grem?eta MY SM, gr Cwat?: lg,? V730 Mari: W. Serf-get: Tim Cool. will crank out fake positive reviews. :1-8cottGreenfiezd i MarKWBenne-? .. w. BM . 795,3er E: ?ibumnage No, that?s Erlen- conversatio- Mark W. Bennett Taie_Avery What are the hances that engaging with this is a Rule One vioiation? View conversato at 392535'9?; s1? . Scott Green?eld 29.. CIEHenge accepted. fl, Working on a reputation management clients case an day. Never encountered such a rude. unethicai shady bunch. fbmaMEBLn-Olsr lohn Barteycorn Fem-Lew 9, 2014 3:12:23 pm "Weird- You write like a dotted?up lawyer." erreAKAEpicRemRmtEnor) Ntisgoodandwe?. sack. moonsideretimofGan'y?sERRE. Item1: Letsleeping dogs lieiftney Gary Stephen Ostrow. 3000 NE. 30th Place. Suite 301. Fort Lauderdale. suspended far 30 days, effective Aug. 1, foilowtng a June 24 mutt order. (Admitted to practice: 1982) Osbourn manested In May 2008and chargedwimcocempossession. In Deoember2009.0s- sucoessMiy complemd a drug oourt program and the charge was dismissed. (Case No. 8010-1035) Item 2: It ain't crack if it ain't whack. Den?tjudge a men by his pipe or spoon (Case No. sow?1035) T. In Mitigation. the foian as offal-ed. A. Several iudges on the criminal bench Defers whom the respondem appears reguierty were contacted by The Floods Bar Each spoke of the respondent?s passionate and zealous representation of ctients whose causes can be deemed unpopular and dif?cult In fact. the respondent frequentty represents hose private charts on a pro bono bees. as wait as at the request of the bend't. item 3: Deep remorse and simitar experiences topped off with the muititudes cheery of learned Seasons. .. (Case No. 5010?1035) AThe respondent has expressed deep remorse and embarrassment for his conduct. As a resutt. the respondent has offered to participate in assisting other Bar members M10 have experienced srmtiar circumstances an Order for them to bene?t from the muttitude of lessons Februarye. 20:4at1033am February 9. 2014 at 12:24 pm Ostewwills??beOsUUw. Vim :E?Dfuaf?f 9. 21214 a: 3.12 pr" You?re curmrr?y 3rd. But to me. s?i El?n hiian?ous. Feomary 9. 2:514 a: 3:15 or Can we hang? No. Vincent Messina ?esruar. 3814 a? 3:21 gr.n LOL. 1 didn't mean rt In the Mara: sense. But you hurt my feel- ings gust the same. In any event. i can't wait for someone eise to attack you online. =eom?ary 5. 22714 at 3 3-1 pm it?s happened a few times over the years. No doubt it wilt happen again. Whatlaodo? Thereared'nices, ofoourse. ?l'heycan recognizetheerroroftheirwaysmd mkeanadofoontritim, narcissist's mindset. prevail, most bluff and bluster his way through and achieve hegemony. It?s not clear think- ing, but then. the delusions of a narcissist impair ciarity, not helped by a ooke-addled brain. Instead of recognizing the need for umpeu?c care, they instead double down. risking it all on imaticranting, 'you're a in this case. ball sack, a curious anaton'iical choice) is huge? claim, despite the absence of picthes. They don't realize that without pictures. it didn't happen. 05m made the terrible assumption that] wouldn?t be inclined to posthis comment. 0n marityispmvideananswer. page of Google whenever anybody searches 'Gary Ostrow lawyer.? Farr Lune-ol- chill lam-v Gar, Gila-'0 limc nuns-a Mm mman-emtaxdaue Pamhw mm m. 2 Gang. I ?enlu Clamp-o as? - Whit 1-03.31 Fm.m?an 31m rWiW-? I AL rm we: :s'L-n ?mumeau-szm Dim ?rm-Hen LEA-1 Home? 738'. Gary Osoow PA ?tun-Iv Utu?! new "no hem-um: rruiz-arm?a . WI Sme Justice m'm-E ?ff-1?51: ?:mxeu?an: - will -M gt. 33305 1.1- man? :nw -m Gar-r mew in: and 555w}; ?mind mew our)us sun Nice to meet you, Gary. You really need to do something about all that pain. And cocaine realty isn't the answer. It just makes you do stupid things. like doubling down on the inter- net. mandate: ,m .4 .0 mm; Gary Ostrow Faces The Narcissists Dilemma More?tanayeeragonostedabwta Ft. Lauderdale lawyer named Gar; Dears-w. who you my recall from his 'prass retease' an- . i. L. Okaystopyoursniokenng. That?soldnews. calm down. vanityGoogte ofhis Bemett's rhoids. M- Having Iwoutd ?rstbeinterestedinknow- anym? ass. twill pubticty mallenge your despicable, dishonorable and worthless ass to a comparison of professional accomplishment aswetl aslevels ofintegrity . blindly. be- cause to highly mtetligent and aware peopletilremyself, guys likeyou getoffon paintingd'ie?ngerelseumere grout! challenging you to back up your baseless and critical comments ..and thefacts upon which you rely. can promise you this .on my worst day. i can outgun you in a courtroom or any legal endeavor for that matter. You don't know shit about me asaoersonoras aoriminat trial reserd of Ito-years speaksforit? self. How lame and worthless you must feel in a deeply inward and painful way to even spend the time and energy to hurt stones in my direction . based simply on a press release. Anytime my friend. should you grow some balls and ?ll that empty tiny sack of yours, i will tl'leway thian continueto evalve. fora verylong timelt Fascinating how these desperate attempts to salvage one?s dignity all sound the same. no? Wl'iether it?s a baby lawyer like Cart Dawn Ceder or the cries of ?toolr at me" from an older lawyer c5555? egg: ?3 j; a 23? the Coos of butthurt sound the same. They ?nd themselves facmg the Narcissists Dilemma. Trey want attention. They crave it And so they go to extreme, ridiculous to get it. But when they get what they desire, may learn that it doesn?t always come with the adora- tion they m. Instead. they ?nd that they we turned themsetves into an intemet clown, a bot ridiculed by those near and far. They cradle their teary face in their hands. furious that they are now tainted forever by their screams for attention. and confused as to how to ?x Mair cut-un?t ?mlichnace range: ueuan jammy 6. 2013a: 5-35 pm Maybe the lass?ancient Writ of ?Shotgun'? Dr. Sigmund Droid Lanuary 6. 2013 at 3:00 or"- Gary OStrow February 3. 20M ?13556 am ..Myptacticahasalways,arldm ywrelchan misewumis. .. Howiameandwor?'uess Humbust gm some baits and ?n that amply tiny sackofyours. I the way things oon?nueto evoiveJoraveryImQUmen 5% fresruaw 8. 201-: at 9'36 2m my pleasure to post your comment. Not only that, but I pian to have some fun With it. :ust because yen asked. Mark W. Bennett a :ecrhary a 2914 a: =33 You write tilua a coated-up lawyer. Marx's Dad S. 251-: a: 1'3: or? I think Gary is about to ?nd out ?who the :5 Scott Graen?eld'. SCOTT H. GREENFI ELI) .mtl It 5M lun2-?nl. I Crisis Attorney Profile For more than 30 years, 1 have engaged in management for my clients. Whether it related to high pro?le cases, or clients whose position ?3 ?mm? 03'9"? or prominence presented issues collateral to their legal problems, I was 0 White Cotter Defense there to ?lanage the 0 Additional lntormatton . with was. It IS critical to deal thoughtfully and sensitively With such matters media relations, privacy and damage to reputation or business. Often, the *3 ?3?5'9 ?Magma? harm stemming from the mere fact of arrest was more damaging than c: Justine Blog the case itself. Indeed, a person's entire career could be destroyed in an instant if not prOperly handled. Ignoring the crisis can be a disaster. Handling it poorly can be even worse. I have had great success in dealing with these matters, and have been able to keep many clients from having their good names smeared publicly. When their identities were already known publicly, have been able to address the media, to rn the publicity around and salvage their reputations. I cannot stress how important it is to accomplish these goals. Winning the case is good, but doing so at the expense of the client's future is a hollow victory. Many lawyers, even exceptionally good ones, simply cannot address this need, whether because of lack of experience with the media, overwork or tactical blindness. The harm can be devastating. In order to help fill this gap in representation, lam also available for crisis management for clients of other attorneys. Do not leave your future to the whim of the media. They are not your friends, and cannot be trusted. SCOTT H. GREENFIELD -. .. . Ah.)er LLqu At Lav. TO THE DEFENSE OF SIGNIFICANF Page CRIMINAL ACCUSATIONS man Home, Home . r) 1'3 There is no such thing as "one size ?ts all" representation. Nothing is I e, by a routine. Nothing is taken for granted. The goal is to ?nd a way within the bounds of the law to achieve your goals. anemone-1 inform? a? Anon! Lawye' Maxim's 801 Second Avenue, 11?'1 Floor New York, New York 10018 212-227-8585 S??QS?gpig} usticens 0f?0unsel to EC.- .San Diego, Pittsburgh, Washington, 0.6. -: CI r:s:s Hanger- -: 8mm Sag. @ScottGreen?eld - ngmy Wed In Trials and Appeals - Top Rate-d: - AV Preeminent by ManlndaIe-Hubbeu {Superb} by Awe - TV Logal Analyst. Authoc, 8min: and Educate: Vincent Messina February 9. 201:1 at on? 'lt?s kinda fun to watch people set memselves on This entire saga is hztanous, but that comment stole the show. Whoever you are, contact me, I went to be your ?end. Penman; 9. 2014 at 3'37 err He?s not that easy. Oh wait. Yes he is. SHG lanuary 5? 2013 a: 12.35 am YOU have a very deep Cruel streak. I like that about you. Alex Bunin lenuary S. 2013 at 5:50 are From this day forward. I vow to only represent innocent Clients. Therefore, if I represent someone. you can count on that! innocence. More prononncements to come via Twi?er (if I ever both to get an account). Alex Bunln lanuary 5. 2013 at 5-54 pm I think he was shooting for a Kardashian. Don't confuse fame with talent. SHG January 5. 2013 at 6:22 pm Me too! Not about twitter {that ship has sailed) but the innoceme thing. Nigel Declan tanner); 5. 2013 a! 11'29 GW- I take it from this press release that Florida is a state that respects the ancient law tradition of?dibs'. in accordance with this proctemation, Ostmw should now be required by law to refer to himself {and be referred to by timers) at all times as Leuderdale Lawyer Gary Ostmw, Murray to the Stars' Dr. Sigmund Droid pnuary S. 2013 at 12:32 pm .. 1) Really, are there any true celebrities in Florida? When I mink of Florida. 1 1mm: of Mm, drugs, hurricanes. white trash. and Did people. But I don?t think of celebrities. We", are Spentlastweekendata Vmcent Messina Fe?mry 9. 2014 at 2:57 pm ?lt's kinda fun to watch people saw on Tusmtiresagatshilarious. oontactme,lwanttobeyourf?end. Febmary 9. 2014 at 3707' pm He's not that easy. on wan. Yes he is. SHG january 5. 2013 at 12:35 pm You have a very deep cruei streak. like the: about you. Alex Bunin lanuary 5. 2013 at 550 pm Frommisdayforward, i vow to only represent innocent cm. Therefore. if I represmt Ironically, Leary prompted "nomnety' inns word} tn press release, altu ?mun- ety is what he got. Perhaps he bought into the marketeer's mantra ?you are what 600ng says you are.? and sought to manufacture an onllne persona as the defense lawyer to the stars. Perhaps he just wanted to snag a few nobodies who suffered from narcissistic delu- sions. Perhaps his practice is dying and. in a moment of desperation, handed over his rep- utation and ethics to a ?social media professional" who came up with the brain storm oi is- suing this press release. It?s not- going to work. indeed. it's already back?red, as Ostrow?s foray into celebrity repre- sentation availability has brought some attention to him that will not only make people think he?s not really a celebrity lawyer. but a total buficon, and the attention is likely to show up higher in a Google search of his name than his press release. i suspect this wasn't what he was aiming for when he closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. The message here isn't that Gary is a sucky criminal defense lawyer. Whether or not that?s so is beyond my pay grade. and i leave it to others with actual knowledge of his skills to make that assessment. The message is that the internet offers infinite opportunity to make desperate lawyers into total asses, and provide other lawyers with the means to call them out on it. Gary Ostrow isn't the ?rst lawyer to pretend to be something he's not on the internal, and isn't the ?rst lawyer to have his cover blown. It's not that the internet doesn't provide ample opportunity to screw up. It most assuredly does. it?s that most lawyers aren't so fundamen- tally narcissistic and, well, stupid, as to walk down the Boulevard in h-otpants screaming look at me. look at me, and think nobody will say anything. There are a few of us who will say something. and it won't be flattering. Don't sell your dig- nity and integrity so cheaply. Chances are far greater that it will backfire than make you something you're not. if you?ve got an important announcement to make, there is an inter- net on which to do it. Don't be surprised. however. if it doesn?t go exactly as planned. Gary Ostrow's Important Announcement with wander: and hope that someone notices. _L_agqe_rge_le_c;_rn1na' defenge gut-fer gglgeegn did. and abandoned any hope of oorning out of it unscathed. SOURCE: Gary Ostron Criminal Defense Anttmey Gary Ostmw Lawyer Announces He Is Taking on All Celebrity Criminal Cases in Florida FORT LADDERDALE. FL?{Merttetwire? Dec21. 2012}-Criminel DefenseAttomey Recognizingthatstar-studded etdate. Matures. South Flohdamno?oed. noboed?omeothis Ididtoo. Wmno?cedtemetsarym- eboutMrow?lpeyforitGaryOebm. anemones Iriedtoenterenerrpon. oomeetairgeme. Bennett has etreaoy deoiphered the secret marten message of marketing boom. Celebrities generally choose the tawye?s their agents or managers recommend. and agents and managers. while they often moose unwreety. aren't tikety to choose a lawyer based on a self-serving press retease. Ostrow knows. thought that there is a special class of potenbel clients who want to betiew their cases are high-pro?le. because 1.71:; i=5 These potential clients went to be oetebntiee. became they believe that celebrities get the best of everyming. We call mesa potennal clients ?narcuseists.? And If these have the money to pay fer representation. then they get it inst ftke It?s been my experience. however. based on the awards of telephone ceHs I've renewed we Awo met there Is a huge number of ehoptiftere. genital! exposes. pubic pee-ere and drunk timers who fancy themsetvee cetebntiee but tacit the wherewithal to pay for a lawyer. They are tit-Lew able to pay. not don't tee! any particular Inclination to do 50. Their gm is to anew a tewyer to best: In their re?ected. if somewhat elm. celebrity. Untike phony cterms of greatness. such as Amencg Leeann That Lawyer and glam #1 of 9437? Law Fen-he New York. Gem's Cry for attenbon isn't emc?y false. No doubt he would be QUJIB happy to take on "an oetebn'ty criminal oases In the state of Florida. effec- tive rmmedietety.? He probabry mute have been happy to no so even be?ore the press re- lease. despite the 'effechve Immedrately? tanguage But ndioums w?ery isn?t the onty way a lawyer can bring ridicule upon hrmsetf Indeed. there is probably no limit to the ways to make oneself a note on the Internet. U'l' elm-'raply'> ?uvtt-w .I'Oply ?atmat?? to! almv'chudrnn?: 415 slug-'ch Mular ~nhq ?cu-tun ib'ao-lnt-H'IM' amp-?emu??- chad-:- ulul-?couinnL-mn cam-In: .. I ma'fn??l int-? - - lulu'utornnl nofaltm' Folt nuthazdupanx bypauhauthor dumb?2? hallm- ?and: cl. 'naulnt-uuntumt nmnt'; .1 pin-lure to pool: you: lam-Int- lln'l: only that, but. ?1 plan to have um tun unit): it. jun. bacon- you ?.kld.?fp" masonic-canton: mum- chu- ?p>1zmlw ?u abu-?roply?: *ldiv?tl? ?cl-niolo?u (comment?M dip-fl" alt depth-2? ua'la?cmnt?na?n?> <11 glut-?mnulnt. add ?articl- emu-'camnt'h ?num- Illul-?cn-mnt-mca mamat-authur wand"? Robb Fickman says: d. Ill'B In] 1" PR1 This is the kind of lawyer that makes me want to punch lawyers in the mouth. Let him stay in Florida. Asshat Esquire. Robb Fickman H. 2.13 t. 2015.84: Dear Gary Ostrow n. MAR I 1 . tit Jul? Dear Gary, i had forgotten, to tell you the truth, that I?d written little matcue about your ridiculous Gary Ostrow Lawyer Announces He Is Taking on All Celebrity Criminal Cases in Florida orgasm. It'd been a couple years, and it wasn?t a big deal at the time. it attracted a few comments then slipped my mind. Then 1 got a phone call today from some guy calling himself Patrick Zarrelli the claimed to be doing reputation management on your behalf. He said something about cocaine--l can?t be sure whether he was talking about himself or about you. Anyway, this Patrick Zarrelli guy threatened to file a grievance against me if I didn't take the post down. I tried to explain to Zarrelli that a First Amendment lawyer and that I've been unsuccessfully grieved and sued for the content of this blog. He didn?t seem to catch the gist, he kept threatening, acting like he thought he knew the law. There was some mumbo-iumbo about it not being ?hot news,? so that I had to take it ers in his famil so an expert. lknow: cra izht' (Do on think it was the cocaine talkingluith play well with extortionists, so I told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance. 1 may have dropped an i - bomb or two-*Gary, don?t you hate it when people threaten to do stupid things instead of just doing them? I know i do. Anyway, Gary, I thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion--we all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. Are you, Gary? Anyway, you might want to get ahead oi this one, since if Zarrelli makes the same call to Greenfield, all hell is likely to break loose. a .7015 H4 Dear Gary Ostrow (.Ictooer 2'9. 91.1w Ztiln 83 {Jean Bonnie's Threats ilnlelnared Trull?! timeout 21015 . mus More {instiimn .nga. (other. -: at l- unto Ar Ins-Fur". {somewhat 3'5. 2U a 39th Bf] rm; lea Mai- Hit .?fl?J'i I .A'Jlo dunk I n. Siilh?rlm'il At'umplt to 1 Fin. f-m- Supwmunr 2: I Him in. A lam-noun,- 1' am: ?landowner 2t) 95.135 I v'i' Until?- l?an?it 'tuml 'aw 1E: kUIn {h '1leI.? a Hunpu-n'un humanitie- gill"- J?tilfi r?f?i tnuril't? 'r lines or lhunant ii I ,lil?r ml. I- ll' . -. .-. Imus in tin r-H I . .H'v i'i'l I'ul i'a'ml- Mitt-iv" - rum-l imp: banal. Subscribe ilmubsuiibc .?xir ll.? h} A - . ?lnlnuri?rq- .1 .l - Adll- i tried to explain to Zarrelli that I?m a First Amendment lawyer and that I?ve been unsuccessfully grieved and sued for the content of this blog. He didn?t seem to catch the gist, he kept threatening, acting like he thought he knew the law. There was some mumbo- jumbo about it not being ?hot news,? so that [had to take it down. Apparently he has lawyers in his family, so he?s an expert. i know: crazy, right? (Do you think it was the cocaine talking?) I don?t play well with extortionists, so I told Zarrelli to go ahead and file his grievance. i may have dropped an f~bomb or two?~Gary, don?t ou hate it when gueo ule threaten to do stupid thin;s instead of t'ust doin: Anyway, Gary, i thought you? like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion-?we all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. 2015.84: Dear Gary Ostrow MARK. - Dear Gary, I had forgotten, to tell you the truth, that I?d written thi 5 little bagatelle about your ridiculous Gary Ostrow Lawyer Announ res He Is Taking on All Celebrity Criim'nal Cases in Florida press elease. It?d been a couple years, and it wasn?t a big deal at the time. it attracted a few comments then slipped my mind Then I got a phone call today from some guy calling himself Patrick Zarrelli. He claimed to be doing reputation management on your behalf. He said something about cocaine?l can?t be sure whether he was talking about himself or about you. Anyway, this Patrick Zarrelli guy threatened to file a grievance againsr me ifl didn?t take the post down I tried to explain to Zarrelli that I?m a Firsr Amendment lawyer and that I?ve been unsuccessfully grieved and sued for the content of this biog. He didn?t seem to catch the gist; he kept threatening, acting like he thought he knew the law. There was some mumbojumbo about it not being ?hor news," so that I had to take it down. Apparently he has lawyers in his family, so he?s an expert. 1 know: crazy, right? (Do you think it was the cocaine talking?) I don't play well with egtortionists, sol told Zarrelli to go ahead and ?le his grievance. I may have dropped an f?bomb or two -?Gary, don?t you hate it when people threaten to do Stupid things instead of just doing them? I knowl do. Anyway, Gary, thought you?d like to know that some stupid asshole calling himself Patrick Zarrelli is going around trying to fuck up your reputation while claiming to be your agent. Despite the judgment errors in your past (which are legion?~we all make mistakes), I doubt that you are dumb enough to hire this Zarrelli character to try to push me around. Are you, Gary? Anyway, you might want to get ahead of this one, since if Zartelli makes the same call to Wield, all hell is likely to break loose Love, MB. TIITI CUmag . only the best h-lt?h?u 1 CC: Scuff. (3: rm i e! 3230171 concierge website management service 1 3 I :31? . "1 ,3 133% .112: 'smegAeJ eAmsod (3)19; 1no Mums) mm 1Lufjwalggqemg .: :33! :g I: I Grem?eld added: ?Joining Hull McGuire creates a mic synergy that will allow me to continue to provide the hard-core strategic defense that is rarely available to corporations and executives, while expanding my roach to the ?rm?s select corporate clientele." ?Hull McGuire has the clients I want to serve-?and the people and resources to enable me to do so. 1 bring the level of representation their clients demand-?and very often aren?t getting." Green?eld is also well-known for his written work on legal issues. His writings in trial and appellate courts-and in articles and op-ed pieces in US. magazines and newspapers?-arc to be some of the boat in the nation. which comments daily on a variety of legal, commercial and social considered His biog, Simple Justice, issues, has long been one of the most popular in the North American and European business and legal communities. cG solves problems in the areas of Established in 1992, Hull McGuire orate transactions (including securities), complex federal US. and international corporate tax, corp litigation, ADR, 1P (including bio-tech), ernployment practices, energy and natural reSources, SOX, nuna nus-1 Anrnnan- F?t?w?l Hh? ?11? ?at: HULL HUMI- t. Jul-Iver-x-?Scott H. Gmon?ald 91mm Vain; maan Fax: 412-281-2027 mm 3.8. Game!- Unlvarulty JD. Mm York Law School I I I O?mh'ill alarms 310mm? Saan?-Oulay Corporal: Ironing In mun-gallon: and mam management 331mm New born and appeIIum lawyer. 3m? Green?eld a well-known diluent: WIMIM who rumor-rte album In court and In Invaa?uatlom Ihmugwm tho Unilud States. He In rogarded Io: Ina courIromr ?Ilia. ability moral! Ilronu regulatory programs at tho In-rmuoe Irwin, 11an his sucoauu In ream-.119 ?nancial rand muliminmtig-?onn In In numeral slag". Over Ins yours, Iu'Ir. Graurr?alrl'a law pracllco ha! the delanao Individuals and numum?m accused of ?naneurl o?enm and aim New Yuri-c native. he graduatod from Cami-I Unwath wIIh a 3.8. In Indualdal and Labor Raluums In 1979. am! from Now York Law School lauds) In I961 From 1963 1992. he 3 perms: Meyer 5 Green?eld. lulr. Groun?ald in ma 0! a handful of top criminal durum: lamina mo unal- In mm mm won: and arugula. HI: erIIun work on logal Issue ?In Ida! and mum and In amass-and on? me; In u.a. magnum and new-panama II ennui-13M to him of Ina but In In. Minn, iau?h?-I?m? wrillr. Molnar and speaker. hp harr lama as I Inga! analyal I'crr {?owchart news shows from '30 Minutu' In um! ABC. NBC, BEG. court and Fox Hi. m. be. Ilia cl :1 book. magaxlna article: and lowdown program9 Tim Cushing mentioned you. Reply Cushing ?only the best? @DWebsiteMgmt @KidChronic32 I CC: @MarkWBennett @ScottGreenfield View convetsation Settings Heip Opt~om a Download app Tmner. inc. Market Street Sue 900 San Free/015cc CA 941. 03 Did Gary Ostrow Hit Bottom? Enter Patrick Zarrelli @Kid- chronic32 4 gomrnents It happened again. When you think a desperate lawyer has ?nally realized that he can?t be- have like trasr: cal-r1; and will mend his ways, he manages to ?nd a new, as yet unplumbed depth of poor cl'loices. Ftorida lawyer, Gary Ostrow, has had his struggles with some very bad personal moices. But if Patrick Zanelli is any indication. than Ostrow has gone from very bad to monumen- tally idiotic. Zarrelli claims to be handling Ostrow?s reputation management, which is appar- ently histateste?orttomakea buckfollowing thecrash and burn ofhiscuriwsattemptto wear big boy pants by publishing something call the South Flonda Chronicle. One disaster foretells the next. The South Florida Chronlcte. a straight magazine that was infrequently dis- tributed in South Florida. has bit the dust. Its owner, Patrick Zarelli, also known as ?Kio Chronic.? announced Saturday they have stopped publishing. Its last issue was a combined JunelJuly, product. awkward for a montl'ly, but consistent with their amorphous Faoebook theme that they pub? lish, ?when we feel like it.? ?Kid Chronic? had bragged that he posted 4,000 blogs with ?2.5 million views,? which was ?all in day's work." With one failure ?rmly in hand, Kid Chronic doubles down: declared on Monday ?the South Flon'th Chronicle has shutdown complemiy' Heintends, cept.? Further indicating that he has ?no money, does not own a home. or even a car.? Zareili soolfed at the thought of being sued for past darts, noting. ?the company doesn't exist anymore,? and ?doesn't even have a bank account' His next scheme? if goal; and Dependable Website Management, offering a fag-,5 game Combative management takes steps to ?ght bandit againstpoor reviews by flooding the 'u'rtemet with positive reviews of your company. Even though negativestatements ingpositivityand witleverlook. ?ndsomeonelike Kid Chronic to?for?hisreputation problems. amn thoughtful of him (with his 20 million readers, plus the 252 peeple who follow him on re twitters) to give me this second chance. After all, he was the of a family of ?high owered lawyers,? like ?Giuliani?s right-hand man." Michael Zarrelli. For such a high pro?le iwyer, related to a reputation management ninja like Patrick, it?s who he Then again, he's probably unaware that the family runt is throwing his name around. Larrelli's bad day made him sad enough to gm;- for a tummy mb. These attorneys who i will later mention later in an extensive piece on all our web- sites were rude, cocky and arrogant. Even though they know what they are doing is wrong, dark, and unethical. Because in the real world they have a better understand of our complex laws and can use that to their advantage to bully people. However on the intemet, this means absolutely nothing. since the intemet essentially is governed by no one. Moreover the intemet is one of the most well documented places on the planet, and if you know how to read the code you track and map out anything. So I honestly cant wait to see the look on these guys faces when map out this internet advertising scam and send it to all the state bars they are admitted In. These guys think their littie legal blogs were so great they could cyber bully my client. But now the real intemet hero is on the case, and my sites get in a day, the tra??c. their sites get in a year combined. Not to mention the other 80 clients blogs I manage. can literally publish articles about them 100 websites at a time. Cool. you real internet hero. So could this kid really be the person Gary Ostrow turned to? is this pompous pimple going to save Ostrow from his stream of really bad decisions, or is this just one more monumentally stupid choice? Cyber bullying is always fun. till a bigger bully comes along, so watch your step lawyers. Sigh. The idiot children with their bully talk. Well, the toast I can do is clarify for Zarrelli?s sake the outcome of his efforts. As is my way whenever someone demands that cleanse the SJ of stu? mat makes them sad, and threatens me with whatever nonsense they think is going to scare me, ltry my best to make my position clear: Bite me, asshole. 'Zarrelli claimed that he remrded the telephone call. I suspect this was just more bullshit, but ifhedid, theleast he could do is send meacopyso I can add itin. Gotenough butter for the popcorn? HULL MCGUIRE PC ATTORNEYS Hud- 13.5. Steele 3211:! Floor Phboigh. PA 15219 USA 412?261-2660 Phone 412-261-2617 Fax Contact J. Daniel Hill] (412-261-2600) NEW 0 AL 1) SE WYER SCOTT INS HULL MC AS 1t}, lam?Scott Mold, 3. trial lawyer known throughout the United States for his successes in court mil in investigtions for clients charged with ?nancial crimes, has joined Hull McGuire PC as Of Counsel, effective October I, 2010. Green?eldis one ofahand??oftop appeals. He is also sought alter for crafting compliance programs for in-house counsel that work, and for ending regulatory and criminal investigations at the earliest stages, Green?eld graduated from Cornell University in 1979, and ?our New York [aw School in 1982. He has served as a legal analyst for television news shows from "60 to "20(20", and for ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, Court TV and Fox News. His cases have been the subjects of a book, magazine articles and television programs. At Hull McGuire, Green?eld will work with co?fotmder Dan Hull for corporate climts in regulatory disputes in the Americas and Western Emope, and with Julie McGuire and A1 Sturtevant in the areas of securities and international transactionsidea of Scott Green?eld at Hull McGuire is straightforward.? Dan Hull said. "The best trial lawyers for corporate clients-especially in criminal work?do not hang their ham in the large Floor,Weehingmn. DCZUOOGLEA 202-429-5520 Phone 202-429-5810 Fe: SeaDiengABll?l USA. 519-239?9108 Phone 619-239-9661 Fl: law ?rms of America and Europe.? ?Savvy inhouse counsel have known this for years,? Hull continued. ?Trial talait resides in smaller shops like Green?eld?s. Byo?ering his ?rm?s expertise to Hull McGuire, Scott gives our existing clients a unique strategist and resource for criminal and regulatory investigations at a level they simply cannot ?nd at ?Iarge? law ?rms." Grem?eld added: ?Joining Hull McGuire creates a true synergy that will allow me to continue to provide the hard?core straiegic defense that is rarely available to corporations and executiva, While expanding my reach to the ?rm?s select corporate clientele." ?Hull McGuire has the clients I want to serve?and the peeple and resomces to enable me to do so. Ibring the level of Won their clients demand?and very often aren?t getting.? Green?eld is also well-known for his written work on legal issues. His writings in trial and appellate courts?and in articles and op-ed pieces in US. magazines and newspapers?me considerede someofthe bestinthenation. His biog, Simple Justice, which comments daily on a variety of legal, commercial and social issuast and legal Hall McGuire PC Established in 1992, Hull McGuire .com) solves problems in the areas of US. and international corporate tax, corporate transactions (including scourities), complex federal litigation, ADR, IP (including bio-tech), employment practices, energy and neural resources, 80X. SEC, and EPA criminal and civil compliance and defense, and federal legislative a??airs. Since 1998, it has been an active member of the International Business Law Consortium in Salzburg, Austria. Based in Pittsburgh, Hull McGuire also has o?ices in Washington, D.C. and San Diego. Scott H. Green?eld, New York Criminal Defense Lawyer A criminal defense attorney {in individuals who want to achieve the best tmseihte results A smut-.essfiil defense to significant accusations comes from 11th Floor. 801 2nd Ave. New York. NY 1001? (212) 227?8585 "mil-w Hm. I Min-.1 .I .2 Scott Greenfield (@ScettGreenfield} Twitter eh titlpeii'?wnter as? .S rillt. 'i ?nun. nit. Chalianga amenuid. 1w?tmentanidChrenicl?f So the kid wants to pretend he?s with @YOurAnenNewe? Somehow I don?t think 50. Wonder how Anon fuels aneut it . mmrpatiir:k.. Simple Justice - Scott Greenfield tiling snuplejuslitmits! it The first trial ef {?i?iem l"rir- Parker milled in ii. hung last month. This llfl?ll?I ninth sides focused mum at their (m the delinris ,D?wmwm Vic} 25?. 0 - .. .. Egg Evgmr?un 309.0 in g. .wcgdi LE. .mongw m?Ew 6.00350 98% .. .qu?rrlsu?rrlU?JmM wuoom 2530 game ?Boo gown .502 .. #359:in mobs? 838 Emma? VJ) 3'51?? 5' F?f?'lfi?ld - 5" Scott Green?eld TimGushm-g We are number 1, yaw- 'u?lew Patrick Ilaan February 9? 2014 at 313? am todoso. lcanseeftnow: Yeah but nn a? W. Scott Fido, i He's your man? Spoiisport. sue? =iuruary9 mums-132m Spo?spmt Yup.Thafsn1e Mark W. Bennett Fearuary 9. 291-: 5-1 7 :rr Wmem,say, um?yofm?mathewmes?taa calm-110MB: PS. You don?t really put copper pots the diam. do you? lohn Barteycorn Penmary a 2-31; a: 5-13 9n" pother! unes no?atbommeima-r. ynuive. Wm. afoot. s?eofyarh?andaise. Mata-amade peruylmorpuatadmthetopofmsue. mmW?m?mm4dC?UTw,M?BmW?y?b,UM?b Jamam Jimmy Sanmaw atong the way however. for reasons that sift! have yet in befuny mined. than Nancy bacame First Lady and that actor dude whaiaver his name was took the mm and cocaine wasn?t sosexy 3mm. mmegh goodoidfuhionadm. Onsl'??Nowmoer. womM'thappentobedoing some ingtoddlelsbutgorightmahaad and ?uowmatfudterin?mandsetme dialto?HaavyWash'. Wellit?smdeanthekitchen Idareyou, tdoubiedog dareyoutomakeajokeabmnmatwhm I antican- ng the Whisk from Leningrad tough guy. February 9, 2014 at 8:20 pm Uh, ?rst aid kit? Kits? Mark W. Bennett February 9. 2014 a: 3:35 pm You write like a cokede copper-pot salesman. Weird. Barry Sheridan February 9. 2014 a: 2:15 pm broadshouldars. Vincent Messina February 9. 2014 at 13:06 pm smlepaopiesmm Ma?a? Mlmc?rmnman. david Fecruary 10.2014 at 7:52 an? can remnant: someone for Mr Barteycom . . . not to cure him. but toaxploit him. Cleariy dmmeducks nuts. C. N. News gamer},- 2014.3: 3:39 arr Why is it that narcissism. who spend so much hme focused on Memes, are so utterty un-setf-aware? It's one ta puff up one?s Wishmen?es me?s own mind. it?s an- other thing to my mustake one's gaffs for said sue? February 10, 2615 a: 65' an Februeq'tu 213143: 3:51 an- Vlncentllessim ?19 2015a 9:13 reams, term or anyone aise?s. mmapos?ueligrum?weman. AWImememmMamm.wm. squat!!an :B?Drb?a? 13, 28-1-1 at 1: :15 Noshit. :3 need a mmpeopiefascinata YES, then must be rt Vincent Hessina ass-mar} if arr Tone as man easy thing mmr?cate In writing. YOURS canes loud and dear. LOVE rt! 3'3Druary '3 Zf'Jat 1' '2 an? Mull-a" vn? sma? Februarym. 2014at11z123m oouidta?mmt?? Vincent Hessian February 10. 20143: 11:21 am rnarltvaiueforme. Pius, do New Ym smite? Wally. do New York February?to, 2014a Youam mecenmrofmymiverse. DaveL Fenruary 10. 2014 at 4:23 am grownel?pses. SHE- Febmary 10. 2014 a: 4:38 pm I ?nd that more true when they treble the concluding exdama?m am. When it's only two, they jusi look dumb. Catherine Muicahey =ecruary 1:0. 201451 am I wamtomank you forthe enzertainment value ofthis postmmeonesabout Cad David Cedars}? smuld I put that a Youtube video? Damn thougl'?ful of him (with his 20 million readers. plus the 252 people who follow him on metwittersnogive methis second chance. Afterdl. hewasthemntofafamilyof'high powered iawyers,? like ?Giuliani's right?ham man." Michael For such a high pro?le lawyer, relamd to a reputation management ninja like Patrick, it?s no: enareiy oiear who he Then again, he's probably unaware that the family run! is throwing his name around. Zanelli?s bad day made him sad enough to for a tummy rub. Theseattorneyswho i will later mention later inanextensivepieceon all ourweb? sitesweremdecockyand arrogant. wrong,dark,andune?icai. Because Hmonmeintemel, this means absolutely outtl'lisintemetadvertising scam and send ittoalltl'lestate batsmeyareadmitted in. These guys think dieir little legal blogs were so great they oouid cyber bully my client. Butnowti'lereal internetheroisonthecme, and mysitesgetinaday, the traf?c, their sites get in a year combined. Not to mention the other 80 clients blog i manage. I can literally publish articles about them 100 websites at a time. Cool, you real internet hero. So could this kid really be the person Gary Ostmw turned to? is this pompous pimple going to save Ostrow from his stream of really bad or is this just one more monumentally stupid choice? Cyber bullying is always fun. till a bigger bulty oomes along. so watch your step lawyers. Sign. The idiot ohiloren with their bully talk. Well. the least i can do is clarify for Zarrelli?s sake the outcome of his efforts. As is my way whenever someone demands that cleanse the SJ of stuff that makes them see, and threatens me with whatever nonsense they think going to scare me, ltry my best to make my position clear; Bite me, asshole. 'Zarrelii daimed that he recorded the telephone call. I suspect this was forthepopcom? wren Zarraii caliec an: jammed into ms pitd?s of his Meme: am: am: how 6 wouid have to take down posts anon: 032:0?:- or face h?s wrath. a bar discipiine compiainttaerarzce *?or stupic :s iimitec? Mae Gays.? Apparentiy, a?Er mag on ram. we Crazies" Dar ms: who caiiec tc snare his fun trailing this who infomed bu}: ma: me was gang to destroy his ?rm) and threat? ening him as wen With a gn?evance ;f be dads. succumb to ovemheimmg power. Bennett was unimpressea. arc resooncec an the ?nes: 33:12:20: - fine James Betsey. Anyway, Gary 4 5:31. 3' we 20 Know mat some asshoie caning mmse? Patrick Zarre?i. :5 gang around Ling :0 fuck up year reputation w?ne aarmmg to me your agent. Despcie {he gucgmer: errors your past are legion?we make mistakes}, i cow: Ina: you are mm: encugr?. to hare this characier to try to man me aroma, Are you, Gary? But answer-any that has yet to prove nsmse? wortny. aecioed to doubie down With me. 30 he cages and ref: me a message (nary Ustrow Hit Bottom? Enter Patrick Zarrelli @Kid- chronic32 4 Comments realizeo?iathecan?tbe- depthofpoorchoioes. Florida Onedisaster The Scum Florida Chronicle. a mommy straight magazineti'latwas infrqu disr WinManda?asb-?nmedust Its W, Patrick Zaretii, also known as 'Kid announced Saturdaymey havesbpped pubiishing. its last issue was a oorm'ned mm. product. awkward foramonti'lly. had ?all in day?s work." With one failure ?rmly in hand. Kid Chronic doubles down: Zare?i deciared on Monday ?the South Florich Chronide has shut down oomptetely.? He intends, however. to reinoorporate ?as a new mpany with a whoie new con- oept.? Further indicating mat he has ?no money. does not own a home, or even a Zareili scoffed at the thought of being sued for past debts. noting, ?the oornpany doesn't exist anymore." and ?doesn't even have a bank account.? Hisnextecheme? 4: and Dependaoie Website Management, o?ering a r1 . 1.: En? .1.- Ur tn Canbative management takes steps to fight back against poor review by ?ooding the internet with positive reviews of your cornpany. Even though negative statements cannot be erased, we can make them ainnst impossible to ?nd. buried under glow- ing positiwty and rewews that 'onng custaners ?oating to you- We?ll push those negative results the ?rst pageof searchresmsinto pieces thatmone ever took. Itwujdmake perfectsensematGary Ostrow, ?nd someone like 5 Chrome to his reputation problems. meets Tweets 8: replies :3hotos videos W. Marci; unit?"?e? New Defending Peopie post: 2015.84: Dear Gary WkTm71 A @MarkWBennen Bastard. You beat me to R, Hide conve?alm Remy e?qe??reenfem Mamwaennett Lee .- @Scottereen?eic QMarkWBennett FYI - just sent you 9133 an email. an So the kid wants to pretend he with @YeurAnonNews? Somel'mw I don?t think so. Wonder how Anon feeks about it. facebookeom ipatriCKzarre: .. Challenge accepted. Pah'ick Zane?i mneng on a reputation management clients me an day. Never encountered such a mde. unethicai shady bunch fbme/?EBLnOisr Tweets ?Meats rapiies Photos vidaos Scott Greenfield {m 80 the kid wants to pretend he's with instnurAnonNe-ws? Samehow I don?t think 50. Wonder how Anon feels about it. . . - {nit Challenge accepted. Pat-rick Zatrrelii @kii (if; in uni 33" Working on a reputation management chants case at! day. Never encountared such a rude. unethical shady bunch of. .. fbmaMEBLnOist SHG Pam mun-u 135' Omober 3-0, 2015 at 1 1:08 am 8 don't suspect he?ll be calling me again, but he did can Brian Tannebaum late last night. Reg-I3: 1 nausea-.5 W: r'-V .. 3 new. vane?. Cl' ?20 he tame .5 a. (P -3 I ?ua #35151; .2 . a. S'u?u" PETS-.1 Caliber 30. 2015 at9115 am There was lust way too much stupid to fit into one post. Zarrelli is a bottomless pit of shit, which always speaks well of someone selling reputation management. 329'} . .an .mnwamwum .m 58 E. . 1mm Engm?an Sagan? 9. EDEN lacuna .uwuawoom vap?muo GEE ?aw Hewii?DDmUMw ?33$ ?ring .Qw. LOU EocoEom wmz.mzuoLfao,,. a Si . 3 055a 9.. m5 ow HIE 53m .233 mm min. a, min - c? 0.3. mun: 1.0 33:50.5 ?oum 3 595? N. 88 52 w: . mghagkwm . mnu? .u 05 Ewe ?g Smur?m ir?? for in: .w J. 382.058 so .5 ?En. ?ew a 6 3.33 3% g? wanna: ran: an; gm.? .3. ca 330 33 3.98 53 988. 3.998 52 a 3399 Pa bin 3&3 3.55 .. Rim all! i. in! .IH. r? a Rm a ?35. 305.005 ?80m .3qu a; ital; ?(C?Enn? Uh?vlnu?l U2.- r.lx._ .. 1 Huang I .5: mm?m on; Enema 3cm .6 mnow m5 5 mecwo?m B303. Am. meg Haw aciwm mm wfm: . m?mEmu. . Rattan-0 Foam 1i: :qu . ?mum.?me Wm . 003 E5 3030 HE ?(.mymmatgl- . HIE 33m W) "1 .?o?mww?t9 .. .b :85 Ewan "mosh"ma .39 53 E?j?h .3. a. ESE .x?n .3 $8 Antwan Lopm?um. yr HE E. a 393m . Han. H: r. .u?amuum aor??no ?wt?nm. WEN mg mu muamiwatumwomn E9302 0 me.? mg 3350 .4533 a? m?smh 9a 5135. map-?an E0 .-.-. .1. I it? . HOE-09.633 tom .t 50mm 93% ?0.94 $0.33 .3 Low gamma ?55 ma? om a 8 53 30> .Em?mm Emery: ??uffFollow Tweets Iwnaaliz. F. ml'lluaz' win-u Scott Greenfield 3155! Scott Green?eld .. . . .. Criminal datense lawyer and blawger at Owen Labrte: Maxed For Meiodrama bung} 15mm: 8$mpla Justice. I realty wouldn't Irnerest If} 1 fawn. anybody outsude 01 a small Circle of I v. mantis, 'nt mm New Yr'n'l". . I Jommi May HUGH I I mum I ifibi-?l ?rl'i' .H?hru?. - quH-{n pull-E luau? .1 ?,H?ll .5 - In?. hump-N Mn mum-k rtha mmopmte am! of groups I- group: that me m: our View of [Ir-u- IHIJJIM I)