5tv* INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUAEAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15110:49 am Case# 2075-4545 1 2 a J 4 5 6 7 INTERVIE\il \ilITH JOSHUA EAGLE 8 Q=Det. Dan Smith Ql=Det. Jim Murphy Q2=Mike Staropoli A:Joshua Eagle 9 10 11 12 13 t4 Q2 Are you recording? a Yes. Okay, uh, this is Detective Smith with the Clackamas County Sheriffls Office. This is, uh, Clackamas County Sheriffls Office case #15-4545. Um, all parties have in this room have been advised that this is being audio'We're in recorded. Um, today is February 18,2015. It's about 1049 hours. 'We're in a private conference room. Uh, persons the CCSO Brooks Building. present in this room are, uh, Clackamas County Sheriff s Office Deputy Josh Eagle, um, Attorney Mike Staropoli, uh, Detective Jim Murphy with Canby 15 T6 I7 18 t9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 aa JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4t 42 43 Police Department, and myself, Detective Dan Smith, Clackamas County Sheriffls Office. Uh, this is an interview, uh, regarding an offtcer-involved shooting. Uh, Deputy Eagle was one of the, um, deputies who shot during the shooting. Um, and this is the scheduled time for'the interview. Uh, this is a completely voluntary interview. lJm, I'm not going to give you Miranda Rights. IJm, or any kind of Garrity instructions or anything like that. Um, any time that you want to end the interview you're free to do so and ieave. Um, and you can ans\ /er questions that you want to answer and not answer questions that you don't want to answer. Um, in this room I wanted to do a 'We, uh, have six kind of visual aids description of what is set up in this room. that I printed out. Um, there's four photos over on this board. Right here. These are photos taken, um, at the scene. And then there are two aerial maps over here. One's kind of a Iarge, um, blowup of the, uh, general'Wall Street Colton area. Uh, the other one is a, uh, a zoomed down version of the property where the incident occurred. Um, there are also - I printed out a copy of the CAD, uh, for this case, um, computer assistant dispatching printout for this incident and then I printed out a copy of your unit history for the day. And those are for your reference if you want to look at them. Um, they're there on the table. Uh, I wanted to start off by getting some just basic background investi- or backgrowrd information, uh, before we started getting into the actual incident. Uh, so if that's okay with you... 44 1 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 ant Case # 2015-4545 ( 45 A: Sure. 46 4t Q: 48 49 50 s1 52 53 A: Sure. Um, my name is Joshua Eagle and I'm assigned to the Patrol Division ofthe Sheriffs Office. 54 55 s6 Um, that's kind of how - that's what I was planning on doing. IJm, so even though we all- I worked with you before, I know you, um, even though, uh, we all kind of kno\Ã/ everybody is, I'd like to just get it as part of the interview. So if you could just say who you are, um, and what division you work in? Q: Okay. Um, the purpose of this interview is getting a complete and accurate accounting of the events. Um, it's coÍtmon that people will not remember things or remember things out of order. So if something like that happens, um, don't be frustrated by that, that's perfectly normal when you're remembering, um, an incident. A: Sure. 57 58 s9 60 6t 62 63 64 Q: 65 66 67 68 69 70 lJm, you're in control of the interview. And you were there, we wersn't. And our job is to collect as much information as we can about the interview. So, um, \ile're going to be asking you, especially in the beginning part of the interview to do most of the talking. Um, we'll try not to interrupt you and we'll try to just, um, listen to atarative of how things went and then we'll come back and ask specific questions, um, follow-up questions. If something - if we're looking for further information on a particular point. 7T 72 A: Sure 73 74 Q: 75 76 Um, can you talk about - for background - caî you talk about, um, some of your education and prior work experience, um, starting with, um, education? So high school, college, um... 77 78 A: Sure. Um, I attended Hillsboro High School in Washington County. I graduated from there. Uh, spent some time at the University of Oregon for a while, eventually transferred to Lane Community College and got an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice. Q: Um, any military experience at all? A: No. Q: Okay. Um, any other employment that's, um, relevant to law enforcement? 79 80 81 82 83 84 8s 86 81 88 2 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Intervi ewer DrcL : - r", ffi , Ìfl# Case# 2075-4545 Um, I volunteered as an Intern as part of my, uh, Lane Community College experience, uh, with the Springfield Police Department. That mostly involved fiting paperwork and nothing reaI y, uh, nothing really applicable to this actualjob. 89 90 9I 92 93 94 9s 96 97 98 99 100 Q: Okay. IJm, any other law enforcement experience besides, um, here? A: No. Oh yes, uh, with the Honolulu Police Department. Q: Okay, how long there? A: Uh, almost five years. Q: Okay. Um, when A: April30th of 2008 Q: For your training - and we don't have a copy of your training file here right now, so it'll be just what you can remember - um, do you have any specialized experience or training in DV investigations? A: You mean beyond the, you know, sort of basic stuffthat we get here in the offrce? Any specialized? 101 102 \Mas your hire date with the Sheriffls Offrce? 103 r04 105 106 707 108 109 110 111 tt2 113 Q: Right. :,, 114 115 116 117 118 A: Um, I went to the Child Abuse Summit. Q: Okay. 119 120 A: Uh, last year. Um, I don't recall any other specific domestic violence training. 12r Q: Okay. Um, what about, um, crisis intervention training? 123 124 A: Yes, I did the, uh, one week course. t25 Q: Okay. Any, um, have you ever attended Street Survival or any kind of specialized use of force training? A: No. 130 Q: Okay. Um, Active Shooter? þ1 132 A: No. 122 126 127 t28 129 a J INTERVIEW \VITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/70:49 am Case# 2015-4545 133 134 Q: And any kind of high risk, um, entry or anything like that? 135 t36 A: No. I mean other than the sort of general training you get.. 137 138 Q: Mm-hm. t39 t40 A: . ..in Academy is I believe you're asking for if I've attended specialized - in those fields and the answer is no. courses in that 141 r42 143 Q: Okay. That - that's what I was asking. 145 A: Okay Q: Um, okay, uh, any other training that - or experience that you think is, um, relevant to - to mention that I didn't ask about? A: Um, I went through Taser training. Q: Okay. Can you describe, um, we'lltalk about the weapons that you caffy on duty, um, can you describe your primary, uh, pistol? A: Sure, it's a Sig .40 caliber semi-automatrc. Q: Is that theP229? t44 146 r47 148 149 150 151 , T52 53 154 155 r56 ts7 158 159 A: Yes. 160 161 Q: Me too. Uh, what kind of holster do you have? A: It's - as far r6s Q: Okay. t67 A: ...is the way to describe it. Um, also it's got a, uh, break over the top and then I think you're supposed to rock it back and forth, pull out. Q: Okay. And, um, magazines? How many t62 163 r64 r66 168 as, um, it - it's a level two holster I guess... t69 fiO 11r more? - do you ca:ry three magazines or 112 lt3 A: Uh, less, three total. So one in the - in the pistol and then two on the belt. 174 .7sQ: fl6 Okay. Uh, capacity of those? 4 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 arn Case# 2015-4545 17l A Uh, twelve in the magazirre. a Okay. Do you have A Um, I do not have an 4R15. Um, it - that I'm certified to carry, um, with me on duty. I do own one personally, uh, at home but I don't carry that with me and wasn't that day. Um, I have an issued shotgun from the Department. Q: Okay. Was that in your car atthe time? A: Yes. Q: Okay. Do you have aback-up or did you carry A: No. No and no. Q: Um, did you have a Taser that day? A: Yes. Q: IJm, was that canied 178 fi9 a, uh, ARl5 or any other kind of patrol rifle - rifle? 180 181 r82 183 184 185 186 r87 188 189 a back-up that day? 190 r9t t92 r93 t94 195 t96 i97 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 A: - where was that cartied? 'Well, um, it- atthe beginning it was in my trunk. And then later rt, uh, was attached to my belt on my left side. Q: Okay. Okay. Um, any other, um, besides - well did you have an impact weapon with you? A: It was in my patrol car. Q: Okay. Um, any other weapons with you at the time of the incident? A: Um, I had issued pepper spray on my belt. 2tr Q: Okay. Anything else? 2t2 2t3 A: No. 214 215 Q: Okay. Have you had any other involvement in any other, um, what you would consider a critical incident like another offrcer-involved shooting? Um, either as a witness oÍ as actually the, um, involved officer? A IJm, a - beyond sort of perimeter security or sort of, you know, that sort role, no. 2t0 2t6 2t7 2t8 ,,,19 220 5 of INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 221 222 Q: 223 about? 224 225 226 Okay. Okay, uh, anything else from your background that you think is relevant to, um, the incident or what we're going - to what we're going to talk A: Nothing that I can think of for right now 227 228 Q: 229 230 23t 232 ¿)) ^aa Okay. So I'd like to kind of transition into, um, the incident. I'd like to start off if you can, um, prior to that- prior to the incident at the beginning of your day. So, um, it would be night. It was, uh, the day that we're talking about is February 15. It was a Sunday morning. lJm, can you talk about, uh, starting from there, um, and prior to your arrival at work, um, kind of run us through run us through your day? 234 235 A: Sure. Um,I woke up. Um,I have an almost 2-year-oId son and, uh, and he was fussing in the moming and, uh, woke me up. My wife was up before me. 'We had, uh, we had And, uh,I woke up somewhere around 7:30-8:00. scrambled eggs. And, uh, got myself ready for work. IJm, usually leave for work at around 10:00, uh, so we were eating breakfast and just kind of generally hanging out with my, uh, with my wife and - and child. Don't remember specifically anything, but probably involved chasing my child around and him chasing me around. The various little games that we play. Um, but yeah, I generally, uh, put on my uniform and, uh, and get in the patrol car andtry and leave home by - by 10:00. I work third shift so my shift starts at 11:00. And it's generally, uh, about a 40 minute drive into work. So I - I got in my patrol car and booted up the computer. Uh, started the various insundry programs that I have to, uh, have to have fired up on the computer and, úh, and drove into the Brooks Building. IJm, once here I - I parked, uh, on the - kind of turned around now, but the Patrol side. Q: Mm-hm. A: Uh, and where the stairs are a little bit shorter and walked up to the, uh, third floor. Um, I dropped offmy charger - my battery for my ticket writer. Uh, dropped it off in the charger in hopes that it would charge during roll call. And then I walked into the Sergeant's, um, the Sergeant's areato speak to Krummenacker. He is my squad Sergeant and I had a couple of questions for him. V/hile talking with, uh, Sergeant Krummenacker, he asked me, uh, if I if I - if I wanted to go - he was basically telling me, "Hey, uh, why don't you go to that call in Colton." And I said, "Sure, what's - what's it about?" And, uh, he said something about, uh, "Sounds like somebody stabbed somebody and, uh, and there - and somebody has a gun." Uh, so I finished up with him and went downstairs, got in the patrol car. lJm, drove out the parking lot and tumed on the lights and sirens and, uh, began driving towards Colton. 236 z)t 238 239 240 )47 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 2s7 252 253 254 255 256 257 2s8 259 260 261 262 "63 264 6 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 ant Case # 2015-4545 26s 266 267 268 269 270 Q: Um, had you ever been to that location before? A: Not that I recall. Q: Okay. Did anything, um, anything significant happen on your drive from the Brooks Building to, uh, where - where were you going in Colton? A: Uh, I - I did hear that, uh, people were sort of assembling at the, uh, Colton Market there. And, um, I did have an opportunity, uh, avery briefly, uh, to glance at sort of the top of the CAD. I-Im, because I had such a - it - it sounded like people were already sort of coming in late to this thing. Sounded like people were already kind of getting down there, um, and I had quite a ways to drive from here to Colton. So I really didn't have a- the luxury of time sort of pour through the entire CAD and - and the very slow updates that had occurred. Um, so I was able to look at the top of this CAD, this first line here. Um, uh, where it says, "Informants saying there is a male at the location. Just stabbed somebody and he has a gun." And then the caller hung up. And I do also remember, uh, seeing a note in here about - I think the Dispatcher typed something along the lines of "HX of suicide by cop," or something substantially similar to that somewhere in this CAD. Uh, that's all I really had an opporlunity to glance at, uh, while driving down there. Um, I was negotiating a- a medium level of traffic, uh, to head down there. IJm, so I was driving toward the, uh, Colton Market where the assembly point was. a Okay. Um, when you got there who was there? A 300 Well, uh, I - I was, uh, literally pulling into, uh, the Colton Market and kind of see that it sits, uh, it sits on a comer of Wall Street and Highway 2lI. And it has two entrances and exits. One's on Highway 2Il and one is one V/all Street. And, uh, and I was literally making my left turn from 211 into the Colton Market when everybody had decided that they were going to move up. And in fact, there's a radio transmission, uh, something to the effect ot "Okay, we're - we're moving up." IJh, that's occurring literally as I'm pulling in. So I pull in and everybody else is pulling out the other entrance or exit. And, uh, I just sort of follow them and we moved northward on Wall 301 Street. 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 28r 282 283 284 ¿85 286 281 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 29s 296 297 298 299 302 303 304 30s 306 a Okay. IJm, so I'm guessing at some point you guys stopped? A Yes, we moved, uh, part \May up Wall Street and, uh, pe- the people in front of me began pulling oveÍ, uh, stopping the cars. And I, uh, parked my car in a driveway on the east side. "07 308 7 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSTfuA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-75110:.49 am Case# 2015-4545 309 a Okay. 310 311 312 Uh, what happened next? a 313 A 374 315 316 3t7 318 3t9 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 33r 33¿ aaa JJJ lì 334 335 336 337 Uh, we - we got out. And there's, uh, a group of us there. Juker is on scene. Uh, there's sort of a- a brief, uh, plan. We start walking northwards on Wall Street and, uh, Jeff Juker mentions, "H"y, does anybody have a Taser?" And, uh, I said, "Wellhey, I do." But it was atmy trunk. I didn't have it on me at the time. So I, uh, I - I stopped and turned around and ran back to my car and then ran back to sort of the group of, uh, of officers. They hadn't gotten tenibly far, maybe 50 feet or something like that. Uh, so that's why my Taser 'We move, uh, we was both in my car and on me earlier when you asked. passing uninvolved Um, several northwards on Wall Street. move - moved residences on either side at, uh, as - as we get close toward - as we'Íe getting closer toward the, uh, the property thatwe're headed towards, um, Jeff, uh, breaks us up into two groups. There's a group that, uh, involving Frazier, Robinson and Helbling. And he sends them sort of eastwards, uh, around this property. Uh, so this - this house, uh, as you can see on the map, that - the house sits at the end of Wall Street. And there's a, uh, fence that runs on the, uh, in an east/west direction on the south side of the house. And, uh, there's some brush and trees that arc on the south side of that fence. And, um, and so that group of three offrcer and deputies, uh, began making their way, uh, trying to use cover, um, eastwaxds. And eventually I lose sight of them. There's a couple of trees and eventually I lose sight of them. But my understanding is they - they worked their way over to towards that, uh" east excuse me, I think I'm saying east and I'think I meant west. They're working their way, uh, west along thal- that fence line. And eventually I lose sight of them behind the trees. And - and it's my understanding that they eventualiy, uh, got to some - some position where they could see the west side of the house. 338 339 340 Q: Okay 341 342 343 344 34s 346 347 348 349 350 j51 352 A: While that, uh, while those guys are working that direction, uh, Scott McBride, Nikolai, Jeff Juker, and I, um, began working our way into the woods. Uh, which would be on the east side of Wall Street/driveway to the house. It's - it was never really terribly clear to me at what point the Wall Street becomes the driveway. Uh, but we - we begin working our way into the woods there. And that woods consists of, uh, sort of a mixed - mixed assortment of trees. You've got, uh, mature trees. You've got, um, scrub and brush. Um, and sort of a - a mixture of and a diversity of heights of foliage there. We, uh, we work our way, uh, we work - we went into the woods there because, um, this - this person who was reported to have stabbed somebody, uh, was - \Mas supposed to have a gun. And so we didn't - we wanted to use 8 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-75/70:49 am Case# 2015-4545 -ttilize cover as much as possible. IJm, to avoid exposing ourselves to potential gunfire. Uh, we worked our way, uh, sort of northwards in the - in the trees. lJm, we got to a point where we could see the east side of the house. We ventured forward enough or nodhwards enough to whpre we could see the east side of the house. And there \ryas ar. attempt by, uh, by Jeff Juker - I guess that I should back up. Jeff had a long gun, and Mark Nikolai had a long gun, and then Scott and I just have our, uh, sidearms and, um, they're - Juker, uh, had attempted to work his way a little bit further north from where we had stopped in attempt to sort of swing around to the north side of the house, um, through the trees. And it became apparent that that was not going to be a viable option for them. Because there was some sort of cliff or drop-off and that's, uh, and that's something that Jeff - Jeff mentioned. I didn't actually walk over there to look at the cliffor anything like that. I maintained my position but Jeff kind of worked north and then had to come back. Um, there is some flat ground that is not at the cliff, but there is, uh, there was no cover, sort of an open area. And so they would have had anybody traversing that direction would - would have been doing so in the open. So, uh, Jeff, Mark, Scott, and I all end up, um, basically around a - around a tree in this, uh, sort of scrubby woods. Mark, uh, had brought some binoculars with him. And, uh, there were two cars parked, um, looking at that photo you've - you've got there, there were two cars parked in the top left corner. IJm, oh, I didn't see that photo. Yeah, you can see that there is a car a couple of cars parked here and you're looking at the aerial it would be sort of the top left hand corner of that Google map, uh, aerialphotograph. And, uh, and it looks like there's there's three cars in the photo there. Um, and Mark was using his binoculars r'' to try and read the licerise plates. And I believe he makes a couple of radio transmissions about the plates. 353 3s4 355 356 3s7 358 3s9 360 36t 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 a Mm-hm. 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 j95 396 A Trying to, you know, find out the registration and who - who was there and what not. Um, Mark had also written the phone number on - on one of his hands for, uh, and I didn't read the phone number but I had made the assumption that it was - it was this phone number here that the call had come in. Uh, we don't see anybody at- atthat point. I - I guess I should, uh, and this is slightly out of order and I apologize, uh, while we were - if we rewind to the point where we were walking up Wall Street, uh, and this is before we before we split off into the two groups. I do remember hearing a female voice. Uh, couldn't tell what the words were. It was more of a shout or yell, or - or something like that. Uh, couldn't tell where it - where it was coming from. Might have been that house. Might have been one of the other houses. 'Cause there, uh, there was several more south of there. lJm, couldn't tell what - I mean it was just sort of in the distance. So it's going back forward to where we left off. Um... 9 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer DreL : _ i, iå äïH Case# 2015-4545 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 Q: And you couldn't make out what they were saying or anything like that? A: No it was just a brief uh, very brief one, uh, you know squawk or yell, or you know, however, whatever it was. Um, and - and I - I couldn't tell where where it was coming from. Q: Okay A: Uh, I remember later asking somebody else, "Hey, did you hear that womafl's voice when we're walking up?" and they said no they hadn't heard that. So, uh, so we're atthe, uh, we'te at the tree and - and we're able to see the, uh, east side of the house. Uh, there's been an altemptto work - to work a couple guys around to the north, uh, that ultimately failed and we sort of regrouped. Uh, Nikolai's got, uh, what I assume is this phone number here written on his hand. And, um, I - I can't remember if it's Nikolai or Jeff Juker that, uh, calls that number. lJm, we didn't want to approach the house because this person was supposed to have a firearm and that would have exposed us to gunfire. It's kind of - there's quite a bit of open distance around the house itself. So I think the plan was to call in there and - and try and bring people out of the house if possible. But there rvas no - there \ryas no successful phone call. Uh, I didn't make the phone call. Uh, so I don't know if it went straight to voicemail or - or it didn't ring, I don't know what happened. But it was a no successful contact with, uh, people in there. Um, at - at around that point there's a plan - I believe Nall has arrived on scene at some point. And I don't know really when he arrived, but, uh, Jeff is making a - makirig a plan with Sergeant Nall to, uh, bring one of the patrol cars up a little bit closer, uh, northwards so it could - I mean you saw where the cars were at. I mean they're parked quite a distance away. We're going to bring one of the patrol cars, uh, further north and then we're going to try and loud hail in the instructions into the, uh, into the house. Uh, so around that time when that plan is being, uh, formulated,urn,I hear somebody's vo- one of - I don't know if it was Helbling orFrazier or Robinson. I don'tknow who, but I heard somebody, urn, on the, uh, I don't know with that other group of people on the west side of the house. Um, I heard some shouting, uh, over there, um, and some commands. Um, I remember somebody saying, uh, that it was the Sheriff s Offrce and that the house was slltrounded. And then shortly thereafter there's, uh, there's some commands about, uh, dropping the hatchet. It sounded like they made - they - they put eyes on somebody. Keep in mind, I can't see any of this. This is just kind of what we're hearing. Um, it - it sounded like they, uh, seen somebody with a male, uh, some sort of axe or hatchet. And, uh, and they're saying commands to drop the hatchet. Uh, and then there's a brief - I believe it's a radio transmission about a woman in purple. And, uh, then those - the guys on that side of the house kind of fall 405 406 407 408 409 4r0 4II 412 4r3 414 415 4t6 +n 418 4t9 420 42r 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 139 440 10 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-78-15110:49 ant Case # 2075-4545 silent. Sounded like he walked around the house and, uh, and I haven't seen anything yet. Um, short- very shortly after that this guy, uh, this male appears, um, on what would be the north side of the house. And, uh, but I didn't - I didn't see him until he was sofi of on the north side of the house and in the driveway. So I don't know if he came out of the house or came around the house, or it wasn't - wasn't clear to me by the time I looked over and picked him up, um, visually he was - he was, uh, in the driveway. Uh, he had a, uh, like a hatchet, uh, that was in one hand. And he had, uh, he had another metal looking bladed, uh, device that, you know, I - I never it - you know, fast-forward to the end of the scene, I never actually got a good look - ended up, you know, looking and determining exactly what this other thing was in his hand. But I remember thinking in my head, at the time that - and it reminded me of, uh, one of those, um, machetes that they used to trim Christmas trees. You know, they're metal and they're thin. 44r 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 4s0 4sl 452 453 4s4 455 4s6 457 458 459 460 161 462 463 464 46s 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 417 478 419 480 481 482 83 484 a Mm-hm. A: And sharp in the, you know, those guy's going to do the trimming. I mean we've probably all seen them living in Oregon. Uh, but I remember thinking that that's - that's what it looked like. Uh. He's, uh, he's - he's got, uh, the machete in his right hand - oÍ excuse me, the, uh, axe in his right hand and this other - other device, uh, bladed, uh, device in his, uh, other hand. And, uh, it looks like he's got a pretty good grip on them. It was - thinking back over this and I know just how - you know, and I've - I've held hatchet before in my - in my pa.gt, uh, and uh, you know, it's got a heavy head. And if you were to sort of hold these things sort of loosely they sort of face towards the ground, the droop toward the ground. Uh, and the same thing with, uh, you know, something with a long blade, right? If you loosely hold them they kind of droop toward the ground. But as he was striding up the driveway, they they weren't kind of drooped toward the ground. They were held kind of 90 degrees from his - from his, uh, forearms, you know, generally. And it in a way thal, you know, it seemed like he was holding onto them tightly. And he is really striding. He's moving. He was definitely not strolling or sauntering or anything like that. It is - it is purposeful, deliberale, arrd, you know, movement with intent. You know what I mean? And he covers that distance preffy quick. He's not running, but it's - it's a very deliberate movement, um, up the driveway. So that would be in the, uh, in the east direction. And he and he walks up the driveway. Axd, uh, I think - I think its Jeff. It could have been Nikolai. One of the guys to my right. So - so it's - it's Jeff, Nikolai and me and Scott McBride. And one of the two guys to my right yelled - yelled, uh, some commands to this guy to, uh, drop the weapons. And there's several - and it's very clear. And it's very loud, um, to drop those weapons. And, uh, and there's no - the guy doesn't stop. He doesn't there's no looking down. I mean he - there's - there's no sign that, uh, that 11 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Intervi ewer' - l;tt r"r rff# Case# 2075-4545 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 49s 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 . 504 t05 506 501 508 509 '510 511 s12 513 5t4 515 5t6 st7 s18 s19 520 s2t 522 523 524 52s 526 . ;27 528 those commands have made any difference to him. Because he keeps coming up the driveway. He, uh, he walks right up to us, uh, without hesitation. Uh, doesn't drop the weapons. Doesn't do anything. Uh, other than walking directly up to us and it's hard to say, you know, I mean obviously I didn't have a tape measure with me, so I mean it felt like it was, you know, around 15 to 20 feet away. Um, and he just walks right up to that - t9 that point and then he stops and he's got both of those things in his hands. And he's - he's looking directly at us. And I saw that he had a, uh, kind of a thick looking sweatshirt on. It was - it was black. And he had some sort of pants on. And so he - he stops there and, uh, and we use that opportunity to give him some more commands. Be, uh, you know, tell him to drop the weapons. I think, uh, Jeffspeaks fust and tells him, uh, at least a couple more times, "Drop the weapons." Uh, Jeff kind of pauses in his commands. There's - there's no there's no movement from this guy. I mean he's just stopped and standing there holding these things, staring at us. And - and I say, uh, I - I chime in too and tell him, "H"y, drop the weapons." I told him, uh, you know, "'We can get you some help. Doesn't have to go this way. Just drop the weapons." And - and in a s- it - it felt like he stopped there for about a minute. I mean I'm not timing it, so, you know, it wasn't - it wasn't fractions of a second but it wasn't a half-hour either. I mean it was - it felt like he paused there for a minute, like he was - like he was making his decision. And, uh, he's - he's still kind of got those - those weapons and they're not - he's not loose and relaxed looking, you know. Like it - like he was, you know. He - he still had that tension. Because his arms - I mean they weren't out to his sides or like in . an airplane or anything, but they weren't super loose. He had them hold from his sides slightly. Doesn't say a word. Never says a word this whole time. And, uh, and after pausing there and - and Jeff is giving some coÍrmands, and - ffid, uh, I've told him to, uh, you know, drop those weapons and he just - he just suddenly takes what looked like maybe about two steps andthey're quick steps - he sort of starts going forward like he had stopped and made a decision and decided he was going to - going to do this and he starts coming forward and those arms just start - start to come up. And, uh, and then we fired. I fired. The guys next to me fired. Um, felt like we all shot at the same time. I fired, uh, I fired twice. In - in, uh, very, very short succession. It 'Was aiming center of wasn't - wasn't a lot of gap between the two shots. mass. Um, at - as we've been trained. Um, and I - and I shot because he was coming at us. He - he had this weapon that was - I thought the guy was coming up to kill us. I had - I had Scott McBride an arm's length to my left. And it kind of looked like his - well it didn't kind of look like it, it looked like his path, he was coming for Scott first. And I'm an arm's lengfh away from him and I'm - I'm in that too. I stop firing after that because after the second shot because he didn't start - he - he kind of turned to his right and started to fall forward. And he ends up falling face first, uh, onto the gravel. And he falls on - on top of the axe and - and the other - the blade. IJm, so you can't - - - T2 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 aurt Case# 2Q75-4545 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 s39 s40 s4r 542 543 544 545 s46 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 s56 557 558 s59 s60 561 562 s63 s64 565 s66 561 568 s69 s70 t71 s72 you can't see them. And so there's some - there's some more commands to put his hands out. He makes no move. Doesn't say anything still. Uh, doesn't - doesn't make any move to, uh, push his hands out. Uh, Jeff takes several steps forward, uh, toward the road and kind of motions and - and says - I don't remember his exact words, but basically formulates a hasty plan where, uh, we would grab his - grab him by the - by the feet and - and pull him, uh, a short distance hoping thatthat action would cause his hands to sort of roll up from underneath him. And so I do that. I, uh, I holstered and, uh, and grabbed his left leg. I think J- uh, Jeff had his right leg and we pulled him. Axd I don't think we pulled him very far, just a few feet. Just enough to where his hands, uh, did roll - roll out. And, uh, at that point he had - he didn't have the axe anymore. Uh, but that other - that other blade that he had was still in his hand. And - and somebody - I don't know who, one of the other guys - not Jeff and not me, uh, stepped on his hand real quick to keep him to sort of immobilize, um, that. Um, and I - I swung up on - onto the guy's, uh, right arm. llh, 'cause the next step was \ ¡e're going to handcuff him. And Scott McBride had his handcuffs out the ready, uh, se I swung around to the right side and maneuvered his right arm, uh, back behind his back. And Scott puts on the, uh, in handcuffs. And then no joke, within like a couple of seconds, uh, Jeff is moving us out and away from the guy and up the road. llh, I did have time to, uh, frisk him. Pat his waistband and I rolled him over slightly to check his front fot, uh, any firearms. And, uh, and I didn't even get really complete the frisk. It, uh, just done that much and then Jeffls, "H.y, everybody who shot move up the road." And he's moving us, urn, southwards, uh, down Wall Street. And we eventually relocate back to, uh, our patroi c'ars, uh, and wait for, uh, you know, additional folks to arrive. Um, I'd had my, uh, I'd had my rubber, uh, gloves on. IJm, by rubber gloves I mean the disposable I think they're called Nitrol plastic gloves. Uh, and I - I had put them on, uh, right at the beginning of this when we were, um, walking up the - up the road. Um, you know, because - because we expected the - to have somebody in custody, you know. The, uh, I think Scott and I were going to be the custody team. And, uh, you know, we put the gloves on with the anticipation of having, uh, that sort of outcome here. Uh, certainly wasn't expecting this sort of outcome. So, um, rewinding againback to, uh, rewind to the point where, you know, we are walking up, we are taking position by this tree. Uh, at that point my - my pistol was out. And - and the teason it's out is that I - I can see the - the eastern side of the yard and the house. And it's clear that nobody is - nobody's in the house and nobody's, you know, any- anywhere in the immediate vicinity. Uh, and - and so there really was no point of purpose to - to a Taser atthatpoint. Because of the limited distances of those devices. Um, and our under- our understanding, the information that was available to us at the time was this person had a fuearm. So in order of - in order of priorities of what - what might happen next, as we're going through the woods and positioning ourselves in the woods was, 13 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-l5ll0:49 wn Case# 2075-4545 s73 s74 575 s76 s77 578 s79 580 s81 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 s90 s9l 592 i93 594 59s s96 s97 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 6TI 612 6t3 614 ;15 616 okay, well we might take gunfire from the house, um, so my - my pistol was .When we looked at - I remember looking at the east side of out at that point. the house and - and I remember noting that the - the windows that I could see looked like had - they had all the blinds closed. Couldn't - couldn't see in the windows. Um, couldn't really see any people until the guy moved around to the - to the north side. As he came walking down the driveway toward us, I switched, uh, I swi- holstered my firearm and pulled my Taser out because I I wasn't, you know, as at the beginning of his - his striding towards us, you know, there was an opporhrnity, we weren't sure how this was going to go. We might end up achieving some sort of compliance and be able to. So I transitioned to the Taser to have it as an option should - should, uh, should should a reasonable opportunity present itself. You know, should it be needed. Uh, my, you know, I'm - I'm growing more and more concerned and - and worried as he's coming up the driveway with such purpose and with those weapons and - and there's no - there's no hesitation in his step when, uh, those commands are coming out about him dropping those \ /eapons. And I don't remember the exact moment, but there came a - a time when he was armed, he was coming right for us. It - it didn't look like - it didn't look like he was going to stop. And I transitioned a- away from, uh, the Taser and back to the, uh, firearm. IJÍi, for - for several reasons. Uh, part of - part of it was we were in this wooded environment with this brush and - and scrub and I had concerns that, um, that it wouldn't be effective in that type of environment. Those - those darts that those things shoot out and the wires are very thin and very light, and lightweight. And, um, and - and for the device to be effective you've - it's absolutely critical that you get two contact poinfs, you know, both wires have to get - or both probes have to connect with the person. And, uh, there - there was scrub and - and I became concerned thatl didn't think this device was going to be effective in this environment. And I noticed he had a - a thick looking sweatshirt on. And I know from, uh, from my previous Taser deployment in the county that the - those heavy clothing can interfere with effectiveness of these things. Um, like - like that other deployment I had. It was only - it was only partially effective and he too was wearing a heavy, uh, heavy clothing on - on his torso. And I remember thinking that - that you've got - you've got to have the right tool for the right frght. The - those Tasers have a limited - limited distance. Uh, and - and they're an inconsistent weapon. You know, a lot of things have to go right for those things to, uh, to work. And the way this guy was coming at us, I - I thought that this was heading toward a lethal, uh, you know, I thought he was going to come up and altackus with a knife. And, uh, or with a hatchet. And I thought the Taser just wasn't - \Masn't going to be the right deployment, uh, option. You know? In - in hindsight, thinking back, I think, uh, you know, a - a less lethal option, um, that would have been fantastic to have would have been a beanbag shotgun. 'Cause that would have given us options to, um, stop that guy from getting so close to us, uh, so quickly. But I don't think we 14 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 had abeanbag shotgun availabie. I - I certainly didn't have one and, uh, so I end up, uh, I end up ditching the - ditching the, uh, Taser. And I don't know if I - I don't remember if I fumbled around trying to get it back in the floppy leg holster they give us, or if I just - I just - in - in - in haste just, you know, dropped to the ground, tossed it behind me or something. I got rid of it quick so I could, um, put two hands on my pistol. And, um, assume a better, you know, better firing position, uh, as we've been trained. Put two hands on the weapon you're more accurate. 617 618 6t9 620 62r 622 623 624 625 626 627 a Anything else that you can think of, um, before we ask some follow-up questions? 628 A Not, uh, not that I can think of right now but. a Okay. Um, and obviously, iet me know if you want to take a break alany time. We can get some water or anything else like that or if - if we do want to take a break just let me know. 635 636 A Okay 537 a IJm, so how about we, um, go back and kind of have a couple of follow-up questions and I'm sure, uh, Detective Murphy does also. Um, let's take it each, uh, this incident kind ofphase by phase chronologically. So, on yout, um, on your drive in, did you exchange any MDC messages or anything like that with, uh, with anyone? 642 643 A: No. 644 64s a Okay. 646 647 A: I 648 649 6s0 a Okay. Any conversation on a tac channel or any'- anything like that? 6sr A: No. a Okay. Um, when you were - so you're there at the scene, when you are parked and moving up on foot, did you see anybody on the periphery? Um, any witnesses or anything else like that? 629 630 63r 632 OJJ 634 638 639 640 64t - I had my hands full just negotiating traffic with the lights and sirens on. 652 6s3 654 655 6s6 657 6s8 )59 660 A 'When we were walking towards the house no. Later, when we wal- when after the shooting and Jeff had - was moving us up the drive- south on the south on'Wall Street, um, I remember seeing the neighbor to the south of the of this address. Uh, he had his camera out. He was snapping photos of us 15 - INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Inte¡viewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/70:49 am Case# 2015-4545 walking, uh, walking south on Wall Street. And, uh, there was a - there was another person - the - the gal whose driveway I parked my patrol car in, uh, opened the door and she looked at us and said something to the fact of, uh, "Good job," and "Are you guys okay?" 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 Q: So, uh, do you remember a description of the person that was taking the photos? Do you have any... A It - it - he looked like a, uh, you know, middle-aged, ú, white male. You know, maybe in his late 40's or early 50's. And that - that's - that's all I can really remember. Q: Okay. A: Yeah. It was, uh, was - I had a lot on my mind atthat point. Q: Mm-hm. 679 680 A: V/alking away from the driveway. 581 Q: 671 672 673 674 67s 676 677 678 682 'When you were down, um, do you have any more questions about the initial entry? Or do you have any questions on the initial entry? 683 684 Ql: 685 Uh, just on the drive Arbitrator, or, in. Um, your vi- your vehicle, is it equipped with the *... 686 687 A Yes and you guys have dorvnloaded the video is my understanding. 688 689 Q1 Okay. So you had the Arbitrator system, was it activated, uh, while you were driving in? 691 692 693 A Yes. 694 Ql: And was it activated during the call? A No. It got - it should be - it should have been shut off when I pulled into the 690 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 Y Market. Um, I - I knew we were going to stage our cars and I mean we \ ¡eren't going to drive up, you know, with this sort of information in the call, we weren't just going to drive up and park in the driveway in front of the front door. Ql: Mm-hm. 16 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 706 707 And so I had no anticipation of the patrol car being in a - in a position of where any sort of evidence would be captured. So I just ended the, uh, the recording atthatpoint. And - and in fact, the cars were parked in - in a position where there wasn't visual, uh, within visual range of, uh, of the 708 house. 704 A l0s 709 lr0 Ql: Okay. Did you wear awireless microphone that's attached to the system? 712 713 714 715 716 717 A lJm, we do have a microphone system. Uh, it - it stays in the charger ununtil I get out of the char- you know, like on a traffic stop I'll pull it off the charger and throw it in, uh, one of my breast pockets usually. And, uh, so it remained in the - in the charger. I didn't grab it on my way out. Q1 Okay. Q: Um, the iighting, the weather conditions, what was it like that day? 120 72r 722 A: It was sunny. It was unusually good weather for a,rJh, aFebruary. 723 Q: Okay. A: I do, uh, also remember, utrl, hearing target shooting. Not, uh, not at the beginrring of the call. I remember hearing after the calls, we're walking, uh, well at some point either we were walking up oÍ we were just waiting by our patrol cars for all the different of other elements that are happening. I remember hearing, uh, some sort of target shooting. It didn't - didn't sound like it was happening, uh, in the immediate vicinity, but uh, but I do remember 7lr 7t8 7t9 /24 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 IJJ 734 135 736 731 738 739 140 741 " hearing, uh, gunshots out there. Q1 I'm ready for the next scene if you are a Okay. Uh, so as you're traveling down, did you - when you, uh, your element broke off into the woods, did you guys, um, was that on a trail or was it off trail? A There was no trail. V/e were just kind of stepping over brush and, you know, over the un- unevenness of a - of a for- uh, wooded - woodsy type floor. We're maneuvering around shrubs and whatnot. 742 143 ' ' 744 74s 146 Okay. Did you all have any conversations when you were walking through the woods about like developing, um, any other - anything besides what you mentioned? Any other, uh, development during the actual travel through the woods? A conversation? 141 t7 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSI]UA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-1,5/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 748 A: It's Q: Like a plan for, um, when you got to the point when you \Mere in view of the residence? 753 A: I was, uh, I was behind Nikolai. Um, I tried to stay close to him. And then he, uh, he posted up on a tree and I posted up on the other side of the tree. And, uh, Jeff - Jeff would be to Nikolai's right and - and Jeff was a little bit, uh, a little bit - I guess that would be east. Not far. I mean we're talking about steps. Uh, and then - and then Scott came up and was, uh, to my immediate left. as far as? 749 7s0 751 152 754 75s 756 7s7 758 isg 760 Okay. Is this A: I-Ithinkso. Q: This is aprefty big fir tree. Is that.. A: V/ell - yeah we were - we were behind a - a mature tree. Well, not behind, but I was on one side and, uh, Mark was on the other side of - of a mature 76t 762 this photo, is this the tree that you're talking about? Q: - 763 764 . 765 766 ,, 767 tree. 768 769 770 - we found a Taser. Q: Um, uh, the A: Mrn-hm. Q: Um, and that Taser's here. A: Okay. Q: On the side of the tree. 771 712 773 774 775 776 771 778 779 780 A: Then I think that's the tree where \ ¡e're at then. 78r 782 Q: V/ould that- that would make sense... 783 t84 A: Yeah. Q: ...that that's where the Taser was dropped? That was the side of the tree that you... 78s 786 787 788 789 A: Yeah. '90 ' l9l Q: ...probably were on? 18 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith O2-78-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 792 793 794 795 796 791 798 799 800 801 A That, uh, brush that you see was poking me in the face I remember when and, you know, before - before the guy came into view I remember reaching up and snapping one of the - one of the, uh, branches off 'cause it was poking me, hitting my neck or face or something. Q: just so I'm totally clear on where everybody was, assuming that this is the tree that you - that you all were - that you're referencing. Q2 Okay. So So, if we can just clarify, the picture we're looking at appears to be, uh, with the camera lens looking toward the west of what we would probably refer to as the driveway toward the vehicles that ultimately appeared to be on the northwest corner of the house. Just want to clariff that because there's... 802 803 804 805 806 807 Q: Yes. 808 Q2: ...six pictures there. So go ahead. 809 810 Q1: The only one in a8 Yzby 11 size. Q2: Correct. There you go. 811 i12 813 just so I'm clear where everybody was at... 814 815 816 Q: So A: Sure. 817 818 Q: ...urn, you'd be on, uh, this side of the tree? Which would be, um, south? A: Probably the south side, yeah. Q: Uh, the south side. And with you on that side of the tree was anybody else? A: Scott McBride would be about it felt like an arm's length further south of me Q: Okay on that side of the tree? 829 830 A: On that side of the tree, yeah. 831 Q: Okay. A: Mark Nikolai is on the north side of this tree. And then Juker is, you know, over here. I mean Juker is slightly behind me, so I'm - I don't pay a whole 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 821 - was there 828 832 833 '34 T9 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-78-15/10:49 am Case # 2015-4545 bunch of attention to where he - he's - he might of moved up or back, but but as far as in order, that's - that's how I remember our position. 835 836 837 838 839 840 - a Okay. Uh, what was the vegetation like behind you? A I could see. You know, just similar to this. Uh, trees various stages - various stages of maturity. Under- under, uh, under under story things, brush, downed limbs. Uh, things of that nature. a Okay. 846 A Ferns. Typical Oregon woods. 847 848 o You said that you could hear, um, the other group. You could hear the group that went to the south side of the - of the house? You could hear them like dealing with somebody? A Yes. a Was that over - was that just, uh, hearing them yelling with your ears? Or was it on the radio? Or something else? A I heard them - I heard them yelling from as far - as far as away they are, I could clearly se- hear them say that, you know, "It's the Sheriff s Office. This place is surrounded." IJm, andthat was - that was with my ears. a Okay. 841 842 843 844 It was, uh, woods as far as 84s 849 850 8s1 852 853 854 355 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 Q1 864 865 866 861 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 87s 876 ' )77 878 A: So, if we're going up to the point of the encounter, um, I know you transitioned, uh, from the Taser to your handgun. Um, at which point, uh, on his approach or when he was, uh, stopped waiting for that minute, when did you, uh, direct your fireatm athim? When did you take aim? I - when I got rid of- as - as I'm transitioning, I - I - at one point I had, uh, pulled my firearm and - and I had my - my Taser in my left hand. And, uh, what was - I remember thinking that, uh, that's not how they - that's not how they train us to have. I mean they don't train us to go out there with a pistol in one hand and afirearm on the other. So I've got them both sort of in my hand and they're not really pointed at anybody at this point and I remember thinking, this - this is not how I've been trained and I need to go with one or the other. And, uh, and that's what - that's, you know, then I - I'm getting rid of the Taser and - and then going to the firearm. And, um, I mean I - I pointed it in his, uh, at him somewhere in the range where he has stopped. I don't know if it - I don't recall tracking him with the pistol as he was coming 20 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-1,5/10:49 arn Case# 2015-4545 up the driveway. And so, I paused, uh. 879 880 - I th- I think at some point when he was, uh, 881 882 Q1: 883 884 885 886 During that minute that he's standing there and you'te waiting and commands are being given prior to him chargin1, àre you at a low ready? Or do you have sights on him? A: Um, I am at- I'm at a low ready, uh, because when it became time became time to fire I had to elevate and then go. 888 889 890 Q1: Okay 891 A: uh. Q1: Um, when you're engaging - it - this, again, 8 % x 1 1 photograph, you have this, uh, very large tree. In front of this tree there's a small clump of scrub. I don't know if you remember that - that scrub brush right there. You can see it, uh, pretfy clearly right here. This is that same large tree where your Taser was found. A: Okay. Q1: This scrub is right here. There's a smaller tree and I imagine these are probably the branches that were poking yolr in the head when you're standing there. Does that... A: Could have. 887 - when it 892 893 894 895 896 '., 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 iook about right? 907 908 Ql: 909 A: Could be. Q: I'll just, uh, so that we don't have any confusion over what pictures we're 910 911 912 913 914 91s Q1: talking about, I'11just label these A, B, C and D. So, my question is, um, you're using the tree as cover at this point, is that correct? 9t6 ', 917 918 A: Yes. 919 920 Ql: When you engage, are you in front of the tree? Are you still next to the tree? Or did you step out towards this scrub? Because this scrub's obviously in )21 '922 yow line of fire as well. 2I INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 A I'm next to the tree. You know, I - I don't remember the exact placement of my feet. I mean I... Q1: Okay A: and - and that was *that was one thing that was pistol at the low ready was it - it kept the gun from helpful in having the blocking - you know, I was just mentally willing him to drop the hatchet. Q1 Mm-hm. 9sl 9s2 ...I could see him. Um, and, uh, and - and that's what I was watching. I was watching his just hands waiting for those hands to open up and those things to drop to the ground. And I had my pistol down slightly so I - I was looking directly at that. Um, you know, I - I was on the south side of that tree. You know, I - I don't - I don't know. I mean I'm pretly close to the tree. I àon't remember my exact... 939 940 94t - am And 937 938 942 )43 944 94s 946 947 948 949 950 I - Q1: Okay. A ...position of my feet or whatnot. Ql: Okay, so you can say it's on yow right side or you don't recall if it was slightly behind you or directly next to you? A I don't think the tree was behind me. Ql: Okay A It would have been, uh, either slightly in front or - or adjacent to me. Q1: Okay. IJm, one more thing, I - I know you addressed him and - and you told him to drop the weapons and, uh, you told him you'd get him some help. Do you remember your tone of voice? How were you talking to him? A I-I Q1 Mm-hm. A: And that wasn't effective, so - so I actually tried dropping my tone of voice to a - like a conversational level. Like, "Hey man, 'we - we don't have to do 953 9s4 9s5 9s6 9sl 958 9s9 960 961 962 963 964 )65 966 I-I triedthe-the loud, um, you you "Drop the weapons." And - and that know, know, sort of authoritarian, was the same tone of voice that had been used as he was walking up that driveway. tried- I triedtwo differenttones. 22 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 201.5-4545 this." I mean it's still saying it, uh, with enough force that it would be audible. You know, I wasn't whispering or anything of that nature. But - but I tried - I tried just a different tactic. You know, see if that would - if that would get through to him. Um, yeah. 961 968 969 970 971 972 Ql: Okay. Do you remember after actions after you fired your two shots, uh, do you do atactical reload, or do you just maintain the same magazine? A: I did not do atactical reload. Ql: I guess for the second Q: All right. After, uh, you fired, uh, did you see anybody, um, tender any kind of aid to him? Or kind of assess? Or were - did you - uh, you didn't render 973 974 97s 976 977 978 979 980 any aidwith 981 982 983 A: 984 985 986 )81 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1 008 Q: A: - scene that's all I got. to him? I didn't - I didn't have a chance. I mean that was the - I was intent on moving to that step as soon as I finished making sure there was no other weapons or a gun on him. Uh, but that got cut off because I was told, "Stop. Stop." And then we were pulled up and off the drive. I didn't - I didn't have achance. 'When you were doing a, um, when you were patting him down, the really quick pat down, um, could you tell whether he was breathing? Um, his - when I moved his arm behind his back, uh, he felt limp. Uh, I - I couldn't tell with that thick, uh, sweatshirt he w- he had on. I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. I didn't look at his head. Uh, I was really sort of tururel-visioned on the hand. Uh, moving it around. LIh, handcuff goes on and I'm right there next to the small of his back. And so I'm thinking, okay well let's check this area. Roll him slightly over and check the - the front and - and, you know, already Jeff I think was saying,"Okay, all of you let's we're out of here. Back up." Uh, it - it seemed like pretty.- pretty quick order there was, uh, I think medical had staged at some point. I never really ob- I never really remember hearing, uh, any re- I mean there's quite a bit of this call and orgatization that it happened before Sergeant Krummenacker says, "Hey, why don't you go to that call?" It's quite a bit of things and - and I'm coming in at the tail end of it and that I wasn't privy to. So I don't recall them - anybody really making an order to stage. Uh, but I believe that they had been staged because while \Me wsre walking, um, away from the scene, uh, south on Wall Street, um, the medical folks were passing us. Uh, driving up into the scene. So, uh, they were - they were there in very short order. )09 23 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2075-4545 1010 Q: 101 1 Do you have any idea on the driving in? - on the timeframe? 'Were they - and they were t0t2 1013 A: They Q: llh, A: ...they drove in. Q: ...walking out? A: Yes, while... Q: Okay. A: ...we're walking. So I mean what, you know, however long it takes us to walk from, you know, the scene up to where we were parked, uþ, you know, I don't remember exactly where we're at when they passed us. But I mean that's a short distance. So they were - I don't know where their staging point 1014 101s - they went.. . passed when you guys were.. 1016 1OI] 1018 101e 1020 t02t 7022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1 029 was. )30 1031 Q: Okay. A: I didn't even know they were staged, but it was clear given how quickly they were on scenefhat they must have been staged just down the road. Um, I don't remember any radio traffic. You know, just knowing how, uh, you know, Clackamas County procedure is, you know, somebody would have said, "Okay, hey send in medics," or something but I - I don't remember all that. I don't remember a lot of the ra- radio trafÍic. Q: lJm, was it, uh, was it an ambulance? Or was it 7032 1033 1034 1035 1036 t037 103 8 1039 1040 a fire truck, do you remember? 1041 t042 t043 A: It - it was some sort of fire - I think - I think it was, you know, what is that Colton Volunteer Fire or whatever they are down there. Q: Okay. 1044 t045 1046 1041 1048 A: 1049 1050 1051 Q: I - I think it was them. I don't remember it being an AMR because they're kind of a whiter and I think I remember a red vehicle of some sort going by. Did you think that he was, um, that the suspect was dead when you left? )52 24 INTERVIEW WITIJ DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case # 2015-4545 10s3 A: No. I didn't rcalize it. Uh, in fact, I didn't- I didn't know until we got back to our cars. 1054 1055 1 056 7057 Q: Did you see any wounds on him? 1058 1 059 1060 1061 A: I couldn't tell where it was coming from. And I - I saw a hole in his sweatshirt that was kind of in a- on - on his back. So it looked - and it was - the sweatshirt was kind of like torn outwards. Looked like an exit wound. Arìd, uh, and then that was by one of his shoulder blades. Uh, but I didn't really get a very good look at his front. Said I was behind him and I rolled him only partially just to check the front. I didn't even get a 1062 1 063 I - I saw a littie bit of blood. chance to see what the other - the other knife-bladed thing was because we were pulled out of there so quickly. 1064 1065 1066 t067 Q: And so he actually 068 1069 A: We did handcuff him. Q: Okay. And that was Deputy McBride that handcuffed him? A: Yeah with me assisting. Q: Okay. A: It was his handcuffs. Q: Okay. Ql: I A: No. - he was handcuffed? Or he was not handcuffed? 1 ljt0 ' 7071 1 072 )13 1074 1075 r076 rjt1 1 078 1079 1080 1081 7082 1 083 1 084 1085 just got one more. Um, post incident. So after he's handcuffed, uh, you guys are getting moved away, was the scene altered in any way? 'We were - I mean I - I don't know what happened after we walked away from him, but you know, I - I did move him when I rolled him partially, uh, partíaIly over to, uh, frisk that front waistband area. Uh, but the - that's that's the only movement, you know. Um, fire personnel went there, so I don't - I mean they can inadvertently kick things around or whatnot as they, uh, sometimes do when attempting to render aid. Um, I mean I - but none of that - we were - we were away from him at that point. So I - nothing that I - 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 saw. 1091 1092 1093 ,, 1094 )95 r 096 Ql: Okay. Uh, was your vehicle moved, started anything after the incident? A: Yeah, uh, yeah it was - it - well it was left on scene until detectives were there and, you know, all the - all the people that arrive for these things. And, 25 INTERVIEW \VITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 am Case# 2015-4545 um, it was left on scene aîd af some point the car, uh, was - was driven over to the, uh, fire station where we had kind of met to debrief and run through some - run through some of the things that we gotta run through. And, uh, so somebody moved my - I don't know who moved my car. 1097 1098 1099 100 I 101 1 al: But, uh, prior to detectives getting to it, when you guys were headed up the hill, did you get in... A: Yeah, no. Q1: ...and move your vehicle? 1 109 1110 A: No 1111 Q1: Start 1113 A: No. 111s 116 Q1: Nothing? Okay. A: Um, somebody - I did have my b- my rubber gloves on and, uh, we had gotten back to the cars and they're terribly sweaty, you know, as time goes on and of course we were - we were feeling some adrenaline and - and it's a lot of physiological things going on. And, uh, Scott and I had those gloves on and we were - I think it was Scott. I had my gloves on and one other deputy had their $loves on and we were, uh, sweaty. And, uh, somebody had gotten, uh, a couple of paper bags out and we individually put our, you know, we kept them separate. Ql: Okay A: Uh, put them in a brown paper bag. Uh, and then I think they're labeled with like my last name. And then when I threw them in the bag I looked at the- the time on my phone and wrote the time on it. So whatever time that was. Ql: Were there any other steps to secure the scene before you guys left? A: Uh, there was -there was a Molalla, uh, Corwin, uh, Molalla offtcer and she was, uh, sort of in atrafftc control type position on Wall Street, well away from, uh, from the house and from the scene. Um, and in fact was firrther south than even, uh, maybe even our parked patrol cars. And she had runstarted running some crime scene, uh, crime scene tape around. Um. 1r02 1 103 1t04 1 105 1 106 1r07 1 108 ltt2 III4 it? Did you use your MDC? 1 . It7 11 18 1119 7120 7r2l IT22 tt23 7r24 rl2s I126 tt27 TI28 tt29 1 130 1 131 7r32 1 133 TT34 1 135 1136 1t37 1 " 138 ,39 26 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det, Dan Smith 02-18-15110:49 arn Case# 2075-4545 tt40 Ql: Uh, last, has anyone discussed details of the incident with you? Or have you learned anything about the incident from anyone else? A: I saw on the newspaper, uh, that the guy's name was, uh, I think it was Bruce 1r41 1t42 1143 Steward or Seward or something like that. Um, but no I haven't learned any in fact, I've got quite a few questions myself. 1t44 1145 Ir46 tt47 all I got. Ql: Okay. That's Q: Um, when the suspect had - the suspect was stopped. And then, um, you all were engaging with him verbally when he started to move forward that second time after being stopped. A: Mm-hm. Q: V/as there anything, um, substantial between you and him? 1r57 A: I don't understand. 1s8 159 Q: 160 there any large rocks? Um, like was there a big tree between you guys? Or anything that would impede him from being able to reach you? Or, um, 161 another deputy? - that's 1148 1t49 1 1s0 11s1 tts2 1 153 IT54 1 155 1 156 1 1 1 'Was lt62 1163 7164 A: No. I - I thought he was - I thought 165 Q: Okay Ql: And I guess that - that brings up one question. You said, uh, that he stopped for a minute. His distance was how far away approximately? I know you're just guessing, but when he's hesitating there and you guys are giving commands, what was his distance? A: I didn't Ql: Okay. And A: I thought it was a distance that he could cover, you know, within seconds, fractions of seconds. Q1: But when he began approaching and you guys engaged, do you know approximate estimate of this distance again? A: Uh, I felt like he take - took iike a couple of steps. They were fast and he was moving. 1 he was coming for us. 1t66 1t67 1 168 1 169 tI70 lt7I l172 - I - I felt like it was, you know, 15 to 20 feet. Something like that. 7173 tt74 IlTs 1t76 1177 1 - and then he began... 178 1t79 1 180 1 181 ,82 írs: 27 INTERVIEV/ WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-15/10:49 ant Case# 2015-4545 i 184 1 1 185 186 rl87 1 Okay A: And, you know, I don't - I don't know how far. 188 i 189 1 Q1: Q: 190 1191 Do you remember looking at this photo - I'm referencing photo D. Uh, the Y" x 77 . This cedar tree, do you remember that at alI? Uh, as sort of a reference point? tr92 l193 1t94 A: Not really. No. 195 Q: Okay. IIh, there were some black gloves that we found that edited photo A right there and added a box. A: Sure. 1 t196 are - obviously 8 I 1197 1 198 tl99 1200 7207 1202 1203 Q: Um, and then there's an annotation says "black gloves" on it, uh, there's a - a couple of latex or nytrol, whatever they are, black gloves in a pile there, uh, that we found. Are those - do you know if those are yoru black gloves? )04 l20s A: No, they're not mine. 1206 1201 Q: There not yours. r208 A: X4ine went into the paper bag. 1209 7210 T2IT 7212 1213 1214 1215 Q: Yows went into the bag, that's right. A: With my last name on it. Q: Okay. 1,216 A: On the patrol car. Q: Do you have any idea whose gloves they are? t220 A: No. 7221 t222 Q: Okay. Um, any other questions about the incident? Ql: No Q: Do you have anything to add about that- the incident itself? t2l7 l2l8 t2l9 1223 1224 1225 ,i. !26 027 28 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewer: Det. Dan Smith 02-18-75110:49 am Case # 2075-4545 7228 A: Not that I can think of right now. t229 1230 I23T 7232 1233 1234 7235 1236 1237 1238 1239 7240 Q: Do you have anything to add about, um, regarding your physical condition or mental state, um, that had any effect on, uln, on your judgment during the incident, in your opinion? Like, uh, whether you were sick or injured? Um, or anything else regarding your physical or mental condition? A: I was scared. But not sick or injured. Q: Do you have anything else? Ql: No. 724t Q: Um, do you have anything to add while we're, uh, still on the recording? A: Yeah not that I can think of. Q: Okay. Thank you for coming in. I appreciate it. A: Yeah. 1242 7243 7244 1245 1246 1247 148 t249 Q: 1250 125t lJm, we can, uh, our plan was to, uh, turn this off. Um, and you said that you did have a couple of questions? Um, we can answer those. Um, did you have something to say? 7252 1253 7254 Q2: No. t2s5 Q: No? Uh, we r258 A: Sure 1259 1260 Q: And, uh, we want their A: Of course Q: V/ith - with the information that, uh, that we would like to know what you thought at the time and what you knew at the time, not what you read later on. IJm, so it'll obviously be you're still under the same order that Sergeant Koliias gave you in the beginning not to discuss this incident with the.. . A: Right. Q: . 1256 1257 it's important when we answer those that, um, obviously we have two other interviews to do. t26t 1262 carr answer those. Um, - those interviews to be as pristine as possible. t263 1264 126s 1266 1267 1268 1269 !10 077 ..involved parties. IJm, so that will continue 29 INTERVIEW WITH DEP. JOSHUA EAGLE Interviewe¡: Det. Dan Smith ";*ilai:l# 1272 1273 A Of course. a But we'll be glad to answer some questiorts, um, after I tum this off. A Sure. I have no intention of discussing the incident. Uh, you know, I - I received one text message from Scott who just said, "Hey, how are you guys doing?" LIh, just checking in on me. But, you know, we're not going to discuss the incident. I don't have any intention of doing that. 1274 l2l5 t276 1277 1278 1279 t280 r281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 7287 1288 Q: Okay. Okay, uh, if you don't have anything to add,I don't. I'11tum this off. It's, uh, approximately 12:09- i"his tanscript has been reviewed with the audio recording submitted and it is an accurate ?.2 i f.. / 30 L rS