.- r. CW OP pursue WORKS A NS), .4 7? *3 rw .012 A :aS'the medium to -s;s:u;1;:19icxr;t. pre?i?umquesx; Esrn indium-m. ?em your m? be?bie 3%th 'iheazri?ixga; . Geopem?m? was Late ?re?ce? in ,35trgg?m?3: legaf?iBHS?SiE? without 3361? permis-S?i?en; an swam-ion of Semar- Parking Comm} Of?cer Giara wads In required law-and- e; e?ha 1103: Minn, repizesema?iwmay avi?sejyou and may ndi ad?mss" the ?sass I hearing; Ybu may. "also Gall witnesses; 1:0 tesfify? on- ymur behal?; hawwgexg; ?jya'm: to .1309. swam SUITE d9 Diracmr (? rt? in?: ,1 Elia-11:. 7, ., ,u r, lim'o??g .. .. pkg?- . I . I I i??imma mala?ens: . 2 {19:12am I ., .. . vv;_ #1 . - . .. 25:31am . 5 . - a Members Ethics: Ka?qwoar? Of?cial? ?ompildin-?t Ragari?ng}; :63? @3th 26f 2:715:35; He ,1 ta ?le: ?o'f?c?iai Wifh, New Cit-leans: Re?ew Board concerning: Swahili vioiaffons: Q??s??ha?b?a :ofEind?i The $6an QIG InVe-s?gatbg and Imp deli-Immn?vi?i' 7 .. -- - .. and. iE?Eni??-iranment tang. aegcaweddu 2.01:4; rail'E-of an. :u?iendlumb-Ia ?16: em?f?nmerxt. ?3V?i fbieen. t9: {if and Dimter ?TiheiInvesti ii'?'veiRe ?ort on T?yued: bnifhee?f?cemfi?isf' '?cfdraGetr?ra? ?msp?egtor Quafrevaujgi?iaq??idila? that. Q?f?e?isg false g?qgg?gns; lime, ?ezf?l?fewingzeoncems {153$ :regpiom; :azzd?f?iare?mg vialb?ggd??ia qupfar- 24.- Arti?cze.. are . Susan-ICE ?om ibis ?gs: 0f 'fihtef?st'. e?f?me?i?t??t 'fg?d'EIally' ??hi?18= Was} gait; of this ?hszes?g?ga?qn?, 15136.. laicrsm??ily; intent; zan? Ra?e?f to dis'vredit me the ?Pa?k?i?gi? and? 10 andlori tem?na?ng employment with {he fGity??f?New 4. ae?aited mitten respme to: ithe: IGng mVesi-igatim Repma?t an?ii'numgrbus: S?hmitted t0. 2011 I 1'03- 2.051553 But? 'intqn?ona?ysu?preswi This}; @9011; comacted, gives a'ffalse parcapfiogths? Adinii?Strfatdf VidI?fed'?he- City Code; issue has 5.19111: mama.ng Bald question In @0312in sgecgi?al?ist and I. met with 90mm; :adha were :qan?iitcl an: :aiscussions- and. Haaumentsa sums: bur asp'eai?ic: $9133" 1 Alien 'Siqllarei fEdwatd? Withael Ma?enna had mm??ten and. had Became ?21 actiO?S, weze?: 3?60 members :Q'f meter Y?anOr? ma .Depar?ne?t: Todki?g; Kay . .petariZaanai ?Ex?cu?ve1r23emfaga an? Wafer Ba?a? 035561". mama: a" 13mm): Whip?zexpn?'sise? the. ?regula??w 3th: {moot-3535,. :ma?fpulatib??gas and have: mowed. possible: illegal, lam ?h-tea 1, I mggasi?d the-?916 3'60 {i?yeg?ggte i?i? ?nf?fe- Enchilng ?136: ages?qn?m?z Pal?mlal and Wag-?Queede mam?delays: ?fhe: s?l?c?Q? 0'11 1'de to the is . c?m 394% 1315?? ?51? at gamer some members-?- 30? S??d?m Mmamview - ., :iqifii?i: :concems?hm?m? m?f m?n??SWe?Wh?-' mad @3me Edammiitiaay mpmmeg hair the: delay S??q 2% :?veud'g'm ?Ifbr' 111d Cum n?gatm?lx impac?ng? i3? - Wm 5031' Same emf??1; Md uneiihi?aifPIW?$S 1.0 as?gc?f ?32: momma-gt.? - if ?itr?ngly Emmi-1.1mm- mam .. active r?c??e 'inIS'GIEGtnga??w #3116195" i?F?r CWPIE: r. .Iengg: -adkuew1?dgadi as: subjecf mmgeme?? Wm e?gqu-was then :aclm?owfl?dggd as the: far the m5 :fidtt sub: managemqntian?i :is :ffaxtmen- empiqyba i?zif??icrx inciume-?ntfve?d??r as? . It ?alsoi a well-ekndee facti "61036 ?es ?5:01:39: Cam?i?rgei?is madam directed me 1'0 93:91:52 fiat-cam 9f Shc?mis?'md W??m??bwwm .1399? :Presantmg-the xefateacsezduringS?lec?qg :iheYWeri? ?EiSE??SSedm-d Queg?Cm-ed Review? Qanimizxee swan t?qu?hra? source's nonfae?ted Were mama. 'Of'fhese :i?ri?f??tbnd? :shbwedfhat: fhe T?chniea? :Ci??im'ilf?e?x prehszeibct?d? venciorihad his.th 'prQD?? peff?fmanicg? . . ?z review .faund that Review prewar-?ea" Wang 0W more pagi- year. Ewing's? ?Were.- dismiss:er ?le .fechaical E?vi?w" Whini?kg was ?Ska Wm?- additional. for Ithg :Seiec?m EGbmmittee ta: -??auSied another delay-withseiegti?graneWWHdOE- 201-5 7. 'Pagesa? Escalated Harassment-?Reta?a?m and my ?w?is?tleblcwing?fo the that email s-esgalated; gssfouom unprefe'ss-ionait manner because- I r?fusic'd? 'Vi?ol?l?afea liar id?mand? :t'o tela?s? her ?na?qbia?l?crmnica?yji against-me and; a SHQEMSDI for" agnzot. neleas?ing Her ?en??sa ve??id?e: a: :paymen?Was; remitted? I :rgpoz?t?sd: -i?3QPB:land3iSi 815L156 o?a?r?g in ?her ia?empf ?65 Tier. :car'ineibasedi to Investigation. Ewan?? :??cume?tsg ?We inhIG-I??le?i. 71511.5? fundemun: Off, 111:3? and'?gif?ms?e OfgaufHO?-W? 3311 ?fJWhif-"Gh harassment 911% wad: ?scmdit mamgemenf . he. not I ?a?hgwm?i prayers-the fet'ihe; Tm?efs?igativa E?gpd?? 31:3". summing: submitted? w: - 27,5 . re?itcsr 1/ 530 .mcgmijst?nces: fin the-?Ihqpac?zfor?a?erai?a rgp'ort if Remark my apgaikx?ng authoritg ta rr??iil?eic?tei?i A i exencsi?s?edidueg?i?g?nca tarbaege?spe??wm?m hwgsiigatot?gmamgz ?lm .cdop?rafe?with GIG-anc?i-?here?me? maimed-file: sand sire?v; lettere-datedisegtember @2013): is wm?m tha? Em and: 016' Eduardo: tagitaibomtgd: togetherrtot ensure ?mam Outwm-e 035" in 9rd?. to: ancgm??is?. :mi?s'f?s'ionsaa. Which; areas had. an obvious: con?ict: of intqnasfghe' Statadr?mtpne' 9f the of i?m?ga?m Andrea. confinuou?ly itc- giti?iien??ga .investi?gaf?ens.; Warmer details attachgzi?respmeg; Wm USE rep-m means. actien?m: has been retaliatien fer "Evvhisfleh?liowingfv? sand for my {reports and: 6f and vine: of?cials; Velma?? ?eng?ggd?; Vibiatidn'so $113 remain?d'the ?films?? of his: :?cnve?t? Zepp'oriail Edmond; Combat: Godb-of'E'thics Viola?om? S?pte?Bcs 15 2515' Page. 35 .. .m .. .. u??lem?iith?i?d?li?r yca'x; ?eco'i?d of ?a?g?ngsl Path:- bi?i?g; d?Ibirupivarc?iE for ?m aetidn'st; ?22m gall-Hie interest am: Hm Jam-gm 3156* bites. s?c-szbraf aqther aflagations ?ats-ace: ?rst: on?iy 1511i 3? hem Pram-fed me vioia?o?s anitgm?na?fc?effenses; ho??fe: 3* 2&th $1513 $116 ?141,516: Chapiev?i-EIES 7616' i'i 3i; Sam Racism; rmisalg?d 7 V. Badman mm @grsaier; 519' I . and: false gatar HEmand?z?E-L xihxgidusflead? . mattex?h =2 . . Emilie :g?f .j "111?:Q1f1rsaans Ema? 11am ardhf?tstmes?ga?m ?re hi; til? ?94254?? q?iaegs, to: n?tfc?s? mmpl?iint to: "fig; the pmm?m 'f-Q from I . "'Qf to: fha pretecfiazt; .a?f'tzz?ed by} {he cede pf ?g?svemmequ ethilqs- and the n?fhe sewing tqu :e?EZdegs meg am $19? ?le-5 Emp?yee?fsf review boar?f; an Mat-e: Mari a?ic?fqrpub-Zie- empZoyeesa 1' 0? ifs?? 38mm Commissien. -, I. . 'z?AiEEdmondsy?CAR-R; CC: Henonabil? Mitchell Mic Edmonds, ?-Compla'int: C'o?d? 5mm: :seis?temse; 1'1, 2.02215 Pager-4 - - .-.: 45 V. . AT . 4.1- ion. fhe: hggd? Q'ff mfma?a? 'Bid?h," MSG aw ?ue: parties have ?qctidns sunde?afcen ?S?zmdw ihe 'quizeri?ytfa: memfliy?fs! scrimmage; I . nf'interestd 1 1:5 :iamh: 1-6; .2012 fhe- Ere-smear 1 wen'more convinced, that pnesenee there. is? its}: mam: been :preadefemliined; t6 ireg?e?emime she. illegal. :fm' may hie-z iaccounta?le..; As ranch, 'j?gxgr'gmp 31191113 the, inged arise will? iberto' ask; to recluse. 31.5mm fhe- Review Please: feel Eras in call? me af (504$ if; EOE have any question's; "503 ZEBP-QRIAH . ws- m. .. 0.. - ATTACHMENT #2 $2012 9:139? TO: Subject: fo?P?o?ing: nerd ?fmrmigo?ur'tqng 2d Ming 0 UTr-rccriversa?o ?x [agi- nig-hjt matyou are: m1: attending the Wm discuss: the pri?fn?g Pieas'e? :a'n'zd 350111 ?C?-hcexms?an d? have: ?exzzyeagsazd mam; cgp'eiatedly have worked wi?h me me: d1: under sage gitua?isn: nor mma- 1 a?mg?arequiee; ?ag, panama-ta: in? an'e'e?mcalt With? is Said; 5P [9355 Life ii?fq [me-d; altieh?ihgi?ii? friee?rrg ?utes-Sven? stilt :gbgca?se i ?esj?esited?wqm?en?am-ce =?be'ca use?; we (you arid .12 Pigii?tqgamer d?T?ami?smad?sbeetand Haw a?f-?a?s 4 5511mm eX?pjl?'Tn; :ozu?r-m ntggiifapg?l?s a?pplejsfg? Nata ?m?ga 1h: WhiatWE ham Eire-Se fed a no]. than-Jame; {Eliza to: Explain ?are, aimaiajgigh :Ia-amsi?-? ih'atsceg are: require-2d {ca dies-ass- ?Th?a "and pleas-re: h?avge 8m 85%. Durham; ?17.26?: 720:1: 1?2: =5'4w658i-i8i2052: ATTACHMENT #3 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 6/ 1/2012 TO: LT. COL. MARK D. JERNIGAN, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR FROM: ZEPPORIAH A. EDMONDS, PARKING ADMINISTRATOR RE: ALLEGATION RELATIVE TO RFP FOR CURBSIDE MANGEMENT This shall serve as a follow up the telephone conversation that we held on May 23, 2012. As you may recall, during our conversation on the above stated date, I expressed my outrage to you about a malicious and slanderous allegation made by Chief Information Of?cer, Allen Square regarding my integrity as a member of the Selection Committee for the RFP for Curbside Management. This false and offensive allegation has been reported to me on more than one occasmn. I was first made aware of Mr. Square?s allegation on April 23, 2012 when I attended a meeting that was held in the Purchasing Of?ce to discuss the pricing matrix for the RFP for Curbside Management. My fellow meeting attendees were: Mary Kay Kleinpeter-Zamora, Nat Celestine, Donnye Brady, Jorge Hernandez and you, Mark emigan. - - During this meeting, Mrs. Kleinpeter?Zamora brought to my attention that on or about March 26, 2012, Mr. Square stated to you, CAO Kopplin and Deputy Mayor Grant that I was intentionally steering the RFP for Curbside Management and subsequent contract award to a particular vendor, Xerox, formally ACS State and Local Solutions, Inc. Mr. Edward Kerkow from Mr. Square?s Innovation and Technology team was also present when Mr. Square made this false allegation. Mrs. Kleinpeter?Zamora assured me that you, Mr. Jemigan and Deputy Mayor Grant expressed great con?dence in my level of competence and impartial efforts to serve as a Selection Committee member who would make decisions that are in the best interest of the City of New Orleans. With this being said, I took no action to refute Mr. Square?s ridiculous allegation. Moreover, I knew that my actions as a Selection Committee member would demonstrate my integrity and invalidate Mr. Square?s allegation. However, on May 23, 2012, I received another report of Mr. Square?s slanderous allegation during a conversation with a colleague in the parking industry. It was reported that Mr. Square, when questioned about the status of the RFP selection process, replied that ?the Parking Administrator, Zepporiah Edmonds, has been compromised because she is attempting to steer the contract towards a particular vendor.? Obviously, I am furious about Mr. Square?s false statement as it could taint my credibility and image as highly?respected Parking Professional. Even further, as a city employee I am embarrassed that Mr. Square would stoop to the lowest level possible of slandering my good name and attempting to defame my character just to push his agenda through, which is to pre-determine the outcome of the selection for City?s vendor for Curbside Management. My work history will show that I have an impeccable performance record that re?ects 28 years of hard work as a proud and'honest Civil Service employee. I am con?dent that my integrity, character and performance with regard to this entire RFP process, as well as my performance in general as the City?s Parking Administrator can withstand any investigation at every level. The only thing that I will be found guilty of is being non-compliant to Mr. Square, Mr. McKenna and Mr. Kerkow?s strong-arm tactics and bad in?uence to get me on their ?bandwagon?. It is my opinion that the vendor of their choice, who was chosen by this ?team? before the ?nal draft of the RFP was written and the selection process began, is aware of this fact. My actions as Parking Administrator and ?watchdog? over the integrity of the City?s Parking Program foiled their plan. Therefore, I am convinced that Mr. Square?s attempt to have my integrity and credibility questioned is his last ditch effort to keep their agenda moving. An OIG investigation at any given time during this process would be refreshing. It would be intriguing to hear Mr. Square and his ?team? exPIain their actions, roles and interests in this RFP process. Please feel free to contact'me to discuss this matter if you have any questions or concerns. 1340 POYDRAS STREET SUITE 301 ORLEANS, LOUISIANA 701 12 PHONE 504.658.82q0 I FAX 504.658.8202 ATTACHMENT #4 July 25, 2012 Mark Jemigan, Lt. Col. Selection Committee Chairman 1300 Perdido St. Room 6W03 New Orleans, LA 70112 Dear Mr. Committee Chairman: Thank you for granting me the great honor in appointing me as part of the City of New Orleans Selection Committee for the Curbside Management RFP. As a member of the Selection Committee presently convened Itake my duties very seriously and all my decisions are strictly based on the facts as presented as I feel that the award of this contract will impact the City?s parking operations in the way that it affects the citizens of New Orleans. In light of this, it is my duty to state for the record that the selection process has taken an inordinate amount of time which in turn has impacted and continues to impact our operation on a daily basis. Moreover, I believe that in a number of instances the process has been delayed unduly. Therefore, in moving forward I am seeking clarification on a number of salient points. In my review of Mayor Mitch Landrieu?s Executive Order MJL 10-05, he set the rules and governance for ?a competitive selection procedure and award of professional services contract?. The reason for the Executive Order was that ?it is in the interest of the City to create a process that is open, honest, fair, transparent, just and inclusive?. Most importantly, the Mayor?s Executive Order states that ?it is (in the) interest of the City to create a process that increases public confidence in the City?s procurement procedures and provides safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity?. Executive Order MJL 10-05 Issues: I would like you Committee Chairman, Jemigan, to clarify a number of questions and issues that in good conscience cannot be left unanswered. Furthermore, I have deep reservations that the process in choosing. a vendor to date is being comprised in a manner which is in violation of the Spirit and letter of Executive Order MJ 10-05, Section 9; Selection Committee which states: The Chief Procurement Officer must establish Selection Committee with relevant. subject- matter expertise in reviewing and evaluating responses to a solicitation. Each response to a solicitation for the award of a professional service contract must be evaluated by a committee of five individuals consisting of: the manager of the User Entity requesting the service, or his designee; - the First Deputy Mayor-Chief Administrative Officer, or his designee; - the employee who will manage and monitor the contract; - a professional from within local government who possesses expertise in the relevant field; and the Chief Financial Officer or his designee Section 9 goes on to state: The purpose of the Selection Committee is to conduct an independent, objective evaluation of applicants for the provision of professional services. All members of the Selection Committee must execute a disclosure certifying that they do not possess a conflict with any of the reSpondents?. It goes on to say ?For complex procurements, the members of the Selection Committee, through a majorityvote may add a non?voting member to the Selection Committee from outside city government with expertise in the relevant field. As ?the employee who will manage and monitor the contract? I believe that not only that we are in violation of the Mayor?s Executive Order, but that the proceedings are being conducted in a manner that award the contract to a pre-determined VendOr. Ibase this on undue participation and influence by two individuals outside of the established format as stated in Section 9; Selection Committee of the Mayor?s Executive Order. Yet, Mr. Allen Square, Innovation Manager and Edward Kurkow, Innovation Team have been routinely allowed to sit in the deliberations and make objections when it is clear that they do not have the legal right to participate nor to engage in this manner. I Specifically relate to a meeting held on Monday, June 18, 2012 where Chief Financial Officer, Norman Foster made a motion to rank the three vendors and which I seconded. However, the motion was tabled due to Mr. Kurkow?s objection. With that in mind, I am asking the other Committee members to help me understand Mr. Kurkow?s role and whether his and Mr. Square?s participation to this extent is legal. I especially find the participation of Mr. Kurkow highly questionable and troubling as he is a former employee of ACSr/Xerox one of the three vendors under consideration. In addition, it is industry wide knowledge that he has a close relationship with Duncan Solutions, the second of the three vendors that are the finalists. Executive Order MJL 10-05I Section 11; Contract Negotiation: As a member of the Selection Committee I ask you, Mr. Chairman for clarification of Section 11 which states: Subsequent to the selection of the respondent offering the best value, the User Entigz may negotiate a lower price and other tenns identi?ed by the Selection Committee between the winning respondent and the head of the User Entity or his designee, however; the services offered must remain strictly within the scope of the solicitation. In my opinion, the proceedings are also in violation of this clause. As evidence I refer to an email written by Mr. Kurkow on June 19, 2012 and addressed to Mary Kay Kleinpeter?Zamora, Chief Procurement Officer and Mr. Square. The purpose of the email is to ask more questions to the three vendors in the areas of: 1. Integration Analysis Related 2. Minimum Quali?cations Related 3. Revenue Pro '1 ect Related 4. Best and Final Pricing Related 5. Revenue Guarantee I firmly believe that the questions have been answered in the initial responses by the vendors and during the interview process. In addition, the request to allow for reference checks to be conducted is a step backward as both Ms. Kleinpeter-Zamora and I have conducted extensive reference checks in cities that the vendor?s themselves have identified. I don?t concur with asking for Revenue Guarantees. I cite as an example the City of Atlanta, where these guarantees were written into their contract and which created such uproar by the citizens that Atlanta had to impose a parking enforcement moratorium from May to June of 2010. This resulted in litigation, Atlanta City Council action, and the City having to change its business rules. Role of Non-Committee Members: However, I am deeply disturbed by the fact that point which stipulates going back to the vendor and asking for a ?Best and Final Price? as this may be illegal and in violation of Section 11 as stipulated above in that the committee already has responses from all vendors as to their pricing. In my long tenure as a DPW employee and with all my previous experience as Parking Administrator I have never found one instance where a vendor, once submitted pricing, has been allowed to go back and resubmit a different amount. This, in my opinion, is a violation of the Executive Order as written ?it is in the interest of the City to create a precass that is open. honest, fair, transparent, just and inclusive?. In addition, it sends a message to our citizens that is not in line with ?it is (in the) interest of the City to create a process that increases public confidence in the City's procurement procedures and provides safeguards for the maintenance of a procurement system of quality and integrity?. The last point that I ask for clarification is to outline Mr. Square?s and Mr. Kurkow?s role. They have been acting in the role of Selection Committee members throughout the complete RFP process. Specifically will they continue to operate as appointed members of the committee which is not pursuant to Executive order MJL 10-05? As the process has evolved the scape of Mr. Square?s and Kurkow?s roles have exponentially increased. At the beginning they were appointed by First Deputy Mayor, Andy Kopplin to spearhead a Technical review Committee only. Subsequently and currently these two individuals are acting as de-facto Selection Committee Members with all the rights and duties that the appointed committee members have. I find this highly questionable. It is apparent that the direction that this committee is taking is being unduly in?uenced by these two non-voting members. ?a Conclusion: Col. Jemigan, I have deep concerns as to why it has taken this long to finalize the RFP process and to award this contract to the most qualified vendor. It is now almost July and I see no resolution in the near future. If I may point out, the result of a new contract not being in place continues to have a negative impact on the Parking Division. We are working with outdated equipment which does not have the capability of integration. This important feature will be resolved once the contract is awarded to the most qualified vendor. The new contract will streamline the adjudication process and will greatly reduce the inordinate amount of citizen complaints that the Administrative Hearing Center documents and handles daily. Thank you again for affording me this opportunity to be a member of this august group of individuals. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and expertise as a Parking Industry Professional in a way that is most beneficial to the Department of Public Works and the City of New Orleans. Edmonds, Parking Administrator CC: Andy Kopplin, First Deputy mayor and Chief operating Officer Cedric Grant, Mayor, Facilities, Infrastructure and Community Development Norman Foster, Chief Financial Officer Mary Kay Kleinpeter?Zamora, Chief Procurement Officer .0 my. ATTACHMENT #5 From: Sent: asubjeqct: bi. :C?dric? n?t Pricing matrix: and: ?we update-9 . .I ust; Ch ?jc?ki Sim; ta. sj??e :?iF fa {Mgr-Tess Was ma die ydu gnu Qperatrg are: realty beginning to. feet! ??he negative?, impact q?t . :de?l'ray: WEE: vs??'feic??g contractor tor {?ea Tami ??i?fofcemmt; i wmi?xm' - . - .1 Maw-v w- - "7 Addifign?a?yi Legpim Tammy {esp?cznge tear}, .zemia?i?l?frqm Katrina enep?ese nfait-iue; toxt'?e E'Ciw. It ?audfeswas I?eing asked; 63 price; :quoit'e ifbir Windlass semites fb?r rnewmeter i nsta??at?iiozns ave saparate This? ragga-st trqg?til?d. it; EEIQHESIQ at i?vacntradii-ctst iher or??et?ea?d? .i wig-sash; .. aggvemthte: I11 f?eib?est i'nfeirest for the Tnfegr?iwofRFPi ca 55;; assigt; def-with $5st 153' rtiicmaar? rezqgu e311: ier believerzih atwe: ghoul-xii inis? ib??asKing-mamai?ibnat grim-mg for a'e?gwic?s?s that: hm}. price: :i'aimggsals: mama?WSW 215?;- wag?am. scuzr??in'tliy? hiding: giraigated degignate?? S?elfami'an REP does: rants-gamma: atlowxsugch action; ., M. . amlimat?d hy?movembe??ace-mbe Wm d; alasae gum-us: m; 16:3 better: Tequlii?b-ped to: quality EHsfom?r servicea'thtatrw?ll bie? nea?'ed as we ?B?egim with: The Saga B?swi, Mac-d1? and. the {Super TBde lie: ThesStatusz?ngtha:arming maxi); - Thanks. Tun-n?- f? ?d?f?i??tramr gam?e??azaowaize: 8,01 ?bairzhm 5701-1-12; ?mzaz . -., ATTACHMENT #6 i - a :xela?xra'eig: Q??3?iide Ma?agem?enf Lt; Cde -- .. a?b?nzs on ?tha :Spr?aqf?yc?g? mat-yarn hag-LE on 18,: 20'. El?n; ifsg?cnSes from. SQ?Iu?g-a?sj .. :f Md Eesp?nse?s'? age-carried: Ih?mgso that; :te: Egg-lites?; im??ieiPt?pam?Qn am. ?get 1W6 maids: same :sge-cif?ier m; the; '??k?tsf To jibe processed} per: xii" er.- ofbeots; (730011 :p Bff? 'Gfparlkir?i?g; spasm 513g Ebeimangged- -: :?j?a?eg?et year} T533 f-??rei?a?h??t mmya?red. Ti?ket BrecasSingz. B??a?hg and 'mter-T?ggm?jgns 1' @390331?53 g. as the; Iowesfrbid'cf?n, about: more, par "S?utions was we: mere. per-yefar-due; To: ?Qnei-v eq?i?p?ment chargas :61? Notes: Ha11.,, It startedabout 1:0? minutesxbahind as: wewa?itea f6: Square- and Then. Mn Ker:de to} appear; like mating: ghai?rcd by {Squaw m9 mea?ng; :that: our.: 12331161 shquld spreadshea; .Qnegihat hadsasitabliiShEd fQIIm?as-e f0: 2311? :agreeme?g We: 1in??'by ?rm: at fh?Qs?e apnqj?eg?hmwm . u: nespomses; 1.3;ch we lane; {33? t0: 1-3533 managing; ?hal?gesx 9m; $535: I em :93. may DES-2.713 pier-t. magma; - 51:0: @213 oneefimeequigmmf $721430L??y .?s?eid bluff ?lSalilit?te? the Q??-saurce?l p?cing; 29* 53; t4 ma?a: 35060 sp?ggs 52 Laplacsm?nt on; <41 I .sp?acig Bay Hisglag Maia. zoyeri?rmsz Fag-jg T1 no.1? speci?c the: Qf?ihe: They addressed the. pget'ispaca charge. and ?lef'ts?c'harreplagcement ?35? abie' :nag??iatsid?i Siamd?xih?cing jg?diasse? if as Dun-can Snaciagmd??- igan ?gaver three-yawning inclniedsthev Luke?II: ea?d ?th?ir sown D?uncanmad?l. Standard? ?ff?re? fhe Lukegi'tan?if?re Sfrada. has: get gin-ace 93am; note? ?atsaddress: ?that raplacem'mi charge. Ihey? did an: offer-a. {161113.132 Space: meta: gp?m 2ft") Stan-aardj?arkingg resgon?se so that gyh?i?rap?c??g -rd?p?nae? 1m- type-: 01? L?Pa-y' sandl'msplay 1139.21: the chased. 12-116ng per? Space manage?ma?nt {5-9100- $936333; 'r?pliaccment @2950? Single and d?li?e SPECS- meters and? 411? (Pay and Display Boxes. . I .v . . . Iiag riot ?ag-a np?m fRief?rence: ?e a??dn?elns Review- 333.? 2 -- ieingatexzii?maw gammaim?amwera ?xesent; ta maefin?g in?" mmpa?y pra?smii?rgas?? minim Ikayane?f ?iemdisausscci rcferg?cit?i 123999511? had Qiduefgs'iperfh? a v, injegarigf" m?erstandihi?s "?er?it as ?ne: idiea ofsfef?rence: 3:9 "Iie??hnioali Review p?an?l 'backim to ?1033 miss?iimg This mangetep said that; she. eha'dfattdexmmed; Eetr'oiit as war bat?w?hm James? :cantacfz?ifomafio?hy aayi?sse?d'; she did;- System: amassed. he: Abdut to process- 30mm ?ta?ons piet- 135681;. ta gimphew-the 336-136 adf-E a: effith :cbuld? number of-?ftd??na The; Square Bmugh'tmp: reservations: abet-1t.- I I we enda?ftha 1.113% tQ-mc?ss .v agap?tha: and {5.132952%} at; .f 35?29??i$?i 7 fee..- ?meref?m II i a 1 man-(Mum. He: tel-?31 ha my me: far :of?ihei ?gures: spneac?fs'heet. 'We ?ame ?othadi a follQW??up af?r?ti ATTACHMENT #7 DATE: 07/16/2012 TO: ZEPPORIAH A. EDMONDS, PARKING ADMINISTRATOR FROM: JORGE A HERNANDEZ, PARKING OPERATIONS ANALYST RE: PRICING MATRIX DISCUSSION On Wednesday, July 11, 2012 a meeting was held to review the revised pricing matrix relative to the Curbside Management RFP. Attendees: Mark Jernigan, Lt. Col. Director DPW Zepporiah Edmonds, Parking Administrator Mary Kay Kleinpeter?Zamora, CPO Allen Square, Innovation Manager Jorge Hernandez, Parking Operations Analyst Ed Kerkow, Innovation Background information: On Monday, July 9, 2012 at Mr. Square?s request, you and I had a discussion with him relative to his revisions to the RFP pricing matrix. We expressed our concerns regarding some assumptions made that we believed that were con?icting. Especially as one vendor was given credit for revenue generated by 5 boot crews while the other two vendors did not. This skewed the results in an unfair manner. In addition, we discussed and clarified other assumptions. Meeting Notes: The meeting was held at 4:00 PM in the conference room on the 4th floor of City Hall. Mr. Square started the meeting by explaining that we Weren?t gathered to review the revisions to the pricing matrix. He said to Dr. Jernigan that he wanted clari?cation as to what the next steps in the process should be. Mr. Jemigan said that a meeting of the Selection Committee would be scheduled by Ms. Kleinpeter-Zamora so that the vendors could be ?racked and stacked?. Vendor Rankings: You told the panel that the vendors were ranked by the Selection Committee back on June18th. MS. Kleinpeter-Zamora, Mr. Square and Mr. Kerkow disagreed that the vendors had already been ranked. You reminded all present that at that meeting Norman Foster had made a motion to rank Standard Parking ?rst, ACS second and Duncan Solutions third. You had seconded the motion. However, the motion was interrupted by Mr. Kerkow?s objection citing concerns for minimum quali?cations. Mr. Kopplin then had commented that he didn?t have an issue ranking the vendors but wanted to goon record that he be allowed to change his vote on the ranking if T-2 was found to not meet the minimum quali?cations. At this point, Ms. Kleinpeter?Zamora agreed that she remembered the incident as you described it. I informed the panel that Duncan Solutions uses T-2 in Houston. Mr. Square recommended to Director Jernigan that once the vendors were ranked then all three vendors should be asked to submit a ?Best and Final Offer?. You objected and cited Executive Order MJL 10-05 Section 11; Contract Negotiation which speci?cally states that any contract can be only be negotiated once a vendor has been selected. Ms. Kleinpeter?Zamora said that she had read the Executive Order on a number of occasions and discussed it with Mike Sherman. She and Mr. Sherman agreed that the language did not prohibit the Committee from asking the three vendors to submit a BFO. You challenged the findings. Ms. Kleinpeter-Zarnora moved to the methodology for rating the vendors. In the RFP a percentage system is proscribed. However, she said that Mr. Kopplin had changed it to a qualitative system where the vendors are rated highly advantageous, advantageous and not advantageous. You responded that the vendors responded according to the RFP and they were under the assumption that they would be rated by the percentage system. You questioned the fairness of changing the rating system at this late point in the RFP process. However, Ms. Kleinpeter-Zarnora said that ?Mr. Kopplin what he wants?. There was no further discussion. Of?ce of the Inspector General Discussion: Mr. Square mentioned that the process was under investigation by the OIG. You agreed; then you showed the panel a letter that the Of?ce of the Inspector General had given you on June 15 and copied Andy Kopplin and Mr. Square. The letter instructed you to release all documentation including emails to a select number of recipients. Among these were Andy Kopplin, Cedric Grant, Mr. emigan, Mr. Square, Mr. Kerkow and Ms. Kleinpeter? Zamora. You mentioned that the OIG was concerned about the length of the selection process. Mr. Square said that that had nothing to do with it but that the OIG became involved when ?someone complained to them?. Revenue Concerns: You and I brought up concerns about including revenue in the revised pricing matrix. Mr. Square said that ?his parking Expert, Ed Kerkow? wanted to include revenue guarantees. You told him that as an Industry and Subject Matter Expert you had research that showed that this was a bad idea. You cited as an example the City of Atlanta which had guaranteed revenues in their new contract. Due to issues with aggressive enforcement in place to meet the revenue guarantees Atlanta stopped enforcing existing regulations from May 2010 to June 2010. The City was then forced to change its business model, rewrite city ordinances and go through litigation. In addition, they incurred much ill will by the citizens. ATTACHMENT #8 From; ?Sheri?da Emery sient: eS?day,. =-ctQi5ar' 2-8, To: Markiei?higan; 7 Ce: IEdir-?i?iqnds: kinda L. Cop'eiamd: i-Eiliizabefh Robina? C?id'rii'e: S: Shamindau-R. Williams; Andrew Koppi'ifn: Courtney Eagnetiis SH hie-ct: Conceme'd about With ?Cop??l'ahd 'si :d o. a po togiie: oombH-te r" ?anked: out man sti?e s'em ail was seat before i arid 'fLags?xf; i, --,Cioz not she- Was: a hie: Etc 'r?ieas?d'i ibu? am edlh??-ri?nEEI-thaf he Sitinbe Thanks, A K. 58481207 F13 1 ?ofhfgoy Sheti'da i sent:- Thesd'ay, O'c'tob?egr? 29:09 Iaiarnark 0-..3emfiga? I 7 I 163:: Robins; Cedric S. "Sh?aromda Williamsggi?ndi?ew ,i-?qppii?n; Counting-layman; Subject: RE: Concerned about: conversation. With L. ?ope?ia?d (5000! Mo mimg; hone-? call from you. . veryaibsurd, you - in ayery ,i?rax-e: tor-1e, i gi- Again,- Ms.- iLincia: ,sta't'? -- :e'rp will hea r- from me; in reg-ands 'to Additionally Coil, during that:disturbing?pfhone caHTWit-ih: that she?s comm-a nd to you. To: my Zeppidri'ajh Edmond: is the Parking and the. Parking DEEVi'sion' reports to her. However, Ei?fnda is saying that S?he?s?: in: 99mmand to: veg, She?s. giving. people in fi?e. :Pzark'i'nga Division the impression that we-are under her "authority; Many have t-oid yo u" this before; $0.112 :5?0?2?i658-820f? Nairk.Dr..;Jernlgan . . [Linda Elizabeth s. Rbbinsg: Cedric Grant; ShanghaiRwWiil?iams; K99 1111" abQUEE'ccihversatidn With L. caperanci?f? ilmpm?tancze: M?Qm?ih?g?-?Cofl .1: i :rcliistunh'tng V?i?bial incinVerSagtiOn. With; Lindfas a; min-infers the; release ve hicle on 20.14 She 'is-rv Ups'e?t because sih'e itsisfhouid' i i "a cazs'hi'fe?r?amw r-GlgitigmeAvaa: She I . like. threat: tait'i?ag Eme?fih?a; . .44, - A a ?y mm o'ntafble: Pila?ce- I as? .onN domggmi?f 1130? I. ?s 'ndt?lthe' pfbp-?r-p: 5504-1658-8200 Lime? 504%65882?627" srmermeiryma?ugov Emmi: Zepporifa sent; ?r?fd'ay, Noyembier 1:42;; 720.14: PM Majer Jefrni?g?n 5:155:96: Claibo?me Auto'- Porungl? Indid'enti ?Efnali ?Repo ct: femi?igany ?le-age ?aseomprehensfm men of an indi?eii: that gamma rat I?laibbmg A:th iovgr: a 2.0 Ass: area-21mm; I. on laws du?ngtihis freama Hawwex, :nmnm?us It?lephmm nails: Mada ?had. approa?hed? Staff?segl?singa to, her, ??3ftfe?dfn?ghbm?E-F? that had 61:0:- ch?e: COTIQQIFL hceause.? requss't i-oufsi?de: af med? f?taffj 'an at A'th Pound manger-rnsregaztd? i of skim made; as she; to; swim "release (if-Said vehicles? The V'yehiugdle, raleaised only after: the: $60173 Var-all,- :zqu?fte? troubling" fbr'me' as. theaGi?ty?s and; a Respectfully, I muststate? 'hais became quite .vai?ousi thatitheSe ongoing, issues?fhat Izhav?e been reporting" for haireyneyer been addressed and ham: now-:spiirafled? but: I afurther- co'miinaeid fhat' ihissama? cozl?fcagua has causedso- :chall'cnges fomne- in in: all. of Which Ware: well dgqu?mented and reported, ?woul? have: take?n. the; :?a?forementirmed aetions? thatam We'll Ebeyo?d her? position as, our. HiimanResource Managm; Unless she believed that she had? the support and/0r approval of all-authority above Our levals?; Please note'that this Statement is based of reapens?? to: my complaints at?qnests for immatng report's refaliafmy acts and; escalated Each Time fhat complained gr mpg-{ted 8? ac attachw rdowmemsg ail-Glade: Thai ?ema? ind I 'iinita-I E?portcd ms: ineitient to ?you, email. sf?fng: from Shari'da tergar?d-i?igher with Linda: and. mamas were 1: 313310? inmde a very maiden-z at: the m: secure {ha wage Ef?e-13' ip'we'd. vehidl?: there is no Video sea ??hat Lihd'a- conclu?ti?ng in: a - in ?the: pTain: zorf 2:33; tat- :it is. and all: 96nd:th to: acne-1am Is not-5a i?ingj: Divis-?im I g9. recorc'i. sfsfa?xig that: greatfear and cone-ems about {he Linda :15; 1.111336; medicaiglgavsifo Mam-gs. Iagogf?g?ha these? a .Eg?miitl? Adminiistzamr Parking sign 136410.: S?t; 3m $10.91;, 98 ATTACH ENT #9 Date: 7/7115- To?: Mark D. J'femigan, ?W'o?cs: 'Di?ireefor'? From: .Zepperiah.A._ 'Edmondsa: Parking; Of?ce of IhSpeeter? General. Repert -?Parki-trg Centre-ll "Of??eer-s This shall serve as my? of?cith Iespezj'se to: the Officer-ofilnspeetor? General?s Reportrela?ive?io {an . investigates that were local businesses for" extended peried?s; :osf duty; Summer . August. '11fi.,_ 2014 fEeesrdo, Hernandeze Investigates for the Of?ce {Of Inspectfor' Getter-?31 (01G) came to. Barking Div'tstel?s Adminisi-tratirre- ;Offtee located at". 1340 P?o?ydras for a meeting: that he: scheduled. me- to discuss: an aneStifgatien 1011 Cettais. this mee?ngtv'?rrwesfigator Hernandez shetvedi {41-1-16 3 Video onhii?s cell phone in. several Parking, Ce?trol Of?cers- were isittilriiggirin What appeared to be.? ieoffee talking, on their personal cell phones in periods-of?ineWas able to identify each? employee. "the:- video and pointed em to: 'Hemande'z. immediate adios, Should be. taken es empleyees..slfied Vieiatedrthe Parking Divisien?s Code ofbeznduet; Investigator Hernandez explained-that he. could sine-?t ellew me: to access te' i?e video because. these: "were Being investigated in response: to? leempla?ihts from coffee shops. and other" leer:th businesses (UptOWn arid around the Pedestal Cemplexi) ?that PCOS were sitting inrthetir businesses .ffer extended periods of time- Heitoo?k =a particular intere'sftzi-i'nsone P200, Who-fl identi?ed to 'him resaAnd?ree. Easte?li?g; Investigator Hernandez stated. that his girlfriend li-"s- xa. Federal Of?Cer. and that PG Easterling had issued; her ?sexteral parking: tickets while patrolling the .F'eidenel. Complex, Which includes Camp. and Magazine Streets; InVes?gatofr Hernan?lez- statecf that" the purpose of investigation was "to prove that {He PCOs in the video; with'an, emphasis-on Easterlng had been targ'e?ngfhis girlfriend?s government assigned work?vehicle and other government vehicles to issue parking tickets in order to cotter. the gaps in their patrol when they sat: in the} coffee 'shop it: area During this: meeti?rrg', 'ithere was never; discussion cancerningijCOs sitting in hotels :nor was there; any mention of an concerning retaliation. 0n- Ebusinesse's/hotels. by PCQS. I ameoncemec?l that'IrLVesttgator- Hernandez incl-u?led this inhisreport when this is incorrect. Response to Reporti-Ilnvestigatl-on. OnParking Control Of?cers Page 1 of 10 Investigator: Hernandez did net "take, mates: during this: meeting net; he: fpronig?e an off: cial ideonment requesting" information fitnmt our of?ce,- ibut: mete on a: rag-1de sheet (oi paper- Variou?? finfd?haiioh need as? part. inV?Siiga?Oni indiu?e? numernusadnnuments: and copies tofr parking; ?ig?ikeis that weie, dating pertain time frame; near the Federal ?cmpfex.. great deal of this and requested ifoeused an Eassteflingg. I had worked? quite well With. investigatoriHemandez in the past; fem hm?-gf discus-Sim with. in; taference=fo request eXP'Iainee investigator Hemmer-CZ? we were 5a .ijaffe of; -Qonvertil?1g the asy'stem'io? an The-W that-we an not ihe-iesouxde? tar-the iax?aifnhle in gn fhi?sa infennatifon manually. It was; clean in see Eon: {he {?ag?mtqu activity that: squid ino't. accommo? date iInyestigatnr. ?we: Wildi?mgihat 101E Of?ce WasisQPEIating at that'fime. nufgoing?vendor'??ete?f?g was. ?fe of removing .ihefit equipmen; net :as next new vendor ?So'tu?gnsi: Wer?movmg thei? ?W?ipment in and installingiour wanting-system; entire Tick?t? it?cess?i?ng On?raff?g- System was lodged between {f?'fmer =and'e'; ent- "Vendmdu?he facet? data. transfer and -conversionpmceme Inaddi?bngnur?knnv?ledge 0f the? new swim and: our wanes to- thiss system. Wage? Elimitei ten-timed, Inyestiggat?r- Hemar'?ez in the middle: bf weiking with his? colleagues; and; MfrilV?dhaelGenfo 1a; ~e-in? ?fanbiher-Wery 'se?iOus my Towing; stain i Investigator: Hernandez stated that she: innderstond: and agreed he me atifnie; to work the transition in our new operating system- ?and the nee-in?ation (the; GIG that .I working- with- his colleague-s; We agreed in: circle but: did not schedule another in meet; iItnm6di21t?Iy my meeting with Investigator. Hernandez, met; Dinector, LTC Mark Jemi'gan to inform {if this new 01G inVes?gation as it-hadJIJi-?Alcnnoutlined it'tb. me. also ad?sedi Chi. Ibmig?gn Eth?ai. disciplinary action-sihoui??b?e impOSEd' for the: who were identi?ed in the: Investigaipr Hernandez-is; Video. I speci?cally identi?ed then. employees sa'S?iScni'nr P003 Andrea 'Eastefling, Marsi'halil- andaIthi??'Robhio; and: fertile? PCOS. Kelly Skinner and Shekita Covington; I also 'info?rrned Iemig'an that Investigator",EIemandez 'speci?qaliy' pointed out thathis- girlfriend was a Federal Agent; and {hat PCG Easterlng Ehadi?been issuing parking: tickets. to: he: gavemment vehicle; II further advisedfi?m on the. of this invesfigeiion and ih'at: steps? as?hnuld be. to addressi'the Widespread "inei?enis of cellphone 0ch Irzemindc'cI him of thenther ope-n investigations that ?I'Was waking with [nVestiig-aiors, Bouncy-and I did not receive. any- direction from C01, J?ern?igan- on Work assignments are under direction of 0:01. Iem'igan and was not given priority when my Work related tasks were assigned and/pr redirected. espouse-to 0 IS Report- 7 Investigation: on. Parking Control? Of?ce Page 20:5 10 It is beyond me as so how and why this: Inves?gafiVe Report. nontaine?f the aforementioned majority of the allegations; are: factually :as: ?(?ller factually ind'o?irrect falsisl allegations? included the ?1390,an not sure if Investigator Hernanaea zoompiled this xenon from memory never slammed him. taking: notes: or the goal ?to fnfen?ona?y diS?reCH?? 'me' as?" 15? Administrator; Regardless of-?the: it is emanation to: my charactea and integj??y? .Eutthermio no, it oontjains "numerous inconsistencies can, be by: the Supporting? documentation. that. offer; Since the establishme?i- Off?iei i?f Inspectof General, haw always ?amonsnated highest level: of" iresneotf :for' this: cities I received of verbally ?and Lin for with GIG tan-several investigaflons. In .11 resented an -ernalled.xcepy a that Chief'Inves?gator, Howatd; Schwartz: wrote-"to. Deputy Mayor?st Koppli?; in whicheqmmended for servis? and annotation With the Of?Qe of Inspector. General :duting "the Traf?c Camera Detail Investigation {see- att?dhiet?s I have always believed that ont- offioe's (DIG and Parking: Di??on} mutually healthy midnrespeet?n. relationship would ling :te: this; l-yeaf39?r0t1i?l. city employee'- anti administrators-I am Rule-5.5mDepartmental? ~?5Pol'ioji?osfProcednres~ -- Memoranda. I am ?ll?ly? aWa?re than: and? deliberate intent or nation: 5to she uncooperative with: the Of?ce- of Inspector General is a blatantdire?ot Violation cgf'??he Code of Genduct have: ?woflsed. very hard fl?lroug'hoilt my Career to keep,?- unbl?emis?hed'. Furthermore: Would never make a foolish decision at point: in my career which would. tarnish my work: recordandi pessi?ly? end my career; "What. follows is a 't?imelino of events thief indicates my e?o,m?f and willingness Etc-r ensoperate with, ?the- 010?s investigation. and that my actions always were dictated for .213th good. of the Parking Divi'SlOn and the Elly-of ew Orleans; T'imeli?n?e: August 11', 2014: M61: With "Director, Marika Jerniga'n to inform .of? meeting, with Investigator Hernandez, Explained this new DIG inves?fga??on as: ?Investigato?r' Hernandez had outlined fit to me; 21 also advised. Col; that disciplinary action should be imposed for the- PCOS. who Were identi?ed; the Investigator- Hernandez-l's video.? Stated "to egnlgan that: I Would? not be. able: to. accomplish certain. tasks, assigned due 'to my enormous. work load, initiatives The Service andInnovati'on Team and several ongoing OIG investigations, He instmotednme :to prioritize: my work assignments as follows: I). Manage the transition for the ?Cnnb Management Centraet and. the conversion process and,- Ensulze the con?nuiby of the ?apt-[vasom- Page 3? of 10 Parking Division?s ?eld, operations; he 01G investigatiOns Were not assigned as a priority My work assignments. are undies the: direction of (3?91, Je?m?igan and 051G investigations are not priority when tasksar?e assigned. (See attached email string dated-August 2014) I Anguist 2014-: Hold, meeting with Jernigan to update him on; Parkingis operations. Included in this discussion Were the open GIG iriVeStigatfonsi aria" the numerous :reque-sts for information from. their of?ces; also: discussed my proposed Corrective Action Plan for. the Ticket Writing: and Towing Units that "would help to mitigate the issues that the" (BIG brought "tee our attention during: three. iseg'afafe investigations of Auto Facility Specialists. Feedback: was notggrovidied. Au? :ust'26? .2014?: I met 0le ll'rweStigatersx Mr. William Bouncy Mr. M?ehael Gentoiafto tiliscus-s= one of several inVestigaiionsi that began earlier in the. year. Although. I was; dealing with a very- serious. medical isSne, our-of?ces worked very we'll together; These investigations were? in high gear. and had priority-rover Invesltigeto?r Hernandez?s investigation. (Supporting documentation is; available) August 2014: Thi?stime wash-?spent at" Tulane-Hospifalras .I 'becarnerextremely'zillj. snhmitfed numerous medI'CaI {lacumen'ts to. (301'. .L?Ternigan also. brought my .:medieal condition to his-direct attention. VII-also workload and-ether work related challenges were impacting my health. It was. imperative for-me; to address my health issues at: that time. medical doc-unientar?ion is available etpon ragga-.923) September 9, 2014: Investigator Hernandez requested via email for update for the document request; I could not readily respond due to meetings. all day with vendors. September 178, 20:14:. Investigator Hemandezoont?acted me via. text. I informed him that I was-s-at?the hospital, (Supporting medicati- domimenfation is amilable: upon. request) He visited our of?ce: later that day and met with TSherida Emery to discuss a?parking, permit forOIG?s? reServed parking spaces. September 26, 2014: Investigator Hemandei' requestedrvia email that I call him. I was out: sick. (Supporting documentation- is availableupon request? September 29, 2014: Investigator Hernandez: contacted me via email to get, my approval On apark?ing permit- creatcd by their of?Ce to be:- Used for vehicles parked in their reserved spaces. (See attached email) October 6 2014: Met with Investigators Bonney-and C'en'tola?to discuss the ongoing- OIG investigations and to present documents that.;had been requested, Became: very- ill during Response to OHS Report Investigation. Of?ce-rs Page 4 of 10 this meeting and reported thatl had to' discontinue and leave werk. to seek. medical attention. (Supporting downie?nta?bn is available upon request) October} 2014:; I repent most of this month on [cattle due to illness; (Supp'qrting- 'medfcj'ailidecumantafion- is available upon: newest} Nonember 2014'; I spent most. of?thi's: month on leave doe to illness; (Supporting mewch documentation- is available upon i provided medical, clearaHCe {toswark from, borne but 1020!; Jernigan; request; Although out. in, I communicated with Investigator Hernandez and: assigned .Parking:_ Bimini: Supervisor to 'pro??ide assistance; explained in fan email (attached). that. she: was. QNerWhe'lmed clue- to my absence but that she: weald wont towards responding to, his request. I also ref-feted options to Investigator? Hemande?z! in an email eeommunication to him. Again, I am concerned, as to why the 01C. elites that was "uncooperative during investigation. When: 31 remained in. communication with: Investigator Hernandez: While was out ill as my medical co ndit'idn allowed. (Please See attached emails): December 12014: I spent this: month on? leave: one to ?ifllneSs: ,(Szmparting? medical a. ?documentation: "is. Ms. Emery interacted With Investigator? Hernandez. 12181 her workload "would allow:- On December .19, 2014 81163 submitted some of the documents that had been requested" and provided :a status on others. Again, there was never as diseussioin concerning :is?it?ng hotels. nor was"; there any mention (if. an; investigation eon'cerxting retaliation on. buS?ine.ssethoteIS? by TPCLOS., Investigator Hornandezridi'd not request ?:idocument's relative" to 'retalia?tOry acts by Os. Col. Ierntgan instructed. me to turn on my ?Out of?Df?ce Reply? on [27512014 after; I. reported that, I would :be: retutning to work within few weeks.- I 'feould no lenger' communicate With Investigator Hernandez Until lareturned from my medical leave.- anuary- 2015: I returned to work. Prior to. my return, I explained my medical condition to and Deidre Howard during a conference call scheduled for this reason. I had numerous scheduled and unscheduled medical appointments. Investigator Hernandez was noti?ed that: I had returned to work. I entire month planning for our move torC'ity Hall,-prepar,ing for the Mandi Gras- season and; working with our new vendors as we Were experiencing major operational iSSUes. Respons to -epot Investigaion Page 5 of 10 February" 11, 2.01353: Scheduled a. meeting With Investigator Hernandez.- to Catch up request and to provide: the remaining: documents. that Were. available were an Operatimal mode-z. fer" Mardi. Gras and Were also planning to. mo: ve- to. our: new rinCifty CQL .?le'rnig?an noti?ed of this: meeting hutsdid net responder previde: direction. Emery had provided. several- response" and documents. to. investigator Hernandez. I. continue to. have problems With receiiring emails; (Supporting dodumenfis: and'ema?ils are: ?avaiflcf?lej Febrpar .13. responded to a .ililst. of'questions' frornullnvestiigetor Hernandez?sfome of my responses "were: based upon my meeting. With. him. (See: attached email?) February 1'26, Contac?ted Coll. lemfgan? {Via email and :expressedi am very concerned'aboiuf email below and. the issues" that Investigatar HeMQHdez has about mete-r rentals. I 5am not com?zrtabfe responding regarding m.eterar.ef??tals' the. Roosevelt Hetel'dize 5:10 the parking-Conditions in this area. Al: Lhave?s?l?at?d on numerous occasions, the .Raoseyelt Hotel is stajj? have barricadedeeveral meter spaces the hotel is use. without goihg. through the normal rental I did. net: :recei?ye- a response from 500.1. .ilerniga'n, nor did he- provide guidance on "this issue.- (Se?e attached entail) Our operatidnsj were directed on'ssupportin'gt the Mardi Gras season immediately- aft'erwards, Started preparing for our-neW?o??I?ee Space. in City Hall.? Thiswas a monumental task. and physically challenging. - . March 2015?: Moxied to our new of?ce Space in. City Hall, Whieh took SeVer'a1Weeks to settle our operations, Supervisor Emery to. interact with?lnvesti'gator Hemanrlez; and responded. to his: request for infatuation. (Supporting dacumems and emails- are available)- 'March 25 2015: Responded to an. email from Investigator Hernandez in. which he requested the identities 'of'the PCOS who Were on the Video. he showed me on August. 1.1, 2014. Again, Ifadyised Col. Jernigan of'the seriousness; of this matter; April ?20, 2015:, Per InVestigator? Hemandez?s request: I. sent to via. email, the Activity? Log Report for Easterling, To: notjust single-out Ms. Easterling,.1 also requested reports for PCQs Jamie. .Robiho, Marshall and S. Mitehell. (These reports. are voluminous; but are .amilable upon request) April '29, 2015?: Inves?'gatOF Hernand?z requested information on an unrelated parking matter- He received immediate.? (Email string-available upon request) ResponsetofOrIG Report Investigation on Parking- Control Of?cers (PCOS) Page 6 of 10 [held a. Very and'ieobiust: discussion that?gcmed big {of [Ween-gator Hernandezss investigation. This meeting was attended memb?s Specialist. II, Jorge Hernandez; InVG-S?gator ngnandezss Qllgaguez 5.8731230 ?ma?a the Meet?ng and seemed be; itakfi'nghotes.. ?We:exp1eiined that functidndf and fhat; We: Were mow batter. imitnsd? on. the System and mad imports as? ?needadv- We "fhat; on? knowledge Q'f our SYe'tem during the time: of his initial request, ephedlueed? varieugsetypes :mf?rgpo?s requeng He- state?i :fhaf he:- would include?- {nfoma?m mp0?; of?hef? and :efher while:- at at Ramses; $th Hegv?mfed :6 at: @316 a Whichiis a sfatedvthagthe Wguld?smmhisl in $31. "re-P'Oi't mat; '1 would forward. ?Coil. 'Jemig?a-n and: :to? our Tec?mmenda?on fo diS?-P?nafy iac?tidna. Uneven receiVedlz-?haf informa?an} Om reenve'rsiation then shifted to. "the; vehicles receiving mom not"? pe?imitfed :fQ- overlook. vehicles: parkei in 'viela'tfeh game}: detenhinei h; vehime is an Of?cial gOVEmIrient vehi'eie "unless: ?it is" clearIY? marked; Investigate: ?xpre?sed Which-3' --?alm0fbezpurchaisediby reesked if'We could: grantthese vehieles the same acknowlecigement we do d; Fiance Iaskedilnvestigaterr Hernandez to. 1.7111636 agencies: so 1th we: could discuss; this issue .zeadily? If. informed that I knewhowf IO. :?cont?aet Gimy Ma?a the: Mafsha?gsg and. that??she? usually contacts?? dime-?y par-Icing refated Emblems, He'ixesp?ehded he mud sew as their and that Wom'd folie?w 111? a; written request; and provide "a copy of their placards:- (I have no: necfeived'ithat ih?fmatibn'wnb?r?have heard back?om: Investigai?orl?emandez on this issue) This- '_subj_ectr of PC-Os sitting in hoteis: and committing; retaliatory acts: gth'ey were asked to leave. was, not brought: up. until along with membere of staff." mentiened this. issue during. this ?nal meeting. I pointed :out: that. one aof'ithe ?funnier P003 Kelly 'Skinnet) seenin the pictures was. disciplined for ?cerid?e't. I Went on to tell Investigator. Hernandez that Ms. Skinner was sitting in When the manager asked her to leaVe-- She enforced a- PasS?ehge-r Zoneath?at Sher? enforced in. the past, which was perceived as [retaliatory act. He: then became Very interested. in matter and asked. for. 1a, cepy of he: 'he?sil'?ceived at ,thattime. We also provided information to him regarding. her depar?mre and her current position at'lthe Taxi Cab? Bureau. Irt- esmod: 0 Page 7 of 10' Investigator. Hernandez seemed to "think that this was a recent-matter until: we ?polntediout that: this happened June of 2013} He? then Stated, ?Yes, there was complaint about .en-lbrcemerrtg around the hotels?? 1 eXplained to, Investigator Hernandez-.- We?re. directed to discontinue ienforeing} Passenger Zones of hotels was ?linlced inappropriate also him: that most-hotels" h?ad illegally blocked; off parking spaces; including meters barricades ?afnd therefore, we; were unable to.? enforce these areas. He appeared to be confused; therefore, 'pro?ded him with photographs of?the: signs- and barricades, placed E'T'Qi?z?cyts: zcurb. space by hotels. appeared to be notes" at Again, this swag the only time when was a? discussion ?baoveenx ?the zea?l'?i?ug' Administrator and ?the BIG QeOHCErniilt't-ngCOs? sitting in hotels?;- In: addition, this? was: absolirtel'v the: first: mention of i'hetaliati?oh oh hotel's Intesttg titer Hernandez did- n?otr'e' 'dEsti?diocu'mentS? relative to: retaliate this meeting, 'EIh'i?act, investigator f?ehnandez. clearly not realize thatr'zthi?s. incident had occurred almost two :years. earlier; The allegation that. did inat- produce this information. when, askedle false and I ?eo?nsiid'erfi?t to be defamatory; There are several other inconsistencies that'slio'uld be noted: The 3010 report} states, ?Brett Pieze, Vice 'ElE?tesident of Xerox did. not recall at any time being? asked by gar-Cityempfloyee- toypro'duce a report.? ?Howevergiwt: is noted in myzemail responSe to Investigator Hernandezthat-ihe a reed to contact Mr. P'eze directly, (See- attoched'ema'il) - The DIG report states,-_ ?Mn Anderson Moore, Vice President of- Duncan Solutions: did not-recall at any time being-tasked by a City employee- to prodeoe a report for, or 20134.? However, it. isnoted in email respolls?e. to Investigator Hernandez thatptfor to. 20-14 this. database was maintained by Xerox. 'I?hereforez I would not have: reqlue's-ted' these reports from Mr.- Moore. (See attached entail) It.gshou'ld also be noted that: in an email from Investigator Hernandez: to Mr. Moore there is a request for infonn'at'i'on but-it seem3f=to be more focusedaonAndrealEasterling; (See'- dttached?eemafl?om Mk. Moore) The report Shows citations that Were issued for safety related violations. are not authorized to disregard illegally= parked Vehicles- unless they are Clearly marked emergency units; PCOS-have'no method of determining. Whether or not these Vehicles; are involved in an emergeney. here is a Well-established protocol to have tickets issued-t to law enforcement vehieles adjudicated. This process also helps to ensure?that the d?iVers of law enforcement and. goVer'nment. vehicles will be held responsible when. they park illegally for nonsemergenci?es?; accordancewith theCAO Policy. Response to OIG Report Investigation on Parking CotroliOf?'crers Page Set? 10 Additional notes I received several verbal: and written requests from N-QPD Deputy Ghief Jay Giustberzgi?l?or Stringejnt enforcement around the District Courts: at Tulane and. Broad: (Email ?rming available) To date, I'have; never- heard back from Investigator; Hernandez zen ther'infofrmation that he- Wa-s? to provide to help our enforeement to emergency? vehicles. This: would help to min?in?tiz?e= any unnecessary .titiketgissuanca, on these type s} ofvehi?cles. To date, InVestigator on my reqixest for infomatife-n on. POO Witnessed her wearing an: earpiece; This infernration would have been used to?: prepare a recommendation for discigli'nary aetihn to HR and Col. emtgan. I suffered through a' very :S'eriorus illness throughout 2014; which cansed.,me- to sgend a majority of 201:4 my direct. 'repQrt and the Appointing Works, Mark. Jernfigan, was ?lly aware of'this. inyestigatifon; he. did not ,,giVe? me or'anystaff'member in DPW guidance on how: to suppert this: investigation duringij illness. :In December 20-14- was directed to. turn-on-m?y ?Out: of "Of?ce-- ?Rsplaf? Upon, my .retUrn to work on January 6, 2015., Jernigan informed me he Was. changing: the. cell phone: Whidh; would anthoriz?e- ?eld use: them, while on duty. reminded him of the 016? investigation that speci?cally showed that PC;st were violating the existing policy and- extending their breaks While on cellphones. Hedireoted me to allow them to their cellphones, At my request, he allowed me- to impose- guid?eli?nes for using: cellphone-sin the. ?eld. I In conclusion: Even though Colt Jerriiga?n, received this document on June 2015 I had, no previous knowledge untilrhe handed this report to me during the afternoon of June My response above, in the forth ofa timeline, refutes all allegations levied against. me. All of these unfounded characterizations impugn. my Character, integrity, professional career and. work ethics. Furthermore, they arebased on half?truths and are. without merit, All of the statements that [have made above are well decumen?ted in the form of? emails, Physician Statements and: other S'UppOIIting documentations that I will present as requested. m?Wm: Response to'OlG Report - Investigation on Parking Control Of?cer's Page 9 of 10 :Beginitti?ng on August; 1211 2014 and on occasions, Icommunicated.theimpzroper conduct of the. Parkihg :Gontrol Of?cers mentiohed?in this report "to? direct. report. and the Appointing; Authority of Public Werkst Coil". Mark .Iernigan'. To. date, I have not: - received ?-arty ?gaidance' on these matters; I have always demonstrated the highest level 'df?cooperatiOn and respect?- for the? and its Investigators. have responded "to their tegttests: the tipmostlihtegritv. in addition, I receifVedIWords? of thanks verbally and in. Writing} a: Working withthe on Several investigations. In 2013;, received an. emailed copy of a letter" that: 'Ghie?f Investigator, Howard Schwartz: wrotevto "First Deputy Mayor aandE?iCAQ, Andrew Kop?lin vsihieh he eemmended the for my ontstanding Of?c'e of'Insp'eot?or General during? the Traf?c: Camera Detail. Investigation {See attached); I am highly offended. and discom?ted at the manner in which my character and integrity was assassinated in report; It is not re?ecti-?Ve of the well-established weekng relationship ?tfhatI have with several Investigators and with the: OIij. My hope fight-hat Investigator Hernandez will acknowledge that this report is ?awed as: he did not take-arty notes during our meetings. Notes- were only take?nduring theil?astrneeti-ng, by Investigator Berre-tt. Again, I believe that the supporting ?docmhehts that have to offer and the timeline above will validate my stance that the allegations Him-this report are factually incorrect. I believe- that this report was. written with. the intentim to defame character and integrity. This. was done because of the direct and that 'Iihave taken :in? the past that were not favorable to some individuals in?sGity goveinment. have and will always. do what is morally correct and what is in the ?best interest of?the- City of New Orleans and not for personal gain. Respectfully submitted by: Ham (signed electronically) Zepporiah, 'Edmonds, CAPP Parking Administrator Response to' OIG- Report Investigation. oanarking'Con?ol Of?cers Page 10 of '10 ?iga mo?mds Subject:- Supporting Documentsfor OIG ResponsearL?Eter' from 25; I am re 'if you received; this email as warkzemajii account was: neit- marking weekend, :see attached. iah?E?dondsI I I sent: Ta: Jeirnjad, {pariah Edmond's zsu?bjfeCt: Response tett?f7fr6m? - I hays; struggled all weekend trying to send these- documents; to [explained miner Email, my work --cma? account. no.1? To.- ?make Certain thaf you?received of?cial 17,6qu1186 to fhe?OIG- Report, .I resend itth dbcuInent? fgom this email, account. walldl-so attached a screenshot-ofmy work cmai1a000unt which suppor?s:thaLILhavabeen unable.- to communicate and send my Supporting documents: Via Email. Thanks. 'Friom: ,Zeppo?riah JE?dmo'ndsr Sen? :iMpnday, 047:. - 291-4 '10: I 1 7 Ce; fZeprElah Edmonds subject: Parking Emplovee. Incentive: Program message received; As- i stated in my :email .onFri?c'i?ay, 2014 and during our meeting laterthat D'i'vii'si'o in?: operations -a re in the midst ofl-a. mater transition: for Ticket iProcessing__-s_e ryi'ce?s, which {allsau?nder gar management Contract with Duncan Solutions, LLC. ,-linten_s-e "training;implementation (in phases); and sttategj-Zing deploymeh?iiafe'Ongoing- AS. .1-a'is0indi9ated d-urgins:the- have coca-?rmed. thiqq'gfh daily gpeatiahai meetings with Duncan?s-staff, the.technology/process will .not? be fully completed for at least another 30. -- days-i The; integration?process forthenPay-by-Phone to beg-in on Aug. This process alone, may take- .a few weeks for full implemse nt?ation: and: deployment, ?Ehe park-mg:- Employee i'ln'ce?n'tive? Program, supported by'th'ezeDif?reCtor?Szo??'ce is .an outstanding moita?le and will be greatly by; all Parking DlelOn staff; the. Supervisor-s, who oftenincur' Out? 'of?spodtetisexpe rises in ?their effotts to res peCtivej sq (lads; My recommendation to postpone this program of?t'hfis 'y?ear isr'based on assessment onhe-Fe'we are:- what is needed togui?dEyou?r Parking Division ?in. a: dihectionathat: will he'lpius tor-meetas-many seteXpecta?tjons and performance-goalsaspossible lnadditioh, stajfl?. can. remain focusedpnacclimating to- the new Auto Cite/Auto Process systems. This would also allow usthe opportimity'tio Workft?hrough most of the. Parking ,Adzm-i'nistra'tortand your. subordinate, I am *infonm'ing status ?our-Operationsand also a?dvising:you that the process ofimplemen?ting; training and deploying: our :new technolng for Ticket Protes?sjing?setvices are still inprogress. l? how critical itislot? ouroperationsto keep'th-is project-moving forward through repetitive feces. i believe that postponing- the=ParkingiEmployee IncentivePentagram-until the last-quarter ofth?is year is-the' better path forward. choose to will -a hide- and =di?re?c?tista fl? accordingly. I 9 v??gwai?fsih . . . gm med. you, nab ut. the countless require my imm? unscheduled that we have-beenxrequfineci 7 issues with the conversion process, and the Beyer-ending 24/7 operation. Asa result'o? the .afofementipned; have repeatedly stated; that. 'Wouid notlbe ableato co 7 youfhave responded, emect Your only prio Ties} .. .0 u' t? 1" 'weso and critical point. during the data transferand? conversion process from Xerox-to Duncan, ?S-eiu'tions. Managing 2. ajo r- projects- :3 nd eterOperations) ?for the. em Ma nia'gem'eiit Contract and field operations did. not or completion of-3t'h'e Parking: Employee incentive Hie-gram. pro?gr?a liis also-Quite 'im port-ant to our operations; 'i-t-was not re'l'azi'e'd't-o priorities 2 or? With- respect. to you as. my supeevisor?-I Eh umbiy request that my Workload be cbnsidie?ied wheniasigsgar'e; assigned, [foily .unde rsta-nd? that it; you r' disc retiorn' to redirect work as??g?ii?me?ntst; nmeve'jn; With great: Humility; '21 else?. beacieady?sitated'ito m-e'i'n. writingh0wfhese prioritized, ?ifit?weueldi?b?e helpimito you. when considering assignments; Which are: enost often quite extensive. [can submit my?eaienda?nfo 'VOU'2m?Q?thily 0r weekly, This; Mil? nOt. only. show my assignments; Ibgu'talaiso my daily res'ponsibilities and. duties; lnyour review 'ofithe June: a rid ly- caii?enid?arsr an d? the; Ofrg. Cha rt. that; i sent to you: on Fr;eidaymugufst:1, 20154, "yd-u ?can; 9.837?! 'e?teamme hat. if RR ve long hours that often ineiude nigh ts?, weekends 13nd holidays, ?A?d'di?tio nafii'y," you: will he saiibifl?e? to: qiuiitkly dete "the only EAP e?mpioyee that yo u; have in? at'ffhis pray: enormous- . I workload. As? you :a re 'aiwate, I7 :am still Waiting for response to? request. Efo-r' a: job: ?fudy for ;the Parking Aldm'i'niSfrator position. {am not compiaiining, but merely statingihazt'with my workload and the, manvdaies that. l_ have as-you?r Farming Administrator, ti?meiin?es/dead {in es in) tasks - may have to; be. adjusted an eXpe?cted., is.s'u es? arise._ a s?sumedf that. Ih?is we 5 cleanbetweenzus-as supervisor and sub?ondinate because: this quitezo'ften, :i will 'foiiow?up. our.discussions-with a "written .requestt?for"confirmation o?f?yo?dr directIVeisfi. minis; can im service as: your Parking Ad m?ini'strarto hiougheut lengtahycmeer a; a- city employee; I havem?ainieined. -wodsl.reeord5 Which fl proudly contribute to my hard. work, dedication Vandal-assigned- tasvks: My: goai?is to keep unblemished work: record intact" Thanks. ?from'tilMa'rk Jerni?gan Sent: Friday; Aug ust 01, .2014 55:14; PM To: Zepporiah iEd monds Subject: RE: Parking Employee Incentiye- Program. ?Zepp'oriah, In follow?up to our "discussion this; afternoon, I Wo-uidi Ili?kE?tOget'the. names of the. parking employee. incentive pgogpam committee you design'ateby COB Aug 15:fh and for {them to be prepared to present their recommendations to; me bySep. .2d date/time the week priorlbaQS?ed on'operationai priorities and? sched'uie'si). I am expecting at least-:36 recommendations fer-incentives to- recognizeoutst'a riding performance and some discussion aboutth the incentives. are being recommended and. what kinds of performance would t?riggemn award and/"or incentive; twill" leave the format and Venue meeting. to. you and ?fh?e in the; 1 e?x?fpecito be informed in. a. more?timely manner if a task that we discuss not be completed on- the. schedule we agree on. Thanks. Mia rk- From: Zeppori?ah EEdmonds Augustoi, 2014 1:40 PM To: Mark Jernigan Subject: RE: Parking Employee Incentive Program COIL, i .did. notwant Ltoo much time. 'to pass bly?wit'hout' responding- to yourem'ailg. As you personally witnessed duringylour walk. through on yesterday?? i have. been going anon-std p= With plan n-ing; for the *iUll-c?onverisien of our T-P system this. entire Week. "Your notes are-correct- ;regjarding; the. propo?sed?ti?rneto present recommendations forgan employee; im-ieefntive program. However, i. respectfle wish to remind you zofiseve'r'al followup conquered-ans and meetings-that We: have held since 0'ur'te.l'ep.hone tons/"eroded. whit-in was actually-onidly2, 2014. Although- the meetings notes are related JF?Line' I left work- sick on-?thatd?ate and was also: on sick leave during our telephone:comersmion :onrJ?uly 2, Since our My 23?? telephoneconversation?rneeting :numerousescalated 'issues'anfd tasks have come, no in reference to. the transfer of?the'tity?s data Efrem Xerox-Tito Duncan. #51 have ?madeyOu awa reduri?ng ?this :is :a?mo?ridrm?e ntal task awhi?f'h has; extended usu-alrjo?a- worksehedule?to we?ii ever 90+ hrs; tweekly. u-ring these- with: you it has. been. made clear :?tome?t-Zhat the data: .ir?np?lfe?rne-ntatio n; a rid 'fiJJl sconvarsio'n :of Ticket. Processing was my number one {pi-tic rijtys as the: P-?aelikiing Administrator. FOrvth'? jpfaSt few {monthathis has been; my main focus-and continues- to :be faiths:forefront'of work activity; (seep-trachea! Jane and Jillyco'lendars. NOTE: Weekends? and .h?Oiiddy?s worked are. not'reflected?on :caieridars) Einfcl'ud'e'd: with keepingthe TicketProcessing project moving felt-ward are the admerousta?s?ks which fall?s-undie-r-?the. responsibilities and de?es-that ii have had? to. .und-e-rta ke diueto- vacancies that remained un?lled administrative positions. {See attachedior'gi -Chort) in co nsideriing: whatfs'ourrently' Underwa'y in. Parking; Will not be prepared? to can'diuct? 1a presentation on the, above stated .subieqt. .maiter'dnring re?ll ii inane. not terms d? e? of staff-to make. recommendations. We. stiil have; much work ahead in gettingthe hand helds full-y implemented and deployed-which will require- additional train'ing fer staffa nd supeirvi'sors.- We- also have our?ticket: infotmationd-nd that will require training and :a'ssiniilatioin for all staff, including me. (Please-see the. attached Transition Updated Week/y) With this: in mind, I respectfullyrequest"that the-initiatiye to formalize the: proposed ParkingE-mployee; incentive Program,- which. l'Wholeheartediysupport, be rescheduled for the last quarter offthisiy'earrand implemented the. quarter year. .D'Uring'the holidays, wealway-s' plan activities to show appreciation.- for Stef? i am available to discuss. Please advise. Thanks: From: Mark;D. Jerniga?n Sent: Wednesday, Juli/30,2014 12:12 PM, To: Zepporiah Edmonds Subject: Parking Employee Incentive Program Zepporia h, Based on my notes from our telephone. conversation on Jun concerning priorities and initiativeswith the Parking Division, i asked that youfor-m a commit-tee of employees and supervisors to present recommendations onan employee incentive program for the Parking Division. we decided that: this presentation would? take ?p'lace. at: morning roll call-on Aug Has the'comm?it't'ee- been designated and is it prepared to present recommendations:asscheduled? Mark ?EideZI-?e?periah-Edmonds I sent? 20.15 73:05 To: . . Subjedt'?- Palfking Placard GIG From": Eddie Hernandez mailtosehernand'e; no'l'aol' .-or lj :Sen't: Monday-I S?pte?mber 29, 20114? ?46 To izeppe?e?u Ed monas- OIG ?Good' -i hope you "begin to feel Ebetterssoon.. Attached Lise" "Parking iPl'aca?rd': We came up'with ito?puf in the'?itbnt??MrfElShield of; vehicle; parking in Ithe p?a liking ?e'n'fdrCemenf 'zone to. avoid receiving parking'viO-latio'n :ficket?s, :pei??yo.?ufriagpp?rpval pf course..- G-et? well, -Eddie Eduardo A. He mandez, CFE, investigator. City'of? N'ewOrlea ns Office of inspector General 525' Charles Avenue New. Orleans, LA 70130 Cellzl . . Fax: (504)681?3 230 This correspondence is part: ofan ongoing investigation, examination, audit, inspection, or perfocmance review and. is exempt {from the Public: Records. Act until? the investigation, examination, a uditf, inspection,- or performancetreview is complete. See La, R.S. 33:9614-and La; R.S. immediately/should you receive a Public Records Request which includes this correspondence. .n of Inspect Edouard R. Qu?tre'va 'ux Ins'p?ctor General From: "Eddie Hernandez sent: Monday, :November?" 2.0 114 8:52 To: Zepporiah ZEdmOn'ds Subject: RE: Requi?stEd items: Good. Hope: you are staying warm. ?was-curious gif-af?lcer you. i? mere- is' "Thanks you, ?Eddie: Eduardo A, Hernanid e2, CFE, 'ClGix anestigator? :City' of New Orleans Office of Inspector General. 5'25 St;;Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 7013.0 Cell; il?504l307-5052 Fax: (504)681-3230 This, correspondence is g'par?? of an: Ongoing investigation,- examfi'nafion, audit_, inspection, or nice review and is-eXempt from the. Pub?; Redords?Act until the investigation, examinatior'jwatidjit, i?n?pecitigdn, Or :performanceireview istom?ple?te. see La.- 33:96i4 and La. fig-S. immediately should you receive a Public Records Request whichzinclu?des this correspo?dengew From: Zepporiah Edmonds nola?gov]. Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 20.14 10:52,. AM To: Eddie Hernandez; Subject: RE: Reqdest?editems "Sorry, l-?hit sesn?d' before I Was done. actions would be. helpful, please: let? me, know year availability so that can set up-a? conference call with?Sherid?a. Fromr?Ze'ppO'riah E?dmonds Sent: Wednesday, I'Noyember 12, 2014, To: EddieHemandez Subject: RE: Requested items Thanks so much. You are not meat all In embarrassed that We inane- not 'be?enable to, ?58! mange ifl can Offer solutions right now-: Let up ata?llWith: Q-y'ou? an?dii?sfhericiagin which] Will ?participate-and" direct. her to patio ritifze-you'nmq ujest so :thatthe: information can. beprovi?ded ?sooner than later; 52.. Whatever i' can research and pull nthe- from home; i willclofth'ajjc today'so there Will her-hie further-delays. ifbisiactionibe helpful? If so, FromtiEddie'Hernandez mailt?oirehernandez- "n?olaoi tor Sent: ?Wednesdey,. November '12, 20.14? 10:40 AM To: Zep'poriah Edmonst SL?Ib?je'gt: Requested items Mariam, I?m sorryyou aren?t feeling well and fl hate to bother-you with this, liha've? asked S?hei?ida Emeryer the documents and ihaveinot received (anything. if have asked her-twice nowsfor' an estimated compi?tion. date and have: not rec'eivecife: date. noifth'er req uss?ted documents. Irecently sent here text-on 'QctoberZQ, i{Do completion" (Shedidi 'not?tespond to that textla?and l. repeated the same: text. again on November 10, 2014,. she. responded that same day with, ?Good Morning, let me: check with; Zepi to see.? As I 'said'. earlier 11 hate-to bother you. with this espe?cialiytsince-you are: not well, but have, all, i hope. you. feel: better soon "and recover quickly, -Ed,diej Eduardo A. Hernandez, CFE, 'ClGi' investigator City. ofiNeW? Orleans Office of Inspector General 525? St, Charles Avenue New Orleans; LA 70130 Cell}: (504)307-5052 Fax; (504)681-3230 "This- correspondence is 'part- of?an ongoing investigation, examination, audit, inspection, or performance: r?view and is?exempt from the, Public Records Act until the investigation. examin'a?ti'ionxau'dit, inspection. or performance review is complete, See: La. Eli-"3319614 and La. R.S. Please: notifvithls office, immediately-.mould you receive a. Pubiic'Records :R'quu'eSt which includes this correspondence. From: Zepporiah'Edmonds Sent:- Wednesday, November 12, 20.14 10:29, .AM To:- Eddie Hernandez Subject: RE: Requested items Greetings Sir, U?nfo?rtunate'iy; am= ?out sifck .un?l further notice; 'howe?ve-n have bee n1 performing? ?mite-d diU?es?o-m' Mme? I "thou g?hrt that you, were working with Sharid a. Em?;er to g'e-t-ithe: En'iorrnaa?dmgt?hat you: il??a'vgef y??iihqf heard bad? ?dm her? From: Eddie Hernandez mail't'oz'e'hemand?z 'nola'o'? :0r Sent-:2: w?ed?ngsdam Ngvembe'r' 201-4? 10' :11 9" AM Edmonds- Subjkact';iReQuested items- have: yet to receive: fro m: "the 'in?per?so?n request from this: sg?mmen Eduard 0: Herna rude; City of .N ew Orleans 0mm: of lns?pe'cto'?Geneg'ral Meme [New-Orleans, {Sail-lad?s??z Fax: 15' 04-) 6813230 This, correspond?nce pa? pf an: ongoing investigation, 'examina?gn,= audit, impatient qr per?drmaf?ce: TeV?iew and is: exempt from the; Public ?Records Act anti! 'th e. ifn-mesft?iggatim, examinatiom audit. :ifn-sp?icfib n; for performance inexitifew ifs Comm?etei. 2'S?ee, 5333614 and 13:; R215 Please this. p?f?cei immediately should you: rece?ive au'P'u?b?l'ic Records Request which ih?iud?s thiisvcorrejspondence: ?remeZepporie?h I sent: Friday-g September 504:," 2015. "Tm; subject: Questions Concerning P60. and tickets from: Eddie?s?e?rhandez ?mailtozeherna'ndez? I. 'Se'nt_: Monday; 1:57 To; Zeppori?ah iEd?mond'Sf Subject: RE: QUe?stiQnsj concerning .PCO. and-tickets Thank: you Ma's-lam, aipp'necfate end i?riholpe you;- feel better.- Edmonds. Sent: Monday}; Febrilary 212015 1:22 PM To: Eddie Hernandez Cc: ?Marij. demigaga; shenda: Emery subject: RE: Questions concerning FCC and tickets: Good afternoon Mr; He-rnandez,_ I thought that?- voinr questions were answered. I now realize that-you sent 2 separate: emaiil's? re?quegtfi?g?g information. I and-.curre nt?ly in the. "middle for this week?; Mardi Gras but wifl respond permits; hopefuuy by COB'today; I do understand the need to? get. yd'urth'e} information that you requested while; ago? Than ks. From: Eddie Hernandez Sent: Monday, February- 09, 2.015: 11:23 AM To: Zeppofi.ajh Edmonds Subject: Questions.- concemi?ng PCO and tickets Good Morning Ma'am,- 71 mi still waiting 7130:? the answers: to my: qtuestiong; from gas-t .month? {Edgardo Hernandez..- :G?itY-O?f New. Orleahs Ce of; ln?pector (Genera: "Sti, charle?s?w?ue "New 0 ?Bans; "Lev-nest) ism 68143230 This: correspondence is%part ofan ongoing. Investigation. examinatiom audit. inspection. dripelifO?atman'Ce heme?! and 15-3 ?empty from the White ReCOrd?smc-t? .u nft?ii the-investigation. Eitemiinaitibn; or 9erfqr'mancear'eViJetii'is compie.te.. See-La.- RS. 33::9614sand La. Pl?lea-s?eanetifv thiso'f?te- receive a Public Retords Request which 'iimjludres??i's. Fit-looms: Eddie Hernandez; Sent: Monday, January 1'2, 20:15 12:33 PM. EdmOndS sawed? Questioh?s?toncemihg PCO andEtickets-9 - Good Afternoon sorry we missed each; Other fast, Weak? 3? had 50me? questions for You (the majorityarreseipeatsfrom.what i" asked Ms. Emery)" and; I?mfth?in' king this is the 'bes?t'way tog-gt them answered? . a, Is Brett, Pezeithe' bestjpetson for mete speak'With concerning-the tickets- - Do you ail! produce any issUed? DoVou all produce any the followiing, where the tickets are. being issuedg whatare the busiest times, what.? times a re they issuad, do so u: all notice a ny writing. gaps? Does the City o??iNewi?Otleans maintainia database of all' Written tickets; ?if? not; who does where are the previous tickets, how. "are they maintained? a is therea. way to Search by street address fortickets issued? What would be. the process when. We and now with Dun?ca n. to Search feral}. tickets issued in 'a certain area/biock'lstreets -- Is their the. when ?we had Xerox and now with Dunc-an? 0 When the had i?C?ity'cell: phonesWere they -a hie" to track- or View their location? If notiwhy? o- l'sthe working with Duncan machines? l'fnoWha?t is the est'im'ated'itime; o- What is-the namea?nd number'for someone i zcouidi speak-With a?t?-Duncan? . What are the be nefits of the Dueca Xerox? :Are to have: or use. person?ai cell phones while on duty? - Howman?y breaks are they'authorized to- have and how iongare they? 0 Are the. PCO?s-gsugposed to radio in when they?are taking breaks a'nd'ptro'vide .a location? if so; who infermatiion: and where is it located? I Are- ailowedito take breaks: together? - What'a'ce'theduties and responsibilities-of the FCC) Supervisor?s? as Do the check the issued tickets for?quantity, freq?uency, and writing? gaps for the. day? a Are theirq?uo?tas for-how many tickets are-to be: issued aday? 2 -. Do the ride the-areas, Check up on the or; park and, walk with the-PC6531 [sether'e a prodess: for tracking:dlismISSed 'fIth??tS? - 0' When. a: ?t?i'ck?et is dismissed do you all notify the. keep track of theiqluanti'ty and reasoning of the dismissal, or haVe a report on dismissed tickets? Th sink-5'. again and -.I hope you are "feeling line-tie -'E?d'die EduafdloA. 'H?eirn?a?nde-z, Investigator Cit-y .of? NewOrleans Of?ce io'f'Tnspector General: 52.5- StiQ ?Charla Ave n?ue Orleans, 701-30 can"; (504)307-5052" Fax; (50416813230 This correspondence is part of an ongoing nvest'lgatiom examination, audit, inspection, or performance review and. is, :e-xem pt from the Records Act untillg?t'he investigation, ?examin?aticin, ?a?udi?t; inspection", or? performancegr?eView is complete. See La. no?tify?'this* office immediately should you receive a Public: Records Reques?f?WhiCh indludeS-t?is correspondence. Front: 'Ze?bporia Edmonds: I I Sent: sFr-ida'w September 04,; 20156158 To?: subject: cansemingiPCfO and ticlsets. Importance: High. - .- To: Made, .Jermigana 'S?bjectt 'co ncernl?mgj: FCC and tickets I mipoirta nee": - Came discuss thisemailandtheiattached spreadsheet? "553515139 hat Investigator-J24 area-ride:Phase-raised: about met-?er rentals; a m: not com?fortab le. responding roger meter- rentals. for'th?e Roosevelt. Hotel due-{to the peeking conditions in: this-area. As Ii have stated Ontnumerous'ooeas?ionS; the Roosevelt Hotel barricaded several meterspa ces for the hot-el?s?r?use Without: going through?: the normal rental '42 506655. From: Eddie" Hernandez: [ma'iltoz?eherna n'dez' nolao?f? Sent: Thursday, February 26}. .2015 2:34 PM To: 'Zeppo?r?iah Edmonds Cc: Mark D. Jernigan'; ?sherida? Mi. Emery Subject: RE: Questions .cOncerning? FCC and tickets Good Afternoon Mai-am, l-i appreciate-the response. as well as the documents. understand that and: everyone is rec0vering from working long hours after the busy Mardi? as season. lMillib? writingmy-reeort concerning the PCO'S'soon1a-nd3am going to need" those reports. that we. discussed. no later: than March 6,2015 iffhey? are {to be, incorporated in y- report. As far as the"meterrentalsr l;revie'wed all '29 templetedi meter application-s that .l?wa's sent and'disfooveredtsome discre pa n'cle's rlsee the: attached spreadsheet) such as meters being; rented? on the :52: me date, some Entities Were- overcharged, and some entities were; not'charged.enoughxtir underch-a riged.. I took into. consideration? that there.- is- no chargesf'or renta'f on Sundays or day-s that are- h'oli'd'ays (the only holiday during that period was Memorial Dayt.? Mayi?s, 2014). Please let me know howyou plan on handling this, such as refunds/cred its, invoices; training, and modern?iZa?c-ion. i will be writinga public letter concerning the: meter rental ne?xtweek.. 1 Thank you for -Eddi'ea. Eduard-o; A. Hernandez, CIGI Investigator City- of New .0 rie? ans: Qf?tie General 5125 ?St. Cha rl'e-s- Avenue: New?Orie-ans, Liar?17102130? 'C-eiizz (504)307-6052? iFax: (504)681-3230 This correspondence; is: part of an ongoing: m?inatioh, audit, inspectidnror gerfofigma nose-j ire-view and "is: exempt from the Pub-{id RecordsaAct :uhti'igthe- investigation, examination, audit, =per?brmiance review is complete. See; tag: 33:9514ahd?: La: Please- mtiijty this office immediately sh ouidf you receive a: Pub?lic :PRe?c-Qirds R'eiquest' whii?h; ii'ndud'es. this .corresp'o'hde rice. From: Zepporiah'EdmOnds [mailtotizedmonds? no?aa; 'o?vf Sentt; :Ftidayr February 13, 2015. Tot-.1" Eddie: "Hernandez; Cc: Mark D. Jern'iga?; Sherida? Emery; Zeppdriahi: Ed monds Subject:- Questions concerning and tickets Greetings Mr. Hernandez, Iha n?k- you for coming to ouro?f?ce to=meet and discuss severa'ii questions- that: you: had concerning ourTjit'keit? Writing staff. Beiow are my responses in bide. i have; 3130 attached: Bottom Line Stats. Report that istgeoetated .n??iohthiyf. A copy of the general responsibilities sot-?13 Parking-S'uipervisor as written?iin our'St'anda?rd' Operating Proceidure'syawhicm as we discussed ifnthe process of being updated. 'Piease also note that we-di'd not forgetiaiboutireports that we discussed; however, we are, swarhp'ed with; Mardi Grazs and: will start moving into City Hall immediately afterwards. Life. in Parking-should'siow down a bit in Mid-March. ?Hopefuliy, this information Will be helpful} Thanks. From: Eddie-Hernandez: _mailto:eher?n?andez= '.or 5: Sent: January 12, 23015 12:33 PM Toiezepporiah Edmonds Subject: Questionsco?ncerning FCC) and tickets Good; Afternoon Ma?am, Sorry we missed each. other last week,l hadisome questions for you (themajorit-y are repeats from what l'asked Ms. Emery) and I?m thinking this is the beSt-way to get them answered". at the best person for merto speak withaco?ncemifng the fieke?t?s' preabtu?neagnl? agreed-gm . merger-Mn. Pare di?ectlirf? I 1 Do. you produce any report-S" come minge issued? bujtr?th'e '2th it; August ?20}4? will" allowu's: the ability fad gen?-FateftheSE?iVQQS? of reports; I a. Do: youa'll produce any, grape-rife where the 'tidceis::arez being areetih'e easiest times,- What gliim as are ithejy issuea; do: you; all notice-zany writing" gaps? we can: as needed ?Fhe em; system i?hat :ussit?he?a?ilil: ea: gee-raise j: ?es; owe." re: Does; ithegcijty q?f New Orleans; maintain .d a'ta base. of; alliwritxen ?fi?li-ets, if not ad?o'esg Where-sane: 'TiC?ketS}: how a re: they'- m?a?in't?a'ln?ed ?u ri'current Manda-e 'Du?h?ca' Solutions 'mai'r'ltai?hs- Sixth database. Pfich rite August.32014,.thiszdatabggewee mail-intai'ned hy?f?Xefok. I there a: ?way- 1:10 search: Street- address for melee "issued? Duncan ,Selutio?ns- ne'qu Xerox?- .- he? What would he {he probe-ssiwhen we had ?XerO'xrandsnow?With Duncan; issued fine gemfin with: bed toameke'aireg Mane. ?es: with EU n'c'a?n?we can access repo?rifs rd?irec?-lv fro m7: svsiem.., Is: th'ei'l'w-GLPSE data- for thjegiPQQIfis: Wh?egnWe Wiffh?DuineanE'X'efdl?g GP?Sld'ata' has been: available wifhr' Dunc-an ?incea 293; I When the ?ied City Cell to? ltratik "dr' ?ew their location? 11"?th no! such technology was not? aVail?a ?thei?City?cell. ph?d?hes or JGRSifunc?on"working: Dunc-an machines? whatithexesfimatedftime ?FebruaW 2:015.- 9 what the name: and ?ymtaer-for someone: I acoul'di speak With at: D?u??ca'ti? Andersen Solutions5:414:63Df8g'65: - Wh?a?t? ?ere?ih e" bfeheii?fg'of?th'es'D'u'eca hand held 315ng Kama-"Amara :advaihe?e?di?echnele j- Are.? have. or use personal cell phones while duty?" have befe?n? ailio'iilied ?C?rryi'tih?eltff ergo?aii cell whileo'n :d?ut? since: F'e'br?'e 20135". . How ma??Y ?bri-i? Ea?ks 'are: they authorized to haVe :a;n"d ?hcw. long are they? Fi?een "minute! .Thil?t'v lmfhu-?ifej landhj break me the supposed to radio in "When, they are-making lib-malts and providezar loea't'ie' if ecu Whoege?eo?cd?e rthi'si- information and Where is. it; located? {Yes :the should not: their self erase-tearibreafk; Are: allowed. to Zia ke er? What" are the duties: and. res-p0 neibilitiesof?the- PCO S'upen'ili?sor?s?? Seegetf-a?ehed 0 Do: the PCQ supervisors cheek the issued ?fickets for and: the-day? -Yes,. they are i?nsti?uct?ad zand trained;th do so o? Are- their-quotas ?io?r'EhOW many tickets are-to, be. issued a :dav?'iz?g .0 Do the ride-the. area?s, fche'ck Up? '0 nithfe P5COr?sg?or the are i'n?sfcruo'te'd and trained'tordoiso I I :0 is there a tickets? Yes, we cuereqflv Administrative 7H e'a ring ?-Ce_n__ter .. Whengar ticketis dismissed do you all notify the keepiragko?f the quanfityza?nd feaSQLninjgj'o-? or have a reporth dismissed tickets? blipoqr've'ndfor willibeg?in review: and use ito meni?toriandi evaluate: 'S'tla'??s I Thanks-again- .and i hope you ale feelingbetter?, ~Eddie? Eduardo A. Hernandez, CalGl investigator City of New (Orleans Effiee General Charles Avenue New Orleans, LA 70130 Fax: (504)681-3230 This..cnrrespondence.igpant of an udit, irnsapecitiiqn, orgperfmmame review an?d??snexemptm?m the inspection, or perzformaBCe review. is complete. :S'ee La ?7 3.339514 ,3 "Ea; R. El ease notify this of?ce immediately should. you. receive a pubiic Records Request which correspondence. sent; mean September 04, 2011-5. 6:59 AM To: . subjecti' City Orleans. Parking Enforcement From: Anderson Home ma'ilt'ozamoore DuncanSblutions.com Sent; 17h,ursday,-Apriil 09,? .2015 6:09 PM To: zeppoma?h; Edmond; Subject:- .Fwd: City of New: Orleans: Parking" Enforcement. Anders-on C. Moore I. . Original message From: IEd?die Hernandez, ?ehemande?z?lno laoi gorg? Date:04/O 8/2015 31:49 PM . To: Anderson Moore :Sfubjzect; City of New Orleans Parking, Enforcement Gfo od Afternoon 'It Wasqggod speaking With you today,- below are: the .qUesti'ons that "l have in regards to our? conversation; we What process for _0 over how different. We uldi that. process be? Also/if I wanted a ?copy :oJf-?all tl'ckets written on: Certain iClty? blocks? on certain; days (from the moment. Duncan took over to that information be readily available? How does theGP-S-?workon the handheld devices? 0 Does it only record the coordinateswh?en a ticket or is it constantly refreshing: every few seconds or minutesa?nd creating a data log .o'f'the' coordinates? What'a-are the? various-ways that the data is export-table? I Does it produce an excel spreadsheet or does it plot the points on a map? 1 to: 5g??r?r?le 33"? '5 'f?a?r?ga?o n? 0" he my ?eque? were to be for all for a PCO. from the time that Dunca n; Solutions had taken 0. 'a supet?sor able :to qu? ry-a system and pull the-current: location :of' any handheld atfthat of request 0r pull the: data log of Coondfi'na'tee remotely lt creates-a data "is it. possible alerts that if a-?ha n?d-held hasarejmalinec?l atone location for- rover 1?5 ilt'wm notify the su tar something; of that nature? Haszanyone'fo'r'the. City ever asked'f'or'a report. to be, created art: 0 HOW nyti'dkets: an ihaswrit't'en add the speci?cs of each ticket such es: date! time? location; offense, etqw .o The:whereabofuts?ocatlon of a handheld i?orehy period of'ti?m?e? iOrifor .any- other renogt?s}? :o wa'n'ted?t'o Verify that the 'fee :pe?r?tic'ket paid ?15 $7.35? and that 'if?a ticket is ?elded You all do not?xe?vizeive :a my paymenitf?forthattl?ket?? Thank you "for your help, {dole-'2 E?diua r..de Hernandez, CFE, ClGl' ln?Ve-atlgatpr City of New Orleans Office offlin specter General 5'25-St. "Cha'nles Avenue New Orleans, LA 701-30 Cell; 1504502745052 Fax: (504)681-3230- Th?Is correspondence is? pa rt_ of a n; ongoing inVest'igatjion?, examination; audit, =ingsp'e'ction,. :or performance: z'revi'ew? a?n?d5 iS-exempt from RecordsACt. until or performance: 'r'eView is com pil?te; --Sie"e La'. 33359614- a?nd' 31.3. 8.5. Please notify this office immediatelwshould you ?rec'e'EVe'a' Public Records Request which includes-{lilocorresoond-ence; - Hue-N" 4" -. v: w" ?w?m Tut '5 w-u. . .. Hm?, I I 1. iipter?rzazb?r Dagny l" .. 13:0 0* P?E?r?tdfai at, 91h: Fina; . rte-ans, wag-? Sear .. iiatorwfhat has: the} beam fag-,3 [mum- at s?anigacds faced ridge ?fa: drda??d ?gs; #1ng .. I: I - that?cuuifdihayie 'fi're? her f?loWi?gdifrgci?ibins, glazing; ?to: for-What. was: tight; at'agaridlass 6% it?lji? ?iaezd; ?93550123 ?35 WW Ed? "at Mfdfa??zg pig-lici??s air-.113: Ema-ad's- is: iti??: behalf: of staff; zlwa?-?t: 'tqv?ipers'ona?j?f 'f?r her err aim-cal: ist?am?'a'r?d :Si'm newly; A (a Quatnevaux - .?t'nsp?e'ctdr Gamers} 761363049 . cm: MEWS . ?v?P?v?P . .r?wm Arman-..? i Sam 5?eptiembar= 0mm .1 {Z?p?oria? Edmonch ?lef??tk? - is?jF?-?e letterinaz am: SurpriSecI he gives it ??013? .didi?. ai?a?hd? realty :da app-rec?: 3gb?qu ?endic-?za?tmn? .a?n?d your Co??n?e-d mm AggQis?ant? Gig nq?jzga'il far- Izayesffgafihns: 31-3263 Mr Gag-Kai Pag?? 1 0F PUBLEC-WORKS. August. 250-135 Item 30003? 5'46359694 Zappor?iah A. Edmends, 3901 P503: Oak Avenue New 'Orlaans, LA 70] i .331 Re; Hearing Edmondsr By this le?er, the Department of Publ?ria Werks is hereby saving you. written mimics: ofa, prederminatien.hearing :to- adidreS?s the fallnwing" issu?s; the Jung 1-an of cooperating and msaponsiveneasgg intexfaregnce- V'a?ngations of :samal- Alt-an amass szupee 7, :aytgn?ig, magma ?SGlieduli?th fer August 315 at; in the. Depamnmt W0ka mm?! mm on the?6%? Flnor of'Ciiy Hall, to discuss-your with we Depamnem, More I speci?cally, on August-t '1 1., 2014,3101); receiwed at- raqu'iGSt E?uardo ,I?Eamanicfl?z, .mVeStigatms- Of?ce of Sexism}. infgra?o?? mgardiing any documents 2a? camputh that $116. had. received 115.5]? 10631 allegingth Eaver'al water?sit?ng business?s and lobbies. for extended. periods 0f whirls on one P320 agaimt-a lie-cal basins?ass when eOnfrOht?ECE their labby? far-an; extended p?fi?od'of ?ma T116016 sent'yeu 14;, in, September, 2014, and October, 210214,. and you-never- provided-any information or documentation to the OIG disclosing- ?hat the Parki?g- Division had received the Siting {retaliatian camplaintg respondied to it by issuing formal teprimand to the The: a31st :rega?ding the. numbex? 05f" cita?ans Ibraa?on; @925 63?. and; Cilfa??nfs: isaueid by pzaai?cular ante: mum t0? .asli? :?previws- WNW infoman or- provide this= to the?OfGasrrequest?d, On June 2015, -.af:ter I you thatrl had inri'tiaic-d -a??investigatio-11 into allegations; of sexual harassmant against Alton Jonestand urinalysis testing. irregulariti?s against: Takeisha??Feast, you 1399 STREET 6W03~j NEW Laws?me 20.112;- - PHONE 5031;658?8097? discusSed these al?l'ezgations and the Ongoing with the M0 supervisors name?d- i111 11% all-?zgatiens as well as the three current DPW employees named' as?pote?nt-ial witnessa'ls., India, Tom-y, Rachel Cock, and. M127 Themas carry, an employae 337? the Department Of Pmp?rty Management, who was: rel-at?d to the complainant, a former-.DVPW employee. onu dilid7?lh1'31 Withgm Pe'mifsslim or ?knew?lcd'gc and while: Sick Leave. A?er?- Speaking yell: 0113' Qf?the? :Pmen??l ahang-edi heir Q'rigi'nal statemsnt am?wr one gamed to Erwi?de comments; On May 132, 2015., your knowingly allowed Sherida Emery to assess email agcou?t cf Delisi? Cray-tonwifthom her 'kn?wlediga to look "for the; employee- attendance: report needed to Garaglet3; time-card apaprevals in ADP, even- though Ms, Emery already had the infomicnl She needed. fmm. other gratuities;auditim?card lawn completed Gal-May- ;1i erdina?ton assigned. her supervi'rsory' raspansibi??e?s? for; ftwa PCS, and; mic qm??t" bier Equesin to discuss hair. @O??mer?s' an yum beams lawmwof: Stat: she: "Sent to: mac- and. Linda Copeland. "in-con?dence on May 20515 her concerns? about. yam-- management; of?the Parking: Division. On; August 20.514, .Senicr Faking Control. Of?cer Glam: Mahogany was placed'on a; thirty day ema?glaneay suspensiien e-ffectiwe-. August 122,, 2051-4 this-ugh. 1,13, 2014, ?if-?01: unpmfesaslcmal :am?rdis??urteaus OnSeptanib-ear 83,- 2014, Emma-Sim 16%: was '5th tie extending hex suspensi?i?iy?ft?en additional days: until September and. dammit?ng her- to Eontrol Although. you W613i? pr?visded a of the letter he Mathany i?fogrmin?g her that her .su-Spensim). washeng 2014;, you called arid. informed 1131' to fetum to Work Cm Sepfember 20, 2014, one Weak prior- to tha dateth?at S1165 wasslto? rem-m withnut my approval, In fete?t,- by remail Q9;1rresp011d?11ce? yam-1 .aelmowlfadgeld. thatyou?linfmmed return. lioi Work prim-"to the; m?uzf?tha 20,15; during ifhe? ?p?eal hearing "Services C?mmis?en ?f?rr Orig-filial 330'" Girag; Fang; the: ?lial; redn?i?tim the sugpensii?n? m; 15; to without nay-approval. You then: asked that: Gleam Mah-gany b6 Departmerlt altar ?she had resigned. Your failure t0 cooperate with the 016" and non??spensiwencss "to the requests for. decmnenta?m and in?irma?m to support an ongqlang in-veSt-i-gation violafc? Ciiaptar Article Ssgtion27-14120 0f. Municipal Crude which States that it Shall bre- i?he: duly City employee to. cooperate.;with the any Your into an ongoing Department investigation, retaliation against employee based on email She" sent, dimc?ng an? employee to return- to work early ffom suspension without. the 3.30:0 QRLEANSQ [1011:12- approval of the Appoiming Autho?ty, arid agreeingio a, timing an employee- diseiplinary hearing-?are violations, 10-1? GAOPol-?icy Mcmorandmn '83 (R). pm?tegz?mma?en ihgaring; is being: scheduled in accordance ?Si?eri?ice Rule: :r'eads? 8333631457 Gas-e 6f a.1tegulare?1plgj?a?, ?uthm?ity shall canduxct apre~terminatiion as regulate-id; law ?mPlOYee Of ma racemmendedpridrto the act-ion. ngu ham; ?1.16 nigh-t IQ have a personal. rapsresentaitive resent af the hearing with. yam The representatiw. may advise you and may-m: hearing rapmsema?w'miless Speai?ea?lly to; ?210: 50: I my; have any do amnems?'yeuzwish A??mxiity in 55203133634315, please; bring {aw-ms: Yin-away ail-$0 can Mmems to testify on }?Qur behae?i howwsr, it; is; your reaponsibizlity ?10 their app?aramce at? the proper time-.. If: you do n?m Show up-rfur'the: Ere?Termination Hearing an August; 371, 1'5, :the?hca'ring will proce?'d. without yen. Mar-k 1:1. JEernizagan, Lire (Rat)- Director Liaw Department - Semis-e. Persen??f?iile STREET 17.01.12 DEPARTMENT August 20, 201.5- Zg?pga?azh: E'dman?ds- Smith: Past-'Q'aK-Ave, Pa?tpone Pre??rmi?na?yoyn Hiya-ring; 7 Dear?Zeppori-?ah, mun-request "fora Canti?UahCEvof year scheduledHre?grmina??nn Augustif'z?l??l?, has been 20:15 at 3:30 The hearingwill be h?ii'd inat'he on the flaw nfCiw-?Haii, my ?re-?ataxiaiinafion hearing is ..baii::ygg sclwad?led with. Civii Sg?i?atii??: read shas 'fb'E?loiw 1.2.1 In ?very case afterm'i'nation qf employmentgof?a reggiar employee, this? appointing enduct a hearing as required byrla-w aeli notify the emfpl?yee ofvthe dE-i?sciiplriin airy action being mended prior mt'a Ring the aetim. Via-u. haves the. right- to: have a persona! pr?sent at the hearing. Wu; The {ef?resi?hitait-?Ne adviw 'Vo-u camca?d =nt31r'a??e?riesgsithe hes-?ag ?eipresg?faifiw Eris-skied: m?oiwsour if you. haw-Why documents: Wu wish the Auithar-iw?to bring ca piers Iaihe hiearirir-rg. 'You'rmiavi'a?lso?lda? .wif??SSe-SE tiQ?tESltify- ?awever, "it :resma?sjibility tin-noti?v-thjese witness-es and ensure their app-ea-rambe arstihe proper- tima; [Meta data net up its? the.Prenrei?r?inatidn Hearing 2015, the hearing will proceed ?wft heat yea. Singereiy, Marika Jemisglajn, 9.5., PM P, (Rat) Director cc: Law Department smite Persanneil LF?iilze 13.0.0 3 1? 7:11:12. 504658218607 r? - A (any,