Tom Warren 24 November 2015 ai16.12 To Turn Warren OFFICIAL HI Tom, We published statements at the time on the Heterodon and Enderby cases. As a general statement covering both, and the review, you are welcome to attribute any of the following to an NCA spokesperson: Our cases are complex and challenging, and the nature of the criminals we investigate requires us to be dynamic and assertive in our approach. We are proud of our conviction rate, which was 91% last year, and we do not want any prosecution to fail, particularly if there is anything we can do ourselves to prevent that. Issues identified in Operations Heterodon and Enderby were a disappointment to us and prompted a comprehensive review across the agency of inherited processes and standards around warrant applications, and of live cases where issues With warrants may not have been previously identified. The review is of all warrants, production orders, account monitoring orders and authorisations for searches under 518 of PACE in all live cases. This is a substantial task but we consider that it is the right thing to do. The review is independent of the part of the NCA which obtained the warrant or order, is assisted by the CPS, and is chaired by a member of the NCA legal team (although not a QC). Where the review identifies any relevant issues, we are engaging proactively with the defence and working closely With the CPS to properly discharge disclosure obligations on a case by case basis. Where necessary, we are applying under 559 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 for evidence to be retained. So far, we haven't found anything that leads us to believe there is a need to go back over settled cases. As this review is considering cases which are going through the courts it would not be appropriate to publish details outside that process. We have also issued updated guidance to officers, revised the legal and awareness training for officers applying for warrants, and introduced additional rigour to the application and authorisation process. We are sharing our experience with law enforcement and police colleagues to ensure that they too can learn from the cases. ii: