CASH BOND HECOMMEPETDED ?90.05? - ADITION DD I. Peat [agate-ea eaeH aweeNE?r MU . a a: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFDRNIA euea?iegek Enema COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE (Riverside) 2 :3 THE OF THE STATE e1: nae nee-13 5' Painting CASE NO. RH: FELDNY eeMPLm EVERARDD AMADOR Dee: eenenem DRUG AKA: AMADOR SR- 1 RC. 10110 DIVERSION PC 12ml BENJAMIN AGUILAR CABRERA Eligible YES . DOE: 09126f1951 Net Eligible HO Unknewn if Eligible Defendanta. COUNT The enderaigned under penalty efpajtuy epee ntfta?tnatien and belief; deeleree: the aheae Heated defendanta? eemtnitted ayieltaien ef Health and Safety Cede eectien ?370:6? euhdiyieien a feleuya, in that en er abent Fehmzay 3, 211114,, in the Ceunty ef Riverside, Stae ef Califernia, they did wilfully and meney and negetiable ingredients in excess nf ene hundred theueand dellm'a which had been ebtained as a result efthe unlawful sale, fer aale,t1anapettmien, and manufacture efa MJ emtrellee anbettmee with knewledge that the meney and negtaiable inatnun ente had been an damned nuu um 1eulfully and unlawfully meney and negatiahle inetrnn} ente in excess ef ene huntied theueand dellare which were intended by mid defendants fer the unlawful purchaee ef a centralled eubstanee and eeid defen dents eemmitted an act in enbatantial ferth eranee ef the unlawful purchase. LAW Infennatien eentejeed in the being diatributed in thia may infennatien preteeted by Marsy?a Law and the mnendmenta tn the Califernia Genetitutien Section 23. Any 1trietint in any abeye referenced eharge(a) is entitled he be free frem intimidatien, haraeam eat, and abuse. _It is unlawful I?m defendan?a), defenee eennael, and any ether preteen acting en behalf ef the defendant(e) te nae any infennatien centained in the reports te locate er harm any vietilnlfe) er the victimteh fanin er te any infenn atien the is etherwim privileged and ceu?dential by law. Additienally, it he a. miedetn eaner aielatien ef Califemia Penal Cede te diaeleae the addreea and telephene number ef a victim er witneae he a defendant, defendant?s fan ily member er aeyene elae. "Nate exeeptiena in Caltfemia Penal Cede 1054.2a(a) and (2), I decla?e under penalty (It'peljury npen infennatien and belief under the lame ef' the State ef Califernia that the feregeing is true and eeneet. Dated: Angnat 21: 2014 I?big Cemplainmt COURT ORIGINAL