AMY L. Honowrrz 4614-. Burton Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 HomePhone/Fax: 505/255?5230 - Cell: [505/681-7033 amy,horowitzeirernaxmet PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Under this agreement, Amy Horowitz (Contractor) will provide the following services to New Mexico Junior College (College). SCOPE OF WORK 8: Contractor will provide these services to the College: Tracking, interpreting and reperting on the College?s budget appropriations, capital outlay requests, and the content and status of proposed policies or legislation of concern to .the College. Keeping the President apprised of-hearing'schedules and progress on legislation affecting the College?s pelicies, operations, budget and capital outlay projects. Facilitating College commur?cation with legislators and legislative] agency staff. Speci?cally, the Contractor will do thefbllowing: Prior to the 2015 Regular Legislative Sassion: Confer with NMJC President, LFC staff 3: others on upcoming Higher Ed issues. Attendfmonitor LFC, HAFC, SFC {it other meetings with relevant agenda items. Assist in developingany necessary materials and/or documentation During the 2015 Regular Legislative Session: Track, monitor and report on the status of the College?s budget appropriations, capital outlay requests, and proposed policies or legislation of concern. Notify the College President of scheduled hearings and assist in preparation of talking points and handouts! documentation Communicate with the College President as frequently as required to keep him apprised of developments on legislative issues. Represent the College President, as needed, in conversations with legislators and Executive, legislative and Agency staff. Provide testimony at legislative hearings, as needed. Arrange for and assist the President in meetings with legislators and legislative/agency staff. Provide written reports at least weekly during-the regular legislative session. Provide a ?nal written report for the session, summarizing final legislative and executive action (to date) on College appropriations and other key issues. Following the 2015 Regular Legismtive Session (20?21 days after the session ends) Provide a. written report summarizing ?nal legislative and ?nal executive aetion on College appropriations, speci?c legislation and other issues. COMPENSATION College shall pay Contractor $2,000 for work done prior to the 2015 Regular Legislative Session and $20,000 for work done during and immediately following the Session. Compensation covers services and misc. expenses as de?ned below. - Contract amount is intended to cover professional services. - Contractor will cover her own lodging, meals, travel, and misc. expenses. - Contract does not cover legislative entertainment or other extraordinary expenses. N0 expenses will be billed Without prior approval of the President. Payment Schedule: Dec. 15, 2014: $2,000 plus NM GRT Jan. 15, 2015: $10,000 plus NM GRT - March 15, 2015: $10,000 plus NM GRT Any other invoices would be due within 14 days of receipt. AGREED AND ACCEPTED BY: can new Amy L. How Steve McCleery Federal Tax ID President New Mexico Junior College Nov. 18, 2014 December 1, 2014 Date Date AMY L. HO-ROWITZ 4614 Burton Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Home Phone/Fax: 505/255-5230 - Cell: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Under this agreement, Amy L. Horowitz (Centractor) will provide the following services to New Mexico Junior College (College). SCOPE OF WORK 3: DELIVERABLES Contractor will provide these services to the College: Tracking, interpreting and reporting on the College?s budget appropriations, capital outlay requests, and the content and status of proposed policies or legislation of concern to the College. Keeping the President apprised of hearing schedules and progress on legislation affecting the College?s policies, operations, budget and capital outlay projects. Facilitating College communication with legislators and legislative/agency staff. Speci?calh the Contractor will do the following: Prior to the 2014 Regular Legislative Session: Confer with NMJC President, LFC staff 8: others on upcoming Higher Ed issues. Attend/monitor LPC, HAFC, SFC other meetings with relevant agenda items. Assist NMJC in developing any necessary materials and/or documentation. Daring the 2014 Regular Legislative Session: Track, monitor and report on the status of the College?s budget appropriations, capital outlay requests, and proposed policies or legislation of concern. Notify the College President of scheduled hearings and assist in preparation of talking points and handouts/documentation. Communicate with the College President as frequently as required to keep him apprised of developments on legislative issues. Represent the College President, as needed, in conversations with legislators and Executive, Legislative and Agency staff. Provide testimony at legislative hearings, as needed. Arrange for and assist the President in meetings with legislators and legislative/agency staff. Provide written reports at least weekly during the regular legislative session. Provide a final written report for the session, summarizing final legislative and executive action (to date) on College apprOpriations and other key issues. Following the 2014 Regular Legislative Session (20-21 clays after the session ends) Provide a written report summarizing final legislative and final executive action on College appropriations, Specific legislation and other issues. CQMPENSATION College shall pay Contractor $1,000 for work done prior to the 2014 Regular Legislative Session and $11,000 for work done during and immediate ly following the Session. Compensation covers services and misc. expenses as de?ned below. Contract amount is intended to cover professional services. Contractor will cover her own lodging, meals, travel, and misc. expenses. Contract does not cover legislative entertainment or other extraordinary expenses. No expenses will be billed without prior approval of the President. Payment Schedule: Dec. 10, 2014: $1,000 plus NM GRT Jan. 10, 201.4: $5,500 plus NM GRT Feb. 20, 2014: $5,500 plus NM GRT Any other invoices would be due within 14 days of receipt. AGREED AND ACCEPTED BY: Amy How 0 Sieve McCleery 5775 v.5; Federal Tax ID Preslrlenl New Mexico Junior College Nov. 19, 2013 -20 x2 Date Date