0F ARREST AND DETENTEON N0. STAKE 3/8 WELLEAM HUDSON RAQE w- SEEK ?g QF 3mm} 7/3/1982 RESEBENCE: 3273 AER 2237 - $39491. TEXAS 7?5861 SECERETY ERIVERS LICENSE NEJMEER: SH) HEESEET: 5? 7? 3g}; E35. EYES: HELL HAIR: 3LONDE MURBER {Offense $98 $999839) Statute PC 19.02 Degree: Ist Degree Feiony ANY FEACE THE STATE OF TEXAS - GREETINGS: ARE HEREBY CQMMANDEB take me bedy 9f: MLLIAM MITCHELL HUBSON and him/her saf?y keep, 88 that yin: have himfher befcre meg Judge Pam Fletcher, in and far said Casualty ami Siam? in my g??ce Pages?ina ?E?exas insi?amer to answer the STATE TEXAS 021 a charge by affidavit 9f Sergeam, Andersen County Sheriff?s ()ffice filed in said Cami; wherein said defendant is aharge? {Em affame ef, Wit: MURDER HEREEN FAIL NQT, 3331: due mum's make hereaf as require? by law; km my Gm?i? Signature at: my office Ea Paies?m, Texas, Ellis g5 day 9f Navembeg All: ?ge Reich? Maig?s?mie Andersg?g Cmgi?y, 'E?axas RECOMMENBED BGNB 600 5, U3 RETURN Came :0 Maxi ma {3 a? Nowxq?m Al), 2% /5 and executed the 3 day 0f 2% 5 by arreg?ing the within named defendant and hri?gmg him befem the ??s?ee 9f ?ag Wham was made retur?abie. Qm 7&5? S?aeri?d By: 4_ 5&1 Deputy BEPUTY Ci 2 5 3 5 OFFENSE: WEBER {Torte 09993319) fN Wit? NAME AWE) EV Gt? STATE OF TEXAS: BEFORE E, personality appeared the undersigned of?oot, who, otter being by me duly sworn, deposos gm} Says: that Wtitotoh?t htt't?CHtELL HUSSGN, who ts hereinafter stytod DEFANDANK on or about the 14th day or NQVEMSER, AD, 26*! 5 and before the matting and thing ot?tht?s comptaiot, to the County ot'Aodorsoot and the State ot"?exas, {rid than and totonts?onotty or knowingty causes the death ot?ao individuat; or intendo to cause sorioos oodtty injury and oommr?to act ctoorty dongoroos to humor: Mfr: that causes the (tooth ot?on individual}. Your atf't?taot Show that he is a peace of?cer in the Stnto ofToxog. Your ot?t?iaot ts currontfy emptoyod as a Sorgoont with the Anderson County Shcr?t?r"s Department, Anderson County, Texas and he has reason to boi?ovo and does behave the above offense {)ccut?md hosed on the toiiowiog facts: On 11f15f20T5, the Aoderson County Sheriff?s Gt?oe responded for a cat? for service at the 830 btock of ACR 221?, Tennessee Cotooy, Anderson County, . Upon arriva! they spoke with Johnson, a white tomato; who stated she artd severe! tamity members were camping on the above described untmoroved land. On Hit-4.32015, a white to to an orange tractor approached Johnson and her famiiy members, Ho identi?ed himsotf as William assisted Johnson and her famtty in potting a which from the mud. Later, Wittiam returned and sat watt?: Johnson and her family and consumed alcohotto beverages with them. He tater accomoaoted several family members into the surrounding woods, after which Johnson heard muttiplo gunshots. returned to tho compotte atone. thtiam then chased 2 of Johnson's famiiy members into a Cotony, At this address a rod tractor was discovered on the property with visibte btood stains on tho tractor. The Anderson County Sheriff?s Qf?ce personnel wormed Hudson through a door with what was believed to be visible on his poroon. White spooktng to Hudson through the door he dtsoontiouod oommuntoation and barricaded himsotf inside. Law Enforcement personnot surrounded the property and he ovontuotty surrendered to their cuotody, Whito on some, tnvosttgators observed an area of unearthed dirt that appeared to have been froshty dtoturbod. in this area, there were tiro tracks resornbh?ng that of the tractor tires of the tractor located on scene toadth up to tho froshty' disturbed ground this to ho part of the property of either 1272 or 3132, 221?? Due to the facts; and circumstances, witness interviews and other evidence cotlocted your af?rm! bottovos that the victim is duo to the actions caused by Witt?ams, and requests the approval of this arrest warrant: for Murder. Against tho pooco and dignity oftho State Sworn to aod to before: mo this; ?if; day of ember, 281?} Mogistmto, ANDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS