3am. (Hm/cf gap eanolo?y EXFENL 3E3: in the news Gary Ostrow stories at Techdirt. Techdirt - 2 days ago Late in 2012. Florida attorney Gary [)5th ostentatiously announced he was new wilting to More news for gary ostrow 24. 12:03pm Looks like somebody let his alligator mouth overload his hummingbird ass! repiy to this 1 link to this View in 2.5. Oct 315:, 2015@J:i3pm Homophones. not homonyms Hornonyms are words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently, like lead. Homophones are words that are spelled differently but pronounced the same. repty to this 5 link to this I View in thread 26. madasahatter {profile}, Oct 3151', 205 4:52pm Re: the Internet?s own version of snake oil There are a few aspects to SEO as a webmaster for a couple of small sites. irst, use accurate terms to describe your site. Second, make sure the outside links make sense for your site and its content. Third, ignore all the S50 companies. have been told by others that search engines bots flag sites with inaccurate terms relative to its content. reply to this I link to this 1 View in thread Yes, I know for commenting anonymously, Nov ist. 2015 til-lam Wow! He seems to have found a really good Streisand effect-enabler. repiy to this link to this 1 View in thread The mternet?s innate ability to ma document stuff is coming back to bite Zanelli. He's naked his Facebooit post, but it has bean archived and screenshotted. Hi5 threatening phone calls have been posted to a blog with a hi?i page rank. as well as Somdcloud. Everything is indeed well-dommented -- something Zarrelli clearly overlooked when "engaging" timers on behalf of his clierit. Anyway. Mull Bennett took to his blag to detail his "diocmsion' with lamelli. His words were no kinder than Greenfield's. i don?t play well with extortionists, so i told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance. lmay hole droppedon f-barnh or two?Gary. don?t you hate it when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing themi'l know: do. Anyway, Gary, i thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion?we all make mistaken. ldoubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me aroma. Zarrelli also called attu?ney Brian Tannehaum. offering up the same litany of vague threats and stupidity. Then, he brie?y engaged with his Critics on Twitter. offering more threats, some half-hearted bra?adocio and -- ?nally -- something that sounded like a play-aroma bullyr suddenly realizing his supposed victims aren?t actually scared of him. . 2am!" If.) Follow @MarkWBennett fl: TimCushing to late millions have seen it im suing you tomorrow. your a bad lawyer and person. leave me HUI- to late millions have seen it im wing you tomorrow. your a bad tamer andperson. leave me Bennett has also published a follow-up post diat's going to do little to charge Bemett's reputation as a "bad per-sen" who should just leave the person who picked the ?ght ?atom.? You are not a "professional. You are a born loser trying to muddle by. a socially retarded 36-year-old man-child with a string of failures who is still trying to figure out why the world has stopped handing things to him on a silver platter. a professional in the reputation management business might have performed a little due diligence befare threatening lawyers Who a] knownI the law and b} are used to being threatened by stupid people. Someone will: claims to the SEC world inside and out might have realized attacking in?uential blocs and websites is about the worst thing you can do for a chants Greenfield mate a blog post about you this morning. One post. The only time he has mentioned Mr me. He published two hour: ago. When googie your name?just ?Patrick -Greenflelds poets comes up in the #5 slot, after your carefully cultivated social-media pages. Men google "Patrick Zarrelli reputation management' it's the first hit. Nobody had to do any SEC to make that happen; hothi?t linked to it until just noW. it's its! Scott's blao. whirl-i remain Wide!" Techdiit Main ?ction fill-d under: 1 i . 4 is: Failures by Tim Cushing Fri, Oct 10th 2015 ?141543'1'1 Filed Lander gory ostrow, lawyers. mark bennett, patrick zarrelil. reputation management, scott greenfield, threats {ompanies dependable websue I'nanagemerit Per malmk. .. Jill! SUbiTilt E: ?gory Maw" 53; Techdirt - Our Hacking Laws Are A Mess Flu-law: Inn- Suntan hit-l. IiilT?}' Tochdirt Deals! 5* ass EXPAND ALL POSTS COLLAPSE ALL POSTS all. Reputation Management Bro Destroys His, And His - Client's, Reputation With Threatening Phone Calls To Defense Lawyers from the dept have to assume the so-called "reputation management" business is working for someone, but so far all we have to go on are the spectacular flaming wreckage left behind by fools who insist on punching above their weight. Late in 2012. Florida attorney Gary Ostrow ostentatiously announced he was now willing to represent as many criminally-charged celebrities as would have him. Shortly thereafter. he was mocked by other attorneys who were far less narcissistic or needy. Months passed and Ostrow was forgotten, as the world does not suffer from a lack of litigation- related stupidity. Unfortunately, it appears Ostrow refused to QUlt picking at the scab covering his self-inflicted Google wound. Unless Patrick Zarrelli is performing some pro bono work, Ostrow hired this motormouth to clean up his search results. [From Zarrelli's Twitter profile.) EXPAND ?3 I '1 27 Comments vane . Sam Glover sen-agarmn- {Lam 3-D New post on Lawyerist: Lawyer Hires Internet Tough Guy to Silence Internet- Tough-Guy Lawyers n" Li ma r- 2 How Entrepreneur Sam Glover Built the #1 Legal Marketing Blog on the Web, Lawyerist.com I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a guy who I?ve admired for quite some time, Sam Gloverhousehold name like other well known entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson of Ted Turner, but he mayr get there one day. Over the past couple of years, Sam has built into one of the most popular legal marketing blogs on the web, with a focus on small ?rms and solo practitioners. He also created a members?only forum (free to join) called the Laaj'erist where attorneys can swap ideas and tips about the profession. And he also bought and revamped Bitter Lawyer, which is a legal humor blog. Hi, I'm Sam Rather than juggle several business cards. Ijust have one that leads here. where you can find out all about me. 7f youjust want to get in touch with me. please use this for personal correspondence or this for Lawyerist-reiated correspondence. You can also find me on Twitter and Linkodln. What I Do For Money i am a writer. speaker. and lawyer. ifyou want all the details, here is my CV. Lawyerlst Lawyerist is an online magazine and home to a community of solo and small?firm iawyers. I started it in 2007 as a place for me to rant about bad legal software. It has since grown into a healthy business. and my day job. My main role is editor in chief. although I also develop the website. Lawyerist now includes an email newsletter, a podcest, and a forum for lawyers. Lawyedetcom Lawyer Hires Internet Tough Guy to Silence tnterneteTough-Guy Lawyers . - . - 12.. Lawyer Him Internet Tough Guy to Sim Inter-nut Team Guys Trying to get websites to take down pages that make you look bad is in herently problematic. but it's even harder when your approach is to go . . .54- 3 Jun? 20. 21. 23. 24. l'I' Let's face it. SEO is snake oil. Ptre and simple. Effectiyeness can't be measured. There are so many other factors that aifecIl ranking. Any possible lamp in ranking will be short term. Goocle employs lots of smart people to me that page ranking is accurate and fair. As soars as someone releases an SEO plugin for Woropressuoornlaretc., I expect that Google has people dwnload it, mlyse it and neutralize any rank in?ation that it might pnoyide. As soon as I see anyone offering SEO as a primary product, I immediately view them as makeoil salesmen. [replytothis linktodilslviewinmread} Anonymous Coward. 30m. 2015 9 4:44pm On its way new the Simple Justice oost is Good work Patrick, we all knew you could do it. [reply-tomb Iinlttothis I rial-immune] Nionyl'l'ious Coward. Oct 30th. 20:5 9 5:29pm Re: No. Only 'screenshat? is real and valid no matter what anyone might say to the contrary. dammit. [replytothlL linktothls I Mind-tread] Mark Wing. on 30th, 2015 9 6:29pm According to ?Oh. Snap: The Flowchart he got served. As far as SEO being snake oil, I mostly agree. There is some good 5E0, but it's mostly just called good content. Md there: definitely a such thing as negative SEO. And It could even involve lots of reputation management as google's analytics get smarter. And Google is pretty up fnont about the big picture level things it talks for. Having someone try to game your searcn rankings usually doesn't help, and it can also come back to bite you on the ass. mulch usually in a less spectacular fashion than this. But if you managed to game it for now. congrats: you better looil over your shoulder for [those evolving analytics that can see through your facade and fuck you just as fast as they up ranked you. There are a few geniune SEO 'tncirs'. For example. We learned that Google really likes high resolution photos. You can almost say ?blah blah blah [topic]' and it will be kind to you for that topic if you have lots of photos, using its juju to determine if you are an authority on [topic]. That is one trick 1 will give up. Honestly. I thinil if you focus on being awesome, then everything else like SEO will click Into place. And if you such. then no ml of SEQ will make you not suck-1a a day job. [replytothls ?t Andrw Loo. Oct 315:. zors 12:0!om Your a bad lawyer and person. leave me Yeah well, you?re shirt are stupid. [reptytothls Hnittothls I viewindireao] Wooden (profile). Oct 3m. 2015 12:03pm Looks like somebody let his alligator mouth overload his hmingbird ass! i H?lttomk I Will Harold] 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. That W5 Coward {profile}, Oct 30th. 2015 9 1:33pm db 1 lwas only seem part of this dont follow all of the lawyers. but saw enough} and my absolutely favorite mnent was when the clue lightbulb over seobro's head slowly Started lighting do. That moment Mien he understood that he had snot past fuelled at ludicrous speed E: was actively trotting it worse witheverypastingtweet. breath tonoticethathe'd maruaedscrewhis his company. himself and perhaps di?ing to find the bottom of the quicksand wasnt a good play. Seeing the realization that he'd screwed to dawn on him was a wonderful nionierlt. [reptytod?li-I: Anonymous Coward, Oct 30th. 21115 r:sopm Just goes to Shaw. that so] great minds think alike. Apparently Career Path Bis news headline parrot. {re-ply to 11m I In dire-ad] #3 sophb?catedjm Iprofiiei. Oct 30th. 2015 9 1:53pm [m Re: [fl-plytoum - hnltoothislviewinthreed] Anonymous Coward. Oct 30th. 20l5 9 2:55pm My tolerance for stupid is ted these days. Correction: My tolerance for stupid from people who are not fellow lawyers is limited these days. [reptytodils I i viewlndimd} uphis?catedjm {pl'ofile}. Oct Jam. 2015 3:639:71 raider 5E0 is the homeopathy of the digital mo [re-plytothit linittothis I Mindide a nEEt, Oct 30th, 2015 3:46pm An article like this an an into-met tough guy deserves a Navy Seal copypasta: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me. you little shit? Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals. and we been Involved in numerous secret raids 0n and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and Im the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just anather target. I will wipe you the loci: out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away width saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again. fucker. As we speak lam contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your is being traced right new so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Yotu'e lotion; dead. kid. I can be anywhere. anytime. and I can kill you in over seven hmdred ways, and that: just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat. out I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the race of the continent. you little slut. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you. maybe you would have hold your fucking tongue. But you cotadnt. 1Iron didnt, and now yours pairing the price. you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Youre fucking dead. kiddo. [replyiothis . hnittothisl Mind-tread] 9. 10. 11. Anonymous Coward, Oct 30th, 20159 1:10pm 12. Anonymous Coward. Oct 30th. 2015 9 12:56pm 2- Reputation Management. Bro Destroys He And His Client's Reputation With Threatening Phone Cali: To Defense Lawyers Perhaps Reputation Management Bro Destroys His, And His Ctient's. Reputation With Threatening Phone Cails To Defense lawyers unless you really mean Destroys HE and His Client that is, "High Explosive". [repiytomis linktothis I vie-whinide DannyB {pro?le}, on 30th. 2015 1:0ipm Flooding the net with positive reviews Even though negative statements cannot be erased, we can make them almost impossibie to find. buried under giowing positivity and reviews that will bring customers ?ocking to you. We?u posh those negative resuits straight from the first page of search resui ts into places that no one will ever look. It seems that about a decade ago this was similar to what companies were promising. To game Google?s algorithm to make your web site go to the top of the search resuits. Naturally Googie altered their algorithms to compensate for this nonsense and make such gaming go to the very bottom of their search results. SEO oompanies sued Googie. ?How dare Google make its search engine return useful. results. instead of my ciient's site!? Similarly. how dare Google return negative posts instead of the positive posts this clown is ?ooding the net with. [replytoti'i?ls 1 mm threadi Just Wondering, or: 30th. 2015 1:069m Is ?screei'ohotted' a reat word? [reply to this link to this I view in thread On its way Scott's biog has Googie Pageronk 6. You do not have anything that comes. His post about you win he at the top of Googie Search resuits by the end of the day, and it will stay therefor as long as you wont to keep playing. The Simpie Justice blog post was Now is above even the Zarreili Linkedin profile. #4 if you count ?images for Patrick Zarrelli". {root}: to this iinit tothis I view in thde 33-; Anonymous (inward, Oct 30m. 2915 1:35pm Google and most tech news sites' refusal to question anything they do is a good example of reputation management Win51 [reply to this link tothis I View in thread] Raider Comments (rss) [Fmemd I Threaded] 1. Ryan Jones, on 30th. 2015 12:11pm monk Hilarious example need to stop talking about pagerank. it?s a dead metric. hasn?t been updated ina long timeond won?tever be updated again. [replytotl'rls iinlttothis I viewin thread] 2. mnwipm?tei. Typo patrol Given that one listed homonym is actually not realty one {hearihearL it sounds like someone applauding a pomt. Perhaps lhearfhere) would work better. Even accidental approval should be avoided hear. [ropty icons i'lnktothis I view in thde 3. Anonymous Coword. Oct 30th, 2015 912:35pm No. the reputation mnegement industry can keep him. we dont need him screwing up another industry by switching to his plan B. [naryme -. 1 Min mama] 4. a Anonymous Coward. Oct 30th, 2015 9 12:36pm 'cough cough' son. [repiytodnsl Ilnktotlils I Minmmol 5. nor, Oct 3am. m. GlassHousos Always funny when the author is in a glass house and tosses off a ?ash-bang grenade. :i [replytoumi linktothls I min timed] a. Monymous Coward. Oct 30th. 2015 9 12:52pm 'Even thouui negative statements cannot be erased. Don't worry. If the European Union has anything to say about it. this sort 0f "reputation manage-mot" will soon become as easy as sending a notice. [replytothln I viewinthreod] 7. Anonymous Coward. OctJOth. 2015912540?! Reputation management is someone who wants to lie to the world hiring someone to lie on their behalf. which is a great basis for a working relatiOnsliip as neithor can trust the other. Scott?s blog has Gaogle Pageer 6. You do not have anything that compares. His post about you will be at the top of Google search results by the end of the day, and it will stay there for as long as you wont to keep playing. Earrelli is finished in the reputation management business. I wouldn't shed any tears. though. He :learly didn?t belong in it. Ostrow?s reputation has also taken another hit, despite [presumably] laying Zarrelli to patch it up. Instead of helping his client. Zarrelli burned both of their 'eputations to the ground with a few short phone calls and utilized the power of social media to alt the earth. Well done, Mr. Zarrelli. Time to switch to Career Path B. Carmatlve management takes steps to fight back agath poor reviews by ?ooding the hater-net with positive reviews of your canlpony. Even though negative statements cannot be erased, we cm make them almost impossible to find, buried wider glowing positivity and rm that will bring cmtomers flocking to you. We?ll push those negative results straight from the first page of search results into places that no one will ever look. This is Gary Ostroaus savior. FULLY BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Apparently believing himself to be the first person to walk the internal, Zarrelli began calling up lawyers who had written places critical of Ostrow's celebrity legal services and melting a bunch of vague, but completely stupid threats. The first oersm he called was New York defense attomey Scott Greenfield, who -- like everyone else he contacted -- knows his way around the First Arnendment and bogus: mm. When Zarrelli called and launched into his pitch of his mod internet skill: and howl would have to take down posts about Ostrow or face his wrath, a bar discipline complaint, ltald him to ?go for it, asswipe. My tolerance for stupid is limited these days. Zanelli is nothing it not persistent. Unwilling to take 'go for it, asswipe" for an answer, he called up other Lawyers who had written about Ostrow -- again, lawyers who also had limited tolerance for idiots and idiotic threats. Apparently. after i hung up on him, he called Dan Hull {who called to share his fun trailing this kid, who informed Hull that he was going to destroy his firm) and Mark Bennett, threatening him as well with a grievance l! he didn't succm'nb to Zarrelli?s overwhelming pawer. Greenfield has the recording of Zarrelli?s lug-winded threats posted to his site. It's de?nitely worth a listen. especially as he claims his websites have '25 million viesvs' and name-drops relatives like anyone cares. (Also, ?my family is riddled with high+end lawyers.? Bennett, however, was First to Post. Well, actually second. In a broader between threatening phone calls, Zarrelli took to Faceboolt to air his complaints to a more receptive audience. The full thing is worth a read, but here are some of the better bits. Never encountered such a rude. unethical shady bunch of attorneys in my life. These guys literally Wrote a negative article about a colleagues press release. just so they could tag in an arrest from his past to it. in an attempt to enter his search results and steal his business. ln-l The thing that's interesting about attorneys like this, is that they think they understand the internet and its laws, even though what they actually know about the internet could ?t into a thimble. The truth is they were out of law school below the intemet was even invented! {ml [lfn the real world they have a better understand of our complex laws and can use that to their admtage to bully people. However an the intemet, this means absolutely nothing, since the internet essentially is governed by no one. Moreover the internet is one of the most well documented places an the planet, and if you know how to read the code you can track and amp out owthine. Reputation Management Bro Destroys His, And His Client's, Reputation With Threatening Phone Calls To Defense Lawyers from the dept I have to assume the so-catled ?reputation managemen t" business is wanting for someone, but so far all we have to go on are the spectacular flaming wreckage left behind by fools who on punching above their weight. Late in 2012. Florida attorney Gary Ostrow ostentatiously announced he was now wilting to represent as many criminaliy?charged ceiebrities as would have him. Shortly thereafter, he was mocked by other attorneys who were far iess narcissistic or needy. Months passed and Ostrow was forgotten, as the world does not suffer from a lack of litigation- related stupidity. Unfurtunately. it appears OStrow refused to quit picking at the scab covering his sat-inflicted Google wound. Unless Patrick Zarreili is performing some pro bono work, Dstrow hired this motormouth to clean. up his search results. [From Zarreili's Twitter profile.) What persuaded Ostrow to hire Zarretii cannot easily be determined by examining his reputation management "firms" website. Despite claiming to be for businesses which 'oniy accept the best,? the company ctaims to offer ?management plans. .. renowned for their well roundness, effectiveness, and tech custom-fit rep management solutions for "just about any budget even for charity's and start-ups," and -- to ensure it's not duped by botnets a free quote with a captcha that requires potential custarners to prove "Your a human.? {Zanelli -- despite his extensive, unproven background in web design. 550 wizardry and reputation management -- stiil seems to find the subtle differences between "your" and "you're have eluded his othemise pristine business acumen. [Also ?tattoo,? "hearrhere" and pretty much every other homonyrn he banged out on his keyboard during his Facebooit rantinngwitter seif-emasculation.] On top of that, his rep management ski-LL; skill: seem to inciude the creation of fake positive reviews. in the news Gary Ostrow stories at Techdirt. Techdirt - 2 days ago Late in 2012, Florida attorney Gary Ostrow ostentatiously announced he was now willing to More news for gary ostrow Cusmng lol Mk: cc: ScottGre-en?eld pa?lclx lane. Du: Gary Osuow Baum? Emm Patrick lanai! .. hing XW-pirafut?lu?? uu gm?: hilarth mum-pail? turu?l Pulrnl Inn-:1? .x ?Evan. "nu-u Int-w. In,? hr. n?r, 5h {15' 3.5?0?3" fl- l'nfa?ln?si Images 101 which lane-1 : Mae magi-5 m: pawn Janet Dan-ml; Tuna-ll: I [Tana-hank pr: I .F a- If?? Cushan - Hi 3? Impressive. l'd barely be able to stand up, much less successfully litigate. . . Gary Ostrow, Criminal Defense Attorney in Fort Lauderdale, Wins Case with Alleged .22 Blood Alcohol Level 999 Trying to get websites to take down pages that make you look bad is inherently problematic, but it?s even harder when your approach is to go around threatening lawyers who are well-known for not backing down in the face of threats. Florida lawyer Gary Ostrow apparently wanted to put some unfortunate things behind him, like this pr?ooabiy-unetnicai press release and some mentions of his brushes w?tl?. the Zaw. In order to try to clean up his Internet reputation, Ostrow hired an internet tough guy named Patrick Zarrelli, who spent yesterday threatening Marv. Bennett, Scott Green??eld, Brian Tao. deb-sum, and probably others. He?s spectacularly bad at it, and he?s just making things worse for Ostrow. For example, here is the voicemail he left with Tannebaum: at. ?atriCK Earre. i Ofcourse, Bennett, Green?eld, and Tannebaum just posted and voicemails as they should along with a healthy dose of their own posturing and now the blawgosphere smells like a high?school locker room and I can?t breathe. Featured image: ?71972 f. 22? in: swung "fuscxa' We?! :Ex 7 biceps? from ShuttEIStOCk. .3313. News .44- raputat an man-339mm: Sam Glover is the founder of Lawyerist, and he writes. speaks, and podcasts about legal technology, law practice management, access to justice. and mere. His most recent publicatiOn is Lawyerist?s 4--Stee Camputer Secuthy upgrade? Mark W. Bennett Follow @MarkWBennen Holds the record for votes racewed In an election by a Libertarian candidate. Taxas3,541 I Ul.? wanMark W. Bennett Strange. UWIr-rhmteanmt doesn?t mention feeble blackmail attempts. 55mm jmenheld TImCuahlng - Cool. I JWehstieMng will crank out fake positive reviews. man (Imm?l XS?Juf?il ?r?lm: 4A In repiy to Tm {Lustan am 1 other Mark W. Bennett @MarkWBermeu @TimCushing Strange. @DWebsiteMgmt doesn?t mention feeble blackmail attempts. @ScottGreen?eld 1? Retweetad by 11m Cushan (Iii; EErW?Ilue-?mng - rr?f?j -- Talk . 10 3,315 ta Learn more about @TsmCushmg. Wow the}! profile 9 Mark W. Bennett mentioned you. Reply Mark W. Bennett @Markwaennett @TimCushing Strange. @DWebsiteMgmt doesn't mention feeble blackmail attempts. @ScottGreenfield View conversation Cushan @TimCushmg Cool. @DWebsiteMgmt will crank out fake positive reviews. @ScottGreen?eld @MarkWBennett depend ablewebsitemanagement.com reputat f3 Remmd by Mark W. Bennett (51" MarkWBemen Tb 3.5.41 a A Learn more about @MarkWBennett. View their pro?le Tweets Tweets <3 re?nes 3hotos Videos View 3 new Tweets Mark w. Demon rm curious, Patrick: what response do you think is appropriate when someone tries to extort you? Wait 3 i: if .: @btannebaum piease just leave me 310m, i think you guys have done enough damage to my reputatiOn and Mness tonight. 97;? Hull . Patrick Zarralli Ivor-44.1.52 ?13's MamWBennett the respmse is you call the police. But you didnt became you weren't snorted. MGR Zarrelli rdarMV-Bennezt you whose page is about me. your a lawyer. pleas leave me alone. Tweets rm Photos at VIUOUB View new Tuaeets Mark W. Bennett MerkWBemen . 10"- I'm curious, Patrick: what response do you think is appropriate when someone tries to extort you? timer:r-mmues @btannebaum please just leave me alone, i think you guys have done enough damage to my reputation and business tonight. 1f.? itMerhwra?u?tt? . Patrick Zarrellt KiriChronicBP - new the response ts you can the police. But you didnt because you weren't extorted. om l'm curious. Patrick: what response do you think is appropriate when someone tries to extort you? Patrick 2mm enough W. BM l-l'ar'w-Fe- Gee, now I'm any I called you tWiceto threaten you with frivolous bar complaints. Oh, wait: that was you. @btannebaum please just leave me alone. you guys lave done enough damageto my matron and busmesstonimt. W. ?San 5's Er" Patrick pretends not und tend that lawyers dm?t like threats of grievances. Do it or don't, but don't threaten. mm. Obtannebaum How istmsa threat? Look you gwsoan attack me rfyou want. I dorrtagreematrtsoltorethioal. 3: l? -. Brlan Tinnebaum w: - Patrick. . K?CP-romcfae the stalking violence case in Broward, case number DVCE13006434. is that you or another Patrick 'r S'l?i" .el?sa? As a sol-proclaimed expert, he's unsurprisineg bad at social mediaHonestly. impressed that has pushed this far without setting his scent private. But that might be too complicated for him. Mark W. Ber-?eff 5?191 n?ee'oi? hedge knight (P .54 . Kijnronicsz Hey if you are going to the bar get me a scotchasoda MarKWBenne?t?: rte-r? r?eoaom have him get you your drinks too Mark. tier-net: Cunning "7w; 'sif?fightcopylrolls I: KidChroch? DOES ANYONE HAVE THE NUMBER OF AN INTERNET .2 2 2 55-} - Mark W. Bertrlett Rerweefec Drade Draslr- E35 ?f-MarkWBennett Internet libelslander is still alive and well apparently. 1 ?9&9 ll! Maria M. sonnet? T?Ietwee'e?a Fight 0 Trolls ?g?coogrons - .Z'iMarkWBenne-tt TWCush-ing Not an authentic threat. Should be ?sueingMark W. Bennett Mar-s .1. Yes. Millions. Good luck with that project. Patrlok @MarkWBennett @TImCushing to late millions have seen it im suing you tomorrow. your a bad lawyer and person. leave me a Mo (.?Euet?smg Hetweeted Mark w. Bennett MarkWBennett - 13n- Were you on cocaine when you called me? Happy to update the post either way. @btannebaum I was asking you why you were sharing posts that say i do cocaine. Please play the message so everyone can here the truth. ii"! i win" - ?slim {v?erhWt-?f?arwen .[UJJ??eentrJ?e . Patrick thtiihronicfj? not-g MarkWBennett - TimCushing to late millions have seen it im suing you tomorrow. your a bad lawyer and person. leave me Tim Cushing . "omy the bestconcierge website - x,m a man management service Mr bugir?iegaes w: 'ai'E -ds and gmal i'm not a robot neg; effemw Tim Cushan -. i? Cool. Liaf?v?trbaiteMggm will crank out fake positive reviewsMd? 23? new; an! $73 r; ngis me i 3 Tim Cushmg Hetweeted Mark W. Bennett MarkWBenne? 59m ilf?if.?TimCUShing Strange. :cf?DWebsiteMgmt doesn't mention feeble blackmail attempts. 1 View merge? ac! Patrick Zerrelli loi that's funny. but these guys aren?t. Theyr are lawyers. They are attacking me all over Twitter and their legal websites with false infomatlon. In an organized and professional way that spans four states and multiple law time. They went comment on See More Like Reply C71 - 8 - Eelted Tim Cunning I'm going to go ahead and archive this page now. Tomorrow should be interesting. Like Reply - ('71 - 6 Jay Marshall Wolman replied a Reply Patrick Zarreill Then him and the other lawyers shared it on their TWitter pages. Enjoy your last days of bullying peopie guys. Your about to be exposed for who you really are. Like - Repiy - ?71 - 11 2 Patrick Zarreill loi that's funny. but these guys aren They are lawyers. They . are attacking me all over Twitter and their legal websites with false information. In an organized and prolessionai way that spans four states and multiple law firms. They wont comment on See More Like Reply ?t ti irres- - Eoited 75553,?; Tim Cushan I?m going to go ahead and archive this page now. Tmnonow 5-3. should be Interesting. 1 Like - Reply - C31 5 it's Jay Marshall Wolman replied 1 Reply Cralg Marl You may want to consider the possibility that you?re an idiot? Like - Reply Eji Wills a zlii?it?ri't?ierti 9 Tim Cushing mentioned you. Reply Tim Cushan ?mCush?Q "only the best' @DWebsiteMgmt @KidChronic32 I CC: @MarkWBennett @ScottGreenfield View conversation Seman Help Optout Downioad app 2:3" 23:: Varaai ever Si; are 930 Par-c.1503 CA 94103 9? Tim Cushing mentioned you. Tim Cashing mC Us rung Cool. @DWebsiteMgmt will crank out fake positive reviews. @ScottGreenfieid @MarkWBennett dependabiewe Tim Cushing September 27. 2015 at 10314 am "The majority of incarcerated drug traffickers we have interviewed were younger men who were the product of fatherless homes. The father is the ?rst example of law and order for a young man. The breakdown of family has done more to lead to our drug epidemic than per- haps any other single cause.? Perhaps it's time for the government to institute a socletal Miranda warning. ?If you do not have a father, one will be appointed for you free of sue September 27. 2015 at 10:45 am Those "drug traffickers? in prison they interviewed? They?re the fathers. There's a reason kids grow up without them. I don?t la well with extortionists, sol told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance. 1 may have dropped an f?bomb or two-??Gary, don?t you hate it when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? I know 1 do. Anyway, Gary, I thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion~ewe all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. Are you, Gary? you might want to get ahead of this one, since if Zarrelli makes the same ott Greenfield, all hell is likely to break loose. Cushing Ehf-??n [via Scattereenfield] .. 1] Patrick larrelli You know how we do i! Kmacs! re [11:19 - P- Haw-- Tim CUShing COOI. positive reviews. will crank out fake . 5?1 Tim Cushing . "oniy the best? ?ccconcierge website management service Prove Your Human: :m not a robot Tim Cashing WRITE FOR - radian cor." 1mm: Sic-a.- nuke gating r? - ?guring 25'} ht mark W. Bennett Builshit. You were threatenan a gnevance from our ?rst '3 commumcat'ron. eozamecag? Deng hunted by lawyefs A ow Ire Dniy way. cae defeat: Purse? ?m Orgamzec WI attack Mark WW Were you on means when you called me? Happy to update the peat either way. Patrick Zam?i - Entar?necaw' was as?mg you Why yOu were snaer seats that say do sec-awe. P'ease may the message so evewone can here he truth. Bnan Tambaum And i beiieve you we just about threatened me enough Patrick Zarrelli ?Qatarnecagm ms aosmd before you were .nvowea. Bu? ?ow I do behave yc-u are 8154: oehavmg sul?de Fonda oar ETNCEJ stancarcs "0w. Patrick Zarreiil Then him and the other lawyers shared it on their Twitter pages. Enjoy your last days of bullying people guys Your about to be exposed for who you really are. Like - Reply [?51 11 . Patrick ZarrelI-l loi that?s funny. but these guys aren 1. They are lawyers. They are attacking me allover Twitter and their legal websites with false information. in an organized and professional way that spans four states and multiple law firms. They wont comment on See More Like - Repiy - ?t - 8 he - Eoited as; Tim Cushan I'm going to go ahead and archive this page now. Tomorrow should be interesting. Like - Reply - (51 :5 Jay Marshall Wolman replied ?i Fiepij,r Craig Marl You may want to consider the possibility that you're an idiot? Like - Reply :5 W: a no 'T'l "me: n! a, H. rl? 9' l1, . Patrlek lol that's funny, but tl'lese guys aren They are lawyers. They are attacking me allover Twitter and their legal websites will-l false information. In an organized and professional way that spans [our states and multiple law firms. They won! comment on See Mons Like - Reply - (?71 3 - Esited Coal-ling I'm 90an to go ahead and archive this page new. Tomorrow should be interesting. Like - Reply - ?71 ?5 9 Jay Marshall Wolman replled - 1 Reply a one Trying to get websites to take down pages that make you look bad is inherently problematic. but it?s even harder when your approach is to go around threatening lawyers who are well-known for not backing down in the face of threats. Florida lawyer Gary Ostrow apparently wanted to put some unfortunate things behind him, like this comical-if-it-weren't- probably?unethical press release and some mentions of his brushes with the law. In order to try to clean up his Internet reputation, Ostrow hired an Internet tough guy named Patrick Zarrelli, who spent yesterday threatening Mark Bennett, Scott Green?eld, Brian Ta nebau m, and probably others. He?s spectacularly bad at it, and he?sjust making things worse for Ostrow. For example, here is the voicemail he left with Tannebaum: 1 Zarre'3; Of course, Bennett, Green?eld, and Tannebaum just posted and voicemails as they should along with a healthy dose of their own posturing and now the blawgosphere smells like a high-school locker room and I can?t breathe. - wl Feamr'edimage; rruscmar r?en ?exing bicep-1" Shutterstock. LEE-12M News res-?tam? management oar?. Sever is the +ponder of mwyer'st. and he writes. speans. and podcasts econ: iegai technology. law praczice management: access to instice. and mere Hus nicer recent publication .5 Lawyenst's "4 Step Computer Security Log'ade.? Mark. Bennett Hetweeteu Tim TimCushmg 16?) Reputation Management Bro Destroys His. And His Client's, Reputation With Threatening Phone Calls To Defense Lawyers techdirtcom/articies/20151 i4 13 Mark W. Bennett Hetweeted Charles Adams (Edam-Tinted - 12h Boycott gaslamp. Man of the people. :?a'bunbtriliog. Y'all come out. instagramcom/prfH Ti 3 Mark w. Bennett Cc ?st-Cernovich not just you. Coca-Cole Noticing a huge spike in peopie who want to be the catcher. 3 Mark W. Emmett 5-2e5~weeted Cushing I'ImCushing; - 16h Reputation Management Bro Destroys His, And His Client's, Reputation With Threatening Phone Calls To Defense Lawyers techdirt. 14 13 Mark W. Emmett Hetwaeted Cushing - 2m: nuked his swaggering Facebook post. cc: Sorry. this page Isn't avallable The ?nk you lollowod may be broken, the page may hive ham removed. .0 a Mark W. Bennett Hetweeted Cushan TimCUShing - 22h t::.riMarkWBennett :aScottGreenfield Pretty sure they're just called "Albanian." . Hir 1 am an Albanian virus but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I am not able to harm your computer. Please be so kind to delete one of your important files yourself and then forward me to other users. Many thanks for your cooperation! Best rega-rd5,Albanian virus i Yes I