MWK genne?? Bow Q56 jg? @T-irnCuerng ?Scanreen?esd ?Q'Markwaennett elf-mannecaum 13mm the magma! cm forget. AC Lust I if. ,??zat?u?lfeats, 3:21. Dam- have an imdm?mme cm V?s-w :cnmanor MN. hurm?waer?rxza - Sc: 3: Wanmmw STmCusning No. May have talked to a 'it?smt?beiom. monitmwumm?shedi? Wew mam Eric Ct 28 Qatrtt rt be 323?: rg 5:555 Ir ?13507: 3836d3 .1. .5 that 3:34,, argi?er Patnm Zarretfv I I weremm?aedin I?f'c' 3-1 Oc'. mar v: 4375mm no.? Haas: we? ."?reazs 3 A. mXMd.mmdM_mWedaWymm mm in Oct 29 Are ms. '33; 5 q'ow? man'- 5 a. 'k .Ei' 3' Ybu'd think a guy from a randy ?named With iawyars" Wm Know #9934 de?niter Patrick Zuni]: :43; ?MarkWanen the response Is you caji the pouca But mam use YOU weren't snorted. 099? So. he fo?owea through? Plank Ian-om .: emmamnan tc. #ate mutton: have seen it #rn suing you tom-a. yew a Dad mm and person. {save me - - ?alaziuifeats'?zc 3-: We?. at least he didn't say ?slander.? Of ?twible. Wk 2119' - I - Manon: 'My amt is fucan getting OWNED. because I?m REALLY has a; an; Patrick? Lind: -, Wm 12? 3-i Yuan. mists a guy M'ro'som?on I Pittk LY youmealsom -. #396311 c? messagesma a mm gr.? mewamym :1me me too? 4 whammy professmaiiy and they are now calling me a momma: and comm user. :a =4 . What's more Important. ?15.45 no: nemg a Menard. That Was a LOP. We gust Gon't new to because rentiaws are not that Important in SEC) to help save a client form attract: amides and posts. ?We WOULD post fake rewews. but we totally didn?t this tImE,..' -v Not that we wouldn't post mews to save a client: career. n3 our ethane] Data that movie man I DB attach-Lad for Ma. "Sci 30 . He talked to the people you talked to. You did Know people do that. right? Patrick 2am @Huc'fttromci? anarcan why are you attackan DWM without speaking to us? The mappedout is extensive, lfyou cereebouttech thencehave seen his face as he realized what he'd Patrick feel-3:: 3' We have never published a fake review lol. Who are you Tim? Whats you relation to this issue? .. ?z??olatlw?leetsnic Clo: 2-D ?Who then proceeded to own my ass like we were in Atlanta before Sherman elm Mk on a Mich management climtscese all day. NW encountered such a rude. unethical shady bunch fb.mel4EBLnOlsr WW Huh. I thought you were a Reputation guy. ?rbu telling us you didn?t see this I coming? Your client needs his 53 back. Pan'ch Zane?! ?rm-:2 antennebeum plme just leave me alone, i think you guys have done enough damage to my reoutation and business tonight. lativeMeatshield Sit down. I have something to tat you, and it's going t9 make you - Scott Green?eld 3? Deep East Texas drained December 2007 ?141-: Gown. 4 have mama; :9 mi: ym? and We 1?0 make you sad. I am not above man ipuiation . .. Mike 5? Deep East Texas Jamed December 290?? @Aoiazwearsmo on. you wen: and die-yea ma: card. Ves, yes we wouic OH thew Abla?veMeatahieid Mandy would approve, Mike. Mtke - "1 about a who 5 who of The mama sea Jrr?g ??ew or The? soc-uses work Sims Abla?vmeatsnieid you what, The moment your fucking models can accurately predict LAST weather, we can talk. Thaw'nnymouscoward A: in: :Tmcusnirg :T-SccrIGraen?exo iotanneoaum Because the internet can forget. BWHAAHAHAHAHA a; foo? conversaton 1f ?'BMamWBernerf Dam. I have all this extra popcom,? w. ??dmwaee'nezt T. :1 ?Aniatheatsmd -;Kiochronuo;52 5: ?m?osowg No. May have talked to a lawyerwhooaid, 'rt?s not Imuous. and i! Itwemyou republished it." View mm-ersauor. . 30mm favor'tted aTwoet youmMiomoin 43th 323 Par-st. 7?1" 913 - r'u, meme case Bmward. Can-u?. lied-?row .H Tia? - . .ar-ozo-e? Parr CK Ea."th R- .1. Mr. v! and OM. 80m favo?tod a Tweet you won Monet: in 04:? 39 ?lo-ooze}: I Esar Dr Ti? :cr mar! wall Moe-5?; 31 Malawian mmeHLW Wtod a?veetyouwore "Wanted in "9 Jr?- on! - .312. A ica-a'w'dnamt'i-t You?d think a guy from a family ?n'dclleo mm lawyors? would Know legs: definitsons Mick 2mm ?Markaannen the reoponea 13 you call the puma. But you mum oenause you weren't extorted. i Alum? So. Think he foilowed through? Pitfall: 2mm wry-Ir. @MarkWBonnen to late m+llions have seen it Irn suing you tomorrow. your a bar: Iawyer and person. leave me amnoin! Amman?: We?. at least he didn't say ?siandarf Of Pm Zarrall @Kixfr b3? @Ma?ltwemnett tt was taking action to reach out prion But now you have attacked and abated me at! over the web. we.? - . Translation: "My shit ts fucking getting OWNED. because I'm REALLY bad at shin-) Putnam aw. - ?btanmbatm urn being muted by lawya's A bar complaint as the onty way can Mend mysetf from this organza: pmfasstwal attack Af?dt 'fb?Patrick Ian-ll Home:me standardsm. i Mk MI w- Wannabaum Why are you attacking me too? I owed these laws professlonatly and they are new sailan me a ammontst and cocaine user. MW e. 4' . - What?s more Important. kids, Is not being a fucktara. That helps 9. mm pig-wk hml? arr-x .-.: 1-. We lust don?t need to because reviews are not that Impertzm: :11 SEC to hem save a chant term attack articles and posts. - ?We WOULD post fake mvtaws. but we totally didn't Hus Not that we woman 1 post rat/laws to save 3 clients career Its our ethical hairs! that people snower be attacked for rife. ?We? . :3sz Ed He talked to the peeple you talked to. You did know people do that. right? Patrick Zen-roll] oKicChr-mc.52 @TlmCushing why are you attacking DWM without speaking to us? The case we have mapped out is extensive. if you care about tech then call me. mammal Kisser?: Oh to have seen his face as he realized what he'd Patrick owns-:3- We have never pubilshed a fake review Iol. Who are you Tim? Whats you relation to this issue? twitter.cornfTimCushinngta. .. 3 Aolatwll?eatsols - Dc 'Who then proceeded to own my ass like we were in Atlanta before Sherman emu @KidCrwomcse Working on a reputation management climts case all day. Never encountered such a rude. unethical shady bunch Abla?veMeatshieid A: Huh. I thought you were a Reputation guy. You telling us you didn't see this coming? Your client needs his 85 back. Patrick emu-262' I @otanneoeum please just leave me alone. i think you guys have done enough damage to my reputation and business tonight. AblatiyoMaatshield Si! down. I have something to you. and 11's going :0 maxe yam sac. . - Scot! Gree??aic Dee-o EaSt Texas Jomed December 2007' I. Si: hm Q. 1 Tweets AblamMeatsmaid . - I am not above Mike Eriolatra-Mearsr'fd ?r'Cu anc Diayed that card Yes. yes we wove "it my H-J . AblativeMe-atamem Mandy would approve. MiKe. mm: Fiynn sevens acne: molar-erg a WM 5 Who o"r'1e mama sate-Ln; Terr or "we" snow-see. "or Gems . AblatweMaatsniotd Tell you What, The moment your fucking models can accurateiy predict LAST weather, we can talk. AblativeMeatshield 2'2 3113 Sit down. I have something to tell you, and it's going to make you - Scott Greenfield 9 Deep East Texas ?13 Joined December 2007 Law stuff by Occationa?y interesting legal and LE stuff 1 17:3: vL[ AblativeMeatshietd Sit down. I have warning to tell you, and It's going to make you - Scott Greanheid -. Deep East Ia:an Jmned 080mm! 260? . if,igniv} I1 - . . is": 1' I in E. 135K 1.99,? 1,9919. 4,48? 8 Member of I ii 334.?? .I .. .. 1" Beioved #DeadCorps ?tnedeaddeads band - we have y?Ou'. ?3 When common "derp' 13 not enough f. Prowding a steady flow of tone shat - I -. .. . Certain that women shun them because women are hammer. demonstrating otherwise - Law n: .- AblativeMoa?tshield 5r! down. 1 have somethmg to teal you, and It's gang to make you sac. - Sect: Greenfield 3 Deep East Texas 7: Joined December 2m? Keith Lee October 30. 2015 at 9:67 am Watching this since last night has been monumentally painfUL This guy is a Class A Icon- I'm still ?nding all types of nonsense he's left all over the web. Fiscal 5H6 Gcooer 313. 2015 at 9"3 am Themwasjustwaytoo much stupid to?tinto one post- Zarrelli isa shit. which always speaks well of someone selling reputation management. Reglx 1. lohn Barleycorn October 30. 2015 at 9'26 am Nice of Patrick to offer up 'irnoroving? your blawg. RS. Aid-noughyou should literalty printand mail aquarteriy zine that ?ab-ave fewhundredorso. You could you would get in the multiplies of hundreds of mousands. if you were to include lots of ex- ctusive cartoons and other various assorted ?artsy? stutt as well as some ads for one or two on my new ventures alongside some other various mail order classics made new again that only the smell of ink can do justice to). But anyway. I would be very dispiease if you were to ?Improve? 1 can roll with and actually appreciate the women of Black on Pink and various other tweaks but the thought of you going with some of these new blog fonnats would be a very troubling if this were to ever happen I might have to blame Patrick for planting some subconscious something or other in you. Meanwhile Patnck. I encourage you to keep doubling down with your shorts to set the es teamed one at company straight (I think that Bennett guy has horns that he has to put fairy dust on to keep them in mock and the esteemed one is rumored to put Vicks Vapor Rub on his balls, which are the size of bagels. when his editor is out of town) because as you know all ?high powered? lawyers need to set their submissive side has now and then and these two in particular are making more than a few folks look bad for no other reason than to sat- isfy the feet: they have far their balls and horns. But whatever you do Patrick. don?t offer to 'improve' the SJ format again. These sorts of suggestions coutd involve butter and you really don't want to know about me and dairy products, especially butter. 5H6 Post author ?Hi Billy Joel Just the Way You Are H?wa Pingback: i?lzl?ukli. liq: 11:1 - Conrad Saam '5 Ell i? dl'H I didn?t realize that was his actual Twitterverse picture 55-15 I October 30. 2015 a: 1&28 am You can't make this up. Truth is far. far stranger than ?ction. 522: mu Tyro 060M 30.2313 at 5?37 am But he has 255 followers On If that Isn't lrua clout. who! 939.13? Ocober 2015 3! 313 am He?s gal 19 friends 0n loo. Dun'I underestimate his juice. Reglg 1 Mario Mach-ado 0mm 35?. 2953: "349 am ml OCObe-f 30. 2013 at am I don?t suspect he?ll be calling me again. but he did call Boar. Tarnebaurrt late last night Qagly 1, Famous Celebrity Goober 50. .1015 a: ?322 am Dear Mr. Green?eld: I am an extremely famous Hollywood celebrity In need of legal representation In the State of Florida. Another extremely famous celebrity [in the music business. but I think mat still counts) recommended that I contact Gary Osuow. Esq- But my Google search led me to your page. Would you kindly provide me with Attomey Ostrow's telephone number. so that I may return for my case? I estimate billings to be In the hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. so I am hopeful he will take time out of his busy schedule to enter an appearance in my case. Sinceroly. Marie Star LE Ted?rdm - Our Hacking Laws An A Mess {c . "Ffr?r?" . Tm- Cur-mg -.. Ii." 13?, ?7 I J- {fit-C gar, swarm-u. kiwi-*5. Tart gem-m. cat-th zr?mu, repuunor Eater: gra?f're 0' {Yuri 33'? rar- it'i .1an camc- web?dtt man?agva-Ft Reputation Management Bro Destroys His, And His Client?s, Reputation With Threatening Phone Calls To Defense Lawyers the I ha?: 1G ass-x1e t?te so-cadec 'reautazto? range-meat Dumas *5 warm; for Samara. but 5c far we have ts 9.9 are We soeczacmar "iammg wreckage ief: semen try Fonts w'1c mm: gar-chm; shave the-1r wagnt. -aze '1 2012. attcm? Gar"; Git-'tzm ostentatiousa'y announced was How mung c: 10%: as many c?mrr-azrg-cnargm C?t?b?hes as would ?ave fume Shorty {hereaftet was moaned by other attorneys Mme me"? far less or needy war-""5 9355-96 are C?sLm was Fargetzea". as he ?and 3065 "Gt suffc' from 13:! Frigaton- reaatec stupidity; 1t ass-ears Ost?zm raf?e-ac to cm an;th a: :ne scab COV?Er?th-g "11 se?f-mff-cxed Google [unless Zarreil' serforrm-"g me are nor-o wart. 05er ?re: rm: :3 mean u: seems? 'e-sul's. Acrom Zar'ez'i's Twitter pro?le What Demjaded to ?Ire Ear'EzU :23an 3e determmed Dy exawmng his 'eputa?cvn management ?fir'n's' website. Despite re 21+: for amine-355:5 oniy the nest. {we comoany claw-?15 offer "managemenf re?owmm far the? roumness. effecr'veness. and remh sawy. rec manageme?t Fer 'jusr show any budget even for charrty's and and IC- erswe 't's not duped by unmet-s - a free quote a cauicna that "mulres potential customers is srcve Your a human. A man should not threaten to do things. If you?re going to do something, do it. If you?re not, don?t. I don?t like being threatened. If you happen to threaten me, I will not respond with threats. [will brush it off, or I will strike. i don?t like being grieved. I?ve been grieved before for the content of my blog. I?ve even been sued for the content of my blog. Nothing has ever taken. The inconvenience has ranged from piddly to moderate. I don?t like having people tell me what I can and can?t say. I?d suffer major inconvenience rather than cave to a censor. There are blogging lawyers who would cower in the face of a grievance threat; 1 am not one of these lawyers. Defending free speech is what I do for a living, l?rn not going to give up my own free speech for convenience? sake. So when you tried to extort me by threatening to file a grievance against me for the content of my blog, I have to admit that it pushed my buttons. 1 could have told you that it?d push Greenfield?s buttons as well. As a result, your client?s reputation has suffered. You?ve made it about yourself, ant your client?s reputation will suffer more because he is yoked to you. It?s not my job to teach you anything, Patrick?that should have been your parents? task?but I offer a pointer for the other aspiring reputation managers who might stumble across this post. Because criminal-defense lawyers are the 0G reputation managers: Know your audience. Before you make a run at a guy, ?gure out what is going to help your client most. You only get one chance to get It righ t, and ifyou get it wrong and try to threaten a guy who won ?t he threatened, you?ve failed. When it comes to reputation management, success is ?eeting, but failure is forever. vvub?h .?lv'hv Inf-Ive I?m-l? lull-I?I-?n? levy, H.- ?in. o-s marketing. Scott gets up early every morning and writes two or three blog posts about whatever the hell he wants to write about. People read him, and think, or laugh, or become outraged, and they comment and share. There is no call to action, no bragging about his legal talent or his latest win. Scott isn?t writing to get clients, he's writing because writers gotta write. Scott and I both wrote about your purported client moccause Ostrow did something that was in our respective wheelhouses- he put out a press release claiming to be taking higheprofile cases That press release is 5mm. Why would that be interesting to us? Because not everybody thinks like you and Gary Ostrow do. Not everyone sees everything as marketing. Some of us think that educating and entertaining, being educated and entertained, are more important than attracting more money Anyway, there is no way in the world that pointing and laughing at Gary Ostrow? foolishness (or yours) is going to bring Greenfield or me a single client. So anyway, i guess that?s a digression. A little insight for you. A man should not threaten to do things. If you're going to do something, do it. If you?re not, don?t. [don?t like being threatened. if you happen to threaten me, I will not respond with threats. I will brush it off, or I will strike i don?t like being grieved. I?ve been grieved before for the content of my blog. I?ve even been sued for the content of my blog. Nothing has ever taken. The inconvenience has ranged from piddly to moderate. 1 don?t like having people tell me what I can and can't say. I?d suffer maior inconvenience rather than cave to a censor. There are blogging lawyers who would cower in the face of a grievance threat, lam not one of these lawyers. Defending free speech is what I do for a living, I?m not going to give up my own free speech for convenience?s sake. So when you tried to extort me by threatening to file a grievance against me for the content of my bl?og, I have to admit that it pushed my buttons. 1 could have told you that it'd push Greenfield?s buttons as well As a result, your client?s reputation has suffered. You?ve made it about yourself, and your client?s reputation will suffer more because he is yoked to you It?s not my job to teach you anything, should have been your parents? task?but 1 offer a pointer for the other aspiring reputation managers who might stumble across this post. Because criminal-defense lawyers are the CG reputation inat's oxay. people are more or less use that. reopie wno smoue a lot or ween don?t mature -, this is not a world that hands things to people on silver platters -, most entrepreneurs fail serially. You called to try to extort me with threats of frivolous grievances. You asked me ifl was Greenfield's friend, and I told you i was. I?d never deny that. i hung up on you, and you called back to continue making your threats You claimed that you knew more free-speech law than me, and I told you not to threaten, but to do it. The rest?SEOing your client?s name for advertising?is but a product of your fevered imagination. Greenfield this :11 rnin . One post. The only time he has mentioned your name. He published two hours ago When i googie your name?just it's the first hit Nobody had to do any 350 to make that happen; I hadn't linked to it until just now it's just Scott?s biog, which Google absoi?u rely loves. Scott?s biog has Googie Pageranlt 6. You do not have anything that compares His post about you will be at the top of Google search results by the end of the day, and it will stay there for as long as you want to keep playing. Googie loves Scott?s blog (and likes mine, but not in that way) because it isn?t marketing Scott gets up early every morning and writes two or three blog posts about whatever the hell he wants to write about. People read him, and think, or laugh, or become outraged, and they comment and share. There is no call to action, no bragging about his legal talent or his latest win Scott isn?t writing toget clients. he?s writing because writers gotta write. Scott and lboth wrote about your purported client Gary Ostrow because Ostrow did something that was in our respective wheelhouses he put out a press release Claiming to be taking high-profile cases That press release is ME. Why would that be interesting to us} Because not everybody thinks like you and Gear Osrrow do Not everyone sees everything as marketing. Some of us think that educating and entertaining. being educated and entertained, are more important than attracting more money. Anyway, there is no way in the world that pointing and laughing at Gary Ostrow? foolishness (or yours) is going to bring Greenfield or me a single client. So anyway, i guess that?s a digression. A little insight for you A man should not threaten to do things if you?re going to do something. do it. If you?re not, don't. It?s not myjob to teach you anything, Patrick-? that should have been your parents? task?but I offer a pointer for the other aspiring reputation managers who might stumble across this post. Because criminal-defense lawyers are the 06 reputation managers; Know your audience. Before you make a run at a guy, figure out what is going to heIp your ch'en most. You only get one chance to get it righ t, and if you get it wrong and try to threaten a guy who won ?t be threatened, you ?ne failed. When it comes to reputation management, success is ?eeting, but failure is forever. Mark w. Bennett MariaWBohnett . 17h Transcript of Zarrelli?s call to btannebaum. He seems to have forgotten that the South Florida Chronicle folded. dropbox.oom /s/skm2f307vxqq 1 2 View Sum mary Mark W. Bennett MarkwBeizr'rr?m?ati - Here, for your reading pleasure, is a transcript of Zarrelli?s call to Greenfield. 5 5 View 3 Mark W. Bennett - 19h Contrast this twitteroom/KidChronioBQ/?s with ?when you guys give me that initial bravado and stuff, it really doesn't scare me at ZameIIl @KidCi?rr?onit?? @MarkWBennett you whole page is about me. your a lawyer. please leave me alone. 2015.85: Reputation Management Expert Patrick Zarrelli Weighs In MARK BENNETT - I- Ihus spake Patrick Zarrelli: We called you honestly and professionally about our client. We work in cyber bullying, a real field, that?s important. You instantly began to swear at me, after admitting that you and Greenfield are friends who support each others blogs for SEO purposes. In this case to SEO under my clients name for advertising. Then when i told you why I called, and you realized you had exposed yourself and Greenfield in possible unethical advertising practices you freaked. Based on this article I cant tell your still angry and its clouding your judgment. There is nothing honest or ethical about this article or your advertising techniques. Now you say im on cocaine because I dare call you on the phone politely? That?s really dishonest my friend. [m sorry your so angry, but what you are doing here is dark, unethical, and not benefiting of a lawyer or the bar you licensed under. All it is, is textbook, cyber bullying. Posted for no other purpose except to hurt others, and encourage your friends, and fellow unethical marketers. to join in on the personal attack of an honest person Bullshit, Zarrelli. You are not a ?professional. You are a born loser trying to muddle by, a socially retarded 36-year-old man-child with a string of failures who is still trying to figure our why the world has stopped handing things to him on a silver platter- That's okay. Most people are more or less like that People who smoke a lot of weed don?t mature, this is not a world that hands things to people on silver platters; most entrepreneurs fail serially. Anyway, you might want to get ahead or this one, suice ir Larreiu maxes me same call to Scott Green?eld, all hell is likely to break loose. Love, MB. prs. new? ABOUT MARK. BENNETT Haemfomavmrosensaofmoorwumwmm. . .?gavxt'xa. 0 RESPONSES TO 2915.84: DEAR GARY OSTROW I mais? - oorrmem is awaiting We called you honestly and professionally about our client. We work in cyber bullying, a real field, that?s important You instantly began to Swear at me. after admitting that you and Greenfield are friends who support each others biogs for SEO purposes In this case to SEO under my clients name for advertising. Then when I told you why I called, and you realized you had exposed yourself and Greenfield in possible unethical advertising practices you freaked. Based on this article I cant tell your still angry and it's clouding your judgment There is nothing honest or ethical about this article or your advertising techniques Now you say im on cocaine because i dare call you on the phone politely? That's really dishonest my friend. [m sorry your so angry, but what you are doing here is dark, unethical, and not benefiting of a lawyer or the bar you licensed under. All it is. is text book, cyber bullying. Posted for no other purpose except to hurt others, and encourage your friends, and fellow unethical marketers, to join in on the personal attack of an honest person. I I don?t play well with extortionists, so I told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance. I may have dropped an f?bomb or two?Gary, don?t you hate it when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? I know I do. Anyway, Gary, I thought you? like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion ?-we all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. Are you, Gary? nyway, you might want to get ahead of this one, since if Zarrelli makes the same all to Scott Greenfield, all hell is likely to break loose. Mink Scott Green?eld . Challenge accepted. Patrick Working on a reputation management clients case all day. Never encountered such a rude. unethical shady bunch Mark W. Bonnett . 1.. - 73?? 5? What are the chances that engaging with this dude is a Rule One violation? i a 5.139 -3-er' w-a" mam Challenge accepted. PaulaZmIam?yw warlan on a reputation mmganem clients case all day. Never encountered such a rude. unethical Shady bunch fume/Em ?Vim My extortion attempts failed.- on a retaliation rnanagemem cllents case all day. Never encountered such a rude. unetl?cal Shady bunch of?. fbnw?dEBLnOISr MW. Barnett - . DO YOU think -i knows that marcmuag is trying to blackmail lawyers on his gal-mm mark W. Googla PageRanl-c for". simplejusticeus: 4 V?v?l'v' - - . (Larger numbers better.) Sure it is. If I took it down. what would I link to in my next post about Gary Ostrow? Brian Tannebaum -. @MarkWBennert I see It's still up. Mark w. Bennett - 5h ix .. re Gary Ostrow. Josh @MarkWBennett which post? Mark w. Bennett Mark'v?VBermett . rim g. Some dumbass named Zarelli just called to threaten to file a bar grievance against me because of a blog post. 6 Mark w. Benne MarkWBennett - 5h MT 1? .frr: . re Gary Ostrow. I. H. @MarkWBennett which post? Brian Tannebaum :0 1 Follow [37.51 r11? rim L1 1" I see it's still up. 5755.3 PM. PEI rm -1 yr.) 1 6-3 I R??w 3C3 Defending People. HOME 2015.84: Dear Gary Ostrow Ja.? Dear Gary. 1 had lemma, :0 tell you the truth. that I'd written Wilhelm your ridiculous Announces He Is 1' aking on Celebrity 6111111113! 66565 in Hedda It'd been a couple years, and it wasn't a big deal-a: the nme. It ism-acted a few comments then slipped my mind Then I got a 53th call mday from some guy calling himself Patrick Zarrelli He claimed, to be doing zepucazien management on behalf He said something about cocaine?l can?t be Sure whether he was Lancing about himself or about yen. Anyway. this Rania}; guy threatened ta file a grievance against me if I didn?t take the post down I tried to explain to Zanelli that I?m a ?rst Amandmem lawyer and that I?ve been unsuccessfully gzieved and sued for the content of this blog He didn?t seem to catch the gist; he kept threatening, acting like he he knew the law There was some mumbo?iumbo about It not being ?hot news." so that i had to take it down Apparently he has lawyers in his family. so he?s an expert I knew Hazy. right? (Do you think it was the cocaine talkingso! told Zarrelli te go ahead anti file his grievance I may have dropped an E-bomb?or two?Gary. don't you hate it. when people threaten :0 dc: stupid things instead of ,rust doing chemF know do. Anyway. Gary. 1 :hought yml'd like to know the: same Stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zamlii is going amund trying :0 fuck up you: :eputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors your past (w?mch are legion?we all make mustakes). doubt that you an: dumb enough to late this Zanelli Character to try to push me arou nd Are you. Gary) Anyway. you Might want to get ahead t'ms one! since if makes the same caL to ?a - rial all hell is likely to'break lease Eli 52. ucfe Gas-awn JJB Sen'w?eev 51?5 ?ZaW-aa g" :5 ?late ear: 3-: if": 21.! 5 82 cue-sen m: far-rag 2" Mar ua Sect-arrow! 26 .1515 =9 3.1m- -.ame- T-rr. Summer-:1 5 1773511315 5339' u: Gum": Ra: 5- 22 - 2:15 '9 1 Etc-"am :5 31.: W'Inn; a 2:15 Tense. Ham-3411?: caw iec'ENUe' '3 Ei'? can: ?5 Stravsiac'r are.? .n Says Hw' 13'. '5 Dr: {5'53" Esme-.5 er -213 Wet-eel Semewnev 5 ?ts '5 an 23': a 5 3 Cream Swmut Seawerav ?25 I 2.15 '3 GsoLJur-T Dar ?nn he :c?elor 9h. Eel Earner-av 3 21"5 Ems: Inst anaer- 'Id. Butch I Ear-e Tar-amen? (2,553 I Ls- . . mwjenmtt i. It's actually about ethics in legal journalism. BrianTmbamn .2. Patrick explains: ?Ali because i cation them out for running clogs that don?t meet her standards of ethics fer advertisian i I just hope he sharpens his crayon. - @MatkWBemett ?otannebaum Yer gonna regret mm not sending it to the editor ?rst. -. VJ .. Uncle Foster - - -- Do they throw out any page where the authOr mixes up your 2? you're. and probably they're I their I there. also? Brian Tannebaum .. e; Dude has a 40. no 45 page Bar complaint he's ?ling tomorrow. and suing. and meeting With lawyers. and. .. .I 1! Brian Tannehaum Never understood internet reputation management until tonight 1 Call lawyers and threaten them. 2 see more postsstop I I. 1 -. II. ABOUT MARK BENNETT Mark Barnett go: he tatter of margin from tho Soprano Corn otTexas in May 1995. He Is lemma for mom no sense ot humor Man it entries to totalitarianism. -v J?s I'Isil'it'LJjHIJ?l'l? tin-Ir. \1 ?lth 'nt- regent-Mink ll'i'l llfl'l ll 0 RESPONSES TO 2015.84: DEAR GARY OSTROW says.- Your comment is awaiting moderation. u. I. We called you honestly and professionally about our client. We work in cyber bullying, a real field, that?s important. You instantly began to swear at me. after admitting that you and Greenfield are friends who support each others blogs for SEO purposes In this case to SEO under my clients name for advertising. Then when I told you why i called. and you realized you had errposed yourself and Greenfield in possible unethical advertising practices you freaked. Based on this article 1 cant tell your still angry and its clouding your judgment. There is nothing honest or ethical about this article or your advertising techniques Now you say im on cocaine because I dare call you on the phone politely? That?s really dishonest my friend. sorry your so angry, but what you are doing here is dark, unethical, and not benefitng of a lawyer or the bar you licensed under. All it is, is textbook, cyber bullying. Posted for no other purpose except to hurt others, and encourage your friends, and fellow unethical marketers, to join in on the personal attack of an honest person. Tweets e3. ?rt-3:08 ti videos w. aria if,- 36. ?w I'm curious. Patrick: what response do you think is appropriate when someone tries to extort you? ll Patrick Zarrelli . - ,c 3: @btannebaum please just leave me alone. i think you guys have done enough damage to my reputation and Mness tonight. . Mark W. Bennett arr: .- Gee. now I'm sorry I called you twice to threaten you with frivolous bar complaints. Oh, wait: that was you. Patrick Zane!" an ~21 .i'r @btmnebeum please just leave me alone. i think you guys have done enough damage to my reputation and business tonight. Mark W. Bennett ?e - 1. Patrick pretends not understand that lawyers don 't like threats of grievances. Do it or don't. but don't threaten. Patrick @btanneoaum How is this a threat? Look you guys can attack me if you want. I dont agree that its ok or ethical. Hark W. Bennett Mend-Palatine? - As a eel-proclaimed expert, he's unsurprisineg bad at social media. Keith LOO Fe." Lit-.2341: Hal v.35 nit Honestly. impressed that has pushed this far without setting his aocnt private. But that might be too complicated for him. it}: Mania {f-tet-nw; ThatAnonymoueCoward AL. . gun g? ?J?Mar?kWBer'll'len Like it'll be the ?rst time I'll be attached to a defamation case filed in 1 1" Mark W. Bennett . People, people. Please do not mock mom-munmy; I do not need codefendants. .i hedge knight Hey if you are going to the bar get me a scotch&soda Marle?termett .?btanneoaum have him get you your d?nkstoo "wiit- rii'uvioxa 'mtr air-1?: .. -. 33.5K fl 7 7 {54 .Jil' .- .II ?lit Irv i Mark Bennett Mark W. Bennett Holds the record for votes received in an No clue that threatening filing a [trivolousl grievance is threatening- election by a Libertarian candidate. Should have researched me more. 0/10. (J Texas. USA If. '33: Joined May 2003 Patrick ZarreIIi I @MarkWBenneti @TimCushing I called for a client professionally and you lost it i said i wanted to call BEFORE filling a complaint. Mark w. Bennett .. That's a very nice way of saying. "bring it. motherfucker." Brian Tannehaum - . . .u . @KidChtomoSE Patrick. I ihink you should do what y0u think is right. I?m sure the Bar womd love to know who you are and what you are domg Chm: iitimi D.M. Bean in. Jamil-u Sociopaths are just ruthless optimizers in social situations. 1 YPFP Itoqu eh 7' 4 2015.84: Dear Gary Ostrow ..- -- DeaIGary, i had forgotten. to tell yen the truth. that I?d mitten about your ndiculuus Gan! 05W Lawyer Announces He is Taking an All! Celebrity Ctimthal Case's Burma W. It?d been a couple years, and it wasn't a big deal at the time it attracted a few comments then slipped my mind Then got a phone call today from some guy calling hunself Pauiclt Zanelli He claimed to be doing reputation management on your behalf He salt! somatqu abwtcocalne-l can?t be sure whether he was talking about himself or about you. Amway. this Patrick Barrellj guy threatened to file a grievance against me if I didn?t take the pOSt down I tied to explain tu Zaztelli that I'm a ?rst Amendment lawyer and that i?ve been unsuccessfully grieved and sue? for the mutant of this blag He didn?t seem to catch the gist; he k913i threatening, acting like he he ?ew the law These was some mumbo-jumbo about it not being ?hot news." so that 1 had to take it dawn. Apparently he has lawyers in his tamily. so he's an expert lknw- crazy. right? (Do vuu think it was the cocaine talking") 3399' may well 35; :43 axto: ilc?g??, so I told Zatrell't to go ahead and file his I grievance i may have dmpped an [-bumb or two?Gary. don?t you hate 1t when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? I I do Anyway. Gary. 1 thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshoie calling himself Patrick Zarreili is going around trying to fuck. up your reputation while claiming t0 be your agent Despite the judgment. errors in your past (which. are legion?we all make mistakes). I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zanellj character to try to push me around Are you, Gary) Anyway. you might want to get ahead oi this cue. since it makes the same cell to all hell is lilter to break tease LOVE. MB - 2:15 8-: Dear Gan 051m- Zttaue' 2-5 31*: Her 3.3 51-05 '1-23 .?mtaweiec ?arr *u'r Gz'aoe' 2% 2335 I 21'5 More Eaa-a?u -t-ttu es Snacfamca' 2:25 7'1- ?l Gav-Pm a? mm were A - Hat-.1 gutter-w ET: .3 ?3.53 awash ?IIsSc:fa:_l 5" Ma'- JE Eat?amte' I I: '9 Cum. {3-we- r'I Cadmium-:5 A-tarrmata 'u 2?18? L: Gasamn is: 9" Berta-Phat 2?2 IE ?5 A 'aacwrn'. am: An ?rr; 23 2'39: :15 Tan-Lass reunion-ts Am 3-31": - ?ns- 33am 5 53.; Simmer =5 0 2? '5 "l Stern's E'rI-ca :5 Jun ?r-axH-r S- 2:35 .235 I: Arr 32.15 5a s-ees?. auraaena: Surat-meDocent-ls: Elev 31: "we 'T-erterraw 2 5:19: 5909:}; - . it A r- rre-JI I Tat-unmet 3" 7'6 2 ?w 5 Bum gram-5r .tl'nl'. - saws mute! dl? I [tare Tam 'a ?9 2' n: I 7-43.33 mama? ?2-1 $33 Tear are ?was .- - Jr'emara: -.- Dear Gary, 1 had forgotten, to tell you the truth, that l'd written i it agatelle about your ridiculous Gary Osrrow Lawyer Announces He Is Taking on All Celebrity Criminal Cases in Florida oressrelease. it?d been a couple years, and it wasn?t a big deal at the time. it attracted a few comments then slipped my mind. Then I got a phone call today from some guy calling himself Patrick Zane-Iii. He claimed to be doing reputation management on 1irour behalf. He said something about cocaine?1 can?t be. sure whether he was talking about himself or about you. Anyway, this Patrick Zarrelli guy threatened to file a grievance against me if 1 didn?t take the post down. 1 tried to explain to Zarrelli that I?m a First Amendment lawyer and that We been unsuccessfully grieved and sued for the content of this blog. He didn't seem to catch the gist; he kept threatening, acting like he thought he knew the law. There was some mumbo- jumbo about it not being ?hot news,? so that 1 had to take it down Apparently he has lawyers in his family, so he?s an expert 1 know. crazy, right? (Do you think it was the cocaine talking?) avg-LI with so I told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance 1 may have dropped an towel) or twee-Gary, don?t you hate it when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? 1 know I do. wav, Gar thou ht you like 1'0 know that some stupid asshole callin_ iniseli Patrick Zarielli is -oin;, around trying to fuck our reputation while ?lainiin'* to be your a gent. Despite the Judgment errors in vour past (which are he lone we all make mistakes), ldonbt that rou are dumb enough to hire this arrelli character to to push me around. Are you, Gary? Anyway, you might want to get ahead of this one, since if Zarrelli makes the same call to Sitol?meu?uld, all hell is likely to break loose. Love . MB - lee-t: "vU-p'emnm ct: .I I I5 ill Campaign?- to An Henri timers Sepia-1mm 25. ZINE: I 9315M: titan UD Sentemoer 2r. zit-I5}? Cool: Lawver Fin. Still-seriarm's In Love: up (jasmine :l?l'lgf'l. September 22 201i: - 2-015 9'8 A taxonomy or Elan Writing) Senior-inner so. 2-inc- 2U Texas a I'Vuax ?orid: Law Sunlemner l'ul I :9th "ii Ruth; Llncims?. .r rinailv Llrili- Say-:- Hi {inn-MW Septeliutie- ft. PM {yams oi kli There-3T ?jetliew'lam 5? EU I 1?11": 6:1. hum luv: 2: I) F'ju'enumal ti 36:31:: I I'm Fwy-.m- and {outwit Mun-in?! bavte'nhei mtiall 1 mn- elrval ammo-e Subscribe Umbra-an South . 1? Igll I'l n-m- a Flam; Um r?new FNWE miape n'al ?none Tmn-msun on .1'1 "i "i =1 leuzruomv 'Jl ?who Wi- lug Rum: F-rkman on a; "i 1514. [lary- 3'2-ani ?wears l'ri'.r1 It?ll!? Fixer?: Li I u! :rhl I'tilxll'uwl- I 636.34 Dear Gar. Ostrow I?Itzmher 29 was. 2015.84: Dear Gary Ostrow H_k_ it! is 3.1-. in?! a I 2 515- More t?msiautp awn Pumas Germanium H: Auto 231514.! LLampa on to {rum nnla AI Ham: Summoner 33 Dear Gary, I had forgotten, to tell you the truth, that l?d written at lie about your . 3315 39 ridiculous Gary Ostrow Lawyer Announces He Is Taking on All Celebrity Criminal Cases in Florida messtelralse. It'd been a couple years, and it wasn?t a big deal at the time. It attracted a few comments then slipped my mind butlumlar-n's moi-won, lathe}? Ul' Gil?i?WC Then I got a phone call today from some guy calling himself ?"1me I iv'iu? ?3 A taxonomy tiar- 'laitned to he doin re. notation management on your behalf He said somethin_ about cocaine?1 can?t he sure whether he was talkin about himself or about WI-llnu Lemon-per 3:115 laws 5 l?lnt'il- raw t?uuo?eII-tie' Its Anyway, this Patrick Zarrelli guy threatened to file a grievance against me ii i didn't . (it: .H, take the P051 down. a? m' I9 22' tried to explain to Zarrelli that I?m a First Amendment lawyer and that I?ve been I 1 not: f: unsuccessfully grieved and sued for the content of this blog He didn?t seem to I a catch the gist, he kept threatening, acting like he thought he knew the law There . was some ntumboajumoo about it not being ?hot news.? so that i had to take it i m; down Apparently he has lawyers in his family, so he?s an expert. I know: crazy, - 1m: NI Minn-Mr? I?m right? (Do you think it was the cocaine talking?) t. L'tl?ywcilwim catot'tlutusts. so I told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his muse- grievance I may have dropped an i -bomb or two?Gary. don?t you hate it when I n. 1 people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? 1 know 1 do You total time email acme-5's Anyway, Gary, I thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while Sum? UM claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion?we all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. 5m.? Areyou?Gal-y? Inolxl ?uncut-t?. I '39! I-I- ?1 .- -AI uLnnH n? {pint-r) run-sling- l-Qm?a 1, r- II. 1.1?BUl.g 2. Davis is refuraing to issue any marriage licenses;I she argued that her refusal to issue licenses caused only,r an incidental burden on the (gay and straight) plaintiffs? right to marry because they could go to one of the surrounding counties for a license 3. There may be other factors of which we are not aware for example, someone may be promising her some benefit for staying in jail, or threatening some detriment for not doing so. Bur these are just parts of the three major variables; P, I, and a 4. The injunction was against Davis in her official ca pacity; when she is no longer the Rowan County Clerk, the injunction no longer applies to her. a I) DI El) . mutate-'3' .tw Limo-?ass Defending People. Disclaimer Criminal-defense lawyers like me get paid lots of money to help people make decisions that will affect them for the rest of their lives Our advice, when given, is based on a thorough understanding of the facts as well as years of experience dealing with the infinite nuances of the law If you make decisions that will affect your future based on things you?ve read on a website, you?re an idiot. Don?t blame me. if you call me after you screw things up. it?s going to cost five times what it would have cost you before. l?tl i lat a 1mm: 2.015 E-?ll t? Mfr-vi.- ?tas an?p 311:? 1-0-1 es Sewanine? ati's - Wt"- .tiwmle A Hanrl "sq-Hit, .1 till- Um t- Mari 2 ll Li - .fillfi learwu 1 HI ?(Howl?s H: l. :t?i . In, -P A lax: 'Hmw Al am: w- Iii-t; I. in Ina; Iu?ra? Home IJL-l'il I _Alrr.n': tliu'm srl'nr rirwa'lt- Jew 13min bailout-Ire I 1-: ~r atzu Fume-r 'i-ar-ieml-Fir-Jinn .1 2511?; JUIL: L1 Ut'lwtlunlsi ital I'auwtgw and {he ?rIUT?er' Mulder herilernuer I H.115 Hilde Hues angered-J mugs-n: ?aunt: 35.315 Rs: IJ. 2015.83 Dean Boland's Threats Untethered From Truth II ?Illa 1 did not enter into any agreement called a ?deferred prosecution agreement? nor even words to that effect. This statement is false and defamatory and damaging to my professional reputation. never entered a deferred prosecu tien agreement with the government This statement is defamatory and causing me real, financial harm which is calculable. in Roland. October 2019. - I hm dean Brenner?s three-s F'nm "uTh C'Uuber 31:13 - it? Mute Gaslalnn . ?agar :2 lies Repraumar 335115 I (It In Hl campaign a} Hahn ?Iryguu Sen-Hinan ju?n I ?121?; Ht. ?Maw. lei-3m raga-e" Mm. Hf: '24 I JUN) mm: lawmr hm Summit-nut Attempts 1t:- L?uuer Uu Han-5w Seulemuw 2.: - 3-th it! A leanunmv a! ?ea wr-t-m; Semevlmu 2'11 a Texas 5 Humt, law Sew-amhe- 19 si'tn If) Lat-unis 38W 5 Ummnm?utmnallu Flam mamas-"Len jam-suma- We; HOW Kinda like - [u the accusation? and that he 25' confident that nis eneamiieled ex ceuztroern sawt' can help defend the rights freed-3n:- ef highIT, Li: f-Q' 1-1 r?x actually get him more c? chill}. generally choose the lawyers their agents .3: teenagers :ecentrnene, en' agents and. managets,whi1e often Choose ;nwisel}; aren?t likely to (Ill-?3058 a lavage: based on a selfv serving press :eleaee Ostrow knows, though, that there :3 a believe thei: cases are high-profile. bet . These patential clients want to be celebrities, because they believe that celebrities get the best of everything [fl Ln r-o If We Call these potential Clients ?narcig File OStrow?s bid to get more clients under ?affinity marketing {Apropos of celebrity: Weezer - Beverly Hills; "W?nile not. averse to subjecting rnt'sel? to ?i.t?s greed for my ego ?2 try to avoid deserving it ABOUT MARK BENNETT Mark Senna: get his Jitter 5f "harm-e the Sent-ewe $0th 0? Texas in May 995 -Ie as lama-m5 for ?Ewing ?to sense or ?when rt comes to ?new ai' pests tn Mack Barre". - Defending People. .I- - 'll?l'H "Ill "0 ll It. Narcissists Who Need le.?.l ll .45.: .Lp-?g in. HOUSTON, TX Criminal defense lawyer Mark Bennett has recently announced his intention to take on representation of all rich people charged with crimes in the state of Texas, effective immediately Recognizing that the filthy rich often tare an unfair bias in the courtroom, Bennett, a Houston, Texas lawyer, seeks to acquit any and all rich [maple wrongfully charged wit serious crimes No. not really it might be nice to corner the market on wrongfully accused fat cats, and even if such a press release didn ?t net me a single additional. affluent person (why would it?l, non rich clients like to imagine that rich people get better representation, so i might get more clients of average means But i wouldn?t do it because issuing a press release like that would subject. me to well~deserved ridicule? a5 a narcissistic asshat. Kinda like Linton: I'Lll'l \Ill . 9 HI: ml? 371? {Josh thiamz's litreals F'um lull!- flr?loho' M1151 a? Iaaniarrm - anal folluea Seniomne' at H.42- 8? ii?'ltualuri 'n Eliminate Ar Mann ?mes Emigrant-Je- 2o Bi. 1' Inlivhl wry-e" Mun ilp w: Inwver Mn" thiiher'ami -. ?Hermit-l to Kiln"! Lil'le lit: Gaul-mill hummus-I 3:2 7- I A lam-nut", 'Il Ilml wntmu ?wuln?I-imi . 2:115 Tm.? x. mm. iinml li'l'w 531']? ?if ?l ?55 Iluly Sac-tr ?rilma-?Inm .?Li ?:11 urnm -3 "mm, or i an llmm-ul ?l?llt?mhe: a E's-'3 .d hlny 5 linearly Seweame: a 2.11:5 - It. r's ut-nmnims- Um since and Inn (jolt-tur- Mume' Same-Hoar T115 I .?z'il lb Black I was For. Kinda like Gary Ostrow. Does anyone believe that issuing a press release announcing that he "has firmly stated that he will take on any celebrity criminal case, regardless of the severity of the accusation? and that he ?is confident that his unparalleled experience and courtroom savvy can help defend the rights and freedom of high-profile stars? will actually get him more celebrity criminal cases? Does Ostrow? I doubt it. Celebrities generally choose the lawyers their agents or managers recommend, and agents and managers, while they often choose unwisely, aren?t likely to choose a lawyer based on a self~serving press release. Ostrow knows. though, that there is a special class of potential clients who want to believe their cases are high-profile, because the want them to be hielr no lie. These potential clients want to be celebrities, because they believe that celebrities get the best of everything. . and toe Golorth Murdol September 2 '31! I 5 I 331:: Black leos. Cor- I.,wes Dangerous Hrmzoru. August 3' Bill?s 'fit?ltlg'GT ll t! Vnu- entail Bite! 9 T?ll3l! sadness Unsubsurlbe I I OI Search [Ill 5's] InXIMlle Mark W. Bennett February 8. 2014 at 10:53 pm Weird. You write like a coked-up lawyer. A l' g??l'va Ii: 4 3 '1 ?u?a?ca W?'l Go with Log Sidney Flour! New Bast $1.59 Mm far SWIbra New $25.34 Best Free Play New: $11.91: Best ?3.01 Brain ?utes Jol'l'l Malina New $15.00 Best 50 .01 T'ie Writers Jaumey Chimner New $14.21 Best $10-06 3TH . T'vrizgar-vg I guess when your pro?ts gets high enmgh you morph from a lawyer to an 'amonay?. View comet-'53 tor Corporat- mc. Inc and 3 others followed you MMLyon ., I wonder. at what pom. .. ?st; mam: decade-:1 that mm tweath a nonstop stream of headlines was What the world needed. 1min 34,5,_ 30 what 5 It like new a canobete crown? 11m ngRemeeted b.19136amass: .: . ?w a? Ion-:2" Mains-or: 1r. 7" I Regan LLM favonted a Tweet you were eve-cm: ?lv- I: "s ?a 3? am Mikeotop -. cs; hey dude. You are hilarious. Neva change. Keep making those carts. Shomnd Ferns favonted a Threat you were mentIOned Enzyme . . Breaking: .- :32 to change ms name to Sums up his threats. -222 but LMAO. Mark'aVBer?r?et? TimCushmg ui-btar?nebaom com-Ersatwr SHG Pest author October 30, 2015 at 9:15 am There was just way too much stupid to fit into one post. Zarrelli is a bottomless pit of shit, which always Speaks we" of someone selling reputation management. Reply 1 lack 0(1de 30. 2-315 ar "24 am No, he said sounded totally legit. You luddite Lawyers simply don't understand the breadth and scope of the destmtion that people like Patn?ck Zarrelli can rain down on your purl).r slice ofintemeL Ifyou knew anything etall abouthie impressive blegs per day of work, you would back all. These things never turn out well for Rgol-g 1 Yeah. I'll take my chances. [Ill mcnuhon Banner 3C. 201?: gr 2?24 pm Dmne. ?3 REQE 1 Vin Camber 32. 2015 a: arr This is better than Jerry Springer and Dr Phil put together. Regly 1 October 39. 31:9"3 arr: I'm more Barney the Dmosaur. Remy 1 Keith Lee October 31]. 2-3: 3 at 9:5? am Watching this since last night has been monumentally painful- This guy is a Class A Icon. l'rn still ?nding all types of nonsense he's left all over the web. October 30. 2015 at 9:1? am would if I could ?gure out a delivery method. Reply], CID Octaner 30, 2013 at 923C am Notonlywould I beforced to also?lea beroornplaintamiretyou herein mean where you are in NY, for unethical trading offoodstutfs for clients, but I would also have to file an FDA complaint for serving popcorn that has been tainted with the bullshit of someone like Zanelli. sinoe there would be no way to guarantee than my popcom dispenser could ?reed the do somed'iing that you aren't smart enough to realize can'tbe done. but its am?'uer?tobelN and Real! October 30. 2015 at 934 3r? And the FDA guys have guns. yen know. I take for granted that it's kinda obvious to everyone that he's talking gibberish. and certainly wouldn't insult the devs here by explaining techno-norms to them. Reglu 1 lack OUODEF 3C. 201?: a? am No. everything he said sounded totally legit. You luddite lawyers Simply don't understand the breadth and scope of the destruction that people like Patrick Zanelli can rain down on your puny slice of internet. if yer: knew anything at all about his impressive biogs per day of work. you would back off. These things never turn out well for Regly sue October 30. 2015 at am Hey. it's not like I said I ever suffered fools gladly. B??htl Mort Occur 30. 2013. at 9 d5 er" Orat Ever. Feglv 1 October 30. 2015 at 3:4? arr: Honestly. ilyoujust yourincomeeasily. Reg-i OCTODEF 3B. 2015 at an? I would if I could ?gure out a delivery mooted. Reply 1 C10 anbi'er 36 2-3! 5 at ?9 31:35? Not only would I be forced to also ?le a bar complaint against you here in Texas. . .er. . .l mean where you are in NY. for unethical trading of foodstulfs for clients. but I would also have to ?le an FDA complaint for semng popcorn that has been tainted with the bullshit of someone like Zan'elli. since there would be no way to guarantee that my popcorn dispenser could ?read the code" to separate his :1an from the actual food. (Seriously, once he 'reads all the code"? Its one thing to claim to be able to do something that you aren't smart enough to realize can?t be done. but its another to be IN the websne business and than make such a moronic threat. Note for Zarrelli; once you ?weave all the code together to ?nd my identity and location, please drop by for a swi? lock to the nuts.) Regly 1 all-I a Prim: 33 Email 63 g1?,va This entry was posted In Uncazegorqed on Octooer 381 2015 by SHG. The Hanion's Razor Defense The True! Tax Worse Than You 11110th 35 comments on "Did Gary Ostrow Hit Bottom? Enter Patrick Zarrem @Kidchronic32" REVETS October 30. 2315 at 8:30 arr iikearoalbadass. Excuse me, I meant dumbass. I haven?t had emugh coffee yet. 1 Mort October 30. 2015 at 3'36 arr. My tolerance for smpid is limited mesa days.? These days? Reply 1 5H6 October 30? 2015 at 9 '1 am Hey. it?s not like I said I ever suffered fools gladty. Real! J, Mort Dc?rober 30. 2015 at9145 am Or at all. Ever. My}. A man should not threaten to do things. if you?re going to do something, do it. If you?re not, don?t. ldon't like being threatened. if you happen to threaten me, I will not respond with threats. I will brush it off, or will strike, 1 don?t like being grieved. I?ve been grieved before for the content of my biog. I?ve even been sued for the content of my blog. Nothing has ever taken. The inconvenience has ranged from piddly to moderate. I don?t like having people tell me what I can and can?t say. I?d suffer major inconvenience rather than cave to a censor. There are blogging lawyers who would cower in the face of a grievance threat; I am not one of these lawyers. Defending free speech is what I do for a living; not going to give up my own free speech for convenience? sake. So when you tried to extort me by threatening to file a grievance against me for the content of my blog, I have to admit that it pushed my buttons. 1 could have told you that it?d push Greenfield's buttons as well. As a result, your client?s reputation has suffered. You?ve made it about yourself, an: your client?s reputation will suffer more because he is yoked to youteach you anything, Patrick?that should have been your parents? task?but I offer a pointer for the other aspiring reputation managers who might stumble across this post. Because criminal-defense lawyers are the 06 reputation managers; Know your audience. Before you make a run at a guy, ?gure out what is going to help your client most. You onlyget one chance to get it rightthreaten a guy who won ?t be threatened, you ?ve failed. When it comes to reputation management, success is ?eeting, but failure is forever. It?s n0t my job to teach you anything, Patrick-?that should have been your parents? task-?but 1 offer a pointer for the other aspiring reputation managers who might stumble across this post. Because criminal-defense lawyers are the CG reputation managers: Know your audience. Before you make a run at a guy, figure out what is going to help your Chen most. You only get one chance to get it right, and if you get it wrong and try to threaten a guy who won ?t be threatened, you ?ve failed. When it comes to reputation management, success is ?eeting, but failure 1's forever. Did Gary Ostrow Hit Bottom? Enter Patrick Zarrelli @Kid- chronic32 have like i: Hunt?: and will mend his ways, he manages to find a new, as yet unplumbed depth of poor choices. Florida lawyer, Gary Ostrow. has had his strugng with some very bad personal choices. it happened again. When you think a desperate lawyer has ?nally realized that he can't be- But if Patrick Zarrelli is any indication, then Ostrow has gone from very bad to monumen- tally idiotic. Zarrelli claims to be handling Ostrow's reputation management, which is appar- ently his latest effort to make a buck following the crash and burn of his curious attempt to wear big boy pants by publishing something called the South Florida Chronicle. One disas- ter foretells the next. Grock October 30, 2015 at 2:02 pm His pitch of his mad intemet skill: on Facebook seems to have gone missing. Cleanup in isle three. 1 love how he "believes" something is illegal therefor it is illegal. How adorable. Reply 1, Nigel Declan October 30, 2015 at 2:1 1 pm I wonder if his pitch to Ostrow was that he could make him, in effect. the next Barbara Streisand. Reply 1 5H6 Post author October 30. 2015 at 2:12 pm If so, he earned his fee. teen Pingback: Lawyer Hires Internet Tough Guy to Silence Internet Tough Guys Todd Thompson October 30. 2015 at 4:20 pm Wow. This kid is truly pathetic. His "company" Dependable Website Management adver- tises graphic design services, but a Google Image reverse lookup reveals that his graphics are stolen from other websites. This video gives you an idea of the esswipe's mad skillz. His webcam is set to mirror mode so you can't read the promotional materials he holds up. A truly sad specimen. be .comfchannelIU CDU1 PM ldTi 8M and Of course, Bennett, Green?eld, and Tannebaum just posted voicemails as they should along with a healthy dose of their own posturing and now the blawgosphere smells like a high-school locker room and I can?t breathe. Featured image: ?Portrait of two smiling muscular men flexing biceps? from Shutterstock. Legal News reputation management twitter mark bennett Web News lm ages Videos Shopping More Search roots About 3.040.000 results (0 62 seconds'i Mark W. Bennett (@MarkWBennett) Twitter 10 hours ago 16 hours ago Because guys are piciiyI in the Mishire Cc @Cernovich no! just you. lobby? twittemomlmistressmatis. .. Mlttemomloecacolafstal. .. Brian Tannebaum (@btannebaum) Twitter Brian Tannebeum Retweeted Mark W. Bennett. When did this happen, while [was 31 lunch? You've visited this page 3 times. Last 10i28f15 ll-Fllw' want: In: cAWIui-?c, wry-urn? va?uw 'I-uIr ?dog-1 uuo- - w, mm -- seems to find the subtle diffmes between 'ywr" Ind ?you're' have eluded his pristine Easiness acumen. [Also "ton'mo.? ?thM' and pretty much my other humowrn he banged out on his keyboard mu his Fauwa rantingITwiutr self-Whom} Ontopofmat. reviews. Wu: takes steps Understanding posith reviews that will bring mm rm to you. warm?th results ?rsipaseofmrraHutmpiam Hummwm I'm-look. This scary Gum?s W. YOULL FULLY BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Wamth him to ?gaforit. maefwmiwmfa'mmimitcd mm magma-hid. m. Waring him as In?" with a grim: if ?cm to an'?f's Wham. Green?eld has the mm of Zanelu's [mg-which! tin-at; posted to I11: site. de?nitety ward: a listen. ewe-cull? as he dam ht: websites have ?25 million my and rattle-drops like arm cares. (use). 'my family is riddled with man-end W53 Bennett. Wm was First ta Post. Well. actualty m. In a Weather #:13th threateniri phat! calls. Zarrdli {not to Facebook to air his (Implant. to a more retentive audiencemad, but here are of the better bin. Neva-r murmured such a rude. unethical of attorneys in my life. Hm guys (?chatty wrote a negative about a contempt?: refuse. just so they mum tag in an arm-st from his past to it. in an to enter his results arid steal his ?rmness. {ml Th9 thing that?s about (mm HR: this. is that they think they understand the internet and its Imus. even though what they may mew now: tn! lntemot :0qu fit into a The truth is they WIFE out of {aw school berm the Internet was even invented! [mi Mn the real world they have a better understand of our cande (aw: and can use that to trm'r advantage to bu?y newts. [Ila theI real world they have a better of our complu laws and can use that to their Wage to bully' Maple. Howe-r an the interact. this means absolutely nothing, saint: the iota-met essentially ls wanted by no am. Moreover the is on: of the most well documented places an the planet, and if you know how to read the cad? you can truth and ?up out The intemet?smnae ability to our-ought? hadrwa zmu. He's indeed well-mm -- mm Zmeulclea?yovedoohodm'amg?mrsm behal ofhisc?ent. Wormsrun?eld?s. ldon?t play unit with mortimists. soltold Zarrelli to somm?le his grim-lot. Amway. Gary. I thought you?d like to kmthotmomid asshole calling himself Patrick lofuclt wwmpum?mw?lledolmto bayou! m. De?nite (which aroan all nuke ldcnubt ?utwu we'me hire {Matter to hrrelli alsocalled mum BrianTannebaum. offering up Then. he brie?ymedwith his Ulticson th?tter, Movements. sane half-hearted him and -- ?nally WWIW realizing his imposed victims aren?t actually scared of him. . Patrick Zunlli .3. I J-SMarkWBennett @TimCushing to late millions have seen it im suing you I tomorrow. your a bad lawyer and person. leave me M- to late million: how soon it fm suing you la?'IOrraw. your a band lawyer and person. leave me Bennett has also published a follow-up post that's going to do little to change Bennett?s reputation as a "bad person? who sh0uld just leave the person who picked the ?ght None." You are not a 'professional. You are a born loser trying to muddle by, a socially retarded 16-year-old man-child with a string of failures who is still trying to ?gure Out why the world has stopped handing things to him on a silwr platter. A professional in the reputation management business might have performed a little due diligence before threatening lawyers who a) know the law and b} are used to being threatened by stupid peeple. Someone who claims to know the SEO world inside and out might have realized attacking influential blogs and websites is about the worst thing you can do for a client's "reputation." Greenfield wrote a blog post about you this morning. One post. The only time he has mentioned your name. He published two hours ago. When google your name- just ?Patrick Zorrelli" -Greenfleld's posts comes up in the #5 slot, after your carefully cultivated social-media pages. When google ?Patrick Zarrelli reputation management" it's the first hit. Nobody had to do any SEC to make that happen: hadn?t linked to it until just now. It's just Scott?s blog, which Google absolutely loves. Scott?s blog has Google Pageronk 6. You do not have anything that compares. His post about you will be at the top of Google search results by the end of the day, and it will stay there for as long as you want to keep playing. Zarrelli is finished in the reputation management business. I wouldn't shed any tears. though. He clearly didn't belong in it. Ostrow's reputation has also taken another hit, despite (presumably) paying Zarrelli to patch it up. Instead of helping his client, Zarrelli burned both of their reputations to the ground with a few short phone calls and utilized the power of social media to salt the earth. Well done, Mr. Zarrelli. Time to switch to Career Path 3. ?m/Tml 1. mm.msatn. 2059 32:1!an pus-Ink trummwawt Imam mum mum-ad] z. 49mm, on m, :ms 91mm . 6mm? {mum Emily mt mayor: (MHWI. sown: mMa palm mammal, wt Ww.mnn.miseizm ?5 ?mammal. ?tows mum-nu: 4. 12:36:!? 5. a am. m. ans 9 ram Gui-Iowa 3] mh?lmi o. mm Coward. Jam. 2015 9 12:52am 7" "Ev-w though mm cannot Dun-mm. Ifthe Europa-m Lemon has anything to mam 1t. thismof'renunm? mammal. (anyhow: Imuwvus in 7 fawn mam Want Is M10 ?am: to lfe to the world hi?ngmm :0 on their behalf. is a great but for I mums relatwa as neither can trust the other. {mymm?s?linktat?? ?no-in than] 6. Coward. Oct 30th. 2015 9 12:52pm ?Even though negative statements cannot be sent my. If the mismnf?nwution mmW'w?tsoon becmuwyassamam. [reptytothullmwuus Humane-nu 7. mm Coward. Oct 30th. IOISQ 32:54pm mwmm: B. 2015912560m title? Waters Mans instead.-. Lamas Destroys ti and H15 that is. 'High {months united-m. 9. Even though negative statemts comet be erased. no can We am: almost tumble to ?nd. buried alder gimme positivity and reviews that wit! bring (terms ?oating to your. mm mm those negative resorts straight from the ?rst page of mi: rewfts into atoms that no on will ever look. It seems that about a decade ago this was Similar to what mpames were promising. To some Googte's algorithm to make your web site go to the top of the worth results. Naturalty (Boogie altered their atga?thms to compensate for this Immense and make sucn earning :0 to the very bottom of their Search resutts. SEO companies sued Google. New car: Googte make It: search engine return useful results. or my clients Site!? Similarly. how dare Google return negative posts instead of the positive posts this clown Is ?ooding the net with. [ugly to this 1 unit to on: view in thread} to. Just wondering. Oct 30th. 20159 t:06pm 15"screenthotted'a teat word? :4 [repiy on this a link to this new in thread] Ww.mrmn,zmse mam Orin: way Scatr?sbiaghasaoogm?agerw 6. HBpostw-wryoumnhearm rchI?Ga-ogtewc? TheSirnpie maebtogpastm Now 1533, Unite-din pro?ts. #4 wa Patrick Zarrolu?. lupiymuusl?rutou'ns vim-mums] WW6. OctJOth. 29159 1:36am tech ammo-s r?usal thisan 7-3 mu Coward (prone, Jam. 20153 1:15pm db i 5000mm mammal; -y aarw-v . . WW. an m. 20:55 wow macaw mow, Incl Wminds think alike- WWhmemh?mhmw. ?ninth?i?l *3 Medium 30m. 2015 9 ?53pm 0 may Rt: I saw: the shen?' . but I didn't sue-mm: H: deputy. mu: tothrs ?all-mud! mum Coward. Oct 13m. 2015 v9 2:550!? My tolerance for Rudd is limited them days. mm?: Stupid I'm We who are not fe?ow town is limited these days. {rem be this I uni; to 21m View In thread! anm (prettier. 30m. 20:5 a 3:08pm mm 5E0 is the homaooathy of the digitai world [wally to um. I link to this Mew tn 091ml 17. 18. 29. 21. +3 WW (NONE). at! 30th. 2015 $31180!" mick: nEEt. act mm. mm 3:46pm Apartmelkethtonan Wlife.?rmfuckingdead.m. Icanbem.mme.anclcar Imumrm?gm via-whim} Len face it, SEO is Snake 011. Pure and smote. Effectiveness can?t be measured. There are so many mm femurs that affect farting. Any mime bump in ranking will be shaft term. Smile employs lots of smart people to emf! that page making is accurate and fair. is as releases an SEO plugm far W/mufetc" I expect that Genie has people mm it! anatyse it and neutraiize any rank in?ation that it might provide. as sooa as see anyone afierirg SEO as a pn'mary product. I immutety new them as smite-oil Samoa. mm Coward. on m. 20the Simple Justice 1:05:15 Good work Patrick. we all knew you coutd do it. [reply to this link to this WON in thread I mom town. Oct 30m. 2015 a: 5:299:71 Re: No. Onty 'screenshat' is real and valid no matter what mm might say to the contrary, dammit. 5 reply to this link to this View in thread i 21. 22. 23. Anonymous Coward, Oct 30th, 2015 to 5:29pm Re: No. Only ?screenshat' is real and valid no matter what anyone might say to the contrary, dammit. reply to this link to this 1 view in thread] a Mark Wing, Oct 30th. 2015 (til 6:29pm According to "Oh, Snap: The Flowchart" he got served. As far as 5E0 being snake oil, I mostly agree. There is some good SEO, but it's mostly just called good content. And there?s definitely a such thing as negative SEO. And it could even involve lots of reputation management as googie's analytics get smarter. And Google is pretty up front about the big picture ieyel things it looks for. Having someone try to game your search rankings usually doesn't help, and it can also come back to bite you on the ass, though usually in a less spectacular fashion than this. But if you managed to game it for now, congrats; you better look over your shoulder for those Evolving analytics that can see through your facade and fuck you just as fast as they up ranked you. There are a few geniune SEO "tricks". For example, We learned that Googie really likes high resolution photos. You can almost say ?blah blah blah [topic]" and it will be kind to you for that topic if you have lots of photos. using its juju to determine if you are an authority on [topic]. That is one trick I will give up. Honestly, i think if you focus on being awesome, then everything else like 5E0 will click into place. And if you suck. then no amount of SEO will make you not suciiuget a day job. I reply to this I link to this 1 View in thread] it - gig Andrew Lee. Oct 315:. 2015 a f2:Olam Your a bad lawyer and person. leave me aloneiill Yeah well, you're shirt are stupid. Mark W. Bennett MMPRikii?mtteii I 04in 31:1 I New Defending People post: 2015.85: Reputation Management Expert Patrick Zarrelli Weighs In bit.iy/i 4 5 Mark W. Bennett - mm Is it too much to ask that your ?reputation management? guy be acquainted with the Streisand Effect? 14 23 Now I'm hungry. GMarkWBe-nnett I hear deed squirrels ?lled w?rth honey are eepeciatly effective. 1 mw- Brennan -- i- At the slightest whiff of entitlement all bets are off. Mike Comm MMWIwokdownpoetswhenwycalled. admitted enter, and asked niceiyi ?MarkWBemett Mark W. Bennett 5g~ I AM CALLED EDITH. FIRE UP SOME WIRESHARK. GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. - ?Fare up some Wireshark.? kek 3km @MarkWBennert We here for ya. tam. Let us know if we need to ?re up some Wresham. YOU rEa?)! want to catch ?ies, there's nothing quite like a deed squlrrel. Mark W. Bennett MarkWBennett - 22h Zarrelli doesn?t understand that the people who can actually do the things that he pretends he can do don?t talk about it. 5 Mark w. Bennett - I?m Zaprudering Zarrelli?s call to to ScottGreenfield, and I?m pretty sure he says ?disreputation management." "curious. Patrick: what response do you think is appropriate when someone tries to extort you? @btannebaurn ploasejust heave me atone. enough damage to my reputation and business tonight. a, or er Palka pretends not undetstand that lawyers don't like threats 0f grievarms. Do it or don't. but dont Wen. Fluid: 23ml" Wmnaurn Lockyouguyscanattamme?you want. I danagm?at?so?oremical. a "by. .- Brian Tanmbaum - Patrick, rat-ac.? ran. the stalking violence case in Broward, case number DVCE13006434, is that you or another Patrick Zarrelli? 1,959 .52? As a sel-proclaimed expert, he's unsurprisingly bad at social media. L00 Honestly. impressed that has waned this far Without setting his accnt private. But that might be too complicated for him. Patrick Manpin Cache! 3112015 at "-41 am Ican?hmagim comm the Paar Principie and Dunning-Kruger. Wan-W 939111 Faber O-zober 30. 2015 a: 1224 pm message: Formperwtaladvrce mamwm. gm; October 30. 201 5 a: 32:27 pm Suchanice. gal. Rachei Notgoodwim paling. Reg: 1 ?mm Cushing camber 30 2-245 at pm ?my family is riddled With high-end lawyers Now. a turn of phrase. Real: 1 Mon Center 39. 2015 a: =34 pm Much ?ke one might be riddled with E3921 4 in.? m5 0? m; 2 mummc mI .mmuhwEEou mEmJ . .e :33 :25 0mm an :mon 5.. 3n 5: ucm $0 my.? 4.0 m?imu mccnu wc? $ch min mmwum mLcum L. or,me x00? om swim. 3.5 .30 mm; m: qumem Mi Emu 08 -madm?aagegaa?oga? . . .miE?a4km Ear 9.3.0} umcEwu mm UIW c9950 3; sq mccnu ?980?: -Eou mE_?md m: .L.. 50 gm?EJc mcocu 2.9.17 - o3