/ DECLASSIFIED ¡Embarlly _. _ í? . x By.._f'\_@:__. mas, cual/¿.5 /cz / ' Á ‘ "2mm a». Üï 7 i f - .. 11-..‘4. u.«.rc1:.'u1 LEILA ” ' ¡2* CA ‘¡ÏJ'ï-ISH ROAD (EU! n08 Aire] Her : “ K}:TEAD, insiddRh'ndavin 76'? Itnmvzum address (Buenoa Mres, .‘-r¡,on*'.m= America (No retrrn Nom; ’TQNE HAY 30 , 1943 A'I'(PRI) ENGLISH UB .ÏBJ'. JLLX C, XL? 1173.5 inn nf reanrts FIT "ii .rv' DI Russo S.A. POLIT. ¿16 n .:-'.r:,. .' “1? 15,1913 7/20/43 7.21,-th I J WHr-LI l'r I,-. 31:.1h‘n‘ amm RE ’Jíi'r'o' T0 U.S.A. ACTIVle 0'“ FRAN/¿"1mm {:1 APGEh’I‘Ii‘A. II. A', "¡ILIF'I‘S IO DISÍOCER ¡{CW OLD 'WÏTFÉBS ARE SIJUGGIED INTO ARG'ENTIÏM FROM EUROPE. Writer, who ia a bor<.v':..,' oolxtm‘ist an‘ '32: to do with fashiona su well, writes: I. AC'Ï‘IVI'ME'S I‘ï A3703 "I" ‘A. By the muy 11' you hn e: nd '30 naa r. 'p‘ La? 3'12 cy nn how Paris fanhinna ara being bv‘s 1511; tu th.) 19.:. ¿(n-í Ïnn, ¡mt put it. down 1..ass-c.ort to the Mata z“. ver! 31' the rnd‘r.‘4 '1‘ -d. .Tt "as quita a str-oy 12/17/91. mi “¡duna Costo (02": ánimo '313 :chrm Gras/W), wife of the famous Frenoh kimi-II (Lx: 3'17 . ¡'í *' Í; (35"¿6‘ 'z. 7m! 'f‘mr ¡v blood aa nm c4 .rno"; 'r" 1 -‘.; t‘." 11’- "d u. , no, . , v ‘r- .11", of my ravelnticm. XI. F- 'í)i} ¡LrW L' . '.‘ ¿3.53. ' am 12:“: h): ' I.‘ ‘. . 2 r. Cu. .t m (paintings) are being smngglofl T'Arx ' 3.3 1:, "s ‘u “: v:- "un' '¡c- rtccoaa up to sho present. Lïothm' 361.1 c ‘. ' 7' (! ¿n'l says UA"; I shall have the Goafapo on w track, bvt 11 ' v;- : .1 "r .t'».¡;, brlie' s mo. Ono is ten-iny hinirod o!‘ con" f v'vr :z. ’:-' : ¿1 'cl: of such 3tnr1ca. This 18 a neutral country, but tio 21756;, ara" t .‘¡wn I eertnin grand, ara ¡cry pro-411:." In tb; .1' wn Z 'ttor, 'ul'mr 'mruvsna that, the Argentine government pnrmitted the flying )f the Un'nn Jack on the King's birtMay .‘ï-r tha first tirar. alzan t‘w “mr Z :¿:-n. Im this connection, she sm that mzis who Ï.1v<: la the ami ‘rnu'lxïïxg tulophoned saying they ¡oro the police and ordcrní “io {3'1'1 rarm'rfl. aa the country m in a state of nigga. Enminer'a nota-- Mm. Cacte'e ar*hml the . ‘.‘. .'. t! fr.¡,"'..)\; 1 b; the Net: York Timos or. Jul; 13,195}. On 51]" 15, '?'_, f J t’“ .-..,rried on article q' 'JÍÏJHÏEg 1‘i’t‘ anti ¡rw t‘. a 1.5. r’ )29 12/17/m1. fiflNFthNTlM.