.n DLÉCLI-dSSLIÏQJ nur-mn; Í? E3 Mi? manana- ¿ió/0] L'I OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP RI-zrnnn No. Il UNITED STATES OF AMERICA POSTAL CENSHIHIIH‘ l‘ngc' pagos. FROMHul ¿film T0: srcur Gol<1schmid., Bag liz Central ram buuLh .lau‘u ¿7, #56, Ant. nó ¡»ex ‘1’r. pk, .13. NY. x’eu: jo Habana Cuba None Z one LIST: LIST: “¡Hu ¡IIJMHIHLÉGHLÏI‘A Date of pushnurk Inn“ mnil Mu“ No. “WM-r Nu, Ñ'l'ínl No. Jan. 23,1%5 Lullglluuuerman I'rl‘NWM)’ (‘vus‘nrl'd hy Ntllliun nliSI-Eïifltiuu DISI'ÜSAL OI" l '.- ORIGINAL COMMUNI- Df-Ï CA’l‘lON rr _ l’n‘vinua rrlcvnut records Fu: intorumu‘ mm F“ n H R ,I‘n lu. I’lunlu No. 'l'n “llum phuluwuph l, 1 , I“. “ml (‘, ¡il le‘ ¿[2386 liflfinumphm] [H HI-IIÍ “¡HI (Mmmm-111411)- INOLFÏWDBL) 'l'ublnfi J} I-ZMIÍIBÜDÓÉ. “BW ¡“6136630 (Palo Typng ¡hM‘ V- (ur nu'línn FC-JOL'H -LJLL A R ‘uïCIJS‘ PICTL‘REWILS. T0 “¿(100 VLÁ L" 5,1. ln a Lypea personal Letter, writer sta-.e: (quoting translation): ‘J. enclased a photograpn wim partial Viena nf the Rubens ani Palau. Ludwió' Borehard. The size of the sans i: lO feet. high, by 6 feet d'ús nave always asked 3145,00) for the pintar": It. 13 pmbaolw Lhe mw, inn-rr .1 painzmg of Rubens in «¡marica and the origin of the picture and Lina ii.- :t H: Rubens painwd me picum for a Spariarl might make it of spscia jrm‘re a ccunLry Like LAechoo i was urged tc land this picture ¿.0 a cnuzn‘ dispLay parpadea, am Uma find a huye 1' f ur it, but could not make up to do ita" .íriter further state;- ani. he has n01. yet, aucceeded in finding "B'i una-.1: (coppzz‘ engravinp of 1‘L'Jwez's or copper vasca) originapíng in the ,b', area — t.hcu¿h he has advertiaed for Unam" The literature mgerdiuá uhc picLure ¡2' .; typed snnut i] L'hglflsi : }roveni_em:e mi LM: painbing ‘The Arjxïu¡miq.íon' out, o! Me posan; Earl oJ‘ Cancún by Lirí Ludwig Burchaxc Lundon.” Ll-F'IN-«llBBh, Jan. ó, lWA, from abow addresses Lo above wriLer . thaL Gonschmidt. ¿ml/ed for photogréaphf: o‘ large Rut-ens picture :J. u z) description and price; .‘lriLer has a1 ¡dcu Lo be used in Cube ud tir like 1,0 follow upú ENG: b ‘2 large photograan 1 dccumaubury uescrileou SPECIAL .‘xII'l‘lt‘l‘L—’l'I¡c uuuuhed Iníunnnlinu wm lqun lrum ]rrlvah' mnumxmmllum, ¡un! lts cxlruun-ly wnndumlul character munl bo ¡In-servul. Th. hllmumnun must In- ublllldwl unly lo those omrluls “hum- knqu luis.- ul u h- u. (x muy p, pum-union ul the war. In no una nhuuld h. be wldely dlslrlbuh‘tl. or copla (M)rn¡ ur +Hl mmm ur Hu; Infunlml Ion uswl m 0qu mmm-dlugs ul’ lu uny ulln-r ¡nuhllx wu)‘ w ulnout L ¡[In-ss uuuul ul lllu Dlloctot ul (Inmunth BYRUN Pul('z_ Moda. (ad luv. ¡up-43; ü uÁ l. wanna-1 "num. um:- nu m-uua-J