Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 1 of 21 - · · - - -........---------·-......x. TUNBW~J>a~ANY. CffARUB SAVAO!;.Cll SCO'rt'SSANS Pliida. USDCSDNY ·aplmt. tJN1TEt) STATI!S DEPAa1MSNT OP JUSTICE, ELECTRONICALLY FILED Defendant. ........................__. . .~avu..~nas DOCUMENT ...x ~............._ UNIO»w DOC #.=-----+--r:--;- nm AMRJCAN CML iaana~. ~lJNl)AnoN, ' 12 av. ?94 (CM) Pfatntif&. --------- . ···- •• 'D£CISJONONIU!MAND •... a:.)( WlTR~TOt$St1£~ (flB>~) ~J~ {U) Tba.ewrtbu·reulwd numn&ta!ft~ W\thNO ~remmd otdcrs from tha Stcblld Cbc\Ul (\J) TM fimawidD ~ mt.ionmcw incamcracCl'llUn ..owlcpl memotCD4a.~byOLC"thltww::te ~as~ve:tothe Sbe:ae ..0 SfMP f'OJA ~ l'h&f~q fordie-M*Of~ wMckcdM\ Go~ i . wve4 dae . JllO'.-.or lllMtdJ"OtA··~~tortbole . Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 2 of 21 do~ torwMUOilS nOQiad.iA dieCbcuifto~a (~ iu"4~ ~ tpriare ietdutioupdC1l'to•~4*~.(ltla3 ~. ~lb ACODd IMPd•·~·~ mt.wawV.p !Qdfcel~aom.tho ~of~(t)(')t.l}Bll~ hdl. . .~(CIA}l:ii;t ~to ~ qpzopiate diKIOStUta ad~tilliaw tMlo•@em $~. (U) This opblioo addrGm thcl~ 3 Rnwtd.ocJy. -~ J ~ {ti) tho ~ctlwieen ~·wiCJl1 ~·.bf -1·oteJ - . -[_____ro;;-IJm.bcca~lde.~twbhtcopyotaemd--.a~'1f20\J draftQfa~ofJ--~P~--~ L}; . 11'1\ \W'.J- O·',. -~ ~ i>L&~A ........... .a.-~............rA...o 1-1r,.1.;._~- M:ltetial"· ~·DUp.~WUfJ7"-5·~~~~~· ~-~. . ~y 3~ Sourceaed MtthoB):·IM S ~YllA~Ri J>nvilep) applf to uclloflbls .a !Jpl~Mdis\ttlhlt~·~'ftlc:.iot Wlivedumtht.~ottht~~~•dtio~for~...._mut« .-.thwkt..-•t '1ibich·~-.m~·•4l>tt:a~ • . bM~ all du'c.'4~~itl~~~outlh\od below. [ -···----- ___ ·-·· ·- --·-- -· 2 .. Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 3 of 21 .,,!Pf.lllU• i·.·lf.18! ~) (V) Fi"o!:tbe taCIQO~--=-- -=----__}Bies~ ~. F, K. I ad J - n~ not lie dtsclosed izl Vttoleor in p4l"t ba.1ln •to tbem .~ lm. been m hfft llO WW.r of«1typrlWJ·~·a,· ~•rchzting rJwniO·~ vlmll. f/f'liw ~11.~,dllut...,otliufu*""'-tfthl Dt:llft . ,. . . TM~ , Cin:Mflo:rnd WltlillW Coun~~ Ol:/J)llak,gr•pabtl. ,.Hdod_,,,~ c----------~-- J ~ M 1~~~~~~;ve~~~-·M~-------=---~-:~;~-:~-J I ~--- _-:=---- --=---: ~~-~-i,~be -~ to~ thcto t:nem0i:uda In uy way that wodll not· preveot. ~ d\JelOAml of~ctusmed~. They lleid t10tbftkl1Hcd. l Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 4 of 21 . . (U) &htbt11 BOlfd K: ~ 8'chibitl B. Whkb ii teap:o.Wve ic l:soth POfA rtqQC:Stl, ls a malllWllldwrl ~ \y QLC ax D'IOll'Cht prior to i1l ~ofllw OLC-DoD~ u4 the amt Wbii0¥. lt~~5clllytothf picposei al·A~wq_i ~peca1ion that~ .IAJ wb,i=t Qfthe tbd: WMu1 Piper end ihc:OL<:· Dot>~ 'WdGb)"'DllW:i J. 8ittaa, it ii'~"~ ~OQ A~Jl$l ~ ~ AubiqL•• I will l'Ottrtoit ~cltb!:c·u Bkls· &xhibil B orm ~ Fint.~~T .. L----~-=-~=.J...,a~·~f~ ·~ ~· dbiaql -~#~tll :lit. .tlitll:kpl ~~to llrc~qcrl#iolt. Ntlp11billl:t.«1utsbiu~ast41Jat~ilf~· ~·ordif~~1l.~1r1>~lw"~~J~t11 -~-~-~---_. -------~--- ~~ tM•~~i3'/Jif~1"flOlf, Ktl·JUdl~CIJ!rOl"Mlll1liJ.Ue ~ (U) 8cctmst V1·0f dtc ()LC.Dot) Mc;tnotandwn. . . . b bas - d.kdosed b)' ordorW'tho ~ Clmdt, d\sculscl lqll IMl~UJcai bin Bier~ 8 coamini (l) the, constitufionalit)' of the pmpota4al-Autaqi ~ dU6 io T.hit ~ e.iliftnlhip,, aJld (?) ~ lbe pl'OfOHd ~ W4U1 iun. . . ol EJCecuti-Oider l.2l33, which coatains the ~CllW '"usasiitllion \:la"~. t}lcc Ql.C;l)oO ~ notonlytclicaon.·•~ by~. ite lctV ...;.'"*.-~iP:c.......-IM\6L ·-.a--~-·· -~-"''-.m.·'l!!..i&f..s·aa~ -1-(W'C~I...-J''QVl ~w;1H~ ~"'l_..ll!J_' ~.. . . ~-·· 4· · ' Orfti:t. ~ ~4'dt•Ot.C-~M=--•1M&Js ·~'tt>lhe.~ Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 5 of 21 °"uit's fW1 redaoted opiritQn openly Tdb'sto che "Sama ~um" (ala>~ io as "llur arlia.r ~u u ltasl oee pkee (fte J>• 31). SlmUarly, tko t>Jlt\. Wbitc hpct(wno.e ~ID a COD~t oftiwhblk: ~~ C&lil5ed \he ~orw..-P01A.cnapt1ocs to oe'Cd. ~-*" ~ ~~·fO·~~ . . . . . . IUlkiQBllslX!\Mll•·~QOD1li®!d ~ . . . .,.,.,it. .aotspcca1tcally~--~!l.otlbrt* ~aa, aolfce.~'OJ:!.Wltlcla tt •ll• (U) Tilt~·.,,. mattMpriVhphaumf •waiwd 'Wi1lfiP\d lb -.·lxldbk B·evtA . .\t@ditr.~-.~ir~~*~ ~~- ----(1)thcftte. lilk:&Dd ~Rl4)flhc~ ~-4'e· ~;. . . . to~ . . . . ·~~"'-(Z)~~-dtd. w1llllt:lal*JiOfcW~ ....... rdt~ub)'akiQm!CkQcdtrofM·~.or O~~lts ~» fltf• /!Jul GI )1~ J!~PiJ; 1 .(O)The~1•i111m.cntu!e~~· TU-. Mre-·~ ~~~~-here:ratker,lht~------­ oraot k cwJd an.d UDuld kill 11..Mbqi CNll:l the eoune. Gfmi,ny.1JIO!lllti, ~ wWc\\ $nJil. . . ot.ero·~~on.ammbcro1~. ' no ~10squatt .fhaGO~lnl~~·-~·d~ . . . . tddbitll.o. . . . •·~~· tNt.U.'WMntt)Nlhka~·ot¢~ ~~ ~flf.U.timle~UO~lOWWCFloplq~,..Sl!Jriq ---·-- -----~---·-·-----·-- _______...,_.- ·------·------------~---------- ·---- Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 6 of 21 ddibcrll~ G"efthe:p:Oposed~apfla?lhn_ ~d (l} ~ llQer ~ml cQ\y . ~ thefomser but~m=rporaw ihl &Jdt}y4i'I. ~.Uiltdr.dt ~~-~1 ·~ll'llFA~~-~m8ie$ ~r Bo wdl u lheQLC.tlol) ~ Str e&J Whlt4 Piqier, ~~ I Lct1aa1 Qpat.\iol\ ~~lU.S~ Ckill'iu Who it>t; Soft1Clir0,...t@al l..:adct of A:l-Qi'iaaota ~ 11• ·~ ~&C!ilcwsSuml"S).-m d&tt, 111 n. ttJ)No4bibt~dio~.,.orhf~.,._~48ia ~ltB. :tMGov~Aa$ao~ w co\1Zt'1ilith l ~~of tile Adt'BMOA Mctn~ •"l,daiblt IQ, Wh.1dail ei.tbM ~lQ ~'Qtl\as almid~ ~fl~seal'-Mt.6'"' ~~Ms. 'f.m••~~-~ 10..-tbllt&JuD:\t(ii..,iil,...pllblictomlin). (1J} t hllw.•Vie'Mll 'Bicie-lhdi~ 'K a~t Sict ~ 8. klUbitK.~ta M.t'J rtt'etac:e ll\ll .tlttt GOurt ~-~in order lO av.old· ~ot intOnnadon as to whieh n~6ttbtuswd rotA ·~,$1\\toc,tau. r) (U) However, &;hiblt k IJ$o re4atts ~kiOllti iACOrmation iom ~ P4du1Jk· Si iD~tOUICIJlbe~Of**~=------..--~] l~ ------·-- · · - - · - - - · · - - - --,-.-·-· ---··· ·--·------···-. - Case Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page7of21 Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 8 of 21 ·-·----- -·---- ----- -------- •-.- .•.. --·----··-- . Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 9 of 21 ~) (U) Thoitaue ratsad by Um:~·, o*"io:i tQ 4*1~ is J'9Wntially -----------·-·---- -··-· · ------ --~~-~~fycompli~J ' .. Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 10 of 21 --·-·-·----..·-----.:..----·------··---- ------ - - - - - - ----~----· -·------------··-- (P) n.c. Ge¥csmmeafsblbtiuuedm •the totttAs1. thele Mh•-.. &r4 not toMIJ~ ~ (\;JJ !ha two (11¥:1 Otlly lWO),~tM Oo~...-; \l\my .-fl;.;..,. . . i, v -'. l"llf'iW-111'. .......:-.-··1....i...·:~ .. . . .. • . . "'-• ...:..n....... .,...-.; ii ftn1Mr .....-"Tr-·-W r.uv,.•.,.......,. ~ --~b)'tM:~~·wtb&~Qf&tu.WWU~w =-- ~~ ~nstd]m&~itso•.-41M.l'r~of'f(iar opinions[- ---· ------- . . --~~~~=~-] Wtotdi1lg Wi!h Ibis diomy iaae~ req!.ize wedG ot~• aut,m Qf its mdtal~eris. ··-------.- - - - - - - 10 ~--- ........ ------ Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 11 of 21 .... ______________________ L--- ------ -~-- -- ----------------- - ----------~---- AA TU'Coun ofAppWt mlt4-4nl¥tlE:Che'p:lWt.-s-hlid 1-n--~~ Q:i· dal,..._ Ntw Yoik11Mci~v. ~,8tilft, 7S6 f,Jll l'GQ. i:l1, llO(ld Qr.iot4). lt~~--~Qn.i\l.t- ~ offlOfA ~ l,J ua6 s:w-.wctvca=•~•~(D1hcr •~1dtmtly orte qcaey lbit tioo'.kota.i-A~ ldtbe.countqff011I ~-~~-Wt$ ~i Bi\of -- ~W-'beeamadepUrlCbyft~orodaetisll&l~~-----------------· - ---··--·---- -~-- '------------------- --n ... -·~----~ -~------ Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 12 of 21 ---·· ------- ----·· - - - · - - - - · · · - · - - · - -----···-· (tJ) I WU!. -.fot6, aot wder 0LC ta:cfkctoae tay pmiam of Bies 'ijx-hf\'ih A, utd t ...;it pcmmOlC to tedact lht ~re~~ Bte&&idttit A. \Wat bava been madt tn l!x!Ubit JC.1 (U'Ji'he ~~ionof81ttl ~a, hll•v•,a11*~ ~o,.w.--. ~-~Uial'.tlf ~.JA,trv, e/A, M6P.W 1'11, td ~ar.·.~-.-: ._J91N)a11Jkicl9'icl~Di1toas1~9'hWonn.i•mtAe:W~ ·~·--·~·~~~kum.~-·~ 1'$vi•lt~•i:thc ~a~~-~ ~uoStdlin ~·~•·@heieleaaofthe~~~ A.~-.iY~.t~ai . Sia !dilb1t k. fkC ~'YUJ\on ~flks lx!dbit8; btdi~ ~ifitMa not e!Md)' be= dl$dond. -- ·-··-------- l2 ··------··-·-··-··-- Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 13 of 21 -----·------------....-~------- ·------ --- -- 13 ----- --------- ·-·------- -- ----· Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 14 of 21 ----- --·------··---- -----------------· -------· ------ ---------· -·-----------··- --·~---· ll Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 15 of 21 ---- ------··-- --~---~----·- (1J) ~wro,otdcr· tt»lis~hl • . . - -·---·--- ------ *'1'11M· Wbtch-tlSfea 0-111~11••0.S. ~"W.01lcha~w:• ...,.a.don-liu in ~OrdcrNo.1un·becluse.._t.-t Wlnslr1d"4t1Wcitmta~-~Wldte'-• lS-.k. W). 't\c•. . CMtdid-•~lbJ -~~-of~Oidte tUll-.-illtlte OLC-Di'lt>MumlUldvm (ln•M•ou•~l4l~-tt~•~~-~Y•._. won!l lltltqpoartu t!watwllltopapiatlPP*btito ~ta. Hn nnm 4tl*W4tntl;;t •of1*t-Eahib'itK. O:U:ou 1ililf'Wc(l1ld I do so in&c:) lhatlht prcpucn ot thlr•u.b WiD Pl* eud Sanon (wboutboKC! both Bica l!xtribli 8IK. ond .. Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 16 of 21 theO\C-OoD~-.}lrid&@eU to ind~~-· &bibit JUiu~•ddi\; the colld\Wott ._, theoldiUq c:it.tJ..AQU.qi would "1 q~ IS an (U) Tho qllCl1iOti t. w~ tbuc cftlCtO~'ftlv4NbtprollCDo)\ of any l'pJ)lt~ f(){A.~~ fql-tJUI ~- Mt ~-'1l:at*- h• b.eon.t\O ~W\Cb rcsv.oio 8iCf &JUbls n, ~thlaabibit•not~tbe~4!'dm1"lfftt~Atalttlvee~ ue "*tlal1l IJ ~ftclfdltlt• ....~of1hc1*md ponJ 1ttll~ay cdairn thtcthcpr~dthol'OIA ~h1Yeo1*a waived~vtrtue o!lhe dilclosum retied on by tI=·~ d:ttuit. (U)"l\c ltplaal)'lis~Bift Blddb"'S-. a~--~·~ dh»~ ln tha dAf\ whC ~ (ll\d mu M'CJ\ll thar bavo:U. or wt11 ~~by °*·of the~~ whlclliJ tbo:ICliCOMlnmc ~die Wttson-. ··-----------.----------- l6 - ··--------·---· ----- ..Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM [_ . Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 17 of 21 _~~--:-~. 1Mi MPfelo/Blu6lcil>hS ifo1s "°' eol'i~14. oay t.:1.i ~ft#'_, fer that lllOtlCl',_fiii:lllltll QJIQ/f's") llr •llMr tile ~MlftO pQfle.i' "1ld l'"1 l'WO Balrr.onMllfOr"1t(/D dw Cll!"f or #QM wilt lit In 11wF6lkdc11;JDint_____ -- - --- [-= ~-------=-------------------- (~r----- ·--------- --.-------·· (U)Al~..-r,-..luo~u~&y~-~no-ivcrof ~--of"tbl .....¥QIA~~ ~----- ·------- ~r_ ...- -------- - - · - ____------, _____ - _I ---- -~~~------~~~---- ., .. Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 18 of 21 (U} Alao ~ eo thO ·Bief rncnaORJldtUD is• t~ ~~it t.. 'lihleb ts a.No.veadler a. to:u did "Of~wbi~·P*l*f· •C'ie:Jtual!Y rouaa its~ ro, Nie N~ t'iJJowlng·~disOo~~---Mr. 8iosrtinto.S~k«l~ rekase· (etflbc ~ pt41Cr) •••irl l\Ot·ot·da . . . ~. . . . .Cf.$1$ ~to hilofliUvlt~yttdialboClD.U&~~· \uOsUon dCccl by th• Steolld'.~ab®t the~ ~-1)f:ibwi$J~·~· (Bkt Dec. 1•82 eiscq.). TMao·pordont of8iU1 ·~~-~ 'T1fo.maucrs d~ tbcRludQ not rdtte mdiUtill\iat~arto mY m-.:, soJ U't. il. _________ J . -M --· --=----·--·- - ·- ·-- ·~--~------------------.------- ~--· ··-- ----- 'Case Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 19 of 21 1:9- Case 1:11-cv-09336-CM Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 20 of 21 [ ·--··-----·----·---. ------ CngJon ----- - ~- · _J {U)ltdl~ths.~~islozum4ordonl- ~®n. llof41tu~thta dtdsiCIQ~~- l•.tM·~ la;zt~i•°*totll•~ la ~.~Oll-..(\lltdcb Vfil hlvendear 1-~ glttitlhJ • .,~ ~ ~·bam)utr:o~~-. a MTod*.~il·~l)t.~ tht~ccttlfiU~1be.tu . . . . cnt11of padfat ~- Q-(0 Uaiuspctot-i... ~ i..~ ~(Q fed.. L Civ. P~.~~(1)1htso•linlfl1 ~of-•~ ud~ "-111·tdt1Cllon. ti);~ d:~-of.OllJ~~·{l--~(tegid ~&onnhe Ol.:C)IOIJ&ht &om ouac,_.~--~ '1 Mtic:c)~ "115 ~ thera b u.jusl{QSOl\ b' !Wa.y. T.-POlA .~ ~Y*­ ~·oao. e.ld;iodltptibJic i*"*Dlat•y~d~ bedDl!llepublicu ~ IUidict~•• • "*-ate muG' opon lAUe8 ift11sif e.Qt. wMoh are: COIDJtac!Y uvetlbte &om~·~ Jo; lftdtit*--· ~~@.any itadiation) 1t wttl.U l'MftY moathlto rMvc . . llMI. (U~'fht-·•--~ibattaY~-thilonltnl'ld N ~}1»~1 tahc~ -.on~~ 10 'J*lfl C01Uilb'll$0f.1*fl-~ ~-an.d 1QOl~. Cage Document 52 Filed 10/31/14 Page 21 of 21 . 21114 Until-Edi .1353: It