SOL 1LRN VALLEY up? wk I W, t/ie owners and managers, of Sout?ern Wade)? fruit 6% (Vegeta?e, Inc, ?amdton growers, Inc, and ot/ier a?diated companies do ?ere6y institute t?is decree to pu5[ic[y announce that t?e God of Heaven and eart/i ?as, is, and wi[[ furt/iermore 6e Lordqf tfiese Companies. just as the protective 6[ood was placed over the doorpost in t/ie time ofMoses, we pface t?is decree in order to stand against evd forces. We commit to feeding t?e nations and providing a source of income for t/iose w?o [a60r ?ere, as servants of our Lord for His g[or_y. T?is is a Binding contract 6inding t?e future of t?e 6usiness to 6e protected God ?imsle I i 2L 3 l/ 7c (chat/1, 7) lum- hgil. 3014 Wanda Ry. Hamilton-Tyler _c <7 ?Emmai?az?fat Austin T. Hamilton Courtney L. Hamilton and am convinced that not/1mg can ewrsepamte usfrom god fore. ;\ez?tlter death nor Heft/in angels "anti-"mus, "pit/jg, today nor our worries about tomorrou ?not eten t/ie pou'ers o/Vicffcan separate us from low Romans X: