. Bocaire Countn'L?lub . Tuesday, May 12. 2015 . Join the [uni . Prizes and Bragging Rights Fourth Annual Probate Code Trivia Night Join Judge Colin, Judge French Judge Gillen for a fun and educational night of trivia and networking covering probate and general trivia topics Cost: $40 for members of the $45 for non-members of the Judiciary is complimentary {Walk?ins will be charged $50] For more information please contact Committee (Io-Chairs: Norman Fleisher, Esq. at 561-998-7874, or Yoshimi Smith, Esq., at 561-994-4316, or Branden Pratt. Esq.. at 5&1'392'1300. THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Proskauerf} AMBAF \lt Jkklu i\ Hm I LU. n'ng PKI- n. a AV I STAT T) .U 1 If] pa nkauski LAW FIRM P.L.L.C.