New Mama Insum a! mum and Technobg .Amum p. am; DOCUMENT NH NUMBER 77 NUMBER wuzx one ACCOUNT macaw "mum [0034222 22900 m/ome mum mm: mm moan 23:11.93 max/.222 mwa 10300 730mm mun CHECK CHECK '7 7 NUMBER AMDUNY 00237459 uvuam mm 44mm mum mmas CHANGE 0RD . P001 1 9M Show this number on?shipments, correspondence, a invoices #1 NEWMEXICO TECH i . la SCIENCE 0 RESEARCH UNIVERSITY Purchasing Services 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801 n. Page 1 .1 Award Con?rmation Date Shipping Termaegfg?uw?r? 53.4! a i (.00 (ac/242., 2'21" 3? 2074: Requisition Number Delivery Date Payment-Terms ROBE-3566 07731114 I Net 30 Days Invoice must match P0 and Lu be mailed in duplicate to: 3 ALCFAY New Mexico Tech 0 0 Contra! Receiving New a: Fay i- Buck Wolfe Drive Lu Attn: Accounts Payable Arlington VA 22201 Socorro. NM 87801-4796 Lu 2 Attn: Louise Archuieta, ED - Ph- 575-835-5789 ph: 57533543181 Fax: 575-835-6722 Buyer: Phone: Blanket Order .. Commodity: Consulting Services as 0&2) outlined in RFP 1005139 To Provide ongoing information gathering and monitoring national research program federai! defense-related business and activities invoiving be i 3 l) 0 research with institute of higher education a affecting its Research Center attached to the Univ L, .3 (EMRTC, PTRC, MRO, NCKRI, IERA, 5t Langmuir Lab, PRRC, iRISIPasscal) Effective Order Date: 811 l2013 7131I2014 This purchase order is issued in accordance with terms and conditions of RFP No. 1005139 Total PO Value $100,000.00 Change Order Number:1 i \f No cost change from fund 13198 to 13190 LIST OF HEADER CHANGES co mi New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at CONTINUED CERTIFICATE or "mix EXEMPTION Authorized Signatureis) New Mexico CR8: 01-507116-602 New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology is an agency of the State of New Mexico. This certification is consistent with state Statutes 7?9-5 and 19-43(8) and issued in of a "Nontaxable Transaction Certi?cate." This order may be retained by setler as evidence that PUrChasmg Representatwe this sale is deductibie from the seller's gross receipts. This exemption does not apply to the purchase of services. lease of property, or items purchased for a construction project. FORM Certificate of Exemption Taxpayer Identification Number- 8545990411 Certi?catiOn Under penaities of perjury, I certify that the number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identi?cation number of the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (N ew Mexico Tech). Exempt Status i also certify under penalties of perjury that the New tints Chie Procuremen Of?cer internal Approvais Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) is an agency of the State of NMT Property Yes No New Mexico. and is exempt from backup withhoiding. i I i . Kimela Miller, Chief Procurement Of?cer ?wj?p? blink Busmess Of?ce 4/4, ,Zcm DEPARTMENT A?caMe Faya Government Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining Tech Research Economic Development Ms. Louise Arohuleta 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801-4796 Date?w nvofiggi Description Amount Hours - Suzanne Eisold 23 Hours $180 per hour 4,140.00 Telephone/Communications 52.87 Copies 3.00 Total 44% $4,195.87 2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 Ph (703%41-0626 Fax (703) 243-2874 NEW RIEXICO TECH SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRN CIR AND December 2 December 3- December 4- December 5- Decernber 6- SUZANNE 2013 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget Conference. Finished November report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the Combined 2014 Congressional Calendar. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NEH and NSF. - Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Budget Update on Tax Extenders. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Defense, NASA, and Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Defense Authorization. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget Outlook and the consideration of a Continuing Resolution to fund 2014. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on possible Defense cuts. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Budget Update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from EPA and Commerce. Sent Dr.? Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a Hearing on Pell Grants. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from the Commerce, Interior (Kave and Karst) and Defense. December 9- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the latest speculation on a Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget Deal. December 10? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the latest on a possible Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the House and Senate Defense Authorization Summary. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the latest on a possible Budget Deal Deadline Wednesday. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Alert on the Budget Deal. December 11-Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the details on the Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from EPA and Defense. December 12-Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on House vote on Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the outlook for Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Defense Authorization. Notified Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez that House had begun debate on the Budget Deal. Notified Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez that House had passed the Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from State and Energy. December 13-Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the next steps for the Budget Deal Senate action. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the outlook for FY2014 Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a Hearing on Manufacturing Innovation. Notified Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez that the State of the Union was scheduled for January 28, 2014. December 16?Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget Deal and Appropriations. December l7~Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Update on the Budget Deal in the Senate. December 18-? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an alert that the Senate was expected to pass the Budget Deal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from NSF, and Education. December 30?- Began work on December Report. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech. NEwMeme 2m Tamnmoq -Accoun|s I'ayab'ek DOCUMENT wvmc: NEY NUMBER NUMBER DATE wusxr one mummy "mama AMOUM 23007 I nz/m/u. u:qu mun 73am 2.4mm "mums 103190 10300 mun? 631.15 mos/ms mm mm 710401 CHECK CHECK 7" CHECK Numgegz DAVE 00239948 nz/mm mm -- A?efdagoinfirni?iio? pate}? commbdity: patenting services as outlined in RFP 1905139 To Provide .ohgbing information gathering and monitoring national reSearch progrem federal! defense-related businessand actibities involving research wiih institute of higher education affecting its Research Center attached to the Univ (EM RTC, MR0, IERA, Lan_grhi_1__ir Lab, IRISiPasscal) Date: 3m2013 - 7131:2014 This'porchase order is issued in accoi'dance with terms and conditions'of RFP No. 1005139 Tote! so Valueswbpooeo Chath Order Number: 1 No cost change from fund 13193 to 13190 Change _Order#2 Change Account 730009 to 710401 No cost change order Patch?) New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at /y 2/ $qu .951 TOTAL: -- I 8999.6?" .- - c" 0' MeXic'oTech, . 15"; ?Calde??c Fay.? re Aim?: Acg'junt's'Payabieg 0 211'1'Wil?6ri'?ivd 8th Floor -- 801Lero'yPl -. . ocorro NM 87801 . .. . . . I 3 Aim? -- . .. . Biiyer: - Phone: I I I CONTINUED CERTIFICATE OF TAX NWMexko CBS: 01-5011164102 . . FoeM'w-a Taxpayeridentificetion - 3 Certification, Under penaities grimy. .1 certify that. thenumb?r sh New MeXico'. and is from backup Withholding. .- . . own on this form is the correct taxpayer identificatien number of theNeW? Mexico ih$?iuie of Mining and Technology (New Maxis? Tech): I, @159 marine New Mexico Institute: of Mining?and Technology (New M?ico Tech) is "en'ag'ency 'of the'State bf New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is an: agency of the State of New Mexico. This certification is consisteniwithsiateStatutes issuedin ofa "Nontaxable Transaction. Cedificate.?f- This. order may be: {stained .by'seller as. widence ihai. this sale is deductible from theseiler's'gros's reteipts. This exemption does no: apply to the purChes_e bf i?aSe'Of prope?y, '01" items p'utohase'd. for a cohs'tructiOn project. Knee-Miner, Authorized Signet ure(s) Purchasing Representative i- thehemgur?ment Officer' c0: KKWKUAEHN Ini?io?i Approvals:- Prcperiy Business Of?ce DEPARTMENT 2/7/57 'Km?h -- Alcalde are Government Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining 85 Tech Research 85 Economic Development Ms. Louise Archuleta 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801?4796 /Date~e~\ Invoice 9/1/2014 )?3007 Description Amount Hours - Suzanne Eisold - 27 Hours $180 per hour Telephone/Communications Copies 4,860.00 31.79 3.00 Total $4,894.79 EWW 21' 1 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 Ph (703) 841?0626 Fax (703) 243-2874 NEW MEXICO TECH SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRN CIR AND January 2 - January 6- January 7? January 8- January 9- January 10- SUZANNE 2014 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the FY2014 Appropriations. Finished December report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the Combined 2014 Congressional Calendar. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a article on Immigration Reform. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Budget Update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one grant from Defense. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Outlook for the FY2015 Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the latest on FY2014 ApprOpriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Defense Appropriations. Prepared Federal Lobbying Reports for the 4th Quarter of 2013. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a House hearing on STEM initiatives by the private sector. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on NIST notice regarding Federally Funded Research and Development Center. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on need for short term CR prior to passage of FY2014 Omnibus funding legislation. January 13- Sent Dr.? Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one grant from NASA. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Immigration Reform. January 14? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on FY2014 Appropriations funding for FEMA training. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on the release of the FY2014 Omnibus bill. January 15? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Omnibus. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on NDPC funding in the Omnibus. Researched Omnibus funding for Defense lines. Filed Federal Lobbying Report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez FEMA report language for Rural Training. Notified Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez that House had passed the Omnibus. January 16 -Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the status of the Omnibus funding bill. January 17- Notified Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez of the Senate passage of the FY2014 Omnibus funding bill. A i333 - January 21- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on 5 four grants from NASA, Commerce and EPA. January 22- Communicated with other Washington reps about possible DPC Fly- in for February. January 23-? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NASA and Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on the March release of the President?s Budget. January 24- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Energy and EPA. January 27- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on outlook for 2015 legislative session. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one grant from Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on four grants from Defense and NASA. January 29- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on FY2015 Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on Immigration Reform. January 30- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information Energy Department?s Geothermal Research effort. January 31? Began work on January Report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the House GOP Immigration principles. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on four grants from NRC and DARPA. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech. NEW Maxim mum: MMan and mum>> r. we nocuuaw WVUKCE NF, 7 NUMBER NUMBER DATE AccouNT mew AMOUNT mamas 2310? 03/01/11. mum mum 730009 mum) 3,172.93 10034355 10319u man new? moon 585's? 10034555 mm mm mm 15mm 2,237.25 1 CHECK 7 "7 CHECK i mugs" we 7 AMOUNT mm>> mm" mm 6,355,137 much and mm>> mums mm mm mm" rm Wm mom'st Phone: Controtted Bianket Order Commodity: Consulting Services as outlined in nfa 1005139- To Provide ongoing information gathering and monitoring national research program federal! defense-related business and activities involving research with institute of higher education affecting its Research center attached to the Univ (EMRTC, ICASA, mac, tE'nA, Langmuir Lab, PRHC, IRISiPasscai) Effective Order Date: artifacts - 7r3112014 This purchase order is issued in accordance with terms and conditions of No. 1005139 Total PO Value $100,000.00 Change Order Number: 1 No cost change from fund 13198 to 13190 Change Orderttz Change Account 730009 to 710401 No cost change order TOTAL: cnauceonpen EW. MEXICO TECH A . SCIENCE - Eusluee'ame RESEARCH u'titvensitv Show "uglier on ehipf?nents, . - ti I ence, an Purchasmg services y. I, 1 i 1 801 Leroy Place 57%33?50i3tir i?i Fag? Socorro, New Mexico 87801 575635-5887 . y. .1 - We . omens - i. Requisition Number 'Detivery Date Payment Terms I noosses' 07r31114 Net 30 Days Invoice must match P0 and be mailed in duplicate to: . ALCFAY 0 New Mexico Tech 0 New Mexico Tech at: Aicalde 8t Fay - central Rece'wng Attn: Accounts Payable EL Buck Wolfe Drive 11.! 801 Pl 0 2111 Wltson 8th Floor SOCorm NM 87301 9 em? 2 Arlington VA 22201 Socorro! NM 37301?4795 Lu . - - - Min: Louise Archuieta, ED Ph'_ 575 835 5789 Fax 575-835-6722 Ph;575-835-6181 CONT I NUED a. Ina-urn [math I I: f? 1 xix,? New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at Kimeia Milier, Chief Procurement Otticer CERTIFICATE OF TAX New Mexico CHS: 01601016602 New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology is an agency of the State of New Mexico. This certification is consistent with state Statutes 7-9-5 and issued in of a "Nontaxable Transaction Certificate." This order may be retained by seiier as evidence that this saie? is deductible from the seiler?s gross receipts. This exemption does not apply to the purchase of services. lease of property, or items purchased fora construction project. FORM Certificate of Exemption Taxpayer identification Number -_85-6000-411 Certification - Under penalties of periury, i certify that the number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identification number of the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexiim Tech). Exempt Status 1 also certify under penalties of perjury that the New Mexico institute of Mining and Tethnolcg'y (New Mexico Tech) is an agency of the State of New Mexico, and is exempt from backup withholding. Authorized Signature(s) Purchasing Representative Win tic Chief Procuremen?dffiber Roma stem internal Approvals NMT Property Yes Business 0 tea tag-tin W. No DEPAHTM ENT Alcalde ana if? Govornment Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining Tech Research Economic Development Ms. Louise Archuleta 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801?4796 law ice Date Invoice 3/1/2014 23109 Description Amount Hours - Suzanne Eisold - 35 Hours $180 per hour 6,300.00 Telephone 42.87 Copies 3.00 TOtal $6,345.87 2111 Wilson Bouievard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 Ph (203) 841?0626 Fax (703) 243?2874 NEW MEXICO TECH SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRNCIR AND February 3 February 4- February 5- February 6- February 7 - SUZANNE 2014 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Debt Ceiling issue. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the report on the outlook for FY2015 Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an announcement by Energy of funding for Biomass projects. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one grant from Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Interior, ACOE and SBA. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a House Hearing on the Commercial Space Launch Act. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Economic Outlook report 2014-2024. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez three grants from Energy and Defense. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on the Farm Bill Energy Title. Sent Dr.?s- Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the FY2015 Budget Release. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a Hearing on Border Security IT. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a story on appropriators. Received proposed schedule for NDPC Washington briefings and sent a note to Dr. Romero about logistics. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez two grants from Justice and Energy. February 10-? Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from Defense and NSF. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on Pentagon Budget Observations. February 11?- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from DOT and NSF. February 12? Sent Dr. Romero a note about upcoming NDPC briefings. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on four grants from Energy and Justice. Contacted Senator Udall?s staff about FY2015 appropriations process and forms. February 13- Contaeted Dr. Romero about trip arrangements. February 14- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NSF, State and Energy. February 18- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the FY2015 Budget release. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on five grants from Energy, State and Commerce. Had discussions with Dustin Bryant regarding NDPC briefings. February 19- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NSF and USAID. February 20- Contacted Sen. Heinrich? staff about FY2015 Appropriations process and forms. Contacted Rep. Pearce?s staff about FY2015 Appropriations process and forms. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NSF and NASA. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Pentagon Budget update. February 21- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from EPA, ONR, and Air Force. February 24- Sent Dr. ?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano, and Gina Chavez February 25? February 26- February 27- information an update on FY2015 Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano, and Gina Chavez information FY2015 Appropriations deadlines. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano, and Gina Chavez information on a Geothermal grant announcement. Sent Dr.?s. Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on four grants from Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on outlook for the Defense Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from DOD and NASA. Participated with Dr.?s Romero and Walsh, David Manzano and Josh Carillo in the following NDPC briefings: House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security; Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Homeland Security; and House Homeland Security Committee. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Participated in the NDPC briefing for Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on new House Tax Reform proposal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on five grants from NASA, Energy, Commerce and DOD. Began working on February report. February 28- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the FY2015 Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NSF, Energy and Defense. Finished February Report. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech. Nuw Muxcu a: Mum and a stab momma INvoxcE NET NUMEER NWKR DATE INDEX om; ACCOUNTV moan/w mom" 7 i mamas 23215 mum/u mung mm mm moon 2,525" mamas 103190 mm 73mm 16000 984.08 mnzsus mm msou 7mm aw. TECH screuca - Eaerueehme RESEARCH uurvanshv Purchasing Services 801 Leroy Place Socorro, New Mexico 87801 CHANG-E ocean? Qt?) ?eld?. ?rl gate; 333 as 575-835- 575?835 5'13)! Exam Efgr?g?; if t. e0011984 Show this number on all shipments, correspondence, and invoices ?5 1 Page 1? ?kl/Blur Award Confirmation Date Shipping Terms ?rst VJABLE 0711 she - - (5) Sr Requisition Number Delivery Date Payment Terms noosaes' 07131114 Net 30 Days ALCFAY Alcalde 3i Fay VENDOR NAME 2111 Wilson 8th Floor Arlington VA 22201 SHIP TO Attn: New Mexico Tech Central Receiving Buck Wolfe Drive Socorro NM 87801 Louise Archuleta, Ft ED Ph: 575-835-6181 Invoice must match P0 and be mailed in duplicate to: New Mexico Tech Attn: Accounts Payable 801 Leroy Pl Socorro, NM 87801?4790 ENVOICE .TO Ph: Fax: 575-835-6722 Controlled-Bilanket Order Commodity: Consulting Services as outlined in are 1005139: To Provide ongoing information gathering and monitoring national research program ?federalf defense-related business and activities involving research with institute ot higher education affecting its Research Center attached to the Univ (EM nrc, ICASA, PTRC, vino, ucxar, IEHA. . Langmuir Lab, iFtiSlPasscai) Effective Order Date: sums 75112014 This purchase order is issued in accordance with terms and conditions of RFP No. 1005139 Total PD Vatue $100,000.00 Change Order Number: 1 No cost change from tund 13198 to 13190 Change Ordertt2 Change Account 730009 to 710401 No cost change order i 96 12:17?? 1? TOTAL: CONTINUED New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at Taxpayer identification Number Kimela Mitler, Chief Procurement Officer CERTIFICATE OF TAX EXEMPTION New Mexico CR8: 01-507116?002 New Mexico institute of Mining and Technotogy is an agency of the State of New Mexico. This certi?cation is consistent with state Statutes 7-9-5 and 7-9-4303) and issued in lieu of a ?Nontaxable Transaction Certificate." This order may be retained by setler as evidence that this sate is deductible from the seller's gross receipts. This exemption does not apply to the purchase of services, lease of property, or items purchased for a construction project. FORM W-Q Certificate of Exemption - 55-50004? Certification - Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identification number of the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). Exempt Status -- i also certify under penattles of pertury that the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Te?hnoiogy (New Mexico Tech) is an agency of the State of New Mexico, and is exempt from backup withholding. Authorized Signature(s) Purchasing Representative Win in immx sham Chief NMT Property Internal Approvals Yes No Bu37s37/1?ije DEPARTMENT Alealde ana if Government Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining Tech Research Economic Development Ms. Louise Archuleta /Dnm I 471/2014 23215 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801?4796 Description Amount Hours Suzanne Eisold - 39 Hours $180 per hour 7,020.00 Telephone/Communications 27.87 Copies 3.00 Total $7,050. 87 WP 2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 (703) 841-0626 Fax (703) 243-2874 NEW MEXICO TECH SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRNCIR AND March 3 - March 4~ March 5- March 6- March ?7 - SUZANNE 2014 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget outlook. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on four grants from Defense, NRC and State. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on NDPC funding in the FY2015 Administration Budget Proposal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget outlook. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on the Higher Education Budget elements. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a FY2015 Defense Budget lines. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Budget update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez informatio {We grants from NSF and Energy. Researched NDPC funding and prepared FY2015 Budget request. Worked on FY2015 Air Force Appropriations request. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez draft FY2015 appropriations requests. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a summary of the Energy Budget proposal. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez two grants from Energy. March 10- March 11- March 12~ March 13- March 14- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez and update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a storyr on Secure Electrical Systems. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Energy. Researched and sent detailed information on the Budget proposal for two lines. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a reminder of Appropriations deadlines. Sent a note to Dr. Meason on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Researched a Defense Line for Dr. Meason. Reviewed his concept paper and modified it to make it an FY2015 Appropriations request. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the reauthorization of Science Programs. Forwarded draft Defense request to Dr. Romero. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Budget update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Pentagon Budget update. Reviewed Dr. Meason?s Border Security Concept Paper. Discussed Border Security concept with Rep. Pearce?s staff. Sent a note to Dr. Meason on the Immigration training authorization concept. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on Rep. Pearce?s Appropriations deadlines. March 17-- March 18- March 19? March 20- March 21-. March 24- March 25- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on ApproPriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Defense, Energy, and Transportation. Responded to Dr. Meason?s inquiry about the Immigration training concept. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from NASA. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NASA and Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason a draft FY2015 draft Defense training request. Received Dr. Romero?s comments and responded to his questions about FY2015 appropriations requests. Reviewed request by Dr. Meason for meeting with Rep. Pearee?s staff. Responded to NDPC questions from Dustin Bryant. Called Dr. Romero regarding FY2015 Appropriations Requests. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NSF and Transportation. Modified the FY2015 Appropriations requests and forwarded?to Rep. Pearce?s staff. Alerted Dr. Romero to delivery of requests. Made request for meeting with Rep. Pearce?s staff for Dr. Meason. Set meeting for Dr. Meason with Rep. Pearce?s staff. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on outlook for the Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. March 26- March 27? March 28- March 31- Participated with Dr. Meason, David Manzano and Patrick Cuff in a meeting on NMT FY2015 Appropriations requests and Border Training Initiative. Followed up on the meeting by researching FEMA program accounts and sending information to Dr. Meason and David Manzano. Did additional research on FY2015 Budget prOposal for FEMA and forwarded material to Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on eight grants from NASA and DOD. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NSF and Energy. Sent message to Dr. Romero regarding FY2015 project submissions. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Began March report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from NSF and Justice. Worked on March report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the House Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez grants from Energy. Finished March Report. 8th Dr. Romero and Gina Chavez information on submission of NDPC and AF funding requests by Rep. Pearce?s staff. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech. New Mum 1mm Mum and Technolnu > 103009 10100 73mm 16000 L'seJe 10300 730009 15000 655.155 10035557 1u3wu 10300 71mm moon 1,770'CHECK CHECK 7 7 7 7 NUMBER ms 00255155 "5/07/14 ALEFAV Dalila: and mum CHANGE capes NEW MEXICO TEC Poo-neat screwed RESEARCH MAY 0 Show this number on shipme?ts, Purchasing S?wices correspondence, and invoices asgir??iv??ci?exico 87801 . ESE .. Award Confirmation Date Shipping Terms @3331 ?l?i Fteqdisition Number - Delivery Date - 1 Payment Terms 8009666 07131114 Net 30 Days - - invoice must match PO and Lu be matted in duplicate to: e: ALCFAY New Mexico Tech 2 0 Central Receiving New. MGXECO Tee? n: Alcalde Fay tw- Buck Wolfe riv 1m Attn. Accounts Payable 8 2111 Wilson 8th Floor Sodom, NM 37301 9 801 Leroy PF 2 Arlington VA 22201 Socorro! NM 87801-4796 LLI . . 2 Ph' 575?835-5789 Aitn: Louise Archuleta, Ft ED Fax' 5758356722 Controlled arariket Order - Commodity: Consulting Services as . 31). 9mg outlined in - (I To Provide ongoing Information gathering and monitoring na?tionat research program federair CE. {34? defense-related business and activities involving research with institute of higher education a affecting its Research Center attached to the Univ Q41 (EMRTC, Langmuir Lab, IRISIPasscai) Effective Order Date: 311r2c13 1713112014 . CO This purchase order is issued in accordance with terms and conditions of No. 1005139 Total P0 Value $100,000.00 Change Order Number: 1 No cost change from fund 13198 to 13190 Change Orderttz Change Account 730009 to 710401 No cost change order Po rained New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at or TAX EXEMPTION Authorized Signature(s) New Mexico 01-50?3116-002 New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technotogy is an agency of the State of New Mexico. This certification is consistent with state Statutes 7?9-5 and issued in lieu of a "Nontaxable Transaction Certificate." This order may be retained by selier as evidence that Purcheeing Representative this sale is deductible from the seller?s gross receipts. This exemption does not apply to the purchase of services, lease of property, or items purchased for a construction project. . FORM W-9 Certificate of Exemption . Taxpayer identification Number - 85-5000-411 Certification - Under penalties of perjury, I certify that the number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identification number of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). Exempt Status I also certify under penalties of perjury that the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) is an agency of the State of NMT Property Yes No New Mexico, and is exempt from backup with holding. Kw?z?gb' Business Office 1 421/: internal Approvals Kimeia Miller, Chief Procurement Officer ?Ia-f DEPAHTM ENT Ale aloe Fay? ET Government Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining Tech Date Invmce Research Economic Development 5/1/2014 233 34 Ms. Louise Archuleta 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801?4796 Description Amount Hours - Suzanne Eisold 27 Hours $180 per hour 4,860.00 Telephone/Communications 47.87 Copies 5.00 XX "Wk i -. r" ?ssile 7 2111 Wilson Boulevard 8th Floor Arlington, VA 22201 Ph (703) 841-0626 Fax (703) 243-2874 NEW MEXICO TECH - SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRNCIR AND April 1 April 2.- April 3- April 4- April 8- April 9- April 10? SUZANNE 2014 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Responded to an inquiry for Senator Udall?s staff regarding the FY2015 funding request submission for NDPC and forwarded on the paperwork. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the outlook on the House Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the Tax extenders legislation. - Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one NSF Grant. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one Energy Grant. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two NASA grants. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Appropriations. Prepared Federal lobbying reports for the First Quarter of 2014. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from NASA, NSF, Education and Commerce. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on the reauthorization of NASA. April ll= April 14? April 15- April 16- April 18- April 21- April 23? April 24- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a Senate hearing on Space initiatives. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on House Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez the outlook for the House Budget. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on ten grants from Energy, EPA, NSF, Interior and NASA. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a query about the FY2015 the submission of Senate FY2015 Appropriations requests. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two NASA grants. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from Energy. Discussedthe submission of FY2015 Appropriations requests to the Senate delegation with David Manzano. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on three grants from Labor, Energy and HHS. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from Defense and Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on five grants from NSF, Defense and Energy. Responded to emails regarding meeting from David Manzano. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on an NSF grant. April 25? April 26.. April 28~ April 30- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Army Budget issues. Received email from David Manzano regarding FY2015 Senate Defense ApprOpriations requests. Reviewed and edited the two FY2015 Defense Appropriations requests and forwarded them to the staff of Senators Udall and Heinrich. Researched status of Defense authorization and appropriations in the House and Senate as well as upcoming hearings on FEMA grant programs. Meeting with Dr. Romero and David Manzano. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NASA and DOD. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech. New Mexico mm "mm and Tammy .mums Va able oocwsm mm 7 7 NUMBER WE wig Acnnum mew mm 10035505 2341.7 06/01/15- 103009 10100 710nm 16000 10035904 103190 10300 730009 15000 729.67 10035005 101190 10300 71mm 16000 LBELJS mva mm mm mack 7 unmask WE mum 002/0070 ALCFAV 5,228.yew remn- Reese: JUN-1.0 575133595888 Writers? New 52.014 i Sheriff. -=e0011984h correependenee and invoices - . .-3 1' my Controlied' Blanket Order Commodity: Consulting Services as outlined in RFP 1005139 To Provide ongoing information gathering and monitoring national research program federal! defense?related business and activities inmiving research with institute of higher education affecting its Research Center attached to the Univ (EMRTC, PTRC, MRO, NCKRI, IERA, Langmuir Lab, PRRC, IRtSiPass'cai) Effective Order Date: 8i112013 - 7l31i2014 This purchase order is issued in accordance with terms and conditions of RFP No. 1005139 Total P0 Value $100,000.00 Change Order Number: 1 No cost change from fund 13198 to 13190 Change Order#2 Change Account 730009 to 710401 No cost change order ad I Poet? . - . . .. imam Date: sees Terms 93559 If) 935333333) i -- - of: . ROD-9.5.55 Net 30__ .. .. I iterate-us: men P0 and Lu be mailed in duplicate to: - ALCFAY 0 New, Mexico Tech. ti: Alcaide 8: Fay Attn: Accounts Payable 8 2111Wilson 8th__FI_oor sb'cor'm :01 Letter:J 878m 4796 Hz; Arlingtonth 22201 ccorro, - . Ph' 575-835-5739 Attn. Lomse Archuleta, 8: ED TOTAL: CONTINUED New Mexico Tech terms and conditions are available at CERTIFICATE OF TAX EXEMPTION New Mexico CR3: 01-507116-002 New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology is an agency of the State of New Mexico. This certification is consistent with state Statutes 7-9-5 and and issued in of a "Nontaxable Transaction Certificate." This order may be retained by seller as evidence that this sale is deductible from the seller's gross receipts. This exemption does not appiy to the purchase of services, tease of property. or items purchased for a construction project. FORM W-9 Certi?cate of Exemption Taxpayer identi?cation Number- 856000-411 Authorized Signature(s) Purchasing Representative JANE 0t Chief?Procurement Officer Certification Under penaities of perjury, i certify that the number shown on this form is the correct taxpayer identification number of the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech). Exempt Status aiso certify under penalties of perjury that the New Mexico institute of Mining and Technology (New Mexico Tech) is an agency of the State of New Mexico, and is exempt from backup withholding. Kimeta Miller, Chief Procurement Officer Internet Approvals NMT Property Business Of?ce Yes No DEPARTMENT 0? -- AlcaMe Fay9 LT Government Public Affairs Consultants Bill To New Mexico Institute of Mining Tech Research Economic Development 6/1/2014 Ms. Louise Archuleta 801 Leroy Street Socorro, NM 87801?4796 Description Amount Hours Suzanne Eisold 29 Hours $180 per hour 5,220.00 Total Reimbursable Expenses 8.00 TOta' $5,223.00 2111 Wilson Boulevard 3th Floor Arlington, VA 222 P11 (703) 841-0626 Fax (703) 243-2374 NEW MEXICO TECH SERVICES CHARLOTTE HRNCIR AND MaylSUZANNE 2014 Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on ApprOpriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on nine grants from NASA, Defense, Energy, Interior and EPA. Prepared April report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a Homeland Security Committee hearing. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on House and Senate Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a story on Immigration legislation. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an I Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on five grants from NASA, Defense, and Energy. Reviewed the markup of Defense Authorization for FY2015 in the House Armed Services Committee and reported to Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an Appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on a grant from Energy. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on one Defense Grant. Monitored Homeland Security Hearing on Oversight. May 8- May 9? May 12- May 14- May 15- May 16- May 19- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on NASA and NSF funding for FY2015 in House Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NASA, and Homeland Security. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez information on a hearing on Space debris. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on House Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NASA and Interior. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez rumors regarding the markups of Defense Appropriations in the House and Senate. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano-and Gina Chavez a report on the Senate Defense Appropriations hearing on Defense Research and Innovation. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on the First in the World NOF A. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on two grants from NSF and Interior. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from NSF, NASA, Interior, EPA, and Energy. May 20- May 21? May 22? May 27- May May 30- Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an appropriations update. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez and update on Defense Authorization. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an appropriations update. Monitored Senate Defense Authorization markup. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Reviewed House Defense Authorization Amendments. Worked on May report. Sent Dr.?s Romero and. Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on House Defense Authorization. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez a Defense Appropriations Update. Reviewed the House FY2015 Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee draft for language on FEMA training language and sent to Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on the status of the House Defense and Homeland Security Appropriations legislation. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, David Manzano and Gina Chavez an update on House Defense Appropriations. Sent Dr.?s Romero and Meason, and Gina Chavez information on six grants from NASA, NSF, Energy, and Education. Charlotte and Suzanne are in touch regarding the issues for NM Tech.