TOWN OF MILTON CITY OF OA D Below are the areas considered for potential addition to or removal from the Greenbelt. × 0 CITY OF BURLINGTON BE LLV IL L ER %` CA RL IS LE TOWNSHIP OF Lower Stoney Creek PUSLINCH Upper Stoney Creek (Revised) Stoneybrook North Twenty Mile Creek WaterdownAD 97 LINC H UT SO E UK RL CA AD RO Greenbelt Boundary Review Report Areas for Consideration for Options 2 to 4 Figure 9 MILES ROAD %` TOWNSHIP OF WEST LINCOLN BINBROOK ROAD WHITE CHURCH ROAD EAST ST WE WOODBURN ROAD FLETCHER ROAD AREA A2 REGIONAL ROAD 56 AREA R4 NEBO ROAD A REGIONAL ROAD 20 TYNESIDE ROAD A RE D A o %` 1 A RO AD RO %Ó c EN RE RE ST b a T ITY IN TR L WI N SO S WE ET G RS ST E DL FID H RT NO D WE MUD STREET EAST AREA R3 RYMAL ROAD EAST ST EA UPPER JAMES STREET ER RN GA 52 A RO D OA ER IL L a AREA R2 b c STONE CHURCH ROAD EAST AY HW HIG EN ND LY V EY RS JE COUNTY OF BRANT D RHVP TOWN OF LINCOLN TOWN OF GRIMSBY 11TH ROAD EAST MOHAWK ROAD EAST CITY OF BRANTFORD CITY OF HAMILTON RIDGE ROAD FENNELL AVENUE EAST 52 D VE GO A RO RS O RN AREA A3 %Ó AD RO QEW AREA R1 BARTON STREET b c a HIGHWAY 8 Y WA GH HI AD RO A RO %r 8 E RIV SD BARTON STREET EAST TAPLEYTOWN ROAD D LL LD F IE EF SH HI OD WO Y WA GH HI E OT CO RD VA LE OU A RO %_ %c TOWNSHIP OF NORTH DUMFRIES HIG HW AY 5 EA ST ER D The Red Hill Urban River Valley was presented to the public as a specific option for addition. CITY OF HAMILTON B RK YO V TO A RO 1 SI T RD SD ES NC CO ES 5W ON E OV GR AD RO S WE 52 RI FA SA L AL KW KIR D OA YR RE Red Hill Urban River Valley AREA R5 LL MI T UN CO 1 RO Area Name Book Road Nebo Road Lake Ontario EV AN SR OA D OA D %` AL Areas Considered for Potential Addition to ONthe Greenbelt GI Area # A1 A2 CITY OF A3 CAMBRIDGE CE NT RE R YORK ROAD %Ð D OA KR OC BR R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 Area Name RO AD Area # CA MP Areas Considered for Potential Removal from the Greenbelt QE W Options for Greenbelt Boundary Refinement GUELPH %Ð Appendix "B" to Report PED15078(a) Page 1 of 1 HALDIMAND COUNTY Lands that Could be Added to the Greenbelt Plan Highway Whitebelt Lands that Could be Removed from the Greenbelt Plan Urban Boundary* Municipal Boundary Natural Heritage System Arterial Roads Urban Area* John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport Protected Countryside o Waterbody Greenbelt Plan Features Tender Fruit and Grape Towns and Villages Area R2 reflects a revised configuration of the original area presented to the public. Area R5 was added for consideration for removal after the public consultation. Areas A1, A2, A3, R1, R3, and R4 are the same configuration that was presented to the public. MAP DRAWING INFORMATION: DATA PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF HAMILTON & THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND FORESTRY MAP CREATED BY: SFG MAP CHECKED BY: AJ MAP PROJECTION: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N *Shows recently approved Airport Employment Growth District Secondary Plan urban boundary expansion 0 1 2 4 km SCALE 1:185,000 ² FILE LOCATION: I:\GIS\115318 - Hamilton AEGD\Greenbelt Transition Discussion Paper\Mapping\Project Location.MXD PROJECT: 151970 STATUS: FINAL DATE: 10/19/2015 52