UNCLASSIFIED Approved for Public Release PERIODIC REVIEW BOARD INITIAL HEARING, 01 DEC 2015 MUSTAFA ADD AL-QAWI ADD AL-AZIZ AL-SHAMIRI, ISN 434 PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE OPENING STATEMENT Ladies and Gentlemen ofthe Board, we are the Personal Representatives for ISN 434. Thank you for the opportunity to present Mustafa Abd al-Qawi Abd al-Aziz al-Shamiri's case. From our initial encounter and all subsequent meetings, Mustafa has been very cooperative, enthusiastic, and supportive in the preparation for his Periodic Review Board. From the onset, he has demonstrated a consistent positive attitude towards life after GTMO. He has a strong desire to obtain an education in order to provide for a future spouse that his family has already located for him. In his approximate thirteen years at GTMO, Mustafa has been compliant receiving few disciplinary infractions. During his recent time as a block leader, he was regularly commended by the Officer in Charge for solving routine daily detainee issues. Mustafa will show you today that he is not a continuing significant threat to the United States of America. He is earnestly preparing for his life after GTMO. During his time in detention, he has attended English and Art classes, in addition to acquiring carpentry and cooking skills. During the last feast, Mustafa generously took the time to prepare over thirty plates of pastries for his fellow detainees. When I asked him why he would make pastries for his fellow detainees, he said it's because it makes him feel like he can give back and share with people. Mustafa does have remorse for choosing the wrong path early in life. He has vocalized to us that while he cannot change the past, he would definitely have chosen a different path. He wants to make a life for himself. He is aware that Yemen is not an option and he is willing to go to any country that will accept him. As he has a large family that has been waiting for his release since his arrival in GTMO, where even the women work outside ofthe home, he will have family support wherever he is located whether it is emotional, spiritual, or financial. He is prepared to begin life outside of GTMO. We are here to answer any questions you may have throughout this proceeding. Approved for Public Release UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED Approv-.! for Public R."-a.. 25 SEPTEMBER 2015 GUANTANAMO DETAINEE PROFILE DtlllntlAU-: ON 01 Birth: AM All; AhAl'Y"b oI-t.lntl: Ab. A)')'.b.I-V : AM ....1d .l-\.• ",.. ~ AM U_. Abd-ol-Qo..iAW-.l-A l-Sh ...y,;: M_", AW.I 1>-1 A_I .l-aI-SMoolri; 811... oI-Loyl .l-'''oj4~ J.~.) •• ~: ~1 .... p~. 1J.lylm ArriYlllll G..olln......: J••• Will Mustafa Abd-al-Qa..i Abd-a1-Aziz al-Shamiri (YM-434) fought in sevmIIjihadiSllhealers and associated willt a1Qa'ida memben in Afghanistan. 11 was previously IS~ that YM-434 aI50 WIS an a1-Qa'ida facilita1Ol' or courier, IS well IS a trainer, bul we now judge that these activities were carried out by other known extremisls willt names or aliases similar 10 YM-434's.A • Fragmentary reponing links YM-434 10 figllting in Boolnia in 1995, and he IOld imMTOga!(lrs that he fought in Yemen's civil war in 1996 and in Afgllanistan for the TaJiban from 2000·2001-including against the Nonhem Alli;ma: and US forces--before his capture ""'" Mazar-e-Slwif. • YM-434 probably tool. explo.ives training 111 a camp in Afgharlistan. and he may haV1! been wllocated 111. safebowe in Yemen with l>Ill'rtIlives who pll>1lcd lite USS Cole bombing, although there are no other indications \hal he played. role in that l>?l'ratlon. We have liltle insighl imo YM-434's current mindset. He has been largely compliant with lite guard for« a:t the Guanwwno Bay detention r",,1111y and has conveyed complaints about the guard fom: through properchannels, but has mo.tly been Lmtooperatl"" with Interrogators. suggesllog lhat be sees lillIe value in either acting out or coopertlling. Fragmenlary and dated information sugge.t. thai YM-434 WllS supportive of fighting !(I protect other Muslims. but IIOl of global jihad. and tllere are no Indications that his views ha"" changed. He has boasted that he is willing 10 remain in de1elttion indefinitely, and has expressed no plans for the futun: apart &om. desire 10 get married and. willingness 10 wort 111 hi< family's shop in Sanaa, Yemen. YM-434 has oorresponded with former Guarrtanamo detai...... who would be well.placed 10 facilitate his: reengagement In terrorism .hould he chose 10 return to jihad. We ha"" no reason to belie"" YM-434 has discussed terrorism, regional oorIOiets, or vloletll:e in genenll. IfYM-434 returned to Ymten, he probably would seek out npportunitie:s wrejoin his family in Sanaa, where AQAP and (llher Sunni eJOJI:m;sts frequently cooduet operatiOlls against lite Huthis and lite Ymteni Government. There are, hcw.e_, no indicll1ilKt$ that YM-434 's family members are engaged in tem:lrist llottivlty. - ¥..-~01""~_,',: "'_1< _ _IoI_I"$''''''IUt, .. ......... Ioc ~ ,~ F. . . "'",.,l'IIl-4U_ ... ~ _ ..s_ _"".. _ Approv-.! for Public RIl.... UNCLASSIFIED _. _ , . _ " . . us"'_"'" _ "'1 _ _ ...,..01_