Castle, 3001: - I . i From: I Caslle.? Scott I i . Sent: Tuesday; October .20, 2015 3:Subject: - LPR Trailer . I . . Jurajdiscussed-the LPR trailer with mv supervisor and we agreed it that it would he a m'nd option for us. The trailer would" . be used for anongoing . 7 . We were hqping to getthe trailer- plac?e'as soon as possible. I secured a_ sitegn'extvto a school that would allowlis' to run powerto it to mitigate theneed" for recharging; Please let me know what i needto provide to move fonnr'ard; Thanks again for the assistance. - Detective ,ScOtt? Castle Berkeley. Police Department Property crimes Division Office: 51049814728 Fax: 510-981-5723" 2190 MLKeray' Berkeley Ca, 94588