MY E: i templethC?satisfe?tioir'- have ERIDAY u, *i )i - f1" Fi'c?smasmau; Beginhihg"; {Prod-.3- i19t'se?G9fAllOver?ow ?k ?x ters tows v. . meii? In store? bu?slne?s? andti-ma, ?ufa?c?tured f'to?vgv?meetkthe edev mahdizgofiihefgoldseeker-slot Klondike (amb'uls? tar be?~ of j-S?a?tie; 'Exl ?pagsionj bec'ax'g?ie necessary,an semen B'eetsi?ie'se, Maxine 'oc-i cupon?empf?a; 1005171 Finish Aven?io??med. the}: gliiug. maudmaie of 3 exp- lines . ori?memha'ndide- in keepihg?with' tha- -?:ordezjfof th eldeyg.? . Yew-Marketa i, yew ataltein the Unlon.nevery prov. 3 ??ngeiin Canada; in China; the Philip- plng?e'zNerwex and )Smd??s ,in? {ecu Virtually in every pari- o; the? wofldL? jV'SI'Pejcial? File] a'n'uteqtored; garm??nvs ?mama qroi he. cams". . hunting?cgatjs; shoot-5? vests. laced. .wbree?yhes; khaki panthila?nnel swimwsle??plng bag-?; ?aL?Q?i-hel?llk?i- -., 2, Qualitye d. at rigid ~_guarant'ee oi! .been watch Seattle-owned hi4 dgsiry its fag: ?grge'grouv'p ofavzm-kers vir-_ thehyeaz?'eround, [contributing- the i?ilso?n'e?: generate new quarters ?at 7 the .ycorner and?Madigon' Street; the ?o?metor "so ma?ny.? years of the To; 11 ghee.go;ypahy, the retail store- has? 00 area-got feet." manufe?guripg degart?ment and! a . in .Vintouthox?sto?e; thxj?ugh7_ two, mam: .?enu?anceg. :Z?I?he, whole ?ir?xterid?r has? ghost 'hqoderh in- design.??_ hall'?ddz? ?spaice khe' ?n .0 #969" . ?sh- v?bn?nu?d; mew ??i;ore :of I SHOE comment? . mmociious duet-1? (Mr-e1; f;:tlze an?da'Medisow 'Str?eet: marksmane?w er?a in?LdeveIopment oilra?bu'siixe?smthat?bed its beginning 03%: 8~z?nlalli WY, in like ahectlc'zoldigrush days pt ?gl?pwneto a positio??virtually ?worldwide fecognition. .. . {lechizfin when'the'f?treetsof 'theifthen?.smail . Ciiyrgo? .See?ttleiseri?hed :?wi?hgme'n'irom jell ?quaxjtet'SjgoIihB? . becamexa?m?ous alm?o'stam'vef? "nighf?? _of 2' Seattle and sin?c?ahae I. ejs I . ?at-21-?011hF123t Ave; the 3C. Cyrus'oucmpany; with warmly-durableclothing and? of those hectid?ays' might fareijrlih ?gparative??comtort a?nd safei?y. to meetgth?e ?privationsgand dangerl?? so? nonihern (trails, those? momentous dug the . [ha's?eontihued'zitla'siti?sa n'eW?h?om?e?; Square-?6L7, .. The. Madison Comet: Window is ?Konejotg?Lhe largest 'in"_the Vcity". Side show?ziqdows:lea?d?dix?ecxly- sub-basement, a?ttotal. in en "at 03,800 been the ?1wa shelving _Nevl{ Steak." I ?Prior to moving Filsoi"s Held-I their first and only sale in h3.year?a.?- It wasa. ?succesetul. sale and moved a large,amount?ot merchandise. As a result; the heir" atom? open: with" Bpick.~ and :epah new ?ock: .3111? "Midi-'5 tip?n of Filqbn Bet- ter outdoor'Cloth?s inoludes John don' ?Hgleppoo! hosiery, V?veasar - mid; .Sg?phenshn. jmderwear?.? Russell ?pace o??men?gund what is reported; the largest. essortmeqt of sporting'footwee?rever. .shown' City Of Seattleiileath'e'r coats of all leading makes; alligator [rain clothing. Peodleto'p fobesgseata ?ne-made ?5 Fashion, Craft 'n?e?ekwedr.? dise l. . and; other leasiihg L?c?ti'i'e's the? argeu??atieh- ipesloggnierphe'nf? Hence in: the future of? S?aftleglafcity? to: which-fit has-commuted mgg?eyij. its third of a. facturing, and Land ?executites extended a cordielf-imkitag-?j tionv to old.- .trieh'ds end-to _all residents 'andyisitorsdn ?the Pacific; 'Norti?i?ro?tl to r. inspect ,ihe- sS?ecgugi AvEri?e Wand .Mhdisonr' Street. of; "which vocdupaney ?began ibis? mornmg.? i .Offcha-lsiAttend - 'Makihgiz?i Whi?h ?eooigle?d afoot:pr the; [entire United,gtet?s?ihtroducihgra ne?jw gate a?PaJ?ooql?egPeetr;Compahy prod? as; and Logan?dm?an'sn: (A. 213m; ?oles?hggijhy ?lageriior?th? Pacific Coast; F.- Lson. Berkeley; of the 'sales? aod'eklv'eg', tising??e?partment in H: .Evahgnga?r?kgIey, manager. ottheipiiet men: ?Pz'mific Coasg?; atrivedm 'aboard the ragtime-Owen}! to Seattle Pacific Ail-Transport piane. 7 The ?mee?ng?,- held- at; themply?m?pic atte?ngle'dmy salesmeiLfo'r the" company from .vWa?s?hington.? iogev; goo. standing qtiaijty. 414359;: LABEL IN- snags PENDLE TON .QUALITY I Loci: foi?zhis mark on' ?Bianke?ts, Shawls and "other wooien articles; Always to .foxinci on the genuiho Feud-i ielon. .1 years?; . . . - of) Filson?si?fzs??uer. Outdmr Clothes "'Iypmd offth?e Company-at SECOND AVENUE and. earned: A a; continua. . i The public to"~ visitandxinspecff?i?? new home - and?iearn s?rSt?hahd how Well We! pare ?,e?q0?1ppedjijo xsei?ve; 1. . - We. wauzdm?ii'zo Hai'? Ybur 0835522253,: 0111* Aim a?zd?'Pur- ?pose 1?57 ?Sefve?le-You? i