.n' DECLASSLI'LLÏJ Lïibozïu _ E3 ¡mar ,mm, rated/¿.5 /c1/ H! 359 OFFICE or csmsoasmp CONHDENT'AL um“. x04 551 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA POSTAL CENSORHHII' pm. 1 nf FROM: TU; NIBIEUR 8. M. m me Mis-MMM mr CORPO- Ïmgnl nos . eo me 43ml. Street yen.) ¿»mano so. 1337 ron cm (mmm) (sm; 1mm) ¡mmm LIST: ¡0M . LIN'I'. Í 7002. 5065.3325 lmn- nf ¡:ulmnllnivu!¡un Unir nf pUHÍIHMI'k l\'HIII uf quil \ u1l \<>. “(‘LLIN‘ÍI'I‘ Nu. Svriul Nu. m . 4. 1944 ILLEGIBLE AIR “ONE Lnnulluur l'n'\ inusly m-¡muwl by thtiou distribution DISPOSAL OF r.“ c“ “GRE m_ 10. 1944 URIGINAL COMMUNI- mD DR CJ\’1‘10N J'I‘U‘Jinlls I'I'Il'Yzlhl l't-l'nrnls ¡"ur Állll'l'tllíil'l‘ ll‘. HOME REALE?“ T 'I n Iu- l’lmlu \u, 'I'u “'1qu pllulugrupll ¡a tu In" wnt ¡nhulugrulllu-¡l no Sn-m with (‘nnnm-nt tu « “HW.” A "l'ulm. ;\,¡“.¡,,H. lh-xivm-y lummímuiun dutc SWI‘IIJ7734 I 5682816717 5360 R/SSD FJQB.10, 1944 2-10'44 DI COMMENT ""°"’ som or A1»._T_,_uow In vimzmm. omnia) mn SALE m u. ¿3251921 Replying to addressee's letter of January 24, 1944. writer etntu that ha hnn little heps of realizing the prices fixed by addresses for the following peintinge by "BV'BIN" (EX: Not identifiable)4 Lirae painting vith frame: "Irie in a vase on a table by a win ou J ). ) ) ) l h l small painting with frame: “Hoan mxrvoster" 5 paintivvs( 212rge. 1 shall): V uily portrnitn l Aqunrelle. unn-amen "Donkey" l " " = "Group of three maiden." Writer proceeds to rsmark that doubts exist m to the nuthonticity of the "VELASQUEZ" since its arrivel in VENEZUEI k. The painting has not been sold ns yet end Hr. MACHADO plane making addresses an offer vhen hs next comes to NEW YORK. Writer adviees :asziressno not to accept this with too much alacrity. as ha conei’lors the pinting em importunt one which should be vorth a great deal. due to the "unfortunate reasons" known to both writer and addresses. “¡un [:1 lnfomtton‘ Enforce Natalino C] ....... Cempnencs .......... For. lnfor. Licensing . Other IMere. . . . . .. H'l‘ïi‘IAL NU'I'H'IC. 'I lu' HHHI‘II‘ :1 "¡fur! muuu mas. uuu-n {rom pnva o vllllllllllu'mlÍIIIH, und ll! rilIvnn-Iy u-nIhh-anl ('hnnu'h'r uma! Iu- pn'served. The Inlnrumllnn must lx- mulhh-d unly In tI...‘.- “un ¡“1.: whusu kuuulnlxc- “Í n is um-mry lu ¡nrns'l'ulluu of lhu wnx. ln uu me mnuld n bo wlduly distributed. ur coplas (Form 0078!!) nunk, ur thu ¡Monuunuu uu-ul in ¡uuu ¡u n mmm- ur lu nuy un” puhlu- way wltlmul 1‘l]!l '