Deportment of Rehabilitation Correction John R. Kasich, Governor Gary C. Mohr, Director February 14, 2014 Sheriff Dwayne Wenninger Brown County Detention Center 750 Mt. Orab Pike Georgetown, Ohio 45167 RE: 2013 Annual Jail Inspection Dear Sheriff Wenninger: In accordance with Section 5120.10 of the Ohio Revised Code and Executive Order 92?03 of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, the Brown County Detention Center, a full-service jail facility, was inspected on November 5, 2013. The inspection was restricted to assessing compliance with a group of sixty-eight (68) standards, selected from the Minimum Standards for Jails in Ohio promulgated by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. The group of standards being inspected focused on reception, classification, security, housing, sanitation and environmental conditions, medical, food service, recreation, administrative segregation, staf?ng, and staff training. Please note that this inspection does not re?ect a comprehensive evaluation of the overall jail condition. The inspection consisted of this Inspector- receiving and/or reviewing requested documentation and/or materials, touring selected areas of the jail, and having a brief interview with Chief John Schadle, Jail Administrator. On the date of the jail inspection, there were (82) inmates incarcerated in the Brown County Detention Center. The Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction recommended housing capacity for the jail is (38), which is based upon total available living Space and other requirements. Of?cials should maintain. prisoner counts within the Department?s recommended capacity ?gure. The Brown County Detention Center (FS) is in compliance with the following standards: 5120:1-8-01 40(0); -1 103); The Brown County Detention Center did not comply with 32 of the standards upon which the facility was inspected. This letter is intended to serve as a basis for developing plans of action for bringing the facility into compliance with the deficiencies noted during the inspection. 5120: (06): Jail Administration must take steps to ensure Preliminary Health Screening is completed on all arrestees by health-trained personnel. Training records were not available evidencing staff completed training for the jail?s Preliminary Health Screening form. 5120: 1-8-03 (A) (01): Jail Administration was not maintaining compliance required under the Minimum Standards for Jails in Ohio, regarding the current established jail security perimeter for the Brown County Detention Center. Operation Support Center - 770 W. Broad Street Columbus, Ohio 43222 5120: 1?8-03 (A) (2): Jail Administration is not maintaining compliance required under the Minimum Standards for Jails in Ohio, regarding providing a secure prisoner booking and release area for the Brown County Detention Center. On the day of the jail inspection, State Jail Inspector Dann noted that a door was missing in the booking/ release area of the jail. 5120: 1-8-03 (A) (05): Jail Administration?must take action to develop two-way communication systems between central control (dispatch), staffed posts, and prisoner occupied areas in the jail facility. 5120: 1?8-03 (B) (07): Steps must be taken to re-enforce current policies and procedures for staff assigned to the jail completing personal observation checks every sixty minutes. Observation checks should be completed at varying times and must be documented after completion by the staff member performing the check. 5120: 1-8-03 (B) (10) Steps must be taken to amend policies and procedures governing contraband which is de?ned in thejail?s rules to prisoners. All prisoner accessible areas of the jail shall be inspected for contraband and physical security de?ciencies. Prisoner housing areas must be inspected once a week, in a manner that ensures all areas are inspected each month. 5120: 1-8-03 (B) (13) Action must be taken to develop and implement a key control system, where keys designated as scourity perimeter keys (entry/exit) are prohibited from entering thejail?s security perimeter except in an emergency. State Jail Inspector Greg Dann noted that this standard is not in compliance due to the age and layout of the facility. 5120: 1-8-04 (A) (02), Full-Service jails shall provide prisoners with suf?cient space. The facility shall maintain documentation regarding square footage and maximum occupancy ?gures for all housing and holding areas, and shall comply with the minimum requirements for housing cells outlined in (2) Housing Cells: Seventy square feet for single occupancy; One hundred square feet with seven feet least dimension for double occupancy, single bunks; One hundred forty-?ve square feet with nine feet least dimension for triple occupancy, stacked bunk and single bunk; one hundred and seventy square feet with twelve feet least dimension for triple occupancy, single bunks; One hundred and eighty square feet with nine feet least dimension for quadruple occupancy, two stacked bunks, two hundred and ?fteen square feet with twelve feet least dimension for quadruple occupancy, single bunks. 5120: 1-8-04 (A) (03) Prisoner dormitories must possess 50 square feet of sleeping space per occupant 5120: 1-8-04 (A) (04) The age and layout of the existing jail facility does not provide prisoners with suf?cient dayroom space (35 square feet) required by the Ohio Minimum Jail Standards. Steps must be taken to provide prisoners with suf?cient dayroom space (35 square feet) as mandated. - 5120: 1-3-04 (B): The age and layout of the existing jail facility does not provide prisoners with suf?cient seating for each prisoner. Steps must be taken to ensure seating is provided in all holding areas, holding cells, housing cells, dayrooms, and eating areas for each prisoner as mandated. 5120: 1?8-04 (E): Action must be taken to provide natural light in all housing units, dorms, cells and/or day-spaces. Due to the current age and layout of the jail, the facility does not provide adequate natural light required under the Minimum Standards fOr Jails in Ohio. On the date of the inspection several inmates were housed in holding cells with no access to natural light. 5120: 1-8-05 (A) (03): On the date of the inspection, State Jail Inspector Greg Dann noted that there was a Cracked Security Window(s) and S.Right dayroom needs television repair. Repair orders must be drafted and the repairs must be completed before thejail facility is in full compliance with this standard. 5120: 1-8-05 (C): Steps must be taken to correct the de?ciencies noted on the annual health inspection report. The report listed de?ciencies which must be recti?ed before the facility is brought back into compliance. (Brown Co. Health Dept, Inspection 12-6?13, Inspector - Heather Sloat). Operation Support Center - 770 W. Broad'Street Columbus, Ohio 43222 5120: 1-8-05 (D): Jail Administration must take action to provide documentation by a licensed exterminator evidencing compliance of inspections as mandated. 5120: 1-10-05 (F) (04), and (05): Jail Administration must take action immediately to provide prisoners access to bedding, linens, and clothing exchange as mandated by law. 0 Blankets shall be cleaned before being reissued to another prisoner (F) (04). 0 Mattresses shall be cleaned once a week (F) (05). 5120: 1?8-05 (L): Action must be taken to amend policies and procedures regarding the jail?s written ?re safety'plan to include ?re prevention, training and drills, fire response and post-?re documentation and review. The ?re safety plan must be reviewed annually and updated as needed. A current copy of the plan must be maintained at the local fire department and documentation must be provided to evidence the written fire safety plan is approved by the City Fire Chief. 5120: 1~8?05 (L) (2): Action must be taken to ensure ?re drills are completed every three months, on each shift so that twelve drills are conducted annually. On the day of the jail inspection, no documentation was available evidencing ?re drills are being completed as mandated. 5120: l?8-09 (A): Policies and procedures must be amended to include the jail has a designated quali?ed healthcare provider or agency licensed to practice medicine in Ohio. The quali?ed healthcare provider or agency responsible for health care services, are pursuant either to a written agreement, contract, or job description. 5120: 1-3-09 (B): Action must be taken to amend the jail?s medical policies and procedures to include initial approval must be conducted by a physician licensed to practice medicine in Ohio, and whenever revisions are made. Documentation evidencing a physician?s approval and current licensure must be forwarded to my of?ce for review. 5120: 1-8-09 (D): Action must be taken to ensure quali?ed health care personnel complete a health appraisal for each prisoner within fourteen (14) days after they arrival to the jail. On the day of the jail inspection, documentation was not available evidencing health appraisals are being completed as mandated. 5120: 1-8-09 (P) (1-11): Jail Administration must take action to amend the jail?s plan for identifying and responding to suicidal prisoners. The needed components of the plan are the following: Identi?cation, Training, Assessment, Monitoring, Referral, Communication, Intervention, Noti?cation, Reporting, Review and Critical Incident Debriefmg. 5120: 1-8-11 (A): Action must be taken to provide prisoners access to exercise areas and equipment at least ?ve days a week for one hour. On the day of the jail inspection, documentation revealed prisoners are not receiving ?ve (5) hours a recreation a week as mandated. 5120: 1?8?11 (E): Action must be taken to amend policies and procedures, to ensure the jail provides prisoners opportunities for alcohol and drug abuse treatment or services, academic education or training, mental health services, social services and other community services. 5120: 1-8-15 (F): Steps must be taken to ensure an inmate housed in administrative segregation is provided with all of the rights and privileges as the rest of the incarcerated prisoners. Any suspension or modi?cation of privileges and/or rights shall be documented. State Jail Inspector Greg Dann noted that inmates are being housed in Holding Cells. 5120: 1-8-17 (D): Steps must be taken to develop policies and procedures regarding the jail?s written staf?ng plan; including assignments covering days of the week and hours of the day. Additionally, the plan must include any deviations with respect to weekends, holidays, or other atypical situations. Operation Support Center - 770 W. Broad Street - Columbus, Ohio 43222 5120: 1?8-17 (D) (02): Steps must be taken to ensure there is enough jail staff to safely and securely operate the Brown County Detention Center. Information obtained on the date of the inspection indicates that there is not enough staff to safely operate thejail facility. 5120: 1-8-18 (B) (2): Steps must be taken to ensure Correctional Officers and Jail Staff shall receive training consistent with Chapter 109-2-9 of the Administrative Code during the first year of assignment. A list showing hiring/training dates and supporting documentation must be forwarded for review. 5120: 1-8-18 (B) (03): Steps must be taken to ensure correctional of?cers are receiving twenty?four hours of in?service training each subsequent year of employment. Currently all correctional of?cers are not receiving this mandated training. 5120: 1-8-18 (C): Steps must be taken to ensure administrators and supervisors are receiving twenty-four hours of in- service training each subsequent year of employment. Information obtained on the day of the inspection revealed jail administration and supervisors did not receive training as mandated. 5120: 1-8-18 (.C) (02): Steps must be taken to ensure administrators and supervisors are receiving forty (40) hours of additional training in: Legal Aspects of Jail Management, Managerial Principles, Labor Relations, and Records/ Information Management during the first six (6) months of assignment. Jail Administration must forward documentation evidencing that eight supervisors (including Jail Administrator) completed this training, during the ?rst six months of assignment. Information obtained on the day of the inspection revealed jail administration and supervisors did not receive training as mandated. Plan of action forms are enclosed. Completed form(s) and/or corrective materials addressing the noted de?ciencies must be completed and returned to my office within 30 days of receipt of this corTeSpondence. Feel free to contact me if you need assistance or clari?cation in this effort. The Department remains available to discuss the aspects of this report or to provide reference materials or assistance as desired. The Jail Inspection was completed by State Jail Inspector Gregg Dann on 1 1-6-2013. Interim State Jail Inspector Scott ilicky prepared this report for your review. Sincerely, div Interim State pector Department of Rehabilitatio nd Correction 770 West Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43222 Telephone: (614) 752-0833 Cellular: (614) 208-0525 Email: cc: Roger Wilson (ODRC) Board of County Commissioners Chief John Schadle, Jail Administrator File Operation Support Center - 770 W. Broad Street - Columbus, Ohio 43222 Department of Rehabilitation Correction John R. Kasich, Governor Gory C. Mohr, Director January 22, 2015 - Sheriff Dwayne Wenninger Brown County Jail 750 Mt. Orab Pike Georgetown, Ohio 45121 RE: 2014 Technical Assistance Dear Sheriff Wenninger: In accordance with Section 5120.10 of the Ohio Revised Code and Executive Order 92-03 of the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, the Brown County Jail, a full-service jail facility, was provided a Technical Assistance visit for the new Standards for Jails in Ohio and Jail Inspection process on September 2014. The Technical Assistance visit provided an overview for yourjail of the (54) Essential and Important Jail Standards in Ohio promulgated by the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction. The technical assistance visit focused on changes of the revised standards, new jail inspection process, ?le set?up and preparation for 2015 Jail Inspections, selected review of (8) Essential Jail Standards, walk-through reviewing compliance, and a brief interview with Cpl. Dana Fultz, Jail Administrator. In addition, a collective review of the Annual Data Sheet, and current Health and Fire inspections of yourjail facility. The (8) Essential Jail Standards selected focused on Security. Sanitation and Environmental Conditions, and Medical/Mental Health. Please note this Technical Assistance visit does not re?ect a comprehensive evaluation of the overall jail condition, merely a feedback visit for us to review compliance with the new Jail Standards in Ohio with your current policies and procedures in preparation for 2015 Jail Inspection. I would like to encourage the Brown County Jail to work on updating all of the jails policies and procedures to re?ect the New Standards for Ohio Jails. On the day of the technical assistance visit, there was a de?nite lack of preparedness and disorder with not being able to locate any of the requested policies or documentation for the 8 essential standards. I would also like to take the time to thank you for your hospitality during our-collective review. We appreciate your efforts to comply with the Jail Standards in Ohio. Please feel free to contact me anytime for future assistance. Sincerely, ilicky, State Jail Inspector .. 770 W. Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43 222 Telephone: (614)752-0833 Cellular: (614) 208-0525 Email: cc: John Adams, Bureau of Adult Detention Administrator Chief Schadie, Jail Administrator i Operation Support Center -- 770 W. Broad Street - Columbus, Ohio 43222