Declassified per Executive Order 2958. Section 3.5 NND Project Number: NND 750l68 By: NND Date: ¡975 Von Ribbentroo is reoorted to have been more of an art connoisseur than his colleagues, though the services of }erman art experts were used to - select works for exnort to Germany. The Nazis on the whole scught wmksly Ganan Dutch 2nd Fl rish hastors, and hnd no twst. for rrdorn Fr.nch nrt except far its mñrk t vnluo. This led dCTICTS 1nd priVfith collectors in France to irpcrt euccnd-r't- "Gx r nic" pwintings fron Switzcrlnnd, ono tc export Y"r nch pnintinps which h"d o fer grr”tnr fin-ncial vvluc by nvrnnl nfirkct rntinp. This r"? ccrpliC“tc th- problem of r COVCTY of lcot,d ürt in ncutrñl countrius, "s thrsc dcflls “oro not noccssnrily rado by Nozis, find in snr' Cnsos rn? hñv0 brrn twcitly “PDTOVFd by the l pitimwtn rrnors. lt should also bc notud thñt in 1940 find 19/1, bufora our entry into the wnr, flttCPDtS war: nodo tc tr"nspcrt “Crks of nrt through Spain and Portupol, for sale in thc United Stotcs and the Latin nroric1n countries. The most fñrous incidont was thht cf the United Stflt s ship 8.5. TXCHLIBUF, out of Lisbon, Which wds stopp d by thu Contrnbdnd Contrcl, "nd which hnd nbonrd e ccllection of SOO pictur.s find n caso of rrrc books which Ware said tc h"Vu como fron the estete of thu loto ¿rbrcisc Vhllrrd. Among thoso paintings Wero 270 by Fencir, 30 by Coznnne, 12 by Gauguin, 7 by thñs, nnd rth rs by Nan t, Honot und Picasso. lt is not known, cf crursr, how succcssful rny h'VD bean lstor nttempts to srurglo loot H nrt rcrcvs tho “tlrntic. Th's prolirin"ry surv y uns roda tr flttcrrin tha Gerrrn pclicy with r gnrd tc "rt trt"sur.s in rccupind tarritrri's, th, sccpc cf thr 10rtinr, ind thu txt nt tr vhich susprct rr lcot d "rt objects npp0"red for sale in nou rnl countri s, rr vere Shin? hold fcr thcir Nózi owners in bdnks, privnto gñll rios, "nd vhrohrus s. Tr detri, nsidc: frrn thr= (¡cudstikkcr p'wintinrs disccvorad in Spain, the lñrg st "rount of 1vottd tr nsur s=ers t< b hald in SwitZurlñnd, ‘.'h«.r st hhv: bi en t";ka tr hnvv it id ,ntif'i d ".nd "f‘rczcn" p ‘nding furthur ónnñrchns bw thu inter st-d Governhnnts. GFRHLN POLICY lN FFGAFD TC ¿PT lN (CCUPIFD TÚPPITOFIVS The general Germán pclicv in rogdrd tc Honurcnts, Fine Arts dnd Archivos in the Cccupjud Countrirs Svers tc h"vw bo:n bosod rn two principl:s: 1. floral nnd material enrichmnnt of the Gorrnn nntion. 2. Material onrichmnnt of individual anis, prodominantly Party bossns. '