.f v DECLAISSLIL. ¿J mm; ¡:3 m ¡3' , mm, sand/¿.2 s /0 / \ OFFICE OF CENSORSHIP CONHDENHAL REr‘nnh No. UNHEDSTATESOFAMERmA IKHTALCENMHHHH‘ ¡mw FROM: TU: ¿mesa un. 29.19.21- LLPNA G C«'_.¿_¿N_9., TRANSPbHTb IhTLflNAílUNEUX 17 STATL DTRÍ N. Se LT LAUáAHNE NEW YORK, Y. SUISSJ . A. LIST: ü 5279 ' “HT: K 7721, 7736 Dale nf cummnnicnlinn Date uf pnntnmrk Kiml of nmil Mail No. Rvuiqln-r No. Serial No. Nov. qu 1943 Dan. 12, 1943 Air None Lnnglmgv l’rcvhnlsb- cmmnrod hy Slai‘mu distribution DISI’OSAL OF ‘ , ‘ _ . ORIGINAL COMMUNI- fngL...,_1 dntieh 3936 DE _ l i l CATlON A Jan. ll, 19ág Previous rvluvuul records Fur inh‘ruflicv um- Tu ln' I’llulu Nu 'l'u whom phutugrulrh 1310 hr st'nl phutuumplwd Sun with (‘ummont t0— w .20 Dh'Isinn Exmnínvr . ,- . K lhwimwr (ur sovlinn) l'lxmnilmlínu (luto 'Muhwy) ¡inhuce .H ú¿95 5124 '_ 5209 Jan. 10, 1944 Jan. ll, 19L4 “"51! coman un only SWISS FORMARDERS DISCbSS nETHODS FOR SHIPPING A PAINTÏHG TU THE U.S.A. Writvr ragrete being vnnble to ship a painting by a proposed rout- ing unn ¿uggeats other pocaibilities. Letter rasdes "RE! Sh1pment of paintlng, weight 53 105., fzvm Switzerland to the Ü..b .A. Wu confirm our different cables, and inform you that it. ie not pou- alble nt ureaent to sana this paintirg by uir mail to Lisbon, aa there ia no sarvico from barcelOLa to MadTLd. The afore wa auggested a carriage by our rhilwuy-groupage from Swit- zez-J run; to Lisbon, by which guods Jay arrive thusro in four weeks. ,U ucmlu also be poaeibLo to sana tnie painting to Marseille and from shin port by Sxíua steamer via Lisbsn ro Philadelphia." Encïosure: l - l invoice SPECIAL NU'I‘IL‘I‘Ïr ’l'lw Illuchcd Infummllun wm ¡Ah-n Írnm private muuumniculiom, ¡nd hs extremely wufldemhl chauu-r must be presentan]. The ) ¡MOHHIHUD ¡"un be “¡MMM 0'“! u: {huso omchla whom knowludur o! ¡L ls mot-muy tu pruscmllun ul ¡ha wn. ln no me should ll. be wldely dulrlbuwd. or copla 1 00-8 B v, ¡(num 34 ) nusde ur the Inmrlnnllun Inn-nl m hxnl nruuuuugs or ln ¡ny other pumic wny wnhuu: A-Ipresa muqu o! thu Dlnuwr ul Cumrflfln Bynou PRICE, Á Ha Mer ¿3d 1h. ‘h ü u, l. uuu-¡nun "uuu". Mm. n uu ¡o-uru-a ‘