au‘ UN ION CAR BIDE VOL. 39, NO. 1 Texas City . Texas// 10 March 14 , 1979 J Cooperat'i-on'Key to Carbide ,NfégH ,OgfiA Investigation Medical Perspective Managment gpdate .“V DAMONENGLE -*- *- by DEDAVID GLENN “ ‘ Gulf Coast Modiul Dir-clar- " w. -~ Plant Manly-r V ' * ~ “ map: Ila! bean mailblz, m I On February 13. Dr. GLENN and ,l and l wuld Since Ill! loin letur max DAMON ENGLEuadla-ayouonFaonaaryla, news coverage. i": in: In jam-up haw liked “I ad'n Ionic of all Madlinu. n addillon to [he lonl pun, link my has had :xunsive coma: in the Olanemn W. Va. aru and in CHEMKZAL WEEK. in ch. lhav: add Dr. DAVID GLENN.-UCC I": WASHINGTON POST, in Dallas, and mmmhynakxwm [in mun 0' m: ml OSHA/HIDE“ invaliglion a: In: plant. In lip“ of theexmive Gllf Coax Medical Dirulm, ID disc-m villi you name of I11: "Idlfll w in Ill! accompanying aniele. In general. me new: law In" M find 'n, I'll: ban inmiflled “vie: by ABC NEWS in New York, in addition an 1042! TV coverage 0' me nory. The following summer-u may pill Joint ol the new: comments in pennant: for you. and com a lew anon: . Lilian (abide, Nlcsn nl os-lA .e mm nary. We are noi arguing Iith oaen Mhrr and we" nol quoting laws and repulaiions. Benn agenda haw: made available lop level qualified people [0 work with in, We also luv: the dim invulv- we have Men neural man-ans 9mm the media-l W than you plobablv Canun ofllilulinl in am: «runs can and u m“ no me brain. 11m: mulpn'anlqhinnlm mlypen' tun-w which fit! apparently occumd more muld lie In km. Briefly, I will Dink In m as well as Inland inqliriel I have had an mi- nwlc mommy man eaoomd ia glioolanmm mullilnrmt la is a malignam :umoramin; from cmFonIu in due pan three weeks invariably raxal. hum the llial all: ol It: main Ind 'Is . Min] Vim While medial xience doun‘: know (he OSHA and NIOSH, appnaximnely one month an, I! informed them pnen cane- qua: cl meal, we do know mal certain A: me flint of our when, bued on me hen infurmuion Ivailv able, 3 mailman! bn'ln minor was lined as Ill: Imdfllvinl CIVIC of dial)! on of tII: 455 known deaxns 01 former emvloyeea It!!!“ I! album-u: haul: the risk. We alw kmw "In an iflml M llmc clams (mm die aim at eapoeuie In on develop mem of me amen 71m latency prn'od my law from 5 la zoyoala or marl. The levels al this Phnx IIMZ 1941. We have subua quenfly leaned [fill one DI "test it!!! VII of upoaun In all chmiulx hen al Texas mtrll ol UCC'x Alsatian COMI’III Madical Divcclor, Dr. H. MICHAEL D. a oa-iign brain mmor and bent! should UTIDJIAN, who .omed ucc lan year and WM naa a naiional repumion in me fields of caldemlology and ioxlcology. no! be included. “J's. 50's, and 60's. W: an ill wmvllan“ with OSHA, EPA and mmnlm Standards . we at: no! man» In 1117le this issue lo yinyl :hlom‘le. or any omer planl exam-m. M daft lemme I"; m do: Nlm'l nor M Thll's wily we're making me sipdy rne memon ma. yinyl chloride can be manned wielglioblanomaa naa appeared in me medical liiemwe. The It“ IS “gum oy usoclzlmn" » we :an only wall and Lee, .MnmwmnTmmyM'aWMm-m m, Indudmg vinyl mlonde, I! N All me has mu OSHA and UCC have say dial the present [link of cm pan per million TWA on Vlnyl enlonde lully prolem our emplovm. . Wmmdmmm,mn olyou knowlha: wedorm n was also reooned w you mar we had lnmed of an atlvve employee VIM" had been diagnosed as having a brain mmoi. Re yemply, [his employee upired tau week. One o1 our neighbors down me mad, Manama. has also idenlified several tax: of fame! employsts who dld n! a brain tumor. 0"! 0' that individual! was brieIIV zmnlavcd hut in me 1940': below having Io loin Manama. you may be min; why we and me govemmrm game: m «normed Mow I969. We used leg ymyl allonde lasi ynr in Ih: plan can any Yul HM: 1958 ml deem a] farm" employeex Mar are lured pm a number ofyeurs Why an me ln 1973, the 'mrual mmwm “antenna-tum a rare figure: ugnlfitanl’ This question can be lonn oi In!" Cancel Tn daie ima-rgeuduaidn is low mm anweeed by non; munty and am: incidenee [‘1le Our Papulannn had had appmxi- W W M M by h. We did Muhnure n from 1948 unnl a fun: Tu unfit-chm on: nun nnry menuoncd acrylnnixrill. We luv! nave! made or used Ihal Dlodun in me plam. we did rodlmibuxe Wm! "119614968. . ll will be a long and mffizuh mk In [rare ave: 7.000 people who have been em- nloyaad hue om me am wars. and lo ambush men won. nmonea The fun. we m Fl Inmugn me oubllc discussion phase and [El m um an axde MAIEWUMMII hem-m. ll you have minimum» which you mm. W a 711 lucgmze lhlnk would be uu‘lul lo we Mrdlcal Depan- lllal we I! mllrg me smile laud meni. whether you are an employee or a lo all summed carcinogens to W zoneerned :lllxen. dime land 0. GLENN m and m m E em low; a mm. 0' .4 you am no um, call me ma: u: will lakr .mmedule anion on any Extension 5377 The bznrr me .nlorrnanon, me more halo we will naye ll’l our scam lnl an answer and guidelines. The pram! leveb of eapomre l0 memicals here do no: mnemure a knmvrl llama! to anyone. And lanly the" is no pricll‘lI means a! screening or examini g employzes whn lea: iney may be developing a on”. “man. Diagnosis 5 deoendem on aenes ol mu indudin; skull X-nys, brain mm. CAT scam and anenolrami, 77!!!! prudeduru one not mmmended fur palmm who” up“ In Iympwnu If ahe! reading mo amele you nill have any dumiona, please leel tree m tall clmu Di. HIGGS or myself In the Med-cal Dflaflmtnl. Ealtnmn 5377 maul» mnl: (hr numb" of deal" due to a primary mp... rumor no: you would "peel Ia findm a pap-damn 9/”le xizt. mamas»: and (mm all preaenily develonmg a plan for an epidemiological mum It all non well In eapen io sun Austin Repoit on the "canary can collenmn within the “(II Inv mks. Allhnugh the prru qu Meanwhile, I have all at ya: in me Dlspenaan. City have been greatly ieduood lance xne ntw dixoverles. m Ihal vi: lull m We lam: of me epidemiolopul mady pun: imam. lndlrnled ml any! chlarlde may ha» been me rulpnl. only Maul one-null Video o/ all! use: And any known "palm Ia Ihu rhrmlral We mun await [ht full Sludv lo deiermme mi, ll any, chemlzal suomnee may have been the (lust. Lei me now sow up mm! M me medlul quesilons l have had on Um IODK Ivom employees fl" can Iew mks. Flm I luv wove: am hra'm lumen. m 'n ls m Tney are classified as eilhu htniln (noncancunus] o! malignani leaneeroni) Showing Thursday FOR THE AND PLACE TURN TO PAGE FOUR (4) RSV 0006938 and Cnr??t are preuntl'f darting-n3 a pun for In ?nd-Ir. If gm: well In aspen ID sun an Iht m:me dill contain-n Within nun iew weeks. Although nu- prru hm :rrnn?l- that any." chlarnd'r may haw bun the culprit only anon: ant-half of am- rnr: nu! any known {Immrr In nus rhrmiraf. ?it mu? await full nudv I what, if :Inzrr chemical - may: hair: been this Hus-E.