bylinu snninainn Mmculmn RENT LEASE ATTACHED RIDER SETS FORTH RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF TENANTS AND LANDLORDS UNDER THE RENT STABILIZATION LAW. (LOS DERECHOS RESPONSABILIDADES DE INQUILINOS CASEROS ESTAN DISPONIBLE EN ESPANOL Owner and Renter make this apartment lease agreement as follows: Owner's Name: /o2 f' Social Security 2' Renmr's Narne. Social Securlly #i Owner's Address {oi-Noticesiloi 7 Com: grad44? Driver's licensed (if any) Reuter'sPresentAddres's' P747- m/fl/Vwfl 5715a? fly AddressoiP gmlsestollelleuted: 0151 5777247 4/ ZSJ Apt No Date niLease: '91 9t 0 1 Beginning: E-M l' //ai WenMylagflIhagulztedRc-ltfi 35 low" 3 1 Ending: in temporary rent concession is being given, see attaehed rider. mamas: Paragraph headings are only for ready reierenoe to the tenhs orthis lease. la the din oonilioi between the text and a caption, the text controls. 2,c0anl-loN "as Renter soloiowledges inspecting the apartment prior to signing this lease and accepts the in the eondin'on i ui as oisuch inspection. Renter ashlawledgas hat thespa'mnent is tree of defects. Owner warrants mat the apartment and building are tit for habitation and there are no conditions dangerous to health. life or sarety. photographs eruparnnent as oileise eonirneneernent are attached to this lease. (delete 3.115!) AND omerthr The iparirneni is to be used and iorprivate residential purposes unly, as the primary msidcnce of Reaten 'lhe apartment maybe occupied only hylzeniernauied in this lease, Renter-s ii-iiniediate family, or other seoordanoe with the applicable provisions or law. Renteragrees that the npan'nwnl will be occupied oalyby the iollowing individuals, in addition to Reuters Birth Da Relation to Renter: Name: Renter is obligated to advise owner, in writing, ifany additional occupant mat/es into Ill: apathan Such notice must be filmishcd moves into the apartnnat The aparinieni may not be by The apartment may be occupied byno more than one moral-flakes 4 POSSESSION OF APARTMENT: Owner shall not be liable for failure to give Renter possession eitbo arenent on the beginning day oi the lease tenn. Rent rhall payable as of the beginning of the term unless Owner is able to give possession, in which case rent shall be payable os pi the date possession is available, Owner rnuat give possession withinaodays ortbe beginning day ortbe lease term. ltnot, Renter may cancel this lease and ebtaina relnudoinioney deposited, Owner will notify Renter ns orthe dato possession is available The ending date orthe lease term will notohaiige in the event Owner is unable to give possession as arthe beginning of the lease terru 5.1mm, ADDED RENT, RENT ADJUSTMENTS: payments {or each month are due on or beinre the filst day or each month at the address above or at a loeahon designated by Ownerinwriting. Notice groin Owner to Renter thatrontis dueis not required. 'ibe rent must be paid in {all without deductions. me first month's rent and added rent nuistbe paid when Renter signs this lease. bJZentcl' riiay be required to pay other charges and tees to Owner under the ierrns oithis lease. They called "added rant" This added rent will be payable as rent together adds the next rent due. likenier iarls to pay the added rent on tirae, owner shall have the same ngliis against Ream as inleater failed to pay rent. apartment is subieet to the rent stabiliua'ou laws, the rent and any surcharges to be paid during the term of this lease may he adjbmed, prospectively ur reuoacfivcly, pursuant to an order or directive oithe New York State Division of Housing and Communin Renewal (DHCR) Renter agrees to be bound by and to pay any increase in rent in the manner specified by the agency, in the event the applicable rent guideline has not been fixed bythe Rent Guidelines Bond (KGB) by the date the lease is executed, the rent provided for in this lease may be increased or decreased retroactively to the date ortbe lease consistent with orders issued by the KGB. Added rent is defined herein shall include, but is riotlittuwd tn: (-- Renter agrees to pay the following surcharges pursuant to the Rent Stab ation Code: Air (-- Wnsliing Machine Dishwasher: In"