends. AHBA HAM NE ILL, Ltd. , Castalia Mills . Belias:. bo well ; C j TOi*>msituation as Pantry Boy : out \t v need o: ^o own msljiiic - inuft "jT^i rbULTllY Poods (JX all kinds can be hud iluul X AI)1" ^Cun*e, iniddlca ged, exrerionced , KnirtUh . Pro- Scillas. Ranunculus. Fieesias. and other Bnlbs for pre. Proias taa t,Ssantt —WATSONS bestow untirine personal ericiioe: higllly ZGCOIQ' n_»nded : £16.-S 579, thw ottfco, CH.lt"F F E U R S, ETC., COA'TB. BOYlo f \I uienii Mill itores. iixclieQaer stree:, Dublin. y«u_ j j twtnnt - coiwt ry : pood rolcfnccs ; state «narj. Ad- font planting. A lawn selection of Bulb Bowie. Cutaord ers arid iostra cuo^s. Tbat' j, wnr thei r • cllentn ___ _iiMrt <: n _4e——A l—ttiain (?!-¦ 73 1 4 SO __— . AtillKiy. lopu«_^frX/ "A_vTi_D. niw Fenon to ta 'K © ctt- rgo Tbr» to. • imiscrie i ar e recommended. ^ '_ OO il Ooactonan. veil rc-om—ended, teets snc3TT 9 ti> 12.50, Eall f-'n-se, 10/- joontfa -—S S50, th__. EADY can lecommin 'l superior^experienceu Girl as ARTAXK icr Novftcib«r i'eedinp— >< ,'dd li little Meat J H SJ SyGA GEX>. j ll>-X ^ Nur ser ifrfl—Braddhaw itieniBolTCS m tteir «, Nur seryman —WAK iO.VS glow tlio goods > and 1 .? 4 f * rides well. uiaree, -so office. & I'.on - good knocli —;e linnters and Children 's Main or N_ : good needlewoman. Meal and inte: Kith auj ruui i; f o u l :ul»o ian Toulu ? Strtton u&im «r e tie beet Florist—Wallflowers 's Dwarf Bedd cr, P.locd visitor s . V/« tensive nurseries, which 4 SO 'lO-VTEa ' ciiimp aiornia ss.—lira Poultry A Vdare a. •'Z 5229. Or -o_." . this offlce Adorn s "•/ . 3248. Maid, " this offlce. lied, etc. , 2/6 per 100, 50 1/3 froo; srand Uoubl o S« stocked, best kept , and best equipped cr onad Dublin. — "Mn -taid on <«ld or ¦____« 5i:natacn , v _iy pood driTe r, ^HArFKEOl 4 30 48 25 ~if hKrhly Tecorame nds Protestant Nnrse, discn- Brigid Anemones same price. liia _bsta __- : _oioughlr recomr Watsons, Nurseries, Cloutarf (only 15 minutes' tram Purple.40 Wellington riit»iy. K1XCSBS, X^KYJDJ Zr, _&&, X TJJ fTED. i r^ KOOJI, Protcs —at.»n;e LAD V** nmnin c iei* ioud Ior Poultr '3 S:>euai _s C—naV~ <¦- it-f*: TT.—s ensed iniddlo 1'illar) . VERi'ECT elaon Wjf. jonrney from Uf lQ&Qdedtake c— Bradsliaw—Best Yori Cabbage for W_r: planti n?. r_ _ . ABTANE. this ofite C TF_. . -aOo. C_At -1 ;. ' II —3ce. twt ; cood i-ieun (irriia, . 9d. per 100 free, 5/- 1,000, on rail. 48 25 ___ ^ _i_ _3ieai^: ^:aT-^ ;-_e __ad ^^- es e_x*^*^; Y -Ia C KKKi rK ««oet* enss^-iiiC-ct; conntiT rcelerred; : • _te terms , fall pa rtii-aiars. S —18. t—a ireFBUIT Trees a speciality at Wat aons. Over A 1,-isnnK Menl. 12 0 yi , also fitro ns y»r 9?.'' tnjp offic ft ren, -wishes "E^XPEH IE_vCKD Kitcieuinnid rocnirod j 1 Ks* w!l i^-omntfad ^d.—S 16. ;1_m o&«. post ; car e infant ; lone A KTAJ s E, Bradshaw—Special cheap ofltr of extra " fine C — certificate. deeir»t autn mn. VTatson's 12; 6 tcr cwt—lUivcntdale Mi lls, 40 Wellington tiuiij . p»l_Kl—IAJ ' Man , B.C., raarried, two <_admind ready for Sale tliis «xperi __ice 5 29 TVTCrBSE. usx, aad • 200,000 red car —a 3oO. thi- <•_ •«. ijcullennnaid ; eta to -C_ Girl as . pony, ?, milk, XI t-xporienoo. —ti S52. tlriR oiBcq. Of situaliU-; do _»1—n pirdenin __^ -£3k. namta Hyacinths for pots or glasses, immense sound rommexcial piicca cannot lie assailed. Have vou • nra_e6 expect«_L—House i;eei>er . Johcnowa Caetle. WetHATT'i'Klf-t *__5-_t;»5t^- ¦= _«___ -_. 3-_ksa_t Saldier; Eriz <-_p_u_ __iT_j ; «it_lkatl y lefunnnend ed.—S 402, gaa. 4_ 1 pjitu.— HlspJng ^ Poultr y, ConTent _ rpad ,_ C__———1. CO. Dnbl—. _ f ond- ot <_ildre— —S f *-- +hi» AltTArii-;, Ilradstoaw , > uxseircuui uoia J-'lormx—\ ery Dyr_», Xf ite Nur eo; ~ Situution H059 Discount " and ^ .— —WATSON' S " Special " C _ ; idnslo handed—iamait Hand Wanted _4.u_nT>1_kss. _ liii_(ffl _f._ — Dliengasod -For-_<. buyer and keenest . irii: <-al biril s. nofc»d diu\» . 30 aaTi siy the niJE Tii—Poiebt ed. Wanted office 4_ Meeh inirs _a 'S BOSO Trees TJE Ss special oiler of 20 vrOTOE ^e .000 Apple TreM. most of which C • AVatfiOn • must hare £«> _ references , in___i-liat, L>_ J UUT a_}>p=r uyen tc, fcBascmcnt:this Apply Edinbur gh r_&V. 2_aid {younF) Wanted.. t his *TB"Sr I) n_ olflco. PA_ Trapper ." -¦¦ C__ Wyandottes. —Knoc k,¦ Oulun. jih:iii" Z 5277. Whito _««. Addra x , 2\ Anconi k*. LV from month; satisfactory ioriM. iaineid, Uppenhelm — . -uu.iJUAlil£ , transplanted. K"urse: bab y A OHArFFE UK fc-s s_r-- tio_ : _•-¦- ct.ver . df all tako gtreet. ~ __ G Main s Geaer al Work : Upper Sar-kTillft YOt TN' 1 Hotel , ' I "\V-- ^TKD _ situation as Ctatrf Tear and Druuiheail ond Lettnce, 1/. 100, free. —Pen_BLE Van and Wiio would like to hear oi papers - well recommended; Protest—it—S 328, tbi« ill /-i —CALIj and inspect Watson 's Clontarf or Killioey kijj . 3a_:, t_a_ - >> ^33_ -le: _ ^rt **3ant; sood tesri-aoiiia -i, Arjilr. c-o ' OV_S1'KGT etrons :>fiaHcrT niaid , bis establiahmeat. 12 21 Tacan cy to core pi-c«; do lish _ wor k; on© in "VTirA^rED, nick' s Ifiuserie s, Delgany. c-ite "- _^tan r* n^ objecti i— Addrt s* - z nfflcc; ks (March. April tat .hfdi, Huntlv a 4 l . i-nahaneV/» . Nursrrie s. New 64-pago catalogne post free from Y DiK; Rf^rlfTrT — Itl airV . 9 Gralton. street . YiTKSBra " __a*r 12. XiewiU's. Mean t — C doily. Ad dress S -47, thjs offlce. "\7iOI7NG Lady would take chilnren out daily or help A ¦% — STttAWBERliY , Kent . Soverciin . Leader . Elton Watsons , Nurseries . Clontar l." -~-r." .!_; <1_. A izc strain: Tirii-es moderJtc—Fit aUeraid, df-P H'. 11 n .1 Paiton, 5/-: second eelected, 3/6. —Pemrict' d " OOPJ -ai'S Tactrto. for banains trees: latctes winter ~ r t ljtir _- G-_ar_ M__; _W)d Ulo_;]lX in hoinc.-S 348, this o-re. ijf Capes—Canary, l-'incli. Lark , Thrush , B^oSil\7" iT_ 3_7"a WJWMSSoa Cl N»twri«. Ltelgar.;. 's, Berk- X> ins, yiipiit, and I'at rot; all appliances tor bit.ls.12 21 ) moths' ona aPpUcatioa only.—Coopei TT jnaxt; t_doi»<_a_ all kieds of fnr im ^ "ffOTt : MEDICAL CONTINUED. t.c and other Jfrait Ttaes, i' orast Trees, Orna- taira tod. 8 2S _ Vifa in.n!d tare poultry and cood milter; Prme st_rt«; SITUATI ONS CONTINUED. D O M E S TI C S E R V AN TS K wsng, ss tipper Uruiopu <:uqy . Dublin. . APPrJ! KIXCJIJ SS, LATTKimr,*C , DISENGAGE! * mental Shmbs, Boses, Laurels , Hawthorns , and nod di5 —_a_-es: email iauiJ y. Api«r to Bobert IVaruit LIMBI NG Hoses, stron g rooted plan w, doubl e red, Ui* Fowl—Heno-, pure br i-d, 1014- . o^ '-: macniSo _oscrfta. Ca TiUH—try. * C1 Green street . Plants ; pri ce lists free.—Nasb other Hedging , -k. Athlone. post free.—VT. B. * D I S E N G A G E D . 3d. each. 3 for 2/-, K^ Xor thcra town, 3 / white or pint, l'riinleston , iicovi.'v __ Drulces , 6/.—" ' .S.t.—Wanted at ono« for _ __ i tu ... PAGE L Indiun Bunner r-nvT-TVTTFD LI ' V,V;_ » A „¦» _ _w FROM 34 28 24 7 IIn r4 l»nri and Son*. Ar i Cairn. Cork . 4 30 ~ also TC^ _ C_LLENT Lamzdress, Heod or Second; roconi(ju-linad A—isunt; rtate esperienoe and salary • toirn. « ils_er»; ' Coat X_ mended.—Matr on, Church Institution, Upper Bagsot BALLS U1UDI3E—i'rait Tree s-^rlarin g aoded a large hoais 8 till 6, 1—0 on fi-Turdays; no Sunday "VVTAyTKT>. «_r er_a_d 1_Uepart—ent.—± Uril is, D.sc Uuulten, with spring pressure, most Tj EAUTli 'UL ltoastin s Kowls anil Ducks , 5 - " ;jj : : »_rjElr _._—>_ *S—-BXtJS- T—__ DISESGAGED 'one« —3d «-iI ^*._ J; « i.r.1 TDTCTT nt-. A^.^<_ * Z 5317. ---odkal ." this o_c_ S_ 6 5 _.j__ i_ij_> n «trcet._ » » Var Wprte is. i_a_tl_ tract of land to oiir Nurseries , which is parti cularly f /\UA* -0-. 'TTTrT'C approved pottern , lowest cash price.—Paul and Vin- X> JJ oilin^ Fowls, 4/ ^ : 1'ut t^d Gftpse, 5 - ai^i: .i] l B_ _ iCpXPIIttnCNCED I_un_e«s. W.O., 19 seeks sitna. suitable for tneir cultivation , we are in a position to cv> 24 21 _ as_?e. Medical , Surg ical, Pedicure. lilaekhall nlace. Dublin. ~f> E G I S T E I . Q E B V A ST S 1 Ltd.. _____J__L e nt liac—uore. . for reyoiin^; trussed , post fre r . cash.—Kathleen D:ei:eea, Under Gar deaer, ;_ MBS. =f_____ —Siies Placo, highly rocom_aundre —; oflar exceptional valne. Apples, Pears, Plnn w, nnd _- ana _. OL EEG ^ilAXtO Unrry 1—d, lri_h Ch—-eh. aswi 14. —-J tion Nurser ymaid or -T-r O*zct?ad rood j? _—fa;3soa J/oxk _ 3_<_u iiins ; Sneep. Cattle , and Vie Troughs ; save Foutt-irer and Shopkoeger . Hosacar hery. •tVAKTKD. cco_ Tr«vfi»tS— ?w«J Ca—a «t__ ;ei_ Aj's ly Serv__i_5. ' ~TeT, 0 m«_«d.-S 407 . t— s office. Ciertie s, liealthj, risorons tieee, in pyramid , bush , staa- 1V^OiO ; 12_!--__ —' FItOClauIe 20 Hollyban . arenue, S——for d. Dublin . 0 . 10 &-5B* 1o * P-1"- i(iT «Ai-rta • » Oabi ac——i—f.^^* Ctakiood;' Bend forj inco list.—Smith and Pearson , Ltd., Y^ANAKIES , Doves, Mules , Parrots ;talk iHJ. B —.. and trained forras ; also Gooaebctrrioa, ft'rite dard, J. Currants . t.C i " -«— _< —>Uo A f__uat , with city _pen ea«, f 'A X>nbod . Geo—o's street. lia . Raspberries . Strawberr ies, all exceptionully well crown , 47 T)QV>&on street , Dnblin. *—' red taiL— Kooftan. 35 Upper Or tuocd QUay, 8lluh V#s Gitl, Jev cellery aad _\ l Eli1CAI. — >or t -i _UiDENEll. Head Wortin v or Sinrlel—nd«l: thop-iu.) ' — Closed «t 1 __D prcfer j od; pamcularB. . .*J nsi—1 Satnida y, «-i_^n_ covered 11, SB 9/-. 10.-. D. —Want-si: . *^ ; Honey, tfradeii and \57_xrE offered at lowest prioea: descriptive catalccne und infor- i'TliOlCJ Sa_ _eTs Store s, y 595. rhi< _ ua. OT roa salr es_«r iencod aU bra ___, insida uud out; " ¦i'aiicv- G&ocs. Apr lr. 6-7 ev___, q_ Those Offices _i_r a beea icmofed lo 30 YfestmoTeland Uu ndnim. iniWm. Meado wlnnds. Kj . " dcaen .-Oraliaro , 1 one in ' ; married , 6: Oreamery llnncr panel s Boyal Nurser j os, liutleted , 36 7, bat pcssible mation free—H amsay, Ballsbridge. Hot , B Etili.S disensaeed: '; tc. _ SPECIFIC ARTICLES. 3»ary tu—TIJ UAEJ1 ACECTICAI , ChemKt—Wanted ior ftat class : iurt 4 50 Fann , 1*6, delivered , weekly supply. —M'C' ov , pf.ilAddiea s Garde—> r . c,o Mr. O — onrte, *-tr eoL TYAFlHiDILS , 4 kiids. 200 1/9 ; Tulips, 50 11.— [amflyH.— oi _a_-« _ eatirato t Serraat s liigrtJ r lecomilot_eT> H*lr». Sonth em Phanaacy. a smart H.C. Apesyeuiabl© ' C rr -— inorincial liiTnenck . * 4 1 Lli classes oi f' , trr yarrus. Clone*. "l\7"-V ^l>deigy ciicct. Limerick. BALLSBEID QE—The ltoyal Nurseri eJ—Uoses, all J -r fVOr udv . Kiltal'ie. » ¦little _rl 22 _oat_- ojct. also i^-lji -s-itb li^ti loas*. rTE atr.e jiadooT > ; umst 1_ t« preliinSnai T examination fcumne. B " Irish X^OIl Sale, seven crossbred Pullets, JuHe" bjtche'dT"'2,S^ \Vo——f& ti—ir«- ^^ .Tn_-_ipe-t. pood A roeii--fed Ht tbo U -giittry, 19 Butlaxtd to Help." ur <-jniv«leat passed: iea reauired. KEY—Advertiaemcuta IPrt paidi lor leading varioties, strone, healthy, and vigorous; Addre ss " Z 3268, f n ff pflVt- TVl youn?:ciui; 1—_ c(y___ T Jfls1.^ _d _re ss •• Z 514o. B to efalerl y Inidyor Mai -duties; a Ne«- X 4>uch.—Ardmor e, Qu ^hterar tL Standards, Climbing, and Bush Plants, in splendid coa- DA1. ^"¦rt Times" can bo handed in at Mr. Winnett' OT piaw *_nal:ued ; reooainiended.previous and pt os—t ATT1_>'I>A2 - V. 5-71. Gard e__r." thif. otfe — "j NJJIA^ *" Unaw 1 AT Secondhand Prismatio Qla__. A 'iUlel^ , i>n?-^ sTrstim \Viin.i Wvautltnto a« A;.pr «:tii _ l.r. UBAiCmA—-CTICAI. Cbemist has vacancy for Ap- ' tunt; lOCJ T POPCTS; sow n<.-«llewD___i_.—i> S4-1. this oflk-e. "TITAXTED. ttir> wen «dura:e d Tnat_s ottered at lowost prices; (loscrintlve list iiee; oroxn 4 45 p.m. for insertion in following day 's Paper, II X and Houdan Ct ':-li«*ielt<.—C'oc;>er. Carlow. IWoildn gi, first c—_ -j_arket groxrer. sifendid selection aluar s in stocK , by &_I1D—XElt . sc-o_ _irosi^.t_ Arri v » 2SS, -t rirent ioe. K.C. '.indoor .1, in country town; fee Jot > to Jew<_ery Tr_ !evalao 10/- carcia ge paid for cash with older .—Bam say. lUttsiranM oeacriptive Oat alosus of choice * ^nDTa.S tj iimo Cwk-srel- ami OJiily Uat^hftd Rf.lit»'A HKS UX, «3& UcUcs tuwt—Xouag Coot , It l^U-Ii^ early etT_vberrics , flowers , torna tO— ; ijiLO WE llS— j«aches, es, Gosn ; t— 5Cl Le—airo, _? 2ei5Sp Address * Z o345 Che—ist ," this o_ce^ti pa. Jto _; 13" ir*— 4 30 and Kuibs for pres&ut plantin g J- or Aylosbury Dufts. Adtlr^rt •• Z 3501 . Cf _—Ba—l-y. Mo—_ "« H»ll> ] C A -N-STOU^OKiii-NT—Xo_ iritr and Gentry supplied with beat 'i— — ers. * ' » ta si r_ay.r at i?1. _r < _: -«¦ f*e rixatli.- zciad S_ riezoe. desire* _v_s3iiaa Gia nt Sweat Williams, 20 1/3.— Ini pr-rT in -Corti side bage and Cos varietie s, 1/6 per 100, post free.— Amate urs, flee; aihjlL ¦X3- good Servainfi , all fitations .—-Ulactwood 's UlJlce, I_r. esne, and General 1'aued Boilin": photograph reaui res a Frame to harmoni so It omsay. d a" LAltGK Boastiu' s Fowls , 4. 6 r " ir; years. v _eel r_ il t_ . Ac- or <-ity h<»m*f: nH ^rat*1 salary. —S 290. this office. B LAXD t'terrarrf. -t^—ia. stock. De— V artistic - __ ~5 bcrs. v(w___a tbree ^J tiny .io 4 30 lieaui sbo^om poncible, i_oant eip—ieaced U cl—s&, !Aai_—ei—First ^_i T— oSw . _onntm s. Xou can select ' Powls, 4/3; splendid Fat nui ks, 5, -. tru ssed, post * and i_ shading NTKD . Jut Cot-. I) _ _ l il«__ ir . Improver; " " ^ lalso with Medals Silver t-fjg - 7. 5539. _t-?i. ^ Cup, InterTu_dcnak« to maama larc e or sax—1 plac * " ^LibWlvit S— . nterbury Beflsi iarge BALLSBUIDliE-Ca Plants, work Wanted by respett -ble Woman ; Van bo one at Hely"e. Pictur e Pramers . 26 Damo «tre t Iree , cneh.—M re. Kostron , Poultry Dealer , Soascarb ery . nur. l*> first aai; waces gr f-'riea ' -—S 21o. this o_ca B ; _U—,prcfit to employer; oaev terms: ace 5O ; two cl»i- ~r\ VTT._r "V^AXTED. I)j___ter, _bdj's louse, etatcly nowcrs , all colours . Cup and Saucer varie - H national Exhibition, London!, awarded to Heams- T ARGE HcustSnp~ l-'owTs~ uuor~Duf kr," O;- *air : !-' :t ' iJ ighiy itxanixuended.—_dr_. Wliyte, D_ _ n '4 Gia__s«, ~«_ ? ^-^i»_**, *>_ i(_ en*s YOI TN*: 3_dT 4>=3iduat « v^^_ ^<, be.-ose _pp r _._ oe , rith ¦ r_» nnter aa_ i ' 3258. titevmi," t_6 J— 4- 30 tieg, 24 1;-, 5O 2/-, 100 4'- tree— .Ramsay. 4 SO liott oin 's. GeagMjl. _«=, 13 __ 1 10. _ddre _ '" JL ' Hhcfcrc xJ .. Co. Dubli n. tru£^-^l. p..st pluiit now. 12 l .or Frat and Testat ".'*:. c«d .c S -50. this <-_te Anemones t hcr ongbly ei;*rien —d stoci , tillage, HOT>JL— vireas iivcrgreen belf Cliusins Virginian Creepere, Jb Bri sid WABD, tfj ofc. , ihi& ctboa . "\V_X TED. a Girl Aqdr — S 5 1 1 p.»od plaitt Stra ps, Coc^«r«U. Brief Kit Bags. I^clioca r.T.:-_ .'.l SH-„.. Oases, Glailstono. e— a oo9. t_.* I — -'' y »iiODK "inland and1 White \TOTJ NO J ^dy, -we]] edncated. desires j>witi pn as At4 30 U tfa * I—aaw*SO 3/6: Unest selected. 12 1/6 , 50 5/6, 100 10/-, "XV —~n ery, Sfcneral man agement : Protestant, rn nr - T ADY can 2_ig__y ret-onunend a lespectabl e Wid ow a_. C-ce Suit Cases, Uniform Cases, stron ir, 9d- eoch, 3 2/- froev—Bainsay. layiu c strain : 5. -.—Cooke. Ballroontv , Tiurles. 4 30 DrSiw? Oases, Hat Cases, Deed, Satchels relere -tcs.—S 575 th_ i«. Shon—iDd . Tyi- >- X tead .nt to Dent—t ; iichest with direc tion?. —Reamsbottom 's, Gcaa hiil. ried: high ly recomme aded.—S 104. this omce. 4- 50 "DALL iiBlilDGB-CBbbage Piin u-yor oeucions ssa, Early Bace Gia r\TTAVTED. educat ed t_mc_ " Carctater or Lodge Keeper or any position of , 4 30 S c ho o l Bo x es •i-i 324. — 5 Chests, . Z_o Lmcd ©_<«. C ¦v wnt l_rr: a_?i ti—5 rainia- 1 -aoder ate f&rs Steward '._arried): , X> White Cabbage plant now Ellatn's Early, Early and ItvJjOWEKS—Plant now lteamsbottom's cbannin Kmixed A O WASTED situation as Wortin —S 176, this office, , Wnteniroo fCoats, Overcoats, Lossin gs Snortin " Uoods , buyi cg and *trust. sitisiactory —lH_n«noe HCfDE Island Bed Cockerels nnd Pulletfi (puieT:"! f_TA t_ V. coloured .Siiurlo Primroses for masses of ira ^rant k-Ei; ond Umbreuas , Horse Sheets: Late York , Nonpareil, Flat Dutch , Drumhoad ,' Savoy, Kugs, by a mewt respectaWo Oap-Tsiiawl char_e of Work Wanted loto tn ta ie OUXl-NG Hath ^sidy, es*o__n cdl.—Ca \>T st:'-?t, t_ S:ile. cheap (oversto -.'k *\\TJ-KTK D. tmait sprini ; bloom, 6 1/4 free, 12 2/6 : Double Primroses, allowed for or nepaiied.- itro nc. oa. per 100 (post tree 1/-1. 4/. 1,000, parking ins. t-_ —e: a> family. Addra au "Z 32S1, Stennrd, " —tJ - Woman : dean , sober , honest.—S., 7 -Jorebam pt -- road . O?di Por ta -Seoin. Baes, etcs, Salerooms. Errfii aad Siioa 5;or«; state t^r-^-s^a-'^-— 4 1 B ;fais o— ce4 30 Only address , bd.—Itams ay. , 4 1/4: favourite fra nant Brom pton Stocks, 24 1/3.— Iri nhtown. * T _;^_Dfli _(?. Moore , Mooic' AT L____ you_ -r Girl yr ____ _ 1o -hear of Daily WiUiaui jS li_ 'i_CXA * 4 50 Geashill. ' eit—irioa an Woil—s Steward; nvtrxied: " K__ amsbottom, ttis ibed 70 years. B lle White Wyandottc year r-11 EHFLOTMEA'T WANTED. b OALI .SBBLDGE—Cauliflower Plants—Kar lr London , 0JHUDE Island lted nr.d __ VTtTAXTED. h o q. ^ VToi_ : ¦Kouid eo uook: just, -isemsased; Tetom- SAf i Mcu'» quw.^Erfs Il'a' -irj' 'in. X> stTOSjj, tianaplanted, 2/- 1OO, SO l/o ; Onions and "iTVLOWK HS lor eloriou s Sprini : bloom—Boamsbottom '4 X>, Hens and March and April Pnllets lor Sale: also "ITT-OTrEP. J -_y _sc--yT_rt for _ y_j-r_and 11 no JaiDi lT: loag and sati sfanory eiperi eace buyins lute Bridg a. A m'O\I __INO1 Value—Trunks , Bag", Dress Cas _, JjCol-s liiobest strains. , 36 1/-, giant flowered velvety Facsies, 15 Av>*nbiiry Ducti —Hannan, Croesdrum, 100 ; PaBley, post free. 1* 1/* TillJij; e. — 7Tfl r Ti«>m_> Paxreii, _^u_d>l— - pfc'fl-WL-676. I r i s h Times UfHce, Bawtot etre ei — liamsay. , 1/6 Tinoiualled seflimr and m_ >v dnor-; taast ie oi -rc*-d aM^uasn-^Leseinss. ootbaU. Fiitdae Goods. ini Win or ntux , A ci-toTO-i. i' it'ns i:n_ tbose Ti _ hn-itH*?s; _ M _ ' ________ O OldCJrt lA 4. SO Q.U_?i_J_UOU ilxud mints sitoatiou,tT-otwortty; r.a_! l_ nwif*vr c-f tbe hirb town, GowT—i, County Kilkenny. ires 30 1/9, 100 4/6.-Bean?sDotlom'», eeasiilJ. VERTI5 ___XTS r_srr_g to¦ Aseades. Tra-c.Tiiy _^ neat, yrgj. ~Moore. 4 Bedlora r off. Anslesea srreot, Dublin , B Ad- ADTeiicra, ¦? 30 <- __ traoV iJ house TfOrk. »ic« pkiin cookwith e_T*ne-l'*> ^T UtUj TjI^Vtl Oil—rK vt Sur^x. H«r ID^rmrt meni'n Peal. e:c , will be fonad t_d_ S_*c_l Heading HAX.LSBRI DGE—Dutch Flowerin s Bulbs, Hyacinths, bargains O be potted now. good appeara m-e.Apply~Je onnie . Bcslyn. Hoyth. at ;l.'* tnir 521, tliw offlceParti ' u!_is, o77 , Ir:sl i " IEISH TI__S " c_js_ BA_—3BEIDGE—Pansl _. strong plants . enormous bottom 's. Qeashi lt. ti_ 4/ X\J Bavenedalo Mills . 40 Wellington quay i . % Coucho VT_eSBests, Bed 'Jiibles. Bod Best*, and other Joghiy of good Female forBeiweemnuid; _33_ox _ nil i«uir sitnatioa us , disSowers, i r ch wine colours 3 -\,_ lo n _**!.— S oQ9, this ofi-too. iiom 10/- por monlJi: lllas- 4/6 fraa-Iiamaflr. JC plaj if planted now than our famous *' Bain bow " T Rath "\V ANTKD. A_-_.ie_.ii«Chairs rhnn^od 4 50 lUMtt witer . SiSTAST trood tnuw ledge of Double iT__. s_t« a?e. — ior _adiee. VO l-Nti Woman washesDaily Wort, Ii-dioe.' Houses; tS^?os ue iroe.-Invatid Ee«___ Omvm. 129 AiEntry. _x _l<_t T_iimoni__. —_tes on appointflnd SaUCcr. 18 u_oe open 10 a.—. Sot Serrants , 11 ALLSi i-lDGE—H -^Mo wers, strong bafihy plums, iliiod C»nsar istri 1T -_ ve<:?atio_. Address " _ 35C29. ment (eertin—t e ol rrofici ency from _>rac_ _ns aoB will produce masses of -otters and colours . Sb 1/b , X highly recoi - _4 Slep ben'a Green. 4 50 Thefa Offices taTa baen ;e_owsd to 30 W_taorcland wt itnnwuww A r.p.'f&rj^r-." rr_ _J J- _ __ Tn^av (lnr 100 4/- f ree.——amsay. i,v r^.«-ir.™o« ...ire Shnwroomfl. f-wn.wv " «, ^ Wnter to__n_ntt Address "Z 3139, Bootieeper ," mis offi ce. rfreeL i 4 50 ¦,J* m "\7"OU_\ which are without exaggeration , the . largest and \\ l_i _sCor. " *tat * are. _^ AI,IA—Girls Wanted; fare £1.—Graham free ; exquisite uenr Piak Lupins , sama whit e, 1/4 ~t?SI _ « f __ 1V!-:_t : ra_*t rwi r>rvfiri_t X> variety, str sng, 25 1/6, 100 4/6 free.—Bamsny. lUirsEKE —PER, el«__t coot , dairy, poaltry, to _ r _i.i_r-a_ts wii char. * belt, Goven—lent Agent , 18 _o*er Ormond quay, OUXG countr y Girl wishes situation ; amall family ; finest in tho Unite d Kingdom , form a veritable exhibi4 50 price-—Heamsbo ttom's, Geush ill. j'rrr-s. aad sal-ryti^*-_j^«trd; , com«>_vr r;_ v U_t___. qi wonl. tale fiaiseol cue or wo A raU Warned — 4 3. <(_]__ flowering DonDlo li^OffKBij-FragTant \Vhito _?e.—J. 5ol. this o— Ce. X> prt« JT «?'_j- &S- Our . nothimr to touch it for for delicious pullin " plant now . 4. 216 . 8 47- 12 XT>0_ ti» co_ r_uei!C_ 0/ AppUcj uts Jor JD Arabi . GoHoa l'sUow AlyssUBl. or Uefal DlU8 GoCSre, mj £'6 froo Ilaree slooli 9d7, 1/- each uy X! Eituations Adwrt ii»rs are rospecv x_U .—Eai_ar. 18, _._. cooai—¦ »«__ wa.GOOD Ooot- esreatent popera; co rountry; dairy.— value - Voldinc Sleep_c Oars. Iroin 25/-:_a SilAilT GiiC —boat EICATI XG OIT.3 oad GRBiS fi.—li» LTJB S bnyin s 12 1(0, Votget-me-NoU , Hee: lavourlt e jnemlon Count y Btr»et. at least 6/in tin So,vo lieu and and Ihturt oq 50 __d to ry, own inanufocturefully requested * H- gisA Tic-n ^i& Tvpi>t Shon Writer: a £0od know* 4 50 Quality nnd Prires ore Hiqht *:. :-i t.e. A Mor ton * dasenjased; Chicken i'orget-Me-Nots, 15 1/3 free , 50 5/-; many _____ in irllicli tne appoin—_ nt is vacant. savouri es ; nearly lour years ' direct ¦from Sherwood's, bb Middle Abbey street , Dub- BALLiSBi—DOE-Struwberry li-^e « l»n ^ ;«~ * l>s_—Voan-r I^idy, well edu—xed, desires jwsi- (^ ENOHECG for 10 Hewing — hote^ club , private families, C^AtH X Mm. Scnlly. 24 Victorto strew. COOK, Fir st Class;292, CHLX iOfS: on Saw, cheap—l'lanin s Mn-hiiic. 8"a EES—llaBniacont Violets, enormous blue br TRAVELLERS IVANTED • "tion as Cashitr; lishest leferencts. —S 376. this TriT_ four SewingMachin — and a largo Work Table. Ap- 5/. 100; second size, 3/6 ; rooted rnnners , 2/b 100 fr ea.' £>L0W thi s office officers ' mess.—S __N"i.'S—Adverti __Mut« ior this Paper can be ~ Admiral Avellan , plum colour , 2/o dozen, fr ee; MA s 4 f t s 4 ft. 3 inches ; Han d Traveller. 5 tor.s, o Kamsoy . , c_t eC Pl r S 380. this oflice. 1 4 30 at out Branch Oflice. Castlewood avenne , exporlonced * Hohso Parlounoaid . Good PlainJ , in. XV l—ndai 32 ft upan : Ryder 5 Hammer For cinff ilachino L r s uuK ' 12 . mixed fra yr-int Violets, 1/9 ; favourite Chri st—us Sole will be cleared XJ ALLSBRIDGE—Vines, all best varieties H pots; -Iri ih," r ^OMPAS lOSsaii", _ _ __:. or >'«_lework. m r^ _p to 7.S0 p-m. daily (Snn<_Ts eicepted ) in tima lor G (Sistersl , r a<1- "n u;v Carriac — dur—e November inmtioiia together . ieco__m__id©__ 11 ^arn £3-£8 -w»^_ Write. 4 for winter bloom, with cultural dir ection, 5 -/- Saw Fruiu e. 14 iuch Iocs : C-e-ntrifn uul Pump 12 iii^ a oa yaiajcr?— _* " t_ n ior _ r_l_iob_' Home; LC.—J_ W., " _ __ • inuruon in iolloTins day '« Paper. X> at con—ao re—ictioM ; r>ri« _ range from 27/6 to X* stlon ff, fruiting and plantin s canes, from, 3/6 30 Cj J-T. t.c. to l_ 'b llosos 1^! t* *^, ^iT-j tsor_ I^> oa. suction: old Stenin Travellin g Crane . 2 t-ms omsbottoin's. 4. 3Q t\iesi " Z 5006, Oaot/ ' thlB oflic-fe free.—Ite od Wart ~ \da :eM 's, 24 money.—Carroll and save now each amsay, ' lyjctlOTr . • purchasa BalLibridge , _tre3 4 90/_ _Dublin. 30 . «rar . ^— 4 50 e for «a_ ifreiaid) icr - _u__ COOK , eocxI , or Cook General , just diflenE -ged: hifihly IMcheto VLO VVEES—i'aTOurilo _,ES____C W—::»_ as Oatu w>r 31ep:*elitativ SeB cungin f Ampeloniu '• Z 5221. Machinery." thifi offic e. _> AMiLAUH —A<-enia_ ~ ft. W—It . Pnb lin. ^_ !A__—_— Toung I—dy (LC.I eeeks sitnat _on as 1m. XV i_ss Quinn 's KernBASIO _ae—""BiWon 1." te—< highest, and i« best _3 ifijo;nin = i-t.untie s: tia _ es of present Y_ EVKEAI , small Steam J-J niri nes, Pumps , aad * ™« lecommen ded. Seen 10 W-ir inglO P _,i]_cq J_ Veitehit , with erit nsou anrnuui foWace 3 1/6 • Times" can be handed in at_icuied) — O llcbua a_ 1 Bedst«ads, Bedding, proceedin s— f now -r__in(« for r«Ily AUGAIN tiale valuo prompt deliver stwo thk Xtrover: eipezieiice ; cood reference, from «to_.—Paul splt-adid ior insertion (Sunda ys : ana & ton Ammonia Compressor ior S;iio ArP 1-/ acenw u_> to 8 p.m. stron e "elected, 1/- «bo_. Urn— Btanubotto ui's, UeasliilL' Qualili od. a I*rot«ujn t ; pri voto iwtel or'buai*»d -to—*i <-i toi_cs =ivtQ: , Sidoboaids, Dining Tables.. Roll Top Vincent. Ltd.. Blackball place. Dublin. _la <_re»5« allow_n<-e. Write Addie — - Z 5240. 1—yrov-ai.** this office. 4 1 t f j^ OUK. Cabinote er. Pap t-c _ -inilBy—g g6 9 aiK'i c__eo_ Limited t_d_. " Denny," , at Waterford ci-ty. ^ S 3 . _ 's ~tfis-: , Limerick , or Cork. «< _nl^r —^ «_cl_fci=-*» c^cd -_KH_SCEIl ~^hor_—id TjT—t BooUeeper de- __M_aff h. Co. Galwa y. Honseie eper for Single 6Gentledu-jjKUg t,-. JLOl: £13.—S 522. _ub fcfflce. Mixed Tu ffi amps. IIO volts. 850 revs., 6 polo, with 8 i:i. t>" *f: ccantitivn to s_rt; 12 21 Uopartnienf. 26.Dame street Iris , 12 Narci -Tis, 12 Daflt Ab, 2%° tSSw 12 24 1/7 Hee, SO 2/b. ; Crocus. , SO 1/3] ior aevfrtisi s: : "Work —sxyTKD Mill , is iieir also Wind 40 ft. tower . with 1.000 ail rcf_enc_. tires position ; lusiien xjplease. t:*d_iri« nr« Address coofc «d lanxKtres T; sw "Z 5305, ; _ jUtenorale<> cxt«Etent_ je c — w^ll kEWra: _ _ i_—\"A i_r_«n>vare—anicfc . Selling Plates, Bowls, Hyacintha . cazxia ^e iwiirt —Thos. _£Ken_e and Sond lai^-. —-aa=f^ct«i» aad Ralarj, and wndco piee _^00K catalogue. —it«am»bottom '», GeaahilL ' ' >>"%*l. r * JiC TCTll VTf enrr . iron tnnk t nnd 300 ft S pipin ~s. Addre -s ••/. o?J .l. c Wman- mcc iCaoe: staM as^ ^ , t hiB omce. if -<* GO- ltli_nX3O Typisir* t—s ota^a. Juge, maim , Teapots , Muffs. Chea p , , oflico. 26 21 " J od ; T^OOK )6 Ooll«cUon—^> Croc_ . iiO Snowdios, 6O JD 1/3, 200 2/5: delicious Eall /Hhuoaib T 8 4/fc. ShOP ClUtC, , _ew-hants. to in^ie tbfir war ~ ar_ nb_j a p^r- GI_ I., raters who * a . ' Lur go , 38/6: Caina Gilt BULBS—7 Bulk Lots, wliolcsale Shorthand. Typewritin s:highest refer- Dlflre.¦»vr _D Toepeotable, 2r, civinc last or- /¦v"—fL desires Position. Shorthand . Typist. Boot26 21 Pr otestant prelerrcd; cood onl—K.—S 212. t_i C _oiod dairy; two years in lost place; good —ages Pcnton , Stags. B Delidons-Piint neamsboitom's famous •ar sitio— _ <•-, to Mr. G—y. lies 759. WillUK's. 125 VX _ee;nnc, jnnior; hi;_y recommended.—S 300, this rort_tes. and Mais, Linoleums, every article VlJiS-10/- CoVKtion-50 I _ _ ,, 60 Tulij , 20 FLATOD ¦CARPETS, expected.—O. & O-VeiH. Kwvih,J ilan e, JZo. Jdaath. kinds of Old Machinery, Scrap J fetn is WVieW : aflice! transplanted Boyal SovereiBU Strawberry Bunners ALr, " ^ Sl_n8. London. W-C offlce. 1> = highest prices , prompt __»d; £22, £25, £55: nishly recom - VJ iT bargain during Said, whic- will end on 30—. B Daflodi ls. 25 Saicissus , 100 Iris , 50 Snowdrop? now for trait next soasen; 50 2/- fre»> inn ^/6 . cash —'O'oodt. inii aaa and W iNTE D a respectable Girl to do light housework , 7 ^O_C£rdiseni eaerretic I—fiy Agents ia E——ind this this oflice. B uiend-d; also Job Cooks.—Black-wood's. J.r. Moont gt. November '- absolute bar gains for cash.—Carroll' s. 24 100 CjociM, 25 Anemones . 18 Hyacinths, carriag e if ii. WaiU4_s de_r— WTAXTED. or Club d_trict .-S 250, , Moore, 20 Luke street ^red. v^ 550. eiti_selected, 50 100 , Dublin d—ern 2/6 4/6.-_Smsbottc_52; HOTEl j Telephone, «_____ athmine' ' ApplT _ ; S 152. GiShiil £ood — Thoa. XcKen zlo and Sons. »* Zjc'" Bachelor 's Walk. Dublin. * Si-T_; 'nr^lr xec——-_ded; cood appca_aoce.—S 564. : 26 21 78 26 , Woinon is anxioua -^ ou 3?rotO f±ant a» Second: all duties; carl r C^OO K ox ilouaekoeper—_>tead yplace. : ; 4 30 _ "V3-TAXTED. _„_ Gjfico. antiane, copper, o_ e ndoni. in all brass, ttU5 and 1' lTor panicnlaxft CAU——S C7T—TUIi Sprin ff / lor cbansrc; 17 ycaia in lost nowars—Jiv emhjns __ BEA lor «hi _ classos oi Iron Irian Tunes Office , Eatnmijics. B Cofpef, 1**1, , Meta l, TBO1T Trees, tne flaost in J Jr.-us, ___i_ _ —E 0 565, Irelan d-Apples , _5_>4 Wooll Br asses, Dogs ^ S® ALL Centre Stops, Vt w Novembe . r Uardra j^T YV black end brass; flro M_£' . . l-nona T_»dy P_2_ two year \T 7_XTJ_*=^S»=i v " this office. O oii 1_ "T A_ Tt 1I.CV -wiB_«_ to— —i tj -aiol Co__«=toa. -wl^ie Ooolt, , E "Z .5556 ' nms, 1/each. and Mtiehinery Wanted. 1O/6 per dosenf aidiysi KthcridS C, —Woodhau is anil " reductions for ana stocks are now leJdr. Insp ection iarited. -M i-i'i Nur t 1/6 eoci, 12/- per dozen; b year Jj - i Sar it ^c > » _on»e; ese—«tic aad pashin s: (—14 ciparj—ce, Coal Bo-OS, voiy aerubetantlal 76- Townseud street. Telephone—Uublin 35&0. "]!; Traveller ." J _ maid is kept; sood r_ _eno—; Dublin or tnttnr&s DIS_SUAlit;D, BX«—»t Cook, U_s« eito}—<-_,<_. and » w«,ik, r>nb y_ -Z 3247. aeries, (Dorenm ^. rarUngT-?-^-!. b«<— -CA-SATIOKB , choicest Border varieUe sT*com- berries, 20 vanefaee, 4/- and 6/- wr dozen; OurrStt f M l AH K . uornct ~ 6 28 ^^^^ ELECT —IO Lisat ond Incandescent . 22 Korth Mai p str eet , Coi_ _B . Wanted: lift 3 to 4 torn , d*t^' either 617 «*»¦«¦««¦12 selection and lowost prices.—Self 's, __uted, "tXTASTED. d_en Cmvasjers for Enlsr—meats; Help or Mother 's Help, Protestant, seeks tem- /~(OO_ Good (E.C) Wanted , conntry: no 4ri— ; hell Xj ^—PE—IKNCKD Coot and Pario _—aid, dilenga getf ; j a- red, white, and black Pruitin c Trees , 4/- an d 6A pot \J *7. 5551. Crane. '' thi s offlcc £_ 12 21 .'. m¥s, TefeS-r ^ » TT s_. Apply 34 Uonnr e terrace , I>_Jphin *s I— m, LADT . pora ry engagement, daily or morning hours; city.— execfient d—roctci. partic __s duchar ges Addre — , Gransra hichoft rcfereno—: B —_ . wood -tnin ins WANTKU. old Lat he, 3" to 7" (¦on tic U rna i to ¦ _^rw »«_ d sod 8 any eveain ?. 22 Elr plaoeXf*O(j\TAIli pens fr om 1/3 to £5; selection unob- B — BOSES. Climbers. Standard s, aid U_s_— h_t B O ¦<^rihM «toWn Park, C——_nock. " 7. 3503. Oook." _— offlce. " ' ot amateur, oaj- ty p e ; stata price and a-iws im. . wo are here to satisfy every J elsewhere; varieties procurable . • tainable Prices favourable, and quality T ADY desrre s position as I—dy Help, -where maid _t_it r E_ Good Coot; £20 want; any inato Bepoired by __perU; catalogne iree. S 251. this office. , ioui EXiERIESCED young Prot < iOOK— Wanted, good j ou nsCook, Sinsleuand ad Xj l-p!.- cheerful,•damestic — guarantee d superb; o/- orders carriage paid.—Mills ned: eifelle rireference ;- r , -mtl S22 ; di-gagase-—\V. W., 9 Grafton rtreet ¦VXTAJi TED. Machiner y, small Saw Henci, ^u ik' Kj in famiiy: state —tf-m Apply by letter _ 12 21 ' sal—7 ao obj ^rt. Addr»_ -*Z 551O . __p ." ih— cage. 's. Limited , Dame rtreet 4 50 M AUDES Frames , Frnit ' * Saw. eofjlg fo- S 259 , thi s office. ¦C_ST <-ass young Proteataiit Cook, pri —to fa_ily or Holy LEGAL. Tree Esp aliers copies O_T OJ dk*_!_ _—, M_« —oe=. FmtKiEh . _re—> , VaBee c__ !L'CpiiA___ Inlaid Wood Portrait Frames . ' B—Hish WALL PLOWEHS, transplanted bushy planU «: O_ I _U1' Shorthand , Tn>e in.t_ leipsnl and Boort eeper; bur y road. Ira Min. B— J_ institu to ; dfeansa nod 20t_.—Flcwitt , 9 Gnaton rt. TXTANTED. Rood Secondhand Lancas hire Boiler , net • sonual , early plaaUn s ensures best 3o Xj _ *_¦ ycort tesults asa mil f CXT— _ 3KVi »al—T _od e_*-_— 5 SS7, -*v nn.roakable wood back , hinged struts , dnstproof. — 1 ' -.OEJ '-lCTr i'la™ Ooot, yo_iE. ^.a. Wairt ed in. » v less than. 28' I 8' and injured to 120 lbs. woikiis _r»l±U5T c—«_ Hotei Cook i3_«Ds3- ed—1_ 2 _Lle_uulra __ Picture I>ram _s, Holy's, Liinitod, Dame itieoL for 1/3. 60 p BEENHODSES, Garden 1 7- 1D ^oitest a-ortaflut, this o—oe. . O_ iI. h e l p from betireeo __d; mat J ^tL—__ —Waaie _ inieUifent H&n: fir st c_ss pc_t—a; ^ near city; S5g— v _e_at_y areaua. S.OB. Q Ira iSr? ami Hot l i , Bloomflg— S 1O0 a m» terra< 1 2 2 1 named -ranet jes pre anro . Addre w "7, 5267 Hoiler. " iliis "flicft * 4 50 3/4; , 36 a/6, 100 4/- ir eet— "br r»«,W. BuUdin j , and Joini J. *V / ^ V^ ~__au>eat; c—te ter xs.—S 72. this offlce. ~\.1"0T0- ilectamcs WanteS and Disengssed-For these iamTiy; se_I copies *»o la« tod_—« or no notiw ' 5I>D young Cook ¦or Cook Gcoei—; sonps , flab , paa ¦»i *m>\nn ni»L ' _e«_u*KjB 5 Sroy ctaiV SSl ==' AM ' lil), Sim tor (irina, iatr Ut.u l\tr r\ _olM T.lnnla«»i\n - mon 11u)b*,vu1_ . v^_ii _. —inoie—us. inuiu.. cona -y ^ H.uii. and Cnwiin? com; ia cood _ee ' i$_nt, Special Headingr nn_>r —U. anno—icements this offloby special machinery at low an d, A— Motor «Ei r- -__£a».-S 555. rates. Sond particnlars A _ X! OuTbs, Fender s, Fira Irons , at Slionfood' s 55 ¦D -MYOSOTIS DissitJ Uora LAW (__k—Wsnte W Btate Price- Particulars. Apply Kitow ay, PortarG ,-tri_.—S 193, _ - offlce ¦ ,._ , prettiest lar go floior ia ot your requirements K. E. . Our advico Applx. statrnz; Ealarr 2nd __d_£ refe- al-lters. fJj re 2. t-c Boardin shouse: hotel eiand town. MABT Woman as Coot ior experience is at r late to the trade, mamxt—*urers X>= early noner— s i'orget-Me-Not s, deeD sky blue A SO Mellon and Son. Contractors! your serv ^OOD r_ _ yoons Ooot ; ton _ or country .—Cook, 93 Middle Abbey street , —n—«. to " Z 3220. —es—." —_ office. "\,f"AX. over rnilitar y a—, desires employment , whole ^_ ieac»-. S18. S30.-5 29A, tMs offloe. now supplyim? the public for borders or rockeries , 25 1/6 , 50 279 100 Oordon stre it, Dnblia. I1S " nd ¦Lo Siaeorin « ¦ at wholosato prices. Save 6/- ' channinr 1 CD ¦*¦ AW Clerk Wanted. wf_ tb oroc ^i _x->led?e of _35nSi£-?f*"_?)ire_ ijlc Circnlars . ^!_ ^_ g. ^«'^. Brighton * etc—s STED, pood Cook Ge~_ — : * vell recommended: in _ deallne direct ______ ! 4/6.-_Jlls . - m llool—eetnn : Suaie; ]Jatt ™ a?! 4 50 S4a. tliK office. WAcounixv B Sipp— Cook, vitii ki—ben——d or betveenm — d: lone, C—remonnt, Carrick I 1 C—_ ry Comt pr_—ca, _ _ —ty, aad bc__eex—ir. Bre ierred.—Eead. GOOD Sale, '.Jas Stor e for Green!louse, cost £10; Sell T> —ADBBIETIA. Golden Alysstun , Hawthorn scented " PLOUGHS . ScHafs Patent , with movanle ot«el O __ _ _ » - Z 3545. ca_t." tMs offi ce. 'S or Useful Help —.nu _t_xion, house ffi_E» exc—>—t _»b— ; conntry preferred. —S. 202, " thiB TTWIl • , all suitable ea——? ppmte : __ _ JX_ B e_ir— dbiId rea. eood ae_fc—_—n; for «jelrari« J work. most efficient and mart ecoaomica ^-Piai 3ence_. sood —sti- "WTAXTED, otout _iddle of KoTomber. thoroughly ex office. _ _> S_i_t—. ¦ J T% —_ _ _ _ and Vincent. Ltd.. BlacKball place . DubUnT and Ca have been or Edging. 12 1/5, 25 2J 3.-miis. 4 an B OOD P-siD Oook. PTOIo stant- small dol— .- eood KNIT XING for Soldiers-Bobert O—sttr O_m : Terr modsate salary. Ad- moniaLt.—5 286. l_s Q-Bce. 34 21 V_ meat W peneDCed yoBKj Oook snetei—ndod; , _cnib6_j fortnnate in Kcurim; a* quantify of the Correct _Ki_IO i-_, boiol SiJc—. comor—inc _T~thi1 TTANBS0ME eweet ^cnlaiiy dean in wort an^i a jttpere: town, country. —B.. 37 lark ttiett. !/ >Iii? H toned American Orsan for Sal«( JflcnrerinE OTHEB 'S _ eto. fi-C e__Kh_no_, eiceUart dm__ ao_>- jnmt be eailj near, parb «*o<»ous Plant. , and havo -«-•- 1O jtops. perfect order: • colours of the rainbow, (rrres ulorio as _splay! T a ?Sj1 w owower aU tn« Kummer K—itf Wool lor knitt -s Helmets , Mnffler s, Vests, creot , bargain, £6. Can It9 ^ tro_aii, tro—d seac_ touiar _oi__t; £12 £15.— person, economi—l. s^oa temi_«d. and : .<____, ajm_ _ i tie _jq_d_; Biaiiv Coot ; iak6 daltr i cood buttar __ _«T . laet' for years «<-en at Adelaide Home, Delgany. f~»OOX> ; _ OLICITOR'S ________ .Wanted iru , etc, ior the SrooM. which tbsy are o3«rine at motto doubto. 12 1/-. 30 1/10. 100 5/6 : F_gen£ ™ A if?" Ift ! 1''! . lUQUtJ filfhT w 4WVUllUil«iU-U. rrtv iiiiinimAul —Q —C OtU MS , UUJ ?*..- Agency, litnerk — T _(_ enhn!_— r hc i tUlUiU , 'nnnir v *mA costs; _3leasQ 's i~^»«^ i Ea-iefcer iy r * lmi Cort . 4 oO r 'n^ T_yj v_. GlsmPi re. T IB—U. J : ¦ ^_33__ ' S —^ ^ 3/10 per J h. Sample* of *»%."» KK"1 ao« i<« cnntn ft IS SdT 2S ¦ or 10 lbs. at li; 3/11 per • .Gramo phones and iio___no_—s . Ad—_ i s__ KEABSEY'S cWd«< or Dentist.—S 282, this ——a. - Z 3350. ___ Yr Gen—al. in si—til iaznilr; JD—t be clean in person GOOD Cook General , disen gaged; idshly recommen ded. . 82 and 83 Gratton street Bobert and Co., Ltd.. te. ¦ ~ ¦• —AU—I0DLAS, rich velvety colonrs , 6 1/3. 12 2/ . X up to 20 foet-Bamj oy,Eoral Kunenes. Bail!- XTEASSET'S , cheapest for Music, 3d. to 1/6; eat «M. P.. Eagle Hill Cgt_—, Tere nare. » :tcj__ibte Boy for Solicitor'i Offlce : ~YTC_S_' Attendant: m_tt — eaKrience : —tend __r and 1—bits, willing, and obliging ; no v__ S£: s-tnuus. — W_>T_U. ¦\rCTEPAP —B—Kxceptional ofler : 120 sheets Vellnm B. new (rian r lrasrant yeUow. much suoerior ¦J-V logues free. —Oapel street. Dublin . • to Dusty bridg e; 4 JO 4 30 «=__ __ry. Ueply is o_t __—tni_uc to S 65, X> or _i_n.-24 Upper —miatnlaeeant -venna B 622, T ^' "*' *~ —— Office, Bassot street Brid se._ OT_I< Oook . Toons, in good eomm___ hotel; ri —> Laid Notepaper, with yonr address, lOd.; 480 Miller. , gives emulate blooms, 3d. ^ each—Mills. 4 30 4 50 •PLOT of Oahba ge for Sale. Address 5<)1. t_s office. this ogoa. «m_»n_ted.-S _a_e Gra mophones-As useful at Home as at tfce or Hely'a, street ¦ ' z 3311, (Sb- MTRENCBi -IW -EDLEvTOSlAS. GewnU. l»*-'s honse: Dr_a-_> 2/8; pattern tree . _—_. Coot Cook cnpic_t X. base. ttra_8 thie orUce. —PANSIES, Plain General in exietence, " J sood ; small * Mills' Front: you can carrv them like a Hand Camera ; O 13 21 Coot. Genera l; I> XI i-s, Renorar—E. (3_dj e_'s wart: cood i_eranee.— ^TlTl_S—ED. KITCHK N'MAID litai ctoation a_ ie__mended. i. flpeclal exhibition, 12 l/6i 25 2/9? new«* OWAN'S Prize Bnlbs—Tniips, tor bowls, dvro rt RrdanTO Mod els from 60/-: caMlostios ftet-Butle r , TT !__aj . no wshins, dairy , or iowl; house parlours. 164. _is __— SW& —umledseot cookiirc:hie—y — ¦ state A—: Hall Stand , witii ltoge 6eveHed mirror and inset ittrieties TnmirtSeaii TOmt speoal _mpress , 15 1/-. 30 O man i«t; little ho—eTork. Monnroant scarlet Honwa. p—_al tall scarlet, vellow Dublin. maid aad pink, , ihis offlce. . . . Eels. S 558. strtocd . Rro ___t, yellow ^\ULI«I >G licit duties, or Hi—>e. e—t umbrella agd hantrine aocommodatlon; aiso ! 1/9. 100 4/6.—Mills. MEDICALKnUinor , euwcted, aj o, and __csocomes to JIi«. 4 30 " ecailet. each 9q . per dozen free. —SI Capel street. and "\»rANTED. Secondhand Cottage Piano by eooa rore iim ADY din _ur—? xecom—esd cood p_i_ Cook; Ath Kitchen Srener. Tables. and Cfiairs: seen by appoint- I B_AII XIFU V/ kees Ttteis maid kept; sice lelereace.—S 233, this mces ' ¦ 4 50 ¦ or Endish maker- moderate , cash: no dealer s.— « \V_linrt _L KemgL — Eiaat Orimeon ' and Orange Polyan thu s ^ ticles." t_» office. Ar " Z Sol 8. Cahir. ply Coot. Be—runa gh, Addre se 4 30 mont " s offlce. ; 12 1/3: monstrous VTHtt »»_-f—^4 T« -nin_i C_u»r l: ' 6 I i ¦ e ' —id Bed Double DaSee "DOWA ii'S Bnlbi—Besntifui Parrot Tulips, for bedd- . S 183. this office DBBUBi 0 Toaas ooot ; food too. , _enit \SSISPAKT—E X->erienced AJjt —la to rccom—cua eiceiK_t coot; irco ucu r Vt"t1C _B'S Dr e_j Sword, __ —«r. Scakb—d. and Caas ] 12 l/^^ -Mills. ' _~VPE-< to ea— _ _wnt, Pictn— Piin iit ; flist clsss WAXTED. i 30 ' S\> inc. wised, or in four colours . 3/6 per 100. 6d. Vt n_w; -»»ee- £16 -18.-S 177. this office. A —_ sj____ r: o_n__-ed prsfene— State a~e. —la—, VA - week; Dabli n or Kild—'e prefa re— - 14 months 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10. Address KK fo . sale.-S 346. this, office; reader: with or witbo ni orchestra. ' ¦ -OANTEfiB UfiX Bells, new Knk Onp and Saucer '. dwwn. —61 OHpel rtioBL leierm —s. etc, to Ccmn—ly. p>»-r—^rf _, Dt__ _ l_ A yonn gOook. , good small snbmbs; i——ly: 6 30 thi s office. p preferred. TUTAKTED 218. Cook," —S 287. this ofaca. B ref erence: city "Z 5 FBIVATE Christmas Cord s; deunu snitabls to pre- ' B e Plant!. J 2 1/.: oflmr -rtotfei, 18 1/ T. 30 "D OWAIX'S now Spanish Iris , tna poor Wsated. w__> or jait time, in Bo__ W send copies, age, —Jges «_pected.-S 201, thii fUESPECTAJ —»E VH—1» desires ritnaHon - aB Coo. or A S S I SANT T Orchid, sent conditions ; potriotio and other patterns;. ample ,1/« 9,* ,Sa 100 4/- free.—MMs. - 4 *30 BXrTKS—— «T __y . exnr—need _n__eexn_e. cars offloe. XV for . the prettiest show , at uu least man's expeuee, will X— Cb———7, —tT: «2so l__—net.—5 288, —is effio. w, Dame str eet XV Woxkin ;;HousC -eeper to Gentleman '.;hieltlr recom. book post free.—Bely's, i_ T_ids; -Ttmldcive tuefnlhelpin _ SPEO I—B—E t_i>!c7__t 9B Bald.—9a Gr—'ton sroea. Mt f-cUng—g..9d. eai—.—MilU ^~ v" A ,ZO —X. keeper: R.C.: d_en £ase_—S 551, th_ office. ' 2/6, post X-dies* a—1 Gents ¦ ia cir /; iDlenrjeir.— £16. Apply S 274. tJ ns to XV UbioeI wiiiei o bulbs will fill a bowl. 11- flee.—51 CUcel ¦—, • 8 30 .. - . _5j- <}_i_«t. • -i.CBBEE . S-rni s. Dstare. SeU-In Um Pad «. «tor B•' ____ 6 1/3. 12 2/.. 60 7/6: SrSaT fiudUs! ( D—_n_t_, witt_ to be ^ " cmploym—« as * Cook —o—wteeper to _tsc_ ««_—a- XV JEED Wlieat—Quean TiOCTO- or De—_S-I__y -w___ poc_oa as Secr_- EEF1NEU yonnr Girl. WHMmina "WiEKIiY IRISH TIMES," Thursday nwrnina from _ree. , 3>_oa _ cood Plain Coot: —ig_ Sp<<_nea Siftcts J. Byron MacKemla (Dept. I—t. imsorted last an: pxA _rn idre_; tobM ooot lor honHta f; iwH «blue, ann pin],, 13 1/-.J ^.J »O, 100 7/6; fSjcSS i V7 year *a; Seed, so/- barzd. - Apply Stevord, trained u I—dies'. Useful.Heip or JCc«h ir< Help; TXT—STED. ior X-f t—t Biii dlr xwt : _l_at——t _I» of intt -—nsat l • " B ' • rod, *£Xlmonds> YV £2O: nmrtbai-lr—ami_sws_—S 339, )\ ot offl«. co___o__—M_. _ _ _ _ _ Qo_—_,' Oott. Oa Q——Y. A A). Iff1 jffl_s_ Bar. Dnblia. 5 23 100 Zv%—__ >!, w_i_j r to travel; —i_ _ no object- ^ 301, this office. B 4' 20 town Pft^Vj Satutambs1*^' __. fg}g~T'"t n»__t_—S 19SS, —is (_x_ 4 30 * 11 a-M. X B. yer enicc Ltd.. BeMast. ; MOTOR CYCLES. Sp Fleeces," CKeviots, __ __ __ ja and RaSncoats, __ < Overci!ats,15/. "l K ^^M^^^^^O \^^^ 'v*}«i- te;4^"''i , *M'?^".'1" ^*^v\ .« *» 4 ISB^" * ^^^ "^^^^^R^ »J J. Motor Coats, In Irish Frieze, I« leather lined , 63/'. 75A, 84/-, 105/-. &c Fur- ,« ¦J Cheviots, Fleeces, oj •a Lined Coats, 5 to 60 Guineas. B« Boys' Overcoats, 7/6 to 30/- McBIRNEY & Co., Ud., AST0BNaAVl \ ^ NTINUED THE FOOD SUPPLY. __ __ ^ ^ __ CUA UFFEURS A XD MOTOR M ECHANICS. __ __ __ __ W— ^^ __ .— __ i i __ MACHINERY. « _ __ __ _ _ __ cSS; aSSESagSS^sS-. K Hajtliu"i aad «S d ^ &j ^£ *£g._ ^&-«a«h - tarso-n^ffi __ __ B— __. ¦ CORK. ¦ -— .. '3 - MUSI L. • ¦;. , ] • : ¦ '• IEISH FIELD." Satnrdar.