$5335?? METROPOLITAN POLICE c- 1. - - secret and. reliable The following information has been received from "On Wednesday 9th 1982 between 7 . 30pm and 10.. 20pm the Highgate branc of the Anti-Aparthei . Movement (A.A.M..) held their monm the address of surname unkf'fom" of the Eng)?? 1: persons including at the meeting, none of whom? were identified. were present The meeting adhered to the prepared agenda, a copy ?of 'thich? 1? ?submitted with this report. The two items, which Reference to Paper? - Highga-te Anti-Apartheid Movement S. 3 took upwmost of the. time were:- Item No. Finance The group is very short of money due to the fact that there. are only 5 fully paid up members although it has a mailing list of about 80 people 'who have attended one or two meeting in the past. This mailing list is a major drain on group resources and it was decided to drastically cut the names on it. The group's current bank balance is believed to be about ?25 and a fund raising committee was; elected with a View to rectifying this penurious situation. Item 3510- i. ?Renort from Mackintosh Action Working Party' - A discussion 5n this ?South African dispute took place and dismay was expressed at the lack any positive action to make it public in this country} It was decided ultimately to distribute leaflets in the Crouch End area from 6.1513111 on Friday 18th June 1982 and in Crouch End shopping precinct on Saturday. 19th June 1982. A committee was elected to organise the leafletting and was deputed to advertise the event in the 1191'!t edition of City Limits. arena?? 11,. The nextmeetingwill take place at the same time 51'. . venue on Wednesday ?lth July 1982. 'fi' . Description. age {out'?d ggmarsyheight thin build- 1 on b'r' - th Af? - -OWII air, on -rlcan . - .. nan-3.11.-.. . Elghgate Ann-Apartheid Movement has ~one prev1ous mention 1n Spe01a1 Branch records7., tall . 4.rr-l?rrna-o? 5: 2 1 '?Vry . -- #193171 - war-Ta - I- - a} ern- s. - . ?5 au'wonQuip-h. A. h" - Int?.- - . - .21f7.- .. .2 . . ~17? innuzr-E . at? -, .-.-., mi?; 1- 2-.1- 1 1 k! fur-u r. "?WWI-"an Jennym-v-r-ffn Lou: .4qalf'Iv.uu'Aa. ?fty-.L-dw?rff 3 2 u?