WHAT IS Ever since_the first immigration bill was written in 1912, 9 all immigration legislation has made provisions for the temporary admission of aliens to fill those jobs that can not be filled by U.S. workers. In the Immigration Act of 1952, Section 101 (A) (15) (H) (ii. authorizes this plan, hence the abbreviated name . . .1RAQQI3322 meetings around southern Idaho we-met several farm employers who had tried to go this route in previous years. Cooperation by the 0.8. - Department of Labor (USDL) was zilch and with this attitude, no USDL DOES NOT MAKE IT EASY The employer must advertise for the needed domestic workers and also make application to the Employment Service. This service will make nterstate inquiries if they do not have local workers. The services will search for 60 days and if no workers apply, then they will certify the employer to hire aliens. JOB DESCRIPTION IS IMPORTANT The USDL has numerous descriptions which - accurately define the work the employee must do as well as the physical requirements needed to acoOmplish the work. One.must search their files for any job description they have that covers 5 the work to be done. If none is available, then the employer must describe the Job. It is best that he covers a number of possibilities. For instance, the USDL definitions will not let peach pickers pick apples unless the job descriptions covers the picking or both kinds of fruit-~or other fruits. IRRIGATORS OR PIPE uovsns?13 a great'job description because no one wants tn . move pipe. In years gone by we haVe talked with migrant workers in the Chicano community. They felt that thinning beets was their special work and they did not want illegals thinning "their" beets. And.they also felt that oving pipe was for illegals as they wanted no part or that work. RANCH HANDS This is a poor description to ask fer. One might get some adventuresome young ladies from Cincinnati seeking the thrill of working on a western ranch. With numerous applications from.such v.3. workers, the employer would never get around to recruiting aliens. The same designation would apply to general farm hand. POTATO IRRIGATORS Now this is a term with great possibilities! In talking with Dr. Holt, we felt that he could do great things with this description. he would start out by going heavy on the pipe moving description that would discourage v.5. workers. But it would also inelude Slicing and planting.seed as well as the harvest. ?This would cover the whole season when additional labor is needed. . The INS would like very much to see farm employers with a legal'WOrk~forcc of SINGLE men.. If the'workers bring their families, this is a strong indicatiOn that be will not relish the idea of returning to Mexico or elsewhere at the end of the harvest season. WHO RECRUITS THE That is the employer's responsibility. The . 0.8. and Mexican governments play no part in this part or the program. However, a great many U.S. farm employers have had contacts with workers who they would like to have return to their farms, The 1986 workers should be-recruited in 1985. If you have good workers and are contemplating this program, get all of the information possible about such people. Their home address would be essential. Next, an educational program about the benefits of u?z, how it works and the proper steps for getting documented as a BORDER STATION. If the worker comes north ahead of the scheduled time, if pays a Coyote for this service, he has lost his money. They will have to be returned to the border for proper processing. Then they will cross the border legally: CAN THE ASSOCIATION Yes. The Western Range people recruit sheep . herders. The Association would have to a few extra bucks for this service. Your own workers who are familiar with your operation should be the top choice. It is contemplated that the new Association will develop educational materials written in the workers natin language that will explain how he is to apply for work and enter the 0.8. when he becomes a legal worker. THE QUESTIONNAIRE If you are intereSted, please send this information to the address indicated. It will be helpful to the new organization in getting together its job descriptions, worker requests and the term of entry for such workers. FOOD PRODUCER MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS Get this word out to your own members! There has been a wide response to this program. Is it needed in North Idaho? (952/2902- 4 w-e- PRELIMIHARY APPLICATION AND DRTA SHEET SNAKE RIVER INC. Pleesa send application and initial'membership fee ($250 per'employer) to: mama's ASSOCIATION. INC. c/o George.3, Grant Rte. 3, Box 317 Rupert; ID 83350 Rug: 013334910223 ADDRESS . Principal centaot person (if different from above): (home) A. i 1.. 'Enterprioes~(pleasn check all that apply): CATTLE RRISIRG FEED GRAINS. SUGAR BEETS CATTLE FEEDING WHEAT POTATOES SHEEP PASTURB DRY BEANS DAIRY FRUIT(speci?y) (specify) 2v (please check all that apply) ?memos - commemon - ornsawescribei' 7 ;519uou_'rnegs It; i . soup 3. Number of irrigators employed: 4. Approximately what percentage of your irrigator's time is spent on: RAND MOVED PIPE WHEEL LINES 5. Approximate starting and ending dates of irrigation season: START END 6. Do you provide housing for your irrigotors? YES NO Capacity of SINGLE WORKER HOUSIRG (Number of workers) Capacity of housing for NORKERS WITH FAMILIES (Number of workers) 7. How do you presently pay your irrigators? (check primary method) PIECE RATEtpor pipe or line) HOURLY RATE 8. Do you currently carry workers' compensation insurance on your farm workers? ms no 9. Do you currently pay unemployment insurance taxes on your farm workers? YES NO 10. nave you ever filed an application for n?z certification? . YES NO 11. During the past two (2) years. havn you filed a job order for irrigators with the Idaho Job Service? 3 5-191: