(- -) El <33 5 Apps a Amamnxommhris Parktakes Unline - Contact 3 Google In NCHS Pressroorn - a Spredfast - TweetDeck Nexis?:SignIn DocumentCloud Other bookmarks A 1-8004-CANCER Live Chat Publications Dictionary ABOUT CANCER CANCER TYPES RESEARCH GRANTS 8: TRAINING NEWS EVENTS ABOUT NCI search Types of Treatment 0V9 9W Side Effects . . Overview This complementary and alternative medicine information summary provides an Clinlcal Trials Informatlon for patients and Caregivers 0? [he ?3'3 33 treatments for people With The summary includes a brief history of the development of antineoplastons; a review of General Information History - A to 2 ?St Of cancer Dwes laboratory, animal, and human studies; and possible side effects associated with . Laboratmy/Ammau Complementary antineoplaston USO. Preclinical Studies Alternative Medicine (CAM) This summary contains the follovving key information: Human/?Clinical Studies CAM for Patients I - Antineoplastons are drugs composed of chemical _c_o_m_p_o_u__r_ji_d_s that are naturally Adverse Effects $321252?? present in the stint: and The art a steedmeets! .FliEIElir?it that it Summary of the Evidence purported to provide a natural biochemical substance that is excreted and for ??tmeopiasto'? Questions to Ask about Your therefore lacking in people with cancer. Treatment Changes to This Summary (d?/0?/20151 - Antineoplastons were first proposed as a possible cancer treatment in 1976. Research About This PDQ Summary Antineoplastons were originally isolated from human urine but are now from readily available chemicals in the developer's laboratory. Selim? - Antineoplastons are not approved by the US. Food and Drug Administration for the or treatment of any disease. - No rand_o_m_i?_e_d_ co.nItrolledutr'ials showing the effectiveness of antineoplastons have been published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. - Antineoplaston side effects can include serious neurologic toxicity. - Nonrandomized clinical trials investiqatinq the anticancer efficacy of antineoplastons are underway at the Show all 11f194'2015