oi Energy DC January 29, 2015 CERTIFIED MALI: RETURN RECEIPT Mr. Dennis Carr Portsmouth Site Project Director FluorwBo?rW Portsmouth, LLC 3930 US Route 23 South Fiireton. Ohio 45661 Dear Mr. Carr: This letter refers to the Department of Energy?s (DOE) Of?ce of Enterprise Assessments? investigation into the facts and circumstances associated with the improper alteration of radiation protection (RP) records at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORT-S) decontamination and decommissioning project in April 2013. The Of?ce of Enforcement provided the results of the investigation to Floor-Bch Portsmouth, LLC (FBP) in an investigation report dated September 23, 20 14, An enforcement conference was convened on November 13, 2014, with you and members of your staff to discuss the report?s ?ndings and corrective action plan. A summary of the enforcement conference and list of attendees is enclosed. DOE considers the falsification and other improper alteration oi?RP records to be of high safety signi?cance. Although no individuals received a radiological dose as a result of these events, the events uncovered extensive breakdowns in the FBP RP program, including willful falsification of documents by FBP managers, and posed an elevated risk. of unplanned radiological exposures to PORTS workers and the public. These events revealed several speci?c de?ciencies including: (1) falsi?cation and other improper alteration of RP records, (2) failure to effectively implement quality improvement programs. failure to ensure that instruments and equipment used for monitoring are routinely tested for operability and failure to e?ectively implement work processes, (4) failure to appropriately manage RP records, and (5) failure to ensure adequate training and quali?cation of RP personnel. Based on the evaluation of the evidence in this matter, including information presented at the enforcement conference, DOE concludes that El? violated requirements enforceable under 10 CPR. 820.1 l= Information requirements; 10 .F.R. Part 830, Nuclear Safety Management, Subpart A, Quality Assurance Requirements; and H) CLFR. Part 835. Occ'iiprn?nmoi Radiation Protection. Accordingly, DOE hereby issues the enclosed Preliminary Notice of Violation (PNOV), which cites one Severity Level violation. three Severity Level ll violations, and one Severity Level violation, with a total proposed base civil penalty, before mitigation. of$390,000. in determining the appropriate civil penalty for the Severity Level 1 violation, DOB grants 25 percent mitigation based on self?identi?cation of the associated violations and corrective action by FBP. For the three Severity Level II violations, DOE grants 25 percent mitigation for identifying the associated violations after con?rming that falsi?cation had occurred. For two of the Severity Level ll. violations, DOE also grants 25 percent mitigation for corrective actions that appear to make recurrence of these issues less likely. The remaining Severity Level violation is for quality improvement; historically, DOE has not granted mitigation for corrective actions taken for such violations. Consistent with past practice. DOE has not imposed a civil penalty for the Severity Level 111 violation. As a result, the total preposed civil penalty is $243,750. Pursuant to 10 CPR. 820.24, Preliminw?y Notice of Vioituion, you are obligated to ?le a written reply within 30 calendar days after the date of filing of the enclosed PNOV and to follow the instructions specified in the PNOV when preparing your response. lt?you fail to submit a reply within the 30 calendar days. then in accordance with 10 C.F.R. 820.33, Default order, subsection DOE may pursue a Default Order. After reviewing your reply to the PNO V, including any prOposed additional corrective actions entered into DOii?s Noncompliance Tracking System, DOE will determine whether any further action is necessary to ensure compliance with DOE nuclear safety requirements. DOE will continue to monitor the completion of corrective actions until this matter is fully resolved. Sincerely, new,? Steven C. Simonson Director Of?ce of Enforcement Of?ce of Enterprise Assessments Enclosures: Preliminary Notice of Vioiation (NEAJGE SAOE Enforcement Conference Summary and List of Attendees cc: William Murphie. DOE Vincent Adams. DOE Thomas Hines, DOE Doug Foge'i. BP