RENEWAL LEASE FORM Gamers and Tenants s?oufd read TO OWNER and T0 TENANT on reverse side before cm or signing {Ms form. THIS TECF. FOR OF LEASE AND RENEWAL LEASE FGRM ISSUED UNDER SECTION 2523.5(83 OF THE RENT STABILIZATION COBE. ALL COPIES 0? THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BELOW AND RETURNED TO YGUR mm 50 DAYS. at.? Dated Febmaty 14, 2012 Tenant?s Hands} and Addfess: OwnefslAgenfs ?ame and Address: Nancy Sher Two Trees Management Co. LLC 125 Court Street Brookivn, NY 11203 125 Caurt Str?et 07s} Brooklyn, NY 11201 . - 3% ?z . It? . #5455933" 3. Themerhereby nati?es yea hase win expire on 4f36/2012 g: 2. You may renew ibis tease, my one or two years, at your np?sn. as (aims: 031mm mum I Comm 0 Coiumn Comma Coiumn Renew? Lega? Rem On GuMa?ne $6 or App?cable Guide?ne Lawful Rem. increase New Legs: Rem {if Term 8939:3012! Preceding 6mm Mass Buggiean any If any, effective agar a lower Commencement {tf unknown, check box . Sept. 30th reams ?0 be Dateo?f?? and see berow) charged. my: box Ream! Lease and see Item 5 below} IX 1 1 Year 5 11 388.83 1 315% 5 ?27.08 5 0.00 0.90 11,835.91 2 Years Same as abovs 7.25% I 825.69 5 0.00 0.80 12,214.52 If appiicamegufde?ne rate is unknown at the time offer is made. check box in column and tamer guide?ne which Mi: b?e subfect to adjustment when rates are ordered. . 3. Sandy Deposit: . Current Deposit: 3,540.00 Add??onai Depas? Required 1 yaar lease; 5 1460.08 Addfiianai Dgposit Requin 2 year lease; 1436.00 Specify separaie rate charges If app?cable: (30 a. Air Conditioner: 0.06 c4213 2.2 0.00 Tate! separate 01131135323 . b. Ayp?ances 030 d. Other: . 5. Lower Rent in be charged, if any. 1 year $3356 5 5,000.00 . 2 year ?9338 5 080.00 Agreement attached Yes No 6. Tenant shat! payamon??y rent (ante? amount from 2? or 9% 5 080.00 for a ?3 year rem: or 5 5300.00 far a 2 year renewa, plus 1mg! separate dramas (eater :3th from 4) 635 for a iota! monu?y payment of 5,060.00 {3 year mass} of 3; $2000.30 for a 2 year renewai. 7? This renew! iease shaiimxmzence on 5f112?12 . which sha? not be ?355 than 90 days normore than 150 days from the date of mailing ?persona! demay of Ms Rem! Lease Form. This Renewa! Lease 553?} laminate an . 4130:2813 (1yeariease)ur 423022614 (Zyear iease). 8. This team! tease is based on the same turns and cand?ims as year tease. (See Works 3?me additional! provisions.) 9. SCRIE and 38:8. Omerand Tenant mmwge that, as of daie of this ream}. Tenam ls en??ed to pay a reduced rem In me amoua! cf 5 0.00 We! the New Yak City SCRXE or me Newatk {my DRE {magma}. Th . reduced rent be adjusted by omers sf such program. . This bea?i?eg? Wheh ?I?ned by the owner below and returned to the tenant. A rider setting forth the rights and ob?ga?ons of tenants and tandiords under the Rent Stabilization Law must be attached to this lease when signed by the . ownerand returned to the tenant. The rent, separate charges and beta! payment provided for in this renewal! {ease may be increased or decreased by order or annual! updates of the Divisian of Housing and Cemmunfty Renewal (DECK) m? the Rent Guide?nes Soard (REE). your response below. You must restart: this Renewai Lease Form to the owner in person or by regular ma? within 60 days of the date this Notice was served upon you by the owner. Your faiiure to do 59 may be grounds for the commencement cf an action by the owner ta evict you {mm your apartment. 1 the undersigned Temmgs), accept the offerof a one year fem! iease eta monme rent of W. pfussepamtecmrgeso? Examimn?uypaymenmfs the Tana-Ms), a {the offer of a two year rams! 7 rent of pins separate dwiges'of A fem iota! my gamma? . [j I (we) wit! no: renew my (our) base and I (we) Mend to vacate the apartmenton ration date 0mm: 23 Tamar?s Signaiurds}: I . 1 gig: (311(3) 20 . 1? I Wan/tom. k?ikimn??i