Decon?iction,? ntel??a andEXt?ma- 1 Ad'udication ofNSConcemsf? am Immigration mam 1;Lmv wrummwm EXHIBIT 83 Witness: R. Osuna Sletta'CSR 7354 9?23-11 PAGE WITHHELD PURSUANT TO 259 Handing For Of?ciaUse maltreatment Materials and information are to be controlled, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with US DHS policyrelating Sensitive But Unclassi?ed (sen) infomrationial?ldis tobe_releasedto the public, or otherpersonnelwhodo not have ?attered-t . reason without prior approval from the Originator; ltisi'mportantitdi?oteo that the caveat ?For Of?cial Use Only? is NOT a security classi?cation,- hoWeuer, FOUO material must be Safeguarded . FOUO material should not be left unattended orideSkS" 7 a OUO material should be placed out of Unauthorized personnel should not be allowed in the areawhenFOUO ,material is being reviewed i U151 tiitiaenahip qenicc? mp . I - . u.t vuu VL-IHL . 4 ?6 Lv .. . ENABLING PERFORMANCE EPO Discuss the purpose of decen?ictiun anti the impotiance . coordination with law enforcement/record owners,- . - . Discuss the purpose of internal vetting and identifyuerioustohls?and2. techniques used. - - I EPO Diseuss the pulpuse of extemal vetting and the roles and is responsibilities I .1 upon" Apply USCIS policies inedjudieeting applicationsorpetitionsinens?s .inuoltting national Security concerns" . i. EPO Identify Standards for documenting deeun?ictiun anduettingaetiuities -. - . Sharing Con?dentialitanlesand Provisiom . Wm ?nnt?tnr Instr! (nuts-v tmf RECAP: Resolution Program Four Stages 1. Identify NS Concern 2. - Eligibility Assessment/Internal Vetting - 3. External Vetting II 4. Final Adjudication nnrlcutmnr mlvvu urqu 4 25M I {hum . I Lm'r mum omor . . Decon?iction and DOMOPS Guidam-dffe?i?? IDENTIFYING NS CONCERN INTERNAL VETTINGI I 45;. ELIGIBILITY conducreuby?eiaoruqmas I ASSESSMENT EXTERNAL VETTING Deco-n?cition (Iain happen ?imam phase mu?iple?mes CARRP ADJUDICATION nr??t??r I 1 ml" Ti ?1 mn?rhm run Uwunm Um)qu {Ir-murmur: . - - mm meu 263 DECONFLICTION DECONFLICTIONVIDEO Llilml?ihlj} .. :14-_?May200911; . Primary liaison of?cers and points of contact (POC) forlaw?; enforcement agencies . In All coordination with the Intelligence Communityis conducted . For CARRP, Background Check Unit (BCU) Of?cers have been designated t: I coordinate with law enforcement._ - -- . Note: Local management certainlyhas tocngagef additional personnel in this capacity,asthe intent isto maximize communication and cooperation, not impede it. liSiIitiaenainp and immigration .- mn- netSomeone 'r . . ., Veteran taumamnvr?mnw - - . -. - .. . an; VnLuLul?iul Deoon?iction Coordination between USCIS and another governmental agency" owner 0f NS infotltIation I To ensure that planned adjudicative activities do not compro?mis?eor impede an ongoing investigation or other record ownerimeres Requestfor Evidence .I 7 a. Site visit to grant-or denyahenerun unimmu um; . I 3 -. . 591311033 . . I I - ?Deeon?iotion Ensures that record owner is aware that the individualhas aibene?tgf. pending with USCIS - . Provides USCIS with opportunity to ask about ll _'Aiiases; - 'Famiiy relationships; I I Residence within or outside the . I I l' Membership or involvement with organizations; - I. pp? Military Training; and. -- Foreign Travel. useowr poop; -- - -- - 1 111x; - a; . .- Deconlliction Provides opportunity toask about Criminal activity to" include fraud and immigration violations - For which he/she was arrested or detained . or which lie/She has been charged; .. . I- I Forwhioh lte/She will be charged; and . I For Which lie/she will notbecharged(i.e., cun'ent criminal investigation) US. {litiaettai?ai'gt .- 111.EJmuunpmumu QMWIUYD . i -- Dccon?iction I . Also provides record owner with opportunity to submitqucstions' Must be material to bene?t sought *FolloWing receipt. of additional information/evidence I the opportunity to Alsoprouides record owner with . infonnetion that may action 01' investigation 'Preparing for Decision . . . .Also provides record owner with the opportunity to n? o. uttereudnp . . Decon?iction -Guidance . Request by Law Enforcement Agency f0r Abeyance orExpedite Processing during Deconfliction- -. I. .. Designated of?cers in receipt of LEA requests to grant, deny or place in . abeyance the issuance of immigration bene?ts must refer the request to USCISchainofconunand. . Request must he in writing,_ in accordance with the Operational Guidance I i Designated of?cer must prepare a written recommendationto Field Director requesting to place the case in abeyance or for expedited processing. I On a caSe-by-casc basis, the Field Director will determine Whether the requests comports with the requirements for abeyancel? CFR - expedited processing?mid? ill). . and a Serrices w?m murmur . - - -. ii run unwrap um: mum qxuuvp - - .- - ?1":th Hfllul?du-QMJT?Ul-l- - Decon?iction - Uld??ce Case will he held in aheyanee for 180 days 0r until the investigation= is completed, whichever is sooner. I a If closed and there is still a nexus to NS Document tile ?and FDNS-DS proceed with External Vetting (adviSing the LEA/record owner that USClS-uajttj adjudicate theapplication) I Ifolosed and no other us charts: lama anus-DSisuadated aortas? . returned for routine adjudication. is: -- . . . listill OPEN Request 21% formal aheyance and resubmit to the Director forreuiew.? - - The withholding oluihndicah'on hand that! extendedfarmgg 7' - more information see: Additional Vettingnadhdjadicn i, Cuseshn'ohhighlh Colatuatspg. ilhtCitiaensitip -.. and immigration -- - -- aoaornetae use mustache} insistent F111 I .- Us. Unitinihlp 1 - and i111?311grat?011 .n . 9ND: {Bone}; emm?mmi?y 3, . Ln? hul?np?mnun; - Manama processfor internal vettingo cases national I onGuIdaran-I??j?? IDENTIFYING NS CONCERN I a - INTERNAL warmer ELIGIBILITY {aim . . . 9:3 (wasomrownm- - - Lu 3. Jul? Ula?l 1 .- I 273 Things to consider I I Look at whole picture and from multiple angles. - - I. Review every page of application/petition. I l_ I I. a Review G-325 fotcompleteness. - i. i: Review Security Checks results, review them for relevancetoapplicant; .j 0. Look for consistency in testimony'and documentation to establish . .. Clearly document changes made to the application ot?pctitionduringth ?.?nuewaw. - {Ask questions in thesame order; 1 Ensurethat all biographical data is current and accurate to include caveat infot?mali0n4_ .. .- US.Citizenship .1. - - and limmivvation .o a a a. hemccs fin? ?on I I I.- .. run Ul'l?lplnu - . lntemal .Ccnsider: What do Designated Q?icers Need? regarding eligibility, admissibility, credibility Inconsistencies - . Misrepresentation and Hand Illegal, suspect 01' unusual activity a Civil infractions Unexplained ?nancial activities What systems will need to be checked? I a . I For Of?cial Use Enforcement Sensitiye'infomlationcatmotb disclosed without permission from thereccrd owner -- - ._Classilied information cannotbediscloged . US. Citizenship . and - - - - - - . - nor: - . a mu UULJ Ul?LAWENFORCEMENTSENSITIVE .. - Biographical Information .Aliases, various spellingsmaidennms - status ?5 Children 'Location of family?members -- 5 a I Immsdiate fSiinhg's, parents, est-spouses" I 3? I and Imrnigratis11' Sessicss . ?Versiom 4 Fl . . I Leena. ?15(5me we: equmlmamm?l 1435. Reg?ler ?5 Permanent R?ideute nt?Adiusi Status START HERE Plus: 131:: er print in hlark ink, - Fur l?SCiS'Eee Onlt . Dates of and status at entry Elf-em: . 5mm mus-LC MSW: marine 133* ensue: Purpose of stay Les Idem . . . . {Janene} Type of ma I were meme I I ati?kml Minn}: mum-5n Ema: a in min; hr II ujmn mural maul sunshine I game {managean Wanna mam-re gm 3m: mm}; min. mama} - I: Applications/petition ?lings . mamumuiumiur) Suspected immigl?ationfraud . .. .i and Immigreeion. Sereiees -- em: ?EEIf?lh-jmn mu . I .: . wn W131 WW, . Version 14 I ommvmun - 'i if. - unL-uulunl - Education Employment Education I Institutions Degrees .x Work history I I. Current and pastoccupation OrPI?OfessionallicenseS i: i . - Tax information/sources of income a Business associates I us. Cii'tlt?'i?iijei} Irrtuneratrort -. . ?3 or nor: - - - run mum-1m. 1.11m; n1 uuvuyunulgl Address History 7 1 i Maw?: In MW i'l?mamwn?n'lt?m?m?mh cam ?wartime?: as 111 Mm . USXia?ungipagdlmigmugim 0325.1]mgrapiuelufarmatwn Hinds! lift-Ky 'School Records 'Immigration forms f?mlhIMwlT-iru??wm .O'utside sources E- _'Check for roommates . ?Em $5.33? I - i . anti {1 .I Oenlu?? . - Lin? Lil? Unk-Ll?lL-Hl UHD AT 11TH 1. U1 1 l\.11I 3U UU Military History Dates 3 Rank - Military training 'Actiye Combat i II II a I Compulsoryseryice .. i Weapons training Flight training I. I and. Sea-mas rm) mum a I ITQE mm I. VIA VI 1 JUIJ owuu :1 - .. . .. Position in group? Solioit funds? Speak on behalf of group? - 1 Voluntary or automatic? I "Clubs, Uniousgor Organizations. i! Political I I 1 Social Religious Professional 'iEducational mu ncurmar nes?mwumrm; -. a uu VJ. ILVHIU Uni.5. LAWENFORCEMEL amount; .. Travel 7 'Frnueno and Iengnoorns IReason for each trip 'Conntries of interest ff - I'Tranel companions . 'Taking money Overseas for self or others 'TraVel documents used . .. *9 - PM- -. - 11.3, and Enumeration . - - - -- . . . - - QT .C 1:913 nummnr Hm: ms: Vimnn} . U6 I 1 quzuulu vuu fun.? a . LAW - a if)